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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ringback the the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the lisay. this is the news our life from dell hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. more is riley destruction in gauze while sees 5 talks between a mouse and country egyptian u. s. mediators are on the way in cairo, also coming up the south on tony chang in east the, me and my what finances and the military struggling for control of one of the
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country's most important trade highway job for past hold its 1st election since military need is to power in 2021, but the old position is telling votes has to fully caught it. and join is either has to europe on a john offensive that shooting pain could be facing an up hill. facile in full mexican safety stock canal or alvarez remains on the speech. it's safe and middle white champion. he beat combat should high main gear by unanimous points decision to retain his titles in las vegas. the we continue to follow developments out of the egyptian capital cairo diplomatic efforts around a way to negotiate a ceasefire agreement for gaza. but that hasn't stopped the suffering for palestinians who are still on the intense bombardment. 29 people have been killed
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in the strip in the past 24 hours. nearly 35000 people since the will began. there's going pressure on me is right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu governments for the release of captives held in gauze up the been mass demonstrations calling on is re officials to strike a deal with a mouse in return. have masses seeking the release of palestinian prisoners in his riley jails. also calling for a permanent enter the war and allowing just place palestinians to return to that homes in the north. while israel insist that will continue its military offensive until it's goals a match. a mass as it also wants, guarantees from america. that is ro will not launch a ground defensive into a rough up. is really officials of threatened to attack a gauze of southern says he, why one and a half 1000000 palestinians continuing to take shelter. let's get the latest now from occupied east jerusalem with correspondence. stephanie deka is now the day's
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mediation efforts are on the way. is there a clear is really position at this point? uh these really position is that they will not agree to the end of the war and that they will go into the far whatever happens when it comes to the actual deal. the americans have made it very clear that this was approved by the israelis and that that they had given them. the green light to us actually said anthony blink. and actually said, you know, this is a very generous, generous compromises were made on behalf of israel. we've just spoken to and egyptian source who was telling us that the, the feeling is positive in color that they've might have shown layered out some of the, my new shows of the deal in that there are no waiting on these release to respond. so we're going to have to wait and see, there's been a lot of speculation around this over the last couple of days, but i think it will be crucial what's gonna happen in the next coming hours in day . meanwhile,
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a israel anti government protest is demanding that nothing yahoo agree to a truce and bring back with captives held in garza. how is the government responding to this pressure a while they've been calling for a deal under any circumstances for months now? they've been courting also many of them for this government to resign finance and yahoo himself to resign and for there to be new elections, none of that has been heated. so far the feeling is that if israel does go inside, i'll fall that the fate of the captives though, that those that remain alive that will be their last chance that they will not come back home alive is. israel goes into the office is 7 months into this for that's what they are calling for. you still have divisions within these ready cabinet within is where the government, which is keeping these where the prime minister and office is there. right? we ministers saying that they don't want to deal and that israel has to go into it offline. if they don't go into the alpha and agree on a deal that they will more than likely potentially remove themselves for government
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and cause the collapse of this government. things are very complicated for these ready prime minister again. all that speculation is side. we're gonna have to wait and see what comes out. and the next coming hours in the next coming days from occupied east jerusalem q very much. stephanie deca. well, there are still hopes of a possible ceasefire. this was the scene in the southern city of rasa in the south of the strip the price. no, we are ended up off. as you can see, the bucket goes all of these people here are equal or just to hit on of, to mr. can use of all the choose result. that's a few days ago. we're going to go home, go back to the north guys, us trip. but right now we have still nervous getting whole the news from washington, from egypt, from the and again, from cancer and waiting to hear the news from ideas and the is ready to governments . right now we're expecting it to us today or tomorrow. any moments from now, we are just expecting to go home. and then as a human top, as that,
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we've been displaced from gaza to off a city come, we've been sheltering inside a house or situation is better compared to people staying intense. i am optimistic about the ceasefire talks in cairo and hoping things will get better soon. god willing that's costa, honey longwood, who joins us from rafa. so the sentiment and goals are appears to be some hope, some expectation that the phone boardman will ease in the coming days and weeks. if the mediation efforts can reach some sort of agreement or the yeah, side of the day goes on to there are more people who are approaching us here at this side where we've reported from and ask us all kind of the questions related to the details to find details of what's going on in cairo and one of what one daunting question has to be on the whether they are going to be going to their homes into another part of the gift that keeps saying that it's okay,
