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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to business like this, this will to you, i guess is i like fly on one of your this makes model inflates the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this as a news our lives and throw up in the next 60 minutes. is there a continues, is a tax on rough of to her boss? it announced it has accepted a gaza see. so our proposal put forward by custom in egypt. protests is in israel, i've taken to the streets and several cities cooling on the government to accept the cx, 5 d, the tubes of joy short lives. this was the scene when posting is the rough uh, the announcements of
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a possible ceasefire. agreed. the thanks for joining us. it's $2100.00 gmc midnight in gaza, and all eyes are on the southern city of ruffled off of the us. ready will cabinet voted unanimously to go ahead with the military operation, the without vote cane just hours of to have mazda agreed to a see saw a proposal, which israel says he is reviewing heavy strikes of being reported in eastern rafa area. on monday, the sweaty army ordered palestinians that to flee, threatening an assault while allowing to carry out that offensive. israel's prime ministers also set a delegation, will examine the sci fi proposal accepted by a mass email until the v on west jerusalem is ready. these are protesting to minding the government, reach the you to bring the captives and the guns if there was celebrations to across the street by over the prospect of
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a potential and the relentless sufficing of to the news or from us accepting the see saw proposal assess the bull is now in israel's quotes while we're covering all these developing stories, we have kristin slew me at the united nations island fisher in washington dc. i'm having a jammed room who's standing by in the jordanian capital. i'm on the 1st. let's go to terry capitalism. and rafa in southern gaza and terika, it has been an emotional evening for many people in rougher and other positive cause a dom seeing in the streets when people assume to that being a breakthrough to end the conflict. but now in use these rarely assault on rafa will continue. what is the reaction the, what are you seeing and hearing as well. these people generally are, can see optimistic regarding the approval that has been made by the mouse movement regarding the ceasefire agreement. and proposal being initiate by regional mcgee,
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just bought this kind of acceptance and this kind of joy is mixed with the sense so fear that has been resulted from the continuation of these ready, bombardments, of course, the eastern part of rough, our district where the vast majority of its population have been receiving code is by the is wait a minute, 3 typically i'm to no longer exists. oh to remain in such areas which has been, which have been designated as was driving right now as it been in the past couple of hours here. were loud explosions of the eastern pause. we clearly see the smoke of the compartments rise in the horizon as illumination flies also being fired on this kite of the eastern portion of rough, our district i was just as be helping contact them. they have been confirming that they have been hearing intense bombardments as they have been hearing. also the sound of the military tanks moving across the entire separation fence. but we garza,
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and as well as these forces are being mobilized in input to potentially for a military, encouraging for the city by officer destroying the vast majority of residential neighborhoods. the adjacent to the board is with, as well as the vast majority of palestinians right now, following closely, the potential is ready to respond. that is now being completely examining the proposal and the agreements being provided by how much to the original the data is atara can people there in the eastern portion of rafa were told by yesterday the ministry to escape to alma wasi gives a sense of what that area is like at the moment and, and how this news of a potential ceasefire may have disrupted cool to escape a man or more. so here we in fact is the area where the majority of cousins have been told to seek refuge. we have been told even when
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we flipped from the north of the gaza strip, to head to milwaukee area in rough or how which is now to be designated as the main save. so and, but now people have been also in eastern parts of rough. i've been told to go that which is a read, you know, over crowded a now with me. uh, it would make approvals being made by how my sides and with the general atmosphere right now, positivity, news, people are completely confused to return back to the house as specifically that there is ongoing continuation of abutment in such areas. so people right now being trucks being instead of displaced from their original areas and they have been also waiting eagerly to hear a protocol agreement could be just coming to the surface within the coming days or hours about the ceasefire agreement. but till now they're not really safe in order to return back to the north as the is really mandatory. there's just to activating their military operations in the eastern parts of russell,
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which is completely on safe for residents to remain the be started to flee, to guarantee the safety of the family members living right now and make shift filters in tents and out of my washing it, including also dairy about an area which has been right now, the most densely populated areas of the entire territory. direct is always main thanks time, right. how busy now and rough up us. now these are the prime minister's office, has released the statement saying large gaps remain. and crucially, the war cabinet has voted unanimously to go ahead with the military operation. in rafa. the statement reads, the war cabinet unanimously, decided that is right. it will continue the operation in rafa to exhibit military pressure all time us. although they have mass proposals, this fall from israel is necessary requirements. israel will send a delegation of working level mediators to exhaust the possibility of reaching an agreement on the conditions acceptable to israel. what a reminder to all of you is the israel as shut down,
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which is here is opperation in israel himself. so we're reporting outside of the country, i'm a jump june is live for us in the georgia. any and capital a, a mom with more and what's going on inside israel? so no, i mean if you can help us understand exactly what israel is, what cabinet i have said, and it's significant a denise, this is, this is interesting what we've seen from the war cabinet and really speaks to how complicated the situation is within is real, right? now because on the one hand, the work cabinet is saying that they're going to continue the operation. but on the other hand, they're saying that they're going to send the delegation of mediators to go to cairo. now let's, let's try to unpack that a little bit. as far as going into the 5, this is no different than the rhetoric we've been hearing from benjamin netanyahu, and some of his far right wing ministers in his coalition for months now,
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who potentially been reiterating this almost every day. even a few days ago when there was a lot of optimism about the prospect of a ceasefire, you had and that's in yahoo saying that even if there is a cease fire, they will go into it up. i had till the war aims are a cheap now. on the other hand, you have the war cabinet saying that they're going to send a delegation to cairo. that's interesting because just up until even yesterday you had israel saying that they were not going to send a delegation to cairo for talks on a possible cease fire unless and until they had gotten a response to pay for steve to be positive from how much so this is kind of speaking to how much pressure, specifically the prime minister is under because on the one hand you have far right wing ministers, part of his coalition, people like it's more been could be, or the national security minister who have even just a few hours ago said the only response right now to how much is to go into rafa. right?
