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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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yet in spain, states imposed on these you was enshrined in law, diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank coast. 36, you take, take the shape with a group of survivor. it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist, bossed the silence of others. witness all now to sierra after a landslide, when in the last general election, you case governing conservative policy support collapses and local elections in england gains for the labor policy dentist. however, by stamps on the cause of the house, significant of these election results. this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm naples u. k prime minister wishes. so, you know, it hasn't been in the job for long if the recent local elections in england or any indication he wouldn't be in it for much longer either. his government, conservative party has taken a hammering. but which is to say, i think it's in throw off to the landslide victory that swept it to power on the boys. johnson in 2019 big wins for the opposition labor policy, but a loss of support among some, most of the photos due to its stance. on israel's war on gauze, and finally as a demand and unconditional cease far. so why have people in the england voted the way they did? does it give any indication for what's to come in the general election? what a change of government mean for the u. k. and its policies, we'll get to our guess in a moment's 1st this report from culture lopez or the rezoning, when for prudence, opposition, labor party and local elections across england. 6 it's taken control
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of many local councils, including areas that were previously passed deals of the governing conservative party. the opposition leader says this result reflects the national shit with fed up with your division, with your chaos with your pay, the full t. yes. and i'm sorry. i don't care which political party you support. if you leave your country and i was spiked the what do you found it? 14 years later, you too don't deserve to pay the job. but for i but love golf. it's the contrast from the 2019 parliamentary elections when conservatives won a huge majority in parliament the cure 5 years later, the results are notably different in a wake up call for prime minister re she's soon ok, and his conservative party obviously is disappointing to lose good hardworking conservative counselors and i'm grateful to them for all the service and local government keeping council tax flow and delivering services. so what local people
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to take con has been julie elected as mat labor scored an important victory in london with its candidate winning the election for 3rd term. the re looked at may or assess, voters are ready for new leadership regionally. and in parliament, place sites me the most to share is the challenge of working with a labor government and the message for me, selection in london and across the country is it's time for students to go to general election conservatives or one seen as the party. that's better equipped to manage the economy, but rising inflation and high cost of living is fueling desperation. also ranking high among some voters in northern england in london is the war, 1000 people, the shooting bosses which they can do you need to see is fine. we meet the ceasefire and we still have a note of mike from the stuff, but there were deep the mental issues and the impulse piece of the hall. so what we
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really need need is a government us can understand. now the political 5 over you will likely intensify before the general election with the labor party hoping to end 14 years of conservative government and the u. k. and the governing party doing what it can to try and make sure that doesn't happen. capielo, pennsylvania, i'll do 0 for insights. story the. okay, let's bring it out. i guess now the role joining us appropriately from the u. k. and sorry, chris wilkins, a form of direct to strategy for the next 5 minutes. the threes of may and london peak. i can certainly support cost to an ortho of democracy for sale, and unless the list of james associate professor of politics at the moment university of high well, and welcome to all of you, welcome to the show. thank you for your time. oh, so i wonder if i can start with you because i don't know if a lot of takeaways phone this latest round of local elections and the results that
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we've seen perhaps the biggest take away is the conservative representational councils has collapsed to its lowest in decades. why is that annual as well? it's a number of things, i mean, trustworthiness increasing the local elections. you think you have local issues. so the things being able to get up the roads being main site and those sorts of issues . but it's also about national politics and the cost of living causes where inflation was up to a rate 11 percent. people still suffering the consequences of that. and it appears as if no to the government under conservative control. i've actually got any ideas on how to resolve it. you keep hearing from the politicians pull the plan is working, but the reality is even of inflation is coming down below can affect of it being so early. it is still impacting people. people are much you bliss off as a result of the hydration and they don't see the politicians guys have any ideas on
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how to resolve it. so some of it is angry about local politics. oh to that is, i guess, i guess sports central government is failing to do a lot of anger, a lot of frustration pizza off to 14 years of conservative rule. what do you think driving this? a power hungry for change, and i think it's out of the site as a collection of factors really about 17 years and server control of conservative routes. i think we've had high inflation and 0 growth in the u. k. for the last 3 years, there's been a succession of scandals involving the conservative party starting with the cobra contracts. but it's kind of, it's blending. we know just this week we had a bi election on, on the service. it doesn't cover the rest of the elections in black, 2 sizes, or decisions, or that'd be at this time down after and under cover. uh, expos, a advice him allegedly acting as a, as a, a from for, for the gambling industry and on that's not on. that's not the, unfortunately, usually has been a succession of scandals as well. and fundamentally,
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the conservatives, a coalition, the election coordination of iris jones and put together in 2019 of socially conservatively vultures. and particularly in labor had to form a labor house, seats alongside the traditional small as the conservative southern english conservative soldiers that was, was delivered their $21919.00 majority and docs fracturing all over the place. it's fracturing in the former conservative states, but it's also fracturing the size piece of england for the liberal democrats have been doing well and so at the marines. chris, how much can we pin these results on the car and leadership of the conservative party on prime is to richie so not himself. and how much should we pin on the collective failure of the conservative party over its many is in power in the the likes of the leadership under theresa may somebody who you worked with closely mistrustful to mentioned boss johnson. of course you worked, as i mentioned that closely with teresa may have prime minister who repeatedly failed to get breaks it down. whose fault is this?
