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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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and add to the countries environmental buttons and diseases government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the sort of celebrations in gaza off to how much except a ceasefire proposal, but israel's will cabinet votes to go ahead with its military operations in rough when it comes off to these really minute treat. wouldn't palestinians in eastern rockford to leave warning, it's about to use streams. the
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online pipe, this is out. is there a line from the also coming up demonstrations across israel, cooling for the government to accept these 5 deal. i'm the release of captives being held in. gosh, the move protests on us campuses against the war in gaza. cole square allow the universities to come to financial ties with israel, the 9th, from mit in cambridge, massachusetts. news hello, welcome to the program. we begin with a focus on the southern city of rough or off to the is there any will cabinet voted unanimously to continue it's operation that the votes came just hours of to home? us agreed to a cease 5 proposal, which israel says doesn't meet its requirements. now they've been heavy strikes at
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eastern rafa for the past several hours. earlier on monday these rarely ami ordered palestinians that to sleep threatening a sold. meanwhile, a tax on ross a resume as well as prime minister has said that a delegation will go to cairo for tools that the proposal by how much is fall from israel's requirements in tel aviv an west jerusalem. as writers have been protesting, demanding that the government agrees to a deal to bring captives home. meanwhile, in gaza, they were brief celebrations across the strip over the prospect of a potential end to the relentless sufficing. how much as the bowl is now in israel's coat. tasha how bob begins are coverage. they've been waiting for months for that and to begin in gaza. and this is the moment and then how much has agreed to cease by a proposal for the celebration didn't last long. is viable plains strike
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areas in is the rough uh the little cabin is convened and unanimously decided to go ahead with the roof. i committed to operation national. i tell them we want peace and love, freedom and justice. we want to live in our land in peace and security. god willing, the wish will come true. and we return to god's assistance. because i've got this 7 months of devastation of genocide, the houses have been killed. children, women, it's time for a break. it's time for an inch all this madness they have suffered enough. it was an evening of many dramatic development, the leader of how mass political be of us value honey said his group has accepted, seized by a deal that includes 3 phases of $42.00 days. each of the d proposed by the key me data is got an age. it would also pay the way to an exchange of his
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rad, captive and palestinian present as a completely drove his variety to choose from gaza. as well as allowing displaced bodies damian's to be to the bottom of this trip. these violent governments said the proposal was far from a civic lyman's not no book lending. we examined every response seriously and we explored all opportunities in the negotiations to bring back the captive. because this is a primary mission for us to come in parallel. we continue our operations and gossip and we will continue doing so i, who is well said it was sending a dedication to cairo to negotiate an agreement and says it's key demands. previous negotiation efforts sold in the past few months over growing differences between how much and as well on the terms of the deal as an e pass deep and got trouble and it may reassess this rule. as immediate to the gulf
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nation played a crucial role in putting together the only ceasefire agreement between thomas and israel last november. but the deal was short lived for those who took to the streets, celebrating what they thought was an end to the war. they may have to wait for any indication, 7 months of suffering, death and destruction. they finally come to an end, push them as well as well as you just so that when the news broke, that how most had accepted a ceasefire. a huge crowds in rough or began celebrating all correspondence, hardly a boy zoom was that and almost one palestinian what it meant to him. so we see. so how big that part of the, how much has agreed about the about the ceasefire, but now we are waiting for is weren't usually agreement and we hold that they will say it itself. so $212.00 days of genocide, of displacement of killing children, women and the injuries. and even notice on doctors. it's not about genocide. so
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about the it's about time that we have shown the war we have survived after this. well after this was it. so just so well, well, why is where you kind of sitting here and it's all from the want to, i guess, to promise city and hearing does all the so small, but yeah, we have to bar to 12 or $200.00 days from the most as far as taking the cold ones against us, we will not forget, we will not forgive. everything we have witnessed in this world will richard and history pub assuming have to but we would say about or to we get our freedom towards color terms, read them, but we don't part of the freedom here. um, do you want to return back to the house that you were displaced home? of course, if we troubles what's the, what's the printer? it says, i wonder if i want to print the surviving. there's nobody to which are the lower learned. we have survived to,
