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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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see in this generation age workers, right side effects targets is an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it, is that acceptable? i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you close to, to the heart of the story of the israeli tanks, take control of a major border crossing into gaza, cutting off the supply of humanitarian aid with the strip which is already facing a full blown simon, the you're walking out to 0 life from headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate are also coming up, casualties, mounts, and russell as israel ramps up the tax across garza sells one and a half 1000000 palestinians, or sheltering. there is rule is sending
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a delegation to cairo for more cease fire talks, despite rejecting the latest deal, which was accepted by how much also it had the russian president vladimir putin has sworn in for another 6 year term in office. the hello. we begin in southern gaza where the fossil border crossing has been closed on the palestinian side by is really tang spouse, according to the border of 40 egyptian officials or condemning the move saying israel's actions been dropped off or threatening efforts towards reaching permanent ceasefire. and israel is now blocking the main artery, bringing humanitarian aid into the strip, where many people are already experiencing full blown famine that says heavy bombardment is continuing and dropped off. at least 24 palestinians have been killed by is really strikes off to the is really work cabinet unanimously voted to
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continue military operations in the city. and that came to spite ha, saying it's ready to accept a ceasefire. deal of the intense bombardment to very, very intense bombardment. error strikes, rockets, artillery, shelly tank, shelling drones off firing and never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witnessed several wars. i have never seen a war like this one on highway and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroy. israel has ordered at least a $100000.00 palestinians to leave extra and enough since the war began. israel has forced palestinians to leave the north from guys, a city to dead,
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and bella from the center to hon. eunice in the south. and then to odessa, nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are crowded into the city in the southern most points of the strip. now the is really army has ordered all residents on displays, people to leave at a fast eastern neighborhoods. it says they must move to the milwaukee area that's near the coastline. we have correspondence covering the story right across the region hinder, hold. our isn't dated by that in central garza how much. i'm ju, them is in a jordanian capital, but we begin with honey, my fluids will give us an update on the situation and stuff. and the impact, the closure of that border crossing is having on people in the humanitarian situation. honey. so yes, very we're right now what we're seeing is a quiet is above emergency not only the plastic has been shut down completely by this really monitor right now with your presence of military, a crab, military vehicle and the tank that there are within the range. there has been
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reports of a tactical withdrawal of, from a, from the crossing itself, but it's still, it's within the range of these really military buyers. it's shooting at every moving object along with the presence of a class cup. there isn't a talk a drawing in there, but what's more disturbing is, is the expansion of the, of the, in the, the bombing campaign going on right now, just within the past half an hour, a drone just fired one warning missiles at the mos in the center of robust city that happens to be a market here. yeah. very busy with people. people are in the market trying to get restock by supplies on their way. moving out of rob, i just paused the great deal of ma'am and panic for people who started to run in and sleep from a, from the area what we learned so far, the, this particular mox and this missile fired at the most is the warning in a preparation for completely bombing a, the mosque itself is we don't know when it's going to happen, but normally does that happen within hours of this missiles that has been fired,
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a disk or any given a location that is really military or facility or building didn't really missouri wanted to, to target an earlier hours that the scenes off is really trying send an military, a vehicle where inside drop a head crossing. it pushed deeper or early hours of this morning guards under heavy coverage of attack, the drones and artillery. so then got your strike that provided coverage for these types and we see in the reveal of a band, the limit distractions paused inside of the crossing itself. now, by doing this, the, the, the, the gaza strip is completely sealed off right now and caught up with from this the rest of the world. if it represents a lifeline for palestinians, is a point of humanitarian aid being delivered to people in garza and the northern parts north crossing is one of many, 5 more landed crossings that have been so far uh close by. that is really military
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only through roughly crossing people were getting not necessary eh, aid and, and food in terms of food supplies and survival items that has been low in and a but with at the low capacity possible. it wasn't all the time open, but it did, it provides some of these of this to a human and turning the trucks into the ghost of a right. now we're looking at an increase. the risk of famine is spread that deliberate. the tar vision of 1500000 people right now. it is displaced in rough. i city who are either running for their life from base or in part of the city or they are struggling with these are city of a human interior and supplies in, in the city itself. okay. thank you. honey. thanks for that reporting from it. us off. well, the use foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, says israel's failure to listen to the international community over there that for her son offensive could have catastrophic consequences. despite all, did
