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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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in march 1st to may 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the, for a life that knew only was a baby is among 8 family members killed. and these really as striking the city of rough or in southern guns the little i'm darn jordan, this is how does it run life? and also coming towards for a gaza ceasefire. wrapped up in. kyra says it's keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister retail rates, his refusal to end the war permanently. israel is accused of trying to muscle generalist. so after ordering the shutdown of i'll just be evan rating its premises
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and occupied east jerusalem. plus the malware above there selected there the us tools continued to find a ceasefire to stop as well as war on gaza. they were len plus s price continue in the past few hours. at least 20 palestinians have been killed by a series of israeli strikes on residential areas in and around the southern city. overall, 5, a 7 month old often was among 8 family members killed when that home was attacked by bronco fairfield, swaddled in a shroud. baby honey is held up to cameras with his face and covered. he had a short and turbulent life. his remaining family won his struggle, acknowledged,
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and for him to be remembered, can have a double sided salmon. the baby's mom was 8 months pregnant. she got injured and an air strike. the doctors managed to deliver her, but she died 2 hours later. his dad was killed on the spot as well as his auntie and her 3 children. the baby survived, along with his 2 sisters who were injured. she was born in the war and is now killed in the same way. i was 7 months old tony was a man, non palestinians killed and then is really striking on the cash stuff family. home in rough rescue is picked through russell in hope of finding survivors, bodies with books that i believe use of our matching hospital where russia came to pitt, who relatives 5. well, 4 of them are the 10 years old. around $1500000.00 palestinians of sheltering and rough uh, which was meant to be the last safe haven. and garza,
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israel is pressuring how much to accept its times for a temporary cease fire. but how much incest, any trees must be permanent. barbara and grandpa, out to 0. meanwhile, the latest round of negotiations rest, cx, 5 and gaza has ended in the gyptian capital cairo. but crucial gaps remain between israel and how much the head of the c i a and how much will be and cuts out on monday. i'll just say it was done in smith's reports from ramallah in the upside with back to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough. uh, it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion. based was a family home hit by his ran a striking on sunday to the negotiations issue. we've reached a disappointing stage. we're not hoping that anything was on the heart, as god may go to help us and rescue us from the school deal negotiations for a ceasefire or to stay only. how must insist on an end to the war. israel says it's
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willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release of captives on a visit to gaza. is rose defense minister suggested a major rough operation is coming on. the home is i am, we are identified. alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh, and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. how must blames in israel to the site to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach. and it's keenest and determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people. and the aggression completely, she's withdrawal from the entire guys a strip returns the displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning, but any rough incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to the 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has close the
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count them other asylum, crossing into gauze, or to aid convoys. after homicide rockets, it is really military station nearby as representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say they will be back there on tuesday in the c, i is direct to william burns as arrived in doha for an emergency meeting. with cons as prime minister to see if there's a way of preventing the cx 5 talks from collapsing. bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah the occupied westbank, palestine without correspondent topic, otherwise whom resumed about 5 with the reaction and gaza to go see slides. the palestinians generally are following closely what is happening on the diction capital regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach trust. these fund agreements between how my son is really to have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days now has been recently dwindled due to the leaks of media reports about the same sticking points between
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homeless and isabel. regarding the agreement must, from its sides, wants to bring a permanent ceasefire on the table while isabel wants it to have a temporary pose in which they will get the captives and to resume the fights and ongoing. so this area that has been widely attacked within the past 24 hours is more casualties. and this tool amongst civilians continue to rise constantly as residential houses being target to the long side would fall men's um its ongoing exchange of fire. but we come us fighters and it is really mandatory in multiple areas. of course, the territory tare capacity in l g 0, russell palestine with israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu has reiterated that no amount of international pressure will due to israel from its goals. today we again confront him is bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world, no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself
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as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joyce states. my pleasure today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembered stay. if his role is forced to stand alone, this room will stand alone. this is where i was military says 3 soldiers have been killed in iraq. it attacked nearly, cut them up a southern boat of crossing with garza masses. um wayne says that find rockets oven is ready. army base nearby for southern border crossing is now closed a trucks which comes as northern gauze. there is already experiencing full blown farm. and how much of the attack is the message that they're still able to hit? that is where the police of rated would just say it was work space and occupied east jerusalem sees and equipment that's off the israel decided to shut down the networks operation in the country obviously, or has condemned the move and says it's a c o available legal channels in response to some of it has more
