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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the at least 14 palestinians are killed in southern gauze, as israel says, this will go ahead full scale and let your price in wrong. the for that one. terry jones to mrs. i'll just hear a lot from the whole set coming up. so they've celebrations and does the often have mass success spot proposal. israel says it doesn't meet its requirements. tens of thousands of palestinians on the move on to being forwarded to the reference. creating huge amount of care in crisis
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and voting is on the way in india. it's based off to the states on the cost of system as defined politics and stuff, which would be good in southern guns where it's very tanks have been shutting buildings out. the rest of the land crossing, but it should vehicles a gathering around 200 meters from the border, which is the crucial entry point for a trucks for the attacks at the crossing and in eastern rafa overnight for the unanimous, those funds is very volk, have to continue, it's operation in the city. at least 14 palestinians have been killed by it's very striking of cost fuel house. good, good, good, good, good, intense spun parts to very, very intense one bar. the error strikes rockets are tillery shelly tank, shelling drones,
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all firing and never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witness several wars. i have never seen a war like this one on how and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't read as in was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroyed. the style is early i have mass settings of except to the cease 5 d o. and for a moment, palestinians in gaza for the war was over a celebration as were brief as israel out to continue its plans for an attack on rap using was it close extreme for us? i shouldn't hold bar has more. 6 than waiting for months what i'm doing in gaza, and this is the moment and then how much has agreed to cease by
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a proposal for the celebrations didn't last long. ease variety will planes strike areas in east. the rough uh, the little cabin is convened and unanimously decided to go ahead with the rough i committed to operation. often i shop shop to tell them we want peace and love, freedom and justice. we want to live in our land in peace and security. god willing, the wish will come true. and we return to god's assistance. because uh, i got the 7 months of devastation of genocide the houses have been killed. children, women have it's time for a break. this time for an end to all this madness they have suffered enough. it was an evening of many dramatic developments. the leader of hamis political b of us value and he said his group has accepted seized by a deal that includes 3 phases of $42.00 days. each of the d proposed
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by the key me data is got an age. it would also pay the way to an exchange of his rad, kept his unbiased opinion present as a complete withdrawal to his variety, to choose from gaza, as well as allowing displaced bodies, the indians, to be, to the bottom of this trip. these violate governments said the proposal was far from the civic lyman's not no book funding. we examined every response seriously and we explored all opportunities in the negotiations to bring back the capital. because this is a primary mission for us to come in parallel. we continue our operations in garza and we will continue doing so i, who is well said it was sending a delegation to cairo to negotiate an agreement and says it's key demands. previous negotiation efforts stored in the past few months over growing differences between how much and as well all the terms of the deal as the past deepen got top wound it may reassess this rule as immediate to the golf nation played
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a crucial role in putting together the only ceasefire agreement between thomas and israel last november, but the deal was short lived for those who took to the streets, celebrating what they thought was an end to the war. they may have to wait for any indication, 7 months of suffering, death and destruction may finally come to an end, pushing about, but i'm to 0. why task national security council spokesman to confirm that the us is reviewing the mass response and said, reaching a deal is the best possible outcome is currently reviewing that response and discussing it with our partners in the region. director burns, as you know, is there and he's working this in real time on the ground. i won't be able to comment any further on this until we know where things stand. i hope you can understand that. i know everybody's curious about what's in this response with
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these really reaction to to it is just not going to get ahead of the process. we want to get these hostages out. we want to get a ceasefire in place for 6 weeks. we want to increase manager and assistance, and the last thing that i want to do is say anything of this podium that's going to put that process at risk. regardless, as we said before, we still believe that reaching agreement is the absolute best outcome. not only for the hostages, but for the palestinian people, and we're not gonna stop working through that out. the announcements of a potential deal came just style is off the israel. what did at least 100000 palestinians to leave rafa. many of those who now find themselves displaced. yes. again, heading towards a con, eunice, and they all belong. but those 2 cities have already been almost completely destroyed. you know, who do the reports from a con eunice on what those people are now facing a key standing on venue. so hey, let's find a box in san eunice. and as you see,
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hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from dropbox after the is there any horses orders them to, to wait? or the or today, the clothes were ordered by the is ready forces to back away to newness the last the area. and also do that is by the hand, central gods about the as you see behind me, can you this is completely destroyed. allison, you had been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times during our board of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses, and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day that was a safe area. but i you see behind on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there's a panic states, angry despair and frustration range. and also that they,
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there is no, they say, regardless, all of these people have no idea where they're going because it's right there is. but the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, even empty agricultural labs are no 10, and i'm not hundreds of thousands of people settled there. this phase multiple times from place to another, from central to the south, high listing you are left in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see, the community goes off how to sign high zone. just say a is the head of humanitarian policy and advocacy with say, the children international joins us now from washington. dc. welcome to the program . how long are you by this escalating is ready from bob?
