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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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investigates the spot to cop just can be assigned to wood king bed without 0 holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the world on o g 0 or the the services in use our on outages 0 for the back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes is really tons take control of the roof of border crossing, cutting off 8 supplies into gaza. a day after ordering, palestinians evacuated from the area casualties amounting in vasa, israel vom steps the tax across. southern guys are way 1500000 policy and sheltering, making
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a mistake. a full scale assault on vasa would be a human capacitor. the un secretary general condemns the closure for the forcings into gaza and calls for an immediate society on unfolding disaster in brazil, some desperate victims of flies that taking the law into their own hands and piece of service with us. both the denver nuggets me to turn things around quick if that's a defend barron b a title, they lost the game. so the minnesota terminals to, to, to nothing in the western conference sent me finals. the thank you for joining us. is there any military forces of taking control of the policy me inside of the vasa border crossing between guys in egypt? it's the main roads for humanitarian supplies. egypt is condemning the most say is
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are of actions in rafa threatening efforts towards reaching a permanent c spy. it is, or it was now blocking the main audrey bringing aid into the street where many people are already experiencing full blown famine. honey, my hold begins. are coverage to fully hours after her mazda acceptance of us. these fire proposal is really times rolled into rough. this military video shows the concrete border wall that separates the city from each of the crossing. here has been dogs, a lifeline for international aids. that's been a trickling and since the start of the war with is ro controlling what goes in and out of the tanks. advance is really we're playing hidden homes a during the night and into the morning is real phase. it's bombing of gaza is limited. the rafa crossing is now under control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed for the movement of goods and people in both directions
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this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now, mike may worn down a dozens of people killed and lives down to 24 hours. makes shift tens like this one are. all doctors have to work with israel's war cabinet on their prime minister . benjamin netanyahu voted unanimously to continual military operations and drop off and have issued more orders for palestinians, east of the city to leave the areas. it has heavily bombed before very decisions that have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action and rough china and in france, both permanent members of the un security council, the latest to join those calls. the ones chief also stressed. a rough assault would be a humanitarian nightmare urging both sides to spare. no effort in getting a deal done. haven't we seen enough? m. c fusion suffered enough death and destruction to make no mistake. a full scale
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assault on vasa would be a human catastrophe. and that your higher representative just a bar, i'll have this to say the manual offensively. again, drop, i stopped at the game despite all, did a request of an international community to us. we will be a new member to stage every body. ask in it on your own, not to attack rafa to despite disease warnings, empties requests, attackers doctor yesterday night is your has also res. it's objections to israel bombing right on its border and the u. n. warrens that it only has enough feed for god at the last one day as it to has been banned from getting through the roof or crossing honey. my mode rough uh, southern gaza palestine. let's take a closer look at rafa. it's a 64 square kilometers today in the 7 guys and stripe along the border with egypt.
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it says as a critical entry point for humanitarian aid and was storm devise really forces on monday night, nearly 2 thirds of guys as population fed there when israel declared that a so called save. so now it's home to more than $1500000.00 displace palestinians. it has an average of more than $22000.00 people, the square kilometer and is 5 times more crowded than before the war. the united nations has described rasa as a pressure cooker of dispatch or covering all the latest developments with correspondence. stephanie decker is in jordan, this capital oman island fisheries in washington, dc. but we'll begin with terry capitalism, who's in raw fi, southern gaza tarik, to remind our viewers, they are to main aid entrees to get 8 into gaza. and that's rough off course, and kind of my boost holland crossing which he's released. i've also close because of what they see a security reasons. what impact is that having on the ground or on what is already
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a desperate to monetary and situation in gospel. now, generally fully off to the east, very operational control of the post boat. as we're talking about the roof karma solomon crushing which were the 2 main points from which the vast majority of 8 supplies were flowing into the vast majority of palestinians here in the south. and even for those who are in the north, off to these humanitarian talks being inspected by the use, very military now with the expansion of the operations to reach through such mentioned areas. now there is a full suspension of age flow to the gaza strip while and age of sion side. there are still hundreds of humanitarian trucks aust, station and lined up long quiz waiting to this kind of operation to bring to an end . but yet this a suspension and disclosure job board is then crossing will negatively bring negative consequences on terms of the humanitarian level. as part of citizens are
