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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the scenes of extreme desperation, tens of thousands of palestinians are being pushed down to the eastern rough of the israel want of an imminent ground attack. the hello, i'm sorry m i z. this is algae, is there a live from? doha. also coming up on the program is really as drawings intensify across cause it including eastern rough on at least 52 people have been killed in the past 24 hours . china is leaders, aging thing begins as you're being to and frost with trade relations high on the agenda and tony chang in east the memo of basic health care facilities have been
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set up in the jungle. i think from strikes and onto the we begin with the humanitarian catastrophe on folding in the east. and rafa tens of thousands of palestinians desperately trying to leave the area officer and order from these really all me asking people to move to the on the wasi part of garza, just now the coastline had of what it says will be the use of extreme force in the eastern parts of the city, at least $52.00 people have been killed in his writing attacks across gaza. in the past 24 hours, a tag i would assume is in rough signs of him, gauze, or, and joins us now. how people responding to this order to move roughly how many are moving from, from one location to another well,
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memory um, what was happening within the past couple of hours is that they use very military has given oh, it is for residents who are living in nate, for who saw a j you since to the board is what is veins the east trading pot? so rough on district now, these areas right now are classified among of these are the army as whose own means they're about to carry out military attacks and ministry invasion to these areas. now the what happened exactly is that families is tots, to flee from the neighborhoods that had been marked as read in terms of the classification of the is ready. um it includes nga shaka, the vicinity of gauze of old ports, and even be a certain brooks and these eastern parts of the district. we completely so families today playing room such areas. they have been using their own vehicles in order to move their house items and their stops in order to move forward. this central area
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is a rough idea where we are right now or even to our mos area, which is only one kilometer away from our location. and some families hit to the middle areas which we have visited today, is they've been touring that we are talking about truly on speak of all humanitarian catastrophe. this situation does undescribable as there was never any place. that sounds to be m t residents are living there. unprecedented congestion in the street. so i'm sort ross even there is about a town where the vast majority of gauze population of paintings and the situation on the ground floor to some of these sounds completely terrifying. because they have no need of a place that is designated as safe zone to get to so clearly bombardment that can to use the move sling movements among the residents and the eastern part of rough off. it's important to remember that the as tries to continuing even while as well as positioning itself to make ground moves on rough people is still facing violence
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from the sky. yes, and that's, that's really right. we're talking about cool lot true destruction and systematic demolishing for us. so residential neighborhoods in the eastern parts of brooklyn district since the out this morning. we've been hearing loud explosions and in the eastern areas as we have been seeing really just tapping images really released from such areas about a great deal of destruction left behind. now, the tactics that it's used among these, where the army is causing cut to collateral destruction of these areas just to force it's residents to flight you to get to further areas and rough on even in other areas of the gaza strip. um, they have been attacking residential houses, farm lenses, numbers of palestinians have been alive to elk await your hospitals being ended as the casualties among civilians. in a rough since a breakdown has surpassed to reach at least 28 palestinians being killed to now. um
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and you know, really top and as strikes the wind onto the re bombardment has moved. troops have been mobilized, close to rough last board is and the peroration for the potential military encourage and thank you very much. at tag i was im, reporting to us from rasa and sheldon, gaza. all now is you hearing that there are many people who are leaving east and rough uh. they heading towards hong units and down all bile up there about is the central area that's been completely devastated by weeks of his riley bombardment on ground defenses. other i spoke to him to elca diary. she brings us this update from rossa. the tension is rising after that is there any forces. 2 there's policy means in dropbox to evacuate the printing areas. people literally do not have any place to go. these are people that lead from the western areas waiting for any type of transportation, not even knowing where they are supposed to go to. is there any forces or to back
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to a do you this as to that is the last, but can you this has been completed. the wife says no, any way it's going to be due to but for 1500000 people. that's where it's also perhaps you and these are pop posts because our pub, it's all packed with the folks at this place for more than 7 months. now people here in rough off came to this area as for being dismissed for more than one time. the people are boiling, we have been talking to because they could not even hold their tiers, not knowing where they should go right now. and they believe that there is no place pace every time that's really courses, ask them to evacuate to an area. it's never safe. and there has been a lot of experiences and a lot of stories since the past and during the past 7 months. this is part of
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simeon children. we have been seeing multiple families trying to it back to ways. but the question is, where, where all of these people go? where was they set up their tents where it's hot, there's no space and there's no safe place in the gaza strip. people in the gaza strip have been expecting that that is where in the army is going to invade it offline because they have been threatening for more than a months now. but how do you not believe this is happening right now? and the question is, where we're all of these people go. this is in the military as data deaf off, gaza talestine. that's getting reaction now from washington with alan fisher who joins us live. why does america stand on this order from israel?
