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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the the. ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the sort of any age good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes seems of extreme desperation. tens of thousands of palestinians are being pushed out of their homes in easter, rough after israel. a warrant of an imminent all out offensive is really a strikes intensify across the guys. at least 52 people are killed across the
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street in the past 24 hours 28 of them in rossa french presidents amendment back home with trade in ukraine as the top priorities. as china is choosing thing begins his european visits in front of the time you change in east the memo of basic health care facilities have been set up in the jungle. i think strikes an off to the right and piece of similar to this sport lender. norris finally gets his 1st winning formula, one of the 816 face finishes. he expects the stuff in the claim to miami, the so we'd be getting se in gaza where at least 100000 palestinians are being forced to leave rough or following and is really order. that is where more than 1500000 people have been seeking shelter, is comes ahead of israel's threatened full on military offensive in the southern
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city. israel has told people of, to move to the on the once, the area a groups a warning of catastrophic consequences as there was no such thing as a safe zone left in gauze that but just hours after ordering people to leave the is really military continued. it 0 strikes, including all the rasa, at least 50 to palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours across the gaza strip. 28 of them were in rough. as mediators scrambled to negotiate a ceasefire. deal us president joe biden has spoken to is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the biden has previously warned that it offensive own rasa would be a mistake, but didn't know who has threatened to press the head regardless of a ceasefire deal, or recovering all angles of these developing stories. bernard smith is in ramallah in the occupied westbank, allan fisheries in washington, dc. first. so let's go to tarka boys whom on the ground inside rafa in southern gaza towards let's start with what happened early hours at the morning. how did
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palestinians living in that designated area in rossa, get the message that they had to leave? yes. what happens in fact, serial in that area is that these very military style should to warn people to flee from the entire eastern part of rough district. they have been dropping leaflets that, that has been attached with the map showing the areas that they supposed to flee to animosity in the western popular profile district of waiting to direct by the hand . the middle area where it has been recently very crowded area that is completely right now was considered to be the one of the busiest and also most densely populated as far as the course the territories. so gradually families has started off to receiving decent warnings on different phone calls from the is very military . they have started to flee from such areas heading to the central areas of roughly 2 of my last area, which is right now over crowded. um, they have been bringing the essential items with them as they were fleeing. and
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it's was mentioning that the vast majority of the eastern parts of rough has been i've been on the winds artillery and strikes attacks. and since the beginning of this day in the early hours of this morning, as people have no, what else? in fact, safe to go in light of the continuations of abutment even in areas then all right, there's ignited for them a safe zone, some target. how much time do they have to evacuate? is it evacuate now or is there a window one day, 2 days? what is it? well to now there is no any clear window about the possible time that within the palestinian in factories were assaulted to fleet from the house. isn't that used from parts over of our district? they have been receiving orders typically immediately. that's what palestinians have been doing since the hours of this morning. as that is why the site saying that the, the operation might expand the gradually,
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it depends on the operational assessments being made by the is very intelligent sort of the ground. does this operation, it could be done at the moment, but they were waiting for the causal populations button such areas to sleep. people started to press queue the family early as an alien order to not see the family members being killed by some families refused to flee. if there are still and the houses, because they do not have any pop ups, i used to go to in like that truck right now is the last area that has been the mass of show for the vast majority of gauze population. and so they're being told to go to this area on the wasi you have been to on the want to see what is that area like? is it capable of accommodating a great number, a great influx of, of displace palestinians. a well, i went to milwaukee in the western parts of brussel high hit today was about an area today just to find a show for me and or even from, from my family members. we found nothing for we, we,
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what we see is completely disturbing. we've been seeing thousands of makes up shelters, not completely like sold basic of hygiene conditions and facilities where see which one which has in every single corner of these refugee comes under the same. so i don't know if the area is already over crowded with about curious what people have been elliot informed them to by the use but a mandatory to seek refuge in it since they expunge into the fighting of another part of the gaza strip. now we are talking about extra and additional population to go that in order to see for a few. so we are talking about up so newly on speak about humanitarian misery. in such areas where people are leaving with full display ration on the move full frustration regarding that's the is that has been taken by the is body forces. ok. tar. couple assume reporting from inside rasa and the gaza strip. thank you very much. stark. many of the people who are leaving eastern rafa are also heading towards han eunice or darrow butler. but those 2 cities have been devastated by
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months of is really bombardment and ground defensive offices. here is hendo, who daria is in hon eunice. following the movement of those fleeing from southern gaza, a kinky sunday on menus, the highlands signed about in 10 units. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from gross off after the. is there any forces or did some to, to wait? or the year to date, the clothes were ordered by the is ready for system. you've got some way to 10 units last the area and also do, did it by the hand central god is about to as you see behind me, can you, this is completely destroyed. palestinians have been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times through our board of being displayed from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses. and that is where the army, because they have been telling them since the 1st day that's, that's, that's last was a safe area, but i,
