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tv   101 East Indias Red Sandalwood Kingpin  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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will the ac thousands people to flee that homes for the levels and the regional capital a for her leg right? well, so continue to rise and move in a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water in the regions of west lots. and she is going to say you're not you of has the story risk years are fighting the elements to, to a lifeline to this child. like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood. at the water just asked the, it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of a real good on you. this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the countries ever seems, at least in recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. the floods have we have bought in at least 300000 cities,
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destroying bridges and rows. more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet to inform authorities of their whereabouts. the same of this tuesday we had no news of our relatives, but thank god the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital both by legacy. the white apo river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed and the mayor has alerted the population. the drinking water me soon becomes scarce. the rains have also caused land slides and the partial collapse of a dam. results president easy enough to laura del silva has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild the homes and local infrastructure. we all should go. thank you. bye sure. i know you will need resources to repair the damage, but 1st and foremost, we have to save lives. thanks the scientist say, unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change disasters like
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this one will continue to happen. money to you not give all just sarah china's president change anything has arrived in funds for red visit with president and manual not gone. except to discuss the trade and the growing tension between europe and china. irvin and balance between china is exports and european imports. my calling is also expected to push the chinese president to use his influence with russian president vladimir prison over the war and ukraine. of all that set for me and associates. i remember you can always find much more on our website out to 0 dot com. i'll be back with much more news for you though here on out to 0 of to one . 0 one east web said would smuggling in the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict
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zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are asked, can you see negotiations being even hacked? this is most important, which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront on out the indies, red chandelier is one of the most expensive timbers in the world. it's also an endangered spacings and an agent national black mancha trade has decimated valuable forests, one leaf, 5 percent off. reg, send us is that enough? lot us to 80 to 90 percent is gone back to the on 15 like that. he made more than $113000000.00. one man is accused of being at the top of the trade.
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so who meet? so who's for me is wanted for international trafficking. afraid sandlewood and attempted murder on public officials in india. 101 east investigator indian sandlewood campaign. and the fight to capture came in the this is in the pool headquarters easily on from for the 1st time, interpol has a load of camera crews into their environmental crime, unix. and that's got straight down to business. let's have an updates on suspect number tree, salvador view, any updates. so we finance case media national, which is linked to the reps. um there are some are some double the timber testing
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is also to yourself uh, i've been to mart, there's some really cool features in the country to see a similar rates regarding this guy. and we verified several of them and it was, it was negative so far the silver door ortega is an operational code and nature at the interpol unit. that sound a little flushed when i last time i go to my daughter and i'm going to go there. but i left already assumed that it was meant of course a, but i would assume that i guess the, the one that's on there that i don't know what i mean, not even the worst time. then i remember sitting by the letters and just don't have the place. i just, i don't have to input the secretary, no 50 will measure name and date and there's i'm going to be starting. i will check the status on
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the june. the 1st of the trying and ward, and i just don't get to attend that, i'll put the budget on this smoothly thought it go highly to play at dexter with the night it political smug level. what this, what is it under 200 sending real. how do you feel hijacking? what kind of with a smug look i might of the stations tell them forest in under produced india is the only place on the way red sandlewood grove, the lucrative t trunks of timber, known as red sandals. had been formed by purchase, the least anti smuggling task force has been assigned to protect what remained. a large purchase items is due to the lease. uh they're gonna be good on the, on the 100 to 200 designs or a number to our kids and they're gonna get it on it. i'm gonna just the size
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ceiling. a list of them are the, the units itself roadside checks to try and stop the traffic is escaping with more defeated electronic the . we had to turn the light on the south east coast of india to meet a journalist who has been investigating the legs, king pin of the smuggling trade sahu from need. i'm so that going to do with them a lot. i'm 80 the investigation from the times of india, or i've been talking south allow me for the past 10 years. and so so how many the i was born in 1960 and tell me a lot of the state of my building to the police rhetoric send
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a space i grow the the most of the time i very near to the boats i bought is one of the biggest boards in india, the steve was working in a smaller painting jobs like working in a handkerchief company and a flower shop. then he moved on to the secret. it's the indonesian cigna. it's the 2nd. it's from single boat used to smuggling to india. why our town? i bought them. he stopped in the sand of smuggling food . a cool now is a former senior police officer surgeon. he said it isn't $100.00 to goes using india. does it a credit?