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but if there is no homes for us, if the house is destroy, we're going to set up at 10 next to the home, but just send us back to our homes in the know the part and got the data very anxious to hear the word then they, they are definitely torn between the reports or keep coming from cairo, got the progress that has been made, but also very cautious in their optimism. just given the bad experience history of business really is a military failure to ensure there are, there is safety to ensure that there is going to be a ceasefire. or an in due to the war their, their optimism not only is cautious, but also shrouded with the uh, with the, the fear, with, with depression. there is a sense of desperation, as some express that this should not, should never have happened to start with the the ceasefire should have happened a long time ago. and also the words that have ended and from the start and we, we did not have to with, with the 7 months of ongoing displacement on,
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for going on every single day. out to this point. it's just interesting to see the feelings of people as soon as there is an announced and not right now with the chances are 50 percent 50 percent of yes or no. so that's why people want to hear as soon as possible because they want to make a decision whether it's going all the way back to homes in northern part garza city . or they need to pack up and go to the evacuation zone designated by the there's really a military either here in western stuff. i see them off the or the central area or part of partner city. and is of course, while people following the talks in cairo with a sense of caution. as you say, honey important that now we have a full blown finding that some golf, northern gaza. it's spreading to the south. also, people are still in during intense aerial bombardment, with really shocking levels of destruction that is fueling even more displacements
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. so tell us what has happened in some of the latest strikes it is what right now the feelings, the people are torn apart because right now they're keeping an eye on the clock, but the same time doing their best to stay safe and protected in an overcrowded space here in brooklyn city and enjoying the fact that the hosp to infernally evacuated most of the time is more. it feels more like being heard of from place to another. just given the intensity of the mind just overnight, a typo into residential homes in eastern robust cities just cause further internal displacement to families. that within the vicinity of the 2, a targeted on this, your level of destruction paused due the surrounding han sports. the if you want to move toward the central part of a head further to the, the western part of the city. they are evacuation zone and that has been going on for quite some time. in the retirement houses. this
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a targeted or destroyed is force. it forces people into more internal display, just something that has been feeding into a sense of permanent displacement as a detox are still not solid enough due to court for a deal. and that's the fear that people have more of the attacks are taking place in the central area, including refuge account, then it's just happening in a rapid wave. in fact, it's the most rapid a mass gillian, gonna talk happening in history right now. and that where the northern part of the, of, of gaza, of the, the javascript and the photos. i was a city, a residential homeless, targeted and destroyed 3 people were killed. the mother and her 2 children. we were told these are just the displaced families and children inside this one is also worth reporting. the ongoing constant destruction of any remaining social service facilities remaining, the residential buildings on farmland. today's and part of the city is really is adamant and it's a fun of establishing a buffer zone. again,
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all of this happening despite the talk. so there's has to be an in toward the end of the whole facilities and, and the genocide that are on the ground. the story. thank you very much, connie, my little reporting to us from rough uh, in the southern gaza. let's get the latest now on the seas. 5 talks there on the way in colorado, profess assault and bar country's me is professor of public policy. it hasn't been policy university here. and uh huh. professor, the struggle at the heart of the these mediation efforts appears to be a masses insistence on having a permanent ceasefire and gaza, trying to reconcile that with the determination of these really government to, for some us to relinquish power in gaza. yes. why? it's a normal rational thing to ask for from homicide. this is these really to really push them against the wall and had nothing yahoo. following the previous pause dealt with the conflict different the i exchanges tactic, attacks,
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less of an infrastructure is cetera, less destruction. he may have in fact influenced the public opinion within guys i guess how much, but he hasn't dave. he didn't do that to you what it went for towards the destruction. so it practically pushed how mass and the population of gaza and target against the wall. there have nothing more to lose. so the only thing they would really be determined to get is a permanent to fire from the experience with them before. he cannot be trusted. so they need to have a guarantors who would clearly make it to a commitment on the side that if there is a cease fire, it is permanent. otherwise you can see a way out for a mass. and for the majority of the civilian population is continuing to face. unbelievable pressure. i mean, not only is there like a few monetary in a, but funding is now spreading. the health system has been decimated,
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and people are continuing to be displaced and gaza as a result of the incredible, bombardments and attacks from the skies. the absolutely, i mean, nice thing is trisha has become so critical, but not only within, from a human to in perspective for the palestinians. i think it's becoming critical globally. and certainly within the region, there's so much of stake at the moment and everyone is desperate to get an end to this conflict. no, no, please. the american, somebody that arctic is now is turned into a 7th month. it's, it's in 7 months of by them preparation for the elections as a position as be undermined by the republicans a gradually, but surely he must be looking to nothing. yeah. which will give him a break. i mean, there's nothing there whenever he needs help, he go to biden for protection, but by that has repeatedly been asking them out to give him a way out. and i think that's pressure is not building up. he must give in and accept. a permanency is fire for gas,
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so i suppose one indication of how that dynamic between television, washington is likely to play out is rather not benjamin netanyahu ultimately listens to instructions from washington on whether or not the ground defensive takes place and wrong. because not long threatened attack on, on southern gaza could, could still happen with the announcement agreement. well, that's what he's saying. he's insisting now that the attack is, is necessary. it is there for him to complete his mission. he must, and how miles. but of course, if he wants to give, by the way out, with just blood the on the scene between now and the elections, he must a listen to the advice of me they, they never said this is an instruction as such, but they talk to the is a is very kindly, they advise them not to go into into rafa. but until now the americans have no to
