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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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reference tell all these piece possibly be done. so for me it's in buffalo and it has to be put on the bus that he forgot people who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a just the uh the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's cabinet has voted to shutting down all just eaters offices in israel. this is happening policies by talks between hom, us and mediation, some katara and egypt as well as the us are under way entire on the i don't know about this and this is all just 0 in life from don't also coming up attorney checking in east of me and my with finances in the military, struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highway. china
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is we do, it has to europe on a charm offensive, but she's in thing to be facing a not know box. the, we're going to begin with breaking news from israel, for the cabinet has voted to unanimously shut down all just need a separation in the country. that's according to prime minister benjamin netanyahu . in a statement on x. now it's not clear why and this decision is going to take effect earlier in april is really parliament approved the law that allows the government to bind broadcast channels. it considers a threat to national security. april and con is all corresponded unoccupied, east jerusalem, and preemptively recorded his final message in case of a potential. but if you're watching this pre recorded report then al jazeera has been banned in the territory of israel on april. the 1st the connected these ready
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pub in the hospital that allowed the problem is that to ban out is there a he's now inactive that low. let me just take you through some of the definitions with in the low. they've found the website, including anything that has the option of entering or accessing the website, even passwords that are needed, whether they've paid or not. and whether it's stored on the is rarely serve as well outside of as well. the website is now an accessible. they're also buying any device right, used for providing content that includes my mobile phone. if i use that to do any kind of news gathering, then these ratings can simply confiscated are into the access provided the guy that simply hosts out is there a dot net is also in danger of being find if they host the website the out is there a tv channel completely band transmission by any kind of content provider. there's also a band and holding offices or operating them in the territory of israel by the channel
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. both i, once again, any device is used to provide content for the channel can be taken away by the israelis. it's a wide ranging band. we don't know how long it will be in place, full, but it does cover this territory of the state of israel and wrong house out. is there a occupied east jerusalem? talking about as a political analyst. i'm contributor to how does he's joining us now from tel aviv . thank you very much indeed for being with us. we're still trying to get clarification on some of the details about this. uh, this motion that has been passed by they the tablet, tell us what kind of impact you think this might have within israel or well, i am not sure how many these valleys are watching the 0. um, so me, i, you will be very upset when uh, i will not be able to uh, watch you on my television should,
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but i'm sure that they will not be able to remove you from the side, the network. and on the next, i'm sure this is riley's, who are addicted to just do i, as well as myself will be able to watch us. um, i am not sure each day uh, going to take steps against uh you correspondence. oh maybe this is also my last interview on uh it gives you uh um perhaps. so when i get back home, i'm on my way now or there will be a police officer waiting for me. i hope not. but the, the, the reason is of pause. so when you book your this the to move to seem to be of the public opinion. they that is very disappointed some of the conduct of the
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government in gaza and in the international and every now. and this is to please the father is from the beginning, right. and this is, i'm afraid not the last step. we know that the ministers, the money, the minutes, that of she make ation, that, that is looking at and not the networks, including his riley channels that, um, i know, try this, find the government. so i want to be, i want to pick you up on that point because that's that in terms of the original load that was put together in april the 1st the original motion that was put together when the bill was passed back in a, in april, it did specify that it wasn't necessarily just, i'll just say that wasn't it was any media organization that i believe that could the occupation forces regard it as a security risk. so from what you were saying, yes, i'll just, you know, maybe i'll be affected by this, but so may well be other networks as well,
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including as you mentioned is really networks. and then maybe you can go to my newspaper howard's that is great decides in the government and the ministers members of these cabinets that if it was up to them, they already suggested to stop by the 40 hours to buy booting, getting governments the federal advertisements and to take steps against the general 11, which is a public channel that is fine and part of the public. and right now while we are talking, uh, the minister of communication is trying to stop them from completing a series of documentary series on the 1st knock on the quote, the 8th, which is so narrative that the office and nowadays that's uh,
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very pleased with. so yes, i'm afraid that's just the will find itself was a good company. what i'm going to talk to you about the timing of this because of course this is uh at the moment when there are personal negotiations going on between hamas and israel, but also potter. i'm the egypt as well in cairo. how significant is it? do you think that it is taking effectively this long, far as this decision to be reached when the original bill was passed back in april benjamin netanyahu said immediately that audra 0 was going to be shot. done straight away. and yet, what a months down the line as well, i will not be surprised that each the will be appeals to the high call. so we know that's already the is riley, we're human rights organization. steve, everybody took innovation, have reached out to the, to the government,
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asking them not to do this to put this on hold. and i am sure that the, the high quote will look into this in a broader perspective. it's not just just, you know, we have either arrow correspondence or networks that, that uh, uh, at risk of being shut down. and as i said, there will be maybe even the is riley media agencies that will appeal because you, you cannot in a democratic country. um, as such a specific law that the scene goes out one network. uh and um, you know that there is r o b. uh, cnn is sometimes the broadcasting from guys uh, unpleasant uh, images and footage about people scouting. so we are on
