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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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in recent years, we brave bullets and farms because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides. the police 14 palestinians are killed in the southern gaza, as israel says it will go ahead with a full scale mitsy operation in rough estimate the money inside the cell just there in life. and also coming out the short lived celebrations in gaza off to how much except to cease 5. because open israel rejects to do the demonstrations, have broken out across israel,
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cooling from the government to accept the si fi deal. i'm bring home captives being held in various things underway in india is most popular states. we look at how the cost system has to find politics in a separate dash. we begin in southern gaza, where is wiley tanks all shilling buildings at the rough, a line crossing ministry vehicles, a gathering around 200 meters from the border which is the crucial entry point for a trucks via tax at the crossing. and in eastern rafa come off to these riley wood cabinet vases unanimously to continue its opperation in the city when more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering. the attacks of left at least 14 people dead. a hell of a sudden use in the area say they have never seen
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a bones. bob mint off the scale of the intense bombardment to very, very intense bombardment. error strikes rockets, artillery shelly tank, shelling drones, all firing at us. i have never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witnessed several wars. i have never seen a war like this one on how and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroy as well. these latest attacks come off to how much said it have agreed to a cease 5. do they web 3 celebrations across the goals of strength over the prospect as a potential end to the relatedness fighting? how my says the goal is now in israel's course. israel says it will send
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a delegation to kara for tools that the deals does not meet its requirements. i shouldn't have bought it begins are coverage. 6 they've been waiting for months when an and to begin in gaza. and this is a no man's and, and how this has agreed to cease by a proposal of the separations didn't last long ease. variety will plains strike areas in east. the rough uh, the little cabin is convened and unanimously decided to go ahead with the roof. i committed to operation. often i shop shop to tell them we want peace and love, freedom and justice. we want to live in our land in peace and security. god willing the wish will come true. and we return to god's assistance because i've gone to 7 months of devastation of genocide, the houses have been killed. children,
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women have it's time for a break. it's time for an end to all this madness they have suffered enough. it was an evening of many dramatic development, the leader of how much political be of us value, honey said his group has accepted, seized by a deal that includes 3 phases of $42.00 days. each of the proposed by the key me data is got an egypt. we'd also pay the way to an exchange of his rad, kept his unbiased opinion present as a complete withdrawal to his variety, to choose from gaza, as well as allowing displaced bodies damian's to be to the bottom of this trip. these violet governments said the proposal was far from the civic wine ends and that's no book lending. we examine every response seriously and we exploit all opportunities in the negotiations to bring back the captive. because this is a primary mission for us on comparable. if we continue our operations and gosh, and we will continue doing so i, who is well said it was sending
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a delegation to cairo to negotiate an agreement and says it's key demands previous negotiation efforts stored in the past few months over growing differences between how much and as well, all the terms of the deal as the past deepen got top wound it may reassess this rule as immediate to the golf nation played a crucial role in putting together the only ceasefire agreement between thomas and israel last november. but the deal was short lived for those who took to the streets, celebrating what they thought was an end to the war. they may have to wait for any indication, 7 months of suffering. death and destruction may finally come to an end pushing about, but i'm to 0. well, the deputy had us how much in the gaza kelly all higher. a said the group received
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assurances from mediation about the potential do. the media is, has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the bowl is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely with the proposal. the mediators now so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do, and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations, we achieve the goals we talked about in the 1st a full ceasefire full, which for all of these really troops return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and a deal the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. well,
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the announcement of the potential deal came just hours of israel ordered, at least a $100000.00 palestinians to leave rasa. many of those who now find themselves displaced. yes, again, all heading to west con eunice and they're all about those 2 cities have already been almost completely destroyed. angelica diary reports on eunice on what those people are now facing a case standing on venue. so hey, let's find a box in 10 units. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from rough off after the. is there any forces or did some to, to wait? or the or today, the clothes were ordered by the is ready forces to invest some way to newness the velocity area. and also do that is by the hand, central gods about the as you see behind me, can you, this is completely destroyed. how decisions have been telling us that they have