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put any condition on the is really to stop them from taking that step. a professor sell from america. thank you very much. thank you very much. oh, that's a situation in gaza. let's move to the occupied west by now because is there any forces or continuing with the raids in that territory? some of the latest operations taking place in the hebron and in nablus is right. the soldiers, including snipers, the reports of these stationary school and novelist, live rounds has been fired in the area. elsewhere. 3 people has been killed at least 3 others injured. and on his radio strike and lebanon, these right, the minute treat target to the town of may. so job little in the south comes a day off has well, as said, boomed several is really targets across the board of fighting between 11 and baseball. and he's ready for his intensive hide since the console began and protests against israel's war on goals are continuing across the university campuses in america,
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even as graduation season begins to 100 has won us now from michigan's college town of about of the class of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen, demik moved the virtual classrooms. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they drawn cap and gown. it feels as though it is the only thing that i can do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such immense grief um for the last 7 months, for their families like this man who came from malaysia disease son graduate,
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who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel it should not be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have take you to defend themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. for then 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees. editor rena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to rude out disruption. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its
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investments in israel, and it's war and gaza. they were palestinian flags in the big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus. across the country, students in says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 ann arbor, michigan. and that only us west coast students at university of california are in a line say they will remain on campus until all of that demands in that school official save out and continue negotiate with the protest as that that hoping to reach a deal soon. okay, well as on the reports from online, the police in right, you're moving on, protesters were showing solidarity of palestinians, university of virginia,
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the police escalation and force. now an all too familiar scene at college campuses around the us. but it doesn't have to be this way on the other side of the united states at the university of california, irvine, the much different see, we have a police presence actually, but it's not as this hasn't been aggressive or agitating. it does definitely, it shouldn't give other university as an example of how to treat this and not to be aggressive with your own students and professors, faculty and staff, which we have seen. they have been very aggressive with some professors as well. several dozen protesters at bennett this encampment for over a week. now it's calm and peaceful, and the university administrators and protest leaders are engaged in dialogue. we've been unique about like, um our situation here is that we started meeting with the negotiators almost like since day one. and um, 1st obviously they were opposed to what our demands were and we're restrict that
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our demands. we're not going to fulton our demands. and so we, we did a counter them like demand back and we said we send it to them. and now it's on the table which is um, which is actually like big they're considering arguments and we're still waiting to hear. here you see irvine, they say they'll keep this in cameron up until their demands are met. and it appears that that pressure is working. because at another university you see riverside about an hour away from here, protesters, they're actually reach an agreement with the university university agreed to all 5 of the protesters demands, including considering divesting, for many companies that deal with israel. the encampment at u. c. riverside was then voluntarily taken down in celebration protesters here at u. c. irvine. our whole big for the same gabriel's on the out is either irvine, california,
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the, in the, in the battle for the board. a town of now what he has been raging for the past 3 weeks. rebels in the government and the governing ministry. ginger fighting for control of the area just now thailand is the latest front in which rebel groups have pushed back. the military, which is on the defensive in large parts of the country, rebels have been gaining significant territory in the east, including critical border areas of chi in state. this is one of me and mazda, most important trading links with thailand fights as unpopular defense groups of also launching major operations in the north and the west. taking control of launch pods of rock kind and sean states and disrupting a key trade route with china. the resistance now controls moving huff as me and ma, magenta's forces are stretched thin each week troops a band and more outposts and retreats into the central region. west fighting is nearing the capitol islanders there is tony trying,
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travels the front lines in kind state where he spoke with one of the rebel columbus and the 1st of full special reports tells us more from outside the me and my embassy in bangkok to the bath. also, me, well the has now raged for nearly a month. the town on the boat at between thailand, a man is incredibly imposing strategically. a $1000000000.00 worth of trade goes across every year. a month ago it fell to the korean s, and they called me then just a week ago, it seems that me, i most military re gain control a certain specific strategic points inside the town who controls the area, the country side, all around. elders, there are getting the exclusive access, and this is our report point as from the pro democracy people's defense posts take defensive positions. this is the main road between the time border and yang. going