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wouldn't even say not that network. these minnes loveless, living in big time, like the from some like scores to the sh reports from she forced to go by single port militia, hong kong, directly to this dana funded by police on not be lot of 2nd on photo and smugglers. the everybody's saying claudia, selling the red sanders done the name crops of the in progress and reports a saucer, bytes. it's also how me my use, like a gang stuff. i think the new scar buying guns to language for the 1st time he has been caught, he has been put in the prison,
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isn't doing for and then investigating agencies of track the major international racket reported retreating and the smuggling of endangered red sanders hiding endangered products produced red sanders. this lot of it on 2000 loss was intercepted by the director of revenue intelligence valued at folk road over bees. which stretches about 6 times more than the international market. in these directory to a revenue intelligence or d r i. is it the full front of a fight against modeling m. v or ryan was a deputy, had the and lead to send a would boston new york to look for a new sort of back to things in the movement of carnival in those picked up candidate southern country that's going to change the phone. the product code
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declared us she li, rate dimension is unusually higher part of the contain a long suspicion adult doing was going to run it, contain mentally examine that. you can do that so i can come by and the last one solid. i mean, after the age of 50 to contain is be a rhyme and his team quarter table. so the rentals that we do have fox hotels in china, on the phone, in the lobby, on that us to them, the, to them the 1st time. so who i mean when behind the box, the
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key was also from the hotel and brought to my office the g 3. and on the summons that i think to the 3rd centers my reading. therefore i will not give a statement. this was unusual them out of that model and to deal with this, i thought, oh yeah, i knew you should do amazing by offices. taking the little under according to told is knowledge, walk the dogs in the bottom. i mean the, the with the blood form. and gauging you are talking to the, to the converse that it is told or do yes smuggler. but if he had done this to
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be an additional direct agenda to my dad has turned on for the band deposit is why you don't say this statement taken on new shortly, but it wasn't enough of what i'm not talking 1st off then the lives of solid company comes with the big chest, they find is a case saying to release him. so hello me. these are the least come talk on base. now again, stop smuggling then be started to describe it as a violent kitty is caught up with the loan activate, but i'm not caught up with a guy commented by cool. but none of us to not to be 2nd so,
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but to get them of the part of the state against the gunning down the operations set to be again small, close in the living family to what i'm interested in, what they did, i will come and see it on the one to see what's the dependent can be good to go for not is a senior officer of the indian forest service. no, i mean, but it just 15 under sometimes $100.00 on a lot of stuff. and on the one on the, on garden to continue to have a garden to pay a bill and then doing $6.00 and i was sort of so really for you when the one going to album. and then if i told them one day, i don't want to bother you guessing that you're doing something sensor moving
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forward in the by, i'm david, i'm going to find my direct and then the police on deposition and it's all, i mean, was one of the big spun less of whom would like to bring him to book and i mean, i know i don't wanna change them in the window at the time as well as like a very few escape actually solved. and i mean these today in maybe even by the one following j. chicago as a criminal intelligence analyst went into poles in single pole is warranted
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in over 36 cases. yeah. since 2016 and supported issued and red notice against him at the request of the indian authorities expected to be based out off queuing and operating use business from there. the child allow me to actually either underneath the bottom or to the the way this is for not one of the, probably a one day to individualize reading, changeable because there's plenty the, it's a bit complicated because the individual was, wanted, is,
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hasn't committed an offense in the country where you've located, he is wanted by and not the name of the country, but indian police receive a lot of information about the whole her needs whereabouts. most of the mentors of solar alpha and some of us are from the exec, very up. let's go. so don't like this. i don't we meet with one of the police is confidential informants into by the spring reporting of the whole need. should i still with infinity, between the money the window is that's leaking the spaces. personally i give information to the police considering either sometimes things like what do you do it?
