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tv   101 East Indias Red Sandalwood Kingpin  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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as land, this is the ocean highway, everything call correct me or what a, an area that the s i see had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control the pro democracy forces. and they were fight to just in the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves the battle on the asian highway has been this when these columns of military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most of being still say the fight is that some did slip through. had a constant threat from the yeah. that even the heaviest weapons can do little to with him. i'll be the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity within the opposition. you know about, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing group off about tillery or strikes, and after the division, we do not care about any of the powerful weapons by any food,
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is that we will not be united. and on the move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf point is under korean, come on, travel freely through the countryside. looking tracks turned into a supply chain, highways hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral to fight is killed in turn to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we are mentally paff with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died for nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot, but this monks trump pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and a victory. they now went taste to anything else. is there
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a tie in states? no, i'm a, it will occur in ethnic ami and the pro democracy forces have very good control of the country side. and they are pushing hard to get the town of me while the back, but they have to do it soon. the monsoon season is on the way the reins will start in a couple of weeks time, and that's a time traditionally fighting and me and my slow so a crow but i can find more information on our website to i'll just 0 don't com. the news continues hair on notice here, off to one. 0, one east. stay with us. the one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states and will the
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media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage in the as an actions on tuesday, around the indies read sandlewood is one of the most expensive timbers in the world it's also an endangered species and an agent national black monica trade has decimated valuable forests. one least 5 percent of the nightstand us is there is a lot of 80 to 90 percent is gone. like 2015 like that. he made more than $113000000.00. one man is accused of being at the top of the trade. so who meet? so who, who meet is warranted for international trafficking? afraid sandlewood and attempted murder on public officials in india. 101 east investigator indian sandlewood to campaign and the fight to capture came
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in the this is into pull headquarters easily on from for the 1st time, interpol has a load of camera crews into their environmental crime, unix. and that's got straight down to business. that's to have an updates on suspect number tree, salvador view, any updates. so we finance case the media national, which is linked to the read some. there are some are some double the timber frustrating. he saw circular stuff. i've been to market or some of the shows in the country to see a civil rights regarding this guy. and then we were fired several of them and it was, it was negative so far. salvatore ortega is an operational code and nature at
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the interpol unit. but some of the 1st, when i last time i go to my daughter and i'm going to go there. but i left already assumed that it was meant to course a, but i would assume that i guess the, the not the do you know what i mean? not even in america, then i remember sitting by the letters. you just don't have the whole place. i just, i don't understand the thing. i mean, the secretary no 50 will measure. they want it and there isn't going to be starting. i will check the status on the june the 1st of the trying and was noticed on the other thing that i put the budget on this smuggler later. hi bill to pay at the ex general tonight. it political smug, little what this one is that $100.00 sending to bill hold on april hijacking more
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tunnel with a smug look. i might the stations tell them forest in under produced india is the only place on the way red sandlewood cross the loop which is 20 points of timber. no one is red. sanders has been funded by purchase based anti smuggling task force has been assigned to protect what remained. a lot purchase items is due to allow the lease. uh they're going to get on the, on the $100.00 to $200.00 designs or on how much are they going to get on it? and it just says del uh, started saving, a list of them are the, the units itself roadside checks to try and stop the traffic is escaping with or defeated in
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a truck. the we had to can i on the south east coast of india to meet a journalist who has been investigating the alleged king pin of the smuggling trade . so who need i'm so that kind of deal with them a lot. i'm a the, the investigation from the time. so if indeed, or i've been talking south, allow me for the past 10 years. and so sahu, how many the i was born in 1960 and tell me a lot of the state of my building to the police red red sand, those free side grove, he moved to the telly ready near to the boat. john, i boat is one of the biggest boards in india. the
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steve was working in the smaller painting jobs like watching the handkerchief company and a flower shop. then he moved on to the secrets, the indonesian cigna. it's the 2nd, it's from single boat used to smuggling thing. yeah. why? our town? i bought them. he stopped in the sound of smuggling. the food a come out is a former senior police officer surgeon. he said, uh it is a $100.00 to go using india. is it a credit? wouldn't even say not the net parties, minnes loveless, leaving in 10 like the from sunlight. scores to the sh reports from c ports to devise single port
