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tv   Al Jazeera World Rebel Writers - Palestine and Syria  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the, the the hello, i'm marianne demising. welcome to algae 0, live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says his cabinet has voted to shut down alger? there is offices in israel. this is happening while sees my talks between her last and mediators from cats are in egypt, as well as the us on the way and kyra's while is there any minute tree is saying
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that it's causing the time i was that i'm crossing off from walter attack it's one of the 2 main cross things to bring into monetary and 8 into gaza. tony cheng and east, the me and my what finances and the military struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highway. the holes are coming out this, our china is lead a has to year, a point to jonathan says that changing thing could be facing an off hill boss. so the hello and welcome to the program. we've been following breaking news over the past, out of israel government there is ordered. the closure of alger 0 is operations off to the cabinet voted unanimously in phase of this decision. earlier in april, the is riley parliament approved a law that allows the government to bind broad cost channels. it considered as
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a threat to national security. i was just there as bureau chief and israel and the palestinian territories described the decision as dangerous and says that alger there is legal team is preparing a response. or the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouthpiece of a moss and israel l. g 0, the mouthpiece of homos, anyone who incites against the state of israel to anyone who harms the security of israel. and the soldiers fighting for the id. yes. will no longer broadcast here from israel, and the equipment will be confiscated. and long con is that corresponded unoccupied, east jerusalem, and he recorded this message just ahead of the band. if you're watching this pre recorded report, then al jazeera has been banned in the territory of israel on april. the 1st the connected these ready pub in postal that allowed the problem is that to ban out is
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there a he's now inactive that low. let me just take you through some of the definitions with in the low. they've band a website, including anything that has the option of entering or accessing the website, even passwords that are needed, whether they've paid or not. and whether it's stored on the is rarely serve as well outside of as well. the website is now an accessible. they're also buying any device, right? used for providing content that includes my mobile phone. if i use that to do any kind of news gathering, then these ratings can simply confiscated are into the access provided the guy that simply hosts out is there a dot net is also in danger of being find if they host the website the out is there a tv channel completely band transmission by any kind of content provider. there's also a band and holding offices or operating them in the territory of israel by the channel . both are once again,
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any device is used to provide content for the channel can be taken away by the israelis. it's a wide ranging band. we don't know how long it will be in place, full, but it does cover this territory of the state of israel and wrong house out. is there a occupied east, jerusalem? well, as i was wrong, he joins us now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. what does this mean? design for journalist any occupied westbank? why that isn't his right, the minute treat operation that has the capacity to control a pretty much every aspect of life from the political, economic, and public spheres as well. one of the things it does immediately is any of our journalists operating directly under is really jurisdiction, are no longer able to work. and with that in mind, i just want to update you on something that's happened that would normally fall under their sphere of responsibility. we've had reports as you said, of a rocket attack by home us onto the area of come up with slim on the other side of
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the crossing into is really territory. we know that at least 7 people have been injured and 3 israel. these are currently in serious condition, so even though the talks carry on, even though they are continuing to try to push forward with peace talks, how much says in wants that to happen. they remain very delicate. the concept remains ongoing. and to that effect, a lot of people are saying that what we're seeing here in terms of the ban on know to 0, that that is part of these pressure tactics that israel is using to try to bring pressure to bear upon color. one of the main negotiating partners that is trying to broker a truce between homeless and israel at this stage. but of course we have seen out there at john list and john to some of the news organizations, but really out is there a journalist and you want to find westbank not just in gaza. a faced unprecedented pressure as they have called at the story of palestinians who have been jailed, detained, arrested without any legal charge, policies, including miners,
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and also attacks by these writing. but it treat unsettled communities on the pilot, sending population in the area. just remind zane of the uh, the sort of targeted harassment and the ill treatment journalists have faced the sort of conditions they face when they try to cover these stories in the occupied westbank. that that's exactly right. i mean, the journalist working for local news outlets, but also in our nation's outlets. ours and everyone are most more often than not. the majority of them are palestinians who are living under this military occupation during the occupied westbank. and you're a journalist or more than likely a power senior journalist who has experience exactly what so many palestinians go through on a daily basis. the same to you and i zation the same rates, the same, oppressive tactics being used by the israeli military on entire communities here on a daily weekly,
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monthly basis. i can give you an example of something that happened yesterday. we were reporting from darrow. we'll soon village ne of to look at them. and the reporters that were cost inside the is really cord. and inside the village, trying to report on the rate that was happening there. came under sniper fire, or they, they were on rooftops trying to film, trying to see what was happening. and they were shot out there was video of this tear gas was fired on their positions. i mean, old 0 has documented at least 50 cases of direct attacks on his own media worker since the warrant. gotcha began, but there was an average of a 50 attacks on news teams across the occupied westbank from all different types of organizations on a monthly basis. so it is a very, very hostile environment within which to operate. it is not a normal place. press freedoms, the normal operations that organizations like ours experience that does not happen here. this is an area under apparel, low military rule being run by israel. and that continues to be the case where i'm
