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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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the, every upfront on out here, the latest round of ceasefire talks wraps up in cairo with her mouse saying that their team to reach an agreement with israel, maintaining that the deal is far off the times 0. then you get to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the also coming up. israel's military says it is closing the car and we sell in border crossing after rocket attack nearby. it's one of the 2 mainland crossings to bring humanitarian aid into gaza. police rate algebra 0 his premises and occupied east jerusalem after benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet shut down our operations in israel. attorney chung in east to me and
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my with finances. and the military struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highway. the it is $1700.00 g m t and a round of negotiations for a ceasefire and gaza has now ended in the egyptian capital cairo. the hamas delegation is said to leave the city shortly. differences between israel and homos remain how must maintains that it was a permanent end to the war. as part of any deal. israel's prime minister has firmly rejected that demand a muscles or some of the legit. a lot of him, while israel showed this willingness a most, remained entrenched in the 6th stream positions and on top among them onto withdrawal or forces on the strip plus with the in the wall and leave him austin, tackling the state of israel, cannot accept this as fears grow with
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a military offensive and rough uh, israel is accused of silencing the messenger is really the police have rated allison's ears workspace, and sees the equipment and occupied east jerusalem. after benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet decided to shut down the networks operations in israel. and b is really military says at least 7 people have been injured in a rocket attack near the cause of we sell them crossing with gaza at the border is close to 8 trucks. this comes as northern guns is already experiencing full blown famine burden. smith joins us live from ramallah in the occupied westbank. bernard, as far as you know, where are we in the ceasefire talks in direct talks between on us and israel? well, we think we're at a very, very delicate phase, not how much the same as less cairo. it says to have the negotiations with amongst themselves. and we also know i'll just err on the stands of the c. i, a director general william burns,
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who was in colorado. he's making an emergency trip to doha for a meeting with the country prime minister to try and salvage these talks, as well as well. sol as to gyptian website. that is suggesting there's still something to be something worth fighting for that might still be the opportunity for a deal, but he seems to be very, very delicately balanced. we know, of course, how much insisting on a full is right and then to the war and a full, his way, riley withdrawals. the palestinians couldn't return to their homes, particularly the north of gaza. and israel say, i'm just not going to happen. and then yahoo determined, he says, to destroy how much is capabilities to strike back at israel. netanyahu still hasn't got the senior leadership of how much yet. he's determined to go ahead. he says with an operation in rock but as of a truce, the short sci fi, but how much is being offered is all it seems these riley is willing to offer at the moment. okay, bernard standby, please. i want to come back to you in just a moment, but since the us is involved in mediation on these talks,
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i want to go to washington dc. rosalyn jordan is standing by was what can you tell us on your end about where these talks might be to well us officials had been suggesting and recent days that even though this is difficult work, they were feeling more optimistic that with a few more days work that some sort of deal, some sort of seats prior between israel and her most could be achieved, but they were stressing that this is not work that could be done very quickly, as we are hearing that it has been confirmed to elda 0, that the c i a director william burns is on his way to doha, for those emergency meetings with the foreign minister, also known as the prime minister minister of donny. but this is a situation where us officials really don't want to put too much out there in public because they are very much aware that this is of sensitive period. that one
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wrong statement could really up and the entire discussion and the negotiations to achieve that cease fire. okay, ross, jordan live from washington dc. thank you very much. if anything changes on your end or you learn anything major, you'll be letting us know immediately. now i told you at the top of the show that israel's government has decided to shut down elders, ears, opperation across the israel. well sure 0 has released the statement on these really cabinets decision. it says in part, the network condemns and denounces this criminal act that violates human rights and the basic right to access of information. israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its action. actions in the gaza strip stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's director targeting and killing of during lists, arrests, intimidation, and threats will not deter alpha 0 from his commitment to cover was more than a $140.00 palestinian during this had been killed since the beginning of the war in gaza. okay bernard, thank you for standing by. um, as you well know,
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it is really government shut down our our offices, our space working space is real. can you run us through what happened so yeah, the cabinets and then the prime minister voted unanimously to close down. i'll just say heiress operations in israel, that's the arabic channel, the english channel, and the websites and the block access to all just era on any cable channels. that's a lot of channels that are operating in israel, unblocked access to the website, and then there was a visit from the police to where some of us colleagues working from an equipment was taken and seizes. that is what the law allows them to do to see that equipment in any broadcasting equipment can be saved and all of our colleagues who have been working in israel on now, not working in his role and not the they,