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man, most commercial help, the town level by palms from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone. the cattle ran freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control the pro democracy forces. and they were fight suggests in the yeah, so they've been very careful about exposing themselves here. the battle along the asian highway has been this leaf columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most have been still say the fight is that some did slip through had a constant threat from the yeah. that even the heaviest weapons can do little to
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risk. so i'll be with the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity and within the opposition department, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing you're talking about, hillary or stripes and not to the vision. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well, pdf fight is under korean. come on, travel freely through the country side. looking tracks turned into the supply chain, highways hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed it. oh yeah. well yeah, i'm sad whenever i come right guy, but we are meant to the capacity of sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died,
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but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds. lie like a lot for this month's chum pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory. they now went tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma the full of korean, ethnic ami and the pro democracy forces have very good control of the country side . and they are pushing hard to get the town of me while the back. but they have to do it soon. the monsoon season is on the way the reins will start in a couple of weeks time and that's a time traditionally fighting and me and my slow so a crew. and then the 2nd bottom out, special reports from inside me and my tony chang will examine the impact. the fighting is hot on civilians as millions of people across the country or falls from their homes. you can catch that on monday. here on out you 0 john is present
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judging. pay is to visit your for the 1st time and 5 years at a crucial moments and then rising tensions between badging and the european union. chinese leader is hoping to boost economic cooperation, but it could be facing an uphill struggle as katrina. you reports from badging for the 1st time since the beginning of the course of 19 pandemic. chinese presidency didn't pain, is heading to europe to define what this visit is of great. so you can, if it tends to promote the overall development of china's relations, was from so sylvia hungry and euro, we also inject a new momentum into a peaceful development of the world. she last visited the continent in 2019 to 3 nations. he's visiting a hoping to attract more chinese investment 1st up front, which will be hosted by president and then one account that you mentioned dating last year. they're expected to sign deals on nuclear energy and agriculture, as well as china's purchase of,
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of us across the conflict in the middle east is also on the agenda. presidency will meet with your pain commission president, us live on the line, who is accused of painting a flooding the market with on the sally subsidized goods. last year, the you launched an investigation into chinese electric vehicle imports. presidency wants to keep in ties with you, or as it moves closer to the us engines for the running. you criticize, try to support a rush that during its invasion of the brain. and some st agent causes and increasing national secures risk. last week, doing then police arrested for suspected chinese spies in general. european leaders are not as hawkish as the americans are. they understand the need for some type of cooperation with china, perhaps maybe on the economic front more than the political firm. but the main objective for china is to sort of pry europe from,
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from what it uses the american orbit in serbia. she will meet president alexander, of which it's believed is referred to reach of the as old friends, his tuvell, and with 2 days and hungry, prime minister isaac to all that has moved to the country, closer to beijing since taking office hungry is the only you country participating in china is built in road global infrastructure initiative, while the presidency is expected to announce the building of a new chinese electric vehicle plant and oil pipeline and several railway projects . katrina, you, alda, 0 beaching for you with the news. our life from dell almost sold to bring you heavy rains and southern brazil leave tens of thousands without drinking more to an electricity. and in sport anthony edwards sides of the timber wolf as they get the better of the defending. and the
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h hopkins in the playoffs. the hello, it's been pouring rain right across the 30th. so let me show you the scene. this was in june where you look at that wall just came crashing down because of the torrent of water here, mucky mess there. and we have seen some snow over the higher ground in verse, so not too far away from is stumble, still more rain falling mostly across the eastern side of the country. today on sunday. now for the other side of admitted training, we're also getting pelted with rain here in northwest spain, northern portugal star, whether it's in play for how intense this rain will be. also some brain swirling around the north sea here. so that's gonna kick rain into the netherland. same goes for denmark, should be anything to major. and it is a gloomy forecast across the islands of ireland and britain. once again today on sunday, some showers moving west east across central europe. look at this where the sun is out for the past 26 degrees for you. so looking quite nice there, let's go to africa right now. here's how the story goes. does the picture really
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red cross new share? so send in that storm, seem likely here, and if we screw to the south right now, it is a quiet picture of south africa, no weather alerts to speak of. we will see a changing weather pattern, though. so cape town, you can probably expect some showers of pushing here by tuesday. otherwise, a bunch of sun to go. that includes for durban, coming in at $27.00 degrees. so using the pod came in to be used as the oil. c, selfhood casual, says we have lots of websites, allergies. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era
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a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and perilous jungle. the only land route to south america for migrants, tequila side of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for come to some of these. it's a risk. they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on the jersey to the the a come back you with the news out life from the main stories. israel keeps up,