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standing now. our building here. if israel one or 2, we can drive up to our operation center. whatever it was, it happened a few months ago were raised here in rome. i last saw jeeps parked on the street just outside. we have a monument. their dedicated to show me a clear, the old 0 arabic correspondence who was killed in a targeted attack 2 years ago. and soldiers were seen smiling, laughing, joking, taking selfie is in front of the monuments, so they can really reach out and touch anyone they want, whatever they want as harshly as they want. and more often than not journalists do come under attack, is worth reminding people that in gaza, a $135.00 medial workers were killed. our teams have been attacked. our teams have lost entire families and gaza since the were beginning. that continues to be a problem. western media outlets are also affected by this decision. and number of american and european news organizations, signing open letter to the governments in cairo and here in israel, demanding unfettered access to gaza to be able to do on impeded and impartial
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reporting. and that request has yet to be met. thank you very much for now from ramallah zane, this for avi reporting to us. well, so this move to by now to 0 becomes is diplomatic efforts to reach us these 5 deal between israel have mass or on the way i'm asked. allegation is in cairo and meeting with mediators from egypt and kata c, i direct to william bonds is also that. now in his statement, how much is politically that as much money as, as the group is still keen on reaching a deal, he is demanding a guaranteed withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. positive group. we have funds that it once upon an end to the war on gaza. and then all the development sees riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejected my system on for an end to israel . bull and exchange for captives held in gauze and nothing. yahoo says that any end to the conflict would keep from us that we keep homeless and power of gaza would ultimately pose a threat to israel. that's now speak to honeymoon,
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who joins us from rough, find southern gauze or 1st of all, honey. what are you hearing about the pleasure of the car and i was silent, crossing off to a more sure attack. how significant is this this crossing point in terms of being a gateway for humanitarian assistance into gaza? so yes, world of has a couple hours been very intense and we're seeing evolving, unfolding events going on at the eastern part of robust city, in light of the growing calls right now by the award cabinet. a big fear and other minister calling for immediate ground invasions of roughly about what happened at the earlier hours. these really military, we fired at our guillory shilling. i had the military shopper in the air. there's build flying at the, at a very low, low level in the area of the eastern part of the city, including the presidency,
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the presence of a drones and a talk, a drones and not really spoke to people in the eastern part of the whole describe this do is you're getting very critical right now. there is intensity of yours. pride as well as these almost nonstop of artillery showing that includes the complete a closure of rug by, of, of car mobile sounding the crossing. this is the commercial landing crossing in which for deposited a couple of months that is commercial the trucks been allowed to get through it into the gaza strip by the not a very, not very many of them. but every once in a while, it would allow the entrance of some of these commercial trucks. and right now with the, with the nouns that have complete exposure, it's likely to cause further complications of the situations on the ground at a really very dire, unimpressed attempted human. it's very and situation with the lack of basic necessities and the necessary survival, a items,
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the things that are on the crossing are still difficult. and with this crossing the current on the selling exposure, it'd be in a close down to things are expected to be much difficult within coming is what we're keep. we keep monitoring this unfolding event and see what's going to happen within the coming hours. and of course algebra john list on the ground, which includes many palestinians that have been a monitoring and updating this one has been happening inside of gauze us for the last 78 months that so many years actually on it. and of course, it is a war that has crushed the people of gauze and created a humanitarian crisis. that is very difficult to to put into words. but it's also was reflecting the out, is there a journalist have been threatened by? is there any government officials at various times a headquarters in gaza were destroyed by a? is there any phone bottom and several of it's john list, including the families, killed or wounded by is rainy forces. so you know, what is,
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what is the view then and lights on this bond on algae 0 that we have had from ease ready to government today. of the oldest bends did not come as a surprise. we expected that to happen and is really prime minister, and there's really a military set up the space long time ago and attempted to suppress all the voices of criticism. and i'll just 0 happens to be at the forefront taking the lead in, documenting reporting and, and, and it's taking life videos and pictures of all the atrocities they're committed across the gaza strip. the compared to other media outlets, particularly western media platforms. you do not have a presence here, but some how they're not reporting at the same level as all the, all of that, including the journalist on the ground who are reporting and a stream live in the genocide. basically if anyone ask, how does
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a genocide looked like it was being live is 3 on the ground here. all of this, of course, it did not go well with the, with the strategy of these really prime minister in his military is because of what seems to be right now. the one of the really to happen and be concealed without anybody reporting about talking about it. it does increase the pressure on your notice on the ground, including our office was seen in the, in the past. how is your nose were targeted directly, either themselves, their team members, or they are being punished by having their family members being targeted? our uh, its cheap bureau here in garza? well, definitely, his family was killed with his camera man was gold as well as they were doing some field work. and almost a 100 for the media work is across the goddess group. were deliberately targeted and killed by this very military in an attempt to suppress their voice of a criticism their coverage of the atrocities going on on the ground. it's the last episode of covering and concealing the crimes are taking place across the
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goddess. thank. thank you very much for now. honey longwood's in, in rough and southern gaza saying the strongly joins as live from ramallah and the occupied west bank and saying, you know, the last 78 months. but actually that the many decades of is really occupation has sort of encompassed palestinians from all sides within israel itself. we've seen, you know, the seizure of land and homes around or keep white east jerusalem. and then a very brutal occupation in the west bank, but have seen palestinians killed, tortured, assaulted, arrested. and now of course, what we see and gaza throughout all of this, there are john list, including many palestinians who have been covering this story in many cases, their own story. the story is that they have lived for many years. what are the implications of today's decision full coverage of, of the story?
