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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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state and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even hacked? this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy poles? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do the tape members at the same family all killed. and his really asked for i come does that including a baby who was born in the dining room? the hello. i'm down, jordan, this is out. is there a life the coming towards regardless ceasefire wrapped up in colorado says it's keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister research is refusal to end the war as well as the accused of trying to muscle, generally softer holding the shut down it bound to 0. and reading its premises and
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occupied these choose plus attorney cheng and east to me and my wife probably to is in the middle of the street struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade. hi, one of the well, let's tools continue to find a see saw to stop as well as war on guns or they were then plus strikes. continue in the past few hours, at least 20 palestinians have been killed by a series of as really strikes on residential address in and around the southern city of roughly at least 7 homes where i hate including that of the question of family members of that somebody with killed 4 of them with children, including a baby who was born off at the start of the wolf and died in it. his name was honey must move. he was already an offer enough to both his parents have been killed in earlier tests. can have it done with the site exam and then have the babies. mom was 8 months pregnant. she got injured in an air strike. the doctors managed to
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deliver her, but she died 2 hours later. his dad was killed on the spot as well as his auntie and her 3 children. the baby survived, along with his 2 sisters who were injured. she was born in the war and is now killed in the same war. for the latest round of negotiations by c spy and gaza has ended in egypt from the capital of cairo. but crucial gaps remain between israel. i'm us, i'm osmond chains. that one's a permanent end to the was part of any deal, a demand that as well as prime minister has family projected bennett smith reports now from ramallah and the occupied west by to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough. uh, it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion. based was a family home hit by his ran a striking on sunday to the negotiations issue. we've reached a disappointing stage. we're not hoping that anything was already hurt, as god may go to help us and rescue us from this whole deal. negotiations were
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a ceasefire or to stay only. how must insist on an end to the war. israel says it's willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release of captives on a visit to gaza. is rose defense minister suggested a major rough operation is coming on. the home is a and we identified alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh, and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. how must blames israel for the saturday to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach and his keenest and determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people and the aggression completely. she's withdrawal from the entire goes a strip returns the displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning at any russet
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incursion which put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to the 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has close the count them other asylum, crossing into gauze at the 8 convoys. after homicide rocket, so these really military station nearby as representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say they will be back there on tuesday in the c, i is director william burns has arrived in doha for an emergency meeting with cass as prime minister to see if there's a way of preventing the cx 5 talks from collapsing. bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah the occupied westbank, palestine will correspond and target zoom is in rafa with reaction and gaza to the see sponsors. palestinians generally are following closely what is happening on the diction capital regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach trust. these fund agreements between how my son is able to have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days that has been recently
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dwindled due to the leaks of media reports about the same sticking points between homeless and isabel. regarding the agreement must, from its sides, wants to bring a permanent ceasefire on the table while israel wants it to have a temper pose in which they will get the captives and the resume, the flights and ongoing. so this area that has been widely attacked within the past 24 hours is more casualties. and this tool amongst civilians continue to rise constantly as residential houses being targeted alongside with farmlands. the ongoing exchange of fire, we thomas fighters and the is really mandatory in multiple areas. of course the territory tarika best suited al jazeera russell palestine. how does 0 is my kind of has more on the see slide to some washington dc that there was no prior notification of the visit of the c i a director to the region. it only became known when william burns actually appeared in doha for talks with the guitar,
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e prime minister from doha. he will be going to israel, where he will have talks with the is really prime minister. now this is just an indication of the concern within the biden administration about the hurdles it is trying to overcome in getting some form of sci fi agreement between the various parties. the by the end of the ministration has been putting pressure on a mouse via kata. and at the same time who's trying to put pressure on israel, in terms of getting to some kind of agreement with respect to israel, adobe bite and administration walking a fine line. it has given unqualified support to israel throughout this crisis. and it is well aware of the fact that it cannot be seen to be publicly prescribing to israel how it conducts its foreign policy. so although behind the scenes, the u. s. is no doubt pressing israel to come to some form of agreement. it will
