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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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just a midwest like probably change. how did you see that? what brings a detailed coverage of child support, especially like the the other ones that will then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the new zone and lived from doha coming up in the program today talks for a gaza ceasefire. wrap up in cairo. law says it is keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end the war and exchange for his really captives. a police raid alger 0, his premises, an occupied east, jerusalem after benjamin netanyahu, whose government shut down our operations in israel. israel's military says it is closing the time we sell in border crossing after rockets attack nearby. it's one of the 2 mainland crossings to bring humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. kind of
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minions choose a new president from a crowded field of candidates against the backdrop of economic and social issues. and piece of same as with all your sports is little pool the feet, talk them full to in, you can tops promote some of match. it enfield, that's on the way. nice, so in the program the it's $1800.00 g and t and negotiations for a ceasefire. and guys that have now ended in the egyptian capital cairo, the him aust delegation is set to leave the city major differences between israel and hamas remain in hopes of securing a deal or fading. i'm us maintains that it wants a permanent end to the war as part of any deal before releasing any captives being held in gaza. israel's prime minister has firmly rejected that demand a muscles or some of the legit we'll have to for him. while israel showed this
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willingness, a mouse remained entrenched in the 6th stream positions and on top among them onto withdrawal, all forces on the strip. so in the war and leave him austin, tackling the state of israel, cannot accept this. but meanwhile, is really police have rated alison 0 is work space and sees the equipment and occupied east jerusalem. this follows the government's decision to take down to 0 off the air and shut down its operations. in israel, we're covering all these developing stories. tar cowboys. who is in rafa, southern gaza rosalyn jordan is in washington d. c. bernard smith is in ramallah in the occupied west bank. so bernard, what are you learning on your end about the state of the ceasefire negotiations. what certainly we understand is a very sensitive stage. yes, thomas mediators are leaving cairo going away for further negotiations, but they say they'll be back in cairo on tuesday. we know the say i,
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dr. william burns is making an emergency trip to go off of consultations. we've cost as prime minister to try and save these a this current round a cease find negotiations. so there's a hope that the still might be something that can be salvaged from this. but remember, the both sides of retaining the varying trends positions from how much and the system didn't systems on the end to the wall, the withdrawal of israeli forces. and so the palestinian families can return to the homes, particularly in guns of snow israel on off of around 40 days, a safe spot in exchange for $33.00 captives being helped by how much and the release of a large number of palestinians. it is rarely prisons. now israel says even with or without of c spot, it's going to go ahead as well with this operation in rockford. net and you know, consistently constantly insisting on not particularly vocally over the last few
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days. and it's a box plus how much is your existence on this complete c spot? but it's made people very nervous about where, where we go from here. but that still seems to be people clinging onto. they hope it was something much on spine. okay. burn and thank you very much. let's go to rosalind jordan was anything on your end out of washington dc on this there hasn't been any reactions officially from the biden harris administration about israel's decision to shut down l g 0 is operations inside the country. but when the legislation was 1st passed, early in april, the response from the white house at the time was that it would not welcome it. that it believes that journalists should be able to do their work to report freely and without government interference. and that even though israel has the right to do so, because it does not have the 1st amendment,
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which allows it essentially to what police, what news agencies are doing and to stop with their, their operations of israel doesn't like it. the us for it's part of stands behind for us freedom and had said at the time when this legislation was passed, that it would not be a good idea. it would not be a good look for israel to shut down a news operation that was providing vital information to the global community. yeah, the us had expressed concerns about freedom of the press. topic was who now thank you very much. was tara capitalism is in roughly and southern, gaza for us. so target palestinians obviously, are the people who have the most of the stake in these, these fire negotiations that were going on in cairo that have now ended. what are they saying based on what they're hearing in the media and on the reporting, what did they know saying about this? well through it yesterday, there was
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a great deal of optimism regarding moving leaks and media reports talking about the general positive atmosphere of this current round of talks about approaching to cease by agreement that we have on sunday as well. but today you the less interested in the even less optimistic about this because they have clearly see how the is what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to, to the last to leave such a lease that they are. there is ongoing mounting pressure being made by original measures, including the usa in order to get to the 3 phases deals on the ground. but we have been talking to a number of locals on the ground, and that's why they have been saying right now we are in the off. as you can see, the bucket out. all of these people here are eager just to hit an optimistic and use of all the juice. we saw that a few days ago. we're going to go home, go back to the north, guys,