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a well, that's really the question that's on everyone's minds here and across the channel and across the network. i'm sure, i mean, we report on everything that goes on inside out on a daily basis. one example is, for instance, this talk of hundreds of israelis being held by him us, but a number that we have found to be staggering. since reporting on this war for the last 6 months is that israel has detained, in many cases illegally without charge, close to $8500.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank. and these have been in re, instead of escalated since the war began the disparity in what israel considered as hostages being held by homos and what palestinians consider kid nappies hostages being held by the israelis. that disparity is enormous. and those numbers are something that, you know, normally wouldn't be reported if we wouldn't be looking into these things. but we also try to go beyond the numbers one of the most memorable lives i've done here.
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one of the most memorable reports i've done was from the living room of a single mother who lives not very far from here in a very nice neighborhood. in ramallah, there was a raid on her home. they arrested a journalist friend of hers, but the most difficult thing was to go into the living room from where we reported the story. their home had been completely ransacked. it didn't seem like a police activity of any kind or an operation by uh, by a westernized modern military. israel claims to be the best one in generations of any country. this was really surgery. they, they up the turn, the entire house upside down. they broke toys, they broke a toilet bowl and they slashed the woman's car tires on their way out. in the most difficult part of that was, that was a little girl. 2 years old. we just kept telling her mother as we were speaking to her. and she was serving us coffee when we were in her home, but she just wanted to leave for safe space was completely destroyed. these rains are very invasive. when we get behind the numbers, we go into people's homes,
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we talk to them, we bring voices onto, onto the tv screen, on air for international audience, not just of people with all the guns in the money, not just leaders, not just people in power, but the people directly affected by the decisions made by those people in power just yesterday we were in a small town that will soon northeast of toll kind of an area know strange to raise . but this town had been largely unaffected. really, a village, a sleepy village, and one of the men there told us that the rate that was carried out the level of the building that killed 5 or 6 palestinian fighters affiliated hallmarks. he said that he'd been seeing these kinds of a destructive images on tv in gaza, but it was the 1st time that they had experienced it in person of clothes and they worried. and once guys done, israel would turn his attention to the west bank next. so these kinds of reports, we were the only international news organization there and there isn't a lot of penetration into the palestinian civilian experience. any absence of old 0
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coverage has us worried that the admission focused idea of being the voice of the voiceless and bringing those stories for that that vacuum, the vacuum in which the network exists largely because of this conflict. largely because of a dearth of reporting for decades by mainstream yourself is that that vacuum will once again be introduced and expanded by the decision to shutter, which is here. all right, all right, thank you very much. his name is harvey reporting to us on the line. you'll find westbank as well, aiden white as president of the ethical john lives in network. he joins us now from london and them a not sure if you had a chance to listen to our correspondence, who was speaking to us from my line, you know, tried westbank, also from gaza, describing some of the conditions and really an atmosphere of facility and aggression that john listed, including, of course, many policies have had to endure in the coverage of the story. tell me your reaction today to this bond on that algae or operations in israel,
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which of course has implications for all the john missing these organizations as well. a yeah, i mean i think that the, this latest function by these royal and these are the government is. busy the latest, but someone to say the most desperate to attempt to control the flow reliable information from gaza on the west bank to the outside world. yeah. everyone knows it. i'll do 0 is recognized as a professional independent journalist organization that does no promote each page. it does no insight on what to do is to report on events that highlights how israel pedro's actions in gaza and the west bank of the testing to the limits. international humanitarian rules, or possibly in some respects, pre issues of international humanitarian law. and what i'll do there is doing is as
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you've just given voice to pottery people that people who are victims all. busy to this, this terrible conflict, the decision to trying to close down, i'll just 0. this is really a shopping indication of how much is royal us full and in terms of is a reputation as a democratic stage in the middle east. and i'm saying that there's no one in journalism who can possibly believe that there is any justification of told and the action has been taken against. i'll do 0. i'm just looking at the report here, sites in the guardian from january of this year in which it states that the committee to protect john les placed as well in 6th place. and the committee recorded 19 palestinian john list and it's jails. it said that the article describes how is what i was doing in a tory as bound of, of attack, or sar terry and states with