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not be seen to be doing so publicly because it is concerned that it might have the opposite results. so the us in, in a bit of a bind here, there's very little leverage left for it to bring pressure to bear on the parties to come to some kind of agreement in the days ahead by kind of out just the era washington. but israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reiterated that no amount of international pressure with the to israel, from its goals. today, we, again confront him, is bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world a no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joyce states. by pleasure, today from jerusalem on this hollow costs. remember this day if his role is
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forced to stand alone, israel will stand on the okay, so it was a 120, says 3 soldiers have been killed in iraq and attack me, have you come up with southern border crossing with goza. amazon wing says that fraud rockets and it's really all new guys nearby. the southern border crossings now close to 8 trucks, which comes as northern gauze is already experiencing full blend funding. says the attack is the message. they're still able to hit but is there any police a rated out as it was, work space and occupied east jerusalem seizing equipment that's off to israel, decided to shut down the networks operation in the country obviously, or has condemned the move and says it with the c o available legal channels in response to some of it has more and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the network's operations. the government order,
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which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. a new site, shops of government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouthpiece of a moss and israel out 0. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure, sang in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests,
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intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns of the network vehemently rejects the allegations, presented by is really authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what a last month the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, true, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important. and the united states supports the correctly important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in a, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticize move. we also condemned by the foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what is called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media and the dark day for democracy and the central
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as well throughout the war and goes, i'll just say era has documented more than 50 attacks against our journalist seeing or just some of them in october, several of family members around to 0 is guys a bureau chief, while doctor were killed and his really abstract killed his wife. 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter on one year old grandson. well, that's the same month and his right, he's tried killed 19 members of an algebra bro, cost engineers, family, mom, it concerns family with sheltering in the giovanni a refugee camp in december. i'm just here a correspondence, uninstalled sharif, lost his father in on his riley strike, targeting his family's house in jamalia, and also in december, a drunk strike killed alger 0, a cameraman, some of a boot deca, while wounding bureau chief, while donald bidding generate a daughter's oldest son holmes f also website which is 0, was killed when his car was targeted by drug strike. had been trying to interview
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just basically ends when the vehicle was hit. with any of my colleagues that was on the aspect to get him leaving, who's calling this stuff hot, etc. told us how he feels to be and his randy journalist and liked the volunteers. it was done. what the shame, what the shame to be in is really and then is there any shorter lease on such a day? what a shame to be any sway me when my country is closing down. such important networks, they give jesse right english and there is a 0 era the only because what additions look like. what's inc informed? yeah, i can't tell you. is it your is the news consumer? no physical meant the door and it does a right to this for me. the last 7 months. it just, your english was one of the most people the most store for people measuring my book . good, according garza, because is really tv doesn't show anything from augusta and it just 0 english was
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such a realize the and enriching sort of information for me as a citizen is there is a writer to close. this down means to close down the option of free pressing is right. and notice that this getting what's behind this is benjamin netanyahu. he had wanted to shut down alpha 0. he probably could have done so far earlier in this war, right? we're moving into the, almost the 8 months of the war. why is this happening now and what's behind a decision? so that to seems why know and why is or is usually a newsletter ever seen these photos that the domestic party dates and the base like seats, a few frame in the budget team in place. you can, you can win the, you know, namely to close down an area of international lead network. and they love it. so
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they, they, they are right. we can just send this right here. we show the evidence there in the language, how strongly are in the hallway readjust and they bolted to be a protest against israel's war on guns are continuing on university campuses across the us, even as graduation season begins, students at the university of california, irvine, demanding the university divest from companies with ties to israel and a weapons manufacturers tops between the universities. johnson and the students are ongoing entre 0 shabbots. he has more from the university of texas to the sick was ever been under town by the violins arrest. we saw a few days ago on this very, very campus. this demonstration is because side with the made a holiday, it's a unity notice with students and faculty for the labor unions, labor organizes and work as well. workers on the cornerstone of every institution
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around the world that makes anything happen, whether that's through labor's labor unions, excuse me, or whether that's through uh, you know, active protests. and so in order to shift power or shift change or shift monitor monetary investments in these institutions, we as workers and students and labors, need to come together and use our collective voice as well. the campus demonstrations, we protested, sierra do modeling that the university of texas austin divest from of equity is riley will machine. but authorities that are not negotiating valid, engaging with those issues. however, that haven't been successes of other universities around the country. shepard can see out, is there a awesome texas? talk for a short break here, and i'll just 0 when we come back chad security forces concept that said as mondays elections replace the ministry transitional council for the next day. the in depth analysis of the days headlines those, the failure to free,
