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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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of to the american market cancelling the costs for that, which is 0. if the scenes of extreme desperation tens of thousands of palestinians are being pushed out of eastern rasa, of the israel, a warrant of an imminent, although defensive, the answer of any age good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 live from the also coming up is real, has escalated the bombing of ross or killing 28 people there across the gaza strip . 52 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours french presidency menu and that quote puts trade and ukraine as the top priorities of china is choosing thing begins his european visits in france. tony cheng in east hmo
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basic health care facilities have been set up in the jungle. i did as strikes the so we started in south eastern guys that were at least a 100000 palestinians are being forced to leave rough after and is really order. and rough sized, we're more than 1500000 people have been seeking shelter. this comes ahead of israel's threatened full on military offensive in this southern city. israel has told people to move to the milwaukee area. that's what it looks like. a groups are warning of catastrophic consequences as there is no such thing as a safe zone in gaza. but just hours after ordering people to leave these really military continue to 0 strikes on rough or at least 50 to palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours across the gaza strip. and 28 of them were in russia, as mediators scrambled,
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go share the ceasefire. deal us president joe biden has spoken to is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu biden reiterated his clear position, having previously warned an offensive own ross. it would be a mistake, but nothing. yeah, who is threatened to press the head regardless of a ceasefire deal, or we're covering all the angles of this product. smith is in ramallah and the occupied westbank. allen fisher is in washington dc. first we're going to talk with zoom tarik. you're inside rasa, and that's in southern guys, as we've explained. what are people in that slice of rafa? israel wants evacuated. what are palestinians doing their way? what has been actually happening within the past couple of hours? and since the hours of this morning is best that been receiving cold, as by these very minute treat to fleet from the eastern part of our district, including a short cut, the percentage of causes old a port alongside with understanding in that neighborhood. these areas that are
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designated as on safe in terms of i need direction of the ground and by doing all for the is really military in such areas. so families by used on the east valley. oh it is. they started to sleep from the interior parts eastern parts of rough, our district kidding, to the central areas um to a mostly in the western part of brooklyn, which is already over crowded with these curious where these profit to sits up know, make shift tens in a very small space of land that is completely right now overcrowded. and yet the, the warning campaign has been a combined by intense bombardment from the land and even from the artillery units on the ground till this very moment. as far as this evacuation and how it works, is there a designated car door the palestinians can use to go from one point to another point because we've passed evacuations. we've seen that happen to have seen palestinians be targeted even as they were doing what the is really military had
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asked them to do as well too. now there is no exact routes, palestinians can really take it. no, that's guaranteed on safety. they have been just randomly leading from the houses without having any police what to do with long yet, but the one to rescue the somebody is not coming until the is ready. i, as we have been hearing loud explosions of the eastern part of rough district. since the hours of this morning, somebody has started to take their own transportation. some of them have left on the floats in order to get to the central part of by looking for an empty space of lands in order to take it doesn't work. you didn't sit there, make sure filters, but they have been struggling. in fact, some of them, in fact, had when to have done to the beach of these thought to make. i'm to sits up there tense on the coast of long of a rough district, which is absolutely terrifying, but full absence of hygiene conditions. the tar couple is whom reporting from inside are also thank you very much, stark for context. let's take
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a look at what's been happening since the start of this war. israel has force palestinians to leave the northern part of the strip from gaza city down to darrow bella and the center then down to han units in the south. and then further south even to rough at were 1500000 people now have been displaced. now these really military has ordered all residents and displaced people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of rasa. it says that they have to move to the on the once, the area that you see in red there, on the near the coastline. others are heading back towards han, eunice, and there are the both cities have been devastated by months of is really bombardment and ground defensive social 0 is hendo, who dar is in hon eunice, following the movement of those fleeing from southern goss. and i'm thinking, standing on venue, so hey, let's find a box in san eunice. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from drop off after the is there any horses orders them to, to wait?
