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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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large tears faced with a little feeling my privacy now thinks it's royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, resulted in gonna the how much delegation is leading, garza sees fired sports in cairo. one major disagreements remain the same. it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life and also coming up, israel's military says it's closing the car and i'm with southern border crossing after rockets attack nearby. it's one of the 2 main land crossings to bring humanity or in 8 into gaza. police re the working space of houses, your employees and occupied east jerusalem after benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet shut down our operations in israel was chinese president shooting thing arrives in
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paris for a european charm sense the it's 1600 g m t and negotiations for a ceasefire. in gaza, have now ended in the egyptian capital cairo, and now mazda legation is set to leave the city shortly. major differences between his real and homeless remain at the stage, and hopes of securing a deal or fading. i must maintains that at once a permanent enter the worst part of any deal, and before releasing any captives being held in gaza. israel's prime minister, meanwhile, has firmly rejected that demand and has reiterated his pledge to invade rasa with or without a deal. the muscles are some of the legit we'll have to for him. while israel showed this willingness a most remained entrenched in the 6th stream positions and on top among them onto withdrawal or forces on the strip that's sort of in the wall and leave him. austin,
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tackling the state of israel, cannot accept this, but we are not willing to accept a situation which from us battalions leave the tunnels, re establish control over this strep, rebuild the military industries and go back to tracing the citizens of israel in the communities near cause of the cities of the south and throughout the country in such a case, the next october 7th would only be a matter of time. because then, as we said is really police have rated houses. here was work spaces and seized equipment and occupied east jerusalem. after a benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinets decided to shut down the networks operations in israel, the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouthpiece of a mos in his real l. g 0. the mouthpiece of homos. anyone who in sites against the state of israel to anyone who harms the security of israel and the soldiers fighting for the id. yes. will no longer broadcast to your from is real and the equipment will be confiscated. is also the is really military says at least 7
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people have been injured in a rocket attack near the current level selim crossing with gaza. the border is now close to a trucks which comes as northern guys already experiencing full blown famine. we have multiple correspondence covering these developing stories in a moment, rather than jordan. we'll have the latest from washington dc. bernard smith is in ramallah in the occupied westbank. first though, let's speak without the zeros tarka boys whom and rough uh, in southern gaza. so let's start with that. happening inside the strip, there was that attack in the town of car him, i will sell him a mazda his arm. dwayne has claimed responsibility for that with what happened the yes through, in fact, the military wing of homeless has announced its own responsibility for attacking the military side. car of car was selling. this is a military base that has been established and your rough last border as it could be a sense of full o met
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a trip or ations that to be launch later on the southern part, city of the rock district. now they have been saying that they're launching a ride to a short range me styles that hits the gathering of these very suitors. our vehicles alongside with is ready military tanks. those as, as a number of casualties among is ready to show just have been recorded. some of them are in critical conditions. right. no, there have been trump sped for out is very helicopters. it's in order to receive medical treatments and is ready. hospitalization is valley territories on that attack really has a spot smoke about possible expands. you know, the fighting to reach rough law here in the south and has resulted of the flow of the term of asylum, humanitarian coursing buddha, a okay towards the latest development. now on the ceasefire, negotiations that were happening in cairo is that the most delegation has less than that hopes. now for deal or fading. what a palace,
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themes around you saying about where the palestinians generally and roughly in other parts of the gaza strip of domestic this time about the ongoing grounds of negotiations being made in egypt. sion estimate each in a cabinets of cairo we'd come on sundays will be believed that there are most flexibility being presented or from the palestinian side as they believe that he's very prime minister. benjamin netanyahu shows key and to continue the will even ways for we balance of dealers that has been multiply repeatedly said among the cabinet members and also to these really media outlets. that's absolutely a part of the ongoing negotiations and the palestinians also see that i need to go . she ation that can not have a clear guarantee of the return to plate for the houses in the north. the full is very withdrawal from the goal, just stripping the full so sation of old minutes for acts on the ground will be groundless by useless dark looking for an end for the fighting,
