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tv   Witness Growing Together  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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because they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor can do. he's worried the long journey may have home the expecting mother and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is bone, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away and then the sounds everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out as their high end state me m and and they said if all special reports from inside me i'm a tony chang, meet some of the people who floods the ministry joint as a new conscription know and chosen instead to fight against them. that is on choose day. on out to sara. russia says it's preparing for military
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exercises involving its battlefield, nuclear weapons because of what it calls weston, publications and threats. the russian defense ministry says the exercises will be used to increase the readiness of non strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, trade disputes, and when you crane have dominated chinese presents using pings, fast full day of his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. the he told french president emmanuel, my chrome, the beijing is working to facilitate peace tools with russia over the warranty. prime minister chang has moved from paris of the challenges that china's economy is in a tough spot. like many other economies around the world, they want to jump started in the post pandemic era. and of course, traditionally, what china does is manufacture and export and sell things inexpensively in comparison to the same products being made in europe or in the united states. and that is what the u is talking about. the example they did is electric vehicles.
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that's the sticking point right now. that's going to be discussed. it's much cheaper to make these a, these in china. then it gets sold in europe under cutting european automakers. and that's something that mcclellan wants to talk about as well as something that is a great concern to the you. of course, the chinese have leverage and they have threatened to investigate the importation of french cognac into china. so this could go back and forth and that's one of the economic sticking points of the 2 sides. okay, that's it for me. my name's side for this help out and you can find lots more on on website now is there a delta com news continues here on out. is there a witness to stay with the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the line. why they placed it in a fluid. now i did this, see,
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they are literally the sense of taking the time on 101 east meets the solomon islands suited to escape a war that ended decades to go on to see me last night. we have a lot of the those what to do everything. so as i say, live your best life. you know that family time is so important to her. and it's
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been very beneficial. an eye opening. had these parents for the 1st time it 40 years old. is kind of uh, it feels a little backwards, but it's like, it's a new experience that very interesting, very unique, feels really good on the success. well actually with everybody who they are getting married they've been together for a long time, 46 years. and 40 of those years has been the separation
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me just the fact that their home, that prison thing is over, you know, it's really, really, really the lives in the board. everyone. my name is my god forbid you your i am a member of the move organization. we're going to talk about the injustices in the city. and we're going to talk about the resistance to that in just the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the police arrested none of their family members. and of those 9 to are my mother, my father. and i was born in prison. so
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we're about to go down especially here. um, i don't come down here much so this is almost age avenue. this is a site where people that lived in this house, which was other move people. they were campaigning to get the other move people out of prison on may, 13th, 1985. the city of philadelphia came to our house, yet again, they flew a helicopter over our house and dropped the bomb on how the bomb ignited a fire. the fire burned down. this house inside of the house was 13 people. on the 13 people, 11 of them died. 5 of the 11 were children.
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they were too young to know what happened to understand it. it took me 20 years to really get a grasp on understanding what happened and then another 10 to accept it. my name is mike africa junior. hey. i do. yeah. we like. i remember how remember it was yeah, more valuable on the bill here. so what is that what all it is they. 2 they sold the city sold to the developers. this is old. the old lot. interested. and pine street. yep. for dow property. i went down to check and they gave me each one. he's always born down an american tragedy. just based on rough.
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we're, i man. all right, the that's a perfect america q on see, you know, what i'm gonna see. i'll see you today is what i'm to and that is the fence of perfection and that, that will burn your taste. but you're not careful. yes. because you know these, the last well be on october tomato. and here
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the i was raised by my grandmother. i was raised by the community to of the organization is everything that i needed i did have but those questions begin to develop child separation from their parents. she's very deep, but it's been really good. i mean, if there's no real like that adjustment is just you know, figuring out this thing and we're just moving with it with each other, growing into it with each other. my senior and i moved out of mike and robins place about that's been about maybe a maybe about a month, a little short shy of a month. you ready?
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it hasn't really been an adjustment. you know what i wasn't used to was present on know what freedom felt like. i was born for the adjustment. was somebody trying to see you slot or talking to you like you were a stop human or having you work for pennies a day. those were the adjustments when i was arrested and was sent to prison. we had rotary phones. we had a lot of phone hanging on the wall. but when i came out, they were a cell phone, smartphones mobile phones. i did have to make a big adjustment there and still a, you know, i've got the basics down of what i need it for. but that was, that was a big challenge because was just so unfamiliar or even now while i get on the phone, i'm calling somebody i'm expecting to talk to
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a person not here recording the coming home to of there's something less and something i'll return to. so that was, seems the many, donny hathaway, the right, right. why right?
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you see this one, this is in prison. we've had demonstrations and hunger strikes in the subject ourselves. and people we know is proven to be on trustworthy. and particularly versus choices. there is no getting around the toxic environment that they put you in the stressful environment. they put you in. so it's always been some kind of warfare and don't say that just because we went to prison that it ended. so, you know, the salts contain very nice. yeah, we stayed in touch by writing letters and we communicated through our children. i never did that and i have been knowing each other since 14
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and you know, together committed in the sense $167.00. and for me, you know, and she's always been longer. you know, it's always been for several reasons. you know, we want to know something official. we start talking about data. when would be the best time? you know, for me, the best time was the day before. was it yesterday? we won't take care of this today. you know. so ok. this is my see state prison. this is one of the 1st visits to see my to myself i here. it's my sister. as my
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cousin, david, as my lorraine this is a picture of me and my mom at cambridge springs. this picture was taken in november 19 9440 years of your life, a mess, get children growing up. they missed all of the things that i'm doing with my kids . they missed so much, you know, this is amazing journey to, to go from that and knowing that they've been in prison all those years on justly and then get involved and working on helping to get them out. the organization. i want to point out the what now
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the, we got the what to do the right. i brought these signatures. i got someone email that i need to print out.
