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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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is unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantees deanna most of thoughts, engine free. the is riley tags take control of a major for the crossing into gauze, a cussing office supplies humanitarian, a strip. ready facing, full blown famine. the hello, i'm marianne m i z. this is al jazeera life from dough. how is that coming up on the program casualties mount and ross size israel rams off the tax across cause the south one and off 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering that make no mistake. the full scale assault on vasa would be the human contest you inside to general condemns the closure of border
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crossings into gaza and calls for an immediate cease fire. and its phase 3 of the world's biggest selection, a 178000000 people are eligible to head to the poles in india. the is there any military forces have taken control of the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing between garza and egypt? it's the main route for humanitarian supplies and egyptian officials all condemning the move saying israel's actions and rough all threatening efforts towards reaching another deal. israel is now blocking the main all 3 bringing aid into gaza when many people already experiencing funding. so r hi, rod reports now only hours of to from us is acceptance of a sci fi proposal is riley times rolled in ser, off off this man. a tree video shows a concrete board,
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a wall that separates the city from egypt. the crossing he has been gauze is lifeline. international aid that's been trickling in since the stall to the will with these ro controlling what goes in and out. as the tanks advanced is riley will panes hit home during the night and into tuesday morning. the rough work crossing is now under control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed for the movement of goods and people in both directions this morning is one of the darkest in this 7 months. now mike, man is ralph says it's bombing of gauze is limited, but it's pushed up the death toll among palestinians. by the day, thousands of people killed in less than 24 hours. makes just tense like this one old dog says, have to work with hospitals in gauze. a have been bowman. israel's little cabinet on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu unanimously voted to continue.
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minute she opperation is in rough off. and it's was issued more orders, palestinians, east, through the city to leave, to areas. it's heavily problems before. is riley decisions have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action in rough off china or in from space permanent men does view and security council, the latest to join those calls on the you hi, representative shows that bar. i'll have this to say to national community to us to be a new member stage. every body ask and it's on your own not to attack rafa. despite disease warning and easily flash through the attackers started yesterday night. i am afraid that this is going to cause again, a lot of casualties. stop exporting weapons. belgium quotes for an immediate stop to weapons being exported to israel. egypt has also raised its subjects in israel's
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bombing rights on its boards on hundreds of a trucks carrying desperately needed food, clean water and medication continue to line its roads fund from entering garza israel's take over the crossing means patients also can't go 3 m u n. which means that it already has enough age because the last one day as it too, has been banned from guessing through the rough crossing. so the height of all just sarah. so let's take a closer look at this specific part of gaza. rasa is a 64 square economic to assist you in this southern gaza strip that runs along the border with egypt. it's a critical entry point for humanitarian aid that was stormed last night, buys re forces when israel declared is so cool, safe zone. $82.00 thirds of gauze as population floods the now it's time to more than one and a half 1000000, displace palestinians with an average of move in $22000.00 people per square kilometer is it's 5 times more crowded compared to before the war. the united
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nations, as described rough uh as a pressure cooker of dispatch dark i would assume is live for us now in rough line, southern gaza. tell us what it's like there and what's been happening. yes, mary. and what was happening within the past couple of hours. and since the early hours of this morning is that these very minute trees talk to new tactical operation inside dropbox fits these specifically along the board is with egypt where they managed to take formation or control over the palestinian side of a rough crossing, which is the only place from what palestinians have been leaving detached, 3 or 4 decades now. they are on april to, to leave the gaza stripe, including the people who have been wounded during confrontations on the grounds of the same time. it's the only points from what also people have been receiving
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humanitarian life savings supplies to the vast majority of causes population. now to now, there was new, an entry of a deliveries from both current up asylum and drop of course, things which have been both now shut down by these very minute tree as a part of their expansion of the fighting to the southern city of rough law. as people completely are suffering from this step that has been taken as the u on run facilities have been right now consuming the, the vast majority of the age that are the warehouses, despite the fact that the ministry hot target it some of the warehouses of 8 supplies on the crossing and as well says that the operation might gradually increase according to a ground assessments being made by these by the intelligence where the vast majority of the eastern areas of rough law had been under constant abutment within the past 24 hours. and on that point to me, it is rather the closure of the roof of border crossing is going to affect you