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a request to the international community to us, to be a new member stage. everybody asking nathan yahoo not to attack rafa to despite those these warnings empties requests to the attackers started yesterday night. i am afraid that this is going to cause a game that a lot of casualties, really and casualties, whatever they say. 600 a 1000 children in guys. they will be pushed through. so close, saves the shoulders. there is no safe jones in guys. well, many people who left is turned off our heading towards data. anybody else that's in central garza hinge and fidelity is joining us from there. so hinge, i mean these palestinians have been displaced many times over the past few months. and now they're trying to find their way to didn't. but off where you are, what's the situation like well we have been seeing people coming to dead and,
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but unfortunately they do not have any place to set up their tents or if to live in after being displaced from defy. some people are very generous from uh, people who are currently actually your residents from that in bella and they open their houses and do some of the space people in the front. but again, these houses were already had the space people who came here 7 months ago and from the another in parts of the gaza strip. i would like to also highlight the patients that were in a chart hospice and, and specially the kidney dialysis piece close at patients that are crazy trying to find a substitute and a place where they can take their treatments. but again, up to the hospice, it has been read the past with patients already packed with this place because people are desperate. they can't find any place to set up their tents in their
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trying and asking people to host them until they find a good place they can. and so they can live in. it's very sad and it's very frustrating. people see it in here, and i would like all what also like to mention the food in security. people are panicking about the facts that's reflect crossing and cutting most highly mark flows. and people who need to get transferred for their medical treatments are not allowed to travel. and also a humanitarian workers are not allowed to enter the causal strip. and also aid is not entering the strip. all of these factors are bringing frustration and despair to the people of casa, and we still don't know up until when this encouraging and verify is going to take place. and we would also like to mention that not only people in the us eastern
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side of the rough, uh huh. uh, area are about to 18, but also people over rough because they do not trust that at the the is ready for it says are going to own the invade the eastern part. ok, thank you so much for the the reporting from dated by the in the center of the gaza strip. well, how moss said it's accepted a ceasefire deal just hours before is real wrapped up. it's a tax on draft off on for a short while. palace and using garza for the war was over, but the celebrations were brief. as israel said, the agreement didn't meet its requirements. the deputy has a promising garza need and how you said the group had received assurances from mediators about that potential deal. the media is, has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the bowl is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely, but the proposal,
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the mediators now. so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations we achieve the goals we talked about. i'm assessed a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and the deals the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails. here's what we know about the details of that proposed ceasefire. so it's divided into 3 phases each last thing $42.00 days. the 1st includes the provision of safe passage for displace palestinians to return to their homes. the seconds covers the withdrawal, if is really troops and the announcements of
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a permanent and to is really military operations. the 3rd stage focuses on ending the blockade on the gaza strip. how much of june was joining us are from the jordanian capital? so how mosse agreed to this israel has sent negotiators to cairo, but they still say that the deal is a long way from being acceptable. what do we think will happen in cairo of that? and that's the big question right now. nobody really knows what to expect. part of that is because it's unclear how much discretion these negotiators that are going to be sent to cairo, actually have to negotiate how much latitude they have in the past. we've seen is really delegations go to various places where it talks are being held only to learn later that they were not given a wide enough latitude by the prime minister or others and the government to effectively enter into any kind of engagement to try to get a cease fire,
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we don't know yet what they can do when they are in cairo, and if they're going to have to have consultations with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu at every step or not. now let me tell you about some quotes we're seeing from an fun name is really official in is really media at this hour. a senior is really official and unnamed. one is being quoted in various publications in israel saying that how much the ceasefire deal is unacceptable. its also stating in these reports that this official added that a mid level is really delegation, will travel the cairo shortly to assess whether how much can be moved on the latest ceasefire terms. so it's all very much up in the air at this hour. clearly, the devil is going to be in the details of what's interesting here is that up until last night, what, how mazda announced that they were accepting the ceasefire proposal? these really government had maintained that they were not going to send a delegation to cairo unless and until they knew that how much had accepted
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a deal that was positive. uh that was acceptable to these really is now we're being told that the deal with how much has accepted may not be one that israel will accept, but then they are going to egypt. none the less. so it all really speaks to the very complicated terrain in israel right now where you have a prime minister who is under a lot of pressure from the far right wing members of his coalition. want him to go into what else full force and have threatened to leave the government if that doesn't happen. and then you have him under pressure from members of the opposition that you're left the, the head of the opposition earlier today give an interview to is really meeting rating or media radio, sorry, military radio in which he stated that he wished that the as really government had waited 48 hours before they entered, drop off because he wants to see all the all options exhausted to try to enter into a ceasefire. so those captors being held in guys a can return home. one more thing i'd like to mention before we go the and of