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been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses, and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day that was a safe area. but i you see behind me on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there is a panic states, angry despair, and frustration range. and also that they, there is no, they say, regardless, all of these people have no idea where they're going because it's right there is bella and the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, he's been empty. agricultural labs are now tens and hundreds of thousands of people settled there. this space multiple times from place to another,
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from central to the south, high listing you are left in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see, the newness goes off. how to sign or approaches have been held around israel demanding that prime minister benjamin netanyahu except deceased by jail and bring home captive being housing, gaza. allendale is the former director general of israel's ministry of foreign affairs. he says nothing. yeah. who's on the farm or pressure to keep his political opponents happy and to appease his international allies. the right way is natural to go l as in guns is the us be is miles. so we go east metro and i've been the way the or
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these wiles on is i don't look at the rivals. so you to the decision because a, if you accept it might be the always going to go great. that if he does that step, then d, we serious. ok. the visuals that gets us in international, in the one button by different government functions. visual by the star. so it's really a, i see the story decisions on the, you know, last time you have to big such a decision was 5 years ago when the read english instead of on next to the west. so you don't have these kinds of decisions often and it's only, you know, yes nobody is. the person's photographs are nice and cool, and the smoke region baby buffy. when they the decision on these oh, for this there is a slope,
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as will be in the probably the easiest way to do rama. not only that, we lost the will we get come us that the do it. so again, a, if it's the exact same day, the final after the, the, if you bought it, after they did, if we ever, the, we have the world with us as we go through. all we'll do, this is the always facing of the install thing. it's will israel has force palestinians to leave the north from gaza city to darrow bala in the center to con eunice in the south. and then on woods to rasa. well now the is really ministry is audit or residents and displaced people to leave the east and neighborhoods of rafa. it says that they must move to the l. milwaukee area, which is near the coast line. and hopes that palestinians had of being able to flee
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by the rough old term of boost selim crossings now seen going as well with these ready forces showing them. now there's a tax also mean it will be even hard us like saving aid to end to the strip. we're joined now by adam clements. he's a former death to match and full of pen to get an official. he joins us now from washington, dc. i thanks for joining the program. i want to start with this see spot deal that how much agreed to a few hours back that israel then rejected. for days we were told the bull was in how much this quote to accept the deal put together by the key mediators pass all egypt and the us with israel's input. today. how must accept the deal, but this rarely say the steel doesn't needs as roles. basic demands, what do you think is going on here? the 1st thank you very much for having me. you're right. there is some confusion in
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some mixed messages on all sides. and so i really think it's too early to tell. it's quite possible that these really government is also trying to not give, give some clear signals to give it some type of, of room to maneuver that it can still put pressure politically publicly. and then also militarily on a moss. and so hopefully we'll find out some more details in the next 24 to 48 hours. i mean the us appear to be cost of god by over all this, which seems all given that the c i a direct to william beds has been in the region and has been pos of brokering the deal. it's possible. we don't know what all is going on behind closed doors or a lot of information has been confidential that way. hopefully. yeah. honestly wouldn't go public because that could damage some of the negotiations. but i, i'm not sure i, i read to install some of the public statements from john kirby. it's the white house. and i think uh,
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it appears that the officials at least right now use officials are hopeful that some deal can be struck very definitely the president and the secretary defense the secretary to stay at all signal very strongly in the past week. at least of their firm support for some type of deal. i think that's politically out for the by the ministration. then also from a defense standpoint, national security standpoint, and many other factors as well, given the humanitarian. does the diary monitoring situation in the country and then even from a, from an israeli standpoint, from the security standpoint, operationally, it's still hard to see right now what these are in military would need to do or, or what else it needs to be able to evacuate hundreds of thousands of more people in order safe guard, more interested people before they undertake more. right, right. operation is right for you. that just does the same place. apologies for interrupting. it does seem hard to. it is hard to be optimistic about any sort of
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deal when tonight we learn that israel has begun and targeting the rasa crossing, which is where the majority of aid is coming through. what are you seeing? the strategy is of targeting the crossing. of course, we don't know what intelligence that israel may have as difficult to say. of course, not just a rough crossing, but other crossings have in places where moss or other groups have tried to smuggle materials at the same time. this is the only functional one of the few functional crossings that we know of other port save, where you get email entering agent at the strip. there are some others that have been the news that they're trying to be developed. so it's tough to say, but very definitely have you seen in the past 24 to 48 hours still some exchange of fire between i'm aust militants and rafa killing a couple of as few as early soldiers and then israel responding. so once again, as you stated, unfortunately,