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you see behind on these people are evacuating. drop off, people are desperate. there's a panic said, angry despair and frustration range. and also that say there's no se, se, regardless of these people have no idea where they're going, because it's right there is. but the central area is also past we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, he's been empty. agricultural labs are now 10 and i'm not hundreds of thousands of people settled there. this phase multiple times from place to another from central to the south. hell assume you are not in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see,
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the community goes off how to sign burden smith is in ramallah in the occupied westbank. bernard, on your end, what are you learning about this military operation? what more details can you give us about what is real is preparing? so these rallies of describing what they're doing and rough, uh, the moment as a limited scope operation. now they haven't given specific reasons about take them . i haven't said specifically if offensive action may follow. we do know that international, unpolished, any and aid organizations in gaza were informed of the displacement of palestinians on the army has said it's expanding this 10 city. that tag was just talking about just to the know of why they are in rough, but i these really minutes are just as these are operational plans that have been approved by the governor burner. the timing of this raises questions. i think it's fair to say because there are critical ceasefire negotiations that are still ongoing. they haven't broken down,
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they're still ongoing and is really choosing this moment to signal a very significant scaling of, of it's offensive in rough. uh it have be entirely given up on the go stations, or is this maybe the ultimate bargaining tactic? well the, i mean that's exactly, we know that the negotiations that are at a very precarious stage. no, they haven't ended. we know that how much media is left cairo uh the other day and said they would go back that on tuesday as well as incentive t 9. we know there's been intense kind of communications being the categories of egypt, sions, and the us. we spoke to military on the list whose view is similar to what we're reading and these really media that is rarely really practically ready. it's military for a full ground invasion that hasn't got the results is the manpower of the weapons in place. and this probably is some sort of limited operation,
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perhaps even to see what the american and egyptian reaction to it would be. what we know of the egyptians reaction is i've already said that they've said by cold on these rail to exercise up most caution on the americans, of course have said again that they believe a hostage deal is the best way to avoid an invasion. i'm the release of those. he's ready to hostages will stop that happening when i burn it. thank you very much. we're going to look at what international reactions are to what's happening now. starting with this differential embassy and israel says the presidency mentor. and michael spoke to benjamin netanyahu on sunday, encouraging him to successfully complete negotiations with homeless that could lead to the release of captives, the protection of civilians through a ceasefire, and stem, the escalating pensions in the region. my client also stressed his quote from opposition to in his really attack on rasa, and emphasized the urgent need for humanitarian aid to be allowed through all access points into gaza. meanwhile, belgium's deputy prime minister says that her country is working on further
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sanctions against israel writing on x. petra, this such a warrant that the is really cool for the evacuation of the citizens and refugees of rafa. and the announced invasion will lead to a massacre. belgium is working on further sanctions against israel. she says that she is going to meet the palestinian minister of foreign affairs on monday as the as to the us reaction. well, benjamin netanyahu and us president joe biden have just concluded a phone call. allan fisher joins us now from washington, dc that so let's start there. what do you know? yeah. do you have a read out of that called, you know, what was discussed we knew it last of 30 minutes. that's all. busy we know at this point, but we're expecting that redirect to come in the next. busy hour or so suddenly joe biden had received his intelligence briefing while he was at his home in delaware. on monday morning, no doubt the fairly operation in gaza was a significant plank of that briefing. he then went into
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a call with benjamin netanyahu. us position on this has been very clear. they believe that israel has to do more to protect the civilians that are engaged at the moment. and of course to abide and want that any military operation. well, that was the sort of plan would be a mistake. now the us says, the israel said it would share its ideas, but it's population and does a with the us. but in not is implicit that there is no guidelines coming from the us to israel, that it wouldn't necessarily take on board. and of course we've have from joe biden, who is said that future aids to israel could well be an issue. if israel doesn't consider humanitarian causes into magnitude in actions when it actually moves into a raffle or is continuing to cut its water in gaza. what would also have put a pole over this call between joe biden and benjamin netanyahu? don't get on that. well, normally would be that benjamin netanyahu, the weekend, and address to these really,
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people said the israel can't trust in his words the gentiles. so if you're not jewish, then israel can't trust you. of course, that would be a shock to do a bite and who's been very strong in the support for the sale. i said military aids to israel to continue it's war. and guys, of course was involved in making sure that the united states play the significant part when in defending israel went around the attack. and so, so we might hear from the white house that the you guys is concerned about. what as early as doing, but we've had that for more than 5 months and on the ground it appears to have a new impact, the told in the way israel is prosecuting this war symbol changes to this, to what's happening on the ground and gaza in this evacuation order, of course there are negotiations ceasefire negotiations that are continuing the ca, director bill burns, is in doha. are you learning anything on your end about how these talks are going well as well. all we know and i know, and they never make them public good for very obvious reasons. but these