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um and that's what his far right wing flank wants to see. they don't want to see an end to the war before that happens or entering it to a cease fire before that, what happens? then you have the fact that they're going to send this delegation. now, just a few hours ago you had yeah, your la pete, who is the opposition leader in israel, who stated on x, that is real, should send a delegation to cairo to ensure that the guy and that the government is doing as much as it can to ensure that those captives that remain in gaza can return home. so it's really goes to show how the political spectrum, how much divisions there are along the political spectrum in israel right now. and how much pressure the prime minister is under. i think what's key here is going to be how much of a mandate, how wide a mandate, those members of the delegation to go to cairo have in order to negotiate because time and again, we've seen that's in yahoo and the war cabinet send folks to places like cairo to negotiate, but not giving them
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a lot of power in order to negotiate fully. so that's really going to be key as far as what they can do in the day is going forward with the right now very much a mixed bag. it seems to be a message of look, it's a holding pattern and we'll, we'll just wait and see what happens. but these are critical hours right now. and a lot is going to depend on what this delegation does in cairo going forward. need . yeah, critical out is that some feel it's important to be out on the streets making that voices heard about talking through some of the things that have been unfolding in cities like tel aviv. so we are seeing the videos of more and more people gathering in cities like tel aviv. at this point, we're hearing that there are thousands of demonstrators that are there on the island highway that they are blocking the road. we have seen videos reporting to show police getting violent with protesters at some points, dragging them away, trying to clear the crowd. these people are out there because they are saying that
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israel needs to do more to ensure that those captives are released. they are chanting we are told slogan, blake, now is the time to sign on to this deal. do not forget them. they are promising that they will continue to stay out even all night to send this message to the government and were told demonstrations not just happening in tel aviv, which is the epicenter of demonstrations whenever people gather against the government or for this particular issue. but also in a hyphen in jerusalem, marching towards the residents of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. now i can tell you that this is very much in line with what i myself saw on saturday until a v. as you mentioned in the leading to me, we're no longer able to report from israel. i am now in our mind, jordan reporting on what's going on and is real on saturday night in tel aviv. there was thousands of demonstrators, some of them, anti government demonstrators, some of them relatives of those captives being held in gaza. and they were out there. they come out every week, every saturday night to send a clear message to the government, the anti government,
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demonstrators say that they want benjamin netanyahu to resign. they want new elections. they want a new government in place and they want the government to do more to enter into a cease fire that night when we were out there they were chanting, look, there was a deal on the table sign on the dotted line. get this over with then you had those relatives of the captives that were out there as well. many of them. and they were holding moment of silence. uh they were uh they were, they were crying when they were speaking to the assembled crowd. they were saying that the government is not doing enough to insure the release of their loved ones and they were saying, this is the most crucial our there is a time when the govern. is this close to a cease fire the closest they've been since this past november? they want the government to go ahead and do this. so what's going to be interesting now is to see if more people join these protest in the days ahead and how much more pressure that might put on netanyahu at a time when he seems to be having a narrower and narrower feel to really navigate that very sort of dire political
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terrain for him in his real die political terrain. yes indeed. but how much money thinks of that and how much i'm doing reporting live for us and amount just to remind you, of course, we are outside israel ever since benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet decided to bind how to 0. ok, well we're learning some more information about the contents of this deal that we've been talking about several past few. how's the c? swab proposal includes 3 phases. each lasting 42 days. first phase of the deal includes providing passage for displace palestinians to attend to their homes. the 2nd phase of the deal includes the withdrawal of israeli troops and the announcement of a permanent and 2 x ray, the military operations. and in the 3rd stage, this is the important one that as a provision on ending the blockade on the gaza strip. the white house special security council spokesman confirmed the us is, quote,
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reviewing the mass response and said that reaching a deal is the best possible outcome. and we're currently reviewing that response and discussing it with our partners in the region. director burns, as you know, is there and he's working this in real time on the ground. i won't be able to comment any further on this until we know where things stand. i hope you can understand that. i know everybody's curious about what's in this response with these really reaction to to it is just not going to get ahead of the process. we want to get these hostages out. we want to get a ceasefire in place for 6 weeks. we want to increase manager and assistance, and the last thing that i want to do is say anything of this podium that's going to put that process at risk. regardless, as we said before, we still believe that reaching agreement is the absolute best outcome. not only for the hostages, but for the palestinian people, and we're not gonna stop working through that out of the trial, an official who joins as though from the washington. um, so what does the us mean when it says it's reviewing the proposed sci fi deal?