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the little i'm so tripped pacific time is of those 14 years now so. so the thing is in the government at any government, stuff's going to bitch target. and so i think probably be the lead to have to share some of the name of the street. i was in down the street. let me do it after the buttons that referendum and never a number of years. i have tried to get that result and the policy extended into the civil war. ready and then, but with drugs that have these issues after code wage, this trust is being mentioned, i have many budget which uh to start the economy and put it in place and up. and so everybody takes the share, the things the best, but i do things that come from it. so if you see nothing isn't ministration. i li options when they came in to power, to draw a line, it shows that they were different and that they did have an alternative plan. this was a set to be a new administration, having used the lessons of the previous one on the list trust and just as
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a change of action of the country. and i think the results that we've seen as the past couple of days and the look for elections and all them actually by election was in the matter of elections or level 11 will actually, and one of them i wouldn't buy insurance policy. i think a lot of those video and he thought rachel visited ministration on the state. yeah . assembly to direction of the country and people who don't have a sense that what she see nothing. he's that much know where they want to go. so yes, we have the painter for this trust you as me is before that. but how do you come in and says, actually i have a trace that's the direction i. they were ongoing, she is most trustworthy. i think there was no change. he's engaged people with him, but he hasn't done that. it's always he got to see these is ultimately a e. brad as a combination of what's happening here now as much as the whole thing is go. oh, so do you agree? is this a of these results a reflection off research so you're not, inability to break with the post, i think is what she said that courtney was going to be trained 5 minutes stuff.
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they basically promised and such strange things were different. there'd be more openness that be more ethical behavior if you like. what we've seen is a lot go back and it has been more of the side. so many of the issues from the junction is where the allegations of corruption and there was inappropriate behavior from conservative entities, which the conservative party tried to cover up to some extent. that sort of thing has carried on where there's been defense. so we can defend civil folder, consider that just robin trying to be for the stop start fresh as, as i was say by chris. there was a huge opportunity for which you should. i am the basically he spoke to take it to the i wonder if we can turn our attention to the opposition labor party and what is driving support towards the labor party that, of course, by kids stop by. how is he managed to capitalize well, this distance shawn, but with the conservative what it's interesting. so what you've got with the labor party isn't something to say what is the 2 parties system. and the only thing that
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you know there is, there are other smaller parties, but the nature of a jew all 3 of a 2 party system is that when the fortunes of one of the big parties go down to fortunes, to do the project goes up. i guess he saw that there was an element of dosh, the labor party is processing and cares time or from from not being the conservative party. and that's a very important thing. you can understand that. but in a 2 party system where there's a sense in which of your holding for one of the 2 big parties, they will be the government language. been able to position themselves as, as the party of, of governments and wasting really. and that's been very much time a strategy. i think we, when you're looking at how labor day they are, they picked up a lot of towns, the seats that picked up over a 100 nation council seats. they won a number of my old contests. they did well, they did not as what they didn't do as well as so might have expected looking at opinion, polls with the election were little collections. those are not easy to map on to national elections. but one thing i think they probably did do what was expectation management with these elections? you know, they want, they may or will contact and these midlands there they back, the incumbent,
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the conservative on the street who to spice the crisis on soon. we've actually widely expected to win on in the context even though labor by 20 point leads and the polls winning that felt like a really big moment for the labor party and for care stormer, there is still also some challenges within these results. the greens have been doing while the democrats been doing well causes definitely hit the labor volks in places in the north of england. they lost control that all states an older middle, some of the states, and in areas where independence, labor parties. god, standards are george galloway's workers trying to break and he was a very strong stance on gods. and i think they've ever been criticized for not taking dust. so there's, there is some challenges for labor within these results. but overall they do come out of this looking like the park, you've got them. and then the big question is when the next selection comb with the how stopping by january, how big, how, how are the parts of the government of how big is the labor voltage at that point for was the following. also now do you think the labor party of mr trick here