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discussions stay private so that they can maneuver and they can offer deals here and there and perhaps tweak the terms of any discussion. but it is clear that the americans are concerned. william bart has been in the middle east for some significant time. know that he's going to cut out. we understand that he is asking the capacities to put pressure both at home us and on the is really to come up with some sort of deal. and as you suggested earlier to band, it stopped by some here in washington. but as they are moving forces into rafa is being used as a go shifting tactic to stick to how much this is, what lies in the other side. if there is no a deal and they are trying to get the best possible deal. because as well, the us would like to see some sort of agreement, but there is no movement that gives us any hope at the moment, except in the last hour. we have seen reports that how much is sending a delegation to title to discuss the possibility of a c spot. that may well mean there's
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a delay in the operation in rafa. but of course, what you've got to remember is, is pointed out to me when i spoke to someone at leah this morning. the people in rough, uh, have been waiting with for this operation to go ahead 4 weeks now. i live live without fear. and that tedder, i'm thinking that it might happen to some degree might, i might be less of a surprise to them. they are just bracing for one me. come in the coming hours. yeah, absolutely. alan fisher reporting from washington dc. thank you very much, alan. and as we mentioned earlier, russell has been targeted by numerous is really your strikes since starting its war . israel has forced the palestinians to leave the north from gaza city to darrow bala and a center to hon. units of the south and then to rough or even further south. now the is really military has ordered all residents and displaced people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of rafa. it says that they must move to the on the one see area. you see it in red on your map. it's near the coastline. assumption myers is
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the gaza media and communications manager at save the children international. and you're joining us from cairo. so i should do. you have to beg your pardon, disabled children, to have teams operating specifically in the evacuation area. so good shoulder and has advice in casa. and we also have changed a credit in the, on the last seat and in durable. and i can confirm i was in a policy and for newness last week. and i can confirm those conditions that are not suitable for thousands of people slain. the attacks on rough uh the conditions there are atrocious people living under pieces of plastic. there's no worries. sanitation facilities, not clay morsa. in communist, the city absolutely devastated. dr. who was familiar with the city, couldn't even recognize when he was because they're starting much destruction and the buildings us are destroyed. we. we all looked at each other and thought this is
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the worst one ever seen. and we have no idea how people could flee to that area. and so i actually lives there at the moment. okay, so we're talking about a 100000 people. right, in that potentially 800000 people, maybe more in the neighborhood that israel wants to evacuate as a matter of emergency. and you're telling us they're told to go to, i'm a wasi on the wasi, can't take them, and many are going to hon. you, this, hon. unice has been in large part destroyed. i mean, this sounds sounds so basic, but people are being told to leave when there is no where to go to a nice sized place in gaza at the moment. fitz children, uh and i was speaking with families last week and they absolutely terrified and they're exhausted. some people have been displaced more than 10 times. most of the 15 times since the school started. it's having a huge impact on their mental health. the daily managing to guard day by day at the moment,
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children of withdrawing that is showing signs as having mental health issues. parents come see their children, they come provide clean water for the children. we're seeing a huge increase in infectious diseases, especially hepatitis a. the cause of living conditions. um and now we're with like these people are being forced to move into an already crowded area when they've already been displaced. so many times. it's absolutely horrendous and we have 3 concerns for children and their families. so currently in the shop and such everything that you're describing about people not having drinking water or not having a place to stay when they, when they leave. all of this is for people who actually manage to leave. but, but there are people, i'm sure who will not be able to leave or who will choose not to leave because it's just too hard for them. the elderly, the week, those were vulnerable, those were sick, etc. it is definitely a mix of what people do. some people are saying that they won't go away, that's all to go in because they're so exhausted and they just want to keep their
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children safe. other families who are from a ha android in their homes have told me that they will not lease they don't want to be displaced. they know that it's nice side place for them to call or they don't want to go into leaving attempts because they know that the living conditions are very on face and very hot. so, and we're certainly terrified about what will happen to those people are staying rough for any of these attacks. continue. and the only way to keep children in the family space in the column, a strip at the moment is an immediate, definitive space fire another. another basic observation or question rather, is it legal to keep moving civilians around right? women, children, the elderly, the sick, etc. again and again. and again, it's, it's the main issue is, is that not enough to switch the table and you cannot, we call guy from people and children. and you cannot,
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we folk food and clean drinking water. and that's what we're seeing right now. these people are trapped, they kind of started if they move multiple times to being forced into these tiny area, they've been told by conk or not. they've told they have to evacuate from the south and the bank scorched into the central area. and it means that they just start getting better and have access to the services they need to suffice what small most of the items come into. the cotton district comes through the russell border crossing a. so if we say increase the tax in this area where it's being worried about the shops that we won't be able to get into the area which will make the job to save the children and find that i think strongly difficult. and we're already working really. 7 new conditions, not enough i, it is already rich and nice children and sorry, i think we're going to stay and absolutely catastrophic situation unfolding here unless there's a safety glass straight away. and i would add to what you're pointing out that the other main border crossing to humanitarian aid, which is car level sell him was shot yesterday by the is really military, right?