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militia, hong kong, directly to this, dana funded by the police on not be lot of 2nd on photo and smugglers. the everybody say claudia, selling the red sanders done the name crops of the in progress reports, saucers, bite cellphones. i mean, my use like against a king finished car buying guns to language for the 1st time he has been caught, he has been put in the prison, isn't doing for investigating agencies of track the median international racket reported retreating and the smuggling of
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endangered red sanders hiding endangered products produced red sanders. this lot of it on 2000 loss was intercepted by the director of revenue intelligence valued a full grown over beef which patches about 6 times more than the international market in these directory to a revenue intelligence or d r. i is it the full front of a fight against smuggling a. m. z. a ryan was a deputy hid there and lived to send a would boston new york to look for a new show back to things in the moment of carnival in those picked up candidate southern country that's going to change the phone. the product code declared us she li, rate dimension is unusually high in part of the container on that
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suspicion it's all doing was going to run it, contain mentally examine that you can do that. so you can combine the last one solid. i mean, after they intercepted the contain is be a rhyme and his team quarter to people to the rental that we do have popcorn in china, on the phone, in the lobby, on that us to them and the to them the 1st time. so who i mean when behind the box, the key was part of the from the hotel and brought to my office the g 3. and on the summons
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that i owe nothing to the 3rd send us money. therefore i will not give a statement. this was unusual. them out of that more of a to deal with this. i thought of. yeah, i knew you should do. raise it by offices. taking to under, according to told is knowledge, walk the dogs and borrow money. news with one form in gauging you are talking to the converse that it is told ideas slugger. but if you had done this to be an additional direct agenda to my dad has tons of domain deposit is why you don't say this statement.
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taken unusually made. plus enough of what i'm not talking 1st off. the then the lives of solid coming comes with the picture. they find is the case saying to release him. solomon who's released? come talk on base against. that's my dad. he started a biscuit is a violent kitty is caught up with the loan after you brought the car, but it kind of comedy by good, but none of us to not to be successful, but to get them in the police department in the state against the gunning down the operations set to be again, the smoke goes in on the
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different values when i'm in just a moment that i will talk, i'm going to do it on the one to see what the defendant can think of them. let's take off a nod. is a senior officer of the indian forest service? no, i mean, but it just is 15 under sometimes $100.00 on apple products with stuff and on to one the garden. don't want you to have a garden cut over your billing, and then doing 6 and i was sort of. so really for you one, the one going to album and then a, but for them one day i was one common guessing that you're doing something extensively before then the
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by, i'm david, i'm going to find my direct and then the police on the application and i mean it was one of the big spun less of whom would try to bring him to book i mean, i know, i know it changed the window at the time as well as that very few escape actually solved. and i mean these today maybe even by the end of a guy who's one fellow even cell j, chicago, as a criminal intelligence analyst went into poles in single pole is warranted in over 36 cases. yeah. since 2016 and supported issued and written notice against him at the request of the indian authorities
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expected to be based out um and operating use business from there. the other allow me to actually either of any the bottom oh it's in the the white and vicious when i put them on a probably a one day to the end of all the lights are interchangeable. to christmas money the it's a bit complicated because the individual was, wanted, is, hasn't committed an offense in the country where he's located. he is wanted by another member country, but indian police receive a lot of information about the whole her needs whereabouts. most of the members of
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so our phone and some of us are from the exec very up for the length of the street. so don't like this. so we meet with one of the police is confidential informants into by the spring reporting of the whole need. should i stop with infinity between the money wiggly, instead of checking the benefits, this is the money i gave information to the police, considering his activities. sometimes things like, what do you do it? somebody what kind of it as you've described to due to the warehouse is we sent everything on the triple play
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because here was incentive, and soon they had a strong tip for the police wonder some of us go to somebody condition in the house . and if i really started to ask everyone if that is a part of this process or we, i mean, so we asked what, who was doing, what's going on. and he said the organizing a big event was $200.00. a month ago, we need to go to blue, a little bit later than they even got into the the, the wyoming. i never sent them to cindy. and i'm uh, going to one of the indians from miller, and barely they let anybody, it doesn't matter. we're dealing with a lot of 100 smugglers that sees that 40 said lot