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some innocent civilians probably caught in the middle. this in this case, what will president biden do if prime minister netanyahu does go full force into rasa, which it appears is happening now without making sure the citizens protected the hey course is difficult to say, but i think that the administration would reinforce some of it strong language language in the past week, where 3 top officials, the president, secretary, defense the state as signals their opposition. i think that would still continue to take place. i know there's also been some news of the u. s. united states withholding some of its military support. it's difficult to see the details of what the one that is a lot of other people suggested whether monetarily the us could do given the amount of military support or financial support to us government provides. it's tough to see that happening given in the congress of how difficult it was for legislation to
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pass to support ukraine tawan and also israel and self and executive branch and the administration of what else that can do. it'll be interesting to see as tough to see what else for me, maybe a security cooperation standpoint from an intelligence exchange standpoint, from a military to military standpoint. what else could occur and so well, well wait and see, and that's why we're cautiously optimistic that there can be some type of breakthrough to give some type of political space to all sides. having clements form in depth to mass fullness pentagon officials speaking to a staff from washington. thank you. thank you very much. still ahead on al jazeera, the, the mold purchase on us campuses against the wind guard that cools choir loud in universities to come to financial ties with as well.
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the pod came into the use of the oil, c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any, anyone in particular i said to facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare border, and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival and to save the love of the world. how does he was view seems
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during the final exam and make the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire. financials, sierra the the watching out, is there a mind that thoughts of stories this hour is riley tongue says firing on celery shells and buildings of the rocks a line bowed across thing. it is a key and 2 points. aid coming in from egypt. as strikes of 07 talk thing
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surrounding neighborhoods. as rose wood cabinet has voted unanimously to push ahead with its assaults on rough uh, just fine. how much saying it has agreed to cease by deal experience has been sling eastern parts of the city office for a while and just a full on minute shift. columbia university is canceled its main graduation ceremony on 2 weeks of protests install integrity with palestinians. university says it will hold smaller college functions. instead, thousands of student demonstrations have been arrested us campuses over the weekend of to asking the schools to divest from israel bmo officials at the massachusetts institute of technology, a threatening palestinian solidarity protest as with suspension and boston area campus has seen several days arrivals. demonstrations between the supporters of palestine and israel. teresa by reports from the campus.
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we're here at the massachusetts institute of technology where you can see students from this university, their pro just thing here. they have set up running temperament. that is right on the other side of that 10. somebody being told the batting time going is going to be removed. you can see the students here, the demanding of fees, firing guys out there, demanding it, and divest, much which sees the investment of the university fund in companies, for example, that they are profiting from a business different example of what going on in many universities across the country on the other side, you can see there's another group of students with the united states and as riley black. they're also carrying pictures of those who have been taking him by somebody in god. what's going on here is just an example of what's happening across the
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country is not clear yet whether the police is going to move into the cab. the 10 students here are saying that no matter what happens if we continue to take to the cans with it, they will continue to take the street to man, i'm in the morning, got the better. so i just the as well students at oxford and cambridge universities in the united kingdom that sets up their own and cabinets organize and say they're in solidarity with thomas. the news on the intent to keep the camps open for an unknown number of days. after there is rory challenge and spoke to students, oakes figured about the student protest as a beginning. the 1st test, as of today, not from the police, which and on existence of them and not from the university of north east, but from the right side of the broad, easy being up. and people to be sheltering under the cuz you guys, everyone here knows that if the american protests or any precedents,
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things could be getting much tougher for them over the next few days. now this come sprang up over nights and the protest is one to use it to push that code to moans on oxford university, noticed the bonds. all that the university disclose is exactly where all of its money is being invested. and so that money is not invested in all those companies or any entity that is list date on the israel boy caught divest and sanctioned list . now, this compet small, it's about $25.00 tents and maybe not more than a 100 protest is, but it's not unique. there's another one in cambridge at a cost as that movement to the united states, which the students here say that taking great inspiration from the us movement set off of global chain reaction. and we're so excited to be a part of that and thankful to the us and camp minutes for what they began. we've had a lot of support from them in terms of logistics, general conrad ship,