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monetary and aden to goals are it's a crucial crossing point for that. but also topic if that has, if it's been subjected to consume on boardman. and if it's ready, forces have storm the crossing, then that will present would be that might affect how operational it can be. whether it can be used to transport a laser on if there is going to be a destruction everywhere. i guess that's certainly right, mary. and we're talking about that. the operation right now in the eastern portion and long side with a boy that with egypt will bring a negative repercussions on the really 1st phones of it's being made by humanitarian organizations. to alleviate the adverb, facing the many, terry and christ has bought. uh, the most important point that we need to mention is that the vast majority of the gaza stripe for a couple of months have been receiving like saving supplies from rough off a crossing officer being widely inspected by the usability military. and now these
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aides are no longer flowing to the gaza strip as they are still hundreds of human autonomy and talks on the egypt, sion side waiting for approval to get into the gall, this trip. now those people have been completely suffering and expecting that the will see to come if this operation on the ground will still going on as the humanitarian organizations have been wanting from the negative. um, the consequences will be resulted from the if the control of the boat is on the short down or such a crossings that have been responsible. and being a window of relief for more than 1500000 palestinians who are right now moving again from rough off to other parts of the gaza strip under kind of simple bottom. and thank you very much target. i wasn't reporting to us from rafa. well, many people who left eastern rough i headed towards darrow by line central garza and alex audrey has moved from the as we have been seeing people coming to the left
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. but unfortunately, they do not have any place to set up their tents, or if to live in after being displaced from just by some people are very generous from a people who are currently actually residents from that in bella. and they open their houses and do some of the displays people in the front. but again, these houses were already had this place. people who came here 7 months ago at, from the another in parts of the gaza strip. i would like to also highlight the patients that were in a chart hospice and and specially the kidney dialysis piece was at patients that are crazy trying to find a substitute and a place where they can take their treatments. but again, up to hospice, it has been all read the past with patients already packed with this place because people are desperate. they can't find any place to set up their tents in their
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trying and asking people to host them until they find a good place they can and so they can live in. so i'm also said that it accepted a ceasefire geologist, hours before we saw these attacks on rough up for a short while. how this thing isn't garza thought the war was over the sand. abrasions were brief, as israel said, the agreement did not meet its requirements. the deputy had of a mass in garza, heidi, the highest that the group had received assurances from mediators about the potential deal. the media is, has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement. the bowl is now in the course of the israeli occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely, but the proposal, the mediators now to put pressure on these riley side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war,
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the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do, and we're patient we will own outlined. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations, we achieve the goals we talked about on the 1st a full ceasefire full, which for all of these really troops return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and a deal for the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you, all captives from the occupations jails. so here's what we know about the details of the proposed ceasefire. it's divided into 3 phases, each one last thing $42.00 days. first includes the provision of safe passage for displace palestinians to return to their homes. the 2nd covers the withdrawal of israeli troops and the announcement of upon an end to is ready military operations . the 3rd stage focuses on ending the blockade of the strip. stephanie jack deka joins as live now from the dining capital amman. and so these right,
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these have sent delegation to colorado. stephanie this off to saying that the deal which amass accepted was different from the proposal that had been put to them. well, hope is the rebuilding some kind of trust or good faith to reach and now the deal off to last night's breakdown as well. i think the fact that they've sent a delegation means that the deal is still on the table that was never formerly finalized. if you want, i think it's interesting because anthony blank and when he was in israel was saying that this was a deal already of generous concessions on behalf of israel. so this was a deal that was already green lighted by israel. and he put the bull firmly in her mouth as coursing that they had to accepted no more procrastination in his words. and if they didn't accept it, they didn't care about their own people. well no, they have accepted it and his role says no is wrong. the saying there's been amendments to the tech so that apparently according to is really leaks and things
