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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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which is deserving recipients, visit the cost of red crescent, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases sustenance costs on red chris the, the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on the bulk of this is the news out loud some time coming up in the next 60 minutes. 6 short live celebrations and guys of the month except a ceasefire proposal box is a little cabinet and bows to go ahead with his military operation and rough
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demonstrations across the israel, calling for the government to accept a ceasefire deal and the release of captives being held in government, this comes off to these really ministry ordered palestinians, and eastern rafa to leave warning. it's about to use extreme force. the will process on us campuses against the war in gaza, calls groat allowed of universities to come to financial ties with this route will be life. and while i see you in cambridge, massachusetts, the thanks for joining us. it's 2200 cmt was 1 am in gauze. begin this hour with a focus on the southern city of rafa. se ready will cabinet voted unanimously to continue its operation that the vote came just hours of to have mass agreed to a cease fire proposal, which israel says it's reviewing heavy strikes of being the policies in eastern
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rafa. early on monday this friday, i'll be ordered. palestinians, that's a fleet freshening of the sold, all vying to carry out that offensive, israel's prime minister has said a delegation will examine the sci fi proposal accepted by a mass and intel. a brief on western recent is riley's, i'll protesting demanded. the government agrees to a deal to bring the captives home, added gaza. there were brief celebrations across the strip over the prospect of a potential end to the relentless fighting mouse. now says the bull is in israel is cooled tag obviously, and begins coverage from rougher of this kind of acceptance. and this kind of joy is mixed with the sense. so fear that has been resulted from the continuation of the is ready bombardment. of course, the eastern part to verify district where the vast majority of its population have been receiving code is by the,
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is very military to sleep and to no longer exists or to remain in such areas which has been, which have been designated as well zones right. now, as it been in the past couple of hours, hearing loud explosions in the eastern parts, we clearly see the smoke of the compartment rise in the horizon. as illumination of flies also being finance on the sky of the eastern portions of rough, our district. i was just as we have been contact them, they have been confirming that they have been hearing intense bombardments as they have been hearing. also the sound of the military tanks moving across the entire separation fence. but we garza, and as well as these forces are being mobilized in input to potentially for a military incursion, for the city by off to destroying the vast majority of residential neighborhoods. the adjacent to the board is with as well. a multi area in fact, is the area where the majority of cousins have been told to seek refuge. we have
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been told that even when we flipped from the north of the gaza strip, to head to milwaukee area in rough or how which is now to be designated as the main save. so and, but now people have been also in eastern parts of rough. i've been told to go the, which is a read, you know, overcrowded, and now with mo, uh, it was more approvals being made by how my sites and with a general atmosphere right now was the tibbetts, he lives, people are completely confused to return back to the house as specifically that there is ongoing continuation of abutment in such areas. so people right now being trucks being and tenants displaced from their original areas and they have been also waiting in lisa, he is a pro agreement could be just coming to the surface within the coming days or hours about the ceasefire agreement till now. they are not really safe in order to return back to the north as the is really mandatory. there's just to activating their military operations in the eastern parts of russell,
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which is completely unsafe for residents to remain the. but they started to flee to guarantee the safety of the family members living right now and make shift filters and tense and a low wasi it, including also there was about an area which has been right now. the most densely populated areas of the entire territory. while we're letting some more information about the contents of the steel seats for that proposal includes 3 phases, each lasting for $42.00 days. the 1st phase of the d that includes providing passage for the space palestinians to return to their homes. the 2nd phase of the deal includes the withdrawal of israeli troops and the announcement of a permanent end to it's really military operations. and then the 3rd stage, there's a provision on ending the blockade on the gaza strip a 17 year located what was over the head of from us and goes a color ohio has said the group received assurances from mediators about the
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potential deal. it was about the mediation has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the ball is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we inform the mediators that we agree completely with the proposal. the mediators now so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do and we're patient, we will oh, now land. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and the deals the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. when he's ready, prime minister's office released the statement saying large gaps remained of the