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because it has to be moved to noted that well, this is a big shift towards labor. it's not to expect it to be of course, while on slide one by tiny black back in 1997 then labor. i have a 17 point leader of the conservatives and local elections. this time i understand it's a 9 point lee. this time she mentioned the pizza, the labor parties, also lots of folks to independence. and the green policy is hardly a massive mtv is asterix wins was labor. is it? this is true. i think just on a stretch of use being she would appear to be a single pair of hands. so there's going to be no outrage just policy proposal. and that's moving on the whole time, the budget. but he was leader way back in the mid 19 ninety's. so the idea is job no mistakes, no errors, no strip ups. and basically let the concerns about you carry on shooting itself in the thoughts. this has been to be successful. however, as has been pointed out, best buy um feature, the biggest around gun shop was cause problems. now,
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what is interesting on there is that the noise is coming from the conservative policy and the body of both being the right to defend itself. but that the cold for a ceasefire and follow to people, but labor support is that wasn't going to be strong enough. they wanted to be much more strident. and the opposition 12 these ro was doing. i don't think the 1000 population. and i think storm has tried to be cautious on that he doesn't want to upset the international allies around the world. so he's been very, very cautious, very, very tactful. and it's upset most of the local people having said or come to the general election, the choice is going to be between just stopped by his position on garza and richey . so you're not getting his position on dollars or full. those are the wiring out which way to vote and not respect on, i suspect most of them will return to the labor phone even if it's room knocked in place. because they may feel the style that may actually be able to do more in
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relation to dogs. of the suit operation based on adjust to adds to what i was just said, the chris and in addition to what we've heard about labors, perhaps questionable stands on guns a. there is also the specter of anti semitism that is home to the labor party for quite some time. now when it clearly case dogma is very wary about going down that road and staying the wrong thing. and then unless and yes is that something the conservatives themselves have being very wary off as well. a weakness, perhaps in the labor policy, the conservative will hope to exploit. so the storm is whole message essentially is already have changed the policy. this is different, they policy the, he inherited it from jeremy colbin and at the time the policy was really split quite severely and generally full. and that it was seen to pay with where she was coming. she didn't feel positively posting it, feel safe, and it was being a real divide. you logged in. case the made that the thing the actually he you
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basically expel jeremy who will be and said, look, i'm gonna change to life policy. and this was the test, the actually jewish communities could feel comfortable with the late party up to the cold. and so when a from 7 happened and everything's happened since it was a real test for him. and he is stuck to that's not want you to open the that frank again and has been criticized. but this has been said and accept is really are working on looking for an opportunity to pin him this week and to under under martin that training that he's changed to like pauses told him to be a teacher in credits. he is stuck to that line from physical point of view because it's so it's technic for him. but he's not without difficulty. i suspect as, depending what happens was he in go the coming months. but as the general actually gets closer, he will come on the increasing pressure to change his position. i'm but the knots
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that covers the cost is 48 hours. identifying things like what happened in old in the middle of the spring and where. ready when it's against them, saying that this is searching like policy and actually you can afford now having proven you've changed the parts you can afford to take a stronger line against each of those actions. so he will come under pressure and it's a real test of his leadership. let's see which one he takes, chris, i'm sorry. so i wonder, i wonder following home for the 1st adulthood from chris, the weather delay of apology. when very likely they become the policy of power. all . so take a soft, a stance on europe on breaks it. what are your visa? that's the big question. i think there's been some noises and the paper about david allow me, who's a foreign foreign secretary who was it was very much i wonder, most of kind of a referral. she's on to breakfast campaigners boat during the referendum and a half towards to be got him having contacts west european union do invest the
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pressure on the not least for the fact that the comedy breaks. it is heartbreaking . and it's about quite obvious a few years in and you've got a labor product is going to inherits a countries and a very weak position economically. and they are going to want to try and change stuff. and the easiest way to change it frankly is to is to, is to align britain and closer to the european union. but by the same token, what you're seeing from labor partner from the relax, no. because extra inflectional results is the labor practice doing a good job of bringing lea bowl for as back on board. the parking lot, lot of the voters are people involved to lead your opinion. but a lot of mine is a concern for products and 2019 is one. the reason that it's a well, lot of them are actually going back to labor part. it's really important for labor parties coalition to keep them on board. so politically is quite tricky. and, but by the same token to i think this is going to become more of an issue. it's like it's an extreme labor doesn't want to talk to this and talk about this like the election. they've been really slow, very strong and say we're not, we're not going to be joining the single america enough country on the to just joined the cost of doing and we're not talking about your of, but once i get into power,
