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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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to the countries court rooms and electing the wrong politicians to save their lives . the israel looks to seize control of the border crossings in southern concepts offered boats to go ahead with an operation in russia. despite warnings from the us. the con, carry jones to the ssl is, is there a lot from toe? so coming out the short lives celebrations in garza of to have mass success spot proposal. israel says it doesn't meet its requirements. demonstrations across israel, according to the government, to accept, to cease funding on the release of captives being held in guns. thus,
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voting is on the way in india is 1st part of the states. ok, how the costs system as defined politics of utah production the the beginning and southern gaza is very forces looking to seize control of the raffle land crossing tank. so now the board, which is a crucial entry point for a trucks area, is rarely forces with showing the crossing and carrying out the strikes and eastern rafa for the unanimous but by these valuable cabinets to continue its operation. in the city. at least 14 palestinians have been killed by his reading strikes in the past few house. the intense bombards the very, very intense bombardment. error strikes, rockets, artillery, shelley tank shelling drones off firing of us. i have never in my life. i am 69
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years old and i have i ever seen bombardment like this. and i have witnessed several floors. i have never seen a war like this one on how and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroyed. oh, that's close to honey mountain moved. now, who joins us from rafa in the southern garza, on the phone for us. honey, what are you witnessing at the moment? yes, well it's been very, very difficult to 9 because up to 12 hours, very violent, very lucky in full destruction as a very military, almost deployed all kind of work in every and eastern part of i have from the attack, hit the have 60 into the television and then the wing on all night long the non
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stop the sound of this power tilt and could be heard from long distance of stock control and destruction of the residential homes at p. w for, for a time to push deeper from the eastern part of the border all the way right now at the earliest, i would have this morning to drop i had crossing and as of this hour is really military has officially taken over the high crossing of what does that mean? it's for the queen, cutting off the galveston, commanded off from the remaining parts of the region and brought back parking. not only a point of entry for passengers to get in or out of the brain, that would be the beginning of the board has been the major point of the humanitarian aid. you get into the ga, the strip and with the present. it's right now with is really military, we can safely say right now the future of humanitarian is getting into god as
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a quite difficult. this is one of the remaining blended crossings in addition to 5 others around the goddess trades, including a re that's in the notary part of the gulf stream. that had are virtually closed right now. and we're looking into a very difficult situation right now in terms of getting aid into the gall. that's true. but at the same time, that's an indication of those really military. when we looked at the location of the crossing, that is right at the all of the center part of the southern eastern rough, the city that indicates were very close into a full invasion of the cities right now. and how to, how is the population that reacting to these minute treat, move and send, continuing. is rarely bombardments. well, i don't early i was just yesterday and a cynthia,
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but he's not. coaching orders were issued by there's been a momentary out and, and just reading the language of the text messages, the phone calls that were received by people of the lease that they were dropped later on. and just within a couple hours of these orders, people had to deal with deed in bombing campaign. the launch like is really monitoring their reports of people who could not be, but you can area, according to paramedics, civil defense. remember who said people did not have enough time. people were given as little as a few minutes to be back with. they are trapped right now in the line of fire the eastern part of the city. but when did those who manage to get out of the area on the state of panic, they're concerned, or were they leaving towards the western part of these, of the city to hon unit, the evacuation is going all the week distance phone area. but there's, there's overwhelming sense of desperation, depression be wanted. let's see here about a few fire dealing. despite that short of a brief celebration,
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the people had the mind announced that they approval and accept those out to the fire deal. but that did not last long enough because it was followed by a massive things in the bombing campaign that lived in to be a major breaking. i put the news this morning had been dealing with a taken over the roof i a crossing. there is a sense of desperation, as they stated, the people are quite a depressed of these evolving events that they were hoping it was going to be out of what a hunting mountain road for. now, thank you. was this, how's the mass substitute except to the cx, 5 deal, and for moment palestinians in, gosh, i thought it was over, but celebrations were brief. as israel said, the deal doesn't meet its requirements. i assume that whole buyer has more than waiting for months for that and to begin in gaza. and this is the moment and