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a history of imprisoning john list by detaining policy report says, without trial, particularly since of the war in guns that has started so, you know, of course we speak about the war in gaza and the, the oppression and the training of palestinians and the occupied westbank. but of course this has also affected john list as well. and it's very interesting that you speak about the democracy in israel because i think this report is comparing israel to a far, terry and states in its response and treatment of john list, the obsolete, the tools, no one who is interested in the financial, who is interested in uh, trying to understand the situation as it is today and goes on the west bank can come to any other conclusion. other than that, israel has a founder and some from the. ready principles of democracy in defense of human
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rights. its targeting of journalist. busy particularly was sent in journalist reporting from the west bank. it's refusal to allow access to foreign correspondents informed media into gaza that it's uh to, to, to just to news reporting is so hostile that it has. it is, it is all surprising to find that international groups that are monitoring press, freedom and human rights are seeing is royal plunge in terms of its time being around the world. and the other thing they say it should be recognized by some of israel as close as i live in them by the name of democracy, respects with human rights and respect for free and independent journalism is around is not just doing great damage to his own reputation. is doing damage to western valley. ringback sentence until the idea that the united states and not
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europe, and many other countries that are supporting his royal punching in jeopardy age. the recognition of the importance of the defense of democracy and human rights for the future i think is real therefore is doing great damage, not just choice. so both of the whole concept of the importance of democracy and human rights around the. busy thank you very much, aiden whiteside joining us in sharing your views on this decision. do appreciate it . i'll just share a sample discount as a little longer shower. it joins me here in the studio now. and so let me maybe start by getting your reaction. some of the thoughts that aiden was expressing just that, which is this, that is describing how israel has abandoned respects the democracy and human rights . i mean, i suppose, you know, 78 months of mortality and gaza, but actually many decades of a brutal occupation. some would say that the decision today is i suppose symptomatic of this. but let's go in tennessee that has been enabled by isabel's
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west and allies as well. absolutely. i do take exception to the idea. i kind of are generalize idea. that is, there is democratic state and what is doing now is not conducive to its nature. i think that's the b s. is that is not a democratic state. is that right? as a jewish majority states, it's a jewish state and it's been saying, so for the past 75 years, what's for some reason it's friends continue to talk about it as a democratic state, it is not a democratic state except for it's jewish majority. that's one to fix it, right? it has allowed deluxe. so if i just see it on others, the broadcast from is read over the past so many years. not because it's democratic because it was confidence because it is right. has long been a confident state supported by the likes of the united states and other european
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powers. and hence, although i just flew into the ha and i just heard the news. the 1st, the 1st sentiment i have is, of course anger. a good one has got only be angry and especially to what's going to happen. our colleagues enjoy this or mind if i have one word of warning to the people, the news, right? that is, you better be careful with our colleagues and should they should never be touched again because we had enough people killed and injured in uh is around the palestine . but more importantly, my anger because of this decision is tempered with a different kind of sentiment. it's based on my understanding, my analysis of why this decision has come about. the immediate explanation is that this is a right wing fascist government. that is to, it's kind of that to, to take such decisions. but i think more importantly, by taking this decision at this point in time is that right is showing weakness and
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desperation. there's nothing you know, government unlike previous not that i must put previous governments including that the whole governments of the, in the past. where confident enough to take the reporting from, i just see it all at face value. this new government for you. it feels so exposed because of its more crimes because of its records of the past 6 months that it needs to bad as 0 because it feels that it's standing around the world is being compromised when free press reports. the facts on the ground was the how then, i mean this is going to affect the flow of information that is going from gaza from the west bank to the outside walls. so well definitely in that sense they will have achieved that. and they're certainly trying to cut to reduce even
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block and what is what is happening in guys from reaching the best of the, what's happening in the west bank, what's happening and just that and what's happening within is there a sense to that a civil because the our reporting, the that's kind of okay, let's, let's, let's go back to a bit of that with the words being used. so they are accusing us of incitement. but reporting is not in sacrament, except when you are reporting one of our problems, it sounds like it's incitement. so if i say to objective observer is that it has killed almost 40000 people. most of them are children and women. it sounds like an incitement in factors. the reporting and in fact is admitted by every other european and american official that is posters right. in fact, is admitted by his renters themselves. if you say that these are the stories such as special building, so many hospitals, but sounds like an excitement. in fact,