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the captive still being held by him asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes. witnessing yahoo is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of metropolitans. and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, 2 era writers from different countries, but with much in common main upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry was the width and he used to fight the whole world. and course i'm seems it is a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in living in syria. how this going, the rock that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. the
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challenge is here with the the welcome back to watching out. just the right quick reminder about top stories here . that's how it is really strikes on because i feel like 20 palestinians in the past few hours of the 7 homes were hit in and around the roof and shooting back of the cashed. assembly 8 members about samuel killed as a baby was born in the move on time to make his round of tools for a cease for an john's. i've ended in egypt and capital cairo says it's painful and
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agreement is rarely the leaders say, a deal is far from being reached. and his regular police are rated out to zeros workspace and often bodies through snippets, using equipment, as well, decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. obviously, it was condemned to move insensitive castillo, who available legal channels in response to the balance of being counted off the voting closed in panama. as presidential election, 8 candidates are in the race with the right wing opposition lead to jose of our molina scene of the front of the find many polls that that comes against a backdrop of social discontent. economic slow down and drought. panama does not incumbent president's to run for a 2nd consecutive to how does 0 is that a sound rum? catchy. has this report on panama city counseling is under way across plan. am i to find out who will be the next president of this central american country?
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at the end of one of the most fraud election campaigns and the recent history of the country at that is because there is a lot of press ration among panamanians in the last couple of years. this country has seen some of the worst protest ever. and the recent history of the country against outgoing press event at loudon, funeral court. the so people say they are hired with what they see as the corruption, infesting the entire political class. they want change. they say they don't know exactly who can provide that change. there was also a lot of political drama during this campaign because the original front runner was former president of the capital might see natalie, a very popular figure here. but he too, was a sentence back in march to 10 years in prison for money laundering. and the person that has a sense of being the front runner was the, is the vice president to pick uh click that and i will let you know that we are
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still a few hours away from finding out who will be the next, the president for what we are here is that whoever will, when will have a hard time using tensions and gaming people's thrust, i listened to the bit. i just need to find them. the number of people who have died in floods in southern brazil has now arisen to 66 with more than a 100. others reported missing. the video has emerged at the moment a fridge collapsed. as for us to raise ships away, rose, i'm forced more than a 2000 people to see the hands for the levels and the regional capital a for to allegra continue to rise. holding a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water. in the regions was floods, in fact, to us to me and my now where the bottles of the boat of town of me, why do you has raged for the past 3 weeks. rebels on the ministry of fighting for
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control of the area. and the 1st of for special reports out to 0 is kennedy chang, traveled to the front lines in canyon state. he spoke with one of the rebel commanders. here's his results. fight is from the pro democracy people's defense posts take defensive positions. this is the main road between the ty, boulder and yang, going and most commercial hub, the town level by the bones, from the military gym to or a say, see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone the capital room freely in the streets even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control the pro democracy forces and they were fight suggests in the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves in the bathroom
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along the asian highway has been this leaf columns of military reinforcements. force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder most have been still say the fight has some good. slipped through a constant threat from the yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do little to risk. so i'll be with the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity and within the opposition, i know about them. we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing group off about tillery or strikes, and after the division, we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united. and on the move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf point is on the korean come on, travel freely through the countryside. looking tracts,
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tendon to supply chain highways, hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for flight is killed in turn to tax a new weapon. the military's deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we are mentally paff with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting the fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeed was july like a lot with this moonstone pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went. tast toni chang else has their titan states yamma as the 2nd of all special reports from inside me and law. tony cheney will examine the impact that fighting has had on civilians. as millions across the country are forced on their homes. that's from a 700 gmc on monday. right?