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a well, there's a process they have to go through. remember, it was just what 24 hours ago that they said there was a significant offer on the table. and the ball was not in her master's court. they were quite happy to talk about the pressure that was on her mice. at that point, they don't want to put pressure on the as really is the other thing is, we don't know for definite that that was the deal that was tabled. and how much just said, yep, we can sign up to that or whether they said, look, we see this deal, but we want this included. and so there's still a lot of work to be done before this is finalized any time soon, but certainly the us, for a number of reasons would like to cnn that are still at these possible. they talked about how wide spread more, a wide spread operation in, in rough uh, wood leads to ship monetary in crisis. and they were desperately keen to avoid that . and so that is why they offered
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a proposal to these really is which would be much more targeted much more than tense perhaps, would also deliver on these really goals. they also want to make sure that there is increased age going into 2 rough uh and together. and that kind of happen if there is a. and there was a widespread operation on politically. they also want to make sure that the protests that we're seeing on college campuses across the united states start to die out because the fighting in gaza is over. because that is politically damaging, joe biden. the tons of genocide deal that doesn't go mess from the white house as well. so politically, they want to see a movement on this, although publicly they're not putting pressure on israel at this point to accept any deal that is there. and i don't know, i mean, the budget administration has warned multiple times for nothing, you know, who not to push on into rafa unless he couldn't get civilians out of the way. i
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mean, what the americans think about the slices moves that, is there a little precisely do that push on into roughly probably what they're saying, of course, is that they're not going to talk about what the israeli army does and the operations that carried out by the is really military, they've also said that they want to make sure that the amount of testing issues are addressed. and that is why they talked about a much more limited engagement in rafa as well. they want to make sure that whatever happens the death toll does not rise significantly because they, the weight of the pressure that they're under. and the certainly not going to be any public criticism of it. so but remember to by whose white house also said that as israel did not consider the humanitarian elements of what is going on in gaza, the not might change. the attitude did approach to the 8 that is supplied to it. but these really submitted clear,
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almost some day one. this is the award they will prosecute the way the things, but they will listen to that. all i still talk to the united states. they do so at various levels on an almost daily basis. but they will decide what they are going to do, but there will be pressure. it may be behind the scenes, but what's had this so many times before that there is pressure on the israelis. but these families will do what they want. and if it upset the americans, then it would appear from all that we can see publicly that that makes no difference to israel. official in washington, many things. okay, well my line is by where do you hear that? you didn't mind the child? is there a senior political analyst? uh, my wife's really interesting points the how to raise the 1st thing i want to talk about this. i mean, a, we don't necessarily know that the proposal that a boss agreed to was the proposal that they received so that they may have being some push backs and back and forth. it may have been changed,
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it may have been tweaked. is it the never to pull that full that israel will now want to see tweaks of it so and is using roster as a potential rather heavy form of leverage. while heavy is an understatement, right, it's rather breakfast and bloody and inhumane. and that are like, because, well, how do you define using people as uh, not as a political football, but using people as i leverage people's lives in and off as a leverage to improve your positions and incorporations. if not that are or the finish of fetter is violence against civilians for political ends. so is there a, this is actually practicing states that are by doing just that. we can call it in acrobatic diplomatic language us just just the just trying to improve that position
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. but they actually uh, acting like a tentative state. not only you know, and the way they're going back to the war crimes. and the general silence was over . but now now after how much has accepted a ceasefire under pressure of the united states, cuts out in age of the mediators and still then at the now governments play games. this is no time to play games. this is no time to advance nothing to hours. and smoke storage and being viewed as personal, illogical leanings, and for that one stop or what is in the interest of, in the interest of israel does not play out now in maneuvering against tens of thousands of people. enough is of interest. now i'm not just the captives, but in general is to sign on and the ceasefire sponsored by the united states and the countries like the egypt and cut the will have proven to be responsible actors in this very particular case. do you think i'm on the, on to pay to this kind of response by israel because of course,
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this decision by him us has happened as a result of an agreement between the political waiting the you know, present head and cancel out. also the ministry wing within garza itself, i mean, but just on the sheet of basis of communications is quite a challenging feat in itself. do you think then that full, they would have anticipated, given the work that was put into them, agreeing this with to disposal, and the 1st place would have been a dissipated is push back from the is probably because they've been the bunk that you know and heard the back for the 1st time in the business with each other for over 50 years. and so there's nothing new to the good and that relationship is symmetrical. that's what people don't understand. you know, i've been a student of the agreement say between egypt and these are the negotiations between egypt and isn't even between egypt and the standard. but it's not going to switch these out of the ultimate significant negotiations between a state and a non state. that's