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to return we have to bar chose so we can think of freedom the is riley prime minister's office released the statements saying launch gaps, remain in the seas. 5 percent, some crucially, the wood cabinet very said unanimously to continue that operation in rasa demonstrates is took to the streets and a number. this is riley city's demanding the government accept. the do reminded to of here is israel has shut down allergies. there is operations that we are reporting from outside israel, and jam june is in the jordanian capital. i'm on with more on the as ready reaction . and they are going to go ahead and push into dropbox. uh, but at the same time that they are going to send a delegation of mediators to cairo. now, when you try to unpack this, it is complicated. and this really speaks to the pressure that not only is realized under especially from the us, but especially how much pressure is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is
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under right now. in this statement, you can see the fact that essentially it looks as though he is trying to satisfy on the one hand his far right wing coalition members, people like it's more been because we're the national security minister, who has 4 months been pressing the prime minister to enter it off, or even just a few hours ago tweeting that the only thing that is really that they should be doing right now is going into that fine. but at the same time saying that they will send mediators to cairo. now there was a demand just a few hours ago from the i or the pied the opposition leader in israel to send mediators to cairo. because the opposition, as well as many citizens in israel, would like to see the israeli government do more to try to secure the release of the cap is still being held in gaza. so it all really speaks to how complicated the political reality for benjamin netanyahu is right now. now we've also heard from
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the military, the military and israel has said that they are essentially continuing a limited operation in eastern right. bye right now, that's in line with what we heard from the prime minister's office. the question is going to be is how much will is real push into it off ahead of time when they're also sending mediators to cairo up until a few days ago. these really government has said that they were not going to send any more mediators to egypt until and unless they got a response that they considered to be positive from how much. so this is the key question at this hour. will that was mediators have enough of a mandate to try to carry out a negotiation and try to actually effect the ceasefire. is it a limited mandate? what's going to happen in the hours and days they had, we are not allowed to report out of israel at the moment, but um we heard in the last few hours that jordan's king king abdullah had met with us presidential biden. in washington, dc. the royal court in jordan have issued a statement in which they said the jordan's king abdullah says,
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is rarely attacked on rough. i may lead to a new massacre, and the statement says jordan's king abdullah, the 2nd worn during a meeting with us president joe biden on monday that in his really attack on the roof, i threatens to lead to a new massacre us. and just to remind to again, benjamin us knows cabinet has band out g 0 from the country. so we are reporting from outside israel along the l is the form of director general of israel's ministry. foreign affairs. he says no to knows on the farm or pressure to keep his political opinions happy, then to appease his international allies. the right way is natural. allies in guns is the us be, is miles. so he goes to life the or he's why oh, why do you i don't look at the rivals. so you to the decision because if you accept
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it might be the always want to go good. that if you've done that step busy, we serious focused on the visuals that good stuff in the national, in the one by different government functions we pull, visual bothers done. so it's really a series of any story decision on the, you know, last time you have to big such a decision was 5 years ago when the read english instead of on next to the west. so you don't have these kinds of decisions often. it's, you know, nobody is the pressure photographs are nice and cool, and the smoke region the re buffy with they the decision on these oh, for the services as well as the theme is working. probably the easiest way
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to do rough. huh. not only that, we lost the, well, we kept come us that the the way. so again, a, if it's the exact same day, the final after the, if you bought it, after that, if we ever the, we have the world with us as we go through bravo, we'll do this is the, the always facing or the news of the deal came out as off to israel ordered at least a 100000 palestinians to leave rough uh, people were told to move to the l. milwaukee area. now since starting its war, israel has forced palestinians to leave the north from gauze, the city to did all by the in the center. then on to han eunice in the south and then to rasa. now the is really ministry is on an old residence. i'm displaced
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people to leave the east and neighborhoods rough. uh, it says they must move to the out of milwaukee area, which is near the coast or a groups, a warning attached to straw, fit consequences because there was no such thing as a se so left in gaza. so a higher us has more it's the moment palestinians and russell have been dredging and it's really warning on monday morning to leave east and neighborhoods before it stops a ground attack. this is cause severe. punish. with the 2 possessions they have palestinians on the move again, the majority of been displaced several times since the war started last year traumatized. this mazda tells her family to pack what type of a ton she's scared. she says of what lies ahead. and i'm the only god knows if we'll end up without a home. again,
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we don't know where to go. we don't know if israel will destroy our house, or if we live or die. many of those forced to leave all children. the parents so left with little choice is i really know. we don't know where to go. milwaukee is full of people. and con eunice is over crowded and they won't open the egyptian border for us. so where should we go? i can't explain how they feel. these really minute treat dropped least slits from the warning. the extreme force will be used on the roof. fits your ready, overwhelmed with one and a half 1000000 promised and sheltering that. and this is one of the areas that israel has told, tens of thousands of palestinians to move to alamo or see a nova crowded shoreline. we'd make shift tents as far as the all i can see of these really minute tree also wants them to go to some of the most heavily bones places. since the war started like con eunice and dated by the areas that have tons