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session lawyers or guns and media and communications manager and save the children international. thank you. for your time today. thank you. germany's foreign press has a foreign office. i beg your pardon. germany's fine office has criticized israel's decision to shut down alpha 0 as operations in israel. it issued a statement saying a free and diverse press landscape is the cornerstone of every liberal democracy in times of conflict, especially. it is of crucial importance to protect the freedom of the press. the decision of the israeli authorities to shut down houses 0 and israel is the wrong signal. reminder again, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet has banned alpha 0. we are reporting from outside israel. and there's been demonstrations globally in support of palestinians in the gaza strip. and over the last few weeks, students at various universities across the world have held demonstrations in the us columbia university is cancelled its main graduation ceremony. after protests were held on campus for weeks,
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the university says that it will hold smaller college functions. instead, dozens of student demonstrators have been arrested in us campuses over the weekend after asking their school to divest. which means to cut ties from israel. it is go now to our correspondent, petty co hain patty. you are george washington university in washington, dc. things there has been pretty peaceful since the beginning because as we've covered, police chose not to move in when campus authorities asked them to this was a while back. and you know that the campus protests have spread nationwide in just a few weeks. if you take a big step back and you look at this whole picture, you know, from where you are to campuses in california in texas, etc. what do you see as well? and really, i think at this point, it be easier to make a list of all the schools that aren't hosting protests in favor of the palestinians that are actually hosting them. it really is incredibly wide spread of it. pretty
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striking number 2300 students have been arrested by police. we've seen in many locations of police violently cracking down on what seemed to be peaceful protesters. now i can tell you the latest development is a princeton. we have students there that say they're going on a hunger strike and will continue to only have water until the university president meets with them to talk about the investment in israel. here at g w. this is a key, isn't just george washington students. this is a protest, really purchase hub for the 8 different universities that are in washington dc, some of those prestigious universities in the entire country here. and i was here the day it started and i can tell you 12 days and it's just continue to grow. as you mentioned, the police were asked to come in. they said no, they didn't like the optics cuz it is a peaceful protest and they don't want cameras catching them arresting peaceful protesters and the nation's capital. the mare is going to face increasing pressure republican members of congress and threatening the caller before the house to try and explain. and remember, do you see is a weird sort of unusual status and the congress controls a lot of what do you see?
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the law makers are able to do, but again here g, w, the president has said this is just the 24 hours ago. this is an illegal protest and really trying to put more pressure on the d. c. police to come in. she says that there been anti semitic posters. i've been walking around the only posters i've seen are about palestinians and free palestine and some rules of the road. for example, no food in your tense. it really is incredibly organized. they've got a check right back there. that people are dropping off tops because it's been really rainy here. they've got free food 10 to after 10 to free food with science and the food is free like palestine will be. so i've also been talking to some of the students and they say they think that college campuses tried to basically waste them. i, it is graduation cert. time is, you know, a lot of these students have internships that they need to go to. but i talked to one student said she's currently changing her plans because of i think that just the end of the school year is going to be the end of the protest. she says they're gonna see
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a totally surprise coming that way. patty coll hate reporting from george washington university, the hub of the washington area of protest as you described. thank you very much, patty and student demonstrations against israel's one, gaza, or spreading world wide. the students that ultimate in cambridge universities in the u. k. have set up their own campus. now we're on the ones on campuses across the us, canada and friends. organizers say it is in solidarity with palestinians and the intent to keep the camp open for an unknown number of days. houses here is where we challenge is at oxford university. for us worry, you know what, one of the things that striking is the extent is just how remarkably similar these scenes are. each time we come to you and all our correspondence on us campuses, even french campuses, each time we see the same thing. can you describe to us what's happening at oxford
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and how campus authorities are responding to it or side to the city? and here is a pretty so one after size 0 that the bus tests for these demonstrations is come, not from the university of thirty's, not from the police. it'd be nice if the absence, but from the right inside the brought it has to be going up and down and people are being taking shelter under the that gives anybody who's behind me. i think the protest says no, you that if the united states protests or any precedents we say you have on and they have got uh then the correct price. i see it might be getting more tricky for them over the next few days. and just, just a bit of right now this, this, the price is comp sprung up. even nights on the on hits of the pit rivers means a, which is ogden by the university of alt. so it's, it's in a sense, a, as a box. but the demonstrates is going to use this incumbent to enforce that demands on. so the best thing that demands out there, upsets university, basically comes clean about all the money that in fact,