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a slippery slope for me. while i have you on the line, there are a couple of statements that have come up with um one 1st of all from benjamin netanyahu, whose office saying that israel cannot accept hom, us demands for an end to the war. and withdrawal of forces from gaza were leaving from us in power. it says that that would amount to capitulation, and it will keep fighting until it's more ins are achieved at the same time. how much has released the stipend saying it is still keen on reaching a comprehensive seas far? gives me your feelings towards the situation with regard to the talks that are going on in cairo at the moment as well. then that'd be 1st of all link your question to the previous one. we know that, you know, broadcasting from don't know, and we know that to cut the was deeply and hopefully still deeply get involved in the end of the conversation to put that into the wall and to bring back the
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captives. and i will not be surprised if uh, the registrations are just fine. so just to make sure if they do it, maybe it will have to fast the bottom of the plastic. but uh, the uh, cabinets a decision maybe has to do with the notes on yahoo kind of uh, uh, this pleasant presence was uh, the category uh, as a valley road and a demand to make sure that the, the how much will not still come actually this will not stay in and go, but to your question, i believe that nothing else doesn't. once you put an end to the wall, because this nice and the and doing it, danielle, sarah means that that he will have to say good bye to guns and highs in code. they
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will not be able to explain and to justify the presence in the government together was bank monterey. and i believe that the pressure from united states from the white house will do it and job and will start to calm down the next election. and now is now packaging like someone who is the time between uh, the pressure of the united states and one of the bank via and the smoke beach from the other end. and of course the is very tough dish and the public opinion is. busy going to end this war and bring them home. i'll give you all the we appreciate your joining us and i'll just 0. so thank you very much indeed for your time. i'm gonna go to the same beside these. joining us live from ramallah in the occupied west
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bank. so zane, as far as the teams, they are concerned. well, what are you aware of in terms of how this is going to affect our reporting their as well. we've been watching this developing story for many months now. it's a question we've been talking about for a long time. and with this development, there was some, well, there was, there was a few cracks in it that made us think that what is happening in israel proper won't apply to us here in the occupied west bank necessarily. sure, certainly that is what we are operating under now. those are the considerations we're operating under now that in the occupied westbank that we are sort of separated from laws. it is ro is passing through govern territory that it directly controls occupied or otherwise. but what we have just learned sort of draws attention to the fact that even to be occupied westbank if israel wants it, can do whatever it wants. when ever it wants to matter the bureaucracy, no matter the security agreements. a report in is really media says that the is
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really minister of communication and tends to approach the commander of the central region of the israeli army to prevent old 0 from operating in the west bank as well . now let me break that down for you. what exactly that means in the occupied westbank palestinians are living under a military occupation. that means military governors are the and all be all final powers for anything that really happens here. the palestinian authority exists, but the security agreements make them largely compromise. so the normal rules of operations for organizations like ours for press freedom do not exist, is real, a self proclaimed democracy, runs a parallel government, which is a military occupation in these areas. so whatever they want, if this request goes through and is honored, then that could hinder and risk our operations here in the west bank as well. then we've seen this play out in recent months. whenever is really military units want to carry on res, inside remotely. they drive up directly in front of the road, right on the road in front of the building that i'm standing on. we are ourselves
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a camera man. i'm with right now is that korea, he and i witnessed the monument dedicated to screen of luckily our journalist who was killed in a targeted attack of buying is rarely sniper to years ago. there's a monument outside on the street dedicated to her is really soldiers came up at night, parts around the building, at the monument. they were taking a they were taking celsius. we, we still them joking and laughing. and so there, there is this healthy disregard for any of the agreements that govern the spaces. but israel has the capacity to reach out and touch anybody at once, whenever it was as severely as it was in any of the occupied westbank. so that is certainly something we are now beginning to concern ourselves with the certainly some worry here and saying i want to ask you on a, on a more personal level. i have been talking to you and the teams in the west bank ramallah and occupied east arisen for many years now. and the, the dedication to the reporting that you have been doing you in the teams has been
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2nd to none were now to stage for all of that may well be shut down. we don't know, find them. we don't know how for how long can you describe to me how the teams are feeling at the moment when they may have to be pulled out as well. the majority of our teams are palestinian journalists. they've lived inexperienced . every thing that we are reporting on is the most extreme cases of which we can discuss directly with our colleagues about how they feel and what they've been through. and so this is a deeply personal thing. it, we must remind viewers that the network exists in large part because of this story because of the palestine is real conflict because of decades long vacuums in mainstream media outlets. decades long off in one sided reporting from the is really perspective on what was happening here. by mainstream media outlets in the west, in europe, a lot of us that work at the network come from those very media outlets. and the diversity of staff of those is,