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or the or today, the clothes were ordered by the is ready for. is this the best way to communicate the last the area? and also do that is by the hand central guy is about to as you see behind me, can you, this is completely destroyed listing and had been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses. and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day that's enough off was a safe area. but i, you see behind on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there is a panic states, angry despair and frustration range. and also that they, there is no, they say the cause of all of these people have no
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idea where they're going because it's right there is. but the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, even empty agricultural labs are no tens, and i'm not hundreds of thousands of people settled there. this phase multiple times from place to another, from central to the south, high listing you are left in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see, the community goes off how to sign burden smith is in ramallah in the occupied westbank. bernard, it's still early in the process of this evacuation, but we're trying to get his completed picture as we can. what more can you tell us about this is really military operation and what they're planning. so these riley's official line is this is a limited scope operation as they describe it. and they haven't given reasons as to
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why they're doing it. or indeed, if offensive action will follow, although we already know that have been a for many days now as strikes on particular targets within ralph is that something is going on either, but the ministry says these are just operational plans approved by the government international and palestinian and joseph also have been informed of what was going on. they've been form, been informed of the displacements of these palestinians from rough. uh, i mean, he says he's expanding what is essentially a 10 city that has been built just north of rocket, whether you've heard my colleague topic talking about totally wrong. there are ceasefire negotiations, indirect between our mazda in israel, that are ongoing. right? that's what we've been reporting onto the last few days. now what happens in rough uh, how much the signal could the rail these negotiations? what are is really official saying about that about the potential impact of what they're doing now. a lawyer that all officially still sees fine negotiations going
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on, but that clearly at a very delicate phase and perhaps very tenuous, you'll have guidelines. the defense minister has uh this afternoon told hostage families. but how much is rejection of old proposals, but would enable us to recover the prisoners requires us to begin an operation in rafa. so he seems to suggest that the talks are not going well a toll. we also know respond to a couple of on the list though, who say that israel is perhaps practically ready to launch a faint scale. military operations are roughly it's not on the troops and them. it's a military weaponry material in place. and this might be smaller scale to gauge won't be reaction bob, some the americans of egypt, sions would be what we know of egypt. sions to say they've called on his well to exercise the utmost restraints. and we know that the us says it says a hostage swamp deal is the best way of avoiding any attack on the roster. the
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clearly though, the headline is the sci fi jolted a very, very, very delicate visit place. okay, we're going to look right now at the international reactions to what's happening in ross and now bernard smith. thank you very much. the french embassy in israel says the president, the mentor, and that close spoke to these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on sunday and encouraged him to successfully complete negotiations with him off the could lead to the release of captives, the protection of civilians through a ceasefire. and that could stand the escalating pensions in the region like whole also stressed. his firm opposition to in his really attack on russell and emphasize the urgent need for humanitarian aid to be allowed through all access points into gaza. meanwhile, belgium's deputy prime minister says her country is working on further sanctions against israel writing on x. petra, the sets are warranted that is really cool for the evacuation of the citizens and refugees, of rasa and the announced invasion will lead to
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a massacre. belgium is working on further sanctions against israel. she says that she will meet the policy and minister of foreign affairs on monday or benjamin netanyahu. and you as president joe biden has just included a phone call as we were saying. alan fisher joins us from washington. ellen, do you know any more about what was said in that cold? but we've got to go the broad brush strokes and is the usual diplomatic speak that the 2 of them talked about coming back to anti semitism and he filled with crime. and they also talked about the prime minister benjamin netanyahu allowing more a to the abu a cutting might be selim crossing. which of course has been difficult big because because really the problem is that in several occasions it has been limited. the aid has gone through the a plus, it has been attacked by your feelings with really, really no consequence for them taking that sort of action. and we hear that the president joe biden reiterated his position on rough,
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and we know from the past that he had said that he thinks it'll moving into that area would be a mistake. we also know that at the end of last week at the united states had not received a comprehensive plan of what was going to happen in rockford that had not been passed. there may be more detailed given to joe biden, but he has said on several occasions, but how israel handles became mandatory aspect to rafa. could well dictate how much more aid is given to israel in the coming weeks and the coming months. but of course we've had that the us is putting pressure on israel, that the us is unhappy with israel. and that has not one effect to be going to israel. and to seems to have had very little impact on how israel is conducting operations. on the grounding, guys? yeah. allen, back to that point the, the us has been saying very clearly, right? for weeks now, they do not want to see mass palestinian casualties and that no operation can