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us trip. but right now we have still nervous getting whole the news from washington, from egypt, from the and again, from cancer and waiting to hear the news from ideas and the is ready to governments . right now we're expecting it to us today or tomorrow. any moments from now, we are just expecting to go home. and then as a human, the thought was that we've been displaced from gaza to off of city. come, we've been sheltering inside a house or situation is better compared to people staying intense. i am optimistic about the ceasefire talks in cairo and hoping things will get better soon god willing so. so that's what the vast majority of palestinians are really expecting. some families started to back their items in order to return back to the houses as palestinians didn't really. are you agree to just hear the announcements of an official seized by agreement? that will definitely bring an end for their suffering on the grounds,
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and even will give them an opportunity to witness every remarkable mitigation of their humanitarian crisis. right. sorry comm, with whom reporting from ross are there in the, at the southern tip of the gaza strip. thank you very much. sorry for that. let's get more on the talks that have wrapped up in egypt with eleanor 0 is hush. and while bar option, you can't go home basically live here at the moment you're following these negotiations have been doing so for months. so ca, director of bill burns is uh i to back into hard traveling back to do. i don't know if his plan has touched down. what do we know about that? he's talking back to doha. and this is quite significant because we were expecting the announcement to be made over the brakes to inquire if there was a going to be a breakthrough in the tools that didn't happen. that didn't happen so far. and then he's here. we do understand that this is going to be a moment where he's going to have
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a friend conversation with the categories about what's next. what i need to do about not this is sandra trying to work out a deal. it could be about the future of the tv itself and katasha involvement as a key mediator. and this conversation is going to be extremely important because todd has made it clear from the beginning of this uh uh, from when they were off to the possible the mid day of the agreement that they have to be a genuine palace broke up. they have to look into, they are supposed to be to look into the demands of both bosses. they'll try to narrow the differences. over the last few weeks, the narrative has shifted into model. there is a deal, how much has to accept of this could be the only thing we're going to offer have us is quite interesting the how much delegation which was in cairo's blank back with
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no indication whatsoever of a breakthrough. i think they all go now to decide which way to go when it comes to that this proposal that has been presented to them by the gibbons . and so the biggest problem with this deal, there are no guarantees attached to it. and as for how much this is not good use. and the biggest concern is that because he's not going to be face blind, the biggest concern is these bodies of assuming that that attacks and moshing that raphael offensive and it so that through the agreement that this explains the great deal of anxiety. so i think these are some of those things that are going to be debated between the categories and built. this is going to definitely shape the outcome of what we're going to see happening between these writers on time as, excuse me, excuse me, important moment. now, what are your expectations on next steps for a mouse?
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so there delegation is leaving cairo. what do you think happens next to will they? will they at some point, go back to cairo. you know, question mark. we have reached a point in the talks where if the conservatives don't get strong reassurance says that things would be done according to the plans that was pretty good. months ago when they managed to secure the deal in november last the end of november. and if they decide to put out that hand us, we'd have no other option but to decide his future festival, the case into another country to they have one proposal that has been presented to them by the egyptians. and that they would have to see whether to take it or to leave it, which is going to be a discussion made between the political bureau and the latest you're based in gaza. is the reason why this is extremely pivots a moment for all the parties,
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because how much do not see if this is just a political deed about to cease by a. they know that the of the guarantees of there is a will. they would have managed to offer some concessions, get some some reassurances, and they can talk about how to move forward from phase one to face to face the best of the biggest concern. the biggest concern for them as we speak is that there are no guarantees whatsoever me that there was continued to be a key player in, in gaza. and the see these riley is along with the americans insisting the times that again, that's how much is going to be over. unless the get reassurance is that they remain intact, or what type of music capability they have, stays intact for them to ensure that they will definitely have a biggest se during the day, off to the deed when the international committee starts talking about the what
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happens next full gaza, it would be extremely difficult to commit themselves to anything that could backfire with them. and you know, ultimately what type of announcement they would have to make. they would have the, i said all the people of does a guns. oh, those suffering through lunch as bombardment, people who are watching tv stations tonight. desperate for any breaking news to was, let's say a break through finally, which is going to give them a sense that a placed life is going to be back to normal in the upcoming days. those things are at stake on this particular moment. and i'm the key players, pretty much concerned about what happens. and i, i think from the people i've been talking to trying to get a sense of which direction this is gonna take us. as there's no indication of a breakthrough in the upcoming dollars model. the model more deep talks about how are we going to set the tone for what happens next, and what kind of guarantees are we going to give to how much the more more listen to you. and i've listened to all your previous reports really for the last few