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a state that is looking to start the world supported by what's the bowers and so on, so forth and on. so i could have that one even find a home outside. got that and i don't know profession it's okay one and so on. so this is very, very, very special, very special case. but at the same time the video has like 8 to 15 percent. popularity is made the reservation to 15 percent. and is that what him us this question? good. that mean? despite 7 years of genocide, it's popular arises somewhere between 50 and 80 percent depending westbank goes on . so, so far. so despite the different disruption, how much is proving to be more i don't wanna say tolerant, but certainly more uh, you know, a little thinking long term. what is this thinking day by day? how do i maintain my governments? how do i maintain my culture and how to can push push through the war? i finished with don units. i'm going to go and cut off or i've killed so many. i'm
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going to give some more people also and so forth, right? so it's a different reality, but certainly i think how much expects that of the thing is that we, as observers, or we as reporters, are we, as you know, looking at this thing and knowing what the danger is going to bring. if you're ready to attack an area that has more than a 1000000 refugees in it, right? so if any, and shows that and so on, so forth. the united states understands the risks here and set them in the stats, and that's why they keep saying they're studying it and whatever, because the noise is there, i was not going to come back and say yes, fine, it's a lot as you've put yourself, capitulated to how much i think that the now wants to show that he's a tough guy, that, that he's the macho. i think he's probably going to give few people before he size into anything, you probably cannot get a number of mess. it goes just to prove the point that he's stuff and it's such b s to be honest with you at this point in time after 7 months of genocide with these various to be acting,
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much like that to just to remote view is of course these negotiations were taking place in egypt, egypt and i would cut so um, obviously key mediation is delegation from from us when that was well is around though, did not send a delegation fox. it's sending well now. right now i think certainly, i mean, i appreciate you looking uh, you know, 0 in on the dynamics now going on and where they're going to go from here. so, so what i'm trying to take maybe a bit of a, i don't know, helicopter or maybe a 35000 feet. look at what, what this thing is looking like. i'm trying to see the field drivers like what community driving this and how it's happening was what changed over the past week or 2 is in one part, how much position because of the mediators frustrating putting those on. so. but mainly because the by the instruction decided not one of the ones that worked in, it's going to make sure of that there's a ceasefire and there's a,
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do you so by then by then most section, but it's mind to it for a change sort of thing. it, we're not concerned, we're concerned all the bullshit. i'm sorry. b as language. know they are serious about doing and they change the requisition. and i know i must say that to my thinking young american students have succeeded in changing the agenda and washington young american students have succeeded to change the kind of coolness of diplomacy in his art by this time. because the pressure of psychological political that was put on the, by the end of a session by those students in hundreds of universities, has brought by them to put his weight inc, i thought in egypt and those read also also force to push for a real deal i think i would love to see that continue with that kind of psychological, political, and moral pressure. in the genocide we have talked to the pressure of course we've
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also been reflecting on these demonstrations that appear to erupt it and it's around on the streets of, of tel aviv as well. how do we fight to those into the equation to, to want to play out israel. there's definitely an important psychological slash political pressure. in both cases is right in the united states. i think the psychological was more important than the political. and why do i say that? because it is a nothing you know, in georgia, $64.00 out of $120.00 majority plus additional ones from guns, eyes in carts and others who joined in. so he's not afraid of his political future immediately. but if the war stops, and all of these people who were now hold him responsible for it happened october 7 . in addition to all of a psychological effect that's been translated through the, kept his parameters on so on, so forth. we're going to see a whole new day, not be cutting. it is that, you know, i think what you may about is an i'm,
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i'm just silence about what's happening and guys on and all of that. and how the inside of society have really a relative behind the government, despite the general set them to work on. but when they are going to be a ceasefire, you're going to see this society, these are decide to erupt among it's jewish majority in a way that we haven't seen before. and anyhow, waiting to be held responsible. who's trying his best to move in from being basically what does it go criminal? basically, you know, of a work cut them in those to our hero. that's what he needs time. he needs time to finish the job, getting more palestinians and so forth. extended stretcher, and as much as you can by that it's not getting into the time why? because the bottom works against, by then by the need to cease fire in order to, you know, free his agenda to his elections, which is what happened in 6 months for nothing. now, the continuation of war was, would save him for by then the end of the war would save him all i'm, i wonder how many, thanks to that to a slight apology on your behalf,
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your positive slip of the tongue. very thankfully, it's a b s only come back. absolutely. i'm sure the world will forgive you know, united nations 60 general antoinette gutierrez, has called on both israel and her boss to go the extra mom in order to secure a ceasefire dealing garza, if there is also a voice concern that is really military offensive. and rafa could be imminent, judging for the protection of civilians. christians believe me comes to his live now from the united nations in new york christian the, the un reaction. can you give us any more details about what's been coming out of the security council as well the secretary general was just reiterating what his human rights chief has been saying, what his department of humanitarian affairs have been saying. and that is that any ground defensive in rasa would be devastating to the civilians. they are given that