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what? okay, can you can remember me. you think we have? i think it's over 300 and over 25 different countries. this is great. i thought that you did see this envelope but didn't hold up. and then these are some of the hand written ones. so these are great. see what it is. you know, this specialized right from around the state of pennsylvania and then looking at this countries around the world states all around the country, new york, florida. seattle, california. yeah. burma, the philippines. this is the yeah. yeah. so that's great. this is great. you know, i mean, i think this is important to be able to show that as wide support for the move 9. so these are some of the packets that we did. a copy of each one sent to each and
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every board member. these were the new original ones we did, we submit a new aid for the 2018 and then they went in for the for a may g. it's, we have the stick for your mom. and your dad was even figured because he had so many letters. he had all of his certificates. i mean, these are just a ton of stuff. is all the letters we had submitted for. figured out to get those letters for him. st went by. yeah, this has been true collaboration. oh for sure. oh, that's the man. that's the best part of it as i and that's why it's so important to work together. mm hm. but i don't see you might see you guys versa yet and just help each other just and what you're able to do things i'm not able to do. you know, things i don't know, i mean, really things you're not able to do it very good, very good teamwork teamwork. basically we're right. there we go. you know, i,
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when i was a mosque was when i was really starting to correspond with some of the move 9 or 8 and developing personal relationships, pin power relationships. and then so i'm sitting in the back of class writing letters, half paying attention, have taken notes and you know, but i would start, you know, start, i'm just trying to do a little bit of legal research would be like, what exactly is it some reading the opinions or a reading court cases describing what happened with the case and 1978 and realizing how i'm blowing it was in the court opinion. it says there's no evidence that any of the women even held a gun. let alone fired a gun at anybody. there is no evidence that any of the 9 people actually shot this person. it really solidifying what i already knew, which was that so much of this legal systems, a farce. you know, it's just this,
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this house of cards that set up to prop up white supremacy the writing. do they need to do it again? the state so what you can do is what you can do in your life, tom,
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feeling that you feel for working for or working to either a guessing injustice or working to right or wrong is a good feeling. you know, it's a very satisfying feeling. we have had this experiences, definition of revolution and most of us, except that it's a process. what does that work in actual process? look from y'all's perspective. the 1st person you're going to ask you to always is the person you're looking mirror. you've got to make sure that your as respectful of that information and feeling as you expect others to be. and if you're not this work you have to do, you know, there's work that you have to challenge others. that just people, as a person, seems to be in opposition to that information. and the example you see it does not mean that you're not affect, you know, if you want to see sondra blan tamir rice and yana jones, you know, just on and on and on. you know, you have to fight and you have to fight with those who are already fighting,
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who's been fine. you know, and if you don't care, then we come for you to the headed to the church. a low tables get ready for the wedding tomorrow. my parents big day, 45 years in the making, the finally get a chance to, to get the celebratory union that they worked so hard to maintain over the last 45 years. 4646 years, my apologies. i hope the church is standing room only. i want as many people as that building, you know, to show my parents the love that they deserve to feel after working so hard and it
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is like a wedding freestyle here. now the style is kind of different for me, i think probably for most people is a little weird to like color cuz it's like i'm the son. you know me, i'm the son. so it is kind of things are kind of in reverse. just spinning the time in the work, putting in the work to make this happen and all of that is very joyful, very healing is very up to thing. and encouraging and aspiring the, you know, it's a good example to navigate all those things i worked into how i feel in my
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motion. i feel i woke up this morning the take about to take the box on the way
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i am filled to overflowing because i am a child of philadelphia and for many of us who left the friends, family members, supporters. we've been waiting to stay in solid. they are ready to let them know that we love them a little small in size. these rays are very large and significant. they're made of precious metal. and they remind us that loss is not. and it's not common. i want you just to turn around and look outside of it. all these people had been apart from each other for 40 years, which is love, say, saw the
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who is this woman to be married to this for a real mouth? is i i 04. by the power that has been vested in be by the state of pennsylvania, and most of all, by the time for now that they are husband and wife, the anything is worth doing is worth doing, right. anything that's worth fighting for in spite for the thing. ready it doesn't
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matter how long it takes and it's worth it. never. the i assumed i should is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates
2:59 am
with confidence. the after a 10 year journey, which it has become the most important translation award from an into the outer big language world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official
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website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the, the, the so live celebrations in garza of to how must accept the see sign proposal, but it's real rejects the deal and says it will go ahead with a full scale military opperation in rough us the by while i'm on the inside. this is out, is there
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a life and i are. we're getting reports of these really ministry is now attacking the rough for line crossing and ministry vehicles the on the moon's. tonight's attacks on


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