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months. this does feel like make or break like it certainly could be make or break moment for everyone involved. how can i help our thank you very much. we'll be talking to you again. thanks lasha. israel's military says at least 7 people have been injured in a rocket attack near the current with southern border crossing with garza how much is ongoing says it fired, walk into it and is really army base nearby. the border crossing is now close to a trucks which comes as north in gaza is already experiencing what the world's food program just yesterday called full blown fam. it says the attack is a message that they are still able to hit back. and let's go back to that decision by the israeli government to shut down houses 0 in israel. also is there a has released the following statement. the network condensed and denounced is this criminal act that violates human rights and the basic right to access of information. israel's ongoing suppression of the free press seen as an effort to conceal his actions in the gaza strip,
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stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of during lists, arrests, intimidation, and threats will not deter alpha 0 from its commitment to cover why more than a $140.00 policy and during lists have been killed since the beginning of the war on gaza or on the cell who has more on this decision to ban houses here in israel and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcasts, and blocking is websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel out 0. i just need
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a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is the, the media network condemned the measure, saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns of the network vehemently rejects the allegations presented by his really authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what
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the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important. and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what it called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media and a dark day for democracy. i'm the central jersey to how guy mentor is executive director of plus $97.00 to magazine, which provides independent commentary and news from israel and palestine. sorry, you are joining us some televi. thank you for your time today to your thoughts 1st on this decision by the is really government to shut down. obviously are in israel
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. i think 1st of all it's clearly a criminal under dangerous decision, an attack on free speech and freedom press. um, it's also an attack mostly on these are the citizens because i think the 2 main things that are going to happen alongside the tackling, i'll just do a journalist which are also of course victims of this will be one that while i was just it was will be able to continue reporting around the world. they will not be able to do reporting with them as well. so the voices of these really, society will be hurt less alter 0 because of this that. so this is one harm to these rooms. so i teach the other is uh, making it more difficult to sure. different choices we have very limited access to information coming out of gaza. and yeah, he's great media outlets and i think it's essential for his role is to have other media outlets to go to and check and read and see and view to get information. that
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is not there. is there any sources but big picture? what's this going to change? i mean granted our teams in israel, you know, in tel aviv jerusalem, they can't work. um, so we're still here, we're still going to report the news. the rest of the world can still see us outside of israel. so what's the point? i think the 2 points one is to make it more difficult, but he's ready to see which thing is more important for, for the government than um for the rest of the world sees the other is basically serving the base. we have this issue that nothing, you know, and these party in the fall, right. i have been failing. ms. ward. this is in fact i'm not even talking about the massacre. tens of thousands of kind of simians be i think i'm doing the disruption all of that. um, but even for me to truly perspective, after 7 months, people are saying the hostages,
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most of them aren't that many of them are dying. it doesn't seem like there's a victory intend. so doing something like this is a way to appease the base to say, look, we're doing something to fight our enemies. and let's spend all our seniors on under 0 for just like we would on the students. and us campuses to see them at some point reversing this decision. because interestingly, the law, the way the law i structured um this decision is applicable for $45.00 days. but then they would have to renew it if they want to keep banning als as you were from israel in a month and a half. yes. and, and it just subjects to records the provisions will be very interesting. just see what happens when you go to the courts. i'm not putting a lot of faith in that process. i don't see them reversing this measure in the near future. unless this is some sort of uh, apply which in negotiations and what the government may think is to the pressure of
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the contrary government um end of the conversations for the release of hostages. if that's the case, maybe they will reverse that as part of the deal for ceasefire. but um, i have to say, i'm very pessimistic about the degree to which these, when a government is interested in such a deal. and therefore, i'm also not very optimistic about traversing this. okay, had gotten a tar executive director of plus $97.00 to magazine. thank you very much for your time today. give protests against israel's war on gaza or continuing on university campuses across the us. even as graduation season begins, students at the university of california in irvine or demanding the university divest from companies with ties to israel and from weapons. manufacturers. talks between the universities, chancellor and the students are ongoing houses are still available, joins us from the university of california, irvine. it's, i'm looking at the scene behind you, i see the encampment. i see the tents are still there. so clearly this movement is
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still happening. what, what are you learning today and, and what's your feel on where this is headed? well, hey, i say, well, it's very calm, it's very peaceful. they are an actor, talks with the university, and there's no sense that anything is going to get out out of hand here. they're not expecting any violence, but i'll tell you more about you see, i want to just a 2nd cuz i want to tell you about developing situation here. or what meant developed in the last few hours about an hour north, a los angeles at the university of southern california usa. now this is a site that is actually be quite difficult to cover as a drug list because this is a private site and they do not want media anywhere near it. so a lot of information has been given to the media by the street and showed list who were inside the methyl has a 1st person perspective. now this means a number of and comments that this was actually the 2nd incumbent that was clear. the 1st one was clear last month and more than 90 people were arrested. they came back on the sides. they set up another and comments about a week ago,
