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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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this is still large, will contain the confines of the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the these really all me says it's about to use extreme force in eastern rafa in southern gaza, a ones palestinians to move to west and wrap the central guns the carry johnston. this is, i'll just say a bull costing life from also coming up a nice that you only will a 7 month old baby is among the 21 protest indians killed in as fairly as strikes talks for guns,
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a ceasefire wrap up in colorado to mass says it's came from the agreements, but it is rails prime minister it's rates his refusal to end the evidence is rather accused of trying to silence journalist, soft of ordering to shut down the amount of cirrus and raising its premises occupied east jerusalem. the . we'll begin this with breaking news now from russia is mainly army has wound or residents, and displaced people to leave the east to neighborhoods of rafa. it says they must move to the out my la c area and then the coastline. that's the head of what it says will be the use of extreme force. the eastern part of the city. well, one and a half 1000000 people have been sheltering in rafa. of these very all me forced them out of north and central garza had joined now by connie mac mood.
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who's in rafa in southern goes a honey. what's happening there on the ground right now. yes, we're following an intense nice of bikes. free air strikes, relentless air strikes across the east britain and the central part of the city cause the of the murder of a 20 people so far. most the women until it is really military as early hours this morning. it should statements, along with that a map for evacuation. the owners are very free and very sharp and use intimidating language describing what's going to happen is the eastern part of the city. as with the, along with the use of extreme force and then extreme off military operations, going to take his place of days. been part of rough. i stated that includes all the area she strain of the law had begins with an almost a close to the center, roughly city that's at the western part of the law had been road that will include
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definitely rough i had crossings. and as of yesterday and we, we learned that carmel, the asylum crossing, is being completely shut down. and the operation right now, getting that is included running across the right now, including the evacuation orders will be closed. as soon as the operation is parted in the eastern part of run by city, people are in a state of panic shot despite said they expected that to happen. but it did not expected to happen rapidly that we were approached by people who just started asking about where are the evacuation zones. and we looked at the maps and what, what we see. and so far it is stretches of from the central area from the city all the topic. it's real, tanya, and it's mainly in the central part of harness and the western part of pine newness all the way to they evacuations going here in less than parts of robust city. these are the 3 major areas the, this, the,
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the leaflets designate is as safe areas in which they will be receiving according to the least let a pop drop by these really military. according to this leave, it says this is where all the humanitarian supports will be directed. that is something indicating as many people reacted to that, that this operates is going to be long. and it's on it's unclear without any time of scream when it's going to do and, and that's what's going on right now on the ground. people have started to hawk, to move that toward the central area and the uh, the western part of a rubber city. it's important, those 2 went out in the past, the 3 days, a witness, the quiet evacuation sort of people who somehow it predicted that the talks in cairo about the seats fight. we're not making any solid progress. then there's really military, in light of the rolling the threats of expanding the operation in the roof. i city
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decided to move it quietly to areas that are not designated by these really monetary as see the ones given the pos, failures of these really military, to assure that these evacuation zones are in fact safe. when indeed, given that throughout this one goes, as you say, that haven't been any so called safe areas. what is the move in now to this needs? and how are people going to a it's a quite distressing right now where we could, we could see and we did. so how were people, how concerned the are there is they don't panic. the people who have really lost family members that the word told do move, the evacuation zones are recalling these times when the where order sharply to move to certain designated areas that they have done only to get killed in bonding killed in those areas where they're here in rough,
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i city or defense from the area or in the city of hon. you and is there is a huge level of mistrust. now, in the, these really narrative, in terms of evacuation zones, then what people are react in this is there. you can to create a safe zone in a war zone and the entire gaza strip is being relentlessly bombed. whether it's here and over crowded rough estimate of all these past months. that's and, and despite the, the calls for the, the ground in invasions which seen by and perceived by many people as a distraction because at the same time is really military was extremely bombing. the city is going to a point where the destruction is a quite visible and all the roads across this over crowded city. the rebels are filling the roads everywhere, destroyed homes are everywhere. so it's barbara hasn't been safe at all within the past 7 months. and since the, uh, the initial weeks of, of this genocide, those uh, war. so that's where people are not buying this the new narrative of evacuation. so
