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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. caught on red chris the talks for our goal is to cease fire rock boston. kyra nice says it's keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end the world. the color that run this donkey attain. this is alger 0 at life and also coming. israel's military says it's closing the car and love with solid and border crossing of to a real cause attached nearby. and it's one of the 2 main land crossings to bring him out of the hearing. aids and please rate out of here is premises and occupied
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is through some of the benjamin s and yahoos government shutdown operations. in israel condominiums, choose a new president from a crowded field of candidates against a backdrop of economic and social the whole negotiations. first is fund and also has ended in egypt, sin, capital, cairo, but major disagreements between israel and her last remain. c, i a direct to william buttons who was attending those talks is now in the hall for an emergency meeting. with katherine mediators from us, maintains at once a permanent enter, the was part of any deal before releasing captives being held in garza as well as prime minister has family reject it stopped long. the muscles are mostly legit him . while israel showed this willingness a most remained entrenched in ethics, stream positions and on top of bung them onto withdrawal or forces on the strip
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that's sort of in the wall and leave him austin, tackling the state of israel, cannot accept this, but we are not willing to accept a situation in which from us battalions leave the tunnels, re establish control over this strep, rebuild the ministry industries, and go back to tracing the citizens of israel in the communities near the cause of the cities of the south and throughout the country. in such a case, the next october 7th would only be a matter of time. oh, issuing a statement of this round distaste, fine negotiations announced as refund. what it says is a positive and responsible approach, keenness and determination to reach an agreement that ends the will completely. and the cheese a complete as rarely withdrawal from the gaza strip. or we have multiple correspondence covering this in a moment, rather than jordan will have places for us from washington dc. we've talked about his name, he's on the ground for us, and rasa and southern gaza. the 1st that speak to bonus, matthews in ramallah, in the occupied westbank,
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bounded off to all these rounds of towards the positions of the policies still seemed very far upon breaking down for us as well. yeah. the we're in this style made because both parties are in these entrenched positions, positions that have prevented previous these 5 talks, i'm getting off the ground. thomas remains to insist on a complete end to the fighting and gauze. a complete sense of the. busy and the withdrawal of israeli forces, so that palestinians, particularly those on know the north of cause that can return to the homes. israel says no, we're not going to do that. we're going to give you perhaps as much as a 40 day sci fi initially. and release a large number of palestinians, how that these riley prisons in return for 33 also is really captives. it's been very difficult despite 2 days of intense talks in cairo to bridge those gaps. plus we have israel's repeated insistence,
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particularly vocally and increasingly so from benjamin that you know, that whatever happens, that's still going to be an operation in rockford. because israel has not achieved its objectives in rafa. which netanyahu says is to destroy thomas. and his leadership and preventive from being a threat to israel high. my says it is still open, but believes is riley's deliberately trying not to agree to a deals with us. why are we out now? i'm the see i, director general has made the emergency dash to cancer all the following that visit very closely about an smith in ramallah that for us in the occupied west bank. thanks, bennett. well that speak to rosalind jordan. she's in the us capital roles. these talks out of 10, somebody between israel and her last, but obviously the us as a, is a critical key plan here. do we have a sense of washington's position right now? and he's to, as well before the weekend negotiations in cairo, us officials had been saying that they believed that they were getting close to
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a deal between israel and homos. the u. s. is one of the intermediaries along with cut her and egypt. in these negotiations, they said that nothing would definitive would come out of weekend talk that it would take a little more time in order to get to that point, we do have confirmation from al jazeera english, that the c i, a director william burns, is now in doha, ostensibly to meet with before a minister mohammed of the amount of money to talk about how to keep these negotiations on track. how to get is really her most to agree to a temporary cease fire that could involve the swapping of the captives and of prisoners held in his rarely jail, as well as to try to improve the delivery of humanitarian aid into gauze. there's been no official read out from us officials. it is sunday here in the united states,
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but there was this expectation going in so that we can talk that things were making some progress. and there was indeed problem. jordan that there for us in washington dc. thank you, rose. well, let's now find out what's happening on the grounds and bring into are a couple is there and he's in southern garza target when you and i spoke last night, we were talking about how hopeful people, why that, that there might be some kind of a breakthrough how would people receiving today's news? well, the main focus right now, just as it for the vast majority of cause arms and rough on separate areas in the territory is to watch the news. and for the all the latest developments regarding the pro, assess and the progress of the negotiations for ceasefire agreement. when i'm on sunday is by yesterday, people were completely up to mastic, about the positive utmost fee of the negotiations box with the leaks inside that media reports talking about that there is us to most sticking points between post potts regarding this proposal that can be shaped by the head of the egyptian
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intelligence people, this taught it to be less optimistic. but these to have the glimmer of hope to hear the announcements of the ceasefire agreement is specifically in light of the mountain sink, american pressure and pull spots to accept the deal that has been proved to the tape lillia. today we have, we spoke speaking to a non post palestinians. this what they have been said right now we are in that off. as you can see, the bucket goes all of these people here to are eager just to hit an optimistic news about the choose result that's a few days ago. we're going to go home, go back to the north guys, us trip. but right now, we have still nervous, getting ahold of news from washington, from egypt, from the indian from color and waiting to hear the news from ideas and the is there any government right now we're expecting a to us today or tomorrow. any moments from now? we are just expecting to go home and then as a human,