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course we're reporting now from our mind in jordan because our operations were shut down in israel because it's really government will not allow us to operate in israel right now. and we have seen a statement in the past hour from the jordanian foreign ministry. let me just read out this short statements. it says that the foreign minister in jordan name and a subsidy and his carpet the counter part shift from how much the knob, the minus sign, he had warned during a phone call against any is really attacked on the roof and stress. the need for the international community to move effectively to prevented the ministry added, that the 2 ministers discussed efforts to stop is really aggression on garza and to try to stop the humanitarian catastrophe that is unfolding. so that's what's going on at this hour. a lot of stuff very much up in the air right now. we'll just have to wait and see until that delegation gets to cairo to see how those negated negotiations will proceed. going for, right, so thanks for the update. so how much of june reporting for us from a mon? still ahead on algebra 0. tony chang and the jungles. a man with thousands of young
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men and women come to join the ranks the pro democracy for the in depth analysis of the days headlines. those the failure to free, the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing you know who is trying to stay in as in sleep this 5 minutes to the know the state possibly out of j. frank assessments how to relations decline between them is uh and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, 11 days that ended more than 60 young life. in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the
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children killed during the israeli bombing. 3 years ago, the 11 daisy may hold out just their despite his exile form or cut them on, lead their carlos, whose demo is set to run for presidents. when the spanish regent pulls early elections, could his political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape, the catalonia elections on a jersey to the, [000:00:00;00] the color again, the top stories on out to 0 this our,
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the gaza crossings authority says that is really army is blocking crucial aid supplies from entering the strip. after a close down the border crossing, people in some areas already suffering from in israel's work cabinet, has voted unanimously to push ahead with an assault on draft off. despite from us saying it's agreed to a cease fire deal. i'll experience have been seeing the cities eastern areas officer is room for full scale offensive to is really soldiers have been show that has been that driven attack that strikes launched from southern loving on hit targets near the northern is really settlement of met too long. it was one of a series of attacks by hezbollah, that included rockets is really army said it's since struck. several has been the buildings and compounds in southern 11 on the last week. me and mars military government bands. conscription, aged men from leaving the country for work,
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as it continues to take losses and fights against multiple on groups. the new law came after tens of thousands applied for visas to avoid military conscription. but thousands more are joining arm groups to oppose the general. and the 3rd special report from is side me and mara, tony trying met some of those who draw the fight insurance off, then join the ranks the through to the factory price point is charging out from the hidden positions for the moment. however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles aren't real, then you recruits, but they have no doubts about what the training for if i have to, yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry delta. but if i have to, so i think i would do that if i choose to, to the p, but that's an, uh,
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does not because of the head of the sewer job. so i forgot to, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully the military sponsor planes drilled on an open that parade ground, put through the paces in the baking heat, to teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came as a 4th of thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the military john to join the ranks. the military has been showing all its new come scripts to not seem to the beat of a brass band, but new laws forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill
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the ranks of the home phones. the fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras . contrast with stores from new recruits. we say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some the general who freedom in uh, from british rule, the, the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the best post. conscription makes resistant force is stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more use joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony king l 20, eastern me, m o. this final report from eastern me and mar,
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tony looks at the people's defense for us. the pdf and the fighters were taking on the jen. tom, we cannot speak to david matheson, who is an independent analyst working on conflict, humanitarian and human rights issues and being tomorrow he's running us from showing my entire line. welcome to algebra 0 toward extends. has this been a successful strategy for the military or has a backfired when it put out this? conscription order looks like it's already that far. i mean it's, it's a known mostly unpopular and it's close. thousands of the young man is actually slated conference. and his time is 10, was we just pointing out the 1000 small actually going to the resistance forces throughout the country. so it was a desk for floyd and, and seems to definitely be the car ready. what's been the biggest impact of this order? i think it really hadn't been yes, it is certainly a young man and i've had the last completely disruptive and the places tonight
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during conference leaving the families behind. and i think that there's been a huge amount of social disruption around that. and it is really strong, the class differences between the boss, there's lots of people that do you have the means to sam's young man, to thailand, to, to other countries that there's a lot of working for you just simply don't have those meetings. so they're really going up the ground really going into the company side to join the biggest defense for us as an economy organizations. but then you've got to think of all of those that that are being pressed, candy's the military and economy being signed and, and as far as we know, there's already several 1000 of them in north america has been trying to, to go to the phone. so in terms of how it affects operations on the ground, the will the middle tree bailable to clean back some of the grounds as recently lost with these new recruits. do you think that's a very good question because i have been losing a lot of ground in multiple tasks uh around the country in the southeast for tiny