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no longer receiving aids in the south. so from such areas now you on runs the facilities, have been with distributing a to from the warehouse as it seems that as soon as these warehouses will completely run out, palestinians will no longer will be able to receive humanitarian supplies, which will in to force them to flee from rough off a thing to other, other areas of the gaza strip, at least to get a very partial access to these sites. so relatively right now the situation is because you're racing as palestinians have been, stay exact within the expansion of the fighting to other parts of the gaza strip and even to run this trick dissertation will hit the worst records of that means that there is going to be more repercussions about most signs of famine that will definitely wouldn't known within the coming days. thank you very much. sorry for bringing us late to say from a rafa in 7 guys. a israel, a seizure of the roof of border crossing has raised concerns that will raise cash
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supplies will be for the pages. as you heard, the profit crossing has been crucial for those desperately needing humanitarian aid inside gaza. since these are as ami cosy kind of beside them crossing is located where the borders of egypt casa, and israel meet more than 800 trucks a day entered through the 2 crossings before israel is warmed. guys began, now nothing is getting through the u. n. c. 92 and a phase office says it is a terrible situation. currently, the 2 main arteries, forgetting aid into gaza, is hardly choked off. indeed, this morning is one of the darkest in this 7 months now mike, man joining us mount on and use our as dr. nick main on tuesday, consultants surgeon at oxford university hospitals in the u. k. he left casa on monday. after spending 2 weeks working at zach's, the hospital doctor may not thank you so much for joining us from cairo. as we've
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been saying, ralph had been the only crossing and guys are not controlled by his route to which much needed monetary and aid went to. but also from where injured and sick people were transported out of the gaza strip. what impact do you see the culture of this crossing, having on the people of golf? a devastating impact its its stopping boy. she monetary and age coming in both in terms of age, but also in terms of humanitarian personnel, doctors, nurses of the health k work, cuz they call coming. now this being a steady stream of medical evacuation, patients being moved out, fall to few, but nevertheless some still going people who are desperately 2nd need treatment, the call to provide and goals. and they will no longer be able to guess out. so this will have a, a truly devastating impact. yeah, you left guys that doctor may not on monday. what did you see in rough uh before
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you were able to leave? um we so we drove through the rough uh in the morning yesterday to get to the crossing and i know russell will not be in that monday occasions and i've never seen it quite like this. the tension levels are extremely high. there were people rapidly trying to evacuate to get towards the west to almo. oh, i see. they were woking with lice belongings. they were driving some of them, some of their own costs with don't cuz they were leaving their shelters. the bed making shift tends to, which said already being displaced and some of them several times. so it was a very distressing sight to see them and leaving so urgent they yeah. and as we go both to the cross close to the crossing, we started hearing the um, the bones going off very close to the crossing and the calls that escalated over
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the course of the day. yeah. people who have to see multiple times already now being told to, to head over to all my wasi. i know you've also visited that area. what can you tell us about the conditions in on the last? uh well, uh i, i know. well no, i see where i stayed. uh, in a residence when i was in garza 3 months ago over christmas new. yeah. and of course away this time i was living and i like saw spittle. we drove through l. no, i see to get them back at the beginning of the end of the trip. and the difference between the 2 times up being that was really very dramatic. bonaza at christmas new yet it was largely empty. there was some people living there in, tends and shelters. but now it's actually the pact with people who, being displaced from middle gauze and from the knolls album, i see it's a fairly narrow area. it's consist of a beach long, long beach, a road and then
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a lot of wasteland. and all of it is now covered by makeshift tens of thousands of people living that. and i can also imagine how tough a 1000000 released and goes i left late in the middle of the hall from the old rafa being able to move that document. and you said you spent 2 weeks at a lock, so hospital can you tell us about the situation there and what you saw in that particular house setting and the situation at either healthcare facilities in the gaza strip as you know? yeah, i mean what it says functioning still, partly i wouldn't say any hospitals functioning normally, but it's managing to treat patients. we had. busy a few uh, immediately urgent trolls of items coming in during these last 2 weeks compared to when i was there at the christmas and new. yeah. because that a relative a few up all means but we, sol, upholding consequences of malnutrition in the surgical patients. and these are
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patients who already had surgery for the for explosive injuries. and because of the file nutrition, we found them developing a pulling infectious complications. so we had to do multiple operations throughout the state, dealing with the direct consequences of malnutrition and infections. and we've heard doctor, may not that hospitals and guys, uh, operating on a quota system for, for drunk supplies. so medical supplies, if you know the medical aid doesn't get in because of the closure of the roster crossing and kind of my bu, charlotte, and how long can these health care facilities continue to operate? i mean, we sold us a call so cheapest the evidence that we learned from northern goals. it was a matter of a few weeks of the most that gotten no, no backups supplies. we were running very short on the g o,