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yeah. on, i'll just say right now trying as president chasing thing has arrived in front of i ran a visit with president manuel macro. that's set to discuss the trade and drilling tensions between europe and china, and even balance between china's exports and european in ports. my console is expected to push the chinese president to use his influence with the russian president vladimir putin ever the war in ukraine. lodge fires, burning at a street bizarre and that bill city in northern iraq, firefighting teams are working to bring the blaze under control. witnesses save the place, dotted inside a shop at the market. it's a 2nd major fine air bill and a month plains engulf another bizarre on april the 8th causing millions of dollars of damage. millions of people in childhood to the polls on monday to choose the next lead to have replacing the countries transitional council from a list of 10 candidates on sunday. and then it was of the security forces on chatty owns a broad cost efforts. how can i get your support from the capital germane members
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of charge security personnel queue up early to have their say. they are voting a day early, so they can be free to work during monday as presto, shall they much? they bureau, i read a caesar election sent as opened at 6 o'clock in the morning. the turn out was impressive. the military's voting process went very well, charges to leave abroad, and the magic community is also voted on sunday. as 8 and a half 1000000 people have registered to vote in this election, hoping wherever wins will address the desperate conditions that nipple could buy someplace. if i did that in the principal concerns of champions right now are security health fighting corruption, good governance, inflation, jobs for young people, consolidation of law and order and justice. let me share cushion to the outcome of the election. a young voters, especially 1st time,
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is that the voting block is divided between keeping the current military rulers or voting in new faces, or what they all agree on is a country needs new ideas. regardless of who emerges victories, different on the try to for a long time, chad has been a dictatorship. but with this eviction, we can at least quote it to democracy. on what my, what is for the reconstruction of the country. we have been suffering for decades to kind of be struggling as gears or political instability and climate change. take the tool on people in one of the worlds porous countries. charges of cost of the $5.00 gentler government stores the elections in west africa. and this i have a but i like the other countries, why the ministry to problem its phase little international pressure. because the western countries, including former colonial policies, costly to char, unimportant, and the build up to the vote, there was widespread content cricket by a disputed referendum on the selection of presidential candidates. many last out
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and asking for either a boy called, or suspension of the election process, a jet and is only less duty. tad's military government breached the constitution with the help of the constitutional counsel and the election commission. the members of the boards were appointed by the president. they all belong to the ruling party. that's why we demand the entire process based suspended. so the transitional government calls support good company, illegal says it will go ahead with the election regardless of greece. i'll just see that germane or so it will end in t where ukrainians are celebrating orthodox east with traditional folk songs. 3 6 6 6 6 supposedly 1000 year old since sophia cathedral on soldiers finding on the front lines. right. and then let us on traditional postcards connection. it was also made for weapons to support the war effort against russia. all right,
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that's it for me down in jordan. so now you can find more information on websites, i'll just come there it is. the weather is next and inside story examines the latest local election results in the u. k. all right, that's it state to function watching the a spread of heavy rain that's leaving eastern charter is this, which of prior to you through the united states, especially to some degree, but it's still got the potential for a little bit of flooding city starting at least as it shows itself in southern japan's, it's leaving south korea too broad to whether it's left most of northern johns. it brought to weather, but the bottom end of it, if you trace it back, it's read developing is big funds towards over the existing funding areas. challenging run down in southern china, which also is line to effect hong kong. and this is, and again, it's not just
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a one off, and there are still big channels around around the band. the seeds produce flooding racing recently. and so the way i see and those big thunderstorms could exist as far east as with popular. and the segments have been sumatra and up to thailand as well. and can body allows vietnam, it started around the more likely to be went than just hold. that's also true in bangladesh and office in india. these are the big something stones that are pretty dangerous this time of year. they do cool things down admittedly, and that's where they are concentrated to the forecast. industrial, for example, 27th of this to shoot me degrees, but that's don't particularly worrying is the stalls that can be pretty big. i'm pretty nasty where they don't exist. temperatures are on the high side again, so we're up to 42 as examples and negpal. the history is for gum. that's all peril. yet in spain,
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states imposed on these you was enshrined in law. diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 36, you had to take the shape with a group of survivor, it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist bossed the silence of others. witness on al jazeera after a landslide, when in the last general election, you case governing conservative policy support collapses and local elections and england gains for the labor policy dentist. whoever buys some sort of war garza so how significant of these election results this is excise to the
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