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as they are really expecting to hear a profile and a positive announcement of a ceasefire agreements within the coming hours, and they believe that there is ongoing mounting pressure by the american administration as we have to have been following the shuttle movements of the head of the american intelligence of a william pens, but from doha to egypt. and what are to guarantee and to avoid any collapse abuse ongoing negotiations. all right, thank you very much. and by the way, i misspoke earlier, i said that almost delegation had left. that's not quite the case. they are due to leave. we believe shortly. a topic of resume reporting there from rough. uh thank you very much. let's go to bernard smith, who's joining us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. bernard on your end. what are is really authorities saying about the ceasefire talks? it seems like i'm austin. israel have never been as far apart as they are now, because the main demand is by us to end the war and is realize pretty clearly saying, no, you know, that seems to be something of
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a stalemate with both sides and in friends and entrenched positions. i must stick into that demand that they want an end to the war, hold on to the war and the withdrawal of israeli forces, regardless of policy means go back to their homes, particularly in the north of gaza and israel. the government of benjamin netanyahu insisting that they wants to go ahead with a rafa operation. we know that the is riley, is accusing how much of stone rolling, but israel isn't sticking to, it's all for it, some sort of show. so c spot and exchange for about 33 is riley comp saves the release in opposition to that is on the other side of that of, of palestinians held in his riley prisons, but planted a very crucial moment because as well as how must leaving cairo to night, but what they say further consultations, the c i a director william burns is being reported here is heading to doha, from cairo for emergency meetings. so there's clearly feelings that something can
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still be done, but an indication, but it's getting very, very difficult. and these could be really crucial hours as to whether there is any hope of bringing the 2 sides somehow close together. okay, and on the very same day, as you will know, these really government approve. they shut down the vouchers here in israel. we recently got footage of them closing down the space that we were using. it occupied east jerusalem as an office runners through what happened today. ok, so these are the cabinets and benjamin netanyahu saw voted unanimously and signed off on the decision to close out is there is operations that's being bush, an arabic channel, to block the channels transmissions in is around the block, access to the websites, and it gave them permission to seize broadcasting equipment and cancel accreditations vouchers. every journalist in israel,
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the reason we're able to report to you from the occupied westbank is because it's a little there's a clickable in his railey territory. so for the moment we are able to broadcast from, hey, because it would take a military order to close out just later in the military, governor in this part of the occupied westbank would have to issue in order to close this down. so that is why we understand we're able to broadcast from here. but all of our teams of our colleagues in israel have been, have stopped working as ease uh they have to under the law. and uh, we uh, just a basing ourselves here for the time being and maybe, uh, the network people much higher than me will look at what legal options there are if any, to get back on our again. but it's of my order for 45 days. i'm not come be renewed after that $45.00 day period. so. okay. interesting that there's that 45 day mark. then we'll see if anything changes. then brenda smith reporting from ramallah in
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the occupied westbank. thank you very much. let's see what more information we can tease out on both those topics. the ceasefire talks and the closure balance is 0 from roslyn. jordan, who was reporting from washington dc. i was since we were just talking about the closure balance is 0. let's, let's, let's start there. the us had expressed concern a month ago when israel passed a law that essentially paved the way for what happened today. so i wonder whether, i know it's early sunday. i wonder whether you're getting any response to the closure announces here. we're still waiting for some sort of comment from the us government. we've reached out to the white house. we've reached out to the state department, but as you noted, it is still early on sunday here in the united states. so it may be a while before we get some sort of comment that said, when the israeli government passed this law that enabled it to shut down l just there was operations in israel in early april. there was this comment from the
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point house. this is the spokes person calling jump. yeah. i think you're speaking specifically at least the reports that we've seen is about algebra 0 specifically, but it doesn't matter whichever right journalist more broadly. but at to those particular report, we've seen the reports, and certainly i'm going to refer to israel for what they may or may not be considering, but it is if it is true, if it is true, a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza to now of course there had been some reporting earlier on in the world garza suggesting that the secretary of state entity blinking, had made appeals to kataria officials to put pressure on journalists at l g 0 to tone down some of their rhetoric in their reporting. the state department has
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refused to confirm that this conversation never took place. but certainly there is, uh, some uh, concern in some parts of the us government that perhaps the network was not being as fair as officials would have you believe. now, this is also a situation where there is the 1st amendment here in the united states. and so there is no government oversight as it were of media organizations. the way that you see in pretty much almost every other country, including israel. so it will be very interesting to see what the us government has to say about this decision taking in jerusalem on sunday. okay. and, and i'll add one more thing to what you said was from our perspective, from alpha 0 as perspective. and this should go without saying, we report the news period and you know, we report the facts on the ground. we have teams on the ground, we say what we see. alright, let's move on. what are you hearing on the ceasefire negotiations to?