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because there isn't any evacuations on, at all, and the bombing included public facilities on or what facilities hospitals. and we're seeing how the worst form and where they came on, their military receipts for the past month. now, it's important to point out right now the part of the vacuum wishing order is included and the job hospital a days to in part of the city. it's part of they evacuated in the deliberate. it clearly says that the hospital should be evacuated is okay, honey for now. thank you. well, same as ralph is on the phone for us now from a mountain occupies the west. bang. co sign a terrifying situation on the ground in gauze of them. but how is this lucky to feed into the ongoing seas far towards? well, all of this follows and is rarely playbook we've seen before in this conflict and others. the order for people to move came after a night of attention is really bombing iraq, which followed the tax targeting the areas in, in,
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around rafa for days. so this is an escalation, we've seen the same thing happening in the west bank escalation longer than usual rates in the west bank. took her and was experiencing that this morning. we've seen the use of shoulder amount of anti rockets and anti tank rockets on people's homes . this is an escalation, we're saying. so there's all this military escalation in parallel to the talks. and it makes you think it is either to try and negotiate from the position of strength, or it could be lip service to negotiations as a distraction to be able to carry out these operation and complete the objective that these really government laid out at the beginning of this war, which was 2 and a hamas as role completely. and how much has influenced in presence in the us right now is really prime minister benjamin isn't, you know, has been clear. we have to remind people that it's been clear for, for many, many days and weeks now that going into rafa will happen whether there is a deal with homos reached or not. and that is something negotiators involved in these talks. agencies every you an organization has orange,
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would cause enormous suffering and hinder, then perhaps completely negate any prospect of a breakthrough in the hostage trucks. but it seems from his actions that he has made his decision. same as robbie finale, thank you. i mean, want at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed in wrestler, in recent hours by seals of his very strikes on residential areas. among those killed was a 7 month old boy who had already lost both his parents and got their reports swaddled in a shroud. baby honey is held up to cameras with his face and covered. he had a short and turbulent life. his remaining family won his struggle, acknowledged, and for him to be remembered. kevin, have a double sided salmon. the baby's mom was 8 months pregnant. she got injured in an air strike. the doctors managed to deliver her, but she died 2 hours later. his dad was killed on the spot as well as his auntie
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and her 3 children. the baby survived along with his 2 sisters who were injured. she was born in the war and is now killed in the same war. 7 months old tony was a man 9 palestinians killed in an is really striking on the cash to family. home in rough or rescue is picked through russell in hope of finding survivors. bodies with books that i believe use of our imagined hospitals where russia came to bid her relatives farewell 4 of them. i learned to 10 years old, around 1500000 palestinians of sheltering and rough uh, which was meant to be the last safe haven. and garza, israel is pressuring how much to accept tips times for a temporary cease fire. but how much incest, any trees must be permanent, barbara and grandma, how does era? as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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as reiterate to the no amount of international pressure will detach as well, from its goals. to day, we again confront him is bent on our destruction. as i say to the leaders of the world. no amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum, will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joys states. by pleasure today from jerusalem on this hollow costs, remember this day if his role is forced to stand alone, israel will stand alone is ready for they separated out as there is work space and occupied these to roost. and that seizing equipment us off to israel decided to shut down and networks operation in the country, which is era has condemned. the move from says it will pursue all available legal channels in response to. so who has more and
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unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in of you, probably east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel al jazeera. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement just the, the media network condemned the measure saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press,
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seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations presented by his really authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote true concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journal is around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the