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it's reporting the facts of the water is taking place in garza so they continue to speak and to relieve themselves of a charge of the time they failed in isn't under pressure. and by saying we are stuffing and sides might in fact they are stuffing reporting the facts. but the folks over the war. but this taking place on guys on the us back on the palestinians since october 7th. now make no mistake. we have to just, you know, we had reported october 7 just left for you reported about everything since october 7th and we have reported the pre october 7th just as also we had a port in october 7th. so now bye bye, that attempt to block of what we've been reporting the rest of the world. i think it's, it's old though it's an active desperation. i don't think it's going to succeed because of these images in a world of social media and a world of cellular phones are in a world of instant messaging. there's not gonna be able to stop. if anything,
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the message now is going to be probably more dramatic, more tragic, more chaotic, at least i just see it off. we have editors, i talk to 0. we tend to, you know, know what is the priority. the 2nd image is we don't know we are right such and such for me that they don't do that the reality on the ground and guys, the war crimes and guys are going to be transmitted on social media to the rest of the world. and maybe it can be part of the overall book, that's what i guess it's uh, you know, limiting the flow of information and trying to gain some control of the narrative. it's an important part of this, but the timing is also very interesting that perhaps in delica point and mediation assets that so far have failed. just when they've been reckoning. an invasion of rough posit would have a devastating effect on the population that's already suffered so much. i suppose this is also the prime minister, caving in making concessions to his rivals within his own government, who have been pressuring him to generate and even harsher responds on the
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palestinians. it's quite remarkable in a way more one that though he is being pulled in different directions by these ready public, by his coalition partners around the war and gaza. and while his political future remains in the balance, he still has managed to survive us within the political survivor. and he is a political survivor because he is able to do the balance between his coordination over i swing fascists and some of his partners of our to the sense that right like guns and i as in carthage is also for but us all right. big issue this time, not with our guest, but what do i think issue for the with the perspective that is there as problems. there's nothing you know his problem. it's not nothing you know is that combination of what it looks like today. he is not defining is read, is there any today with it's rid of this political forces are defining what pulling
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up anyhow is now some kind of but it's not, it's not a magician. he understands the mindset and there's not any ex. accordingly he is an opportunist. a political animal, a master of the game that knows how to move the pieces around in order to stay in power. he wouldn't be able to do that if there isn't a $64.00 home coalition of extreme right parliamentarians and is right out of $120.00. so why we continuously talk about him being blackmailed by his more phonetic, old, more fascist portion partner. in fact, he is playing them as much as they are trying to blackmail him. today is the end after 75 years of, of this possessions of palestinians. after the $57.00, the 57 years of occupation after 70 years of siege of gaza. and after that incredible death and destruction of about 6 months, this,
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what is the right looks to date this not what, nothing. now looks to nothing you know is the, as i said, the combination of these different 3. he's the window dressing. yeah. he's in the station of a reality that is already that rather than being the, the most to who is manipulating the political forces. but you're saying that they are essentially using each other for their own purposes. absolutely, because, i mean he's, he's not like a mess. that of my unit is not a is not to kind of play and everyone because he's so such a genius. he's not actually if you really want to avoid jail. right. oh, absolutely. it is a personal carrier. there's personal interest, there's personal future, there's no doubt about that. but if you look at that, look at it. sure to buy serious is raise his eyes, zionists misspelling and so on, so forth. i'm very particular about that now they just tell you how limited he is. he is basically basically on integrated he's on intellectual, but is based on which what? because he did his high schooling and even part of his as middle school in the
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united states when his father worked in the opposite. so he speaks english what, right. and he likes to speak and sound bites. but that, in fact, covers for a whole about shallow, superficial aspect of nothing else. he is not a man who's ever written anything of interest to anyone except that a good testicle trip. like his book, 70800 pages of narcissism. anyway, the point is not here for it is not in any other. in fact the point is i'll just see it on what is right. it's doing what i'll just here. and what i'm saying is that this is not, and that then the all decision for say, this is an, is there a decision? and there is a coalition partners who have a vested interest in this and my fear, as i told you, along with my anger at the decision, is that this will, is, uh, this would undermine our protection for sure. and is there a by this time? but and the points that 3 that we need to look at is why is right, is doing that now. i think it's doing it not because it's southern the southern end
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of democratic, it's doing that suddenly because somebody not confident because suddenly it's looking more or more desperate because do pianos and the americans because the states on the public squares been random cities around the world are speaking out against as, as crimes and goes as this is something new. we have never seen middle class and apart of middle class american young and european young people revolting the way they are against the injustices that are scattered by is read in. but aside, this is this thing, fear in or among is there any leaders, especially the friends in the west? so instead of stuffing the war crimes is trying to depress the messenger. and in this case, it's our job here. all right, and we're one, let's get some reaction from washington that in speak to a rosalind jordan. she's the and hasn't been much of