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well, we don't have any new information on the status of the talks. there is now a report suggesting that the senior director william burns, who is essentially leading the us efforts to mediate these are negotiations between israel and thomas. there are reports suggesting that he may be on his way to doha, to meet with the prime minister and foreign minister of donny to talk about ways to keep the negotiations on track that has not yet been confirmed. we have reached out to the c. i a for confirmation of this travel, we also understand that us officials were feeling very positive that of some sort of agreement to have a ceasefire could be reached in the next several days. but again, there hasn't been any on the record or on background confirmation that these talks are still viable and that there's still the potential for a temporary cease fire. certainly we're trying to find out what the status of those
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talks is. yeah, absolutely. and the moment you hear anything, if you do, then you'll keep a surprise that's rosalyn jordan reporting from washington dc. thank you ross. the still ahead on else 0, heavy rains in southern brazil leave tens of thousands without drinking water and electricity. the hello again is that by thunderstorms in northeast and the good to see everyone. so here let me show you will be basically from what spring goals state rate into san states. these will be some pretty intense down ports. so look dark in the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling. basically a triangle here. cool. cut a darker rate into cox's bizarre. and we are pulling up a lot of moisture and humidity of the base and goal, which is feeling the strong here. i've also seen some stones roll through southern thailand, so let's knock back the temperature a bit in boot camp,
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but looks also stormy in northern vietnam, around noisy, on monday, with a height of 30 degrees or active weatherford china is stretching pretty much from you non profit and straight into one g providence once again, looking like we're gonna get pelts it with frame in portland with a high of 24 degrees step weather has caught up to japan now. so for q shoes at coco islands, pushing into southern hunts you as well. some big down port in the forecast for you . there has been some flooding on so the ways a in sauce who, who weighs the providence, indonesia. so we've got the casserole search and rescue team here. helping people try to get to safety and still more rain falling over this area on monday and cold . and this weather reports and buckets done where things are heating up. in soon, providence temperature at about 44 degrees. the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation
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and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain on how they governed the usa of electric as these for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle? is workers all just ears, new series dying are beyond the o. n h the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this, our negotiations for a ceasefire in gauze. i have now ended in the egyptian capital cairo, with nature disagreement still remaining. how much delegation is set to leave the
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city shortly after holding thoughts of mediators from egypt guitar in the us. israel has close the car and we saw them crossing. one of the 2 major crossings used to bring aid into gaza is really minutes recess at least 74 injured in a rocket attack nearby, amongst his armed wing beacons, some brigades has claimed responsibility is really police have rated balances, there was work space isn't occupied, east jerusalem seizing equipment that is after israel decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. house 0 has condemned and says it will pursue all available legal channels. in response will stay with us a while longer the foreign press association, one of the world's oldest organizations advocating for international media, has reacted to israel's decision to ban out. so you're saying quote, with this decision, israel joins a club of dubious authoritarian governments to band the station and the government may not be done. the prime minister has the authority to target other foreign media
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that he used to be acting against. the state statement goes on to say, this is a dark day for the media. this is a dark day for democracy. getting lazy is a columnist at the is really newspaper. i read through joining us from tel aviv get in your reaction to the shut down by the is really government about the 0 in israel . what the shame, what the shame for being is really and then is there any shorter lease on such a day? what the training, so be nice for me. when my country is closing down, start, you go to networks that again jesse right english and there is a 0 era the only because what additions to july, what's being conform there. i can tell you is a to your is a news consumer, not as a government, they don't notice it. right. so that's for me. the last 7 months. it just,
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their english was one of the most people the most store. so people measuring my book good according garza because is really tv doesn't show anything from gaza. it just the writing age was actually the, and enriching sort of information for me as a sick visit the, as a right to, to close this down means to close down the option of free pressing is right. and notice that he's getting what's behind this? if benjamin netanyahu had wanted to shut down alpha 0, he probably could have done so far earlier in this war, right? we're moving into the, almost the 8 months of the war. why is this happening now? and what's behind a decision? so that those things, why know and why it or it all is usually a newsletter ever since these because they the domestic boy dates and the base like
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seats, a few frames in the budget fee and place location. you can win the re and namely to close down an area of international lead network. and they love it. so they, they, they, right, we just send this right here. we show the evidence in there in the language, how strongly are and how way are we addressed and people tend to be uh and, and by the way, to point out the obvious, correct me if i'm wrong with that you say the base loves at the base then yeah, it was based is not watch alger 0. i think it's pretty safe to say so they're, they love the shutting down of a network that they don't watch. absolutely, absolutely. they don't watch and they don't want to watch, but they want to see be. so if you can't be come of seduce, you beat that just 0. so that's one send 2 minutes. about the time being, i had my suspicion, but this is the base, the timing s of the ways that the most part of the media just the right is
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a cup tale they plug in scottsdale. is one of those stories. what do you think and pushing for settlements for the in the video is due to the last 2 or 3 days. and it's impossible to sabotage dealer. and this might be connected to. so i'm try, i want to make sure i understand this, this hypothesis here that you're explaining, you're saying maybe netanyahu is trying to pressure the guitar by shutting down houses 0 in the context of guitar as mediation on the slide. you absolutely, and by the way that the judgment was the reason why he postpone this same phone wrong because the memory care. and so. busy they kept dirty directory, you know, so they americans, it puts pressure on it, then they will not to close it down. but now when he feels that there is a chance for a dealer, he goes for an option, let's destroy everything,
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including in jersey or okay. you mentioned that this is good for netanyahu's base, so i understand the political benefit to him. i would surmise that there is also a long term political cost, not just the net yahoo, but for israel in general, when you shut down and international news network, you know, even the white house was talking about freedom of the press and their concerns over this. when the law was passed a month ago, when you shut this down, it becomes that much harder to say that your a very healthy and robust democracy. and when you keep serving 1000 children, there is no thinking for they don't want to know. ever since the 7th of october is the, is the thinking in the long term. and then you know that they have any claim for the day off the do they know what they want from? does that do they don't want to use it to, to fix during, i mean we are in the last 7 months led by a government without any plan,
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without any consideration about the consequences of its policies. it's only for to day to day. so please the base at the for 5 in for one final question cuz you were saying earlier, going back to what you said at the beginning of, of your 1st answer. i think it was you said, you know, in the is really media. you don't see the war, you don't get the information that you get when you watch the hours is 0. what? so what does the world look like? as seen and as presented by is really media to is release. it is very, very simple. the big cha we are the big things we are, the only big thing says usual. busy there was the 7th of october, and we stick to the 7th of october, which was almost the order, of course, in the eyes of both the face, they obeys red haze. and the 7th of october enabled us and legitimize us to do whatever we want. and does, uh, does that, does interest us?