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they've just been sto, it's down. i'm able to work from here for the time being as of my colleagues on the arctic tunnel because we are in the occupied westbank and this ruling applies to israeli territory. prop uh they would take uh military or the military rule here like a military order to close out as a result, probations in the occupied west bank and gaza. that may or may not come, but the current bodies of $45.00 days after that it could be rolled over, reviewed out, is there a the network maybe looking at any legal often use it has to appeal this closure old. okay. bernard smith, thank you for your reporting there from ramallah in the occupied westbank semi goes a strip. now the is really military is continuing to target civilians across the strip. at least 6 palestinians were killed and rough uh that includes 3 children. after our house was hit in the refugee camp, the injured of being rushed to nearby hospitals. fears or mounting is israel
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threatens a ground defensive in the southern city. right now we are in the off. as you can see, the bucket goes all of these people here are eager just to hit on of domestic news about the choose result. that's a few days ago. we're going to go home, go back to the north, guys, us trip. but right now we have still nervous getting whole the news from washington, from egypt, from that it again from cancer and waiting to hear the news from ideas and the is ready to governments. right now we're expecting a to us today or tomorrow. any moments from now? we are just expecting to go home. and it's not as a human thought as that we've been displaced from gaza to offer city comes. we've been sheltering inside a house or situation is better compared to people's staying intense. i am optimistic about the ceasefire talks in cairo and hoping things will get better soon. god, willing leaders from the organization of islamic cooperation are gathered in the gambia in the capital for the final day of
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a summit to discuss israel's one garza representatives have been considering a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. tensions between israel and iran, as well as the warrants sedan and the rise in his i'm a phobia and races more also on the agenda as heroes holmes mohammed will tell us more from the again the and capital bunch will or for the past 2 days, meet as have been speaking out against is right as well. and how does that they work condemning atrocities against palestinian civilians. they were calling the what actually demanding mostly meditating a to be a log into gaza. they also commended south africa, full thinking is right into the i c. j. we spoke to the palestinian delegation, who told us that they felt that the international community was not doing enough to spoil, is right from its will on god's more than the 34000. and 15 is i'm think you'll see an annual fall. but most of them women and civilians in gun the gun gazing
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a very unique position for years. especially just before we came at, i spoke to an advisor of president a dime about the gun that is holding the can my ship for the next 3 years and i spoke to you about is the decision to bon i to 0. he said he was shot. i'm not how democratic countries behaved gummed in a very unique position when he comes to the press speed of for decades there was admitted to that didn't not allow any free press at apple. folding media, one not allowed for position was arrested locally during this was thrown in jim we thought charges. so gum. yeah. it's in, it's in a very unique position. if you walk around the streets, you see the palestinian flag and people are calling for an immediate cease fire. so let's go back to gaza. also 0 star accomplish who is on the ground there. and roughly that's in the southern part of the strip park. while we talk about these ceasefire negotiations, while we talk about houses here being shut down,
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all those things you know they, they matter, they're important. but every day palestinians continue to be killed inside the gaza strip as israel's attacks. and the monuments continue and the war continues. so let's start with this. the attacks on the town of car was solemn that were claimed by how much is armed wing because some brigades tell us what happened there. of the yes, precisely the minute to re windows, how much has announce its own responsibility for launching a garage offshore. rain truck hit some styles towards the car up with setting up military crossing and military values. that is to columbus is away from the humanitarian points. from where the vast majority of the humanitarian 8 trucks are getting into the gaza strip. and it's a way to kilometers from main points where the vast majority of the humanitarian supplies are getting into the territory. but generally this has been understood
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among palestinians. that is, that please find about the readiness of the how much remaining battalions here in a rough, i regarding any possible military encouraging for the city in a rough, a 100 the same time. it's another pressure method that's how much has been using in order to push is really government to accept to the ongoing proposal initiated by the head of the egyptian intelligence. and they believe that this attack has resulted of the injuries of at least 14 is by the soldiers, including 3 of them right now when the critical conditions are receiving medical treatments and is very hospitals, unreturned, for this attack, these really authorities have shut down a car with solemn cursing buddha, it means that there is going to be no further flow. the humanitarian supplies to the desperate gauze here in the south, and light of the ongoing negotiations and also attacks that did not witness emulate tough fil. now of course the vast majority of the doctors trip, okay,
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no more humanitarian a going in through that particular border crossing this coming just a day after that you ins world's food program says that there was a full blown famine in northern gaza and that that was now starting to spread to the southern part of the gaza strip. there were also, as we were saying earlier, strikes on rough uh, um 3 children killed. what happened there, as well. uh, serial. in fact, so what we do now, your thoughts are residential building and you have the refugee camp and central rafa has been attacked. we're up please. 6 palestinians happen tools including for children. the type of the attack has been carried out without any prior warnings. there was a countless damage being really inflected through the neighborhood that has been hit. the ongoing hovering of is really mandatory surveillance of drones and different parts of rough like district box. what is important to mention is that multiple as drugs even carried out to rough earlier, probably with the set top is specifically in the eastern part where