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the equipment and supplies. we were using that, so that little rack that they run outside of it and that's but the a gets in that is difficult to see how they can continue to function for mold in a few weeks at the very most talk to me not thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us about the situation in guys a body of experience the dr. nick may not joining us. they have from kyra. we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you very much. indeed. of all the movements in vasa are happening in the backdrop of see sign, negotiations being broken by ca, time, egypt. israel has reportedly sent a delegation to cairo for the latest cease fire talks. leslie in stephanie deca, who is the lie from a mine in jordan. so these are these have this delegation in cairo, a mid level delegation. we understand stephanie told us about the efforts now that are being made to build some sort of agreement and is daniel menton. and i think
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are there tough times in there? tough talks for sure. but the fact that these rarities are now in karo that they have sent a delegation means that any potential deal is not fully off the table. um the head of the c i a is back in cairo. he was, of course, there over the weekend with how my so then he went to call thought. so a lot of shuttle diplomacy by the americans can see how important this is towards the americans. even yesterday, how mass was saying that they had almost personal guarantees from the west president saying that they would ensure that this deal would be held to account, particularly on these really side. so we're going to have to wait and see it's very, very difficult points because both sides are so opposed to both sides. there is no trust. so you've just actually, we've had a statement from him asked the spokes person saying that a 772 year old female is really captive, has been killed in is really shutting. of course, we don't have come from how we can independently confirmed that,
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but this is something that the majority of these really public has been incredibly concerned about a they say that if israel goes inside alpha, uh that they don't believe that any of the captives, the remaining captives that are alive, let say, because that's also not confirmed how many will come out alive. and this lady reading between the lines would probably been part of the 1st deal because the 1st deal includes only tremendous terry, and which is over 50 years of age. women and the sick on the elderly. so there are any out of these difficult points of the 1st phase. and as we've been reporting, there's a 2nd and 3rd phase. and the 2nd phase includes men, the men deemed to soldiers by how my so very complicated talk. still funny, i think we're going to have to wait and see cutting through all the speculation. what is going to come out? probably over the next couple of days, but yes is role. so now pushing in on the ground, i mean seeing tanks and then i'll fall on the board or with egypt is, is certainly something quite extraordinary. netanyahu clearly trying to appease
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both sides thresher in his right wing government that keeps his political career life on the americans that are saying you need to make a deal. so they're pushing into alpha. but they've sent a negotiating team to continue talks. and, and stephanie, we're hearing just now from these really prime minister, who says that, how mosse is proposal falls far short of israel's essential demands. and he's also saying that seizing the crossing and vasa is a very significant step towards the destruction of the remaining military capabilities. of, of how mos, uh what, so we to make of the statements briefly please. a israel has always said they wanted to control the egyptian border area. the pa, this thing inside phone number off off because they're concerned about movement across the border that concerned about the tunnel system. of course there was a, there was a, a, a lower gauze as one journalist recently put it in these really media, a city under a city where of course, that off of particularly these radius believe yes, yes,
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in war classes leader is operating from they believe many of the captives are in the fall, which is why netanyahu has made it's such a high point for him going into the far as like the final push of this more of his war that he needs this victory. because of course, he's doing anything to maintain his political survival, but i think extraordinary certainly that you're seeing them because what they've done now fully just briefly is cut out any supplies. you've mentioned there, a going in the field goes into rafa. people have been managing to get out from it all 5, they can get the thousands and thousands of dollars together that they need to pay to get out. so you have it off for now completely. i'm sorry. golf is a completely blocked and interesting. we were hearing reports of that that p or that the americans have been building on the middle to bring aiden from the see is going to be operational very soon as soon as the next couple of days. so, you know, everything is very murky. nothing is as it seems when it comes to politics by day unless you have cause a contained is, are all control controlling all the ins and outs and a potentially coming in from the see the teacher. stephanie will leave it there for