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seas by process. and crucially, will cabinet voted unanimously to go ahead with a military operation. and rafa is what the statement says. it says the will cabinets unanimously, decided that israel will continue the operation in reference to exec military pressure on a mass. although the mass proposal is far from israel as necessary requirements, israel will send a delegation of working level mediators to exhaust the possibility of reaching an agreement on the conditions acceptable to israel. reminder to our view is as well as shut down. now, just as a peroration is within the state of israel, so we're reporting from outside to the country. but i'm a jump g, as in the, to obtaining and capital amman with more on this for any reaction they are going to go ahead and push into a dropbox. uh, but at the same time that they are going to send a delegation of mediators to cairo. now, when you try to unpack this,
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it is complicated. and this really speaks to the pressure that not only is realized under especially from the us, but especially how much pressure is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under right now. in this statement you can see the fact that and essentially it looks as though he is trying to satisfy on the one hand his far right wing coalition members, people like it's more been v or the national security minister, who has 4 months been pressing the prime minister to enter it off, or even just a few hours ago tweeting that the only thing that is really that they should be doing right now is going into that fine. but at the same time saying that they will send mediators to cairo. now there was a demand just a few hours ago from the i or the pied the opposition leader in israel to send mediators to cairo. because the opposition as well as many citizens in israel, would like to see these really government do more to try to secure the release of the cap is still being held in gaza. so it all really speaks to how complicated the
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political reality for benjamin netanyahu is right now. now we've also heard from the military, the military and israel has said that they are essentially continuing a limited operation in eastern right now. that's in line with what we heard from the prime minister's office. the question is going to be is how much will is real push into it off ahead of time when they're also sending mediators to cairo up until a few days ago. these really government has said that they were not going to send any more mediators to egypt until and unless they got a response that they considered to be positive from how much. so this is the key question at this hour. will that was mediators have enough of a mandate to try to carry out a negotiation and try to actually effect the ceasefire. is it a limited mandate? what's going to happen in the hours and days ahead? we are not allowed to report out of israel at the moment, but um,
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we heard in the last few hours that jordan's king king abdullah, had met with us present and joe biden in washington dc. the royal court in jordan have issued a statement in which they said the jordan's king abdullah says, is really attacked on drop by may lead to a new massacre. and the statement says jordan's king abdullah, the 2nd worn during a meeting with us presidential binding on monday that in his really attack on the roof, i threatens to lead to a new massacre. it's just the other mind, benjamin does know he's cabinets by and on out to 0 has prevented us from reporting when from inside the country. so as useful that we've had to do it from neighboring jordan. all right, well the white house, special security council spokesman has confirmed the us is reviewing the mass response. and so the reaching a deal is the best possible outcome we're currently reviewing that response and discussing it with our partners in the region. director burns, as you know, is there and he's working this in real time on the ground. i won't be able to
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comment any further on us until we know where things stand. i hope you can understand that. i know everybody's curious about what's in this response. what these really reaction to to it is just not going to get ahead of the process. we want to get these hostages out. we want to get a ceasefire in place for 6 weeks. we want to increase manager and assistance. and the last thing that i want to do is say anything of this podium is going to put that process at risk. regardless, as we said before, we still believe that reaching an agreement is the absolute best outcome. not only for the hostages, but for the palestinian people, and we're not gonna stop working to that out. let's go live to the roseland jordan who was in washington dc. so mostly, what does the white house me, what it says, it's reviewing this proposal as well. it essentially means that of the terms could have been altered, even though the us is one of the interlocutors in this ongoing negotiation between israel and thomas. it wants to make certain that what its own state it goals are,
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which is the eventual creation of a separate palestinian state can be achieved by whatever is in this latest. started acceptance by how most of the egyptian cutter re proposal. now of course be the spokes person for the national security council. john kirby did make it very plain that the americans are not going to be getting into the details of what is being accepted by how much. and that's because that's one of the principles of negotiation. you don't put everything out in public in order for things to be possibly derailed. you don't want to create any excuse for any party. enter that goes ca, sion, to back away from something that they might have already agreed to. and so at this point, the reviewing is underway. the consultations are under way. and certainly in the coming days, you can expect to hear from the button harris administration,
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how it believes things should proceed. but that said, they're still very much a strong opposition to any sort of is really military operation inside rafa. given that in the us as view, there is no provision being made by israel to protect the lives of those one point . 4000000 people inside gone. so who have had to essentially ha huddle and look for security and shelter in the southern part of garza. because of the ongoing war and also, and all the while the seal a chief is being here in the region as well. meeting people who are holding a talks behind closed doors. i mean, how much of an indication to of how critical this moment in time is the fact that the c i chief is have to be here a well, bill burns, the c i, a director has been essentially the point person for these negotiations on the us as part and so the fact that he is in the region that he is continuing
