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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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lisa, the, we use the word, this is the, you know, is facing. tell us more about his political calculus because there's a, there's a deal on the table from us has accepted it. this increases the pressure and i, i'm, i'm cognizant of what you told us about the pressure, right? is the pressure from outside, but it's also the pressure from inside israel. this increases the pressure on netanyahu, doesn't it? to, to, to decide what he's going to do. one way or another because he's got the right wing and his government that have said in the last few days if he accepts a deal that prevents us from going into rafa, we will bring down his government. but on the other hand, he has in his war cabinet, veney gas and the national unity party that says he, if there is a deal on the table that would allow for the release of hostages, he has got to take it. so he's got these 2 competing forces. a bit of a story about the rights we use, the issue of a lies in guns is lose. so
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any way to do one is wireless. one is so easy, the decision because a few boxes indeed, each might be always good. and if he does this, the busy is serious than the visuals. that good stuff. any the national in the one by the by different government functions, legal, visual fathers done. so it's really, i see the decision on the, on the big subject decision was 5 years ago when the writers, england used on next to the west bank. so you know, all kinds of decisions often it's only nobody is the person who the region may be,
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but the day the decision on is alone can you can use. can i ask you to be a little bit patient standby because we're getting a little bit more information. i'm going to go to hush and who's next to me. and i will come back to you. okay, if you can give us a bit more of your time, there is, there is, there is a momentum building up how much he's saying now that it's lead to. it's not. and he spoke with the turkish president and the convey to him that the group has accepted the terms of the proposal. and by the way, the tool can, how much is talking about the gyptian guitar. we proposal that was presented to that. so we're talking about schools today to the now we're getting more info, trickling in about the uh, the of the elements of that propose of the honda sets with the content of video. mm hm. do you know the, do you know what the outline of this deal it,
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it says that he's going to be a face time base or 3 phases. either phase is about a says via the wind last to $42.00 days. and that there is in phase 2, that commitment about a permanent and to the military operations. quite a significant development by the way, this has been found. so how much he's getting guaranteed does he have face to face too. we paved the way to a feminist, seized by a, this is a key demand. yeah. by the group, since the thoughts of the tools about the potential for the, for an agreement important that i was raised 3, even before you go to phase 3. because this phase 2 is different from the tentative deal that, that uh, what appeared to be on the table a few days ago. this is
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a major difference. each phase of this deal, you correct me if i say anything is wrong, right? each phase of this deal obviously needs to be completed and then lead. if successful leads to the next day is a big bank of our next phase of the deal. and you're saying and phase 2, there will be a commitment by israel that's. that's what's implied. it's it the, the, the proposal includes that includes an agreement on a permanent seas by a phase 2, which means if these varieties are today to agree to the terms of the same, i agree with the how much he's talking about. now it means that phase 2, this is where we have an official announcement of, of 5 minutes, these by of which is quite a significant development. why your wife, when you said this was a sticking point from day one. you have a face plan. how much doesn't want to see a reputation of what happened last november last november when there was an agreement which generated unprecedented hope that this was going to further extend
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and lead to a comprehensive settlement 6 days or 7 days late to the day of collapse. now, with getting more details about the proposal, saying that phase 2 is in phase 2 and why we're going to see a permanent seas via seized by a he's going to extend beyond if that's the case quite a significant development. now i understand when i see these details, what, how much came out? you need lots of the me tonight talking to the categories to the egyptians and to the tubs that accepts the propose of that. because the words, what they do is that for us includes essentially a permanent into the war. the way this would work is there would be a ceasefire from the moment is rare, is really agrees, there would be