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the thought was that we've been displaced from garza to office city. come, we've been sheltering inside a house or situation is better compared to people staying intense. i am optimistic about the cease fire talks in cairo and hoping things will get better soon. god willing well, despite old beast, diplomatic as it still now being made, pop, palestinians have me and the fee is regarding the collapse of these around of negotiations because of the ongoing isabel owners and the moms. and if they are only looking for a temper, oppose, and the late that they can continue the military offensive when the gaza strip, which has been widely rejected by the is let me move these on the close of how much spot to. now people have still have this is glenda of hope, despite the continuation of the bombardment and raging attacks on multiple areas across this type despite and also they have been looking for with the day that they
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can hear that announcements on order to return back to the houses that they have been displaced from in other parts of the gaza strip. couple as they're not corresponding on the ground that telling us how people are feeling right now in the southern goals, district. thank to tarik israel's military, me and ross has a b. 7 people have been injured and a real cause attacked me of the time of we saw him border crossing with casa, i'm off, as i'm doing, says it fine. hey, rog, it's adam is really on the base nearby. that border crossing is now closed to a truck which comes as northern gauze is already experiencing full blown fountain from us as the attack isn't message that they are still able to hit back on speaking just a few hours ago. a prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterated the no amount of pressure will detect israel from the skulls. today, we again confront enemies bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world,
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no amount of pressure. no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joined states by pleasure today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembered stay. if his role is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone. a hold of him all now without his ears hushed and while bar, he's been following these folds very touristy for us. how some israel is insisting it will proceed with its ground. invasion of rafa. i'm also saying they need a permanent si, fi and the withdrawal of truth and both sides. obviously, they knew each other for, for the failure of talk so far. but i have had that that could be a resumption in cairo as early as tuesday where we actually at right now this will depend on what happens in the meetings between the c, i a chief, the bands and the consolidate officials, particularly prime minister. and so far enough as you have a whole lot of thought,
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man, i'm funny. now, over the last 48 hours, we've seen statements from all the policies about that expectations, the frustrations of the same time. you know, with the capacity of saying that in case they how they are going to reassess the role. and if it comes to putting out funds, indigo. sions, they would have to ask how much to to leave. and that, that on his own is going to de la massey of low to any attempt to bring together a settlement. now until yesterday, the consensus was basically, there's going to be a breakfast, going to be in cairo as we're going through the announcement. the reason is that how much is not willing to commit itself to something that does not state so that there's going to be the guarantees policies by this is going to be a phase blast and they don't get any guarantees that these writers might come back off the face to uninstalled off and this is why the americans,
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i hate to night in the house. i think the authors would have a frank conversation about them and about the need to put together something the same time. and so the needs of, of it all, the parties put together a settlement that because we can go conducive to a comprehensive supplement for outside of the stuff that their reputation as a piece. because over the last 3 decades is at stake. best buy, and this is why they've been frustrated over the last few weeks with all those statements, attacking them, attacking, and accusing that will be involved with him us. well, i'm also said that they wanted us guarantees, right? that israel would adhere to a cease by and that also assumes a huge amount of leverage for washington to, to have, or the israel. now obviously bill bands is here in the hall. i'm wondering, given the level of urgency around this meeting. do you actually we got that as a good sign and hey, is here,
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but we're not getting any sense of any breakthrough by the way, because it's all about it. every single statement is used by how much over the last 48 hours is very interesting. it says that each time they were talking about wedding and we said we are going to give the go ahead for any deal. however, we are expecting of the same time, the genuine seas by a loss for some time. and we're not getting any indication of this is going to happen. number 2, they say that they accuse the americans for putting no pressure on the is riley, is to ensure that this is going to hold. you know, the biggest problem for how much of this particular moment is the future of the fear that if they go with a deal, these writers can storm rough or undermine the minutes or capabilities. and that's available as a movement is going to be at stake. and this explains why they're not going to move themselves to the deal unless they get to assure us is the, do we hold bottle for how much space as a key element goes? this is extremely important for them. a mustang is it is a key element in gaza,
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but you just alluded to the idea that the mouse may not have political offices anymore in doha. if something pops of these talks for the pos and, and catch all the needs itself is mediator. i've seen just in the last few hours castle has said that it is very committed to its role there where the dynamics on that right now. now if, if, if there is no significant progress and the thought is this site to put on just the radically speaking, then how much we'd have to think about relocating the options that we have by the way of thinking about the basis tookie, iran, and 11 and that's the only place that they can go. does that method wants to see that happen? i don't think so. obviously phase why? because it's device heading though. how? because the do understand that if it's outside of the site to put out what's the reassess doubled as keep the data is going to bring of the whole thing into square