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a response then to this decision today by these really coming across. and as we've reached out to the white house and to the state department, there has not been any reaction. it's just 8 30 am on the east coast here. and in the united states, previously, the white house spokes person car in jump you had said when the 1st inklings that tugged this might be happening about a month ago, had said that the us would not welcome such a move. the us has called l g 0. unimportant news source of for international news. and the job here did say that the us so would likely be critical if there is, if this attempt out a closure what i had. but again, it's early on a sunday morning here in the united states. it's very hasn't been any official us government reaction, and it's not clear whether uh us government reaction would have any influence on
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the as really cabinets decision to take this measure on sunday. and the end of the timing is also very important because it comes as we see a mediation assets these 5 talks are an attempt to revive some kind of ceasefire in the egyptian capital. kyra, has there been any word from the state department on this because it does seem as uh, there is absolutely no progress and we con, expects any sort of agreement anytime soon. i to while there had been the suggestion that had been uh, coming forth in the last, uh, 48 hours or so that uh, according to us officials, any effort to try to reach us these fire in the. busy or am dollars i could take uh, several more days to be worked out. it has been reported that hallmark sports part said it would be going back for another round of negotiations through country edit gyptian intermediaries with the as railings on sunday. and so that still appears to
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be on in progress. the c, i, a director william burns is still thought to be in cairo, helping to work on these negotiations. and there is some suggestion that and particularly in the as rarely process that this might be part of the as rarely effort to put pressure on cause her to in turn put pressure on her moss to come to some sort of agreement. there has been that threat that so these really government put out in recent days saying that if there were not a ceasefire agreement that it would go ahead with its planned invasion of rough or something which the u. s. has uh said. it does not support in any form or fashion. so it really does come down to whether this is just a real anger with the l g c or a network for it's reporting, or whether this is part of the overall negotiating strategy. as talks to try to
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reach a ceasefire, continue. all right, thank you very much for now. roseanne, jordan and washington of course, still with me is out of there, seeing if the scholars mironda sharon marano just mentioning the eruption of protests and cities that we have seen actually in many countries in europe, and it's in the u. k. also in australia and many cities in the last and that has been quite remarkable. see, not just the reaction of us police and security forces, photos or the its core reaction to this. you speak about the band, the spanned by these really government being and attempts to try and control the message, an active desperation in light of the the devastation that we see in gaza. but i suppose also what is interesting is that in amongst this, we see this narrative and lodging of outside elements, an outside agitators being involved in these protests. the suggestions that the
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students are being manipulated in some way to react. you know, uh, so i dumped a lot of this, the so called z generation, especially in the united states. i doubt they watch the news networks. i thought there watches the news network, they might be reading and watching and at some of the work social media. yeah. where we show a lot of videos and so on. so what i'm just saying that in this generation does not watch tv per se, watches i don't know, youtube and instagram as well. so, but be that doesn't mean i think what's interesting about an, i think your point is very important when they talk about outside your thesis. this particular generation is the least generation in the history of generations. that needs and it was talked about font size. okay, so it's not laughter, but i'm not there,
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but i just watched uh click where it says something like this generation for this generation. everything that is problematic. everything for this generation is problematic. you say it is probably not the correct and you're gonna try to pass the pass through a genocide by this generation. and it's not going to pay attention. of course is going to pay attention to this generation is alert and has an has issue with everything. so when you try to lie to them and deceive them by and i'm going unraveling unfolding generation every day on those social media within their network phone line. they're not going to speak white about that. they're not going to keep quiet about that. they are the ones who want, and so i think the rest of us, they are the ones who are educating. and so i think that parents, parents, people from the x generation are the ones who are being agitated and excited because the children busy generation are making
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a mess at home or a mess on the phone or a mess and text messaging their parents about what is going on and guys, in fact i have i that as a lecture or as a guest lecture road or as some capacity or another even as a student, i've been in most of these universities feel my cold or what the noodle like for us that you. okay. for the united states, well that's columbia university or u. c. l a, or whether there's brown or and why you, i've been there and i've seen them i've, i've, i've worked and talked to people. i tell you, during those past years, i've never talked to people that even resemble this new generation. this new generation does not need education. now, having said all of that, good to go with an introduction. but if it was in fact, in fact it an educated by an outside there's. so what, what is wrong with this part of civil rights movement in the united states?