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just was definitely in, in north and south side uh, operating 10276 months ago and most dramatically outreach and retry side with it losing territory. i'm losing quite major bases in multiple locations and having to re supply um various uh sources and from a say um, so i don't wonder whether it's a little bit too little too late. so, so, so the military base, they oxidized to sleep, holding on even during the taking heavy casualties and then losing a lot of start. all right, and then we'll just start white and say, how these new recruits can actually be trained in deployed and whether that's actually gone to us to, to take the jump for a quote. for was trying to avoid the conscription or even fleeing to countries like bangladesh and, and, and thailand where you are, how are these countries coping with the refugees were arriving as well. i mean, the kind of a huge exit of some people seems because, um, you know, people coming across the borders,
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refugee people coming is as migrant workers in medical science as something much sonia in modern work is for many, many years and are very grateful to, to the economy, there's also a lot of middle class people, business people who want the political before the world coming in and speaking sanctuary and sign up. and this is, uh, you know, the light is white and the young man coming basically to escape to the construction law. and i think it's going to take some time to see exactly how neighbor and some countries are arrival to solve this, this, this new influx. okay. david madison, thanks for joining us from july. thank you. i of the russian president, vladimir putin has been inaugurated in the holes of the kremlin for a 6 term in office. so he's led russia since 1999, including a 4 year term as prime minister. fulton won a landslide victory and elections in march. but any serious political opponents were barred from running on technical grounds. and most western powers boy caught
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a dot ceremony except for the french ambassador for more or less. here's our correspondence or so jabari from moscow. the lavish ceremony that took place in one of the main halls of the grand kremlin palace at had nearly 2500 people in attendance to watch vladimir putting the sworn in for a 5th term in office. now, for the next 6 years, they rushing presidents will be in power. and once he completes the next 6 years in office, he will become officially the longest serving a russian leader in the country's history. the president took the opportunity to speak, and not only to the dignitaries, but also to the nation. he began his speech by thanking the russian soldiers who are fighting the so called special military operation and ukraine. he also highlighted the fact that it's important during these difficult times for the nation to remain united. he also said that the russians relationship,
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which is now at all time low with western powers, is not unsalvageable. he said that there is room for dialogue, but it's up to them to initiate t also finished his speech by making it very clear that there's only one path forward for russia in the future. and that is to win on all fronts both domestically on for and it is clear that vladimir put in is intent on making sure that he delivers the victory. not only in terms of this country's ailing economy, that's been under intense international sanctions, but also in the war and ukraine. american air or space company boeing has cold off the launch of it, store line or space strip, just 2 hours before lift off astern. all source dropping their seats. when engineers noticed the valve was buzzing, assigned it could be about to failed. company says that the crew were never in any danger. the next launch attempted to schedule for friday. a. okay,
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that's it. for me, for the time being. as always, you can have online for more information on our website at altos, 0, talk. com, where you'll find all today's top stories as well as all the latest out of gossip. the weather is coming up next and then inside story we'll examine israel's ban on algae 0. and how effective that move might be the the big pool of kind of japan got a square yard. so the whether she should be getting brought to. but if you follow it down to his tablet and which is southern china, it's still sherry. in fact, the huge shelves may have been you for a month old, not producing for the ink run the rank one g, and this is somewhat in grungy. do we get exactly the same scene again? no. was it over? once you get a few channels off the water into your home?
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sure. you get rather more developing in land in southwest, in china, quite big ones as well. moving out of a way of hong colorado into the next day, sir, and leaving most of the central nose and china in fine, warm sunshine and nothing to extraordinary. however, what is happening down the southwest in china, spreading across into the northern vietnam, laos, and also thailand where the heat has been tempered now by sons to which is probably a good thing. second thing has happened in the northeast of india and bangladesh with big thunderstorm in the full cost and are more likely on this eastern side of india. and then how big, but they do good. 10 for the temperature test still hot for the rest of 42 to 46 besetti typical from inland andrew pradesh. brought out to go direct and beyond that to some parts of pakistan. and there are no, cheryl, is that good to change that to to in the near future. in fact is just multiple sunshine. the 2 arrow bright errors from different countries,
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but with much uncommon rain upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry, what's the width and you used to fight the whole world and saw something sort of a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in lebanon, syria, how this going to the rock that comes between was not behind. rebel writers, palestine and syria, analogy 0 l just there, a band in israel. the government's move contains by the network as a criminal act against international and humanitarian. long elders era has shown the realities of what is happening in guns and what's behind this band. and how effective will it be? this is inside story. the


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