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so many who are living there have already been displaced more than once and don't have adequate humanitarian needs. satisfied as it is, they say that the area that people are being asked to evacuate to is already overcrowded and has even less than the way of services there. they're also worried about the fact that half of the displays people in rough uh about a half 1000000 of them are children. the route to these areas they want them to evacuate to. they say is likely covered with unexploded ordnance and mines all making this a very deadly, a very unsafe situation for, for an evacuation to take place. this is something that the one has been saying for a time, but is repeating more urgently. as words come out that as news comes out that the bombs have begun to fall and roughly yet again, action would also cripple future 8 operations in rough uh,
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do you want to say given all fuel in gaza comes through the roof or crossing at this point so they're really warning and urging the parties to come to the table, the government of israel and the leaders of mosse to go the extra mile, as the secretary general said, and come to some sort of an agreement to stop that from happening, i guess. and what are the consequences, the significance of this latest un security council meeting? so this is a close meeting. the discussions are still happening behind the scenes here at the united nations discussions about a draft resolution that the french had been working on a, a calls for an immediate cease fire. it calls for no invasion of rough calls for a re commitment to a 2 state solution, all concepts and principles that all members of the security council. i support in theory, but so far,
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no progress towards actually voting on that resolution that we're hearing the united states in particular, after that meeting, reaffirm that the united states thinks that an agreement has to be reached in the region before it should be backed up by the security council, they say the security council acting 1st will not lead to any tangible results on the ground. and so no word yet on a vote or action from the security council. but members, very much engaged and very much pushing for this action to happen. kristen selling the life of the you and then new york. thank you. well, earlier on monday as well ordered at least a 100000 palestinians to leave rough up is what i was told people to move to the milwaukee area, a groups a warning of catastrophic consequences as there was no such thing as save. so is left in gaza. so how about how's the support of the it's the moment palestinians
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and russell have been reading and it's really warning on monday morning to leave eastern neighborhoods before it stops, a ground attack is close to the planet. with the 2 possessions they have palestinians on the move, again, the majority of been displaced several times since the war started last year traumatized. this mazda tells her family to pack what's have a ton. she's good. she says, of what lies ahead. and i'm the only god knows if we'll end up without a home again, we don't know where to go. we don't know if it's really will destroy our house, or if we live or die. many of those schools to leave all children. the parents, so left with little choice is i really never. we don't know where to go. milwaukee is full of people, and con eunice is overcrowded. they won't open the egyptian border for us. so where should we go? i can't explain how they feel these really minute treat,
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dropped the slits from the warning. the extreme force will be used on the roof. a fits your ready, overwhelmed with one and a half 1000000, palestinian sheltering that and this is one of the areas that israel has told tens of thousands of palestinians to move to alamo or see, i know the crowd, the shoreline. we've made shift tents as far as the all, i can see these really minute tree also wants them to go to some of the most heavily bones places since the war started like con eunice and the areas that have turned into rubble with the health care system has collapsed on the humanitarian situation. is dia, 8 agencies, one bombing rough off. we'll have trucks of steel, fit consequences. and we were told that there's no way to south. we didn't do the same for ross, the g o. the no. and now we have ton unit us, which is devastation like no one has ever seen before. so we are to see that again
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and rough. uh i, we will say a lot of people killed the bombardment they disease, which is already changing. roots will spread like wildfire flop file, and then when this is done, then there is no wearing jobs. it's and then you were talking about russell russell has been the last remaining call to the gaza strip. that hasn't been heavily boomed . they have been negotiations between israel mazda in cairo for a potential ceasefire and garza but israel continues to ignore international pressure, including from its ally of us to stay away from rough off. what does this baby do to deserve this off this woman? she holds her, opened relative kills and is ready to strike on sunday. you too young she says to even know what to palestinian is. oh and is really
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a baby. he's short life. only soul sort of height at all to 0. a lot. so hard with mentioned many of the people leaving eastern rough are heading towards con eunice, and darrow bol on those 2 cities with being devastated by month service ready bombardment and ground defensive. and how cool dream is in con eunice. following the movement of those fleeing from southern gauze, a case standing on venue. so hey, let's find a box in 10 units. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from gross off after the is there any forces, ordered them to, to wait, or the, or today, the clothes were ordered by the is ready forces to back away to newness the loss the area. and also do that is by the hand, central gods about the as you see behind me, can you this is completely destroyed. allison,