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now. thank you very much. stephanie decker reporting, a lie from amman. and a reminder that we are reporting from outside israel from amman, because are these are the cabinet has a band, which is 0 from reporting from israel. now let's head to washington, d. c. and island fisher. a correspondent there at the white house. so out in the u . s. had repeatedly insisted that how mosque was the sole obstacle to a cease fire, but now it's israel that's rejected the proposal. what's the reaction in washington? well obviously this is just breaking, so we're not getting any farm reaction, but you'll remember that joe biden had said at that he thought the deal that was on the table was very generous. and how much should, except that the fact that israel has never rejected, it will not please the americans. joe biden is trying desperately hard to thread the needle here on one hand, he wants to cnn to the war because it's destructive and also for domestic reasons. but he also wants to make sure that he supports israel,
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that will be some concern to the benjamin netanyahu promised that there be more a going into guys or through cutting him up to sell him. and benjamin netanyahu, you said yesterday that that would reopen on monday, and here it's been closed. and not only that, the rafa closing is now the crossing is now closed as well. a job item describe any operation in guys, a in rafa as a red line. they don't say that the operation that's being carried out at the moment, crosses that red line. they think it is more targeted, much smaller scale than a mass of although to tack on rafa. but clearly if that were to happen, then there could be a rep precautions for the support that israel received from the united states. it's a very difficult a wire to walk for joe biden to keep both sides on site and try to deliver some sort of see slide a deal, and the price of it is due to speak a little later this tuesday. i understand, alan, what can we expect? i mean, this is happening as protest across the university campuses in the us against the
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war and guys a continue. what can we expect from the president this time? that site is on his way to capitol hill is due to speak in about 10 minutes at a whole the cost memorial day event the he's obviously going to talk about the. busy the cost on the 6000000 jews and the other people who were killed by i don't hitler's nazi germany of that. but he will draw parallels to what happens in october. the 7th. and how does that there's also traumatized. the jewish people is going to reference the protests that we've seen explode across campuses in the united states, demanding an end to what is happening. and guys, of course, many people blame joe biden for helping to fuel a israel's going, going military operation. and we've had several chance of genocide, joe, and he will condemn anti semitism. and very clear to him saying is simply not acceptable in any way. and in any, for many americans to be back to,
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will he speak about these really a response to how much is acceptance of the piece? still highly unlikely. he tends to be very disciplined and stick on message. but perhaps we can expect something from the administration in the coming hours. hollan . thank you very much. alan fish alive for say in washington, dc. for for more on the latest is really actions and are implications. let's now speak to allan leo who is the former director general of israel's ministry of foreign affairs, is joining us from tennessee. mister neal, thank you so much for being with us. what do you mean with quite a confusing situation here and conflicting actions coming from these really government? it was assumed that whatever washington accepts will be translated into an is really endorsement. and here we are. these really is rejecting the stage of c type proposal, even though the americans were in, on the negotiations prior blinking of the us secretary of save, even praise what he called is wells extraordinarily generous offer. why hasn't it
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worked out? yeah, as i say is riley's and they say government see this a come off. so all the acceptance is they come off of the notice in the north american best deal. but is that how much older and that is gonna be accept that and then there will be no d along these guidelines. and the she wants to go to discuss the for the and the buy board number because the building makes messages. see if the americans knew or didn't know, it's not clear about the, especially such as a what the americans must have informed these really government about what was being negotiated even, you know, even if they weren't away and okay. yeah,
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it specially today the hold on because they, there is no way. right. you guys can brush on a swim and by that is going to that message that speech. no, because they so the feeling here that the reason why it's not accepting the guns we know for the boss and different people on such a day. and they leave me an american negative reaction. people go there in the future is wrong. but i can tell you that the one bed rama going down the install. dropbox is the by the easily body there is the new is was strategy way one on rock. well, we have one to to really this house. yes. we see the just went so far but, but i mean military on this,
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i've said that going into rafael's, not necessarily going to achieve these goals, that israel has said, you talk about going into profit, but also sending negotiators to cairo for these latest the, these 5 talks, i mean, what's, what's going on here? what, what is the mandate of these negotiators and what needs to happen to make the ceasefire agreement except acceptable to these really government? i see the speed it is here, is that the military pressure in roswell can help and i will share those. they easily negotiate. does change the teams and get the team that these what can we do as long as well as the regime rock. but we're going to do, but the military operation in rock missing the truck is only going to impact and hurt the millions of palestinian civilians. so we're told by these relays to, to seek safety and shelter in rock by. and we're now being told to move,