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is pull environment of gaza ceasefire talks underway in cairo. a mazda officials that i would mediate, has from egypt to cats, are on the us. a master said that it won't accept any deal that doesn't bring upon an end. the end in may and ma, bottles of the board of the town of me a one day is raged for the past 3 weeks. probably with some joint forces against the ministry that they are fighting for control of the areas near thailand. now and all the stories are following, need us from the organization of islamic cooperation, a galvan and the gum, the and capital for the final day of a summit to discuss as well as war and gaza. representatives have been considering a resolution to the conflict and you want to find territories tensions between israel and iran, the war. and so don and the rise and as long referred be and racism also on the agenda. i'm a honda joins as life from the gambia and capital bungee will tell us more about
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the agenda for this meeting and what they're trying to achieve. money i'm the summit to come to and then in, in a few hours some leaders are arriving for the closing ceremony. the, the, the leaders had a number of issues or items on the list of, from the plight of range of what she needs to be slumber for, the climate change to waste. but there was one issue every delegate, every lead, the way they to the state to make the speech that they started with. and that was done but is, is right as well, on god's up. there was on the nations. there was the demands for immediate ceased by the calls for she was more humanitarian aid to be allowed into the gaza strip need as also commended, sell off to get for taking this right into the i. c, g. the international court of justice, useful to the policy and dedication to the summit. they said the national community, a bundle,
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the palestinian people during that time of need. and here is more of what the leader of the negation, paul, us. we are very much is appointed with the way how the international community has to really are acted on the uh, you know, uh, nothings you know, to, to just stop such trueblood. sure. uh, you know, it seems that the, you know, the live so for, for the sea and people is not that important for us to most of the international community. the depaula scene, an issue is really close to the heart of the whole. i see and he is the reason allison is a member of the oh i see. in fact is one of the funding members i'm when the oh i see was established in 1969. it was fully a deliberate fire, the bundle impossible off for most. this is one. this is one of the reason why every time to all i see mistakes discuss on talk about the palestinian issue. also
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some of the members of the oh i see they have millions of palestinian refugees in the country. so this is an issue that's very close to the all i see when you speak to the need is the somebody when you ask them, why is that policy in an issue so close to the all i see they would tell you if it wasn't for palestine the all i see would not be a way it is, so they would not have been established by them. all right, thank you very much. how does that mohammed with the other agents in the organization? for example, organizations, organizations, meetings are in, up on jo. it's all just uh, breaking news story coming to us is now that as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said that his cabinet as a voted unanimously on sunday to shut down alger 0 offices in israel. so this has now been confirmed according to a government's statement, which didn't specify exactly when this decision will actually take effect. but this cabinet vote comes off to as well as parliament paused
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a little along for the temporary closing israel of foreign, broad cost is considered to be a threat. they say they claim to national security during the war against the wall and gaza. so it just confirmation that the promise of benjamin netanyahu is said that his cabinet is voted unanimously to close out his hair as operations in israel. of course of continuing to cause a reaction and a full out to this who was speaking to a correspondence correspondence who was there inside israel. but also our correspondents who have continued to cover the wall and gaza. we want to bring in some of his stories. now and candidates in the child's presidential election of made that final push for the tide of monday's poll. that took place and military government for the civilian, one position, groups of quote, for a boy called after officials bond several candidates from running an interest report
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from the capital not janina. this election is expected to be the closest in trots democratic history. this part, the part of incumbency, military leader mohammed, the address debbie isn't taking things for granted. as the president took a dollar to the follows that are sticking lives in the run up to the selection, including the death of the countries. because it should lead at the end of february on this last day of competing, you also reach be on his domestic quarters with a message for the international community. those are all of it other than us your. we will work with any country in the world with respect to the toxic sovereignty. those who don't want to can leave the country pointed come, and especially after the recent order that the american forces to leave the country . there are 10 candidates with election dozens of failed to make that some of them are more charges toward the lives. felipe, the reyes is richard, the president, and his pride finished on the other side of the capital time it is to success. most
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of my problem is tied into a new door. we will actually use the dream for our founding fathers to make charges in the off africa. and we will be the ones to feel for that candidate must weigh more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid the run of the 2 leading candidates both claim the when in the hospital and another state could set the state for dispute. if the results, how many degrees, obviously the german or join now from the chatting capital, leisure mean a by the address, of course he is following the story for it is the day before the elections. and i don't, we have seen that test curacy force as low as you can just tell us what else is happening and he's fine or few hours as well. for, for the last 2 hours, we were seeing a number of security forces, the army, the police, another part of many to organizations coming out in large numbers to cast pay upon
