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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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a for rebuilding ukraine, its most code friends to retaliation plus what's the future if it's picked on to the american market? cancelling the costs on out just a rough. the come on several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program today. israel's military says it's closing the car, him bu, southern border crossing after and march or attack nearby. this is one of the 2 mainland crossings to bring humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. major differences and merge and the ceasefire talks between homos and mediators from katara, egypt, and the united states to try to hold as well as
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a tax on gods and police raid alpha zeros premises, unoccupied, east jerusalem after benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet shut down our operations industry on tony chang in east and me and my website is in the middle of truth struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highway. i bought a piece of same it's with your schools. chelsea has put themselves fairly in contention to qualify for europe next season by thresh waste time 5 no to move above mentioned. so you might have interest in the premier league. the is 1500 gmc international mediators, a scrambling to reach a ceasefire deal for gaza. but hopes of securing an agreement and now fading and the humanitarian situation on the ground is worsening. israel has closed one of the 2 major crossings used to bring aid into guys that is really military saying at
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least 7 people are injured in a mortar attack near the car. and i was tell them court of crossing. this is likely going to worse and the dire conditions in northern garza which is already experiencing a full blown famine. according to the un. meanwhile, major differences have been merged in thoughts for a ceasefire deal between israel and home. us almost allegation has just left cairo after meeting mediators from egypt guitar and the united states, the group once a permanent into the war. israel's prime minister has firmly rejected that demand and is really police have rated allison's ears, premises, an occupied east jerusalem house to the government, decided to close our operations in israel. last month, the israeli parliament had approved the law that allowed a band on media networks which the government considers a threat to national security. the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouthpiece of a moss and israel al jazeera, the mouthpiece of homos. anyone who incites against the state of israel to anyone
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who harms the security of israel and the soldiers fighting for the id. yes. will no longer broadcast to your from is real and the equipment will be confiscated, or what else is the or has released the statements on this decision to close our operations there? the statement says in part, the network condemns and denounces this criminal act that violates human rights and the basic right to access of information. israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of during lists, arrests, intimidation, and threats will not deter alpha 0 from its commitment. the cover will some more than a 140 palestinian during list have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns that the network violently rejects. the allegations presented by israeli authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated in a moment, rather than jordan will have the latest from washington dc. first though,
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let's speak with alpha 0 as tara cowboy. zoom in rafa. that's in southern gaza target. let's start with the latest on the ground, there was an attack in the town of car mobile cell and claimed by a mazda is armed wing the cassandra gauge. what more can you tell us? yes, what we do know inside serial is that the minutes are you we can go from aust has launched an attack carried out by shooting range marseilles gold region that has targeted military base where the vast majority of east very minute trade turns those as an on to an october units on gathering close to rough off the board, as we've been talking about the, the rides of rockets that hits these, this area while a number of these many casualties among. so we'll just have their recorded up including 3 of those. so which is now in the critical injuries and difficult conditions as they have been transferred to receive medical treatment and he was very hospitalized inside the east valley territories. but yet this come was
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a part of the ongoing efforts by the public putting on groups to retail, the 8th, ongoing crimes being committed by the is ready. all you have to be a sewing that's going to go. sions are really hitting that did look and the did ends in the addiction capital the, as they're trying to move pressure on the use ready sides in order to accept the proposal being initiated by gyptian spot. what, what we do know is that these by the military has shut down. i come up with some of the course of the wild attack, has to be in a way that's from that area. it has been a direct attack on the military base, which had been a center for fed that operations been going to buy these by the side on a rough i districts and even in other parts of the territory. i'm those palestinians are shoot, seeing dr. step exactly escalation as well, and it would tell like the close out the come up with some of the 1st thing to excessive pay the aggravating humanitarian crisis. while it has been recently a good gauge of ada flew to the territory despite the limited number of these
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a truck stuck out getting into the gauze, this trip in the past period. ok, tara, let's talk about the ceasefire. negotiations that are happening in cairo. we know that the how mazda allegation that was in the egyptian capital for these thoughts of the mediators has now left not a great sign, reading the tea leaves here, but not a great sign. or yesterday, there seemed to be progress towards the deal. and today that no longer seems to be the case. how would palestinians around you talking about this now? that's what exactly palestinians were afraid from the i've been afraid that's the negotiations might come to hit a dead end. so specifically that multiple rounds of negotiations were really fine. we're hoping and praying for some of the positive that must be in terms of the media reports talking about was to progress in terms of these negotiations. but later, we discover that these negotiations are read is to talk as there is
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a great point of uh, let's say arguments between post potts regarding the end of the world. how much permit size is so key that it will bring up 10 minutes end for the fighting upon minutes. he's fine 3 minutes. while palestinians said that these, by the side is a once to clearly have a template or post in which the money to return on to get that catches again, the resume, the financing and tax on rough on other parts of the gall just strip. and that's in time brings a great deal to measurement frustration among palestinians who are really using the hot house to hear the announcements deceased upon it. but again, a general moods of not will present as in news on the horizon in terms of these negotiations in cairo. all right, topic up was a reporting from ralph and the southern part of the gaza strip things moving pretty rapidly. we'll talk to you again. thank you very much, tara now prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected demands by him. i asked for a complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza. he says that ending the war, which is a most ones,