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ready media. they say they weren't made aware of, and we're only given the text a few hours after how mouses a positive response to it. i think one of the suspect relation, of course, the negotiators are in close touch with each other as well. didn't want to send a delegation to kyra when, how mass was there when the c, i a had, was there william burns. now, back in cairo after having left car. oh, going to doha. and now back these raiders, as you mentioned, there will be sending a delegation. i think the deal is still very much on the table. i think what you're seeing now is nothing the hours to coming to old pressures because he's under a lot of pressure, not just from the americans to make this deal happen, which sending a teen means he's adhering to in some way, but he's delayed because he's now also pushing on the far as the is radius of cold it a so called quote limited operation, even though tons on the board and the intensities you've been hearing from our reporters, there is not limited but interesting to the americans of always set that they wouldn't agree to any more contained so whether this is all a final push, i had
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a ceasefire and i can tell you the previous tours, none of them as brutal and intense and destructive as this one. but before there's been a cease far, there has always, by definition, been an absolute push in bombing campaign and trying to get as much and whether this is what we're seeing now. we're going to have to wait and see. but again, as we've been reporting for days, crucial time several times, and we're going to have to literally, between all the speculation, just see what they say, what the next hours and probably days are going to bring in the fact that on us did a former officer and said that they would accept the proposal on the table. does that then increase pressure on israel to do pretty much the same thing? absolutely. it's become personal for the americans and also the egyptians, which is why you've got such pressure on both sides, on both israel and how mass, when you're talking about what's on the table and what the potential disagreements might be. they've never changed how mazda said we want to total and to the war.
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israel says no way, there's not going to be to enter the, we're not done because they see it off off for benjamin netanyahu not far is crucial. what i saw is the final push against mosse. it is where he could operate and say to his people, because he's losing everything he has in terms of political survival. he can say there's been victory. however, that is going to come for him not going to offer at all, deprives him of that, which is why many people say that he doesn't actually want to deal, but there is such pressure on him from the americans. so we're going to have to wait and see the sticking points or enter the board know, enter the war. it's how many captives are going to be released in the 1st phase, we understood that was $33.00 pulling under humanitarian umbrella, which is women. the sick or the elderly, you still have the captives, which are a young man. the one seen the soldiers by how much they're on in the 2nd phase, and that isn't even being addressed yet. so very complicated. negotiations are just briefly these negotiations, not just about goals. are these negotiations go beyond that?
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you're talking about regional to political implications and future plans that are linked to what is happening now in colorado. okay, thank you very much. from a non stephanie deca. just to explain why stephanie is reporting from the jo damian capital benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has bind alex's era. we are reporting from outside israel, still covering the story. the united nations after general is that a guitar is, is appeal for an end to the blood shedding. cause that says the middle east is a risk of explosion if the fighting continues to be subject. if weeks of intensely bloom advocate cvt for the seem, gaza, you know, ceasefire no reviews of hostages and the devastating of fantasies in dropbox. all right, so it's my opinion for both spot these to show the political cottage and spare no effort to secure and agreements not to stop. the blood shifts to free
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the hostages and to help stabilize the region, which is still at the risk of explosion. and kristen so you may joins us live from united nations and you know, what else did the inspector general have to say as well? this is the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that the secretary general has called for an immediate cease fire. and warned of a human catastrophe. if israel is to conduct a full scale invasion of ross, he use some of the strongest language yet in these latest remarks. noting that even the best friends of israel are clear that such an invasion of rasa would be a strategic mistake, a political calamity, and a humanitarian nightmare. and his words with rep repercussions beyond gaza and the west bank, the united nations is refusing to help with any evacuation of people in rough
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up because they say there is no safe place for them to go. they know that 3 quarters of gaza is currently under an evacuation order and the places that are under evacuation orders are already over crowded and lacking basic services. and they also note that moving people would be very dangerous given unexploded ordinances in the road and so on. and so forth that they are basically reminding israel of their responsibility to protect civilians under international law and hoping to avoid a ground invasion by making these calls. and there is now renewed urgency to find an address. the terrible conditions inside cause of that will be made was by the attacks on the roof of border crossing. is there anything happening there at the united nations as the security council been meeting to discuss this?