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happen in rasa if there isn't some kind of firm plan in place to avoid those casualties. so at this stage you're telling us which we still don't really know. if israel has satisfied these us uh, criteria that were made public or whatever happens, it's highly unlikely that they'll be open criticism of what israel does. i'm upset, leasing that from the white house. certainly, joe biden express this consent and that is, and that the death of what cost on the world's food kitchen, which included an american and that happened several weeks ago. but there was nothing from the white house expressing their consent order, upset at the death of a number of underwater workers in the previous months. and so we keep hearing from behind the scenes that the united states has expressed, its concern has expressed its anger, is bloody to but the way a israel is conducting the war. but we've heard from you go on the defense minister with pat from benjamin netanyahu. they have said repeatedly that they will conduct the war, but they need to conduct and they will listen to the partners,
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but that won't affect what they're doing. now, we're also told that the united states was promised that the families would consult with the united states. they would talk to them before any operation in gaza, but of course what that excluded. and there was no mention of was that the united states would be able to do anything that would influence what is going on. the odds to the fact that the, these discussions going on the head of the c i is actually in kata the moment he's talking to the kentucky prime minister, hoping that he can put pressure on him us, or possibly even the is released to come to some sort of deal. you can see that after more than 200 days of what has been happening in gaza, the united states really still uh, although they wished to be involved. not doing a great deal to change the situation on the grinding guys a. which means that there are millions of people, the waiting for this offensive that they knew has been coming. and they were wondering what the coming hours will bring. absolutely. ellen fisher reporting from
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outside the white house. thank you very much. i, as germany's foreign office, has criticized israel's decision to shut down alpha zero's operations in israel. it issued a statement saying, a free and diverse press landscape is the cornerstone of every liberal democracy in times of conflict, especially. it is of crucial importance to protect the freedom of the press, the decision of the as really, authorities to shut down houses here in israel is the wrong signal. a reminder, again, that benjamin at yahoo is government has banned alpha 0. so we are reporting now from outside israel still ahead on else as 0 poles close in chads long awaited presidential elections. but observers are raising concerns the
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let's get going with your weather uptake. that issue right off the bat, we've had some pretty violent storms in the far northeast of india. this is in my report state looking more like snow on the ground, but this is actually a hail storm here and you have these thunderstorms had been packing a punch in terms of hail, wind, and constant lightning from cox's bizarre dr. or it into cold cut out during the blue and the yellow with the more intense that rain is falling. these storms are punching into a dish and onto a project stage. but they have given us some relief from the heat and humidity in places like cool cut a. so let's go 34 degrees for you on tuesday. also watching this line of storage. it's pretty much right across thailand, stretching over the gulf of thailand into southern thailand. so that's lower temperatures and put cat still keeping that heat though for the philippines, manila $36.00 and devout also coming in at $36.00 degrees on tuesday. still rain and storm locked into southern china here. it's been like this for the past several weeks. so more flooding to go. more hail storm is very nasty weather there and
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we've got a lot of rain work in its way across japan from the main island to punch you and tow keidel. if i take you to indonesia, it's looking particularly wet for some odd true islands and borneo islands. len, this weather report in buckets somewhere, things are heating up in st. providence. there's also a humid in karachi at $37.00 degrees. now let me tell you about the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the he is only elected very close by common. he sits on 2 legs with a large thurs face with a look in my private now. thanks. royal, i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the
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the do watching else is here or headlines this hour. at least 100000 palestinians of being forced to leave rough or after and is really order. it comes ahead of a threaten to full on military offensive in the southern city view. and human rights change has called israel's actions in humane hours after ordering people to leave these really military continue to to air strikes on rough or at least 50 to palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours across the gaza strip. 28 of them were in the southern city as our hi ross has this report. it's the moment palestinians and russell have been reading and is really waiting on monday morning to leave eastern neighborhoods before it stops,
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a ground attack is close to the planet. with the 2 possessions they have palestinians on the move, again, the majority of been displaced several times since the war started last year traumatized. this mazda tells her family to pack what's have a ton. she's good. she says, of what lies ahead. and i'm the only god knows if we'll end up without a home again, we don't know where to go. we don't know if it's really will destroy our house, or if we live or die. many of those schools to leave all children. the parents, so left with little choice is i really never. we don't know where to go. milwaukee is full of people, and con eunice is over crowded. they won't open the egyptian border for us. so where should we go? i can't explain how they feel. these really minute treat dropped the slits from the warning. the extreme force will be used on the roof of fits your ready?
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overwhelmed with one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering that and this is one of the areas that israel has told tens of thousands of palestinians to move to alamo or see, i know the crowd, the shoreline. we've made shift tents as far as the all, i can see these really minute tree also wants them to go to some of the most heavily bones places since the war started like con eunice and the areas that have turned into rubble with the health care system has collapsed on the humanitarian situation. is dia, 8 agencies, one bombing rough off. we'll have trucks of straw fit consequences. and we were told that there's no way to south. we didn't do the same for ross, the g o the know, and now we have ton unit us, which is devastation like no one has ever seen before. so we are to see that again in rough up i, we will say a lot of people killed the bombardment they disease which is already changing.