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would only keep the group from us in power. the muscles are some of the logistics of him. while israel showed this willingness a most, remained entrenched in ethics, stream positions and on top among them onto withdrawal, all forces from the strip class sort of in the wall and leave him austin, tackling the state of israel, cannot accept this. but we are not willing to accept a situation in which from us battalions leave the tunnels, re establish control over this strep, rebuild the ministry industries, and go back to tracing the citizens of israel in the communities near a gauze the cities of the south. and throughout the country, in such a case, the next october, 7th, would only be a matter of time to get in a suit. let's go to washington. rosalind jordan is into us capital. it, rosalind, these talks indirect talks between hum us and israel to be mediated by tar egypt, the us. so you're in the us. what are you learning on your side about how these talks are going to?
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well, the sentiment towed up until the past few minutes or so had been that's all there is progress. it's slow progress. it probably would not be resolved over the course of this weekend. it might take several more days to try to hammer out some sort of ceasefire between israel and homos. but there hasn't been any contemporaneous comment about the latest situation in cairo. as far as we know, the c i, a director william burns is still on the ground as far as we know, other officials from uh, a, from egypt and from color are still there in cairo, trying to uh, work the matter and trying to get to some sort of resolution, there had been a since late last week here in washington that told some that this might actually be the time where some sort of deal can be worked out. but of course, things do change if apparently, as we were just hearing about her mazda negotiators have left cairo,
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that certainly could be a negative sign. it also could be just a break in the talks. there's really no way of knowing. okay, and what are you hearing on your end from american officials on the, the closure of alpha 0 in israel by the is really government. i remember when the law was passed, the paved, the way for this american officials had expressed a great deal of concern about silencing the media. that's right. in the past month, the once saw the is really long was passed. there was concern coming from the biden hours administration about any potential action against l. g 0 or any other news network operating in is role in the occupied territories. this is why i taught the white house spokes person calling joan pierre had to say at the beginning of april, i think you're speaking specifically at least the reports that we've seen is about algebra or 0 specifically. but it doesn't matter whichever right journalist more
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broadly. but at to those particular report, we've seen the reports, and certainly i'm going to refer to israel for what they may or may not be considering, but it is if it is true, if it is true, a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict and gaza. now we have reached out to officials at the white house and at the state department for comment. it is sunday morning here in the united states. and so if there's going to be any sort of comment, it may not come immediately. it may not come until late in the day or perhaps not until monday, when the us government reopens for regular business. but certainly we have reached out for comment and it is being reported here in the us media as well. all right,
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ross and jordan, with the latest reporting out of washington dc. thank you very much, was let's bring you a little more and the closure of balance is 0. and israel, our correspondence, iran con in occupied east jerusalem, had preemptively recorded his final reporting and message in case of the potential band which is just materialized. if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory of israel on april, the 1st the connected these ready pub in the hospital that allowed the problem is that to band out, is there a, he's now inactive that low. let me just take you through some of the definitions with in the low. they've band a website, including anything that has the option of entering or accessing the website, even passwords that needed, whether they've paid or not. and whether it's stored on is rarely serve as well outside of as well. the website is now and accessible. they're also buying any
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device right, used for providing content that includes my mobile phone. if i use that to do any kind of news gathering the news, right is, can somebody confiscated are into the access provide at the guy that simply hosts out? is there a dot net is also in danger of being find if they host the website the out is there a tv channel completely band transmission by any kind of content provider is also a band and holding offices or operating them in the territory of israel by the channel both i once again, any device is used to provide content for the channel can be taken away by the israelis. it's a wide ranging band. we don't know how long it will be in place, full, but it does cover this territory of the state of israel and wrong house out. is there a occupied east jerusalem nor days? a political analyst in ramallah in the occupied westbank. and here's what she had
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to say about israel's move against elsie or i think we need to understand that this is not just about trying to shut down as a 0. this comes in conjunction with a, an atmosphere of incitement against journalists covering the news for us as a to harassment almost on a daily basis over 50 incidents just in the past 7 months were reported by colleagues working in the occupied west bank and inside israel. so a lot comes with that decision of, you know, if just on its own i think uh, reminds us of the dangers that the l g a z or a family puts itself in front of in order to bring the story to the audience. a worldwide in arabic and english, i think there's no question the discovery government is acting in his room is acting in a way that is quite on hand. just a feeling that it can get away with it. but you know,
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people should be concerned. this is not just about elders either. i'll just eat or perhaps is the most prominent target of it all. but i think this happens, a lot of organizations, perhaps even a some progressive is rarely at news organizations that have been critical of the war that has published investigative reports, exposing a lot of the misinformation dished out by the office of the is really a prime minister so this is a, you know, a start at the brand that is real tries to always remind the world of that it is a self proclaimed democracy that it shares those values with western democracies. and i think increasingly over the past 7 months, this branding has taken a serious step because of his really actions. it's become nearly impossible to defend even for israel's closest allies or protests against israel's war on gaza.