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and now the word stream, really alarmed by reports of intensive pain intensifying as really from farm and dropped off a particularly around the crossing point. and we have been warning for months, how catastrophic and expanded incursion into europe out will be not only do we know your mass civilian casualties, but potentially the complete collapse of the humanitarian aid response and gaza, which has already struggled to keep the poppy lation alive, is the environment around drop a continues if we see a closure of the crossing point, which has been that the primary language used by the agencies to move assistance into gaza. you know, there will be almost no aid coming into guys that no other crossing point today has managed to replace dropbox, not chem shuttle and not errors which is still not fully operational. and so if we continue seeing what we're seeing,
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it will lead to even more catastrophic situation. we will likely see a x and acceleration in the rate disturbing nation even more people who die of malnutrition, dehydration and disease, and a lot of medical assistance, as well as talked about so called safest savings. but in reality use anywhere and gaza se, you know, where in gaza is safe and worth stream. only alarmed by the new relocate shouldn't orders that were issued by israel to more than a 100000 people. and in dropbox earlier today, there are hundreds of children who are made, who have lost one or more of their limbs. and many children who are malnourished, they are suffering from chronic illnesses, diseases, illnesses like cancer. the elderly who are weak for start with these people cannot flee by for to another area. the relocation orders that were issued do not offer
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any safety and the humanity, the so called 2 mediterranean, so that they were told to go to is not humanitarian. these areas do not offer the services that are needed to survive. and again, no area and gaza so far has proven to be safe time and time again. families have been told to sleep and then they are attacked where they're told to flee to not withstanding, of course, the disaster that this is for civilians. how difficult is it for 8 work has to operate now. wasting time and time again, a workers being killed in gauze and more than $258.00 workers. so far the majority posted in had been killed over the last 7 months. we have not seen any guarantee or safety for 8 workers or civilians. and again, i mean, it's really expanded as well incursion into the where the hub of the humanitarian respond sits right now is going to spell out even more or catastrophic situation.
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possibly the darkest and deadly. this chapter of this crisis to date, alexandra say, when they get that from said the children international, thank you very much indeed for joining us here on out. just give you a, a blood pressure is building on that 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu at home, off to him as agreed to a safe spot proposal. bro could buy cattle in egypt. thousands of people have been holding demonstrations demanding his government agree to a deal to bring captives held and goes back home button good for reports. the thousands of protest as luck, a highway in tennessee, that demand is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government brings cap just held and gaza back home and has been building up to the wall covering this announce to go ahead with the military offensive and rough or putting the lives of the relatives at risk. i think this, our government is not willing to seize fire,
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and that's why i'm so worried. i think our government is about to enter roughly. and this will be a, this sentence for the hostages and as well, for our soldiers. and for many, many, many colors, damian's israel has already conducted as strikes and eastern rough. uh right, absolutely. crazy. got the not bring any peace more. the senior civilians, of course, to our soldiers and it went to our hostages. demonstrate to say the window to be kept his back home safely. good news if ministers, dentist with the proposal accepted by humans for sure of the from us as well. that the acceptance deal should say yes. let's see it and talk,
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and the do everything we can do to bring doctors at home, go out governments to accept this. to months of stalemate cease fund negotiations appear to be at a critical stage. netanyahu says the latest proposal doesn't meetings rouse demands, including the destruction of hamis. but he says israel will send a delegation to contact for, to barbara and good time. alex. so to come on now, does there hopes for a transition to democracy in chad's? the only way to present that so election, but i'm service raising concerns on china's lead that she's in pain begins is european, torn from trade relations and quite a while nature the
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the still cold in the snow over the rockies. the fall about our cold air runs off on the plains, meets up with a woman's machine. that stuff is coming up from the gulf and you tend to generate big sentence terms as a result and that they are running through the midwest different midwest. they could be pretty sparky ones. i have to say, i'm still so come here to in, for example, montana, wyoming, and all the way down towards colorado. but where it has to be stream the wet in texas, you'll be pleased to know the share was all dying out. this is a full cost, a tuesday and wednesday they might still be some pretty poky ones running for the north through kansas and missouri, even tennessee in kentucky. but not so much in texas. still pretty weather in good part of the kind of being the legal dolls. and then right across the greater on to least cuba, including jamaica and some of those channels will fit into the coast of nic around your mexico. that is looking fine. quite often places, month raise about $38.00 degrees. columbia and ecuador looked particularly when the