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i think it is something is going to become more of an issue for the simple fact simple economics and the challenges the british businesses are having and the impact it's had on british g. d p. m, but it's growth, the pulse braxton is going on with i think it's gonna force if you've had, if there was only kind of magic bullets vision, one thing neighbor knows a good call that would help the economy. it is, it is a closer relationship with euro i. so following on from that i sounds like breaks it is the elephant in the room that no politician of any color or stripe really wants to talk about considering it was all anybody could talk about in the last election. is it still an issue that is still an issue, but as long as you say this deal, if it's in the room, so just thomas friends just being make bread sick work. that's the phrase which he is used. we will cover the ears again and again in the day he will possibly look at bringing the u. k. more closely aligned with the you. however, what was good, you hear me out. as i mentioned, sprints the conservative box, they can send it off to you before the school break,
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eventually diagnosis. they want to separate from your son, whole host of issues, but maybe you don't particular things are going into the opposite direction because they don't want to be seen to be similar to you. i think it is an opportunity for some a to bring the pipe closer to the your opinion on possibly introduce our case of the normal way, both of rejoining the european economic area. i think got better a might have a risk to be you making it easier for the people. so that should be also made for example, for you k students to be able to join the rasmus scheme which is a run by you will there is no statute policy but say the part you say no the because that's terrified. but if they say yes to any of the suggestions from the you are right, we made in the table government mental of the well, you want us to rejoice to you that would be a disaster for the late apology. so that it's way to be able to touch in the room. that's why we're not going to talk about it. but i suspect behind the scenes,
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things are being prepared to bring with you k gradually, closer to the you and chris. so any width of being remotely curious about being friends again with brussels, could potentially spell the downfall of the labor party before they've even started . you work for perhaps the most brakes. it and lights, or british prime ministers. that of course, ended up spelling her down full in the end. how do you think the conservatives will exploit that position as an opposition party? well, yeah, i, it, well, it goes on some of the index. it continues to look over everything in so many ways and it will seen the former because it shows that g sort of background was on. ready aged this morning for the sexual needs is all central. okay. not just about the fact that she is still on uh she wants to take this back in to you. um trying to which there's no evidence, but something she says anyway. um,
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but also um taking a stage to the and the being the winner of the concerts project. she let sense that having left the you, if in union now wants to start leaving other things such as the international human rights, another treaty, but they train some impinges on the page and shopping t. so i think what you then see is a real target since here with the considers policy in opposition, most likely i'm going even further to for breakfast. it sort of wasn't enough actually mean to leave it with these other organizations, international organizations. so that we can in much for ease that sort of one, the refund them in terms of see we can hopefully take back control and make decisions ourselves. and you will have a labor policy that will say, you know, actually with household a group of nations who are part of the community of nations. we have to co exist with others, with multiple actually internationally to get things done. and so they will be a real divide. i think the really interesting. ready when you dig into what's. ringback on with her and then the results election results is it from the went to
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the decision coffee, chasing a smaller cushions of people, an older demographic and the labor policy and maybe capturing the vote. so the younger people, i'm increasing the people in middle age chris, the risk chris from a week because of the party, the big political bam. off that we've known for generations could potentially split somebody that i'm doing has been because it's divided into factions. the traditional sentries, one nation conservatives, and those faced the euro skeptic that pro breaks the libertarians of champion by let's trust, department of revenue. well, 45 days. yes, but there's a, there's a real divide and it says projects is due in percent pieces being a really bull church of a big coalition of different opinions. and perhaps it's in a sense was the moment. but that sort of business types in the open the, the split. and so that means that a possibility, a pop