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so we know in the coming hours there's going to be a call between president joe biden and benjamin netanyahu that confirmed. i'll just say that just in the last hour. we also know that king abdullah of jordan is going to be here for a private lunch with joe bytes. so that's going to be interesting as well. we know the united states has said that israel needs to have a plan to deal with the vanity and full light of any operation in guys. and we also know that after the death of the walk us in the world food kitchen, joe biden said, any future us support depends on how it is real. handles the humanitarian aspects of its operation in gaza. and certainly by friday, we have from the briefing room that no comprehensive plan had yet been put to the united states. and the still concerned that this may go ahead while there are talks of the possibility of talks about a safe spot. but here's a key in washington. there is a suggestion that perhaps the village that pushing ahead with this plan to, for some us to the negotiating table to say, look,
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we're going to do this. there has to be a deal which involves the release of the captives and it won't be a full time stop of the war in guys. it may just be a temporary truce. and those discuss sions are ongoing and various capitals around the world to try and push those forward. now the talks with benjamin netanyahu and king abdullah come against the backdrop of benjamin netanyahu said in an address to the usually people at the we can that you cannot trust the gentiles and got assigned to the number of people in washington, not least because of the support the joe biden has shown israel, the support that joe biden has given the militarily to continue their operation in gaza on the support. the united states gave israel when it was being attacked by gaza. the us, i said, for a number of months, the israel has to be careful with the way it is way taking the water and gas. it has to take into account the heat might have to be in aspect. and we've had so many times that behind the scenes the united states is putting pressure on
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a sale to do more, to reduce the number of civilian casualties. but of course, will say nothing of that on the ground that is obvious to independent observers. and so they're going to be interesting conversations in the next 24 hours, but it's clear that the united states is consent, is it the israel is about to go into rafa and there could be a big to meditate in full light. thank you very much. out in fisher and washington toms is on the, on the instructional reaction that's been coming in your opinion on a fast chief is urging israel to cool off. it's a military operation and rasa, and a post on ex, formerly known as twitter. joseph burrell says the israel's, an occupation orders to civilians and raso for 10 was more worn farm and it's unacceptable, is around this, renounced the ground defensive and implement the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and cause that he ends by saying the you with the international community can and must act to prevent such
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a scenario. or i or i spoke to james elder, a supposed person for unicef. you told me the palestinians fling rasa. i've no real chance of finding safety off to places like hon. eunice and darrow, by the places that he visit, had been ton to rumble. there's nowhere to go. now these, these idea are safe stones. it was 1st moods that in, in november completely no. the fact of the sites on top, the total water is not farming. it will those sites, so it's a baseball and it's about making sure people have access to water and sanitation and food. and by virtue of in rafa recently until this morning, the average person had about one liter of water put dye purpose and one of the top way underneath any sense of emergency humanitarian guidelines. now that being forced to move again to time, you as always in calling you this last month, telling me this is russell. gary butler is under, under a mixer check. so we have the language is very important here. the idea that people can go somewhere side off,
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they've moved 4 or 5 times. all the children are made who are intense in rap. i haven't been in the hospital with app, you taishan so they should still be in a hospital. but such as the crazy number of children with wounds of was there's a total of a rise european hospital. of course, the biggest functioning is the hospital showing jobs it up. my understanding is in that evacuations on, that's $20000.00 people taking shelter, much less of the many hundreds and bright health stops so. but as mine boldly is this is, it seems to be happening and it will be her risk is. meanwhile, germany's foreign office is criticized as well as decision to close out is there is offices. it's issued a statement saying a free and diverse press landscape is the cornerstone of every liberal democracy in times of conflict, especially. it's of crucial importance to protect the freedom of the press, the decision of the israeli authorities to shut down alger 0. and israel is the wrong signal. if i say we're reporting from outside israel and of course how to 0,
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strongly condemned israel is and they are saying it will cost you all available legal channels. well, they're all, all the headlines to bring you and we've been following the trip of china's present changing pain because he's holding jokes of the french present and manual not going in his 1st visit to the european union in 5 years. trade is on the agenda has been growing tensions between europe and china, including 5 of what the use these as an in balance between chinese export and it's european imports. not krona is also expected to push the chinese president to use his influence with the russian need a blessing of putin over the war and ukraine. earlier we have from the city walk to the director of research at ostrom asset management. and he was telling me that one of the top issues that and manual not content we want to discuss is the country's trade deficit with china. the read space that the in the back row were present as
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you were up in strategy, young trade, you know, we, we are very dependent on china or we have, or if you, to, to trade this a 2300000000000 euro in 2023 and so we have to sing differently about the, the way things are going we very we charge off the prism to are they researching strategy? which means that we want to have different, sole source of trade, not only with china to lead to our risk in the in europe. and the great fact is out on the public and measured by quote, wheeler was pretty true. we've done a lot to a to z. uh, during the dismissing. does that dependency on china limits then the, the leverage might crone or flat my, to any of the european data will have when trying to pressure china over its