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one. and when you go back to square one, the dynamics shift dramatically on. sometimes you may even, this could be the last chance of a genuine assessments which would have most of these writers. and this is why the americans are also very skeptical. but i have to say all the parties are frustrated because we don't see and insights with this whole thing. that's an incredibly critical juncture, right? national guard, thank you for sharing your insights with us on the lesson is really cable providers have now taken out a 0 all fit inside the country and the government's communication. minnesota says the website is also now blocked. that's off to as well as well. cabinet ordered the network to show us operations was, is there a, has condemned to the move and says it pulled the c o legal channels and response. i'm just, i'm her husband and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order,
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which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel out 0. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure, sang in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests,
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intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really, authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network work quote, to concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which bird these really government to reverse? what did called a harmful step, adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central
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jersey them all still had here on the island, is there a heavy rains and the southern brazil leave tens of thousands without drinking water or electricity? the, the, now the reasonable and sudden showing that really pushed up into a good part of central eastern europe is being pushed back again because these codes are cloud, which effect and from the atlantic areas of low pressure, that means usually wind cloud and right. and this is not exceptions exactly what it means, the head raise. it is heavy as property through from running through switzerland, into germany, in the new countries. and if you see an orange center that's heavier looking right and it costs it to spread up to the baltic states as cody shack coming down through, you know, our degree co, just
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a few degrees cold. vienna shows what happens. and this reading comes through 25 times a 17 in a couple of days, a breezy. i have a cost and robert with weather. but the goal is does hang on and remain here and agrees as examples and ball gary disappears briefly initially goes to sharon's appear, but it comes back in spending books go coded was $28.00 as you go up towards the 13 mark again, of course the cheryl was introduced you now jerry, that you saw coming in that would only be brief. i think it's still a windy picture and a good process to have and to the north in sahara. so chap, newsletter full of dust, but the shars which are seasonal and come a long way north this time you have finally have made it up into central. even those not you is something new share and back through. for example, the offer you coax, welcome but heavy in the cities with sand when he's one of the world's most expensive timbers in the black box and try his destination for one on one asian investigates the fight to capture
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indians. sandlewood king on out 0, examination being proactive. today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire barnowski sierra the automatically watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories this hour. the latest round of negotiations 1st, the spot and goals i have now ended in egypt and capital kyra says it's keen for an agreement, but is really to say a deal is far from being contingent. meanwhile,
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is where it has closed the car, and we solemn costing one of 2 major crossings. used to bring aid into casa, he's really minutes. he says at least 7 people were injured in iraq is attacked nearby and lost his own during the customer. gates has claimed responsibility and his way the police have rated alger 0 is workspace is and occupied. easterwood seizing equipment. that's of the israel decided to shut down and that type of races and country houses here has condemned to the move and says it will cost you all available legal channels in response while that's not bringing. i'm a shakira. he's the israel and palestine director of human rights watch. he joins us now from mon. i'm all stopped by us. can you feel reaction to israel's decision? today's perhaps not comes a great surprise. a look. i mean, the signs have been out there for a number of weeks now, but this doesn't make his decision any less concerning all does he get us a critical source of information about developments and israel, palestine,
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it has been for decades. this isn't a salt on the freedom of the press, instead of covering up it's atrocities these rarely governments should stop committing them. this is not only uh, you know what they anders move because of the value of all to zeros reporting. but it really sends a harrowing message to other journalists, um the law that this was based on could be used to mazel, other wording about human rights abuses. and is there a palestine? so it's a very dangerous precedent. it's incumbent upon the international community to put pressure on the israeli government to overturn the band and to respect the freedom of the process. so not this decision right now doesn't stop our operations in gaza and the occupied westbank was still reporting life from there. but i've been wondering, is that perhaps a perception issue? his israel doesn't view algebra, john, this is a just a met members of the press that could potentially have a very real impact on protections about colleagues that absolutely. i mean, look,
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i mean, delta sears offices that palm did gaza, their stats have been killed in god's that in the west bank there. um, you know, uh they have been subjected to be in the west bank as well. so yes. what, while it doesn't technically stop the recording the bypass the territory, i mean it doesn't east jerusalem where today's radio on happened, but obviously the web site be blocked inside israel proper. and the president here, i mean, we've seen in the case of, for example, the designations are policy with united support innovations. but oftentimes restrictions and act and israel's forest funding measures are taking the occupied territory, which could have very dangerous consequences. so we've seen this play, but from these really government, before they take a trial balloon, they take a step, they try and muscle particular voice. if it doesn't meet sufficient international push, push back, they build on it. not only takes further steps against that entities, but to then use that precedent to go after other critical voices. alrighty is likely having and showing effect. you talked about some of the attacks that john