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and the university said, you've got to go this morning at around 4 o'clock local time. the police moved and they were about 50 police offices from the los angeles police departments. dressed in right. right there. they moved and they said to the protests that you have to leave, or you will be arrested. those protests as old left voluntarily noticed that were arrested. i think most processes realize that that particular incumbents had reached, if not to a conclusion, for the time being. so the come was cleared within a couple of hours. we understand that a huge 6 foot bull has now been erected all around that paul, to stop any more precise is getting going on that side. i'm building up. i know the right company, but we've seen a number of processes here in california. also in los angeles at occidental college says a, i protest for the north and go and sacramento, universe state university. we understand that there's a protest in san francisco, there's a protest. i also, and many other universities. so i would say lots,
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what haven't you see? i find at least things of very com, okay, everything you're telling us also speaks to just how much and how far these protests have spread since they began on the other side of the country on the campus of columbia. on april 17th, alpha 0 is phil laval at u. c. irvine. thank you very much. i as students and countless protesting against the one gaza, had been cleared by the police at the university of texas at austin, but student protestors. and now joining forces with trade unions to hold a may day protest in solidarity with palestinians. they are calling for all unions to condemn israel and protesting. and they're also protesting against the use of us made weapons. it is real well she, every time she is on campus at the university of texas at austin again, i'm always looking at the scene behind you. you know, for all our correspondence on these campuses to see what it looks like. all right, bring us up to speed on, on what's happening there. now. it's another very healthy. you tied up
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several 100 people here at this phrase as on the chart. it would have had them from the raw, the perplexing shows, a force we saw over the last week from security forces you described the way peaceful protest is in full with a tree. and move it forget, i've told you one of the furthest organizers with this album and this has a particular female. and so this book to this demonstration that this unity, the solidarity between student faculty and workers on unions to coincide with, may they tell us more about there's linkage, right? absolutely. so, you know palestinian students and students and faculty and staff with the university of texas at austin here recognize that, you know, we support palestine in the support palestinian trade unions and the call that they're putting out that's, you know, to refuse to build any weapons that are being sent to israel, the software transportation, the pass, trade union, you know, legislation side effects. and then we also understand that collectively we make up the university here at the university of texas at austin. this university would not
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run without a student, workers, it's faculty, staff, cafeteria workers, janitorial, staff. we together have the power collectively to change what the university does and redirect where this money is going. we're telling the university once and for all and again and again, we will not, and we will no longer deal in the blood of palestinians, and i'll say it again. we will no longer deal in the book of the house. meanwhile, we can see around this. there all these from the members of the security forces isn't clear when why they would have been given how it doesn't seem to be any provocation last time around. are you still concerned about that? i am not concerned, but i will say this. the university, especially our administration and the governor who's actually just across the street over there in that big ivory tower of his, the texas capital, has made it clear that they're working together, including together, especially j hartsell, who in tech sweep through you know, the texas, the daily tech, some here you t, austin, the student publications show that he actually asked for dps forces to be deployed against students, the texas senators and the texas capital saying we need these people to come here
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and stop these protests. we don't want another columbia. they don't want students to use our voice. what's happening across the us, whether it's columbia u t, u c l a. stanford is that the university is on its back, but they recognize that the students that these universities have a voice and a say that matters. and students collectively are building power across the us just as we're doing here. and you'd see why do you think authorities, in fact, the 2nd set also concerned about we'll talk about is around what's the going to do with what? why the absolutely. so i'll say that our university here in texas actually profit to the tune of up to you know, up to $3000000.00 from israel, given gifts to the university for our continued support. whether that be through buying stocks and bonds under the umbrella, we tempo, which is the company or the big umbrella that the u. t. a and i'm system actually invest in. so that includes companies like raphael and boeing, lockheed martin, the biggest arms producers around the world. that we're giving money to, that's money from student tuition, from endowments. this coming directly from palestinian students pockets here at
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this university to kill their families or to arrest their families, our monitor, their families in palestine. and instead of listening to the demands of students and palestinian voices, especially the university is actively threatening and suppressing students with violence of police violence on our very on campus. i don't thank you but very, very much, you know, it's or another one of those interviews that we've done with, with, with members of the, of the, of the student protesting body. and then you compared to the sort of things where you here from politicians in washington job, i've moved the white house elsewhere. are these you're rational for? are you got more well reason from bots in some ways and yet, and you have a power control was and one of the most problems in the mass media sent me here the us 500 times the thank you very much. that's the site there at the university of texas at austin. thanks. i is still a head on elsa 0. tony chang in east and me and my websites is in the middle of truth struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade high was