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it was organized by people who worked with dr. lewis a king and they went in about different states, different cities, different cultures, different churches, and talk to people about civil rights. what is wrong with spoken to people about injustice and punish fine? what is wrong with talking to people about the need for peace instead of starting to feel the need for cease fire and punish them? what is wrong with that is like this before the all our reporting. again, that's why we're not liked by some our reporting from different campuses. and i remember, you know, i did, gabrielle and i remember robin l a. and then going into the camping within the universities and daily days and this where young people before people hanging out hanging out reading about also because they knew ition and giving lectures about then to semitism. if they were peaceful, they had been peaceful. they actually are more,
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more all the paradigms. they are more models that politicians, they are even more models and their professors and academics themselves over. this is a wonderful generation. it's not the logical. this generation does not need to be instructed by guess why it's such a threat to the establishment, right? and so this outside agitate the argument is meant to generate a pretext, maybe not just for cracked down, but also to be of interest. and why is what we're saying? this is what it is you, you, you continuously or is important points. but let me, let me disagree with that. but anyway, it's, it's definitely a very selecting a voice in today's products in the united states, a method to waste dangerous or because while it is networked, it's not. let me that are, there is no centralized. this is not a movement with any the ology, there's not a party, there's not a political party. this is a lot of young people who are driven by model ethic and principles, and who wants to speak out against injustice. so they are not exactly organized in
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the way where they can fix on effect elections, but that they want to suppress it before it gets to a stage perhaps in years from now, when they do organize in a way that could eventually shape policy. absolutely, especially because this generation from 18 to 25, this is a new generation that's going to enter the elections and they probably of registering and big numbers. and we have looked at the numbers and the, the so called the swing states and the united states, because i spoke about the united states for a moment because that's where the american person by the was getting the heat of the new election. and that's apparently waiting in on his decisions on palestine. so if i don't say between michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, florida, the north carolina piece, those swing states right? somewhere between this movement for social justice, that is, that is revolving out on the sort of doctor with palestine as well as
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a whole number of americans. and most of them americans of a certain age as one has progressive and actual progressive jewish america across demographics across the graphic, across that's message these. yeah. those people, even if they just change the vote 510-005-5000. and i think in ohio, i think that number was, i forget the exact number, excuse me, but it's such a small number that when they try to organize and get people to vote, abstain then and actually go to the pointing and say, you know, a voided paper. they are the most of them, but yeah, it's 11022000 or they showed up at the primaries and democratic party, meaning double that i'm but needed to tell by didn't we are ready to obtain the next time or on pens to find a notice or higher, if i didn't lose another swing states, a lot of that nature. since he won the 2020 elections with such margins as less than one percent. then i think clearly this generation is inputting politics
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between the age of 18. 25. would have huge weights moving forward. all right, for now. thank you very much more on the shower. we'll continue the conversation on this story a little bit later. just wanna bring you something else that we find very closely today. and this is the organization of islamic corporation, a very important meeting taking place in the gabby and capital, whether you have the final day of the summit. one of the main issues on the agenda is of course, the war on gaza. representatives have been considering a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories of intentions between israel and iran, also have the warranty down in a rise. and as i'm a phobia and racism also on the agenda of that conference. i'm a honda joins us live from the gummy and capital bundle. was more about what has what has been achieved it to this meeting today, homes so as you save money on sundays has been going on for 2 days. there's at the moment because both session
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that's taking place is this last session before we get the committee for for the past 2 days, meetings have been speaking out against these guys wall on con, that they were condemning and cross the t's against palestinian civilians. they were calling the well actually demanding motion, meditating a to be a log into gaza. they also commended some africa, full thinking is right into the i c. j. we spoke to the palestinian delegation, who told us that they felt that the international community was not doing enough to stop in from its full on concept more than the 34000 fathers team. and so i'm thinking, since i knew full, but most of them women civilians in going to be a gun guys in a very unique position for years. especially just before we came one chat, i spoke to an advisor for the a dime about the gun that is holding the can my ship for the next 3 years. and i
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spoke to him about is there as decision to bon added to 0. he said he was shot. i'm not how, how democratic countries behaved gummed up in a very unique position when he comes to the press speed of for decades. there was a minute to that did not allow any free press. and i told forwarding media one not allowed will position was arrested locally during this was thrown in jim, we thought charges. so gum. yeah. it's in, it's in a very unique position. if you walk around the streets, you see the palestinian flag and people are calling for an immediate cease fire. i'm, i'm a thank you very much the update from the banjo on the very significant organization for islamic corporation for conference, this taking place. the one on the title of main story now, and the decision by these really government to buy now to 0 for asians in israel. joining me is the old catawba full, not board number of international precedence issues. so so a former professor of john lives in the printing of us the enjoys is from alon. can
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i start by getting your thoughts on what we've heard today? this because these really they're doing is an attempt to color their own states and they're trying to present to their own people into the world that their problem is with that media. their problem is, but the problem is this or that, but they don't want to come to terms with the fact that they are committing war crime scene actually started before both products or 7th, one. they do a drain of our play and you want to the to or 70 event since then they've given over a 125 a signature, invest them unesco has were, as are out of sydney journalists. and so it's very confusing the way that the drivers are trying to car their own mistakes, but even the even starts even deeper into their own problems. what is the public reaction in countries like jordan likely to be?