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a so there is a meeting scheduled later today on the situation in the middle east. it was requested by al jerry a specifically to deal with the reports of mass graves that were found around 2 hospitals in gaza. the palestinian officials have accused israel of human rights abuses. after bodies were discovered there with their hands tied behind their back. and the bodies that had no clothes on israel has said that they exude these mass graves for to see if they can find any of the bodies of captives. they deny that they've done anything wrong. this was supposed to be the focus of the meeting this afternoon. at which the council members will hear from the human rights chief folk or tariff, as well as the special rapid tour on the situation. they're, they're likely to reiterate concerns about an invasion in rasa. but whether or not
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the security council will come together and make a statement about that afterwards is something that we will be watching for. thank you very much from united nations of new york christian salumi. and so i have for you on the program does is a dad and there is now state of emergency implants of brazil. we'll report on the devastating floods which hit the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hub and so it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm, we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence.
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the . the main story is the following. the south. a gaza crossings authority is saying is right. army is blocking crucial aid supplies from entering the strip after it closed down the russell crossing people in some areas already suffering. israel's will cabinet voted unanimously to push ad with the so on ross i despite saying that had agreed to a seaside deal out of simians have been seeing the cities eastern areas of to is where i want to have a full scale and caution that let's get to washington, now, because i own fisher has been following reaction from the white house and president biden. and previously said that any operation in russell with tens of thousands and
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most of it in casualties would be something of a red line for america. what do we hearing now as well, the certainly that the white house doesn't consider what is happening and rough as a moment to be a white scale operation. they believe it is much more concentrated and much more targeted. and they believe that the for at least have the right to do that. there is a consent, obviously, the aide going into rafa has been cut off at that coming just 24 hours after joe biden spoke to benjamin netanyahu. and these really prime minister promise that the crossing at abu solid would be opened so that they could get more aid into guys a. so any reduction a to gas a would be a consent. but joe biden is trying to spread the needle heat on one side. he wants to make sure that there is a safe spot and he's pushing both sides to do that. and the see how you direct to is in the middle east as you have from stephanie trying to get both sides to sign up for the deal that how my said it would,
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except on monday. but also they want to make sure that the is really don't push ahead with an operation into rafa. and one of the things that we think is happening in the certainly media to port suggesting this is that a number of offensive weapons, a shipment to israel from the united states, has been delayed, not postponed, not cancel, just the late. and perhaps it is the us just holding that back in the hope that that might delay what israel is trying to do in guys a but for the moment, the white house, the state department, everywhere else, all the main labors of government in the united states is waiting to hear that is really reaction to i'm not saying it has signed on to any possible ceased by a deal. so we're going to hear from the president later. this is going to speak at the holocaust memorial day on capitol hill. in fact, he'll be leaving in less than an hour. he's going to make some remarks. he's obviously going to mark the importance of the whole of costs than what happened and
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said it should never happen again. he will draw puddles with what happened in october. the 7th and how the trauma not exists for a modern generation of people who live in israel. he will talk about the domestic situation as well. the protests that we've seen on college campuses across the united states and he'll condemn any of those that have been on to submit to can nature. he's going to see how people of the united states must this so far. and the thing that is anti semitic, well he's speak about the piece still highly unlikely, joe biden. very disciplined, 10 to 6 test remarks. so it's unlikely we'll hear. and the thing about how this situation can move forward, but certainly will. we will hear references to october, the 7th, and of course just to remind you that when your bike and went to israel, immediately after october, the 7th he declared there that he was a zionist, and very much supported the israeli government. thank you very much for the latest