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that it is a data. remember, for this indian all around are in the po, will have that action on the way sports with peter stems the there, thanks for spending time with us. so let's go with your weather update. this one will focus on the middle east and africa. so what, whether dropping down from iraq freight into kuwait, well actually adding some wins here as well. so sand, industrial, and seem likely around coate with the potential for some jolts and bolts here as well. could get your temperature up to about 40 degrees. let's go to central asia right now where we had seen somewhat weather that's mostly scooted out of the picture is still for the eastern side of these countries though. a warm breeze
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blowing through the documented stein, so ask about is up to 35 degrees on monday 30. it looks like this. set what weather and now really mostly around southern and eastern portions of the country. but there is more of that rain for northern and eastern draughts, places like some of the money i could see 2 months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours. so certainly that could trigger some flooding to africa. we go, it's a sandy and that's the wind blowing through the share. also the potential to see some sounding dust storms here over the next 24 hours and still up and down the coast of tens. in the end, for most of kenya, we've got whether alerts in play for intense rain here. that's leftovers of that tropical cycle. and that made line fall just a few days ago. and in the south. it's hot for this time of year from durban, great through to the socket. temperature is $3.00 to $5.00 degrees above average. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british
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government? for such a long time on hub voices, tick tock has been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era to understand the world. we must experience life through not designs, discover the stories forgotten. we spent a note in the past due to the voices drowned out by the stove and read the witness documentary. we done veiled the truth and changed it to 0 of the
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meal. from 0 reminder of our headlines, the latest round of negotiations for a ceasefire and gaza have now ended in the egyptian capital cairo. a mouse as it is keen for an agreement, but it's really meters say a deal is far from being concluded and ca direct a bill burns has arrived in doha. we're learning for emergency talks. israel has closed the car and we sell them crossing it is one of the 2 major crossings used to bring in a humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. is really military says at least $74.00 injured in a rocket attack nearby and lost his arm during the summer. gates have claimed responsibility for that attack and is really police have rated balances here as workspace isn't occupied. east jerusalem seizing equipment that comes out to israel,
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decided to shut down the networks operation of the country, which is 0. it has condemned to move and says it will pursue all available legal channels in response to a lot of developing stories today. i'm sure you're a senior political analyst more one big. shara joins us in the studio. so we're, we're looking at the cease fire talks. we're looking at the shut down of houses here in israel and also always what's happening inside the gaza strip. where do you want to start? what, let's not make it about us. let's make that about the actual story. let's start with the cc. as there are yesterday, the needle was pointing towards progress. i mean, there was a moment if i'm completely honest, where we thought maybe break through in the next few hours. maybe we're going to get a deal. then to tony started this hour and 24 hours on we seem as far apart now, right. between homeless and is realize we've ever been you know, if you ask a diplomatic historian about any particular negotiations that is
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worthy of a study. he or she would tell you that there's exactly what happens the tapes up, it goes off and it goes in cycles and then it circles. and then it's almost sounds like it's going to implode and then it gets back again on track. i'm sorry. this is the nature of the beast. we should expect that and we cannot be as moody as any organizations. having said that, if we are able to you and i, and best of our viewers, to sort of, um this, to the chaos block, the noise paid off the b s. and just look at the heart of the matter. what is the problem today? where is the actual disagreement? that would surprise you? i was surprised. oh, what of yours around the world? think about it. the main problem is the 3 parties,
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meaning how much as the united states agree to cease fire, but it's basically and it's metric part about it. so he's fine, but there would be no return to a war. busy in does the united states and how much on an agreement to end the war? yes, yeah. beneficial. how government isn't i mean, how bizarre does that, how pet adoption goes back us. but the united states is there as main back for the past, so many decades. so many months and so many weeks of a war unconditional, the united states have provided $40000000000.00 plus $19000000000.00. just the last several months, right? i mean years, they're not good states that continues to protect as well in every single international florida. basically united so this by the session once on dental and
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is ready to give its words by then and read this, give his word to mediators, hands behind us. but the officers will guarantee that they wouldn't be in order to turn to war. whether the now says, i'm going to go into effect on what may i agree much with more agreement by doing the stuff. again, i'm saying look, i would take care of how my says this is really great. but can we actually take your word for that? i mean, what's gonna happen next? that would be elections of the united states. the guarantees that they say they want from the way one can be. so i think that's where the impasse is that what sort of getting these kind of united states provide. the mediators that has to have us for how much to agree to an exchange of doctors and prisoners do whatever the calendar for is really partial withdrawal. and how many days of the 1st phase and the 2nd, all of that i think is more or less worked out. the real assets is do stuff the