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and i'm sorry, i was just asking you about the public reaction, the public reaction in the middle east and countries like jordan to this. what are they said, the unesco, a jewelry which has made up phone for a journalist from all over the world in voted unanimously to give the glare mall uh priced for a sydney journalist for their courage by assuming journalists are working and strongly difficult. and then to the atmosphere, their offices are being the bomb. they are being a cat and they are not the single international journalist has been allowed to enter into. but as of yet, we're still seeing that these really just trying to hide behind this, right. just indignation with their, you know, the problem piece from journalism. their problem is not from journalism. their accounts came in my suggest, you have to respect the journalism is a professional. it's not a crime. and they need to understand that the attacking or are trying to delete you twice as a 0,
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go nowhere and changing public opinion. and i suppose many would say that in light of israel is policies as well as behavior. but the decision that we have today hasn't come is any great surprise. we have seen incredible violence and suffering and gaza over the past 8 months previous rounds of, of hostilities and conflicts. before that time was a very difficult well, a system of oppression in the occupied westbank and also in a foot palestinians fired inside israel itself. so is the symptomatic of the impunity that is ro enjoys to you know, and she never honestly was assassinated. yeah. and she does american palestinians, the us, nothing seriously to help is really accountable until this phone line is read has done nothing to produce. and the person who shot some killing,
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shooting the walkways and they've done nothing to help anybody accountable for the hundreds over a 100 palestinians too. and over so many 60, i think media outlets that have been bombed in does it up. and i think the situation in the west bank will be just as bad that it isn't gods. they are trying to silence the media because they think they can somehow get away with murder and it will not happen. people today are much smarter people. why is there a neighbor when has a cell phone becomes a journalist? so i think the strategies are going about that the wrong way. they need to kind of come to terms with their own problems and dealing with their own or friends and not they knew everything on somebody else. all right, thank you very much out good time for joining us and sharing your thoughts. do appreciate that. they're in the jordanian capital, i'm on a map so you can get some final thoughts on the program from a white whose presence has a school the school. john is in network. he joins us now from london. do you
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anticipate that there is going to be any reaction from the west and capitals to this news us? i mean, i hope that will be certainly there will be a very strong reaction from press freedom groups from gender. so when i say sions, i'm from international media to recognize that this is a terrible active censorship. respect to my zation. busy one of the most professional global news channels, which is reporting a sickly and professionally on the ground. and clearly, i think it is now the responsibility of the friends of his route in the west to, to raise the voice is about this action. because it is a desperate attempt to stifle a truthful information from guys on the west bank. just being said defined to the
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matter is the bravery encourage, or palestinian journalists who have been talking to then go to an isolated and my date is randy forces. i've just received a tremendous honor a few days ago from the united nation. so unesco on world press freedom died. so there's widespread recognition. and joe, there's some truth telling remains absolutely vital to public understanding of what is happening on the ground. on this action by his royal clear declaration of war against the rights of independent journalists and media. to tell people what is going on, it was succeed because it's too late. it's a desperate that can i only help me to tell me why wouldn't not succeed. of the 168 simply because of the bravery of those journalists on the ground and goss. i'm just published any a journalist from the us. we've heard more than
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a 100 hovel reveals that lives. but they're still reporting despite the targeting, despite the strengths of the intimidation, but determined to tell the world the story about what is happening is around one line to stifle hunter suppressed those voices. but they're not going away. so this time reaching out to zeros may give them some political satisfaction, but it will not deny the world access to the truths about what is happening on the ground and goes on the west side. does it then convey an impression of desperation and weakness or? oh, there's no question, it's all about it. this is, this is just your politics of the less time victor, dash for the government that is, wants to control. the full reliable information from gallagher on the west bank to the outside world has no other way to do it. then the issues, right? as intimidation, in some cases, as i've said to, to kill those journalists who are trying to tell the story. so it is
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a terrible desperation, and it tends to sort of indicate that they did the, the is riley's, are rolling out. so the idea is about how to win the hearts and minds of people in their own country and around the world over the terms of things that are going on in gaza. all right, thank you very much. i mean, scott, joining us, sharing your thoughts on this. and of course, our top story is we've been not providing you with a news coverage. all of that is an important decision, a by these ready government stay to find out is there is operations inside israel, the cabinet voted for it unanimously. earlier this morning, this off to a previous vote that was passed in the is writing parliament that comes at a very sensitive time just when there are mediation efforts to try and produce some sort of ceasefire temporary agreement and gaza. of course, the war continues. there is concern about 5 minute spreading and gaza and of course,
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people are solving goals are continuing to face attacks from the skies. i have more on this in just a couple of minutes. the hello again. you're going to feel that sting with the way and if you're in the us software, it's time for one. so here's the details. we're talking specifically nevada, arizona, colorado pushing into utah in wyoming, wins will pushed past 80 kilometers privacy, sand, and that storms do seem likely in sun spots for the upper left a disturbed weather here. seattle, portland, some showers in the mix. the same for the other side, border and canada for vancouver and its also raining picture across the great lake submitted by and taking the us northeast. here with breast of rain today on sunday and for flood hit areas of texas. this is not good news, more rain will be following for the alerts in play. northern eastern texas,
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stretching into oklahoma is also been flooding in dominican republic and it looks like we've got some more rain in the forecast here today on sunday for brazil. let's talk 1st about the north. we've got rain draped over the north of the country here. but if we go to the south is where the devastating floods have been in real ground data, sol, state, it's capital for the lakers here. we know, at least 60 people killed tens of thousands of people have been forced from their homes and there is more rain in the forecasts today on sunday. but the good news is over the next little bit. we'll see that rain push out towards the south atlantic, so things will begin to dry off. that's your update. see? so the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say,
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no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm, i am in the y z. this is in use out live from dough hawk coming up in the next 60 minutes. is right. the military says it's closing the current level asylum crossing off from most your attack. it's one of the 2 main crossings to bring in humanitarian a to gauze. meanwhile, there are major differences in the sci fi talks between them,


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