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consultations is an indication that the us believes that whatever is on the table is worth saving. and so he's going to continue to be engaged in these negotiations until there is some sort of resolution. of course, with the i does not like to talk about what the director or any other official is doing on any sort of operation. whether it's a negotiation such as this or anything else for that matter. so we basically have to watch his actions and then determine what is happening. but certainly the fact that bill birds is still in the region is a sign that things are moving a pace that things have not yet fallen apart completely having to phone the pa completing. that's the important thing. so here mostly in jordan and washington, thank you. all right, well, united nations secretary general antonio good terrace has called on both israel and her boss to quote go the extra mile in order to secure
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a ceasefire dealing cause. the guitar was a voice concerned, the ministry of the ministry offensive, and rafa could be immune and urging for the protection of civilians. christmas living as live for us in new york, the un headquarters and christian. though it was a sense of reaction of the back of the security council meeting. i guess what we've heard from the secretary general reiterating his call for a ceasefire with a growing sense of urgency given concern about an imminent large scale military operation. in rafa, the office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs here at the un as well as the high commissioner for human rights have spoken out against such an invasion, vehemently noting that it would be impossible to carry out an evacuation a military operation. there with an evacuation safely, there's no place in gaza, that's safe to go,
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they say. and they know that the areas where they want to relocate people to are already over crowded and lacking basic services and infrastructure. they are particularly worried that the people over a 1000000 people sheltering in rasa have already been displaced, and that half of them are children. and the evacuation zones they say, are likely covered with unexploded ordnance is that also pose a risk. all of that to say that they are also concerned about what would happen after and offensive as well. given that ross was still a major crossing point for 8 operations, particularly for fuel. it is the only area where fuel is coming through. so we're hearing the secretary general re voice whose concerns about the humanitarian
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situation. while the security council continues to meet behind the scenes, they met earlier today discussing a draft resolution calling for a cease fire and no military action in rasa, but still no action from the security council. even though all council members in principal agreed to what the secretary general was calling for, the united states for one has said that the any actions should come from the region 1st. they want, how mos in israel to agree on the ceasefire terms before the security council acts, the us making the case that security council action would be premature at this point. but there is another meeting scheduled tomorrow on mass graves and guys another close door meeting. so the discussions will continue here. of course, i wonder if you can give us a sense of where the feeling is there the, the, you and of course,
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the un security council. the united states has repeatedly vetoed efforts to hold as well to it, to account for its actions. vito, to attempts to introduce a humanitarian pauses or lasting seas 5. wherever is the international sentiment, though, the un, how unanimous is the feeling that this world must come to an immune an end, a yes, well again, all the security council members, how they express their support for a cease fire, their desire for sees fire and the return of all captives, they've actually voted on a resolution calling for us these fire and in the past as hasn't general assembly. so i think there's pretty universal consensus on those points. the only dispute is whether or not the security council should formalize them into a resolution. and on that point, there is a great many differences in the united states being the obvious
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point of resistance. they are given that they are detailed wielding member of the security council, but also the only member of the security council that is felt could have real influence on israel. so members of the council attempting to walk this fine line and putting pressure on israel, but also wanting to see results and not wanting to add too quickly that uh that nothing is accomplished. right. kristin many thanks to that christmas leave me a the you and then you can let's go to rodney curry now, who's a distinguished public policy fellow or the american university by routes. he joins us live from boston the united states. so thank you for your time. can i start by asking you this because i'm, i'm off as always regarded as one of its key red lines. the israel must agree to a lofty, permanent cease for israel. by comparison, the red line has always been designed to destroy a mass,
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to eradicate them from the equation in the region. what does this mean in terms of the kind of deal that both sides could come to of that stature as we don't know, you know, this is one of the fascinating things about this kinda negotiate version. you have 2 parties that are quite strong in different ways. tens that are of pretty evenly matched in different ways. even though israel's much stronger i'm with the terribly of but how and i says already forced israel towards the times before to do things that israel said it would never do. right. have a cease fire, allow palestinian workers to work in israel, reduce the restrictions on the border exchange prisoners. so it's really tough, tough israel to the image. it gives a sense of the rules and everybody does what it wants. the factors have asked us forces real to do things, the passwords 2 or 3 times and they're doing it again now. so it does really