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a residential building was destroyed. at least 6 palestinians have been reported in getting to know that transferred to a mentor hospital to get medical treatment and all the parts of the gaza strip. there are so long going back those and confrontations ranging specifically in b as a to neighborhoods in the north of the strips were that's those. there are still ongoing, but we come off fighters and is really military alongside with ongoing exchange of funding or needs arrange junction, which is the new road that has been established in the middle area as an unimportant military advice for these by the army for launching minutes reparations and post the news, the selves of the strait best casualties between post pods have their recorded tare before i let you go, i'm reminded that yesterday around this time there were children that gathered. i thinking the exact spot where you're standing now when they were changing that they want to go home, they want a ceasefire. deal to happen today this, i mean there's,
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there's a little less optimism then there was yesterday about a any ceasefire deal that could end this war. and guys out, what are palestinian sing a well, beats sony, what is going on in terms of these negotiations and then you proposal of the ceasefire. dream is now the on those come that time us movement has deliberate just reforms. amendments regarding the new proposal and they are even returning back to doha to continue negotiating and even consultation with the leadership of the movement. the i'm from the other side from these by the side, palestinians also see how this came. a little bit french being released by the use, very prime minister about the invasion of roof. we've always found to deal. and they believe that is what the prime minister does not show. interested and bringing to a ceasefire to the table due to the ongoing, let's say, leaks and event statements being made about the continuation of the will. even after the approval that has been made to the ceasefire agreements,
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it has been taken an action to the ground, but yet they have a list up to him as of right now on the ground floor. these still have a dilemma of how it regarding the assets being exhausted by the american administration and regional mandate is just to not let the negotiation assets to collapse. and that's what palestinians absolutely interested in life, of the repeat to the statements, to invade drop off. because they believe such any that there's going to bring an unspeakable humanitarian catastrophe to the people in the south. and people are wondering about the next destination. if roof off wasn't they did, and these negotiations were not really fruitful. okay. some palestinians in the gaza strip still have as you say, glimmer of hope that there could be a ceasefire deal to avert a ground invasion of rough um potentially put an end to this war. also 0 is tori. a couple assume they're reporting from rasa. thank you. it's still a head on alice's. you're a heavy rains in southern brazil, leave tens of thousands without drinking water and electricity plus the chinese
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president shooting pain arrives in paris for a european charm, a sense the hearing the fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet. we're forcing from the action age workers weren't directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world . bring you closer to the heart of the story. in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment to space for 5 minutes witnessing yahoo is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the no doubt to stay forcibly out of chase. frank assessments how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners and specifically russia inside story. on al
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jazeera, 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the as railey bombing 3 years ago. 11 days in may. all the outages there the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else a 0,
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a reminder of our headline this hour. the latest round of negotiations for a ceasefire and gaza have no end date in egypt and capital cairo with reports of progress. despite major differences, israel's defense minister says how mouse is projecting a deal, and the military action will go ahead and the southern city of israel has close the car and we sell them crossing one of the 2 major crossings used to bring 8 into gaza. these really military says at least 7 people were interested in a rocket attack nearby amongst his arm, dwayne and cassandra gates has claimed responsibility is really police have rated officer, was workspace isn't occupied, east jerusalem seizing equipment that comes out to israel, decided to shut down or operation in the country, house 0 has condemned to move and says it will pursue all available legal channels in response. let's get more on that closure nor or day is a political analyst in ramallah. here's what she had to say about israel's move
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against eleanor's. here. i think we need to understand that this is not just about trying to shut down as a 0. this comes in conjunction with a, an atmosphere of incitement against journalists covering the news for us as a to harassment almost on a daily basis over 50 incidence. just in the past 7 months were reported by colleagues working in the occupied west duncan, inside israel. so a lot comes with that decision of, you know, if just on its own. i think uh, reminds us of the dangers that the o g, a z or a family puts itself in front of in order to bring the story to the audience a worldwide in arabic and english. i think there is no question. the discovery government is acting in his room is acting in a way that is quite on hands, a feeling that it can get away with it. but you know, people should be concerned. this is not just about elders either. others,
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either i perhaps as the most prominent target of it all, but i think this happens a lot of organizations, perhaps even a some progressive is really at news organizations that have been critical of the war that has published investigative reports, exposing a lot of the misinformation dished out by the office of the is really a prime minister. so this is a, you know, a start at the brand that is real tries to always remind the world of that it is a self proclaimed democracy that it shares those values with western democracies. and i think increasingly, over the past 7 months, this branding has taken a serious hit because it is really actions, it's become nearly impossible to defend even for israel's closest allies or in man or the bass. also, the more the town of milady has raged for the past 3 weeks. rebels in the military