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or continuing on university campuses across the united states. even as graduation season begins, john henry and has more from michigan's college and the town of ann arbor, of the class of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen. demik moved the virtual classrooms and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they drawn cap and gown. it feels as though it is the only thing that i kind of do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such immense grief. i'm for the last 7 months for their families,
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like this man who came from malaysia disease son graduate, who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel it should not be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . the university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose, really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. for then, 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees and an arena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to rude out disruption,
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but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and gods that they were palestinian flags in the big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus across the country, students, and says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 ann arbor, michigan. this is this go to christmas salumi know who's at columbia university in new york? christian it's, it's always interesting to check in with, you know, the state of things at columbia because that really is ground 0 for these protests . that's where it all kicked off april 17th. so bring us up to speed on what you've been seeing and what's happening there. well that's right
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in the movement of student protesters around the country continues just earlier this morning. however, police moved into the campus of the university of southern california before dawn clearing out an encampment there that consisted of about 40 times and $30.00 to $50.00 students who were there overnight. many of them taken off guard by the police moving in before dawn to clear them out. we have no reports of arrest. at this time, a student journalist on the scene say the in cabin was peaceful and a place where teachers had been taking place. but the administration of the university express security concerns called in the los angeles police departments. actually the 2nd time that they called in the police department to the university of southern california. the 1st time was on april 24th, about a week and a half ago 93 students were arrested. and then uh, the students have been protesting not only the ongoing war and gaza,
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but also the fact that at their school you see the school counsel the speech of the valedictorian because she was muslim. and there was concerns that she would speak about the situation in guys, a jewish groups had raised protests, as the administration again, expressed security concerns about what was happening. so this is just the latest action, more than 2400 students now have been arrested in the united states just yesterday in virginia as well. 25, a rest of their that was a more chaotic seeing it happened late in the evening. pepper spray was used on the students of 46 college campuses, all told have seen some form of demonstrations or actions or in cabinets ongoing. and then of course we haven't, we saw yesterday in michigan with the graduation ceremony being offended there with
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protesters attempting to get close to the stage waving palestinian flags and also chatting slogans and so forth. ok. what's next to this student movement? no, well, you know, we see at the university of southern california, right after the students were arrested, they posted on social media that they'll be back, they'll continue their protests. the academic season is wrapping up here in the united states, and a lot of schools have graduations this week, this coming week. and that seems to be where the focus is and where the concern of administrators are here at columbia university. behind me, the police are still on the scene at the invitation of the university. they have graduation scheduled for may 15th and ask the police to remain until after graduation. clearly, they're concerned about ongoing protests and attempt to disrupt the graduation ceremonies today in boston at northeastern university. there's
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a graduation ceremony. there's other schedule in the midwest at the university of indiana, the. so that seems to be the area of concern for universities and for authorities, but again, the students just saying that they're gonna keep up the fight and we'll have to wait and see what they do to. to do that. absolutely. kristen. so in the reporting from columbia university in new york, thank you very much. kristen, of leaders from the organization of islamic cooperation. the oh, i see are in the gambia for the final day of the summit which has discussed israel's war on gaza. representatives have been considering a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. also on the agenda. tensions between israel and iran, the war and sit down and the rise in it's not a phobia and races and houses are as homes i'm, i'm in joins us now live from the gambia and capital bond jewel homes. just in the last few moments i understand you've been speaking to the president of gambia.