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a ceasefire. it would last $42.00 days. so roughly 6 weeks mm hm. and then step to there would be another $40.00 to $6.00 weeks expire. that would then include an agreement on a permanent things. but the bottom line, this ends the was right that what you're describing, definitely. and based on one of the t, the points that we was talking to you and me over the last few days, which is basically how this was never going to go for a deal. knowing that this deal could ultimately back file them or be used to motion defensive to undermine that capabilities of this is why they were more than any time before they were insisting on having it seized by. now this is something that it can go back to the own people that you can see now on the screen shunting in gaza, telling them it was worth all the sacrifice. told us all the casualties that for we
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have a dignified exit strategy. number 2, they would know that in the future when the americans, along with the europeans, will discuss the future of gaza. how much would be that, okay, on this one or one less thing, all of this is conditional tens, they'll get, they wouldn't know because this doesn't exist yet. there is one side of the, of the, of the negotiation to as agreed to this, which is how much we don't have any confirmation that one less adamant phase 3 was very important. they say includes uh it talks about the complete and the blockade that has been imposed all goes for 70 seniors executive which, which is i mean when i look at this, i have to wait and see what would be the reaction of these writers. sure to the contents of this proposal and the book a, just a reminder of yours is israel,
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the controls, everything that goes in and out of the gaza strip, whether it's food, whether it's fuel, even financial transactions, etc, is real controls. absolutely. everything that happens and goes into the territory. and these are right has been saying the reason why it was implemented invest to ensure that no military equipment goes into a goza. now if this is the case, it would be a major change in god. okay. awesome. thank you very much. uh, i see that daniel regarding military spokesperson is really military spokesperson is speaking like listening. let's show a tax on 50 target to en route behind today evening. we are doing gun, but the comb downgrade to the portal in the areas where we have conveyed all one messages to all media. we own radio, the internet, um the leaflets to move the young visit me to the areas income units on my wifi beach and that they would be provided with all of the material needs
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including water, food and medical supplies. after the attack that was launched yesterday from the 5 to a cut them send them a crossing has led to closing the crossing on worse conditions and that we would do open it up on the notes in the northern boulder line. if we have received the fire, therefore, our flight, those moist attacks in the depths of live, but no 9 will have destroyed 20 facilities, facilities that bidding to auto at once. this is installed in libya and on there. today in the morning, i'd thrown off hezbollah has attached to the area a lot of forces shot back on board. the guards would have been working recently over the past when a week, a 24 and my dinner is at a tax. okay. that was is really rear admiral daniel,
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a gary who's really nutri spokesperson. we wanted to listen in see if he was saying anything about obviously the, the breaking news of the our which is that i'm us has approved the ceasefire proposal that was presented to it by the mediator of egypt and guitar. i'm going to bring back in along the former director general of israel's ministry of foreign affairs. thank you so much. a long for your patience here. um, so we were speaking with uh how ship our correspond to just a moment ago who was starting to give us what he knows to be the outlines of the deal. right. and this would be a 3 phase cease fire deal. each phase would be 6 weeks long. the 2nd phase would include a commitment to a permanent c spy. and now this is major if true, if confirmed this has major. and the 3rd phase would include an end to the blockade of guys that again, this is the deal that how much says accepted. israel has not so far your thoughts on this, your reaction when you hear this. yeah. first the see are the low cost
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a read to is know the origin of the discussed. so i don't know what it means. exactly, but regardless of the discussion and the information you just bought about the key, what is the is doing strongly the spam and then next to the bottom of the signature all the time. you know, i think with the, as i say it is how slowly leaves the no, what the really, the, the, what the if there is no this here, all the of the security in the last, the body to the bill will come off forever.