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and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel al jazeera. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure, saying in part,
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israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really, authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what a last month the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, true, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the correctly important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in,
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in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what is called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central jersey to me was dropped the war in gauze. i'll just say era has documented more than 50 attacks against our journalists here, just some of them. in october, several of the family members about 0 was guys a bureau chief while daughter were killed and his ran the s drive killed his wife 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter on one year old grandson. that same month on his ran the strike tool. 19 members of an algae, 0 broadcast engineers, family mohammed, i'm of concerns family with sheltering in the jabante, a refugee camp in december, i just got a correspondence. uninstalled sharif lost his father in on his ready strike,
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targeting his family's house in jamalia, and also in december, a drug and strike killed algae or a cameraman son in a boot deca, while wounding bureau chief while daughter. then in january of those oldest son homes that also works out 0 was killed when his car was targeted by a drug strike. he'd been trying to interview display civilians when the vehicle was it? well, call us martinez that i so now is a program direct sad the committee to protect john list. he says israel's decision threatens old john this in the region. a clearly sense investment is important to me to the mind that there's no proof there's no they'll come back and does need made available for anyone to try to understand the reasoning behind this decision. just the she has been deem and that's outside by the is those cabinets and it's a post. they're supposed to be a document as not as security, local or any or something like that, that may have some information, but this is
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a pattern that is the follows in terms of treatment allies and do not have them and then making decisions about that. and this is another very flavin step, but definitely since the president, for any international of any station or travel or journal this report and we the news route about what they can expect you, they do critical contribution reporting. there's a button and these are the and this goes mandatory of, of criminal lice. and you'll notice him of trying to suggest the 5 detection does include in journalist being killed and then being the subject of his information being put by them that contains time to pack them is something that they are like, they're just, they're not as it's only thing on, on a basis of public interest. so in this case, by clearly banning and the whole race and then adding another text to continue to talk in. and i'll just, yeah. and also in, in the war against your knowledge,
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right? like he's continuously an effort to undermine the really important and necessary reporting on the war and the around the board and the region. the almost all of the balance compet in panama, jose of our molina appears to have secured victory in the presidential election. 3 of the candidates and already conceded the right wing opposition lead to enter the race of the last. and it was replaced for my president because the mountain area was disqualified, election took place against a backdrop of social discontent. economic slow down and drought. while i was sandra and petty joins us live now from panama city. um, so, uh, sandra has the valid molina was always the front runner in this election. he appears to have one comfortably focus through the latest results. and what's been happening that
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he started go. i guess the thought i said, okay, well it seems we have a problem then with the, with the audio to i was on run because if we can, we'll try and come back to him a little bit later in the program. let's move on. sadly, because we'll have to come here on out there will tell you why russian forces are taking able to fight against congress, initiate from us troops. the lead on stay with the the a spread of heavy rain that's leaving eastern china or is this which of prior to you through the united states, especially to some degree, but it still got the potential for the flooding city setting at least as it shows itself in southern japan's, it's leaving south korea too broad to whether it's left most of northern johns. it brought to weather, but the bottom end of it, if you trace it back,
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it's re developing is big funds towards over the existing funding areas. challenging run down in southern china, which also is line to effect hong kong. and this is and again, it's not just a one off and there's still big channels around around the band. the seas produce flooding received recently. and so the way i see those big thunderstorms could exist as far east as with popular. and they're showing the southern sumatra and up to thailand as well. and can body allowance vietnam, it started around the more likely to be went than just hold. that's. that's also true in bangladesh and also use in india. these are the big some stones that are pretty dangerous times a year. they do cool things down admittedly, and that's where that concentrates to the forecast. industrial, for example, 27 says to shoot me degrees, but that's not particularly ordering. is the stories that could be pretty big. i'm pretty nasty where they don't exist. temperatures are on the high side again, so we're up to 42 as examples and neck pool. the
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now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the, we'll come back here watching. i'll just hear