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realizes that's clear from the reporting and discussions we hear from this really is it's clear that the majority of his room is understand. they're not going to distort him, as they can destroy gas or what the account destroy, how much. so they're going to have to find a way to co exist with each other. the only way that can happen is if there's a political understanding, ideally codified and then a goal, she ation guaranteed by external powers of that uh they will not attack each other . and the only way they're gonna say they're not going to attack each other, is if there's no reason to attack each other. so how much there's no reason to start israel, other than what terrible things just realize that 440304050 or whoever this of blocks of border kill thousands of people destroy thousands of houses and restrict the entry of good stuff, put them on a starvation diana ranch, incredible the, the abuse that has been inflicted on the post and using gas up. and if,
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if that stop sometimes there's no reason to the course. let's, let's talk precise the you mentioned the word. so, codifying the, the relationship, we've got this proposal on the table, we know how massive signed up to it. the rough outline is it's broken down into stages that would spend roughly around $42.00 days. involves of course and immediate hold to the fighting, a commitment to a permanent end to the conflict. then phase 3 talks about a complaint and to the survey, the blockade of gauze, and that 17 year blockade maritime a land blockade is well controlling everything that goes in and out of the strip from what we've heard, how workable is this? where do you think israel will push back? it is real. i think it's generally workable because both sides need it. but it's really want to be
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a 100 percent. sure. that there is no security sort of coming from gathering up in the past. and others cannot attack israel with rocket some of the some of the like they have for the past. so many years. um. and like i said if, if, if it doesn't have views, guys on the palestinians, how much would have no reason to attack them? if there's a true source, he's far, what do you have the deeper problem? the real problem is that they've done this before. they've had to cease fire. we must have negotiated and end of blockade and a fighting. but then, a few years later, how about us fired a couple rockets or slams you had? because the fundamental underlying problem has never been resolved, which is the refugee heard of the palace and he is a 4748. and the years of is really abuse of palestinians and a gas uh destroying the airport. not lot of them have a seat for dinner,
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blocking games locating so that has to be a deeper negotiation for a permanent resolution that addresses the grievances on both sides all time the mattresses made this cognitive proposal 3 or 4 times right over the years. i don't exist if this proposal is as you say, essentially workable. how within the context of this back and forth, this diplomatic done. so i think you refer to it in the past. do we interpret this decision by the war cabinet and israel to push ahead with its assault or rafa while civil tenuously sending mediators to egypt? because to the things of israel has consistently done throughout its a years of stage. whatever it is, i'm so for 75 years of statehood, it's done to things consistently is killed, palestinians attack them and killed the store. there's society and it's made sent the message to the world that it is
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a moral army for state that seeks on the piece with his neighbors. so, pursues both those specialist by attracting, i'm saying is there like building more effects tonight? i'm sure. then that also sends a message where sending people to colorado to negotiate. but the problem for as we have is the world doesn't believe it. i mean, because they've lived so many times about so many things you guys have, but they've done and they say they're going to do this and they don't do it. so, or they make accusations that are brought to be on true test. western investigations or the right level because they don't trust them, right? so, so this is, this is a problem. that's why you need this external actor, especially the united states. what are the fascinating and important things is going to be to see what is the role of the united states in any guarantees, if there are gonna be guarantees, because it has to be running around. i don't think rami corey, i'm afraid we have to move on,
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but thank you so much for joining us. always great to hear your thoughts. right. a sally announcement of the deal comes out as of the is where i ordered, at least a 100000 palestinians to leave rafa people were told to move to the our velocity area. well, since starting its voice, mail is fullest. policy needs to leave the north from casa city to the help bought a house in the center, and then on to con eunice in the south and then to rafa. well now these trading ministries ordered the residents and displaced people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of rafa. it says they must move to the milwaukee area. that's the of the coastline, as you can see in the mob like groups all warning of catastrophic consequences because there's no such thing as a safelite son left in gaza. so how has more it's the moment palestinians and rough law have been dreading and it's really warning on monday morning to leave eastern neighborhoods before it stops
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a ground attack. it does cause severe, punish. with the possessions they have palestinians on the move again, the majority of been displaced several times since the war started last year traumatized. this mother tells her family to pack what type of a ton she's scared. she says of what lies ahead. and i'm the only god knows if we'll end up with our home again. we don't know where to go. we don't know if israel will destroy our house, or if we live or die. many of those schools to leave all children. the parents, so left with little choice is i really know we don't know where to go. milwaukee is full of people. and con eunice is over crowded and they won't open the egyptian border for us. so where should we go? i can't explain how they feel. these really minute treat dropped least slits from the warning. the extreme force will be used on the roof. fits your ready?
