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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the, although the cause of this, the large will contain them confined to the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because israel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the lifestyle, you only will. a 7 month old baby is among the $21.00 palestinians. killed and is very s strikes and the city of ruffled and southern guns, the ground carriage. austin, this is sandra, nice from also coming talks for a gauze, a ceasefire wrap up in colorado. mass says its keen for an agreement, but as well as prime minister reiterates his refusal to end, the permanent is rather accused of trying to sign in journalist soft of ordering. a
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shock ton of out of syrup and reading its premises on easter was plus attorney chang in east and me and my with finances and the military struggling for control of one of the country's most imposing trait highway. the we started garza where there has been no laptop and these really been bob until the strip that says the latest efforts to reach a ceasefire. laptop in egypt without a major breakthrough in recent hours in gauze, the southern city, a rough or at least 21 percent of students have been killed by series of is very strikes and residential areas. among those killed was a 7 month old boy who had already lost both his parents. baba and go to the reports you swaddled in a shroud. baby honey is held up to cameras with his face and covet. he had
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a short and turbulent life. his remaining family won his struggle, acknowledged for him to be remembered, can have a double sided salmon. the baby's mom was 8 months pregnant. she got injured and an air strike. the doctors managed to deliver her, but she died 2 hours later. his dad was killed on the spot as well as his auntie and her 3 children. the baby survived, along with his 2 sisters who were injured. she was born in the war and is now killed in the same war. 7 months old, how name was about 9 palestinians killed and then this really strikes on the cash to family. home in rough or rescue is picked through russell in hope of finding survivors. bodies with books that i believe use of our imagined hospitals where russia came to bid her relatives farewell 4 of them. i want to 10 years old,
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around 1500000 palestinians as sheltering and rough uh, which was meant to be the last safe haven. and garza, israel is pressuring how much to accept its terms for a temporary cease fire. but how much incest, any trees must be permanent, barbara and grandpa, out to 0. the latest round of negotiations for cease fund, garza ended in egypt and capital cholera. the crucial gaps remained between israel and how much the head of the c i a and see how much representatives will be taught on monday. but let's switch reports from ramada and occupied. westbank to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough. uh it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion. based was a family home hit by his ran a striking on sunday to the negotiations issue. we've reached at this pointing stage. we not hoping that anything was already hurt, as god may god help us and rescue us from the school deal negotiations for
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a ceasefire or to stay only. how must insist on an end to the war. israel says it's willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release of captives on a visit to gaza. is rose defense minister suggested a major rough operation is coming on. the home is i am, we are identified. alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh, and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. how must blames israel for the site to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach and is keen, is in determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people. and the aggression completely, she's withdrawal from the entire goes, a strip returns to displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning,
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but any rough incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to be 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has close the count them other asylum, crossing into gauze, or to aid convoys. after homicide rockets, it is really military station nearby. how much representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say that will be back there. on tuesday in the c, i is direct to william burns as arrived in doha for an emergency meeting. with cons as prime minister to see if there's a way of preventing the cx 5 talks from collapsing. bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah the occupied westbank. palestine correspond to entire, i assume is in rafa with reaction in gauze or to the see spot talks. the palestinians generally are following closely what is happening on the diction capital regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach trustees fund agreements between how my son is really to have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days that has been recently
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dwindled due to the leaks of media reports about the same sticking points between homeless and isabel, regarding the agreement must from its sides, wants to bring a permanent ceasefire on the table while isabel wants it to have a temper pose in which they will get the captives and to resume the fight to inc, ongoing. so this area that has been widely attacked within the past 24 hours is more casualties. and this tool amongst civilians continue to rise consistently as residential houses being target to the long side would fall months. um its ongoing exchange of fire. we come us fighters and it is really mandatory in multiple areas . of course, the territory tare capacity in al jazeera russell. palestine is what i was prime minister benjamin netanyahu was reiterated that no amount of international pressure will deter israel from its goals. today we again confront