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french kind of seen some pretty big dime pulls recently. this is seasonal, right? the size of that much representatives lucky drawing a including post are like right. still frontage but dry over the top. the big thunder storms that are often arrived now over year to quite slow moving and still heavy. the hey listings in the gaza strip as is a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustain coverage that actively humanizes is really is and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out just a reminder of our top stores. this is very tiny, so i've been following on sort of a show some buildings on the roof of land border crossing is the key entry point for a coming in from egypt. as strikes, symbols have been targeting surrounding neighborhoods and reference. at least 14 palestinians have been killed in the past. few others as well as war cabinets has voted unanimously to push ahead. but it's the sole tongue for the spot. i'm not saying it's c spine kind of pinions have been swing eastern parts of the city all is well with the full scale ministry offense,
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palestinians in garza had welcome the announcement by him as setting needs to spot the celebrations in the streets. but as they to israel said, the deal does not meet its requirements. ceasefire towards resuming conway on tuesday. administrators the massachusetts institute of technology, all threatening to suspend student protest is recording for the investments from you as well. m i t has seen days of standups between the bible groups have demonstrated to raise a by sent this report from the campus in cambridge us we're here at the massachusetts institute of technology where you can see students from this university, their pro just thing here. they have set up running temperament. that is right on the other side of that 10. somebody being told the bedding time going is going to be removed. you can see the students here there demanding at the firing guys out there demanding it, and divest,
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much which sees the investment of the university fund in companies, for example, that they are profiting from the business. different example of what going on in many universities across the country. on the other side, you can see there's another group of students with the united states and as right flags. they're also carrying pictures of those who have been taking him by somebody in god. what's going on here is just an example of what's happening across the country is not clear yet whether the police is going to move into the cab. the 10 students here are saying that no matter what happens if we continue to take to the cans with it, they will continue to take to the street and i'm end to end gaza better. so i just, the, the, the phase of india is general election is taking place in 11 states, including the home state to 5 minutes,
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to arrange for moody. india's electrical commission hazards citizens to show up to pose. and then was the 7 phase election. the 1st 2 phases of 18, helping followed by other nations of us and no votes. it turn out that a 1000000000 people are eligible to cost benefits during the 6 weeks of voting to or india's most populous and physically crucial state to tom protest. for years india's cost, the system which divides the majority in do community, has defined regional politics. the indian government has failed to give these as to obviously it was correspondents to cover this story. so we've been forced to report from outside the country on april, some chevy has more no fall from the same as possible in the move in indian state, just looking for these visits. well, i think the industry in the city of fargo employees millions of people like old pro cos who owns about $70.00 to $90.00 a month that he belongs to the community that falls at the bottom of the cost
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hierarchy for centuries, develops who have once known as i'm taught you both have been just social isolation and forced to work as cleaners, menus, cabbages, and problems. so as part of a debt consult, effort to improve their lives. the government has reserve jobs and education seats for them. but don't regard says under the governing bgp opportunities have declined . yep. they'd be the sort of guy any definitely. since b j p has come to how i think the employment opportunities on the reserve category has gone down from the they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty. but it seems stable, eradicate the party. okay. them go to the community. that includes develop forms of crushing voting, blow, accounting for 20 percent of the state's population at the open vote on the basis of cost. i think they need to split preston. look for the age of music when they go the public ones,
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the leader who is connected to the masses and works for the benefit of the people, gives me the name of any b s p leader who is helping the people who come on. it's the same with the congress . on the summit, you are the parties. we see them only during the election season up the beach if he has the government, the politically crucial states since 2017 under to there's been a rise in crimes against others. according to india's national crime, brick office, beautiful. the opposition, the line so chooses the bgp of dividing indians along religious and ethnic lines. but even though the middle of, the congress says it's it selected, it will ensure a nationwide costs based census, to implement corrective action from this didn't ring to movie, has rejected the idea. and because the identity of the cost remains a very, very important to us,
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picked off mobilization of the people and people find it, it'd be made group in which they can go and mobilize, i think, gosh, because of the main, the important follow trim on which and in politics is telling me was, for many indians like own precaution is to children who also work in a shoemaking factory. they want their leaders to improve the living and working conditions of consumption these on to see the find these present season pena is on his 1st trip to europe. in 5 years he met to friendship present and bio mcclung. mocking 60. is it just the magic relations between the 2 countries with trade disputes on the one you crank dominated his 1st day? mister chung reports now from paris. the french know how to greek visitors with fan fair and state lenise, and can also catch the most delicate messages and polite diplomatic language. asthma crohn did,