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you had been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses, and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day that's, that's, that's last was a safe area. but i, you see behind on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there is a panic state, anger, despair, and frustration range. and also that they, there is no, they say the cause of all of these people have no idea where they're going because it's right there is. but the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, even empty agricultural labs are now tens. and i'm not hundreds of thousands of
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people set to verify this phase multiple times from place to another. from central to the south, high listing you are left in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see, the community goes off how to sign on police to be joined now by raw mccurry, who's a distinguished public policy fellow with the american university by race, as joins as lie from boston in the united states of i'm more welcome to you. so an awful lot of pos, moving developments of the past few. and i was a real emotional rollercoaster. as you may have seen from the seats of seems that people dancing the streets of cause any. now to find out that these are the offensive in rough or will continue what, how do you evaluate the prospects for peace, for everything you've seen in this evening as well or not. i don't know if i use the word piece, but she's fire certainly to have it on our direct custom of these piece would
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happen only if the 2 people could live together in a state of friendly neighbors. and i don't know how stand and we interest to be resolved, but this expire i think is, is phone was, are they going to happen? the there's, we're at the last stages of this down, but they do, that will be the biggest problem here is the 2 of the party is really as really sunday. neither stage is there's 3 parties on this talk to us israel, or during that josh or the us function and provides a farms on the production of the you. well, um these are at least do the actual children. but those are 2 partners on her master's a 3rd party, but you have some fun because you're really on the very difficult political situation of internal fund for many different reasons. and they realize that they, they're not going to achieve the goal. have they wanted to achieve?
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certainly the ones that nothing you know, well, laid out destroying trauma assets of trust. and um, they realize that the palestinians are not going to be able to be pushed out into the side as is really want to at the 1st class. so then they're forced into this negotiation. and how much also is a difficult situation? because even though it's going to claim that it said it's brown, but kept firing and never gave up and ultimately got the is rarely is to proceed with tremendous launch, which is a full is very much ro ending the. busy loading the palestinians, go back to their homes and humanitarian age flowing freely from national claim victory. but they are also beneficial, reckoning among their own people because the situation is really, really difficult that and guess the majority of people in the western initially. busy don't want to be a player to be
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a partner to any future governments and gather so everybody has got really severe pressures on them, but they all know that they must have as far as i can go home like this are very much longer. so this is just an entry road, right? it's like a pause. the real battle is that a. busy later which is a political battle. yeah, it's for a business or you're just saying that you refer to it as a, as a diplomatic dom said, and implies the degree of pushing show for when it comes to either side, being able to spin. this is a, as a witness, a success to the to that right and people. um, what do we make of israel's opponent? push back then by going ahead with its rough or offensive by saying that it will send mediators to egypt. what is, what does that mean within the context of the hopes for us these far? and this really has operated according to 3 or 4 fundamental principles
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for the last 75 years. uh 1st uh, it usually military force indiscriminately as violently to protect itself. second, the international law or humanitarian law services has to show that is the strongest part in the region. it has to keep chilling and subjugating. i'm terrorized on the published and is what you're seeing on the images on the screen. this is kind of the human eyes, the pallets are in the house, but the problem is they would pick the wrong people to the you and i suppose about the social and roy unbelievable. ability to withstand this kind of ministry, not just by israel, by, but other countries on, by the west. and they're still, they're trying to figure out how they live, a normal life, the visual, the always before us use fire, we saw this 11 and we started and gas that before i was 11 and then 2006 and that was
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a ceasefire just before the moment of the cease fire comes on to attract the blood out. a big garage of attraction, chill, 5100 people just to show that there was a tough guy there in charge and they write the rules. the problem for as well is that and for the us, they have shown over and over the incredible mind of their military forces and their willingness to use them. but they are now discovering the futility of arms, but you cannot achieve either peace or victory or good neighborly relations simply by po, verizon, your neighbor, and visualizing them and having all these babies being burned. but that didn't work, and the boston is part of the students demonstrating that other strengths of the students in europe and no strictly on over the world. now there's this is mass of outpouring of support for the palestinians and for
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a peaceful play as to what does the sun for so, so these rivers, my cousin, are learning so that they're pretty strong, but they're very weak politically. and they can keep truly for a long time, but that's not going to achieve what they want. so this is where we are now, and it's a very, very difficult lesson for the lesson. israel's tupelo rami, i wonder if we can go into some of the details of what we know, at least to be the outline of the proposal to a mouse, a as agreed to it includes multiple stages that respond around $42.00 days. of course, i'd be holes in the fight saying a commitment to a permanent ends up to the conflict. and also in phase 3 really interesting point is uh, talks or an agreement to bring about a complete end of the 17 year blockade of gauze are, these are huge demands, part of the underlying architecture, the fabric of what policy and so being desperate for, for, for for decades now,