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this. the idea of having them vote before the election is to free them for election due to what does a temperature as grow as the i was as they always drink on temperatures? shoot. we're seeing only a trickle coming from time to time to cast their ballots. are you see over here election officials who uh, wait for more borders to come and cast their ballots. now, all eyes on what happens tomorrow, a few hours after the close of votes. yeah, these votes would be tiny and been kept and the country wouldn't wait for what happens tomorrow. that's when more than $8000000.00 charges will come out in the numbers to vote. and that is, i don't suppose he has them for these folders simply because that new ideas that have come into play. i mean, in terms of contestants, for example, the prime minister is running, i guess he's president. and so it's been largely a peaceful company period. but again,
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what happens to model after the close of boats is what interest most spots is, especially the international community. when big boats us that are being counted and what the reaction will be after tomatoes boat a close is what will be watched closely by almost everybody. yeah. in the country the president says that he's going to win. and so also the problem is that he is going to win this on the 1st panel and that according to observe is, is one of the main reasons why people are afraid. that's something not a lot to vote, could happen in charge. so this is a country that is trying to transition from to the level 2 minutes administration. the president is rodney and so also uh, several other candidates about 9 of them, including his prime minister, what's the most and got comes from the opposition, especially individuals. why age? out of the qualification process, they wanted to contest, but again,
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the law bought them from running this election. so in total we have $1010.00 digits running for this. and that's all right. thank you very much. i'm gonna address overnight is on that story and chad. so of course i'll tell the story today has been mediation efforts to try and, and the war and gauze that we've been following developments around this in recent weeks. and we have seen that they have failed to reach any agreements. is there any government is deeply divided on this, the senior members of the cabinet. i've been trying to secure a ceasefire to free the surviving prisoners. but we have seen this government very much on depression by far right. ministers who have essentially threatened to bring down nothing. y'all who's rooting coalition, if the war is not prosecuted with even greater force, then we have already seen with is there any officials also in recent days playing down any prospect of an end to the war? meanwhile, we have seen just in the past few minutes,
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this breaking news following this cabinet. me thing that to is there any problem is imagine benjamin, as he always said, that the cabinet has voted unanimously to close down alger 0 is offices in israel. so let's speak then to honey mahmoud, who joins us live from rough. uh and of course the timing of this honey is very interesting. just when we have seen more ferocious as strikes might as well on the people of gauze. there is fear about the prospect of 5 minutes spreading and gaza. and that has been a hope for some sort of agreement, even if it's a temporary one to give them some respite. it's very interesting that when the cabinet met today, they've voted unanimously to, to close out his ears offices at this time. the, the yes, as you describe is it's an interesting timing, but it also shows the desperation right now what's going on?
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this is the last episode in, in what seems to be to suppress any voice, the criticism to what's going on on the ground across the gaza. strip was documented the atrocities, the genocidal act, the spread of famine. and every single act that is, that is that goes against international of human rights law against all the international norms in terms of conducting or, or warfare. and that, that it's something that did not really go well with the, with these really a government that this is not the 1st time to do what we're seeing is the, the action of what the habits suppress within the past. and so the a, the, the under the frustration over the fact that all just there is virtually at every side of the targeted residential homes of the re atrocious acts on the ground that the cover did the, from a to z of was all the details are not is something that they pretty much mars
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the perceived by people here as a way to suppress this voice that, that has amplified the voices of del, pressed them to the fight, the voices of the people under occupation. and it's pretty much, it brought a clear picture of what's going on on the ground to the outside world. a people see it as a desperate move in a way, just to port and tend to, uh, some how is fair coverage of what's going on in the ground? and of course, this is light. can you tell me to move is of the impact it could have on john list already? we know that the period since this will began has been the deadliest period for john this since the committee to protect journalists actually started gathering data in 1992 journalists have been killed. they've been injured. they've been missing in the war and they have gone to great lengths inside gaza, but also in the occupied westbank to report on the effect on the wall and also the
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occupation on the lives of palestinians. yeah, that is correct. and what's going on right now is more of a increasing the intimidation level of journalists who have been working since day one of this genocide that weren't covering the whole aspect of it already. a 100, almost the 140 meter workers have been killed in a year from our crew members on the ground. our office said that our colleagues lost their family members. they were directly targeted by themselves and in an attempt to stop them from covering all these uh, fox, uh or the, the atrocious ox on, on the ground, there is the beard. there is a state of concern right now because this law, what it does is it just defies the the, the, the general sales targeting your nose because it's such
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a law right now has been voted on your behalf. that means every single member of the government is supporting a decision, this law and it's going to be effective. but though it doesn't include the gauze on the west bank, but really we're seeing in the past how journalists were caught in the, the line of fire from the beginning, whether inside their homes or dates they were punished indirectly by going after their, their families is definitely going to increase the level of concern, the fear that we have already there is a shot or a sense of safety and security going on. because so far, most of the talk that happens if not all of them on journalist without a warning, without giving a reason why did it happen to others falls into this long the process of it's going to be investigated by the end of the day. there's no investigation done, and they pretty much would be supported. they wouldn't have from denying any acts against journalists to right now. how politically brag about preventing them from