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giving us tips and tricks, but really view k movement has also learned a lot from them in terms of how our goals are so similar. although the us and the u . k. have different context, the u. k. government is similarly complicit and is really work crimes. and so to our institutions of higher education for the moment things are very calm, but that's large. the probably because this is a public holiday and when the university stuff come back from the long weekends they are going to have to decide as all the protest as here, how much confrontation they want. are we coming out 0 and also steve said phase of india is general election is taking place in 11 states, including the home states as prime minister. never under moody, nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to cost ballots during the 6 weeks of voting. the 1st 2 phases of facing have been mob by allegations of bias and low voltage turnouts. the indian government has failed to give visas outages. there is correspondence to
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cover the story. so we have in force report from outside the country who may call some sharif, passable, a small fall from the same as taj mahal in the move in indian state was looking for these visits wise and put the industry in the city or fall, grow it employees millions of people like old precaution who owns about $70.00 to $90.00 a month. he belongs to a community that falls at the bottom of the cost hierarchy. for centuries, develops who of once known as i'm taught, you both have been just social isolation and forced to work as cleaners, menus, cabbages, and problems. so as part of a debt consult effort to improve their lives, the government has reserve jobs and education seats for them. but don't precautions under the governing bgp opportunities have declined. yep, they get the set of id i any of the since b j. p has come to how i think the employment opportunities on the reserve category
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has gone down and they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty. but it seems they bought eradicate the party. okay. that i'm going to the community that includes develop forms of portion voting below accounting for 20 percent of the state's population of the open vote on the basis of cost. i think they need to split preston. look for the age of music when they go. the public, once a leader who is connected to the masses and works for the benefit of the people, gives me the name of any b s p leader who's helping the people who come on. it's the same with the congress on the some majority parties. we see them only during the election season. now the b. b has governed the politically crucial state since 2017, under there's been a rise in fines against stomach, according to india's national crime, brick office, puter, the opposition, the line. so chooses the b j. b of dividing indians along religious and ethnic
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lines, but even though the middle of the congress says, is it selected, it will ensure a nationwide costs based sense is to implement corrective action from this didn't ring to movie has rejected the idea because the identity of the cost remains a very, very important to us, picked off mobilization of the people and people who find it, it'd be made group in which they can go and mobilize. i think goss cuz we made the important follow to them on which and then politics is telling me was for many indians like own precaution is to children who also work in a shoemaking factory. they want their leaders to improve the living and working conditions of consumption. do you want to see the just a reminder that out is there a janice would not cronsa visas, 5 indian government to report on the election from inside the country. okay,
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sounds good for me. molly, inside lots more information on websites out there, a dell come through, check it out. the news continues here, off the top to out, is there a do stay with us? the the big pool of claret, this one here, which is mark change. i'll see if japan is still there enough to give a rather well disciplined age and much of homes you and talk either behind it. the backwash will give sherry stuff. i think the much the korean peninsula, but the child is looking good sunshine. i attempted not extreme unless you're in the science now attempt is on the stream here, but the weather is extreme. these off do thunderstorms are better than mine. we've had extensive funding in glendon grungy. it's still like through the end to be top
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top by the standard songs that just will not go away and property will merge into the seasonal rains very soon. that very little off shore during wednesday, hong kong a bit drive at tar. brian could see some pretty wet stuff in the still fairly wet weather, which stretches back into northern vietnam as well. right. we're down through thailand and to what's my lazy, this is now looking, went sundry ross and just hopped and dr. spend the case recently into the system at risk of some flash study and sumatra not so much in java. and then a long way use was towards the west popper, there was some pretty big funds to orgs and have been recently decor and then the eastern side of india. this keeps the temperatures down because most of the rest across all suffering from the pre monsoon heat, which temperature is they're not shown here. been in the high forty's and the meeting of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve after it. there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very
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told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on the on active is on the crisis in concert. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on the script part one on, on disease or the ties between greece and israel have strengthened and recently is spot a long history of supporting the palestinian cause. a relationship fuels in part by a share mistrust of another regional power to a kid. but in light of israel's war and gaza, greece is now forced to play the role of critical friend, was the same time of asking a full blown and confrontation with his old address re. i'm correct. join me need falk over the next.


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