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is it too much in the hope of a rush, an immediate cease, fire and gauze? are the cool for these big, big requests these are demands. these are the ultimate positions, the maximum positions. they might have the agreement. but the agreement that fits the 3 stages, the 1st one stopped before they get prisoners out with powers. daniels back home page slowing, etc. then get these really only out of gas out. and then the last stage released the last prisoners on the bottom. and then the apartment and she's fired powerfully or, or part of late to be guaranteed by the united states. i don't know how many people trusting either, so just to keep the word and especially after what the wrong in agreement and other situations. so do you have some of these really is really single, i like the color imperial military minded way. so they may or may not the color of their agreements. uh,
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so this is i think the maximum of positions that are being asked or down the road. but if the 1st 2 stages were then both sides feel their benefit, the more important with other populations we saw the demonstrators was the 0 misery of the palestinians. if live populations in these 2 areas, and they are still got the west back, which is being attacked and people are being killed barely in the west bank, but it is rarely as if those populations make it loan to their leadership. look, we, we don't want to know more of this stuff or worse than enough solving. and i think that's the best part bring about a new, a situation where you will have to ultimately bring new leaderships in israel in the us, in palestine. and in some other countries, possibly that can actually put together a serious negotiation for a permanent resolution of the cost. like that's,
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that's the big sticker item is down the road that can be done, but it's not going to happen very quickly. so i think we should, yeah, i think it, it's right that they're doing business stages because you want to build confidence, you want to know people to reconfirm that they can be trusted. if they make an agreement that they, i was not gonna be around for long, probably let's see who are in place as him. there's questions are up and they are right now. yeah. but as you say, it important to be, i'm vicious about the ultimate long term goals, remy korea monday. thanks great to have you on the program. thank you for the deputy head or from us and guys like hello hi. uh, i said the group received assurances from mediators about the potential deal and mediation has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the bowl is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediation is that we agree completely,
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but the proposal, the mediators now is to put pressure on the israeli side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do, and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations, we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and a deal for the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. earlier i spoke to 5, so i'm going to cut and paste the other 2 and she for the gulf time. she says the main concern is the war turning into a regional spill over the slide is abra,
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a lots of lots that trust them that sense and how, how do i say, i mean the confident of is that i the technology hop of them at the least this is all gone well, and you can see, you know, changing that policy, closing off as a z, a. it says they are an authentic entry eventually. and i think the ceasefire. if it happens, i can at least take them from the smart. you know, the most important thing to tell you the truth is i was thinking about, you know, uh, you know, kind of being an agent big part of this, leading them at the ocean here and cut out. and, you know, mean what to tell you the truth was escalating this war beyond because uh end is what i and i think uh this proposal can really uh, you know, uh confirm if it was accepted from, is there a little that uh you know, that the cut off from day one walked on,
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stopping the escalation, the, you know, and that agent. what does that mean? that this announcement, this acceptance off, this proposal has come directly from us rather than it being announced by one of the key mediators, egypt, or capital. why is it important that this has been a unilateral announcement by i'm a look to the sort says that the dialect of c a c i a was in the door and he extended his visits. so i'm sure they were working on a, the last final the, this deal is actually that this is what is what you ask for. i mean, the whole, you know, it was agreed to agree to it. uh, but uh, you know, to, to watch and observe that, is there any action uh, uh, for example, uh, you know, cd with typing cut off on the invitation,
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stereotyping egypt. intermediation. uh, you know, the, the, the, i, i really, you know, i'm looking for a home, but i really not optimistic because it's, as you'll see, you know, and tv and all they are attacking about fi. okay, that's bringing dan cohen, who's the founder of i'm come to the news as an eviction investigative journalism platform. it joins us from washington. d. c. thanks for joining us on al jazeera. i wonder if we can strip all of this down to its bare bones and look at the consequences of israel. firstly, agreeing to the cease fire, the one that have mass assigned onto and its current form. what are the consequences for nothing? yahoo! and these are, as well from the start and nothing yahoo set out to contradictory goals to the world. and to d as bradley public one to see time us to, to rescue the captives and hostages. and those are obviously contradictory and neither can be achieved through military force. at this point,
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how my still remains a military structure throughout the entirety of the gaza strip. the idea that israel is going into the last stronghold of how much is a computer in rafa is a complete forest as a complete live because it hasn't effectively dismantled any part of how much is millie military command structure throughout the entirety of the strip. and in doing, in, in this genocide that it's carrying out in the name of fighting a mass, supposedly defeating a mazda, is killing its own captives in gaza. so these lies will, at some point, be clear to the as rarely public. and once that happens then really be, is rarely public is going to come for netanyahu's head because he and the entire security establishment are the architects of the paradigm that lead to october 7th,