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doing their job on the ground. despite the difficulties of the situation already. very traumatizing, very hard, no sense of safety or security, not even the best that we're wearing. is it protecting anyone at all or the homeless, but right now is becoming, is becoming more of a part of a law to target and to suppress journalists and their voice says that having been expressing their opposition, their criticism, of all these illegal unlawful acts on the ground, thank you very much. and rasa and southern gaza hunting on rid reporting. and this is an update from enron con, who's reporting audio from, onto parties to respond if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory of israel on april, the 1st the connected these ready pub in the hospital that allowed the problem is that to ban out, is there a, he's now inactive that low. let me just take you through some of the definitions
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with in the low. they've banned a website, including anything that has the option of entering or accessing the website, even passwords that needed, whether they've paid or not. and whether it's stored on is rarely serve as well outside of as well. the website is now and accessible. they're also buying any device right, used for providing content that includes my mobile phone. if i use that to do any kind of news gathering the news right is, can somebody confiscated are into the access provide at the guy that simply hosts out? is there a dot net is also in danger of being find if they host the website the out, is there a tv channel completely band transmission by any kind of content provider as well, so band and holding offices or operating them in the territory of israel by the channel both are once again, any device is used to provide content for the channel can be taken away by the israelis. it's
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a wide ranging band. we don't know how long it will be in place full, but it does cover this territory of the state of israel and wrong house out. is there a occupied east, jerusalem to an update from and wrong cause was recorded just a little bit earlier. but of course we do have confirmation now that the cabinet to the problem is have benjamin netanyahu has voted unanimously to close out his areas, operations in israel, this off to the parliament post a law allowing for the temporary pleasure and israel of farm, broad cost as of it, they deemed a threat to the securities angus wrong v joins us now and saying you have been reporting pretty extensively from the occupied westbank. why we have seen at palestinians including mine is a jail detained without charges being pressed, we have seen assaults and the torture of palestinians by both, he is ready,
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the military and a by a settlers. tell us more about how this decision by the israeli government could affect the coverage of these very important stories. particularly as we have seen an escalation in this type of violence against palestinians since the war and gauze assaulted that's really the question. everybody here is asking at the moment, now this, this has really been hanging over the network at large for some time. now we've been worried about exactly what it will mean for us from what we can understand. it does not necessarily affect our operations here in the west bank, at least not immediately, at least not directly, but it has to be said that even though this is technically the occupied westbank, it is not is really territory the security parameters change depending on area a area be area, see or is all these new degree, little details, but the fact of the matter is israel is able to send its military and to any area it wants to at any point in time. this is
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a true military occupation in every sense of the word and these bureaucratic terms of which security zone applies to what really doesn't matter when he is really military. want to come and get someone or do something in these palestinian areas just a few months ago. our team here witnessed uh, is really military vehicles and in a raid inside romanella, they came as close as the building. i'm standing in right now, and they went to a monument dedicated to our fall in journal assuring of luckily, who was killed 2 years ago. they took celsius in front of the monument with their portrait on it. they were seen laughing and joking. and so really they can reach out and touch anyone they want any time they want. then we know for a fact that since the war and guns will begin, we've seen a 135 media workers killed primarily and goes up a one person in the occupied westbank as well. there's been more than 50 attacks on i'll just here's journalist inside the country and the guys in the occupied west bank. and um, we also know that just yesterday,
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when we were reporting from that over soon uh, a remote village in northeast of 2 currently occupied west bank is really military snipers, on rooftops were targeting news teams, journalist from a number of organizations that were trying to report on the ongoing rate that happened there against posting and resistance fighters associated with how much to your gas for fire was fired. shots were taking a turn. alyssa, in terms of the safety of our journalist, in response to this, it's definitely going to be something that we have a deep concern about going forward even here in the occupied westbank. and in so far as what that means for our work, you have to remind our viewers that the very existence of the network multiple decades on. now the very reason that these channels exist is because in the main stream media, for decades, there was a massive vacuum in balance reporting about this conflict. so this conflict, the palestinian israeli conflict, is one of the main reasons that our network currently exists. so to have our
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journalists threatened to have our operations threatened in this way, definitely here in the occupied west bank. the worry is that we will be next. i said also it comes off to israel had made it clear that it wanted to close phone gold costs is deemed a threat to national security. important to say that, you know, all this comes when you have a, an ongoing role inside the gaza strip that has inflicted unimaginable suffering on the palestinian people that has failed to meet israel's claims objectives. you have a famine that is whitening in the strip. you have the obstruction of a to operations, you have some horrific pictures of women and children, babies, operations, amputations taking vice without any sort of anesthetic. so it is interesting that, you know, this move comes at a time when there are ongoing efforts to cover this story. and of course,