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from washington out in session. the millions of people have cost the ballots in india is the phase of a multi stage general election. it took place in 11 states and union territory. the indian government has failed to give these as challenges there as correspondence to cover the story. i'm a close to insure for reports in from 3 of india, 7 phase general elections from invest in arrange a movie cost is valid in his home state of goods. it up nearly $300.00 parliamentary constituencies have now bolted for the representatives. that's modem, hospital to the governing, defended most candidates in the slightest phase. in 2019, the party spoke to reach in winning a wood shop deal thoughts. the selection movie is seeking
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a system on the bus is very low this year in a way is a festival of democracy in india and around the world and is developed whatever good things have all in the world in its setup tool system. and i believe the election commission does is a lot of praise for this, but the election commission is being criticized for failing to act against hate speech. ahead of the 3rd phase, the btn cannot shed the 17 2nd animated video on social media. it shows opposition leader wrong. we've got the disputing federal funds to muslims. the election commission has now ordered x to remove the video after complaint by the congress earlier movie wrestler to muslims, as in to try to get a new campaigned riley job the, the in response to kill a unit of the congress body shed a screenshot of an online order for the human backbone,
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saying the election commission needed to toughen up an act against the prime minister and his spotty b type to do a psychological line game by basically giving the glad i didn't call it a $400.00 plus seats and opposition did update for the tax on $400.00 saying that now, why do they need these many seats a big come with this kind of blue majority that are going to make fun of them and go changes to the constitution and to our society. this is basically and if it's the full evaluation and voting booth, it seems what's on the minds of voters is fall from the rhetoric of politicians. many say they want the government to tackle unemployment and the rising cost of living and what the cut out. but the situation is very bad, it's almost like industries are shutting down. the government has provided no benefits, there should be change. that's what i want. you with name, mary. i did the issues arising prices and unemployment. there is no work. children
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are roaming around, aimless, and jobless. nothing. the next phase of elections will take place on may. the 13th, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week period. the results expected on june 4th, and many hope the outcome. they bring more employment and reduce the cost of living . some, some charities. i just see here, just a quick reminder that i'll just or john this one, not granted visas by the government to report on the election from inside india that we will continue to cover the story and ukraine, the state security services, it's foils, and assassination attempt on present, virginia, zalinski, and all the top military and political figures keeps says it's detained to ukrainian security officials. it says we're processing to kills the landscape and accused as rushes by agency of being behind the plan. ukraine's as it's foiled, it is 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022.
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meanwhile, the present rush of less than a prison has been integrated in the holes of the crime. and for 6 ton and power is that russia since 1999, including a 4 year thomas prime minister preaching one a landslide victory in elections in march. but any serious political opponents were bought from running on technical grounds. most west officials boycotted the ceremony except for the french ambassador, the avalon and tears from a cost brazil, a helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety following storms and flooding in the southern state of rio grande to so at least 85 people have been killed and as i landed, america has to be seen in human reports or 2 levels of important elect grey, one of the countries main cities, a still rising. no one knows how many people is still missing in this flood region landscape. the cost in life and property possible to calculate right now on this highway buses collect thousands of people who've been left homeless by the floods,
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the worst in memory. the voltage over 2, cuz i have nothing left except my adults. i think mankind courses by destroying the balance of nature, sort of the school. the police officer in charge has slipped for david said, all those, all these people here were rescued today. they have no homes and almost around this is just one place, but there are 20 more like it nearby. but it's dark and dangerous sick from what people now were by the main road that leads at the board. so i legged, it's only about 20 kilometers from here, but it's impossible to actually get in. the roads are flooded. they are, they are packed also with people trying to also get in will become stuck.


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