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what are you doing something? yeah, it'd be by going to a session says yes, we need to stop the war. how much says we must stop the war? no more. and visions and killings and go. so if analysis on no, no, no, no. we are continuing with the war and we're going to go all the way to the end. yeah, we'll do this regardless. yeah. okay. the houses are shut down in israel and so in many ways it feels like we've been heading towards this because high ranking is really officials mentioned this from the get go when this war began, then they passed the war last month. so, you know, we were on it, we were thinking this could happen any day. and today the government decides to shut it down. i'm not even really sure what the, what the question is here. but what, why, what for what good does it do? do it for it is or nothing. yeah, it's very important. first of all, i think it starts with a certain type of guns that breathes normally for dishes. you see i can do anything . i can cause people, i can destroy houses. i can distort hospitals. i can invade,
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i can bomb different capitals, like i'm bomb, damascus. i can attack live and on. i can do whatever the hell i want and i always get out way with it. and this gets a nuisance. scroll down to 0. that keeps reporting about my war crimes and about my war and guys, i know about my violence in the west bank. i might have accessions 0 some, some sort of this dumped close by or, and there's also, there's this bit, the part of the is where the government not to be done as a whole sides of it. the claims all kinds of righteousness and democracy, the only democracy in the middle east. and we'll find that to make its businesses to close. the 1 may network that broadcast stuff on the 2 middle east in general. but is there any particular activated, scott? there's around the world more than any of our trend of in the world about what's going on is i thought, so for me, this is definitely a step that maureen's weakness, weakness. uh, vulnerability. it's a, it's a, it's a time when you can. so you,
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that is the end is feeling the pressure by its friends in seconds, out of capitals and stuff. and european capitals has been 2nd in the united states . it's millionaires, friends, it's been for the one to friends. it's head for states, a say we back you, but our people keep watching this channel and the images are kind of disturbing and we're looking beds. once you, you close the dancing, right? trotted down enough with this, right? so it's actually a moment of weakness for many years. nothing. yeah. whole and his predecessors kept up just the open because the confidence no matter what the, what size somebody or what, just that reports. we can stand our, our, our, our position. we can then stay all our patient in our righteousness and so on, so forth. but today, after 6 months of work, crimes the country, the government, i should say, that is indicted for
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a pool. how about genocide and there's one there. well, we, i thought dra 0, we should be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by a government that stands indicted for general side at the international court of justice. now i'm sure i was, you were a senior political editor. thank you very much. i. as the in other world news, we're going to turn depending on our poles, have opened for their countries. presidential election. 8 candidates are in the race with the right wing, all physician leader jose. and i wouldn't really know seen as the front runner by many polls. the vote comes against the backdrop of social discontent. economic slow down in drought. well else's ears, i listen to ramp yet the joins us from panama city. how are things shaping up there? what has been, let me rephrase that question. what have been the main issues in this campaign?
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well, so far everything is going according to what the expectation was. people are flocking to all lane stations across the country. this is a country where a lot of people do vote 75 to 80 percent on average in every election. and this is an election that is seen as crucial by many put in the menus because of the things you were saying at a time in which there has been a high cost of living site inflation, high unemployment and the feeling that the economy has been slowing down now the current government has some space that almost unprecedented protest in both 2022 and 2 to 2023 protests. there's managed to stop the biggest threat mine in the country that represented 5 per same to up to g p. a, panama, and all this is happening in the middle of political drama,
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and that's because that the front runner and that race was a former president for the patient who is very popular here to kind of go, might see natalie, but who was found back in march from running after she was sentence, do more than 10 years in prison for money laundering. corruption is another big issue up here who is now 1st in the falls as his running mate. who's that? i mean, all who is continues essentially to be in the, in the 1st place because he represents my team and i was under and now that you've laid out the, the, the issues that have driven this campaign. i mean, i see it's driving, there's lots of activity at the polling station that you're in. how is building going so far? sorry, how bolting is going so far? yes. we understand that a lot of people is coming out to the polls according to if you talk to people,
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a lot of them that will tell you that to and they arrived here sale on the side of on how to go to that's because even if there is a clear front runner, according to the majority of the whole family, not 25 percent, roughly of the people we're still on the side of the day before the elections and a lot of people we've spoken to and told us that they were arriving to the policy and essentially, besides being there, there is a great time, tight mainstream sentiments here, but people feel that the candidates that they can choose from are pretty much similar and the way they would conduct the government and that they don't see anybody that could represent a real change in that country, so while movie, you know, as a clearly in 1st place so that people. busy are saying, don't trust the poles too much. there could be a surprise that another of the candidates is another form or uh, frankly, then i am totally who was that?