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invests any way in the world. and so make sure that none of that money is investigates into arms companies or companies or entities that are on the b d. s. a boy called dr. bass, concerning some list of entities that are involved. and what they say is the supposed dates of the deposit and states in each round of the campaign with small it's, it's that about $25.00 tents. but if the support structures and maybe a hundreds protest as much spots, of course, there are other they can't. but spring up that is that one, and in cambridge with this, this close the link with hand, there are other other universities around the u. k as well. the big question of course, is what happens next the, the demonstrations here that say that, that really it for the long hold. this is a public holidays in the u. k. department site or university. stop it basically away for a long weekend when it comes back from that long weekends, both university, all thirty's, and the police. and the protest as he is gonna have to decide how much confrontations they want. but as i say,
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the protests is here saying they're going to be here for several days. at least. all right, roy, challenge reporting from august the university. thank you very much. laurie. still a head on allison, 0 hopes of a transition to democracy and chance along the way to the presidential election. but observers a raising concern the and the party time in the portuguese capital, the sporting lisbon fence celebrate their teams title, way that are coming up in sports. the . it may be may, but it's still cold enough for snow in this young hunter and say for one, let me show you this was between california and nevada. the snow falling there now has tapered off, so it is a much calmer pitcher up and down california. temperatures will shoot up over the
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next little bit as well. so you've got some heat coming into the picture. active weather though, for the northern plains. so montana and the dakota is here at winds will be war. and here we could see them pushed past 65 kilometers per hour and quite a helping of rain. now that the wet weather his danced away from the great lakes in the us, northeast has temperatures are coming up. let's go 20 in toronto and shooting for a high of 22 in new york today on monday. well, we're tapping into some humidity off the golf and mexico for houston. after that round of flooding, some rain to go for tennessee, kentucky, and the carolinas into central america. we go still with the strong winds that's producing showers and storms over dominican republic where there has been some funny, pretty good burst of rain for brazil's amazon estate that's going to impact the capital mon dallas. of course, we've had that funding in rio grande to sort of state it's capital ports of lake, right. know, tens of thousands of people forced from their homes. here are quite high flood waters, but the good news is today on monday. that area is drive the storms now and you're
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a great so yeah, the of the, the, you're watching else a 0 reminder of our headlines. at least a $100000.00 palestinians are being forced to leave off after and is really order. it comes the head of a threatened full on military offensive, and the southern city aid groups are warning of catastrophic consequences as there are no such safe zones left in gosh, hours after ordering people to leave these really military continue to 0 strikes on or off or at least 50 to palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours across guns as 28 of them were in the southern city. at columbia university in the us has cancelled its main graduation ceremony after weeks of protest against the war and
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gaza. columbia was the 1st campus to see anti war demonstrations, which have now spread to universities across the us and around the world. the chinese president choosing thing, told frances mcclure the china has worked to facilitate peace talks on ukraine. according to chinese state media, on his 1st visit to the european union in 5 years, she is under pressure from you leaders to use its influence on his ally, russia also on the agenda during the visit. the issue of trade over with the new season is as an imbalance between china is exports and it's european options here as well as a chin isn't paris with more on all of this. so let's say mclennan, europeans have been pretty blunt. they want, what they would describe as a sphere or trade relationship with china. explain to our viewers. what is the problem with this trade relationship? is there one and what are they asking she to do about it? well, let's just call it
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a challenge. and the challenge is that china is economy is in a tough spot, like many other economies around the world, they want to jump started in the post pandemic era. and of course, traditionally what china does is manufacture and export. and sell things inexpensively in comparison to the same products being made in europe or in the united states. and that is what the you is talking about. the example they did is electric vehicles. that's the sticking point right now that's going to be discussed . it's much cheaper to make these a, these in china then it gets sold in europe under cutting european automakers. and that's something that mcclellan wants to talk about as well as something that is a great concern to the you. of course, the chinese have leverage and they have threatened to investigate the importation of french cognac into china. so this could go back and forth and that's one of the economic sticking points of the 2 sides. okay. michael and the europeans would also
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like to see the chinese president use his influence on russia to help wine down to war in ukraine. what did she say about that? yeah, i in the comments suggest that, you know, china is impartial is a, is an attitude that they used. and that is something that, for example, the americans have said no, china has not been in partial because of the countries providing material support to russia in terms of components allowing it to make weapons that are used in ukraine. mclaughlin has come in very confident, believing that he can address this, which she but they have an evening dinner and we are unclear exactly how she has completely received the message. all right, what was the chat reporting from paris? what looks to be just outside the leaves inside, in fact the courtyard or the leads a palace. melissa, thank you very much. chad is heading to the poles. after 3 years of transitional military rule,
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the income of the president is general mohammed edris. debbie is on the ballots and the former prime minister of success as a lot is running against him. opposition? groups of asked people to boycott the election, saying that the process is not fair. and the address reports from the capital jimmied of voting has been largely peaceful here in the capital jemina and surrounding areas. this was assessed to, to by both the president who voted earlier today as well as the prime minister who is considered the main challenge after the president in this election was month. as you read, i have delivered on the pledge i made in front of god and the judge and people that have been organized within the grid timeframe and election dental max that attends into civilian rule j. this big do i have met my obligations and comforters? my mission, the destiny of our country is now in the hands of god. and the people of the sovereign tend to be like you, my,