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overwhelmed with one and a half 1000000, palestinian sheltering that and this is one of the areas that israel has told tens of thousands of palestinians to move to alamo or see, i know the crowd shore line with make shift tents. this fall is the all i can see of these really minute tree also wants them to go to some of the most heavily bones places since the war started like con eunice and the areas that have turned into rubble with the health care system has collapsed on the humanitarian situation is dia, 8 agencies, one bombing rough off. we'll have trucks of steel, fit consequences, and we were told that there's no way to south. we didn't do the same for ross, the g o, the know. and now we have ton unit us, which is devastation like no one has ever seen before. so we are to see that again in rough up i, we will say a lot of people killed the bombardment they disease,
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which is already changing. roots will spread like wildfire flop file, and then when this is done, then there is no wearing jobs and then you were talking about russell russell has been the last remaining call to the gaza strip. that hasn't been heavily boomed. they have been negotiations between israel, how mazda in cairo for a potential ceasefire and garza but these ro continues to ignore international pressure, including from its ally of us to stay away from russell what does this baby do to deserve this off this woman? she holds her, opened relative kills and is ready to strike on sunday. you too young she says to even know what to palestinian is. oh and is really a baby his short life. only soul sort of height at all to 0
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as your what your yard is 0. so it has 1st upfront china is lita. she g paying begins is your p and tool with trade relations. hire the agenda and hopes of a transition to democracy in chad's long awaited presidential elections. but observance of raising concerns the . now here's a big constant with karmically, very little weather, at least in land. there were some few useful fund, the stones in western australia, but they moved away from past. and what was very well the weather in new south wales is just close to double me sole away from sydney, right up to tropical queensland. in land there's not much winds, i'm not much of a drawer tutor asset attempt. she's a pretty much stable as they are high teens. for example,
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in victoria dismal in sydney around the sun as in 27 degrees in purse and you see it. and likewise, it's a quiet day or 2 anyway, bright, you shortly from nice places, even full sunshine for most of the day. it is an easier we still haven't seen the end of the rainy season. all the real big stuff now seems to be around the band to say to west pops. you're not really reaching the southern philippines. a toll much even easier is fairly dry. sumatra, not necessarily, as he's showing signs of rather wet weather, which stretches up now into this part of southeast asia now has been very hot to you. reco breaking the size so this will help to temperate so humid failed us as help. but now you've got found this dump to accompany it all in east asia. the width is what it's like to be. probably the long lived stuff in japan, but also these big funds to orgs are still the in southern china, the,
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the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum through fear, border and swell. in ecuador communities are fighting the corporate joints in a battle for survival and to save the lung. so what's the word? how does he was used to doing the fine glass of the . ringback the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you want to, you know, to 0 is their mind of our top story is this our is as will cabinets has voted unanimously to push ahead for this assault on rough us despite the mustang has agreed to a cease fire deal. palestinians have been fleeing eastern parts of the city of davis, where a wonderful long military defense palestinians in the gaza had welcome the announcement by a mass, but it had agreed to a cease fire deal with celebrations of the street. but anyhow, as mason as well. so the deal doesn't mean since acquirements protests are being
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held around the israel demanding the prime minister except the seas 5 deal and bring home captives being held in guns. as we mentioned when news broke, my boss had accepted a ceasefire. a huge crowd began celebrating our correspondent tag, i presume, was the last one putting in what it meant to him. a we see a so how big that part of the, how much has a read about the about the ceasefire. but now we are waiting for is weren't usually agreement, and we hold that, they would say it's up to $212.00 days of genocides, of displacement of killing children, women, and they don't even notice on doctors. it's not about genocide, it's all about think it's about time that we have shown the war we have survived after this. well after this was it, so just oh, well well, why is where you kind of sitting here and it's ok from the want to i guess, to promise city and hearing does all the other so small, but yeah, we have sued by the 12 or 200 days from the most of us took nicole with guns
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against us. we will not forget, we will not forgive. everything we have witnessed in this world will richard and history part us to even have to, but we would still bother to do our freedom. someone's coming to freedom, but we don't lie on freedom here and do you want to return back to the house that you were displaced home? of course, if we troubles what's the, what's the benefits of our. 7 vibing, there's nobody to reach all the lower lands. we have survived to do it soon. we have somebody chose so we don't think of freedom. well, many of the people were leaving eastern russell and the threats of, of this ready attack, or heading towards con eunice and d l. by those 2 cities that have been almost completely destroyed into our cruise report, some con eunice on what those people are now facing. so i'm thinking,
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standing on venue, so hey, let's find a box in 10 units. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from gross off after the is there any horses orders them to back to wait? or the, or today the clothes were ordered by the is ready forces to back away to newness the last the area. and also do there is been a, has central god is about to as you see behind me, can you this is completely destroyed. allison you had been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses. and that is where the army, because they have been telling them since the 1st day that was a safe area. but i, you see behind on these people are evacuating drugs. that's why people are desperate. there's a panic states,