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are fighting for control of the area. in the 1st of for special reports, houses here is tony chang, travel to the front lines in kind, state fight is from the pro democracy people's defense posts take defensive positions. this is the main road between the type border and yang going man, most commercial hub. the town level by bones from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. a civilians long gone. the cattle ran freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i see had been pushed as of but it's still not completely under control, the pro democracy forces and they reply to jets in the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves in the bathroom along the asian highway has been
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this leaf columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most have been still say the fight has some good slipped through had a constant threat from yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do listen to with the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity and within the opposition? you know, apartment, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing you're talking about, hillary or strikes. and that's the vision at the limit. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf point is on the korean come on. travel freely through the countryside. looking tracts turned into the supply chain,
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highways hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died for nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeed was july like a lot. but this month's chum pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma and it's fine as president seizing thing has arrived in france, the rear visits with president the mentor, and i call there set to discuss trade and made growing tension between europe and china over an imbalance between china exports and europe in ports. my home would also push the chinese president to use his influence on russia over the war and
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ukraine. following his trip to france, president, she will continue on to serbia and then hungry officer 0 is katrina. you reports from budget for the 1st time since the beginning of the core of the 19 pandemic. chinese presidents, you didn't, pain is heading to your phone. what this visit is of great, so you can, if it comes to promote the overall development of china as relations was from so sylvia hungry and europe, it will also inject a new momentum into a peaceful development of the world to the last visit the continent in 2019 to 3 nations he's visiting, hoping to attract more chinese investment. first up fronts. what you'll be hosted by president and mine, one account that you mentioned dating last year. they expect to design deals on nuclear energy and agriculture, as well as china is purchase of of us across the conflict in the middle east is also on the agenda. presidency will meet with your pain commission president,
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us live on the line, who is accused of painting a flooding. the market would understand the subsidized goods. last year, the you launched an investigation into chinese electric vehicle imports. presidency wants to deepen ties with europe as it moves closer to the us. attention for the look running. you leaders criticize try to support or brush it during its invasion of the brain. and some st. aging poses and increasing mass cures last week, doing police, arrested for suspected chinese spies. in general. european leaders are not as hawkish as the americans are. they understand the need for some type of cooperation with china, perhaps maybe on the economic front, more than the political phone. but the main objective for china is to sort of pry europe from, from what it uses the american orbit in serbia. she will meet president alexander, of which it's believed is referred to reach of as old friends,
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his tuvell and with the 2 days and who great prime minister is active. all that has moved to the country closer to beijing since taking office hungry is the only u. country participating in china is built in road global infrastructure initiative . while the presidency is expected to announce the building of a new chinese electric vehicle plant and oil pipeline. and several railway projects between you out a 0 aging was the number of people killed by floods in southern brazil has risen to 66 with over a 100. other is reported missing video has merged of this moment when a bridge collapse. esther rental rains swept away roads for say more than 80000 people to flee their homes. what are levels and the regional capital a for to a leg re continued to rise. more than a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water, and this is the regions worst flooding in 80 years. right,
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that's it for me. so then your next step analysis 0 is the weather. and right after that, inside story stage, the the hey there, thanks for spending time with us. let's go with your weather update. this one will focus on the middle east and africa. so what, whether dropping down from iraq freight into kuwait? well, actually i didn't. some winds here as well, so sending dust strong seem likely around quite with the potential for some jolts and bolts here as well. could get your temperature up to about 40 degrees. let's go to central laser right now where we had seen somewhat weather that's mostly scooted out of the picture still for the eastern side of these countries though a warm breeze blowing through the document is done. so ask about is up to 35 degrees on monday 30. it looks like this set,
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whether now really mostly around southern and eastern portions of the country, but there is more of that rain for northern and eastern it ok places like so the money i could see 2 months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours, so certainly that could trigger some flooding to africa. we go, it's a, sandy and dusty wind blowing through the chairs. also the potential to see some sounding dust storms here over the next 24 hours and still up and down the coast of tens. in the end for most of kenya, we've got weather alerts in play for intense ranger. that's leftovers of that tropical cycle. and the midline full just a few days ago. and in the south. it's hot for this time of year from durban. great through to the socket. temperature is $3.00 to $5.00 degrees above average.
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the . ringback the culture a landside when in the last general election, you case governing conservative party support, collapses and local elections in england gains for the labor policy dentist. whoever buys some sort of war garza so how significant of these election results this is accessed the


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