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alliance with russia and the war in ukraine. it's very complicated because i try not, not always a very, very strong economy, a very strong push it party. they were 10 street and we have a few roof him to try to change his mind on the, on this conflict on the, the way the chinese economy. but reading through was i can directly as well still to bring you on the program. we time to chat, the polls arrived in for presidential elections that and returning the nation to a civilian rule. the, let's get going with your weather uptake. that issue right off the bat. we've had some pretty violent storms in the far north, east of india. this is in binary port state looking more like snow on the ground, but this is actually
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a hail storm here and you have these thunderstorms have been packing a punch in terms of hail, wind, and constant lightning from cox's bizarre doc, a right into cold cut out during the blue and yellow with the more intense that rain is falling, these storms are punching into a dish and entrepreneurs stage, but they have given us some relief from the heat and humidity in places like we'll cut a. so let's go 34 degrees for you on tuesday. also watching this line of storage. it's pretty much right across thailand, stretching over the gulf of thailand into southern thailand. so that's lower temperatures. input kat still keeping that heat though for the philippines, manila, $36.00. and devout also coming in at 36 degrees on tuesday, still rain and storm locked into southern china here. it's been like this for the past several weeks, so more flooding to go. more hail storm is very nice. the weather there and we've got a lot of rain work in its way across japan from the main island to punch you and tow keidel. if i take you to indonesia, it's looking particularly wet for some entre islands and borneo islands. len, this weather report and bucket some where things are heating up in soon providence
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. it's also humid in karachi at $37.00 degrees. now let me tell you about suffice. cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the and so now they used only elective, very close here. like common here, sits on play with large. there's face of a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to me and gone to the the,
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i'll come back you and i'll just share a quick look main stories that many people have started to leave east and rough off to the is really on the ordered residents and displaced people tactful on the was the name of the coast. the army says it's about two's extreme force in that part of the city. though is there any strikes have continued in the area, including in east and rafa from where people have been ordered to leave at least 52 people have been killed across garza, in the past 24 hours or on the top story president, changing things in fronts for the 1st time since 2019, he's spent the morning and talks with present to manual macro on. and you are paying commission present to us to be of on demand focusing on trade on the war and ukraine. well now ross, you're saying that it's preparing for minute tree exercises involving is battlefield, nuclear weapons because of what it cools, west in publications and threats. the russian defense ministry says the exercises
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will be used to increase the readiness of non strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. dosage of already has more than this for most got a dangerous escalation. as russian president vladimir putin has ordered the country's military to carry out nuclear drills at near the ukrainian border, the russian defense ministry may be announcements on monday morning. now this has been seen as a serious escalation, the kremlin spokesperson, dimitri pest called, said that this is an unprecedented move during unprecedented times. it comes following statements from. a and readers, specifically french president and manual cron, who said that he doesn't rule out the possibility of sending french forces into print at the french president has said that he has one objective. and that is to me, ensure russia does not win in ukraine because that could jeopardize security in all of europe. now see, i promise folks for sending me to a pest office,
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said that the order that has come from flooding are put in to carry out these military drills involving tactical nuclear weapons is a direct result of these comments. and it is a very dangerous at message at the very sensitive time. we also have heard from your retreat, met with the, the deputy chairman of the security council, who said that it's such a move bite western powers could have catastrophic consequences. for now, we don't have any more details about when and where exactly these rules will take place, but it's been certainly being seen as a rush. i was sending a message to western powers that any kind of boots on the ground in ukraine is clearly a red line for russia. door such a part algebra 0 moscow. in the in ma weeks of fighting the of the town of male. why the, on the tie border is full tens of thousands of people into thailand, but many more remained trapped inside the country. the wind estimates 2 and
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a half 1000000 people have been displaced by fighting. since the military sees power and the crew. and the 2nd of his series of special reports from inside me and my address there is tony chang witnessed the desperate conditions. many of these people are living in a full step of the homes. and now hiding from the heat, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee the village. close to the town of co, correct. amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they hadn't even arrived in our village before this thought telling us. and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, the lute, anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most
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schools have been closed since the co 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. other basic services, like health care escapes to an injured function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain, is the doctor treats and dresses his wound, the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the middle tree has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day as a constant pause in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery, but also capable of jumping down on the sciences. no to stay out of sight slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs the sound of explosions in the distance back of the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen