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angry despair and frustration range. and also that say there's no se, se, regardless, all of these people have no idea where they're going, because it's right there is. but the central area is also pop. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, even empty agricultural labs are now 10, and i'm not hundreds of thousands of people settled there. this phase multiple times from place to another from central to the south. hell assume you are now in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see the community goes off how to sign it. so you see the us now we're officials at the massachusetts institute of technology up the rest being posting and so the direction to protest is with suspension. the boston area campus has seen several
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days of arrival, demonstrations between supporters of palestine and israel. students for the school to count financial ties with televi. let's go to to raise a bow, who joins this live the that on campus. teresa, what are you seeing and hearing that but it's been a pen. stay here and see what you can see are the students who are protesting right in the middle of time. because you can see they are both in i've heard why hide was what they called. they're demanding and, and for the war and guys are, they are demanding a hall to an incursion and rough box. they're demanding a ceasefire. so the reason why this place has been tense today is because there wasn't any comp time here, but then the police came and build a fence around the preventing students from coming in. but then the students tear
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down the fence so that you can see right here. and we took this area on the other side of the fence. you can see there's groups of students with is riley flag with american flags. that'd be counter protesting. we're almost done thing today and they're all being divided by the police. the people here are telling us protesters here are telling us you started demanding the investment. this isn't meant to the use of university funds invested in companies. the students are saying, are profiting from the war, they want financial transparency. they wanted them to programs combine mit and universities in salary. so it wouldn't surprise me that the police shows up here because there's been lots of tension happening here. we do it. we could see what happened to another university of columbia university for the, for these rated come, such as this one. and that's what many of the people here are saying could happen in the next hour. the precedence of this to diversity, saying that she had to remove this and cap, ma'am, here,
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because it was taken by one side of a very well, not kind of a very divisive conflict that is happening right now. but when you talk to the students that are here right now, there is heading does that even though if they are removed from here, they will come back and keep on coming back because they want to pressure the united states. they want to pressure mit. they want to pressure is road to for them to there's more to raise a many things, so that to raise up a life at the massachusetts institute of technology in boston. while columbia university has cancelled its main graduation ceremony after weeks of process to have installed a diety with palestinians, the university says it will hold small a college functions. instead, thousands of student demonstrations have been arrested that us campuses over the weekend of to asking that schools to divest from israel. and the u. k. students at
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oxford and cambridge universities have set up their own incumbent the the organizes as they live in solar parity with palestinians. and they intend to keep the comes open for a number of days. i was just, it was where we challenged spoke students, but also the student protest as a beginning. the 1st test, as of today, not from the police, which and on existence of them and not from the university of north east, but from the right side of the broad, easy being up. and people to be sheltering under the cuz he buys everyone here knows that if the american protests or any precedents, things could be getting much tougher for them over the next few days. now this come sprang up over nights and the protest is want to use it to push that code to moans on oxford university, noticed the bonds. all that the university disclose is exactly where all of its
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money is being invested. and so that money is not invested in arms companies or any entity that is list date on the israel boy caught divest and sanctioned list. now this compet small, it's about $25.00 tents and maybe not more than a 100 protest as, but it's not unique. there's another one in cambridge at a cost as that movement to the united states, which the students here say that taking great inspiration from the us movement set off of global chain reaction. and we're so excited to be a part of that and thankful to the us and camp meant for what they began. we've had a lot of support from them in terms of logistics. general conrad ship giving us tips and tricks, but really view k movement has also learned a lot from them in terms of how our goals are. so of similar, although the us and the u. k. have different context, the u. k. government is similarly complicit and is really work crimes. and so to our institutions of higher education for the moment things are very calm, but that's large. the probably because this is a public holiday and when the university stuff come back from the long weekends,
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they are going to have to decide as all the a testers here, how much compensation they wants when we tell them how to 0. and also the trade disputes of the war and ukraine of dominates its chinese present cheesy paintings 1st, full day of his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. she told frances president emmanuel mccomb, the badging is working to facilitate peace thoughts with russia over the war. and ukraine, the 2 leaders also discuss with the who sees and then the balance between sean is exports and it's your pin inputs list of chung how's this one parse? the challenge is that china is economy is in a tough spot, like many other economies around the world. they want to jump started in the post pandemic era. and of course, traditionally, what china does is manufacture and export and sell things inexpensively in comparison to the same products being made in europe or in the united states. and that is what the you is talking about. the example they did is electric vehicles.