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here is one of the most important things of that that strengthens are covers in terms of this conflict in terms of the coverage and the reporting of the, the, the under reported stories in gaza in the occupied westbank. it's something that has been kept alive by the channels at this network because of a wider vacuum at other mainstream news outlets in the west. you know, and, and we have to remind viewers that israel is carrying this out as a self proclaimed democracy in the middle east. it is backed up by the united states, a, a self proclaimed bastion for press freedom for democracy. and so the shutting down of, of an organization like this in this way, and the messenger of, of, of, of the other side of the story, so to speak, to we certainly offer balanced reporting. this is certainly something that isn't just an attack on the 0. it is an attack on the industry as a whole. it's worth reminding viewers that then the initial months of the invasion of gods and the initial months of the war on gaza. western media outlets signed an open letter to cairo into the government of israel, saying that they wanted access to be able to do independent reporting and guys,
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it's something that still hasn't been honored in that work. it is, and of course that this is coming at a time of plan. ah, there are crises going on in a gas, and particularly with your monitoring crisis that we've been reporting on. and of course, situations within all the bodies to roost, limits and elsewhere. and they talk to us about the situation that is going on at the moment with regards to the issues that people are facing, particularly where you are. well i can give you an exam for from just yesterday. we've seen raids escalate since the war on god's or began in terms of the hostages . so called hostages being held by israel. we've been reporting on this hundreds being held by hum, us and gaza system weren't going to begin 8500, nearly 8500 people have been detained in rates in the occupied westbank alone. so the, the, this, the numbers are staggering, being balance. the staggering palestinians will consider those people hostages,
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but without giving them a voice, those figures would never really come out any sort of broad reporting interest. yesterday, we were in a small town called data listing. it's northeast of folk and, and the people we spoke to endured a 15. busy long range and they said they've never seen anything like it we're, we're the only news crew that was there. we were the only ones reporting on this 15, our stand off with palestinian resistance fighters that ended in enormous bloodshed and a great deal of destruction in the small town. and what people there said to us was that they only watch these kinds of things play out on tv. they've only watched from afar, this happening and god's that it was a shock to the system. for modern days. urban is really worth fair. coming to their small town in, in a sleepy town in, in, in a village and they're over soon in the tucker in countryside. so without speaking to the people without going through them, we'd never be able to get these perspectives and we'd never be able to understand the scale of, of intensity,
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of these rates of scale of devastation. the scale of the human eye is ation of policy and communities. so it goes on on a daily basis. even now, as i'm speaking to you, there are rates on going in the oxford westbank dozens of military vehicles and soldiers going into civilian communities, going into people's homes, rating and harassing them consistently saying thank you very much indeed. same personality, talking to us from ramallah in the occupies of westbank, which i know by noon all day. she's a political on the list and she's in ramallah. what's your reaction to this decision? as well, allow me 1st to express my solid there to you with all the colleagues on the ground in the west bank and inside israel proper. and of course in gaza. this is a decision that in as you've been reporting has been expected. but i think we need to understand that this is not just about trying to shut down as a 0. this comes in conjunction with a, an atmosphere of incitement against journalists covering the news for us as
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a to harassment almost on a daily basis over 50 incidents just in the past 7 months were reported by colleagues working in the occupied west banking inside as well. so a lot comes with that decision of, you know, if just on its own i think uh, reminds us of the dangers that the l g o z or a family puts itself in front of in order to bring the story to the audience. a worldwide in arabic and english, and this is a, a ruling that doesn't just affect all to 0. it also affects many other media organizations. our certainly could do. how concerned are you about the possibility that the, the face of the media landscape, if you're like, israel is going to change as a result of this? i think there's no question that this covers government is acting in his room is
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acting in a way that is quite on hand, just a feeling that it can get away with it. but you know, people should be concerned. this is not just about elders either. others either perhaps as the most prominent target of it all, but i think this happens a lot of organizations, perhaps even a some progressive is rarely at news organizations that have been critical of the war that has published investigative reports, exposing a lot of the misinformation dished out by the office of the is really upfront administer. so this is, you know, i saw the app, the brand that is real tries to always remind the world of that it is a self proclaimed democracy that it shares those values with western democracies. and i think increasingly over the past 7 months, this branding has taken a serious step because it was really actions, it's become nearly impossible to defend even for israel's closest outlines. the
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original bill was passed about a month ago and it's taken this long for it to uh to come into effect. um, i wanted to ask you about the timing of this. given the fact, of course, this is happening against the backdrop of the adults in cairo. between hamas and israel to try to find some sort of c spy. is there any tie in until as well? you know, we just have to remember what the families of these rarely captives have been accusing. nothing. yeah. whole of which is that he is going out of his way to sabotage and the deal in order to make sure that this war continues in order to make sure that he stays in power and shutting down of the 0 and, and tag advising a thought. which has been an indispensable, a mediator throughout this flow, more working with all international actors to try and bring this floor to an end them to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian situation. and does all of this doesn't bode well. and the fact that this decision includes trucking other networks,