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a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. it took them 7 hours to get to the clinic . she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long jenny may have home the expecting mother. and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away and then the sounds everyone has been hoping to hear
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smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out of their tie and state. mamma and in the 3rd of our special pause from inside me and my tony will be visiting some of the people who fled. the middle trojans has new conscription will and chosen instead to fight against them. so do stay with us for that's coming up tomorrow on al jazeera as well. there's also an important election happening in china and people are heading to the polls that are off to 3 years of transitional minute travel, the incumbent, president general, know how much, how much interest they be, is on the pallets. and his former prime minister success most right is running against him. opposition, groups of alls, people to boy called the election saying the process is not fact. interest reports from the capital not jemina. voting has been largely peaceful here in the capital, manama and surrounding areas. this was
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a substitute by both the president who voted earlier today, as well as the prime minister who is considered the main challenge after the president in this election last month. as you read, i have delivered on the pledge i made in front of god and the judge and people that have been organized within the grid timeframe and election, dental mocks that attends into civilian rule j. this big do i have met my obligations and comforters to my mission? the destiny of our country is now in the hands of god and the people of the silver intended to be like you why the only be the one. it's been confirmed that all of those are going to be in the polling stations, including delegates that they have the right to fill in the announcement of the results once the voting counts as being finished. as head of government, i also have the right to have a copy of each report. the. the process of this election starts from places like
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this. this is the board. wow. the name of registered voters is displayed. it starts with the board to come in here to check whether or not his name is here. and from here, the board to moves to why the photo offices are seated to be issued with documents to vote. he or she is issued with a pile of paper like this. i'm from here. they move to the books over there, which is of course, the pulling book why the voters expected to mark the candidate. he is supposed to vote for from there, the candid with turns for the full offices off would be watching closely how proceedings goes. yeah, this is about why the presidential ballot is going to be dropped. that's the process for them. and then what happens later is the coordination of the results of the photos of clothes. so far, the election process has been going on smoothly. the capital, according to what officials are telling us. it's not clear how uh, how things are going on in the hinterlands. not stressful and is the elections are
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happening some of the 10 years later on sunday, security forces were allowed to vote, so as to free them for election duties today. how many degrees? obviously, the united states is in the process of withdrawing his forces from asia countries, minutes region to ended, an agreement with washington that allowed it to basis troops for operations in the region does not involve reports from now me. russia is looking to fill the gap and this is the most cool. one of his embassies abroad. it's so out of the policy michelle's kept them. yeah. and yes, that's such as like, along with those of nature and body and book and the faucet, the 3 so head states about to broke away from the long standing alliance with frost, the former colonial power in the region. and created the new security fact we, sasha, the shift also involved walking away from assuming that alliance with the united states. wasting no time that options are already here. at least 3 military kind of
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go plays with cleaning equipment that doesn't have ordered the arise then. yeah, i mean, international airport, on friday it was the view that dawson troops had entered the same air, but it's near the airport where us troops are stationed. the us secretary of defense to acknowledge these event, but try to minimize its importance. the russians are, had a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. so us these influx with new chevy and officials about on or the newest of up to $1000.00 american soldiers will be operating in new jersey since 2015. they came here to attain the jefferson military on baffling groups the 2018. the us built the throne air base to a one near the north and city of i got this up, the cost of $100000000.00. now it has to advantage. this is the old of the american was thrown off to a dispute ticket by us invoice report to the talking about potential measures. if
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new share scrolling down to one of the typical i see the plans to have close ties with sasha anti on. with this being a consistent us, tom sits initial operations in the science region, but the move didn't go down well in the boston of diploma and the government of new cher regrets, the expressed will of the us delegation to deny our country. it's right to choose its diplomatic and strategic partners and the type of partnerships that can help it in the fight against terrorism, as a mentor. propped up by a wave of popular type, se to woods, west a superpower, and for the most just me to tell you who has some, emboldened to introduce the new policies in a decisive manner in order to kick towards thousands of french and your troops from the country, but when the last us soldiers leave some fee and up in the sheriffs, under the quick tongue and deputy found tommy, with only a few dozen russian advises, might fail to hold it to the ground in the face of
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a multitude of the groups thought to them the country is 1300000 square kilometers of that land. how much fun are does. yeah. yeah, i mean right. cool. rain full, a swarm of southern brazil leaving at least 78 that i'm forcing a 150000 people to see the homes. so as you say, that is off to leave a lasting mark on the region. wilson does it reports now. rest doors are racing to reach survivors after days of flooding in the state of rio run data, sol in southern brazil, the high water collapse, bridges and land slides are hampering their task. go out, it's easier to locate people during the.


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