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what's he been telling you? what the president of the just stuff that he's fit. he finished closing the somebody. i spoke to him and asking a few questions. i felt austin and how, what is the oh, i see on the organization of this, let me corporation, what they're doing with regards to is right. as long as i am president, i'm about a, who's the champ, the oil. i see, i'm the president of god. yes. it is right, needs to come to the negotiating table, is that not i keep anything by combining garza, he went on to mention how many 80 and prizes in loves that would make peace thoughts or reaching peace agreement a difficult if not the most. and then the present one on to say the situation in rough law is extremely dia, not any military action by is that i would even make it was the one that it would be too many katie and kept his fault. he said, that's you know who lives would be most and it would make peace towards 6 stream
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the difficult, the president when i asked him by if he was surprised by what he saw happening in the gaza strip. he said this shows a feeling it in terms of diplomacy. i'm offended by the international community and in finding a solution. i then also asked the president, i down the bottom about is right. this isn't to close a to 0. you said di smith, how a democratic country a, the haze. he then went on to say, we can actually just a question, the actual inside for the past 6 months. if that is how a democratic country behaves. the president went on to say that's about a senior surveillance, we're taking these available button and needs to find justice. he then went on to say that sort of which to get invited to the international court of justice. they support that decision, the president and then he said, is that by using force would not achieve anything at home,
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some of the homicide reporting from down to the gambling capital at the summit, the v. oh, i see. thank you very much. i the the in the in or the baffles of the board of town a, me, a warranty has raged the past 3 weeks rentals and the governing military genta are fighting for control of the area near thailand. this is the latest front in which rebel groups have pushed back the military, which is on the defensive in large parts of the country. the rebels have gained significant ground in the east, including critical border areas in kai, in states. one of them in moore's most important trade links with thailand, fighters and popular defense groups have also launched the major operations in the north and in the west taking control of large parts of right kind and sean states and disrupting a key trade route with china. the resistance now controls more than half of me and more magenta's forces are stretched then each week, troops
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a band and more outposts and retreats into the central region where fighting is nearing. the capital houses here is tony chang traveled to the front lines in kai, in states where he spoke with one of the rebel commanders in the 1st of for special reports. he tells us more from outside the me and more embassy in bangkok. the bass also me well, the has now raged for nearly a month. the town on the boat at between thailand, a man is incredibly imposing strategically. a $1000000000.00 worth of trade goes across every year. a month ago it fell to the korean s, and they called me then just a week ago, it seems that me, i most military re gain control a certain specific strategic points inside the town who controls the area, the country side, all around. elders, there are getting the exclusive access, and this is our report. fight is from the pro democracy people's defense posts take
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defensive positions. this is the main road between the time border and yang going man, most commercial hub, the town level by palms from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone. the cattle ran freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control. the pro democracy forces and they were fight suggests in the yeah, so they've been very careful about exposing themselves here. the battle along the asian highway has been this leaf columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most have been still say the fight is that some did slip through had
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a constant threat from the yeah. that even the heaviest weapons can do little to risk. so i'll be with the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity and within the opposition department, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing you're talking about, hillary or stripes and not to the vision. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding. well, pdf point is under korean. come on, travel freely through the countryside. low contracts turned into supply chain highways. hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed it. oh yeah. well yeah,
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i'm sad whenever i come red dye, but we are meant to the capacity of sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting the fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds. lie like a lot with this monks chump pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma. it will occur in ethnic ami and the pro democracy forces have very good control of the country side, and they are pushing hard to get the town of me while the back, but they have to do it soon. the monsoon season is on the way the reins will start in a couple of weeks time. and that's a time traditionally fighting and me and my slow so a crow and watch out for the 2nd of our special reports from inside me and mar, tony chung will examine the impact that fighting has had on civilians. as millions
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across the country are forced from their homes, that will be monday. here on our 0 are still a head and this news. our bridges collapse. roads are swept away, devastating floods. headboards, zill and the desktop arises to 66 a. why the election in panama could have reverberations across the central america? that's also coming up and winning. it's by a notes look at this peter stomach to join us to tell us about a rare photo finish at the kentucky derby. that's and support the and here's how the story is looking across asia pacific. it is a white one for the korean peninsula, but that was whether now sliding into japan, mostly southern japan. so think cues, you island and chicago heavy rainfall alerts in play here. and for china,