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him is bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world, no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only jo, estates, by pleasure today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembrance day. if his role is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone or is ready for the lease of rated ultra zeros work space and okay, parties to resubmit ceasing equipment, myself to israel decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. i'll just say what has condemned to move instead, it will proceed o available legal channels in response on the song as well. and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel l g 0. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure, saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct
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targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really, authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network work quote, to concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which bird these really government to reverse? what did called a harmful step, adding that this was
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a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central as well throughout the war on god. so i'll just say or has documented more than 50 attacks against it's janice, he was just some of them in october several family members of i'll just say was going to be a chief while i'll do what killed and it's ready as try killed his wife a 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter, and one year old grandson. that same month on his ready strike, killed 19 members of and i'll just say we're both cost engine is family mohammed i will comes, comes family it with sheltering in the jabante, a refugee camp in december. i'll just hire a correspondent on us. i'm sorry for lost his father and is really strike targeting his family's house in that job. i am also in the assembly drunk strike killed. i'll just share a comment about us on that with the wounding view, a chief while i'll do that in january. i'll do is oldest son holmes,
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who also works for elders here was killed when his car was targeted by jerome and strike. he had been trying to interview displaced civilians when the vehicle was hit. call us martinez. the set up is a program director of the committee to protect the journalist. he says these roles decision threatens origin, this in the region. it clearly sits a vessel and is important to be to the mind that there is no proof. there's no, they'll come back and definitely made available for anyone to try to understand the reasoning behind this decision. just the she has been deem and that's outside by the is those cabinets. i suppose there's supposed to be a document as not as security, local or any or something like that that may have some information, but this is a pattern daddy so follows in terms of treatment allies and do not have them and
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then making decisions about that and this is another very flavin step, but definitely since the president, for any international of any station or travel or journal this report and we the news route about what they can expect you, they do critical contribution reporting. there's a button and these are the and this goes mandatory of, of criminal lice. and you'll notice him of trying to suggest the 5 that attaching does include in journalist being killed and dan, of being the subject of his information, input by them that contains time to pack them is something that they are like, they're just, they're not as it's only thing on, on a basis of public interest. so in this case i clearly vanny and the whole race and they're adding another text to continue to talk in. and i'll just, yeah, and also in, in the war against your knowledge, right? like he's continuously an effort to undermine the really
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important and necessary reporting on the war and around the board and the region to protest against as well as war and guns are continuing on. university campuses across the us even is graduation season begins. students at the university of california in of an on demand thing, the university divest from companies the ties to israel and weapons manufacturers. folks between the universities, chancellor and the students that are ongoing well demonstrations that campuses and new your kind of essentially southern forcibly shut down by these. but in all the city, students are refusing to go anywhere until that the moms met. fill a valid report from orange county in california, or twice they have set up camp and twice police have swept in. i'd shut them down. this was us. see the university of southern california as around 50 ryan police from the los angeles police. moved in a full am sunday at big protest as for the 2nd time, the heavy uniforms were
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a precaution for the protest. this will be demonstrating peacefully. left, just as peacefully, they were told to leave. and they did. no arrests were made. and the university is now wrecked. it's a 6 foot wall around this site to stop a 3rd attempt across the country. the protest movement continues. this is depaul university in chicago. the palestine supposing demonstrates his pay to against accounts of protests by israel supposes 2 sides. one place facing golf, but without the violence, we've seen at the demonstrations in southern california, they sent comments that you see a fine in orange county is about to hit its 1st week. this is just one of the tactics that we're using to, to get divestment was much smaller than you see. i like this one has around
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40 or so in the incumbents. they've not wavered despite the university initially trying to shut them down. and they say they'll continue for as long as it takes when you look at some of the logic process like columbia, like you see a lie and how they've closed down to. they've been closed out. how do you keep your focus? i keep coming because our focus is with people in palestine and genocide, that screen so we know we're, we're here. we know we're here for palestine and that's what keeps us going. california is saying protests, the length of this state from san francisco to sacramento, to los angeles, to here in orange county. now this protest has been very call to, to be very peaceful to haven't really paid. i think house of protests apart from the old person walking by and say something from time to time. and that explains why there eventually no police here. now the students are in active negotiations with the university on the homepage, but it will continue to remain calm or may peaceful. i'm a con,