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the only be the one. it's been confirmed that all of those are going to be in the polling stations, including delegates that they have the right to fill in the announcement of the results once the voting counts as being finished. as head of government, i also have the right to have a copy of each report under the of the process of this election starts from places like this. this is the board why the name of registered voters is displayed. it starts with the bolts are coming here to check whether or not his name is here. and from here, the vote to move to why the total offices are seated to be issued with documents to vote. the or sees issued with a bottle of paper like this. and from here they moved to the books over there, which is of course, the following book. why the voters expected to mark the candidate he is supposed to vote for from there. the candid with turns to why the front office is off, who would be watching closely how proceedings goes. yeah,
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this is the follow ups. why the presidential ballot is going to be dropped. that's the process for them. and then what happens later is the coordination of the results of the photos of clothes. so far, the election process has been going on smoothly, the capital, according to what the officials are telling us. it's not clear how uh how things are going on in the hinterlands, and that's just one and as well, elections are happening. some of the tenuously on sunday, security forces were allowed to vote, so as to free them for election duties today. how many degrees? all you see the drum units. i'm doing no, by my home would uh, out of this year the charging investor to russia. you live with us for most costar . thank you for your time today and thank you for coming on the program. i wanted to ask you, what is interested these vision for chad if you wednesday selection and becomes president, i downloaded it, dubious vision is what t expressed in the beginning of the transition. and just follow up for this is
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impressed up front is a uh, based on security for the company was secure, the company provides a piece and that's by yellow with a monkey. what about the political and military functions? as you mentioned in the you have a problem which e or take more to pick the latest military method. anybody to come in uh uh, fox jose mid deal with oh i better get you in from the government and they stayed almost 5 months on the yeah. probably no more than 40. uh, which i believe uh for your hand for people they didn't, that'd be among them. uh, the fix it myself, which is not on the price. kinda right means that i'm just running my games the amount. so you almost feel that it is the one of my pregnancy, not for, but he's been up to date,
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a prime interest this. there is another for my probably just of what do things is called zebra. ah, ah, he's also what i mean. he's the dog though. for mice, not fix it myself. so this is one of the points that the 2nd one is a, uh, do kitchen, particularly the women and children. uh, the other thing is the one of many of the company, particularly in dougherty kasha um, what am i doing on uh, mich, on isaac. he comes to the same respect for you. i'll jump in there, you've told us he had his vision. is he doing possible? i've had the be before, look at that and understood you've told us mr. debbie's vision is, is 3 things. peace and security and development was number 3. education was number 2, so jumbled the order, but we, uh, the security education and development look, the reason i ask you, the question is, okay. now, the reason i ask you, the question about his vision is because his father ran the country for more than
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30 years. and chad to this day remains one of the poorest countries in the world. life expectancy is barely above 50 years old. meanwhile, when his father died, power was just handed to the son. so you will understand that there was deep skepticism about his ability even his desire to really develop the country in the benefit for the benefit of champions. what was his best and all that? he has his qualities and he cannot be his father anyway. ah, but the bo on was not on the way you mission. you want this? he said over the security, your forces for government or state, the distributions and the g. d is not just the best one to succeed. if she's his father, he was the right to work today done please. and be able to see it was able to get
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a boy he uh, completed or unable to attend the training, but starting the academy. uh, he was envisioned in not difficult and shows including the admission or people issue in the lobby on the door. so you should hope to be speaking with i think some of the. ready the groups, so he is the younger i'll step is farther die. what did he need? they out for, i believe a big goal. but the uh, the president of the national company, who are wanting to get quotes to sent you in case of the but other than inc dba, wonder if not dale to what i got. so he declined. why? because the over the situation to the trumpet as well. okay, the president, whether it's still inside the company, he said that it is joe pronounced as simple stuff as he can not dig the responsibility of don david if any brooks see they, they yeah, they design getting by and quote, but you're given a quote. so says uh,
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a note that she would be the one uh, heating to transition. okay, mr and master. thank you very much for your time that that's all the time i have to for right now, i have to run, but i do look forward to talking to you again. especially once we know the results of the presidential election, i'm going to add them this year chatty and invested at the rush. i thank you very much. i a man or no weeks of fighting near the town as b a y d on the tie border. that's forced tens of thousands of people into the toilet, but many more remained trapped inside the country. but un estimates 2500000 people have been displaced by fighting since the military seas power and of 2021 crew. and the 2nd of a series of special reports from inside me and more, tony chang witnessed the desperate conditions that many of those people are living . forced out of the homes and now hiding from the heat. a group of displaced