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once again, we're seeing these storms flare up the western yang. see river valley right down to the pearl river valley and once again impacting gwen g. providence. so greatly is going to be a soaker for you on monday to them, at least we go. we're also talking about rain, northern and eastern iraq. we could see in places like so the mon, ya about 2 months worth of rain or the span of 24 hours. so i think just know that there is the track of some flooding there. the winds are really picking up as well and that rain looks like it will catch up to kuwait before it moves into either on sandy and dusty pitcher there as well. wouldn't be surprised actually if quite tips . 40 degrees on monday. now for buckets that we're also seeing things heat up in same province. so new object at 44 degrees india. it's also a hot pitcher here, but we've got storms in the northeast, pretty much would try and go here. so we're talking about co cut of dr. cox's bizarre, really looking at some violent weather in for a sun state,
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extremely heavy rainfall expected here. so the threat of flooding to be expected. a forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they governed the dream in the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o n age? hearing the fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet and we'll get reporting from the correction job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation. age work is right side effects. targets is an in depth
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coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you close to, to the heart of the story of the what the you're watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines. major disagreements have emerged in talk for a ceasefire deal between israel and i'm us, i'm us. delegation has now left cairo after talks with mediators from egypt guitar in the us. israel has close the cover him up with southern crossing, one of the 2 major crossings used to bring 8 into gaza. he is really military says at least $74.00 injured in a rocket attack nearby,
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amongst his arm during the summer gates has claimed responsibility is really police have rated down to 0 bureau and occupied east jerusalem. seizing the equipment that is after israel decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. also 0 has condemned to move and says it will pursue all available legal channels in response. well, the committee to protect her and list has been sounding the alarm about israel's crack down and targeting of journalists for some time and its annual report. it found $19000000.00 journalists and media workers worldwide were killed while doing their job. last year. they include $72.00 palestinian journalists killed by is really forces that is nearly 75 percent of the world wide total. it was the highest number of journalists death since 2015. when 110 media workers were killed, even when they're not on the job during this living and gaza face the risk of is really bombardments the guns and media office and says, a 143 palestinian media workers have been killed since israel's war began and as
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a reminder, journalist working in slot and conflict, the areas are protected under international humanitarian law. but palestinians accuse israel repeatedly violating that law, killing colleagues, or telling the world what is happening in gaza. let's talk about this with the front, a money of each year and executive director with the international press institute, a global organization that is dedicated to the promotion and protection of press freedom. you're joining us from vienna, your reaction for us to this closure about a 0 in israel. this is a terrible act of censorship in his revel. earlier, last month when the law was adopted, be over the as an organization board is wrote, that this would be a terrible step, a step towards the censorship. and this is political, palletization and political control of media. it's a terrible step towards most as it should be, news of, and as you mentioned earlier, it's not the threats to press freedom in this region that what's behind it. a
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it's the, it's clearly designed to stop alger 0 or prevent the 0 from both cost and for the country. so it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a reaction to editorial decision by outer 0, which is, which means it's the sensor sheet. what day or do you take away anything from the timing of this because there's been no noise in israel about shutting down houses here since the beginning of this conflict. this is something that's a high ranking figure. as mentioned at the start of the war, then they passed the law more than a month ago. they had the, the, the, they had given themselves the right legally to shut this down in israel more than a month ago. and they're doing it. now. do you read anything into this timing? it's difficult to know. uh, it's just that it's something that they could have done a very long time ago. so why now does this mean they don't, they won't even less reporting from the situation from the ongoing war and conflict
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which is clearly continuing. so that could be one way because we have to remember is that israel is also preventing carthage, right? and they still mentoring because of region. so there is a blockade and information blockade happening there as well. where does this leave is real standing as a, as a democratic state. and this is an important topic because israel and its allies always make a point of presenting it as a robust democracy and the only democracy in the middle east. a bo, this is not a democratic x by any means, and it's a terrible decision by israel a. i think people in israel should look also look at it from the perspective that this would mean that any station, any broadcast that any media which the government doesn't like can be shut down by that. it's a, it's a terrible decision in the pen, a society, and i don't know of a democratic government that has such tools that as disposal, you know, going back to the timing of this because i'm,
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i'm thinking about this because every day we report on what's happening on the ground, and it's interesting to me that on that we're in this window right now where there was movement on a potential ceasefire deal. and the prime minister is saying no way, we don't want to end the war. and just on the, on the same day that that's happening, shut down, houses here. oh, yes, i mean the view of putting $2.00 and $2.00 together in terms of that, you're shutting down a major broadcast in the region at the moment, but it's clear that there is likely that there will be a c style association or facility. so you're shutting down information sources that's but that's something that we can speculate about, but they're going to see very soon the effects of this because it will result in less information being able to be. ready across from the region, obviously that was a major is a major correspondent that has a major network in uh, in that region. and you know, again, and maybe i,