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a formal division that would people such as sort of buy from kids on the vice. the policy contains a way for. ringback just to, as they put you, not the right to bring in people, not knowledge of fraud shouldn't be brought back, let the bread fits campaigns and won't cause. ready gives the on the right to politics and writing in their argument. if you not the right then you manage to be . ready positive problem, as i say, is the best strategy for me is tracing to have a small group of both just older purchase. it doesn't say anything to young people who are going to be deciding electricity pays used to come or talking about younger versus pete. or do you think the conservative something to where did to headline grabbing policies that were one the deal for instance to saying failed asylum seekers. a migraine said to rolanda very, very interesting to see that a few days before of a selection, the some newspaper conservative leaning splashed across his front page. the 1st failed asylum seeker was now on my way to rolando. he liked it turned out that he
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had volunteered and being paid of the conservative being too distracted by these headline grabbing policies to distracted the focus on the voter issues. the design, what's the sense of the us and effectively on top and politically? and i would agree with the analysis of reducing husband creation some sort of new vision of themselves. and then it says that in his tenure, i'm not going to big problem for him just by saying that's what he's trying to do to. there's no evidence with us, but effectively what the conserves are trying to do is on the one hand you have disturbing, peeled off, and the last on the right. so the liberal democrats, the centrist, they're losing voters on the wing, but they're also losing polish as to reform and other parties on the kind of populace rice. i see the concerns of don't in part of the cause of people like sweat a problem and under pressure from them is try and talk harder and harder to arise with policies like crew on that which you this is not a problem and we get a party to listen to them, you'd swear it if, if britain left new york in courts human rights and if we just sent everybody's rolanda, the tories reporting for decide 50 percent to be back in power. there's no evidence
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that from pulling at all really, there is not an evidence of a huge groundswell. all right wing of a right wing goes out there. but as a consequence, it goes to be as if what we've had is it gives a kind of constant stream of policies that don't really speak toward repeat. lemme do speak to the internal divisions of the conservative party and 14 years on fall and power to conserve is one reason they're going to part of the powers that they see more preoccupied for themselves and they deal with the country. right? well, i was telling me to give you the final would be called about 10 minutes left. i mean, anywhere watching the selection from outside the u. k. might be thinking the with the results like i like this, the conservative policy is toast. really seemed like is politically a deadline. okay, so why don't like just put the country out of it's misery and cold and election, or is this a mazda strategy of the conservative slaves? the mouse has got to use the best plan, which we don't quite sure what it is. it won't work. i think as with i need talk to
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you as being empowered wants to clean on as long as possible. so it, i've got an assertion we did on predicting of january 2025 general election simply because the consensus will time on. so the last possible moment because they are, they become addicted to power on the job being how be able to ask the lenders to pull the list the don't know what they're doing. rog and see you didn't get to someone else. what was seeing days at the moment being the that the crowd were possible within the conservative politics and smelled at rapp my most time. someone to do touch paper this morning on various news outlets across the u. k. i ticked it's about the ground work for a civil war within the conservative parties. great to speak to all 3 of you. absolutely fascinating discussion. these are guided and chris wilkins. how decisions many thanks for your time. and thank you to you for watching. you can see the problem again, any time by visiting our website. i'll just, if i don't com for further discussion, go to
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a facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash age a inside story. it could also join the conversation on x on handle is a inside story for meaning baka and the entire team here spot for now the and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis the so comply take now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day, they said residency fail us selling and testing with anything down. so as we speak, these really speak every one's know we're giving each don't finish. and the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on this goes nothing you on whose success it may be better, maybe was, but it's the one that has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest
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developments on out just sierra 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago. the 11 days in may on al jazeera, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on alger sierra. this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its job. every meal is like
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a fish from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the hello i'm r, m, i, z and doha. these are the main stories are following this hour is ready, ministry is ordered all residents and displays people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of rafa, gauze as a southern most city. it says tens of thousands of palestinians. ms moved to the out of milwaukee area near the coastline, head of what it says will be the use of extreme force in the eastern part of the city. any one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering and rough off these rainy military force. the mouse of northern and central gaza. meanwhile, strikes have continued to.


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