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which she knew and hope in it. most of the european union is today, the most open concept and market in the world are trade economic and technological policy is not dictated by any 100 on we want it to be solved for. and that is to say the independent to which the chinese leader responded with equal politeness to see the cogent, we support and building a balanced, effective, and sustainable european security frame load all items in quantum. yeah. the 2 leaders met on monday afternoon and evening, but not before morning meeting that included the president of the european commission. ursula fund to lay in the order of those meetings, sending a clear signal to china that france is just one member of a greater european union. and that divide and conquer tactics might not work here. that stands in stark contrast to germany solo for a just 3 weeks ago. when chancellor all off shows visited china
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a trip. critics say that prioritized german automakers over just about everything from you policy to human rights. the european union is particularly troubled by china's materials supportive russia's war and ukraine. badging is providing the components that allow moscow to make its weapons. schultz made little fuss over that reality. but con has praised badges, pledge not to provide weapons to russia, but said little publicly about indirect chinese efforts. it's not just politics. trade is also an issue. france has led to charge against the sales of chinese electric vehicles in europe, citing unfair subsidies that allow chinese automakers to flood the market with cheap cars. china has retaliated with a threat of a reciprocal measure against the import of french con yak. as the day ended, mccullin's, thank she for what he called his quote open attitude on the con yak issue. assigned
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perhaps a flexibility behind closed doors, but kind of sending a very different signal to she compared to his trip to badging last year. but the french president has a reputation for surprises, and he's going to have to walk a fine line between pragmatic engagement and tough talk on specific topics. over 2 days of meetings, melissa chan, algae 0 paris votes counseling is on the way in chat. now the presidential election aimed at ending 3 years of victory room under the interim at present. how much the it, though he seized the power off of his father. he spent 3 decades in power was killed . the votes is now deciding whether to extend his family's rule, talk with interest reports from the capital engine. this is a process for voters, candidates, and international observers are watching. the counting and collection of votes that
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will determine who will become struts, precedent for the next 5 years. obviously, the voting process was largely successful. but an incident in one to charge 2nd largest city. while mine was shot dead raises consent for the 1st time vote is like, did i putting this election provided an opportunity to put chide on the right track? i voted for someone who i hope can change on mentality and fix our education. that's what i want to see done. but the day ends in frustration for some, the people responsible for organizing this have failed to do their job. this is total chaos. but many who couldn't find the names of either failed to register or pick up new cards. the election is a timex of a 3 yeah. transition period that by incumbent president, how much interest debbie with the power when his father was killed on the battlefield, was more because i have fulfilled before god. and my people promised to organize an
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election within a specific timeframe retained the country to democracy in the same way we promised to organize and deliver a national dialogue and referendum its main challenge and probably administer success muscle by also. as you can see, this is, this was kind of election graham and the good news is the internet connection is available, which is really very new. to move us, we are making progress. this election was pretending there was violence in the run up to the vote. what expectations are very high from security to roads, education, and health care wherever wins this election will have to address these challenges in addition to the feeling of countries divided since ability to power 3 years ago . and she was mission now awaits the outcome. we know needs more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid the right which would take place 2 weeks. how many degrees i
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would just do that, give me or in that man uh, weeks of fighting, you know, the autonomy of why the on the time border has fullest tens of thousands of people into time. then you and estimates 2500000 people have been displaced by fighting. since the ministry ceased power of 2021 could. by the 2nd of his series of special reports, not from inside man or for any trying witness the desperate conditions. many of those people are living in forced out of the homes and now hiding from the heat. a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee the village, close to the town of co, correct amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with
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nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they hadn't even arrived in our village before this by telling us . and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, the lute, anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the co 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. of the basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain is the doctor treats and dresses his wound. clinic is hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the middle tree


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