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a quick reminder about top stories here. this is mainly as strikes and garza had killed at least 21 kind of demand. in the past few hours of the southern homes i hit in on our, on the roof, including that of a cache. the family 8 members were killed, including a baby, was born in the world and died when the latest round of tulips for a cease fire and guns. i have ended in egypt and capital cairo. how much says it's keen for an agreement, but it's really need to say a deal is far from being reached. and it's randy police of radio down to 0 is what space an upside is. bruce then seizing both task and that's off. that is, we have decided to shut down and that web separation in the country. obviously it was condemned to move and says if you only available legal channels in response, not protests against israel as well. and guns that are continuing on university campuses across the us. even as graduation season begins, students at the university of california and of i'm demanding the university divest of companies with ties to israel and weapons manufacturers tops between the
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universities, johnson the and the students on gunning. but since the protest set us universities began, much of the outside media has been shut off from the heart of the demonstrations. that's especially true at columbia in new york, the epicenter of the movement, no access to the campus has been tightly controlled. well that's left columbia is student journalist with unique access to 0. i spoke to one francesca, maria lindsey, who told us how story in her own words, i'm francisco, and see me a student at the columbia journalism school. i started calling the pro test, see main caps, month at the wheels for state. i feel like the kind of access we had was some 1st advantage because really, 1st week of media was not allowed on cancels so these allowed us to go there stuff which is tools to them for testers and also to build trust with with them
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because they were really weary of the, of the media. so as we were, we were before actually we were also students and east health passed a lot the negative. and when she became inter console, access was heavily restricted. it was really hard to, to westport. so we were all outside of the colombians rooms and school building and then at some point and the police started to come towards us and started to push us inside, telling us not to go out. otherwise we would have been arrested. it was something i've never experienced before and then and then to it didn't even think i would have experienced a situation like that. it was nothing happens to us, but i realized that it was potentially dangerous. i think i've learned this. somebody less something the less 2 weeks. i know that these are really polarizing get topic going. worried guys up i would say taught me how to be recorded and nothing that's okay to because i know of course i have an opinion like everybody
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does that. and also that made me realize how dangerous these job can be. but at the same time i've given change my idea about what i want to do it. so i still want to be a reporter. all right, let's go back to the panama city now, where was that? i would, melina appears to have secured victory in the presidential elections out of sandra and petrie joins us on the phone now from panama city. so how's that out of money? that was what was the front runner in the selection any appears to have one comfortable or just focused through the latest results and what's been happening. the yes, in the data in the that i would normally not have been dis brown run are saying that he replaced the score my president reached out to them. i nearly at the top of the ticket when my teenagers fired back from running essentially to 10 years in prison. busy money laundering good. and the same thing you'd been able to maintain that had the bob,
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these elections that came through the popularity of my email. the people here are extremely tired, spreads out with what they feel is for basic collapsing in all levels of the job for maintenance. but they also remember my email is fine as a time, but i cannot make sure jerry p as why my big so. so i'm here at home, i'm so sorry, the list of people we have been talking to throughout the day. they felt that the, um let me know and my natalie represented the measure of the evils at very difficult time for the 3. i'm really not teaching now. the said that he understand the responsibility to me that he has. he said he been expected to have to take the responsibility. studies failed to amended weight on his shoulder, but he will respond to then the people and also this morning you
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know after kathleen, he'd visited my team and lead me inside a new tire. i want them to see where he has been granted that tyler much that to split for march. and again, the slice is so big for me, i need more than for a moving on i look, people here feel that things work, score, dams, that you cannot have working reminders to meet in the country. i've got to everything has become very expensive here. and so also you have to remember to manufacture menu 3. last here in mount pleasant. this is riley protest. i gave the watson the high cost of living, and i gave a major copper mine contract and they said that affected the environment. thing was
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the widow search for the cold ground. so now is the time of celebration for movie. you know, that most people here believe that i'm left to be able to show results quickly, find a menu, but also rapidly turned their backs on him. all right, so the sound room, petty live, press the on the phone from panama city, a sound good. thank you. now it, ron is hosting a conference on nuclear science is an energy and it's central problem. so it's fun . the region is home to several nuclear sites and was recently targeted and, and his really attacked the head of the us nuclear watch doubled off l. grossey is set to attend the conference. i'll just say it was rachel said, reports from is behind a run has several nuclear sites monitored by the international atomic energy agency . what some companies do guys in particular say to around is building up and nuclear capacity that could go beyond peace, both purposes. but the run and see if those facilities are peaceful and a part of a strategy to really itself of gas and oil. durham, again,