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of those had any information the while both the you will need when to are the food that wasn't able to collect the data and simple enough. so ones um, just leave it in that and then in my mind one of the game i'm missing, i'm of like the also who made the why you keep the data to invite so many smugglers to do. but because one thing he is rich or she made a lot of money. um it was believe a few years ago. it says like 2015 like that. he made more than one per the
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$1000000.00. copies of the cards, which is what she wants. properties before boss me, less than 3 commercial buildings, the device, todd hotel investments, lot of buildings, dad for him, but his family members the big so much so that he has a legal support is liars working for him in india, e as police, as far as the officials looking for him. yes, customs. he was very confident. i'm on the list. the son was picking up the
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in 2015, policemen who are tracking sahu. i mean they have name and his son. i've just been in the criminal cases. so by the time is manage in the by and he was certainly in august thinking got like he has a company here, but he doesn't know that indian police are waiting for you guess select line valid so and i wouldn't pointless with that. but that they the notable directly to that angle, it's federal, as margot agencies. what about i have to say, handbook letter and agencies like any on the
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inside. we all just had an idea how we works. how our dollies picture doesn't mean that just the possibilities for that of so we knew him in a, in a lot more like of the walking dead. they would identify the tune up and he landed in the one bed for the police. got information on the as he came on to the immigration, it was that us to me shocked the police received a phone call from so who made easy reaction was like, i mean of any,
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any loving father. you want them to have some great new offer based off the government is i love you because you need me that don't make it more than today is the 2nd is to me. you need me. i will come on senator you lou, my son solvable. i mean that i need to sign and that was the headline and the story . and then the whole story. i've redone in the old 150. that is like the, as i say, well okay, we've got by that gives us you come on to what do you learn? know you like them. the the hood was hesitant to come to india. he thought the even better man is the systems you go to fight it out legally. i believe i'm
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a little i'm going to go to natalie window able to. we didn't do that. from the pictures we have gone to the cost. most of the cars have pictures of his funds with the cost such photos help us track down the location of wonder. so make songs into by the i'm looking for a home in the security guard cools the who for me for the semester. i'm a, i'm a, i'm
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a journalist. i just trying to talk with your father so it's about the red sun. there's the acquisition. you, you've heard about it for me is business. okay. yeah. but if, if it's not, so why does it have it doesn't surrender to the police and defend these guys legally. this is the biggest issue that we were unable to track down his father. so who wondering was somewhere else and nobody struck you know, him give information to the police about so the new, the,
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what's most of it is just on it. and it isn't just that i think of a dyslexic the actions are already posted. the actions are taken to stop so who need remains a wanted man? the discrete for countries which is a 195 member countries. so if he is traveling to another country and there's been a lot she good, then he could get the rest of the journalist don't go to mama says more needs to be done to track the king pin down. no failure, forgetting. and also there's a lack of political ability to get him because it's on the smuggling is not
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directly hard thing and even like that of them, no bombings. there is no drugs here. it's only they're cutting the trees, but they're not realizing the killing the planet. they're not realizing they're clearing the forest then not realizing that the environment is destroyed, the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the low. white is placed it in a fluid. now i do this, see, they are literally the sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands
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some time to escape a war that ended decades to go on to z. here's from houses here on the go and the tonight. i'll just, there is only mobile that is that the, this is where we, the effect from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to the site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time. on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live?
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we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help it's a lie from us. in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force their own patrol, with lebanon's army. we are here to support them these government to take control of the situation, but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official se last, that are already in the billions of dollars. although the consequence fill large and contained and confined to the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because israel is threatening
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a wider war if border security doesn't improve the lice that you only will. a 7 month old baby is among the $21.00 palestinians killed and as many as strikes and the city of ruffled and southern guns, the pro carry johnston. this is sandra nice from also coming talks for gauze, a ceasefire wrap up in colorado. mass says its keen for an agreement, but as well as 5 minutes to reiterate his refusal to an end, the permanent is rather accused of trying to sign in journalist soft of ordering. a shock ton of houses here and reading its premises and easter was.


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