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how do you weigh and how do you measure success in rasa when the population, the civilian population is the one going to be impacted by these are the operations we've already seen. thousands of people killed since yesterday. yeah, i'm the person, i don't know a good day from the results on the left and i don't know how many casualties we'd be involved in. i understand that we're ready go to be placed on the side. so i cannot tell you anything about the of the sheet, but i can do for you from the international. how does that go? is what is going wrong in the day the price would be big in the national, a dvd, but these are these really the miscellaneous vision. but is there a clear vision to day or thea route for israel to end this for you
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know that he is the is the, is what we know and the more and there will be no need in the region to release foster just for a boma ceasefire. any belmont, andy, although i think we, i think everybody just forget about it is really government is not strong enough to, to fund such as the full if the funds, if you find a subsidy. so i mean the agree to the n d a. we're not to bring about the d. s. so what is the meaning for change in the wording of the exist small, there's almost a week to we might see of the okay,
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we see. but here's one it was i think the finding in the next few days when. okay, mr. leo, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us all and be a former director general of israel's ministry of foreign affairs. joining us there from tennessee, basically. now as we mentioned, the united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez, has appeared for an end to the blood, shedding guys, a christian slow me is live from you in headquarters in new york, a brief remarks earlier from the un secretary general. tell us more about what he had to say and who his message was intended for. yes, the secretary general made his 3rd statement and less than 24 hours reflecting the urgency of the situation of calling for a cease fire and warning of a quote human catastrophe. should a ground invasion, inter, rasa, and sue. he use some of the strongest language yet noting that even the best
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friends of israel have come out against the ground invasion and called for a cease fire. he said it a ground invasion would be a strategic mistake. and a political calamity and a humanitarian nightmare with repercussions beyond the west bank and gaza. so we're hearing height and language from the united nations, which has refused to help with any evaluation efforts from rafa. noting that, excuse me, that there is concern about trying to move people on mass uh, given the likelihood of unexploded ordinances in the area that they would come in contact with. and also that there is no safe place for people to relocate to the united nations has pointed out that 3 quarters of gaza are, is under an evacuation order. and the places that they're being directed to are already overcrowded and under served with basic necessities like food,
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water and sanitation. so what we're getting from this is a reminder from the secretary general about the obligations of israel under international law. should it try to move in there and a call to a, specifically those with influence on israel. he said that specifically in his remarks, those with influence on israel to do what they can to bring about a ceasefire. given these dire situations, we do know that the security council is meeting on the middle east later today behind closed doors, whether or not they will answer that call and issue a statement still remains to be same christian, thank you very much. christian salumi lives there at the united nations. still i had on this news, our beloved team here, the village community age 40 and rushes president makes another entry. it says save time and the job and in sports. and just the united stuff for the heavier
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season. because some of the, the extensive news where the flooding in southeast, in brazil is still with us. this was both a luxury before it happened already. the water was brian. and then that was a boost it's banks and how was a city makes effectively using ghost as of it very badly. this is because the amount of rain that fell up stream as well as over this profit because of itself. so the airport 9 both are leg ray is flooded, both outside and inside is probably gonna be closed for another month. the shelves are on site, if not, this is a seasonally normal setup. so you do get to see big channels around the river plate . you to go out in the fall, se because though they are not normally as vicious as the ones we saw earlier,
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and these probably will be the best deal that there is a gap. it's still pretty healthy. many places, particularly believe you, but there are few showers around the seasonal range and then, and also brazil. back through to ecuador and colombia, and then there's been around her persistence of sherry, right. and sometimes sundry stuff in puerto rico leave without actually with techs and k costs, espanol and cuba is fine, falls, we'll fish stay in there right now. so some funding has been observed in could, that will be repeated us in the us. the familiar code would increase dustin and the rock is, is blog offerings and told them planes therefore more risk of big thunderstorms in the midwest. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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in watching the news are on algae 0. reminder of, i mean stories. israel is military has seized and close off the policy inside of the vasa border crossing. it's a vital entry points between gas. i know each of tell is used to transport humanitarian supplies into the streets. the un secretary general and tony of the terror says both sides must spare no effort in reaching a society the in gaza. he warned at full scale assault on ross, how would cause a human catastrophe? and israel's foreign minister has just released a video of messages just moments ago saying i'm off this proposal for sci fi, a falls short of israel cement. it's an elantra. israel will not allow her moss, to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to israel, security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our