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maybe i'm connecting dots that shouldn't be connected, but i'm seeing protests grow the protest movement in support of palestinians grow around the world, especially in the western world. we're seeing the campus protests in the us even some ice. ready those are protesting, we're seeing non stop protests in london. now i'm seeing campus protests in paris. all of this just in the last few weeks. and now is real, has it's handy is really government has his hand on, you know that the, the flow of information that a lot of people in this is not the tutor own horn, but a lot of people have been watching to get information from what's happening inside the gaza strip, i hope you will be able to continue reporting and working, even with this band. i'm not sure how it will affect your operations inside the causal a straight because of that somewhere, but it will basically use or he's acting and looks like there's not many generals have been killed in the region, but i hope you will find a way of continuing this. ready communication,
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the information coming from this for them. okay. funding around which thank you very much for your time today. you're the executive director of the international press institute. so we one of your views on this. thank you. thank you very much. the china as president susan ping has arrived in france for a rear visits with the president, a mentor and my call are set to discuss trade and the growing tension between europe and china over an imbalance between china is exports and european imports by comb with also pushed the chinese president to use his influence on russia over the war and ukraine. at least one soldier has been killed and 5 others injured after an attack on a convoy an indian administered cache, a mere search operation has been under way to find the suspected attackers. kashmir is claimed by both india and pakistan and has long been a source of tension between the 2 countries. and 2 years after ending
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a nation wide protest, movements farmers in india have revived their action. they want the government to protect them from market through regularities, by offering a minimum base price for their projects. and we consume sure each reports or this know these phones have stage to put this on the board of the northern states of punjab. and it's can to this crossing, you're really station of the security forces disrupted the emission much to what's captain, you, denny infected farmers union, so demanding hire 6 prizes for the crops to shield them from market fluctuations. the old one, the loans council, as promised by the government, but separate rounds of talks have failed to find a restitution. well, how do you mind get put in and they have not fulfilled the demand and have done nothing to secure our rights. so firm as
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a continues to protesting to press for the demands the state of the job is among the largest produces of leak in india. but pharmacy profits are decreasing with the minimum prize offered by the government, not keeping up the production cost. that's forcing farmers like $29.00, you know, she seems to find an additional source of income. he drives the schools on to provide for his family of 7. he says, a minimum guarantee prize only for wheat and rise. this comment just fall most from calculating all the profit making crops in the ninety's he lost are they? we can so sugar cane mace, but we don't get the minimum support price in the market. we have to sell it as a throwaway price in the market or hard work goes to waste. in years in the middle of the 6 week long, jeffrey election, prime minister in the range of moody and his bought the agenda poppy seeking a 3rd time. the government is accused of typing the protests and containing them to
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punjab, which boats and the 7th unfunded face of the election onto foot in 2020 hundreds of thousands of farmers. leather your nationwide movement against new agriculture news. suppose the government has looked at laws a year later, among the many elect to the promises of the more the campaign in 20132014 was a dumpling farm, was that it comes in 5 years now. no one talks about it, dumpling farmers incomes is not mentioned. why? because farmers incomes have not increased at all. almost foreman logins in to mention voting blocked in the country, according to government data, about 250000000 people book in actually the country in india, accounting for about 45 percent of its workforce as political parties, voters almost as a back on the streets. and from intensified to approve some surely on
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just return to panama. now we're polls have open for the presidential election. 8 candidates are in the race with the right way. opposition leader jose. and i wouldn't really know seen as the front runner by many polls. the vote comes against the backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown, and drought, which is 0, is our central rend pnc reports. it must go to that he gets hopes for panama. next presidential election are as low as the water in this tab and see of them, right? yeah. and they close the water with no warning. most times it takes a days to get it back to one terminal when for about 16 days without more to of the 65 year old. former of public employee living west of the capital says these have those problems 4 years because of the poor distribution system. we since we were tired, he says he's receiving only 2 thirds of the pension he is do,
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which is not much given the spiraling cost of living and says, corruption is to blame also, you know, get on 40 to coordinate sleep week. that's why i don't believe in politics inputted fusion nor, and convinces me because they all come with prophecies. but when they reach the top, they forget about the people and the next is not alone. some of these presidential election takes place at a time of widespread frustration with the political establishment and couldn't decline. and i mean, yes, i mean you've, the outgoing president allowed encino could be so is highly unpopular. and that's faced corruption scandals. his administration to lodge protest against inflation high unemployment. i mean opposition to copper mining add to the mix unimed precedent, the drought affecting the panama canal and awards and for an investment climate. yes. well platinum amc corruption is one of their most pressing problems.