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into rubble with the health care system has collapsed on the humanitarian situation . is dia 8 agencies, one bombing rough off. we'll have types of straw fit consequences. and we were told that there's no way to south, we didn't do the same for roster g o the know, and now we have ton unit us, which is devastation like no one has ever seen before. so we are to see that again and rough. uh i, we will say a lot of people killed the bombardment they disease which is already changing. roots will spread like wildfire. flop file. i mean, when this is done, there is no wearing jobs and then you were talking about russell russell has been the last remaining paul to the cause. a strip that hasn't been heavily boomed. they have been negotiations between israel from us in cairo for a potential ceasefire. in gaza but israel continues to ignore international pressure, including from its ally of us to stay away from rough off. what
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does this baby do to deserve this off this woman, she holds her, opened relative kills and is ready to strike on sunday. you too young, she says to even know what to palestinian is. oh and is really a baby his short life. only soul will sort of hide at all to 0. the deputy head of home us and gaza. tell you all higher. has said the group received assurances from mediations about the potential deal. it was about the mediation has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the ball is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely, but the proposal, the mediators now, so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if
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the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in the states of the negotiations, we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and the deals the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. otherwise, house national security council spokesman can fund the us is reviewing the hamas response and said that reaching a deal is the best possible outcome for currently reviewing that response and discussing it with our partners in the region. director burns, as you know, is there and he's working this in real time on the ground. i won't be able to
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comment any further on this until we know where things stand. i hope you can understand that. i know everybody's curious about what's in this response with these really reaction to to it is just not going to get ahead of the process. we want to get these hostages out. we want to get a ceasefire in place for 6 weeks. we want to increase manager and assistance in the last thing that i want to do is say anything of this podium that's going to put that process at risk. regardless, as we said before, we still believe that reaching agreement is the absolute best outcome. not only for the hostages, but for the palestinian people, and we're not gonna stop working through that out. the skylights of rosamond jordan, there's in washington, dc for us rosen. and have we heard anything else from the white house? what do they mean when they say they're reviewing the proposal? the comment from john kirby who speaks on behalf of the national security council at the white house is essentially all that you're going to hear from the board. and harris administration about her mazda is acceptance of a ceasefire deal apparently put together by called her. and it just shouldn't
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negotiators and until they actually come to some sort of understanding and until is real actually accepts this acceptance by how much the us is position is that it does not want to upset the negotiating process. especially given how sensitive matters have been in recent days. it's also worth recalling that last week the us state department indicated that there was a very good chance that things could be worked out. but certainly not over this most recent weekend. that it would take several more days to actually come to fruition. if indeed that were the case. but that was the americans assessment at the time. wilson and my wife and thinking that b, c, i, a chief is still in the mid least working on negotiations. how much of an indication is that of how invested the us and in guessing a deal done a while the c,
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i a is not commenting on the travels of the director william burns, but certainly reports from the region indicate that he is in the area that he is meeting with interlocutors to try to keep this negotiation on process and on in progress. it's been reported that after meetings in doha with the foreign minister and prime minister, that he would then be moving on to israel to meet with is really officials about the negotiating process. but again, the c r a does not talk about the travels of william burns, whether inside or outside of the united states. okay, thank you for that. russell and jordan is that for us in washington dc the united nations factory general and tony gutierrez, has called on both israel and how much to go the extra mile in order to secure a sci fi deal in garza, he voiced the concern that's an is riley military offensive in rasa could be
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imminent, judging for the protection of civilians. i made today a very strong appeal to the governments of israel. and so the sheep of the mos, in order to go next to the mines, who met to the allies in the agreement, that these episode with lead fights of these is an opportunity that cannot be released. and i got on the invasion in vasa would be keen foldable process because of its devastating humidity and consequences. and because of its this, that'd be lising impact. and so again, the reach still ahead on that house is there a tiny ching in east hmo? a basic health care facility is a being set up in the jungle id from s strikes until the foundation is deliberate,