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continue to talk. i get ultimately, what it is they set out to achieve phillips i'll, i'll just say it right. you see of i in an orange county california. so the head donalds, is here a pose, open in charge elections that will replace the tree transitional council. and will tell you why russian forces on taking over the fights against arms groups initiate the the narrative that he may be ready should not be seeing quite such large numbers and large some of the storms in saudi arabia, yemen apps or iraq and know the city but that's still the case in the full cost that was shouting at the eastern met, missing, don't need you up to $70.00 running for the north and not through lebanon,
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for example, for the concentration on the cold, as well as goals. and so is fed that often talk you have for example, as a by john, maybe something possibly wrong. that's going to be the case for the next couple of days. we should be seeing temperatures rise and things study that in the right the evidence due to some of the b that's happening. so in the fall to yesterday, the hop example that age and the full cost, but still in software savvy and west and human up in the mountains is those thunder storms are still there with a potential investor and somebody to do some big ones. recently they could be repeated impulse attempting to get to as we've gotten the remains of a tropical cyclic hop to discern it. but the most just still there and shelves of over, off of knowledge, nature still possible in can you west of that the so the congo and i go to intensive north, maybe it's now dry, dry and surprisingly, hopped in places further south driven to 28. should not be up in 1031, getting warmer, the
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calling attention to any quality pollution meant extra do visual killings and can be as low income communities site. one brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one past one day and organize that are on the record. how old are these people for the begun supplementing buffer then it has been put on the bus that hit the button generation change can you change is coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to the the the you watching out. just a reminder of the top stores, this is fairly strong,
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some guns that have chose at least 20 palestinians. in the past few hours, these 11 homes were hits in and around restaurants including down to the catch, the 8 members of that time. they were killed, including a baby who was born in the dog. is what a police of rated challenges. there was web space in the parties to boost and seizing equipment us off to israel, decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. i'll just say era has condemned the move and since it will seem old available vehicle shuttle service protests against as well as one causes a continuing on university campuses across the u. s. students that the university of california onto the diversity di, best from companies with ties to is relevant weapons manufacturers of students in the band with actually capital car, also routing and sort of down to his palestinians and movements across the united
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states. what time the challenge he joins us now from that cost to bring us up to speed. what's happening today where you as well the rally is supposed to take place by in another 20 minutes. so, so, so the students are gathering in different parts of the university campus and they're going to actually come in that profession and then raise the palestinian and bung relation. fly dear. now this is one of the called by the ruling party, stood under wayne, but all the common students are also participating. and it's a nationwide called all across the national university assignment gently as please pull that riley and step out of the palestinians. and in showing solidarity with the us students as well as those students across different parts of the was there was been rally also yesterday, and doc i university campus buying. as i said, several products riley since november coincides exhibition and many other different
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elements of the products took place in different parts of the country as strong support our palestinian independence students here wants to show their support and solidarity, which is why they called for this gathering today which we'll see in little bit of maybe 1520 minutes will strongly start. so hanging out rides behind me, where you can see the top chart. now bangladesh is one of the strongest support for palestinian independence. it is one of the 1st 5 countries in november that actually filed the complaint with the international criminal code to investigate the is riley crime against the palestinian changed jobs. um, uh, this is a country that also provide scholarship to hundreds of palestinians student to go to university and medical colleges here. it also has a military cooperation where if palestinians that kind of stuff back with the
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military academy to turn out to be officer. there's a strong sense of uh, solidarity with the color, send me a sense, but inception of this transition, and it will continue to support a doesn't have a diplomatic relationship width is right, and it strongly believes in that independence follow sandy. and i would probably likely see both products that can come in phase width and months of okay, tons that charge a thanks so much indeed for that. also breaking news now is ready for caesar, asking palestinians to move out to the eastern part of rafa in southern gaza ahead of a threatened assault in the last to move to our my was c area close to the coast line . more than one and a half 1000000 people have been sheltering in rafa often is very homie, a forced them out of northern and central guns that when it's cross now to
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a hunting, not moved to joins us from rough in the southern gaza. honey, what more can you tell us the the well the within the past couple days that know what, what seems to be the failure of the, the, these fire talks in cairo and the insistence of these rated prime minister on expanding the ground invasion and drop off city and in light of b, a at the pox yesterday on car mobil sat him on these really intense response. and in fact, an overnight as possible with 11 an air raid targeted the rural areas in an eastern part of robust city, which seems to be the targeted area right now in which the local residents of this part of the, of drop off city has been ordered. by these very monetary, to evacuated sharply and immediately to the western part of it in new york, as that evacuation is on and off, it has been designated previously by