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how much has agreed to cease by a proposal for the celebration didn't last long. is viable plains strike areas in is the rough uh, the little cabin is convened and unanimously decided to go ahead with the roof. i committed to operation national. i tell them we want peace and love, freedom and justice. we want to live in our land in peace and security. god willing, the wish will come true. and we return to god's assistance. because i've got this 7 months of devastation of genocide, the houses have been killed. children, women, it's time for a break. it's time for me to enter all this madness they have suffered enough. it was an evening of many dramatic developments. the leader of hamis political b of us value and he said his group has accepted seized by a deal that includes 3 phases of $42.00 days. each of the d proposed
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by the key me data is got an age. it would also pay the way to an exchange of his rad, kept his unbiased opinion present as a complete withdrawal to his variety, to choose from gaza, as well as allowing displaced bodies damian's to be to the bottom of this trip. these violet governments said the proposal was far from me sir. requirements not from the book lending. we examine every response seriously and we exploit all opportunities in the negotiations to bring back the capital. because this is a primary mission for us on comparable. we continue our operations in gosh, and then we will continue doing so i, who is well said it was sending a delegation to cairo to negotiate an agreement and says it's key demands previous negotiation efforts stored in the past few months over growing differences between how much and as well, all the terms of the deal as the past deepen got top one,
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it may reassess this rule as immediate to the gulf nation played a crucial role in putting together the only ceasefire agreement between homicides as well last november. but the deal was short lived for those who took to the streets, celebrating what they thought was an end to the war. they may have to wait for any indication, 7 months of suffering. death and destruction may finally come to an end, push them as well as to 0. the deputy head of a mass in gauze cult. oh yeah. said the group received assurances from mediators about the potential deal or the mediation has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the bowl is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree
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completely, but the proposal, the mediators now to put pressure on these riley side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations we achieve the goals we talked about on the 1st a full ceasefire. full withdrawal of israeli troops return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and a deal for the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. pressure is building on these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree to a deal. thousands of people have been holding demonstrations across israel, demanding his government brings a captive housing gauze about how barbara and good reports
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thousands of protest as luck. a highway in tennessee that demand is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu government brings, kept just held and gaza back home and has been building up to the wall covering this announce to go ahead with the military offensive and rough or putting the lives of the relatives at risk. i think this, our government is not willing to seize fire, and that's why i'm so worried. i think our government is about to enter roughly. and this will be at this sentence for the hostages and as well for our soldiers. and for many, many, many colors, damian's israel has already conducted as strikes and eastern rough, the right absolutely crazy god wants to answer and not bring any piece more. the senior and civilians of course,
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to our soldiers. and it was to our hostages. demonstrate to say the window to be kept his back home safely. good news if ministers, dentist with the proposal accepted by humans for sure of the from us apology accepted the deal. we should say yes. let's see it and talk, and the do everything we can do to bring doctors at home, go out governments except to months of stalemate, cease find negotiations appear to be at a critical stage. netanyahu says the latest proposal doesn't meetings rouse demands, including the destruction of hamis. but he says israel will send a delegation to contact for, to barbara and good time, alex fi. so i would kind of is the editor in chief gulf times. he says this row is not on the huge pressure to except a 3 stage these 5 the 3 it is on the last,
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last that custom, that sense and how, how do i say, i mean the confident of is that i use that technology hop of them at least this is all gone now. you can see, you know, changing that policy, closing off as a z, a. it says they are in a panic and eventually, and i think the ceasefire. uh if it happens. uh, can at least take them from this. what, you know, the most important thing to tell you the truth is i was thinking about, you know, uh, you know, kind of being an agent big part of this, leading them at the ocean here and cut out. and you know, mean worthy to tell you the truth was escalating this war beyond because uh end is what i and i think uh this proposal can really uh, you know, uh, confirm if it was accepted from is that a little that uh, you know,
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that the cut off from day one walked on, stopping the escalation. uh, you know, and the agent, the deal, if it comes with a 3, a 3 stages, right? this 32 stages as being agreed to buy, buy as of right. you know, so i, i really think that, you know, uh, coming 40000 people after the 7 months. now the ball is in the people that visit, i, you know, the governmental visit right. very important to tell me the truth. it says within the hand of the is about 80 hosted family and the people of is it, i don't think is what i even wants to live in a, in a place where i hate it all this families, all this casualty from women and children and what does it's getting it the announcement by how much that is with except to the see spot proposal came just out is off the israel. what did at least 100000 palestinians to leave ralph and many of