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people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village. close to the town of co, correct. amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they had and even arrived in the village before this by telling us . and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, dilute anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the q 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. of the basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain, is the doctor treats and dresses is when the clinics hidden under the deep jungle
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canopy or the military has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day. there's a constant buzz in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery. but also capable of jumping down on the site is no to stay at a site slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs. the salt of explosions in the distance back of the clinic, a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. that took them 7 hours to get to the clinic. she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying down the mountain. then we took
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a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long journey may have home the expecting mother and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breeding. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away. and then the sound everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out, is there a high end state member? and in the 3rd of our special reports from inside man morris, tony checked and meet some of the people who fled the military. john to the new conscription law and shows an instead to fight against them. still a head on alpha 0,
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records broken in the biggest running event in the world. find out all the details next years for the business. latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the it's not the sport news with peter stem it who's joined us in the studio. peter, so thank you so much. well, lando norris says he's over the moon, also winning east west for me to one room praying the british drive. it took advantage of a safety call in miami to take victory ahead of will champion next. the stuff and david states reports have to 8 2nd place for this is lando norris
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finally got the jump done. the 24 year old. great. celebrate to these 1st winning if one is if he'd won the championship. finally i've and managed to do it. so i'm, i'm so happy for formality my findings delivered for them and yeah, as long dates of price. but i'm finally on top. so i'm, i'm over them are as always in miami, the celebrities were out in force from popstars to presidents. and they look to say that begin for another fish step in procession house on track. the dutchman did one the last 2 races in the city and go to a clean from pole ending for spit when 6 races. but the 3 tumble of champion made a red mistake on let 21. when he hit the ball out and damaged his car, he didn't go to lucky when a bigger collision further down the field, brought out the safety car. it's allowed notice to pick the perfect time and get
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back out ahead of the step and notice it finished on the podium 15 times without the victory moving any of the driver. but he held off the stipend for 20 full laps pulling clear in his maclaren to win by 7.6 seconds. a lot of people, i guess, doubted me along the way. i made a little mistake server. my uh, last 5 is my cell korea, but uh, today we put it all together, services all full for the team. i talked with mclaren because like to believe in them and i did leave and i'm and today for the executive, if a bad day is a p 2 i, i take it right and i'm very happy for them though. it's been a long time coming and it's not going to be as well. so it's a popular and unexpected result. it meant the dominance of red bulls. but it has little impacts on the championship step and it's still $34.00 points. clear. the top is that for no heads to look to the media of ammonia from free david stokes, which is 0 sundays mess,
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call racing kansas. so the closest finishing the series the streets car lawson came around the outside of chris boucher on the final level. all the way to the finish line. oh, boyer. he is. i had the larson is coming. it's like the kentucky derby. oh, it's just a 1000 to of a 2nd separated the to drive is, but it was last them who came out with the wind. hold on the cleveland cavaliers or through to the eastern conference semi finals up to rally in from 18 points down against the orlando magic in the series decide to donovan mitchell made them to victory with 59.17 of which came of the food course as the kaz 110694 when game 7. it's a 1st playoff series winning 6 years and they will visit the top seat in the boston celtics in game one of the conference, semi finals on tuesday. they're gonna be better. you know, mean i, i hate to be that guy, but like, you know, this was great. this is phenomenal as, as a great when great series, great test for us mentally physically, but you know,
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we can and we will have to be better to be, to be boston. but the defending stanley cup champions, vegas golden lights are out of the n h l. playoffs. a series for the data stalls went down to the side in game 7 reddick effects. a broke the tie in the food period and he's a to and from injury to wait to one. the stalls who are the top seat in the west will table in colorado avalanche in the 2nd round because the new york ranges already and 2nd round action where they be for caroline and retains full suite in game one of the circumference cindy funded series. because they've been a yard school twice in the 1st period. and the ranges ever trailed winning bay 5th street. they were not one but 2 home runs for sure. hey, oh tony, on sunday is the japanese stone and the la dodgers to a $51.00 went over the atlanta braves, the full hits. it was, tony's 1st multi home again with the dodges and the 17th of his career. the don't
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just sleeping base 3 game series against the braves by later case in the now just to games away from becoming the 1st team in buddhist niga history. to go an entire season. i'm beaten coach chevy. alonso was serving a one match touch line suspension. so watch the game with frankly, from the spends francesca put labor piece in the hands of the great strike. gym and champions went on to win 51 and make it 48 games on beach. and you know, competitions that he has been fee cuz 59 year old european wrinkled for most matches, defeated the impulse to thousands of supposing lisbon fans took to the streets of the competency celebrate. they sighed, winning the country subdivision. supposing things fe 20 a premier league assigned to with 2 games to spam. it's the 2nd time in 4 years