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paradoxically, the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption schemes. jose, i wouldn't really know what's trust to the top of the ticket after electoral tory, to remove the former president to the kind of do minus the natalie from the race after a 10 year sentence for money laundering. so, you know, since that is that, yeah, but i'm was one of the leaders of the 2023 protest says the general apathy is because of the lack of realistic turn it, it's say the looks here to the people are anxious. they don't feel represented, those who will vote are likely to do so for patsy. economic or political interest. but the truth is that in panama, despite having different parties, there is no ideological difference. no different ways of managing the stays. the same with the quarter of both are still on the side of the outcome of this race
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remains on certain back at his master's house, he says, whoever wins will have a hard time using the tensions and gaining people's dress. less than that, i'm get the address, the find them the still ahead on alpha 0, a date to remember for this indian all around your in the ip will have action on the way and so forth with people the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such from time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era. a 106 kilometer stretched remote and powerless
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jungle, only land route to south america for migrants, tequila side of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for compass families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the dairy and go on up josie to, to the type of support with peter stem. it who's in the studio with the speed of so thank you so much. i will start with being just premier league and level pool have just
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kicked off against talking them and what is using pop 2nd last game and charge in front of the home crowd and feel that it's going well to even though they title hopes a little. but little to a one know to the good, but how much cellar with that go talk them huttfield while they try to finish in the top full. but it's not looking at too good for them right now. 7 points behind aston villa with 2 games and in coming in. so this one. chelsea have moved above mentioned to united into 7th of the thrashing west and 5 no co palmer opened the scoring and the 15 minutes with these 21st lead goal of the season. it was 3 and a lot of time following the international kind of gallagher, adding the 2nd and no need by the way, k with us to go one of the 2 big lift jacks and then school twice in the 2nd half to complete the resulting victory. they've now lost just one of the last 12 matches, but united can go back above them if they avoid the fees against the crystal palace
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on monday, ask them for the have squandered the chance to wrap up both places. they last one know to brighten jell. pedro's list these panels, but he was there for the rebound champions. the publication is still in village. hands with 2 games remain. are usually only 7 of one. they 1st that's being tied to in 6 years with 2 games, the space they need to adjust the points in sunday's match against the sponsor brought to them. i picked up a 3 with a full 2 wins to continue a dominant season, which is so far seen the news just one match screwing $107.00 goals and conceding 19, it's the clubs 25th domestically title, and the 1st major crowns a coach pizza. bush rodney took charge of the stones of the season. you know, may see that a rick will say thing night for into miami, and the email is the school, the goal and had 5 assess as they beat the new york rape booth 6 to it's the 1st on the se in the lead has had 6 going contributions, it was
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a half leaving flores and my ts real fast school. twice. macy and swat is now have a lead meeting 10 goals. each. when explains miami's and beaten runs, the 6 matches and keeps them top of the eastern conference to slow down. you know someone else coming out, stall, indian, all around the remainder of the day job put in performance. who remembers the chin? i super king's the fees of the punjab kings by 28 runs in the ip po, bad thing. first gen i posted 167 for 9, and they twins here of is that they to the top score it with 43 from 26 pools, and then with 40 and then you just the pick of the boat is returning figure is a free for 20 of comes up social and $159.00 to $9.00. origin team has made and have won the rugby savings to item for the 1st time. they aged over the line at the lowest regular season events in single the fuller fighting from fame points down to feats of africa. in the 5th, a sales ocean theater who won 3 events, it'd be, or in the season finished,
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2 points, a hit of island being sick and all that being said, it looks like these even will be the nation to be to paris and $67.00 supposition in a few months time, they can see that back to back to this in a single pool with those the men's and women's to say to the trophies. that's also they did the same thing in hong kong. is even swimming piece of straight in a when it takes on the final to kind of decide brooks cape k is the 1st goal for to enforce items in the mid to the american one. the latest to and i mentioned single pulled by 2 shots, became the $4000000.00 1st prize. it's a decent defendant championship type length of this month where he'll be aiming for major number 6 mexican super still kind of a res remains undisputed super middle a champion. they beat competitive. came a movie uh, by a unanimous points decision to pertain these titles in las vegas. it wasn't media who age the early round of moments insisted in the whole canal,