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when you have the sci fi talks that are taking place in egypt, and the expectation was that this would be the subjective discussions by the cabinet. we know that this is a cabinet, this is a government that is divided because benjamin that to me, always facing pressure from his the far right elements on that cabinets to prosecute. this will with even greater force. and now comes this decision twice because shift the focus of sort of strategic distraction away from israel as well as what you can say, as well as intransigent in these mediation efforts to placing the focus elsewhere. and that's exactly right we've, we've seen throughout this process is extremely right wing government has made benjamin nothing yahoo reactive to their demands. and we know throughout this process they've not just been attacking us. they've been attacking anyone affiliated with home us and cut their has come under
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a great deal of pressure and criticism by the israeli government consistently. they've said over and over again that they want the game to change. they don't want her mazda have an office, and oh, and they've been consistently going after middle ground arbitrators that are trying to bring the 2 sides to a peaceful agreement to try to and primarily that humanitarian prices. there's been ongoing for 6 months in some cases, decades and we know that that pressure continues to be brought to bear in hearing you speak now. i can't help but think back to things we learned in our journalism degree is the book by philip nightly. first casualty talks about how in any conflict, the 1st casualty of war is always the truth. and we've seen this before, not just in this conflict. in past conflict with the united states was in a rock in and of gone. it's done. we seem that the messenger is always under attack immediately when ever these things play out, because the primary focus of any nation or any organization carrying out war is to make sure that no messaging is a part from what they wants to push forward. and we've seen that throughout this
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process as well. we've seen the really attacks that have happened not just inside the occupied territories, not just inside israel proper, but they've killed a number of leaders, journalists across the border in lebanon as well. they have to keep reminding people that the strikes are targeted. the technology they have is very sophisticated. they know exactly what they're shooting at. and the reuters journalist that were killed early on in the conflict in southern lebanon. and they were on arms that were news reporters. they were there and marked vehicles just as so many times we seen not just journalist but 8 organizations in march, cars being directly targeted. and this is just a continuation of that. so we do expect the pressure to carry on and continued to build, but we are hoping that at the end of it we'll see we'll still be standing. the news industry has taken hips like this before and come out on the other end. mm. it is important to note that of course, that the hearts of all of this is the suffering of the palestinian people. we have seen
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a will crimes of violation of humanitarian law international human. it come at a terminal unfolding and goes there. and of course, while that has been a great deal of focus on what is happening in gaza are also continuing human rights violations unfolding in the occupied westbank. and so, you know, despite all of this, john, this has continued, they've already been facing a great deal of pressure, haven't they designed very briefly. they have continued to cover these stories. but that has already been an attack on, on media freedom. it is. that's exactly right. the number of international operators, for instance, in the west bank is dwindled, suggest to us in a few handful of visiting teams that come in and out. so the dearth of reporting in the occupied westbank, especially as the war on guys are rightfully takes a great deal of the attention. the fact of the matter is that they are ongoing humanitarian crises. here they are ongoing pressure points, for instance palestinian prisoners and the conditions they continue to endure under
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is rarely detention often without charge are widely under reported. people are tortured, assaulted, routinely dying is really custody. and we've been there for the entire time. he was saying to we will continue the conversation and just a couple of minutes i am describing reporting to us from the occupied westbank stay with alger 0. in the postilion, amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy, people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities in rivers points and with mercury, rendering water, drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us, one of us to send a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their pines coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say
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they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the state village, spend the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms, and electing their own politicians to save their lives, to arab writers from different countries, but with much uncommon rain upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry. what's the weapon to use to fight the whole world and call something sort of a syrian professor who has lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. calling attention to any quality pollution ment. extrajudicial candidates in kenya is low income communities site. one brother was killed by police, the dentist that we faced,
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but the one path of the one day and organizer on the record. how old are these people off with the gun supplements in buffalo and it hasn't been put on the bus that april. got people who bought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it. on a busy guy who is there any prime minister? benjamin netanyahu says these cabinets has voted to shutting down all just eaters offices in israel. this is happening policies by talks between hom, us and mediation, some katara and egypt as well as the us are under way entire the i'm about to send a business out to 0 in life from dell. i'm also coming up on tourney chang in east
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and me and my with finances in the military struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highway. china is leader heads to europe on


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