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b as in military as a space. now it's important to point on the so far, all the evacuation is on designated by the brand new military has, has not been largely save for evacuated for the displace family. in fact, they have been under a tide the way i've repeatedly either at the western part of on unit or here in robust city work. at least one point. 5000000 people have been sold for inc. across the overcrowded roof i, city and housing. now this place families, in the sense, part of the city of mosby evacuations on a stretches of from the west, from part of the city on the coast, the road, housing and full hon unit all the way to run by from the or did you king, god, the board of this is another, or order body is really monetary to evacuated, people it started to move. now it's also worth pointing out that the past couple days people started moving on their own because they were expecting the fees,
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fire talk. we're not going to the big any progress to the started the parts of their stuff and start moving, but not necessarily today's act, which is on because the mis trust in believing this and, and there's really narrative is so huge right now. people recall inc told to evacuate these areas, whether they are the relative level of the family members or somebody. some people that do, you know, they were killed inside and these evacuation is on. so some people, so a different route. 12 different areas speaking shelter. as the same and throughout this world, god. so there haven't been any so called safe areas, a tool. so what is the mood the on the ground and to this is very, very distress a quiet there is a state of panic right now. as i arrived through the site where we were reporting this from most of the time for the past month about this and go and board. people are clearly panicking. they are,
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they're asking questions about where exactly is the based on when in fact the had someone that the new or a family member was killed in that particular area. whether it's been in drop off or the, the southern part of the city economy, or even the central area more reason they, they've done that is, is quite misleading. as a quite contradictory and largely of bank. there's really another, haven't been quite clear and honest about it about designating these areas for it, for exact reason, display families all wants people here are frustrated or angry and they say that you can't, you can't have the safe zone in awards on this more has been read you can for the past 7 months, it has destroyed your old means of life on social services. the ability to turn garza into a waste land. the only place that is left for people's best. they'd be kenneth c
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and was not a 100 percent. is rough, i have, i have a lot breakfast for all display families is now under a talk and people have order to move to western part of the city. the speed is a move by it has been changed. and then in one area, one person just within the past couple of minutes, he said, i could hear that it clearly walk into the side. but he said, you have to put out all in this concentration camp at the 3rd part of the city right now. hunting mach mood for now. thank you. to me in the battle for the boat, a ton of meal body has raged for the past 3 weeks. revolution and minute tree of fighting for control of the area. and the 1st the for special report sounds as it was tony chain, travel to the front lines and pain state. he also spoke with one of the rebel,
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come on, does his report, a fight is from the pro democracy peoples defend suppose take defensive positions. this is the main road between the type border and yang going in most commercial hubs. the town level by the bones from the military gym to or a say see state administration council civilians long gone the capital room freely in the streets even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway. everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s a c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control, the pro democracy forces. and there are 5 digits in the. yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves the battle on the asian highway has been the least columns of military reinforcements. force of 2000 men tried to break through
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to the boulder. most of being still say the fight is that some did slipped through a constant threat from the yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do little to risk. so be, want the man in charge of pdf operations, says his greatest concern isn't the military contact, but unity and within the opposition, you know about, we are not afraid of the weapons, we say, or any one thing group off about tillery or strikes, and that's the division of the limits we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the current as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well, pdf fight is under korean. come on, travel freely through the countryside, looking tracts, tendon to supply chain highways, hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is
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killed in turn to tax a new weapon. letters deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad when ever i'll come rest die, but we are mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot, but this month's tom pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory. they now went taste to anything else. is there a guy in states yamma? and then this 2nd of all special reports from inside me and tony cheney will examine the impact that i think is had on civilians as millions across the country are forced from the homes that's coming up at 700 gmc on monday here. and i'll just say or pose of open for the presidential election in chad. people of 18 for the next leader to replace the.


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