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less than alto and lessons particular have faced in gaza and. and in other parts of the occupied territories, journalist and goals. i've also been saying they feel their own family members are being talkative menu will just be, have been killed as a message to them. a look. i mean, the stocks are start, i mean the committee to protect journalists has never documented this. number of can leads of journalist as they have in the context of possibilities. taking place is wrong cause and webinar as well. human rights watches, documented the parent, the deliberate killing. for journalist there is on the law firm, reuters scores have been killed in gaza. relatives have been killed as well. and certainly, you know, there, there is reasons for, for a significant concern that these are, you know, unlawful of attacks. human rights watches, documented unlawfully indiscriminate attacks. journalists are not a target. and certainly in the current climate, which thousands of air strikes are taking place in which there is no uh for
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internal it's not being allowed in local journalists are being killed under this father of, for these really government is committed really serious crimes. we might not be able to map the document exactly what's taking place today with each one. but certainly what we have documented gives significant reason for concern. but we're part of the issue with documentation has been because there's been no for immediate access to gaza unless they've been accompanied. embedded with the is really ministry. i know you had given rights which believe that's part of a broad a strategy. can you talk us through how you feel, what you feel that's done to, to the story here? a look, i think um you have a, a real estate, gaza where what we're hearing may only be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the scale of abuse is currently taking place on the ability of a foreign press agencies to have their, their, their season foreign journalists and their human rights un entities to be, you know, on the ground, especially documentation. human rights groups means that we're not able to detail
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human rights investigations to investigate. you know, for example, when mass grades are found. exactly, you know, to do the kinds of documentation we need to do this or in the box or when it comes to reports of execution. very serious abuses. research has been done about a number because really war crimes including error strikes and the use of starvation as a weapon, a for but the limited access that's being provided to journalists to human rights advocates. do you want investigators to the international criminal court and other entities means that we are potentially missing a lot of the story here. but these really government can't cover these abuses. the research continues, there will be access essentially granted. and the perpetrators of serious crimes will be held to a couch. so this strategy is losing one. alternately, the world continues to get the spotlight on there, but at least in the short run, it does make some documentation more challenging. unless i hear that the israel and palestine director of human rights want to thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera. today, i'm making the
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movie down to panama now with polls of opened for its presidential election. 8 candidates are in the race with the right thing. opposition leader. who is their role? i'm really noticing as the front followed by many polls. this verge comes against a backdrop of social discontent. economic flow down the grounds. will it speak to us underground? jesse correspondent, who joins us now from panama city asunder, there was plenty of political chaos and the lead up to this part, can you give us a sense of what's driving versus temperament today? of the absolutely no size. yeah, no doubt. that base has been got quite that unusual campaign for a panama. usually these are sleepy campaigns in many ways. and this has been in golf the and political drama from the start. that's because that the front runner at the beginning of this election period was
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a former president to the kind of the amount of humanity who was then found guilty of corruption of money laundering was sentenced to more than 10 years in prison. yes, james found refuge in the embassy of need cut out while here in panama city. and now the front runner is, is running, made the, the, the, the person was going to be at or, or was running as his vice president for that. i really know who is now seeing that the front runner i'm practically all the. busy here, but people are advice on certain on how to move forward. there's a lot of frustration panama has the, as seen on some precedent that protest on the streets both in 20222023. i guess you have the, an assertion that was going out of ministration of a put in the current president who has been involved in a number of a corruption scandal. so he's leaving the office that's highly unpopular. and if
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you talk to people, they feel that their life has more sense in the past few years that that inflation has been extremely as his extremely hard on, on families. and they're looking for a change. but they're not sure aware of that change in a life. and a lot of people arrived to the pools on certain to how to vote for. and they told us that they decided inside the pool, both sit boots. so we're going to have to see later today who indeed will be the next president to find them out who will have to solve all these problems asunder. and can see that keeping an eye on those elections for us from panama city. thank you, alexandra. the whole, the number of people killed by floods in southern brazil has now risen to 66 with over a 100. others reported missing video has an ad just as well as a moment, a bridge that collapsed. as you see, torrential rains swept away roads and force more than
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a 1000 people to flee that homes for the levels and the regional capital. a fortunately leg rate will still continue to rise and move in a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water. in the regions of west lots and a she is on hancock you have has the story risk years are fighting the elements to, to a lifeline to this child like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood at the water just asked the it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of a real. but i knew this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen, at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday. localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. review the floods have we have in at least 300000.


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