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somebody what kind of describes of detail is based on everything on the general police because here was incentive and soon they had a strong tip for the police wonder some of us go to somebody condition in the house . and if i really started to ask everyone if that is a little bit closer, so we, i mean, so we asked what she was doing, what's going on. and you said the organizing a big event was $200.00 a month ago we need the critical, critical village other than the even got into the the the while on the i know we sent that assembly.
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and um, uh, when the, when the indians miller and whatever they like to make visible everyday, then the lot of 100 smugglers, at least that's what he said was having the information the while the most out of the colony, you will need when to the food that wasn't difficult to collect the diamond simple enough. so when the sleeps didn't that again anyway i'm, i don't want the game and missing the all sauces. i mean, the wife will keep her dad to in light, so many smugglers to do. but because one thing he is rich,
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he made a lot of money. they both believe a few years ago. it seems like 2015 like that. he made more than $120000000.00 copies of the cards, which is what she wants. properties boss, me less than 3 commercial buildings, the device, todd hotel investments, lot of buildings, dad for him, but his family members the big so much so that he has a legal support. is liars working for him in india. he has police is forrest officials looking for him. yes, customs. he was very confident. i'm on the list. the son was picking up
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of the in 2015, policemen who are tracking sahu. i mean they have name and his son. i don't have them in the criminal cases so by the time is manage and the by and you most certainly in august thinking got like he has a company here but he doesn't know the indian police are re do for you guess select line valid. so, and i wouldn't pointless with that, but the notable directly to that english federal margot agencies what about him to
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say and but like i knew agencies or later in the, on the inside we all just had an idea how he works, how the outdoor leaves picture doesn't mean that just a passport says what a bit of so we knew him in a, in a lot more like of the walking dead. they would identify the tune up the line to the airport. police got information on the as a came on to the immigration. it was that us that
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we were shopping, police received a phone call from so who him me reaction was like, i mean very any loving father. you want them to have some great new offer based off of the sudden the deal is you need and then taking more than 20, it gives us like an estimate. you need me to come on some of the bigger lou, my son solvable. i mean that i need to southern to the headlines and the study and then you'll study. i've redone in the on 50 and that is a b, as i say, well okay, we've got by that gives you comments that we can do. let me know you like them
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who was hesitant to come to india. he thought the even better manage the systems. you go to fight it out legally. believe i'm a little, i'm going to go to natalie window able to we didn't do the and from the pictures we have got to me and the cost, most of the costs have pictures of his funds or the costs. such photos help us track down the locations of wonder. so to make songs him to buy the i'm looking for a home in the
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security guard cools the who for me for the future. i'm a, i'm a, i'm a journalist. i just trying to talk with your father, so it's about the red centers, the acquisition you, you've heard about it for me is business. okay. yeah. take both sides. but if, if it's not, so why does it have it doesn't surrender to the police and defend these guys legally. this is the biggest issue that we were unable to track down his father. so who won the most so was struck. do you
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like me to give information to the bodies about so the new us for any of the what's most of it is let's try it. and it isn't just that i think it's a distance. the actions are already posted. the concrete actions are taken to struggle. so who need remains a wanted man? the themes for discrete countries, which is a 195 member countries. so if he is traveling to another country and there isn't
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a lot, she goes, then he could get the rest of the journalist don't go to says more needs to be done to track that king pin down. now, failing to get him. and also there's a lack of political village to get him because i found a smuggling is not directly hard thing and even like that of them, no bombings. there is no drugs here. it's only they're cutting the trees, but they're not realizing that killing the product. they're not realizing they're planning the product. they're not realizing that the environment is descried. the
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in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. why is placed it in a fluid? now i do this, see, they are literally the sense of taking the time on $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the solomon islands suited to escape a war that ended decades to go on on one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render moody's be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly ongoing coverage. the in the, as an actions on out is there a were you looking at now is over flow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity,
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mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. denisia is one of the world's top contributor has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis. the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single use sashes, which environmental groups say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities, as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use the cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its
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deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the tops for our goal is to cease fire rock up and kyra says it's keen for an agreement that israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end the war. and exchange transferring the detain. this is alger 0 life from don't also coming a police raid, i'll just hear his premises unoccupied. east jerusalem. often benjamin us and yahoos. government shut down our operations in israel as well as some of the.


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