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demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities called about the having use now in millions of people have cast their ballots in india is 3rd of a 7 face general election. it took place in 11 states and union territories. indian government has failed to give visa, so i'll just, there's correspondence to cover this story. let me close. i'm sure a fastenal in from 3 of india, 7 phase general elections from invest in the range of movie cost is valid. and his home state of goods, or nearly 300 parliamentary constituencies have now bolted for the representatives . that's modem, hospital to the governing b, g
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b fee did most candidates in the slightest phase in 2019 the body swept the region, leading a big jump deal thoughts. the selection movie is seeking a set time is very low this year in a way is a festival of democracy in india and around the world and is developed whatever good things have all in the will in it to the control system. and i believe the election commission does is a lot of praise for this, but the election commission is being criticized for failing to act against hate speech. ahead of the 3rd phase, the bgp in canada shed the 17 2nd animated video on social media. it shows opposition lead to a wrong, we've got the dispute. the federal funds to muslims. the election commission has now ordered x to remove the video after complaint by the congress earlier, multi respite to muslims, as in to try to get
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a new campaigned riley job. and i think somebody got by the in response to kill a unit of the congress body, shed a screenshot of an online order for a human backbone. saying the election commission needed to toughen up and act against the prime minister. and his spotty means if you decide to do a psychological line game by basically giving the planet and call it a $400.00 plus seats and opposition did that. it's all tasks on 400 saying that that's why the need these many seats a big come with this kind of group majority data going to make fun of them and go changes to the constitution and to a society. this is basically and if it's the full evaluation and voting booth, it seems what's on the minds of voters is fall from the rhetoric of politicians. many say they want the government to tackle unemployment and the rising cost of living or the cut out. but yeah, the situation is very bad. it's almost like industries are shutting down. the
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government has provided no benefits, there should be changed. that's what i want. man, i did. the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work. children are roaming around, aimless, and jobless. nothing. the next phase of elections will take place on may. the 13th, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week period. the results are expected on june, 4th, and many hope the outcome may bring more employment and reduce the cost of living. and the consumption grief. i'll just see how or from on india's elections when i joined by k lash at ikari, who's the managing director of governance now a news magazine. he's joining us from coke out there. thank you very much for your time clash 3rd phase of voting and turn out a nice for spaces has been lower than expected, certainly lower than it was in 2019 to what do you attribute this to? you know,
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i believe that the people of india and the waters are quite happy with the kind of love that has been done by the central government and the party involved with the part of the agent. the party, which has been in follow for the last 10 years, you should look at their kind of schemes that the central government or india as well as a buyer's agent. the party has implemented it as long as i did in quite a public run ship. as well as to ship and i'm asking you about the no more to turn out what, why has they've been know about to turn out? if all these things you you say has been achieved, the knowledge actually happens if you try being get elections of the amount actually happens. but you see the same government on leave under people are not happy under the beginning of the democracy. the change of government has been double the increases, that is one of the products. now the 2nd lee is also getting the spacing a mass of heat treat. i mean, the temperatures of more than 40 degrees and most of the dong incentives. so that is a hard that is also a one of the reasons why that would be reason for a lower to turn out. but no, no, no minorities,
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better but do or can be granted to isn't meant that most people don't want to turn on can actually be attributed to if one wants to the fact that people are unhappy with the government, they don't want to change the code. right, but some of some in the most name communities the of india would probably disagree with you and say that perhaps the on time mostly, and rhetoric that we've heard from the b j. p in the lead up to the selection in even from from mr. moore to himself, who, you know, described so made comments during the campaign that were described as the wrong tre . towards most enlightening them to infield traders. he accused the opposition of a seeking to new wealth from hindus to reduce attributed to muslims, was named seeing in india certainly will not be happy with what you described as the achievements of this government a little that just be on this a. so somebody else in the that just being run by. busy and select media from me