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those who now find themselves a space to yes. again, i think towards con eunice on the output of those 2 cities have already been almost completely destroyed in dallas. what are the reports from con eunice on what those people are now facing a key standing on venue. so highlights signed about in san eunice and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from gross off after the is there any horses orders them to, to wait or the, or today, the clothes were ordered by the is ready for. is this the best way to newness the last the area? and also do that is by the hand, central gods about the as you see behind me, can you this is completely destroyed listing and had been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one
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place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses. and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day the roof off was a safe area. but i, you see behind on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there is a panic states, angry despair and frustration range. and also that they, there is no, they say, regardless, all of these people have no idea where they're going because it's right there is. but the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, even empty agricultural labs are now tens, and i'm not hundreds of thousands of people set to verify this phase multiple times from place to another from central to the south. high listing you are left in
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despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see, the newness goes off. how to sign and not to nations such as you turn alternative. gutierrez says, cold on is rather i'm asked to go the extra mile to secure a ceasefire. i do in garza, you and agencies are continuing to wound up large scale miniature operations in rafa. the to humanitarian catastrophe. christmas telling me reports from you in headquarters in new york as the one secretary general reiterating his call for a ceasefire, with a growing sense of urgency saying he's deeply concerned about the prospect of a military invasion into rafa. given that so many people there have already been displaced and are dealing with a lack of basic services and basic supplies. i made today a very strong compute the governance of israel. and so the sheep of the mos,
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in order to go next to the mines, to materialize in the agreement. that these episode we believe vibes of these is an opportunity that cannot be missed and get on the invasion draft would be keen, foldable rocker. in the meantime, talks are continuing amongst the security council members behind the scenes on a draft resolution that's been put forward by france, calling for an immediate cease fire calling for no invasion of rafa. and reiterating the international bodies commitment to a 2 state solution. in principle, all members of the security council have expressed support for those concepts. however, some members of the security council, most notably the united states, have said that there needs to be an agreement on the ground between israel and how mos before the security council should way in. they think any action by the
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security council at this point would be premature. but as agreements remain elusive, the pressure is building on the security council here at the land and on tuesday. another council meeting is scheduled behind the scenes to discuss mass graves that have been found in gaza. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nations exam. just say is the head of the amount of time and policy and advocacy save the children international. she's concerned that these various tax and rafa with the to a complete collapse. so the monitoring age response. as we have been warning for months, how catastrophic and expanded incursion into europe out will be not only do we now fear mass civilian casualties, but potentially the complete collapse of the humanitarian aid response and gaza, which has already struggled to keep the poppy lation alive. if the environment around rock a continues, if we see a closure of the crossing point,
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which has been that the primary land route used by the agencies to move assistance into gaza. um, you know, there will be almost no aid coming into guys. uh, no other pricing point to date has managed to replace dropbox, not commercial and not errors which is still not fully operational. and so if we continue seeing what we're seeing, it will lead to even more catastrophic situation. we will likely see a x and acceleration and the rate of starvation even more people who die of mount nutrition, dehydration and disease, and a lack of medical assistance. nowhere and gaza is safe and work stream. only alarmed by the new relocate shouldn't orders that were issued by israel to more than a 100000 people in, in delphi. earlier today, there are hundreds of children who are made, who have lost one or more of their limbs. many children who are malnourished,
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they're suffering from chronic illnesses, diseases, illnesses like cancer, the elderly who are weak for star. these people cannot flee by foot to another area . columbia university is canceled its main graduation survey off the weeks of protests, and some of that is out of state university says it will hold a smaller college functions. instead, thousands of student demonstrations have been arrested that us campuses over the weekend to demanding the schools cut financial ties with israel. patty co hand has this report from george washington university, a very peaceful protests continue on the campus of george washington university. this is actually representatives from the 8 college campuses in the washington d. c. area. and of course, news trickled through that hamas that accepted a ceasefire deal, but purchasers. i've talked to say, it doesn't matter if there's