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working in the occupied west bank or inside israel, proper also puts into question whether other arab channels would be threatened or there are other um, you know, local of independent journalists would be targeted. so i think you would have to tie it into the controversy over the deal on the table. we heard from time us that it has accepted the terms of the agreement proposed by the americans and the categories and the egyptians. and it's the ball is now in that tiny house court and instead of engaging, he's been playing a you know, a procrastination game, he didn't send his team over to cairo last night. he will convene a meeting of the cabinets later on this evening and he's taking this talk f l 00, which is a household name in palestine. and with that, who's coverage? i think a large part of the audience worldwide would have never had a chance knowing what exactly is happening on the ground and the whole discussion
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about the crimes being committed in cause i would have been very different without the zeros brave teams on the ground. no to day. thank you very much indeed. on the move to bon, i'll just eat a comes as diplomatic efforts to reach us. these 5 deal between israel and homicide underway almost allegation is entitled to meet mediators from egypt and called to see a doctor. william burns is also there, but it's very prime minister netanyahu said israel cannot accept almost in mind of ending the gods of war. and the statement almost as political liter, it's now fine. yeah, said the group is still keen on a ceasefire. deal going across the honey mock mode is joining us. some of the alpha in southern gaza, honey, any more on this? how much stations the the well so far this payment just shows clearly on the on equivalently how much position going on in terms of disputes
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fired the line to talk to the carrier. how much does go as expressing the same and keen on a ceasefire deal that is going to respond to the demand that be helpful? or is it also stated unequivocally that how much made all the necessary efforts and all the necessary concessions do with the negotiator there in order to come out with this a format of this, these fire deal and a city that now is benjamin nathan. you know, it is really prime minister is a prolonged in and for preston manning, the defense a, the, the delegation due to cairo to continue the talking to investigations. and he is doing this in order to prolong the of the board that is going on since october 7th, across the garbage driven, all the doing inside the likes in order to protect himself and save his political. gary, this is what the statement is all about. it's interesting to see that there is right now a very good environment for us inspired the of but the other side is that is really
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prime minister is not taking that step forward, defend the delegation, and continuing on the ground. this has been affecting people. i've been very exhausting, very draining because people are caught in limbo right now. they keep an eye on what's going on in cairo, and they also have to endure this intense bombing can be uninsured. this your level of destruction and the daily misery created by the ongoing relentless areas, products the restrictions on the loving him and 3 and 8. and this isn't a ration of an entire society right now. as a result of this for how do you mean while of course the attacks are continuing, what can you tell us about the latest it strikes within the past hours, the news about the band of all just the euro in israel and what more on the west bank get their reports coming from the eastern part of robust city as these really military and it's military and shoppers that constant art dealer's feeling going on
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. the basement part of the city, particularly close to carmella, was sending me crossing gun. there's really money to report a statement says that they are retaliating as the there were a garage of rockets and more through the shows were fired at the crossing itself. but as the according to eye witness in this area who described this to do is very intense. the almost done stop constant our dealers and it could be heard from the point where we are responding to from also everyone's that why we hear the sound of the military chopper and the drawings in the area are very good. a very low level, these really military continues to strike across the golf tribute overnight, attacks here in dropbox city, as well as in the central area and more in the northern part that are really struggling with many of the difficulties in the trash. it is a created by this intense bonding campaign on me. thank you very much indeed. honeymoon talking to us, involved in solving gossen 3 people have been killed and at least 3 others have
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been injured in and is really as striking, southern lebanon. is there any military talkative, a ton of massage involved that comes with. busy a of the has all those added a bombed several is very targets. postpone of fighting between 11 on base has ball them and is ready for it says as intensified since the water and gaza began protests against israel's war on gaza. are continuing on university campuses across the us, even as exaggeration, the season begins john henry and has more from michigan's colleagues, tons of on all. but the class of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pin demick moved a virtual classroom. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and
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a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they drawn cap and gown. it feels as though it is the only thing that i can do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such events. greece, i'm for the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia disease son, graduate. protests left, some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i seem to be held in the universe because protests. well, sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . do university professors, the protest that graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have take you to defend
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themselves with very little reason to shut down. students voices, to arrest and detain and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose, really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. more than 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees and an arena called the big house michigan stadium. and there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to rude out disruptions, but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel and its war and gods, and they were palestinian flags and the big house. these students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus across the country, students, and says that with the university term over many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will.


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