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even from the is rarely perspective. so if nothing yahoo were agree to this cease fire. well, the national security mist administer each more ben viewer and uh, the finance minister bits that little smoke which would have said they would pull out of the government collapse and that's in yahoo government. and israel would then go to a go to elections and then nothing yahoo, his career would be finished. he's facing indictment on numerous corruption charges . and as i said, the public would be going for his head. so when it comes down to and this has been the case since october, 7th or october 8th, is that the interest of the israeli public particular, the families of the captives and hostages, are diametrically opposed to the interest of benjamin netanyahu, who was trying to extend his to be, or his political life as long as humanly possible. quite as is, it's as simple as that. so those are the perils and pitfalls for, for netanyahu,
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for you potentially agree. so this proposal, let's talk about what a fee continues to flatly reject it. what are the consequences that will eventually he's going to have to pay the piper any way? no matter what, at some point there is going to be some kind of secession of possibilities and i have no prediction of how that will happen, but nothing yahoo is only delaying the inevitable and committing more and more heinous war crimes in, in the process. so i think in the case that there is any, ever, any kind of international criminal court, not, i mean, unlikely to be the i c c itself, but any body to prosecute him there. he's just adding to the laundry list of war crimes that he and his partners could be prosecuted for. um, and he's, he's doing nothing but,
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but killing more. um and destroying is rarely society as, as, as it goes, there was a mother of a and then his rarely soldier who was taken captive and killed and gaza by the is really military, as it turns out, named ron sherman. and his mother once called on facebook, she, she called nothing yahoo, the destroyer of israel. and i think that's really what we're looking at right. he is taking the design this project to it's and to it's to it's, it's, and conclusion with the prospect to off of a full scale incursion of rafa looming as a response to mass agreeing to this proposal. i mean, what do you think the stalls in terms of israel's status internationally briefly if you may? right, well it makes israel look like it does not want any kind of ceasefire. it's not interested in the captives of the hostages, and it makes
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a moss actually look like the reasonable and practical body in this that is willing to negotiate a ceasefire, even is israel supposedly looking into the proposal itself. it's already bombing rough. uh, so it's very clear to any kind of outside observer who's, who's looking at this in a neutral way. or i said done cohen, it's been great to have you on the program to encourage that investigative journalist on caption news. well, early a huge crowds in rough, a celebration of the news of a mass excepting a c. so i propose will put forward by gyptian and guitar. remediate is all correspondent tag because the awesome piloting and what it meant to him is very important for our extra but as the size above gives us, if we went to is there a ballistic, any solution? those just some interior photos that we must just not going to uh, to have been done. the problem is that the site local version for some of the
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promotions, because he said it was fine for that. we must, i get, i do see it. that sounds isn't going to stop this by an escalation or exist, gives us. this is the average that the minus sign for to advise that that is all the now we'll just use that list because assume to validate it here. bill um is that it should have been for us for that to be see, is this the same right of both of us on to back to all the houses in the, in the guys zone and the wisdom of where it goes just to be. yeah, i'll, i'll want to have you, there's the very sad use in these to this, but this evening to opt out of this announce uh we see the majority of about
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a view board of money for the job. and i do expect that you will return back to your house in the north of the gaza strip when the supply will be announced. we hope that that the or the permit is dead back to the house. is this very important or just in the, i guess the north of guys just it's it but it didn't just hold them on for i wonder if you can't afford that. we hope to rebuild the universe if this all want to search on it for the things that decided that the job destroyed with hopes of a seesaw hanging in the balance in gauze. and let's leave you with these pictures of hunter college in new york. where more students have been protesting cooling for a ceasefire in gaza. so to me, any thoughts here for this news? but i will be back with much more of a day's news on developments in just a short survey to see when i would just
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the 106 kilometers stretched, remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants seeking the size of the united states a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's a risk. they are willing to take full lines in the box on this. i'm for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on of jersey to this business. uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash before he is
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the this business uptake. these me, roy thought no bundle a dash football to use your wills the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients visit the cost on requested. and remember, it's a copier size,
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wealth and increases systems. costs on red chris the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this is the news life sometime coming up in the next 60 minutes . the short live celebration thing goes up to a month except a see spot proposal, thoughts as little cabinet and photos to go ahead with this military operation and rough demonstrations across israel, calling for the government to accept to cease 5 deal and the release of captives


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