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roots will spread like wildfire flop file. and then when this is done, then there is no wearing jobs. it's and then you were talking about russell russell has been the last remaining call to the gaza strip. that hasn't been heavily boomed . they have been negotiations between israel mazda in cairo for a potential ceasefire and gaza. but israel continues to ignore international pressure, including from its ally of us to stay away from rough off. what does this baby do to deserve this off this woman? she holds her, opened relative kills and is ready to strike on sunday. you too young, she says to even know what to palestinian is. oh and is really a baby. he's short life. only soul sort of height at all to 0
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is inside the polls of clothes. any long delayed presidential election after 3 years of military rule voting has been peaceful in the capital, but in this 2nd largest city, moving to a voter with shot dead by an unknown gunman. after casting his ballot, the boat pitts general, it was debbie against his prime minister of 6. same as well. that'd be to power in 2021 after his father was killed on the front line. visiting soldiers were fighting rebels. houses there was addressed joins us from the chat in capstone jemina. and so voting is now behind us polling stations are closing or half closed. i should say, what happens now? no vote. and actually the accounting of quotes was todd very shortly and quickly before we get to the counting of both, this situation is such that an 11 hour window is what's, what's created by the electronic commission. white voting must take place on every pulling station. so yeah, that a different point in stages,
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probably up to you to come in, some of them started late so that we have to finish voting after 11 hours, one holding session that's behind the camera. i started the process of counting those sports and various goals. when they accounted, they'll be sent to our coordination center. why boats from other areas will be coming into those areas and then they will, they'll come them to coordinate them and then relate them to the anecdotal commission. the, like you said in the introduction, the voting process proceeded peacefully in many parts of the country. and of course they want delays, as we know some people on the able to also vote for the game. the incident in one to the 2nd largest city in the south of the country, which is considered in a position or raises concern about what to expect. a violence breaks out off the boat. everybody's watching exactly what's happening after the fulls of those housing results coordinated. how they're discriminated, and whether or not the parties contested the elections agreed to what was announced
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. that'd be end of the day. if not, people expect trouble and finish that consent, but things like that could happen 0. okay, i'm going to do is thank you very much for your reporting there from the chat in capital in jemina. russia says it is preparing for military exercises involving its battlefield, nuclear weapons because of what it calls, western publications and threats. the russian defense industry says the exercises will be used to increase the readiness of non strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. chinese president shooting pain told frances mcclure, the china has worked to facilitate peace talks on ukraine. that's according to chinese state media. on his 1st visit to the european union in 5 years, she is under pressure from you leader is to use its influence on its ally. russia also on the agenda is the issue of trade over what the youth seizes an imbalance between china is exports and its own european in ports. melissa chan is in paris.
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melissa, i believe you're expecting a statement or press conference with my call and she shortly, what are you expecting there? we definitely do expect imminently a joint statement of some kind and in terms of content. well, that's anybody's guessed at the moment, but you touched on the important things right for the you, it's going to be russia and, and for both of those, for both of you, france and china, it's going to be a big issue in terms of the economy and trade um, so hopefully they will be more clarity on that. some commitments from both sides and from all sides. frankly. i mean this was a bilateral in the afternoon between the khan and sheets. but earlier in the morning, it was a meeting, a trilateral meeting with the president of the european commission, or sla fonder land. so it was an interesting emphasis from a con to have that meeting, 1st of emphasizing that france is part of the greater european union. and that the beatings tendency sometimes to divide and conquer is
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a tactic that might not likely work. and, and we've seen this, we've seen the french president's move closer and get more aligned to the european union policy over the past year when it comes to china. ok, melissa, just so you know, happening inside of the, the presidential palace behind you is the picture that we're seeing live, the chinese president using thing and speaking right now to his left is the french president, the mentor and my call. so we'll be able to put more meat on that bone. you'll have more to report in just a moment. wanted to make you aware of what we're seeing. quick 2nd question before i let you go tomorrow. the french president is taking sheet to the tyranny's mountains. i believe y oh, well, in many ways it's an attempt for the french president to get away from the glare of paris far away so that the 2 leaders can have perhaps more heart to heart of the french president, a confident that he can convince she of seeing the french in your opinion,
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point of view to some extent. i mean here in paris, i mean just look at it the morning. there's a meeting for about an hour and then the afternoon. a few more hours. it's actually not a lot of time if you consider the big important things that everyone has to talk about . ok, melissa chan, thank you very much. we will let you go and catch up on what is being said by the french and chinese leaders will talk to you later, melissa, thank you. and me and more weeks of fighting near the town of me, a lot of you on the tie border has forced tens of thousands of people into thailand, but many more remain trapped inside the country. but you estimates 2500000 people have been displaced by fighting since the military seas hour and a 2021 crew. in a 2nd of his series of special reports from inside me and more, tony chang witnessed the desperate conditions that many of those people are living . a full step of the homes and now hiding from the heat. a group of
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displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee the village. close to the town of co, correct. amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they hadn't even arrived in our village before this by telling us . and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, the lute, anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the co 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. of the basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain is the doctor treats and
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dresses is when the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the military has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day as a constant buzz in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery. but also capable of jumping down on the site is no to stay at a site slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs, the salt of explosions in the distance back of the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. it took them 7 hours to get to the clinic . she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there,
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around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long jenny may have home the expecting mother. and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away and then the sound everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony to hang out as.


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