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that's the sticking point right now, that's going to be discussed. it's much cheaper to make these a, these in china then it gets sold in europe under cutting european automakers. and that's something that milan wants to talk about as well as something that is a great concern to the you. of course, the chinese have leverage and they have threatened to investigate the importation of french cognac into china. so this could go back and forth and that's one of the economic sticking points of the 2 sides. no news now vote counting zondaway in chad after a presidential election aimed at ending 3 years of military rule. under the interim president obama, debbie, if not that they had no seized power of his father, who has been 3 decades and power was killed. the vote is now deciding whether to extend his family's rule address reports from the capital in jamaica. this is a process for voters, candidates,
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and international observers are watching the counting and collection of votes to determine who becomes drugs precedent for the next 5 years. i'll just say the voting process was largely successful, but an incident in one to charge 2nd largest city. while mine was shot dead, raises consent for the 1st time, vote is like putting this election provided an opportunity to put chide on the right track. i voted for someone who i hope can change on mentality and fix our education. that's what i want to see done. but the day ends in frustration for some of the people responsible for organizing this have failed to do their job. this is total chaos. but many who couldn't find the names of either failed to register or pick up new cards as the election is a crime except for 3. yeah, transition period led by incumbent president. how much interest debbie,
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who took power when his father was killed on the battlefield. last month, as i have fulfilled before god and my people promised to organize an election within a specific timeframe, retained the country to democracy in the same way, we promised to organize and deliver a national dialogue and referendum is main challenge and prime minister success must also but as you can see, this is, this was kind of election graham and the good news is the internet connection is available, which is really very new to move as we are making progress. this election was pretended. there was violence in the run up to the vote. what the expectations of betty high from security to roads, education and health care wherever wins this election will have to address these challenges. in addition to human countries divided since ability to power 3 years ago. and she was mission now awaits the outcome. we know needs more than 50 percent
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of the vote to avoid arise, which would take place 2 weeks. how many degrees i would just do that. now india is most populous and politically crucial state or to predict. she is gearing out for another round all voting on tuesday. fee is going to use cost system which divides the majority can do. community has defined regional politics. the indian government has failed to give visas to houses. it was correspondence to cover the story. so we've been forced to report from outside the country. look, a sing sharif has more no fall from the same as taj mahal in the mold in indian state. just looking for these visits while having put the industry in the city or fall, grow it employees millions of people like old pro cos who owns about $70.00 to $90.00 a month as he belongs to the community that falls at the bottom of the cost hierarchy. for centuries, develops who have once known as untouchables,
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have been just social isolation, and forced to work as cleaners, menus, cabbages, and publishers. so as part of a decades old effort to improve their lives, the government has was of jobs and education seats for them. but don't look are says under the governing bgp opportunities have declined. yep. they'd be the sort of guy the i any definitely. since b j. p has come to power, i think the employment opportunities on the reserve category has gone down and they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty. but it seems they both eradicate the party. okay. them go to the community. that includes develop forms of crushing voting no, accounting for 20 percent of the state's population. of the open vote on the basis of cost making daily does split preston look for the age of music. when we go the public, once a leader who is connected to the masses and works for the benefit of the people, gives me the name of any
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b s p leader who is helping the people who come on. it's the same with the congress on the some majority parties. we see them only during the election season up the beach if he has govern the politically crucial states since 2017 under to there's been a rise in fines against stomach, according to india's national crime, brick office, beautiful. the opposition, the line so chooses the bgp of dividing indians along religious and ethnic lines. but even though the middle of the congress says, is it selected, it will ensure a nationwide costs based sense is to implement corrective action from this didn't ring to move the has rejected the idea. and because the identity of the cost remains a very, very important to us, picked off mobilization of the people and people find it, it'd be made group in which they can go and mobilize. i think goss cuz we made
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the in fucking fucking light on which and then politics is telling me was from many indians like own precaution is to children who also work in a shoemaking factory. they want the leaders to improve the living and working conditions. of course, i'm sure you've all just eat off a just another reminder, that's obviously a journalist window, granted visas by the indian government. so unfortunately, we have to do all reporting of the election from outside the country. now streets in the bazillion city of poster allegra have been turned into rivers by flooding on a scale, but it hasn't been seen before and visit so far at least 83 people have been killed with more than a 100 of missing and around a 130000 people have been forced to leave the homes and visit with southern states if we are granted to sol. infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and electricity lines have also been destroyed. without the rest of the cum attorney chang in east the memo of basic health care facilities have been set up in