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over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of set tasks and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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colleges when the, [000:00:00;00] the back and watching out as a reminder on top stories, 5th hour, as well as will cabinet has those unanimously to push ahead with it's a sold on ross. i just might how most saying it has agreed to assist on dale. students have been slain, eastern parts of the city of israel wanda, for full on military offensive purchase,
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had been held around as well as demanding that the prime minister extend deceased by deal and bring home captives being held in kenneth's, now 10 to the united states where officials at the massachusetts institute of technology, all threatening palestinian solidarity protest as with suspension. the boston area campus has seen several days of rival demonstrations between supporters of palestine and israel. students want the school to count financial ties with israel . stay to teresa. both she is like for us at the massachusetts institute of technology campus. there is a took us through what's happening, where you are as well. there's been lots of tension today in this kind of post. as you can see, there's a protest on going right to where i am right now and ending compliments. this in
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comes the was around with offensive pop by the police to isolate the students inside the fox, the students, to tour the fence. and we took this part of the campus where i am right now are here today. a group of students with these red flags with american flags were also set top no far away from where i am, the police had to intervene to separate both groups. there was no real, any type of confrontational. yes. lots of tension of students here are saying that this fight is not just about liberating the palestinian people. they want in a way to put pressure when they want to prevent funding person in the office. they want to pressure the u. s. government to, to put an end to the financing or a threat level and got the things, the precedents off of the mit. this university has said that this thing kind of going to go because it is one side of a highly tiny home that has taken over
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a part of the councils. however, people here are saying that even though with their food sleep, they will continue to come to hear. they're saying that this protest is also about academics. because the military comes to new york city to carry out research, among other things. they're also do minding divestment, which is investing university funds and companies the students they are profiting on this war. so whenever you talk to people here, they say that if they are removed, they will continue to come by. the main objective is to exert pressure on the united states, on israel, and to end this war. the reason for that 1st at the massachusetts institute of technology company, thank you. as well. students at oxford and cambridge universities in the united
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kingdom have also set out their own and complements organize the say they're in solidarity with the palestinians. they intend to keep the counts open for an on the number of days. in mia mall where week sufficing near the town of my a y d on the tie border. his force tens of thousands of people into thailand, but many more remained. trump, inside the country, you estimates 2 and a half 1000000 people have been displaced by fighting since submitted receive power in 2021 in a crew. in the 2nd of a series of special reports from inside me, i'm attorney chang witnessed a desperate conditions. many of those people are currently living in forced out of the homes and now hiding from the heat. a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that
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village. close to the town of co, correct amongst them don't. they'll pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple. the let me yeah, really? yeah, man, my next, they hadn't even arrived in our village before this by telling us i'm be, was get at the soldiers would shoot us. last year. they were in our village. dilute anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the code 3 years ago and constantly moving is deeply unsettling or other basic services like health care escapes to an injured function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain as the doctor treats and dresses his wound, the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the middle tree has targeted
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anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels. 24 hours a day. there's a constant buzz in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery. but also capable of jumping down on the site is no to stay at a site slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs. the salt of explosions in the distance back of the clinic, a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. that took them 7 hours to get to the clinic. she does my lou and we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to
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relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor could do. he's worried the long journey may have home, the expecting mother and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is born, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple to the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away. and then the sound everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony to hang out, is there a high end state me m and in the side of foss, special reports from inside, man, matoney chang, meet some of the people who floods the ministry joint as new conscription know, and chosen instead to fight against them. that is on choose day on out to sarah


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