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so if it be said this is wrong, i think it might be the oldest i'm you also increase the wall in the $1000.00. so how do we to believe it? i mean, so we are where we've been for the last hour or so is that we have one side agreeing to this deal that's from us. and what you're telling us, you know, if, if you allow me to paraphrase, is, watch out, be careful because it's real having a great, a not only is real, has an agree, but the things that are in this deal as far as we know, it are things that is real probably wouldn't agree to, that's what you're telling us. is that fair? i don't even want to stay the nice venue official. no, i understand weird, but you're given a c analysis of a former diplomatic ways to describe this phase one who's very reasonable
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to me. what do include the face to the, to me regarding everybody do this thing going to say, including the new policies to benefit my examples to be on the website. okay. alone, i beg your patience again because this is such an important moment that we want your voice. i have an update with the from offices here as hush a mile bar. but again, allow me hush. i'm a little bit of a preamble. ok for viewers who are just joining us. it is $1743.00 gmc,
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that means it's close to 9 pm in israel and in gaza. the what you're seeing is that this spontaneous manifestations of joy that just erupt at about an hour ago, really across the gaza. strip palestinian, the streaming out from their homeless shelters, etc, onto the streets. just cheering, applauding the the moment they heard that i'm a said signed onto a ceasefire deal. so we continue to watch that with the legs, the latest pictures the sun has set now. so it's night time, but we'll bring you the live pictures as well when we get them in session. what's the latest that you're hearing more and more development, this time coming from kind of how you, how data here is as the deputy of the city walk and in cause he's an extremely powerful senior leader of how nice and he's been leading the master negation recently in cairo to talk about the aspects of the agreement. how
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did, how you use those se 10, it goes to 0. it's really quite interesting help to see what happens next. and what kind of reaction we're going to get that the mediators tools. and that's us president joe by that is committed to guarantee the deal is going to be implemented that word again guarantee coming from the us from the us. this is, so i'm quoting highly that high a ton of goes is the rather the mediators told him the us president job. i just said he's committed to being very careful with the worlds here. we go and we're and we have to say the weekend is evolving over the last few minutes. and we have to really look into the very aspects of the building that has been now put together in
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a big language. i've already got 2 major flashing lights from the words that you're using. i'm hearing personal commitment and i'm hearing job. i'm exec. i know some things stand out. there's a, the us president told the me, data is that he's committed to the implementation of to go into the implementation of the agreements and that he's reiterating what we'd be saying a while ago that it's been phase 2, that there would be a declaration of a permanent ceasefire and that the exchange of comparative slash prisoners is going to be throughout the 3 phases of the agreement, phase one, phase 2, and then it would be completed by phase through and that the
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agreement include a clause about a complete we drove of these riley me from guys and the return of the fee for the guys. okay. of the displaced to the own areas. i mean the hush and this is okay let's, let's state a few of these things, but i think they need to be said. this is, this is important, this is major. this is momentous. this is also one sided. definitely how mazda signed onto a deal. they are telling us what the deal is. um, israel has not signed onto that deal. uh, i understand that there's a state department briefing right now live matthew miller speaking. let's listen to that. we support media freedom all around the world, including in israel and that we are quite concerned about this action. as you're quite concerned about the selection are you, are you asking is yours to do anything. so as a president set on may, 3rd,
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journalists and media workers are in a central part of any democracy because, well informed descent is critical to building stronger and more successful societies. and we will continue to support and advocate for free and independent media around the world. we think out to 0 out of be able to operate in israel. they operate in other countries in the region, so you oppose. we do the most. we do. okay. all right, then getting on to so you've seen these reports in the last hour, but i'm also accepting a ceasefire. but also the v is rarely use of ordering or telling people in law for to get out what's your take on, on that. so i can confirm that from us has issued a response. we are reviewing that response now and discussing it with our partners in the region. as you know, director burns is in the region working on this in real time. we will be discussing this response with our, our partners for the coming hours. we continue to believe that a hostage deal is in the best interest of these early people. it's in the best
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interest of the palestinian people. it would bring an immediate cease fire. it would allow increase movement of humanitarian assistance and so we're going to continue to work to try to reach one. and so basically you haven't made any yet paid any determination about whether this is whether they're, they're accepting, what is on the tape. ready or they're accepting something that is different. we have only received the response and the last hour, 90 minutes. and as i said, are going through it now and discussing it with it, discussing it with partners and the reasons. so i don't want to characterize the nature of that response just yet. let's get a chance to just go and you are going to reports that from israel, that perhaps most agreed to us a proposal that was particularly by egypt and color. that was softer than the initial framework that was in the works last week. is it possible that there has been a different so the us is not involved with the tracking? so i've seen those uh suggestions. i've seen some of those reports and i think you,