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a ceasefire. this protest is going to continue. we're demanding that the university protects pro palestinian speech on campus, drop all charges against pro, pallets and in student organizers and organizations. disclose all investments and endowments divest from the state of israel, and then all partnerships, academic partnerships with as earl. knowing sunday, the president of george washington university released the statement, calling this an illegal protest, saying that she w. students have been subjected to answer some medic messages. i've been walking around this and cabinet. i have not seen anything that comes even close to being anti semitic. that said, she is trying to put more pressure on the dc governments to perhaps agree to what the d. c. police come in to remove these protesters. somebody in the d. c. police reportedly have so far for unwilling to do patio high elda 0 washington law. so it's a comm here now it's totally checking in east hmo basic health care facilities to be set up in the jungle. i think strikes
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the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of this? the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such some time on hud voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is most important,
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which if you're going to involve sheet hold unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out the challenges here with the welcome back remind about top storage. this is ready for us is looking to seize control of the rest of them. trust me in southern garza tanks and our, the board, which is a crucial entry point for a trucks area,
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is where the forces were shutting the crossing and carrying out the s drive some eastern as well as war cabinets has voted unanimously to push a hedge and it's a sole tone rapid, despite thomas saying it's has, it's with seas 5 deal. palestinians have been fleeing eastern parts of the city of to as well, a one to a full scale ministry offensive. as the 3rd phase of india is general election is taking place in 11 states, including the home state to 5 minutes to another interim moody. the 1st 2 phases of voting, helping modify new voter turnout and allegations of bias for years. india is cost system which divides the majority him do. community is defined visual politics. the indian government has failed to get visas to l. just areas correspondence to cover the story. so we've been forced to report from outside the country. eco. soon shareef has more. a no fall from the same as taj mahal in the mold in indian state,
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just looking for these visits? well, i think the industry in the city or fall grow it employees. millions of people like old precaution who owns about $70.00 to $90.00 a month. he belongs to a community that falls at the bottom of the cost hierarchy. for centuries, develops with once known as i'm taught, you both have been just social isolation and forced to work as cleaners, menus, cabbages, and problems. so as part of a debt consult, effort to improve their lives, the government has reserve jobs and education seats for them. but don't regard says under the governing bgp opportunities have declined. yep. they'd be certified the i any definitely, since b j. p has come to how i think the employment opportunities on the reserve category has gone down from the they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty. but it seems they will eradicate the party of the community that includes develop forms of
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crushing voting, no, accounting for 20 percent of the state's population at the open vote on the basis of cost. i think they need to split preston. look for the age of music when they go the public ones, the leader who is connected to the masses and works for the benefit of the people, gives me the name of any b s p leader who is helping the people who come on. it's the same with the congress on the summer georgie parties. we see them only during the election season and up the beach if he has the government, the politically crucial states since 2017 under to there's been a rise in fines against stomach, according to india's national crime. breakfast puter, the opposition, the line so chooses the bgp of dividing indians along religious and ethnic lines. but even though the middle of, the congress says it's, it's selected, it will ensure a nationwide costs based sense is to implement corrective action from this didn't
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ring to movie has rejected the idea. and because the identity of the cost remains a very, very important to us, picked off mobilization of the people and people find it, it'd be make group in which they can go and mobilize. i think goss cuz remained the important for the term on which and in politics is telling me was for many indians like own precaution is to children who also work in a shoemaking factory. they want the leaders to improve the living and working conditions of consumption to you on to see, to remind to that child to say what turn this way. not granted phases by the indian government reports on the election from inside the country. the telling me in the weeks of fighting of autonomy of what the on the type board has forced
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tens of thousands of people into thailand. un estimates 2500000 people have been displaced by fighting system industries seized power in a 2021 crew. within the 2nd of his series of special reports, some inside me in law, tony chung witness the desperate conditions. many of those people are living in the full start of the homes and now hiding from the heat. a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village. close to the town of co, correct. amongst them don't, they'll pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the yellow money they had and even arrived in our village before this by telling us . and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village,
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dilute anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the q 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. other basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain is the doctor treats and dresses is when the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the middle tree has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the ripples 24 hours a day. there's a constant buzz in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. it's up the looking for targets for artillery but also capable of dropping down bombs.


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