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foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what is called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media and the dark day for democracy. i'm the central as well throughout the war on goss, i'll just say or has documented more than 50 attacks against it's just you know, just some of them in october several family members of ultra 0 is gone. is a buick chief while i'll do what killed and it's really as try it killed his wife a 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter and one year old grandson. that same month on his very strike killed 19 members of an elder. is there a real cost engine? this family mohammed, i've come sounds family with sheltering and the giovanni a refugee camp in december, ultra 0 correspondent on us. oh, sorry for lost his father and is very striking. targeting his family's house in giovanni and also in december, a drone strike killed out, is there
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a camera madness? i'm at outlook dot com, wounding view, a chief while i'll do that in january. i'll do oldest son. how does that also works? but i'll just here was killed when his car was targeted by train strike. he'd been trying to interview displaced the civilians when the vehicle was hit. call us martinez, the son is a program director of the committee to protect john this. he says, these are those decisions threatens old janice and the region. it clearly sets the best hold. it is important to me to the mind that there is no prove there's no, they'll come back and definitely made available for anyone to try to understand the reasoning behind this decision. just the obviously has been deemed and that's set by the is those cabinets. and suppose there's supposed to be a document as not as security, local or any or something like that, that may have some information, but this is
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a pattern that is the follows in terms of treatment allies and do not. and then making decisions about that. and this is another very flavin step, but definitely since the president, for any international of any section or a journal this report and we the news route about what they can expect you, they do critical contributions before then there's a button and these are the and this goes mandatory of, of criminal lice and you know, some of trying to justify that attaching. generalize input in general as being killed and then being the subject of these information inputs and having the campaigns trying to pack them as something that they are like, they're just doing this before thing on, on a basis of public interest. so in this case, by clearly banning and the whole race and then adding another text to continue talking and i'll just yeah. and also in, in the war against your knowledge, right?
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like is continuously an effort to undermine the really important and necessary reporting on the war. and the around the board in the region. so the head on the island is here. tony cheng and east them. yeah, my website is in the middle of treat, struggling for control of one of the country's most in focus from trade highway. the in depth analysis of the days headlines those, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing yahoo is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the no doubt to stay forcibly out of chase. frank assessments how to relations declined between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jersey choice of ministry partners and specifically russia
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inside story on al jazeera listing in the gaza strip. as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity, in western media, and it needs to be question, sustained coverage. that actively humanize is, is really, is and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the colleges here with the
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welcome back reminder about top stories. this is where the army has warned all the rest incentive space people to leave the eastern neighborhoods. the rest of it says it's about to use extreme folks. concept, this is rarely strikes on the city have meanwhile, continue with at least $21.00 palestinians to cost a few hours. at least 11 homes with hit in and around. rough on these rarely police of rated algebra. 0 is workspace. some of the parties to reason of seizing equipment us off to israel decided to shut down the networks operation in the country as a 0 has condemned to move, as it will see, all available legal channels in response
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in the, in the battle for the board. a ton of milwaukee has raged the past 3 weeks, rebels and the ministry of funding for controlled area. and the 1st of full special reports now on to 0 is tony chang, travel to the front lines in the cane state. you also spoke with one of the rebel commanders. here's his report. a fight is from the pro democracy people's defense force. takes defensive positions. this is the main road between the type border and yang going in most commercial hub, the town level by palms from the military gym to or a say see state administration council civilians long gone the capital room freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control. the pro democracy forces and they were fight to just in
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the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves to pass along the asian highway has been this when these columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most of beans still say the fight has some good slip through had a constant threat from yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do little to risk. so i'll be the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity and within the opposition department, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing you're talking about, tillery, or strikes and not to the vision and the limits. we do not care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding.