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that they've been crowned champions. russian santa stay on the roof, live has cool east madrid up and when the proud is tied to louise korea, the 7 seed almost pulled out of the tournaments of the suffering with what he said was the worst illness of his life. and he needed anesthetic in after one of these toes became inflamed. but despite this, who came back from the sit down to beat fee to close the scene in the final, the queen, she's $16.00 square level sites, a low or send me an if you knew what i have been through love plus the 9 days you would not imagine that then we'd be able to win that i so i'm, i'm happy and like a, i don't know, man. now what would change over the thing? sunday mark, the 11th edition of the biggest running events in the world as over a quarter of a 1000000 people took part in the wings for life will run from sizes and has more details on the record breaking events from the 5 degrees celsius conditions of
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quebec. city canada, to the 41 degrees of luck. now india, a 192 different nationality sets off in a 169 countries. at the exact same time as runners, walkers and people in wheelchairs attempted to keep ahead of a moving finishing line called the capture call, which increases speed every 30 minutes. i'm running for those who can't. it's exciting to see that the 250000 people have a join that are participating for the cause. and there was an incredible asset from demoya watson, knobby of japan. he said some old time record by reaching 70 kilometers. by the time he was, quote, pilots, dominique, i still must finish the women's thoughts with the 2nd time by achieving 55 kilometers. but even more important record was broken. well, as the $8000000.00 were raised on the day, we will proceed going to the wings for life foundation, which supports projects and trials and finding a cure for spinal cord injury. as you know,
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the 11th edition is so excited. that's why yes, again, we set more benchmarks, we've improved. we're on a quarter of a 1000000 people running for this amazing cause. i mean, for me, that message is so so powerful and that's going to resonate across the world. we are the biggest running event ever since 2014, almost $1600000.00 people have say can pause and almost $54000000.00 have been raised for the cause as it continues to grow and popularity some sizes of 0. and there was a busy night of action at the world, athletics relays in the bahamas says the host country book, this part of the parents of lympics. so in a minute we bo, anchoring, who it seems of victory and the full by $400.00 mixed heat botswana and made haste of becoming the 1st effort and seemed to win a min sprint relay at the veins with a qualifying for the games in the full by $400.00 but it was a usa who showed they'd be the ones to beat and the relays in paris sweeping 4 of
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the 5 finals, the women's full by 100, seem appropriate right. and 10 year old temperature, pretty cold in the heat. they may oh, teammates just missing out on their own mock, but also change the way that's what was bolting some time being i'll be here again in a couple of hours with some more. so all right, the 2 to 3 hours, we look forward to the computer stomach. thanks very much. financial institutions, incidents capital, have been destroyed by the fighting between the army and power military rapids support forces. that's made it difficult for people still trapped in cartoon to get money. why the prices of basic commodities have skyrocketed. many of turning to apps instead to get their funds. morgan reports somebody out. the law has come to this shop and on demand incidents capital to not only to buy goods but to get cash. she says it's the only way she can get some money from her bank account. after fighting between the sudanese army and the power military rapids
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support forces lead to the destruction of many banks and how how would i use the online banking up because there is no way to pay for bread or groceries unless i transfer money to the shop or you know here and then get cash from him. know everyone has to up, for example, the no comment on the gross is doesn't have it. so i have to come here, buy things and transfer extra to get cash. of the conflict which spotted more than a year ago has seen the destruction of looting, of many banks in the capital. those who can have relied on online banking apps to access their much needed savings as the prices of goods continue to rise online banking. many parts of the capital and several states are experiencing an incident here looks like which has made it hard for me to get cash to buy the destruction of financial institutions has led to the loss of millions of to
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denise pounds and further limits in people's ability to access cash, even in safe areas, the state bank of her to has recently opened a branch and undermine. and that's been helpful for many, which is to provide full services where the status of the role of stated on demand or getting money from my relatives approved. so having access to my account is crucial that i can't get cash from the bank yet, but i can use other services. this case type of things may improve. banks here say they're working to provide services to their clients. but for now, the easiest way to do that is through the app that i was looking for. i can put in my gym that our online app is the most used in sudan with over $50000000.00 transfers per month, including from outside the country and safe states. we provide full services, but we're striving to provide those services in the capital as well so that people don't risk their lives to go to other states to access their funds while banks try to find ways to provide services to their clients. so maria says she will continue
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to rely on shops to be able to access her account and by what she and her family need able morgan onto 0 on through man. okay, and that wraps up this news that we're going to take a very short break. we're back to see how we see in about the the humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake talk to of, to,
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on just on counting the calls protests in the u. s. developed universities divest some israel. how does schools make them money? washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for picked on to the american market? kinds of the costs without a 0. if the seems of extreme desperation, tens of thousands of palestinians are being pushed out of eastern rasa, of the israel warned of an imminent. although defensive. the answer of any age good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 live from the also coming up. israel has escalated the bombing of ross or killing 28 people there


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