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who also is remember tier by many people as a successful precedent. so we're going to have to see how things evolved in, in the coming hours. i sent a run pnc reporting from panama city. thank you very much. still ahead on elsa 0. byron liber cruising still haven't lost yet. deceased, and that's coming up next year. sport. the why have american evangelicals become is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the
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part of this plan for support with you to senate who joined us in the studio. so thank you so much. that will hold slimmest hopes of winning the premium. the remain alive of to a full, to win of the top, the multiple. and you can drop 2nd last game it and field. it started. well, for the rates, when mohammed fella had been the lead off, the 15 minute sandy, robertson and cody get schooled either side of health side to make a 3 meals. at that stage tough them was staring at a fix. frankly, the fees and it got worse for and plus the confidence main. all the idiots with the pick of the goal, setting him up for a long range be smooth
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as it tends to come back. the result of a sudden and so on. you mean both schooling late on, but it was 2 days before that as the school and the chose to wrap up both places. they last one, the brighten shell, pay the misuse penalty, but he was able to rebound such as some sort of station a. so a village ends the scene, gainesville, chelsea, you have moved about manchester united into savings off the threshing west ham. 5 no. cold palmer opened the scoring and the 15 minutes with these 21st lead goal of the season. they were 3 and a half time fellow england international, kona gallagher, adding the 2nd phone and no name by the way, kate, with a so nicholas subjects and main school twice in the 2nd house to complete the result in victory. they've now lost just one of the last 12 matches,
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but united can go back above them. if they avoid the fees against crystal palace on monday, to buy labor crews and keep marching gone and they still have not lost the season expending there on bees. and runs of 48 games with the convincing 51 victory against frankfort. and they did it without manager chubby alonso who, assuming a one match, touched on suspension. he started looking to become the 1st team in the city, the history to go an entire season on beach. and then i'll just to james away from doing it. granted. shuck up with the opening goals and then phone backs. jeremy, spring home school is the 13th of the season in this crushing victory. let me go home and i'll pull the mouse and be in the way. he has to be honest. i haven't. i have one if it was dutch lead targeting 6, use a 2 games to space. they need to adjust the points on sundays,
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match against sponsor, or also them picked up. all 3, with a full 2 wins to continue the dominant season, which assess all seem to lose just one match school in $107.00 and conceding 19 along the way. it's the clubs 25th domestically title, and the 1st major crowns the coach came to bush. it took the charge at the start of the season. now may, so you had a wrinkled facing night for inter miami and the amount is the school to go and add 5 assess riddles 6 to it's the 1st time the player in the league has have 6 go contributions. it was a hectic for the be suarez and yes, it will cost school twice. missy and florida is now have a leading 10 goals each. when explains miami's and beacon $1.00 to $6.00 matches and keeps on top of the eastern conference. so in general, around the rubin drugs, they just put in a performance to remembers the chin. i super king's defeated, the bunch of things by 28 runs in the ip po,
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basking 1st channel. i posted 167 to 9, and they twins. yeah, it is just a job that its top score with 43 from 26 pools and then with folding and he was the pick of the boat is its any figures are free. the 20 s tons of the socials on 139 to 9 origin. tina's main have won the rugby 7. this title for the 1st time, they aged over the line. at the last regular season, events in single fighting from 10 points down to beat south africa and the face failed. origin see the who 13 even. so during the season, finished 2 points, the head of island being 2nd place. with that being said, it looks like needs even will be the nation to be to the parents and the big 7 competition in a few months time. they competed back to back. that was a single with both a men's and women's teams. taking the trophies that's off the they did the same thing last month and home phone. you see these women business failure to find the claim besides brooks kept because of the scope of the when full titles on the live
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to the american one, the latest 2 and a 1000000 single by 2 shots to claim the full $1000000.00 1st prize. it, it's a decent home, is the prepays to defend his p j championship type. later this month, we're here. we aiming for major number 6. mexican super stuck and i love of aids remains on the speak to the super middle weight champion. it'd be competitive. jaime moved, yeah, by a unanimous points decision to retain. he's titles the las vegas. it was india who age the already rose, but moments have shifted in the full kind of a landing or writes up a cap to flow monday. a from a kind of dominated to help them get through the feet of these korea 33 year old alvarez explains wrinkled to 61 winds tools. and i think my time and i don't want them a nice day. so i did what i supposed to do to women and, and you don't want the song fighter, you need to be careful with that or defending in be
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a champions. the denver nuggets of last game, one of the wisdom conference play of semi final series, against the ministration symbols to time in vp nicoleyechuck, which meant 52 points to the home side. but he was shown by anthony edwards made a brilliant lock here. and the temples to sort of bondage racing down the other end of the quote. the school wasn't just these defensive pay that in price this it would stop school. the 43 points a career high for him in the post season and associates taking this 110699. and then the n h l, the boston bruins, scrolling over time to beat the toronto maple leads to one. so when game 7 and things they 1st from say, a series, boston will face the floor, the pencil in round to some of the world spots the sprints is, are in the bahamas, qualify for the olympic relay events will then and then pick champions finicky bowl and the lyles healthy teams will face spots both of the netherlands and the full by 400 meter mixed and lisles, and giving us