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they claim that they are afraid of access to the nuclear weapons. they align, they know very well that we're not pursuing nuclear weapons. we believe that nuclear weapons use the mess, destruction we are against the mess destruction weapons because it is contradictory to the religion. it is contradictory to as long as your was nuclear program was initiated before these let me revolution of 1979 by the deposed stuff. mom, it was a with support from the u. s. in mid eighty's these lemme public revive the program . these move prompted increased pressure from the west and companies leaving you want to open is nuclear facilities for international inspection. in late nineties, in 2000, the us impose the 1st nuclear activity relate to sections on iran, hello during the presidency or mom with i made an adjust to run to expand that is nuclear facilities and relations with the i. e. turn the so 7, what some companies reacted to that, but important more sections. but this cycle off escalation stopped when centers
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more of that as how sample honey won the presidency in 2013, 2 years later, you're all signed the historic nuclear b a with 6 with powers. most notably do yes. you're on agreed to cut the number of center for you, just the tools use for your name and which meant by about 2 tours, a significantly reduced is random enrichment. in return, international sanctions were lifted the ability, but in 2018, do us administration on board. donald trump withdrew from the deal. i mean pulls more sections on iran. as a response, you one increase is going to richmond program that has been forced to divide the nuclear dealing in recent years. but despite some of those runs of negotiations in vienna, the pulse fail or the i use say, since then you run has embraced uranium about 60 percent. 90 percent is needed for weapons. great. there has been an escalation, a recent rates between iran and israel. 3 goes by the war in gaza. both sides have
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most attacks against alder, directly from the soil for the 1st time. and that has led to a big or to the beach here. you're wrong about the need to have a school nuclear program as a way to protect itself and utility. it's enemies. especially sort of that i'll just be right behind demonstrations of unhealthy mexico city against president under his money. lopez, alberto is attempts to reform institutions protests to say his plans would undermine the independence of the judiciary and fair elections. my dear wrapping the reports from mexico city were in downtown mexico city were demonstrators have gathered to protest what they say is the threats to the quote autonomy of mexico's visionary branch. that threat, according to demonstrators, comes from mexico's president, under this fund when the base over the critics of lopez over to the, to say the president is speaking to undermine the balance of power in mexico's
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government. based on my cell. did he not on this mark has been sparked by the attacks from the federal executive against the 3 exercise of issuing judgments by the judiciary. we've come to defend judicial independence policy that this is your, on the president because destroyed our tournaments, bodies before your spot. and this body is one of the 3 branches of government. it is a coming through the balance of the fees. government keep doesn't like being re decisive in the middle of the telephone and they'll lopez over that only has a short time left in office. there are still reforms that is that he is seeking among them a national electoral reform, which the president says is meant to streamline the electoral process and cut costs . critics here say that this reform would undermine the national electoral institute to and if anything, what is risk free and fair elections here in mexico? there is a large day of protests that has been can be here in the mexican capital and,
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and other mexican cities. i'm on may the 19th. this will add to the several large demonstrations that we've seen take place here against the administration of president lopez over the, in the lead up to the national elections. by the way that i follow, i'll just the to mexico city. the number of people have died in floods in southern brazil has risen to 66 with more than a 100 of us. still missing video has an edge. at the moment, a bridge collapse. as torrential rain suddenly arose and forced more than 80000 people to feed their homes for the levels and the regional capital of poor to allegra continued to rise. more than a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water in the regions worse floods in atl. united states is the process of withdrawing its forces from the ship . the country's military june to ended in an agreement with the washington that allowed it to base its troops to operations in the region. and as mom and father reports from the i'm a most goes looking to step in. i feel, look at this is the most cool,
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one of his embassies abroad. it's so out about the news. you always kept them. yeah . and yes, that's such as like, along with those of nation and body and book and the faucet, the 3 so hesitates about the broke away from the long standing alliance with frost, the former colonial power in the region. and created the new security packed with sasha. the shift also involved walking away from assuming that alliance with the united states wasting no time that i, she is already here at least 3 military kind of go plays with cleaning equipment. that doesn't it have already arrived then. yeah, i mean, international airport on friday it was the view that dawson troops had entered the same error, but it's near the airport with us troops. station, the us secretary of defense, acknowledge this event, but try to minimize its importance. the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment,
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us east influx with new chevy and officials about on or the newest global of up to 1000 american soldiers being operating in new jersey since 2013 they came here to attain new chance military on baffling groups. the 2018, the us built the throne air base to a one near the north and city of. i got this at the cost of $100000000.00. now it has to advantage this year, all of the american was throwing off to a dispute ticket by us invoice reports of the talking about potential measures. if any share scrolling, don't want them to request. see the plans to have close ties with sasha ante on it's being a consistent us. tom sits initial operations in the science region, but the move didn't go down well in the often of due to me. i think the government of new share regrets the expressed will of the us delegation to deny our country. it's right to choose its diplomatic and strategic part.


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