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i hope you will understand that because we are still reviewing the response that has come in. and because we are working on this in real time and trying to reach an agreement, i'm just going to declined to comment on detail about any of those reports. we're going to be discussing this response with our partners in the region, in the hours ahead. uh, it remains our top priority to try to reach a ceasefire agreement that will lead to the release of hostages. that will allow a search if you may have attorney assistance uh, both in 2 gods that allow it to move around inside gaza. but i don't want to comment on any of the various reports about what they might have been responding to into we've been able to go through detail and come to a full understanding and discuss it with our partners. and can you say at this point, maybe you can't, but most politically in the middle to we are the on the same page here. do you feel like this is a response at least indicates where the entire group is just not going to. i'm just not going to speak for him off at all. as we have said, for some time there has been a significant offer on the table. the ball has been in
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a mazda is court. we have made clear that they should accept that offer, that israel made significant compromises showed that they wanted to reach an agreement that would lead to the release of hostages. that would bring an immediate cease fire. and we have hope that em us would take the deal that was on the table now as to what's in their response, what it looks like. we're going to review that and withhold judgment until we've had a chance to conduct a full review. that's kind of the trend is really offensive and russel in the hours before this or what the reports about evaluation such as before. but those are all talking about the populations from rough. uh, how does this uh, what's the us message with us now? he thinks that his real quick hold off on the, the operations of all sides. we discussed this response. of course, for you, we made quite clear our position on ross for some time, which is that we cannot support an operation in rasa as it is currently in vision. we have made clear the secretary made this clear in his conversations with prime minister. netanyahu moves and other members of these really government last week that we have not seen a humanitarian plan, that is credible,
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and that is implementable. and we believe a military operation in profit right now would dramatically increase the suffering of, of the policy. and people with lead to an increase in loss of civilian life would dramatically disrupt the delivery of humanitarian assistance, all of which is coming through much since they all but the great majority which is coming to care them. shalom or offline is being distributed inside the roof area. if you think about what it would do when you have people moving north to places where internal distribution lines are not currently set up and you're gonna have to try to reestablish those in the middle of the conflict and roughly think that'd be very difficult if not impossible to do so. even absence of this latest response, we made clear that we do not support is we're launching a full scale military operation process. sure, um i mean, you just out of the terms of that, that's the standard us position of those, but it hasn't been any communication. these really. ready about the past hours or so that the, the response from, from a mazda now they're just and this affects the situation. rough. uh, is there
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a message i i'm just not gonna get into are, are those conversations, as i said, we just, just literally in the past hour, 90 minutes of receive that response from my boss in the 1st place. of course, we will be discussing it with egypt with color, with israel, the 3 countries with whom we have been working throughout this negotiation process . but i don't want to get into time into those. but obviously if we have, if those conversations have not already started, they will be ongoing in the next several hours. smith, not under the current circumstances, do you still think case the fires achievable based on what you know coming here? what, what do you mean is a ceasefire capable of these fires? what we are trying to achieve? yes. i mean if there is a there for the weekend, there was like, there was a quite impass and right now how much is accepted it. but for misery and we're hearing that that's not the proposal that we've sent. that's a soft and version that throws into the whole into that. and i think i, you know, i'm just wondering like, what's your sense of these fires? absolutely achievable. there's been a deal on the table proposal on the table that would achieve an immediate cease
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fire and the release of hostages. now as for a mazda is response, which i think it gets to, to your question. again, i don't want to characterize that unique sort of detail until we've had a chance to review it in depth and talk with our partners in the region about it. and one thing on the mentoring a last week when secretary was in israel, there was an increased emphasis on, in his, during his trip on the delivery of mentoring aid, we visited term shuttle which got shut down over the weekend after the a mazda attack. but um, can you give us like a sense of what a rafa offensive, how, how that would impact all those guys. because there are issues with distribution in the large if we have or off or offensive in the staff. should there be any meaningful monitoring a deliver in the north? so let me just be broadly, all the gods are 1st and then i'll come to the north. so certainly a rough operation in iraq operation would make it incredibly difficult to sustain