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well, pdf point is under korean. come on, travel freely through the countryside, looking tracts, tendon to supply chain highways, hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new web and the military is deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we are mentally paff with sacrifices and casualties. and sometimes i think about quitting to fight. but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot, but this month's chum pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma. and in the 2nd, there are special reports from inside me and law for any chain will examine the impacts that fighting has had on civilians. as millions across the country are
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forced from the homes. but that's coming off, but so $700.00, g and t on monday here on notice here. pose of open for the presidential election in chad. people of the team for the next to the, the, to replace the countries transitional council. 10 candidates are running for the top job. your position has asked people to boy called to the election process. but on sunday, members of the security forces and to try the broad costs the balance. for the interest reports from the capital engineering, members of charge security personnel queue up early to have their site. they have voting a day early, so they can be free to work during monday as presto. show that much. they do, i read a caesar election sent as open to 6 o'clock in the morning. the turn out was impressive . the military's voting process went very well. chad, yes,
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we'll leave abroad. and the magic community is also voted on sunday. as 8 and a half 1000000 people have registered to vote in this election, hoping wherever wins will address the desperate conditions, the new book by somebody supposed to do. the principal concerns of champions right now are security health fighting corruption, good governance, inflation, jobs for young people, consolidation of law and order and justice. one to let me share caution on to the outcome of the election. a young voters, especially 1st times that voting block is divided between keeping the current competitor rulers or voting in new faces. but what they all agree on is the country needs new ideas, regardless of who emerges victories. different on the tied to for a long time. chad has been a dictatorship, but with this eviction we can at least quote the democracy on what my word is for the reconstruction of the country. you know, we have been suffering for decades,
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drugs, they're going to be struggling as years of political instability and climate change . take their tool on people in one of the wells porous countries. charges of cost of the $5.00 gentler government stores the elections in west africa and this a how. but how like the other countries, why the ministry to problem? it's phase little international pressure because of western countries, including for my colonial policies. because the, the chart unimportant and the build up to the vote. there was widespread just content triggered by a disputed referendum on the selection of presidential candidates many last out and asking for either a boy called, or suspension of the election process a jet. and is, i will ask you, the chance military government breached the constitution with the help of the constitutional counsel and the election commission. and the members of the boards were appointed by the president. they all belong to the ruling party. that's why we demand the entire process based suspended. so the transitional government calls
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support could compete. illegal, says it will go ahead with the election regardless of greece. i'll just see that german reco drain full has swarm to southern brazil using the 78 and forcing 115000 people to flee the homes of thought to say the dissolves, to leave a loss to mock on the region for some time. so reports rest, doors are racing to rates, survivors after days of flooding in the state of rio, run data, sol in southern brazil, the high water collapse, bridges, and land slides are hampering their task with g cloud. it's easier to locate people during the daytime at night it's very difficult. singleton, the states governor says repairs to homes, roads and infrastructure will require huge sums of money to get a seat panel. so not yes. so it's a war scenario in the space. and with
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a whole scenario that has to be post for treatment, president lula da silva, promise federal funds to help with the reconstruction effort. he warned that people may have to permanently abandon areas that are at risk of flooding. you're not hurtful. so describe those are the few that we have to rebuild a lot of houses. that means can't allow people to rebuild houses in the same places we, they fell down the town whole. the states and the federal government need to locate safe land so that people can rebuild their houses. with dozens of people missing the desktop is expected to rise. thousands are thought to be trapped in their homes without electricity after the partial collapse of a hydro electric power plant. and scientists say the extreme weather is set to become more regular because of climate change. wilson dies ard elda 0. you can find more news features and analysis on our website that's i'll just 0,
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don't count on the weather is next. and inside story examines the case, local election results. and what they couldn't mean for general election that state change and export the the. now it's really matter, we really should don't be seeing quite such large numbers and large some of the storms in saudi arabia, in yemen, apps or iraq and know the city. but that's still the case in the full cost that was shown for looking at the eastern med, missing the need shifted $70.00, running for the north, and not through lebanon, for example, for the concentration on the cold as well as roll. some snow is feathered, often took care, for example, as the by john, maybe something possibly wrong, and that's going to be the case. the next couple of days. we should be seeing
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temperatures rise and things study that in the rape and peninsula to some degree that's happening. so in any fault it yesterday in doha, for example, associates in the full cost, but still in software savvy in west and yeah, and up in the mountains is there's tons of stones all still there with a potential investor and somebody to do some big ones. recently they could be repeated in, posit, tends to meet at to, as we've got the remains of a tropical cycle, opposite to certain it but the most just still there and shelves off of dropping off nature still possible in can you west of that 3rd. so the congo and i go to intense endorsement. maybe it's now dry, dry and surprisingly, hopped in places further south. the 28 should not be offering 1031, getting womack the,
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the softer land slide when in the last general election, you case governing conservative party support collapses and local elections and england gains for the labor policy dentist, whoever buys some sort of gaza. so how significant of these election results this is a size to the .


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