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does i use come us and capacity is goes up. and therefore, we should punish them or any supposed to be given to them or destroyed the phone. and. and so we, we, we have no interest to say, well, what's the stuff? oh god. but what's the punishment of god? what, what's the, you know, says deeper of guys that are going through we oh, interesting. yeah. the brands, so just the oil changes and the big deal. so the 7th of october beds. oh, well then that's the word of the base or the media. is that or is describing joints viewers for 7 months row? 7 days a week. 24 hours a day. only days you don't see garza, i just want to as 11 sent that was your permission. by your step hour. it's a is when publish tomorrow it's the, the about the games, the decision to close down there, just 0. it's a very shopping that it's very clear message that we are against.
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okay, i'll be reading. yeah. i'll be reading that and i do read you as a columnist in all right, so getting a pleasure talking to you today as ever thank you very much for having me. protests against israel's war on gaza are continuing on university campuses across the united states. even his graduation season begins. officer is john henry and has more from michigan's college in the town of an over. as the class of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down a hard road, their education has been paused for the pen. demik moved the virtual classrooms. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian
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american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they don't cap and gown it feels as though it is the only thing that i can do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such events. greece, i'm for the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia disease son, graduate. protests left, some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel like you're not be held integrity of us because protests. well, sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have take you to defend themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices,
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to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. for then 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees. editor rena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to rude out disruption. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and gods and they were palestinian flags in the big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus. across the country, students and says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 ann arbor,
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michigan. the china as president shooting has arrived in france for rear visits with president amendment in that call. we are set to discuss trade, a mid growing tension between europe and china over an in balance between china is exports and european imports. my quote is also expected to push the chinese president to use his influence on russia in regards to the war and ukraine. following his trip to france, president, she's in pain, will continue on to serbia and then to hungry. katrina, you engaging? tells us more about what will be on his agenda for the 1st time since the beginning of the curve and 19 pandemic. chinese presidents, you didn't, pain is heading to your phone. what this visit is of great. so you can, if it tends to promote the overall development of china's relations with from so serbia hungry and europe, it will also inject a new momentum into a peaceful development of the world to see last visited the continent and 2019 to 3
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nations. he's visiting all hoping to attract more chinese investment 1st up fronts, which will be hosted by president and then one of my com, the to mention dating last year. they're expected to sign deals on nuclear energy and agriculture. as well as china is purchase of of us across the conflict in the middle east is also on the agenda. presidency will meet with your pain commission president, us live on the line, who is accused of painting of flooding the market with understand the subsidized goods. last year, the you launched an investigation into chinese electric vehicle imports. presidency wants to deepen twice with europe as it moves closer to the us attentions, but the look are running easy to criticize trying to support aggressive during its invasion of the brain and some say aging pauses and increasing secures last week, doing police, arrested for suspected chinese spies in general,
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european leaders are not as hawkish as, as the americans are. they understand the need for some type of cooperation with china, perhaps maybe on the economic front more than the political front. but the main objective for china is to sort of pry europe from, from what it uses the american orbit in serbia. she will meet president alexander, of which it's believed is referred to reach of the as old friends. his tools will end with 2 days and who great prime minister isaac to all that has moved to the country closer to the aging since taking office hungry is the only u. country participating in china is built in rhode global infrastructure initiative, while the presidency is expected to announce the building of a new chinese electric vehicle plant and oil pipeline.


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