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a to team state tickets for the full by 100 meter means we like, you know, so the teams made it to paris with 2 most spots to be awarded like to and to throw at the 150 of the kentucky derby for the 1st time in 76 years there was a 3 holes photo finish. mystic dan and junky. bryan jimenez junior, just aging out sierra leone by a nurse with forever young coming in stood. it took several minutes for students to review. the results indicated the official window with mystic. then taking the 1st advancing host, racing same as the triple crown series. well, that's what we're supposed to use for the time being. i'll be here again in a couple of hours with another update 0. all right, peter, thank you very much. we look forward to that. that's peter stomach at china as president choosing thing has arrived in france. the rear visits with president amended and they are set to discuss trade and made the growing tension between europe and china. over an imbalance between china is exports and european imports. back home with also pushed the chinese president to use his influence on russia
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over the war and ukraine. as in man, more the battle for the board of town as me, a waddy has raged for the past 3 weeks. riddles and the governing military john to are fighting for control of that area. near thailand, the rebels have gained significant ground in the east, including critical border areas in kind states. one of them in moore is most important. trade links with thailand, fighters and popular defense groups have also launched major operations in the north and west. taking control of large parts of rock kind and sham states and disrupting a t trade route for china. the resistance now controls more than half of me and more. the dentist forces are stretched in each week, troops a band and more outposts and retreats into the central region where fighting is nearing. now the capital houses here is tony chang, traveled to the front lines in kind states where he met one of the level commanders and the 1st of for special reports. it tells us more from outside demand,
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more embassy in bangkok. the bank also me, well the has now raged for nearly a month. the town on the boat at between thailand, a man is incredibly important. strategically. a $1000000000.00 worth of trade goes across every year. a month ago it fell to the korean s, and they call me then just a week ago, it seems that me, i most military re gain control a certain specific strategic points inside the town who controls the area, the countryside, all around. eldest eric gains exclusive access, and this is our post. fight is from the pro democracy people's defense posts take defensive positions. this is the main road between the type, bold and young going man, most commercial hub, the town level by bones from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone. the cattle ran
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freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the agent highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed as of but it's still not completely under control. the pro democracy forces and they reply to just in the yeah, so they've been very careful about exposing themselves in the bathroom along the asian highway has been this leaf columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder most have been still say the fight has some did slip through had a constant threat from the yeah. that even the heaviest weapons can do little to with him. the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is grace is concerned, isn't the military genta. but unity and within the opposition i know about we are not afraid of the weapons. we fear are the one thing you're talking about,
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hillary or stripes and not to the vision. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united and on the move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf site is on the korean come on, travel freely through the countryside. looking tracts turned into the supply chain, highways hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed it. oh yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we are meant to the capacity of sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died for nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds. lie like a lot with this monks chump pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for
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a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma. it will occur in ethnic ami and the pro democracy forces have very good control of the country side, and they are pushing hard to get the town of me while the back, but they have to do it soon. the monsoon season is on the way the reins will start in a couple of weeks time and that's the time traditionally fighting and me and my slow . so a crow and in the 2nd of our special reports from inside, man or tony chang will examine the impacted fighting has had on civilians as millions across the country are forced from their homes. that will be on monday here on alice's 0. all right, that's it. from the 0, then you today my colleague, this does it pay will be with you in just a short break and then use continues at the very top of the
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calling attention to any quality. pollution meant extra disease. ok, and county is low income communities site. one brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one past one day, an organizer, and the rep or tell all for these people for the begun. so for me, it's in buffalo and it has been put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to the 1st when they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. russia is a fairly challenging place to work from. as a journalist, even though you're saying you can't do it, it's not allowed to, you're still pushing the always pushing a boundaries for we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. you will cekada a duty and a grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases sustenance costs on red chris
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the, the talks for our goal is to cease fire rock boston. kyra nice says it's keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end the world. the color that run this donkey attain. this is alger 0 at life and also coming. israel's military says it's closing the car and lovely solid and border crossing off to a real cause attack nearby. and it's one of the 2 main land crossings to bring humanitarian aid. and to con.


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