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the jungle. isaac strikes the in the the way around. it's holding an international conference on nuclear energy. the country is energy rich, but it says it wants to win itself off oil and gas towards nuclear, which some can see the green set. it has more from s 100. the run is hosting an international confidence on nuclear energy and sciences in a sense of province off s behind that are over a 1000 participants. majority of them are the renting nuclear scientists you,
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when we'll see, shall see. the aim of the confidence is to promote the nuclear technology for the cdn purposes, have a little bit of concerns about the transparency of the company's nuclear program. if it is exclusively peaceful, how do you want to make and is your organization? how about this? let me say is his company is nuclear facilities. are costs of the monitored by the international atomic energy agency. will cooperation to d all yea, because into safeguards agreement and empty is on your ons, top agenda. all ya, yay. has conducted 22 percent of its inspections. in need on in 2023. why no one has only 3 percent of nuclear facilities globally, had the whole nuclear watchdog. raphael grossi is also expected to attend the confidence his loss. was it to the company was in march 2023. since then, do i use it as they have faced some limitations the garden inspections,
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the confidence is taking place and is behind which for several nuclear facilities, including the theme is not cause nuclear power plant. this fall improvements was recently targeted in on his ready attack. this confidence is post of it's kind in iran, your mind is an energy which come through have a, it says it wants to win itself, both gas and oil. the more to of the confidence here is the nuclear energy for all a nuclear weapons for non. this inside of that was the right spot, south and lam, bus weeks of slicing. the tenant of my why the on the tie board is full tens of thousands of people into thailand. with a trapped inside the country. the you in estimates 2500000 people have been displaced by fighting system in the gcs power and the 2021 crew. when the 2nd off his series of special reports from inside, belmont 20 chang witnessed the desperate conditions. many of those people living in
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a full step of the homes and now hiding from the heat, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to do. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee the village, close to the town of co, correct amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they hadn't even arrived in our village before this by telling us . and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, the lute, anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the q 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. of the basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain is the doctor treats and
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dresses his wound, the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the military has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day. there's a constant pause in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12? it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery, but also capable of dropping thousands or the slices no to stay out of sight slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs. the sound of explosions in the distance back of the clinic, a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. that took them 7 hours to get to the
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clinic. she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long journey may have home the expecting mother and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away. and then the sound everyone's been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff. but the new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out, is there a high end state me m o. in the side of us special report some inside me on my tony
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chang, meet some people who fled to the military. john says new conscription, though that's on choose day or are you up to date and that's it for me, the baka for this news. how do i go away then? 1000000 site will be here just a short moment. much more thanks. news like to watch the love, the thing you would 40 years of in force and separation. they missed their children growing up in missed all of the things that i'm doing my teeth some fault for his parents, freedom from incarceration, for their room and a rather cool black revolutionary group of anything that's worth fighting for the fight for it and send you a chance it is worth it. navigate, growing together, a witness documentary on the jersey to now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's
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a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even have this is the most important, which of these are going to bushy poles? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out of there, where you're looking at now is overflow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the well to talk, contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis. the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single
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use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling the so there's celebrations in gaza off to how much except a ceasefire proposal. but israel's will cabinet votes to go ahead with its military operations in rough when it comes off to the as rarely minute treat. wouldn't
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palestinians in the eastern rasa to leave warning it's about to use streams. the


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