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the increases in humanitarian assistance that we have been able to deliver over the past few weeks. since the president's call with prime minister netanyahu on april 4th, you'll see the increase in the number of trucks going in through can show off. you have seen an increase in the distribution inside of gaza, including inside southern gaza. all of that would be put in jeopardy by ross offensive, because obviously just look at what happened during the past 24 hours when you saw a mouse rocket, a task, some cash law that led to the death of 3 uh, idea of soldiers and lender. the closure of cam so long. if you had an ongoing kinetic military operation, it doesn't, it doesn't take a genius to figure out the impact that would have on the delivery of humanitarian assistance, not just through cam. so i'm not just throughout the game. but of course inside all of rafa and all the southern gaza, now separate from that, we have been working on standing up additional delivery mechanisms to get a directly in to northern gaza without having to go through care. i'm sure long now because we anticipate has an upcoming rough operation because it's so difficult to
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get a through cash alarm and then move it all the way to the north of guys. and so that's why you saw the opening of arrows crossing, which is something that the president insisted on and something that we achieve last week when the secretary was there 1st in jordan and in the neutral. so you can have trucks moves directly from jordan through areas crossing in the north not have to go all the way to campus on come back up north. you saw the stop port openings of goods can come directly from asked on and go in through northern crossing. it's why we're standing up the maritime operation. so there will be ways to get to monetary assistance in to northern gauze or directly. we have been working on those because it's important to do so because we've seen how difficult it is to get aid from southern gaza into northern gaza. it's hard to speculate what the impact of a rough operation would have on the delivery of that a to northern gaza. but certainly you can say without a doubt that it was dramatically impacts the delivery of humanitarian assistance in southern guns. and i'm just going off of that for a 2nd. you said earlier,
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reiterated that the us doesn't support a full scale invasion into rafa. what about a limited invasion into process? so i'm not going to speculate on the types of military operation. it's not we do, i think so really go on ahead of time and then i'm about to answer kind of. so there are proposals that we have put on the table this one not gonna talk about. so it is probably their proposals that we have put onto the table to the as really government that we have discussed with them that we think would be a much more limited, much more targeted, much more effective way of achieving their legitimate military. can their religion military objectives, which is taking on the mos battalions that are remaining in rasa? it does look very different then the types of operations that we have seen proposed publicly by the israeli government. and i think i'll be that that. so just to be clear, what you propose to them isn't your understanding of what they are planning to go ahead with in the near future, i'm not going to speak to what they might be planning to go ahead with. i'll let
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them speak to that. we seen the announcement they made today about evacuation orders um for not the entire uh, not the entire southern gaza, not into the entire off area, but for a significant portion of it, a 100000 people. and i, of course, we have concerns that any evacuation at all in such a crowded area. if you see a 100000 people move, you're going to see other people in the next area move as well. which of course is something that you want to see happen if there's a military operation for the problem. now is there such are limited places for them to go inside gaza and there is no effective way to distribute to distribute a to them and make sure they have access to shelter, access to sanitation in the places that they would go if say you had hundreds of thousands of people moving for ortho, and then without characterizing the mouse response, given you guys are still reviewing it, would you say it's a hopeful sign that they have given a response here? i think that would be characterizing it. so i'm going to click the decline to do so
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until we do we, it's completed that review. and when do you think you'll be able to complete that review? when should we expect an assessment from the administration? the director burns, as i said, is in the region literally working on this right now. i don't want to put a time table on it, but it's something that is a top priority for everyone in this administration from the president on down. you thought the president had a phone call with prime minister netanyahu today? it was because she being a ceasefire deal that would lead to the release of hostages was one of the top priority to the secretary's trip when he was in the region last week. so everyone is focused on this, everyone is trying to get a deal over the line. last week there was some reporting the by the administration. put a hold on a shipment. you estimate munitions, israel, have you seen the republican comments on its accuracy? i have seen all that are not report and as is usually the case, we don't comment on specific cases of arms transfers. i'm not going to do so here. so i just to, to, to clarify on the offer the offer that you said were generous on,
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on the cable and what seems to be accepted now that that means that the, the to no longer have access court site. it's impossible for me to answer that question. without characterizing the response that him office has given which i'm not yet willing to do. okay. all right, oh no. because you know, and now we know that it is i choosing the correspondence that gives you our colleague floor is a citizen. so by the way, uh, you know, and excusing them all of in psych meds that goes back many years and all of these things a crime that is punishable by christmas. are you worried that these correspondents might actually be imprisoned by the read it? and if they are, what, what the black one and then i say do so i'm not going to speak to those specific allegations. it's not something that we've reviewed in detail. um, we would have to do that. i'm certainly not going to speculate about what we might do in response to an action that has not yet.


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