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or landing our rights off the coast to flow men via from a kind of dominated to help them get the food to feed all these periods. the $33.00 or the other is explaining things regular to $61.00, wins to jewels and to defeats. they say my time and i don't want to make me stay. so i did what i supposed to do to women in, in. and you don't want the storm fighter, you need to be careful with that. in writing for me to one will champion next for stuff and we'll start on pulse of sundays. miami ground, pre the red bull driver who added another $8.00 east championship. so to by winning says that a sprint grace is quickest around the surface relative to miami dawson stadium. it's for stuff in 6 pole in 6 races. the season. tying the wrinkled sit by and process the 1993 super all raise will be right behind them on the grid with shawn mcclare in 2nd and carlos science and defending in
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b. a champions within the nuggets of last game. one of the western conference play of semi final series against the minnesota timber woods, 2 time m. b. p nichol. y'all could she manage 52 points for the home side. but he was shown by anthony edwards, who made a brilliant block and assembled 6 full advantage, racing down the other end of the codes to school. it wasn't just these defensive play that embrace the edward's top school. 33 points, a career high for him in the post season. minnesota, taking this 110699. some of the worlds fastest springs is, are in the bahamas qualifying for the olympic relay events will then and then pick champions from k bowl and know eliles help. they teams book based spots both of the netherlands in the full buy form. to me is that mixed and miles into the usa chain state tickets for the full by 100 me some mains relay, you know, full. he made it to paris to most spots to be awarded later. and
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the threat a at the $150.00 of kentucky derby, for the 1st time in $76.00 use. it was a 3 hole space of finish, misspeak ban and junky, bryan hernandez, junior, just aging out sierra leone buying those with forever young, coming in. 3rd, it took several minutes for students to review the results and declared the official window with mistakes and taking the 1st events in host racing's famous triple crown series. then so it was full, so the time being i'll be, are again later with another update. so all right, people will see you in a couple hours. we look forward to that. thank you very much. peter stem. it there . now the number of people killed by floods in southern brazil has risen to 66 with over a 100. others reported missing video has emerged at the moment. the bridge collapsed as commercial rains swept away roads and forced more than 80000 people to flee their homes. there it is. water levels and the regional capital of 4 to
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a leg re continued to rise. more than a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water in the regions worst flooding 80 years. monica yanna cube has the story. rescuers are fighting the elements to to a lifeline to this child. like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood. at the water just asked the it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of the rio grande who this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country has ever seen, at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. so the, the floods have, we have all in at least 300000 cities distorting bridges and rows more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet porn. former authorities of their whereabouts are
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the same of this tuesday. we had no news of our relatives, but thank god the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital, both by legacy. the way up a river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed and the mayor has alerted the population. the drinking water me soon become scarce. the rains have also cost land slides and the partial co op. so the dam results president, losing natural laura the silver has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild the homes and local infrastructure. we bullshit, go, thank you. bye bye. no, you will need resources to repair the damage. but 1st and foremost, we have to save lives. but signed to say, unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change. disaster is like this one will continue to happen. money to you not give all to 0 to.
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okay, that's it for this news hour. but we're going to take a very short break and be right back with you at the top of the this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help it's a light from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, their own patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official a loss that are already in the millions of dollars. although the concept is still
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large or contained and confined to the, for the region, as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because israel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve. in these red sand, when these one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box and try it has different nice and foreign. one on one asian investigates the 5 to capture india. sandlewood king one out 01 monday charging voters have a decision driver keeping company. how much interest abs, precedent or replacing from a list of 10 candidates. what's important for which i didn't vote. jeff is ending the case of under development, political and economic on such and take mid words by climate change. obviously that would bring a detailed coverage of child support, especially like now let me tell you almost suffice. valley cold results. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice much locked in the used only
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look just very close here. like common. yes, it's on. it's with a large tires, basically, but look in my private now. thanks. royal, i can also offer a lot of if somebody value equal, restored to me and gone. the mazda allegation is leaving gaza ceasefire. it's forcing cairo major disagreements remain the same. it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life and also coming up, israel's military says it's closing the car and we sell in border crossing after rockets attack nearby. it's one of the 2 main land crossings to bring to a manager in a to into the gaza police raid the working.


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