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and guess what? i think semester media, nowhere did prime minister movie supposed spoke about when you spoke about in some state as he spoke about this. and he didn't speak about most of the student body as well as the prime minister and the whole minister time. and again, i read, do they did that. india is as much as far hindus as it is for most them, 6 christians, policies, and all the religions will be for media. when that is well done for the public, funded or disposed of, an infrastructure work is done. when financial an inclusion is done, when did you? did india about done bring back some issues, but how does they need to follow all the communities across india? these achievements you talk about the documents that i'm talking about is for all the communities. as i said, if i do this, or if, if vaccination is done, but it, there is no discrimination on the basis of in the sense that we have to find a ride in a title, for example, against muslim communities in some indian face. what, how do you explain that? i mean, you know, this has been just selected,
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selected and said each it by certain media and even even during the congress. so there was something uh, atrocities done against the minority community. but that does not mean those are some local incidents that the law are not doing on that particular state or the law, not at all the center comes into force and seems to be that just didn't happen. but that does not mean that it would be made into an idea that the government is against most them. that is not the case. i don't. okay. can i ask you, i mean, the beach i p is expected to win these elections, but do you think it's been a level playing field? mostly developing sling feet. i mean, all the bodies that lead the campaign, the for the mom of the go as late are but election mission and, and several years that are happen. i don't see biology because the opposition has been a complaint against the chronic down against them during the campaign. no big donors, i should have been seen only to own these few ministers for be facing somebody to be investigated regency because they have done wrong. and it's out in the public, there is evidence that's on the, the, the internal position or a bunch of other unformed n i,
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n d i e alliance. they are all competing and the other always happening. but they're all might, i don't see that there, there is no level blinking. there's absolutely let me think be all right, some of the opposition, of course would disagree with that. what do you see it a as a major issues this time because security has not resonated as much compared to the election in 2019. when you know, with the prime minister, then talked very tough on security after the a tackle on the military and kashmir. what are the main issues? motivating indian bolt is today. i mean, are there like you said the mazda 2014, the 15 for the b j. b, and the federal government has a mean to them all the facts of anybody for the public. what did egypt be is trying to push now i had is above the development agenda, the project duty that india has seen in terms of you deeply the project to be getting guys seen in terms of the and died economic muscles that you guys projected itself on the model of the globe i, i believe that the windows are looking at the. ready things that that is rising
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employment at the same time between secure ok. thank you very much for talking to is we're going to leave it there. thank you for your time. that is kayla push id, a car, a managing director of governance now and use magazine in india. and a reminder, once again that i'll just say or during this, we're not granted visas by the indian government to cover this election. so we're doing it from our side of india. moving on and rushes, president vladimir putin has been evaluated in the holds up to come in for a 6 term. he's led russia since 1999, including a 4 year term is prime minister between one a landslide victory and elections in march. but any serious political opponents were bod, from running on technical grounds, was west and officials fully caught of the ceremony. expect except for from susan bassett, ukraine states security services. it's foiled, an assassination attempt on president for me is lensky and how the top military and
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political figures. ukraine says it has the teen to ukrainian security officials. it says, withdrawing to kills lensky. it accuses russia, spike agency of being behind the plan. ukraine says it's for the east, 10 to tennis with oscillate, the president, since russia invaded in 2022. not too busy a way of volunteers across the country at helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety following storms and flooding in the southern state of rio grande to so at least 85 people have been killed. and a lot in america to tennessee and human reports, water levels in port to allegra. one of the countries main cities still rising. no one knows how many people are still missing in this fledging landscape. the cost in life and property possible to calculate right now. on this highway buses collect
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thousands of people who been left homeless by the floods divorced in memory. the voltage over 2, cuz i have nothing left except my adults. i think mankind cost is by destroying the balance of nature. sort of the school, the police officer in charge has slipped for david said, all those, all these people here were rescued today. they have no homes and almost around this is just one place, but there are 20 more like it nearby. but it's dark and dangerous sick from what people now were by the main road that leads at the board. so i legged, it's only about 20 kilometers from here, but it's impossible to actually get in. the roads are flooded. they are, they are packed also with people trying to also get in will become stuck. and you see here, people everywhere on the road waiting for help to arrive 900000 people had been directly impacted by the floods. and the city is now under strict water rationing. the majority of its treatment plants are under water. the airport
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is flooded. getting in and out of bookstore lately, which is a city of around 4 and a half 1000000 people has become almost impossible. this makes moving emergency services to where they are desperately needed, painfully slow. police and army units are over wells. now that the rain has stopped, lucy has begun thought the o problem. resilience from all over this vast country, ascending aid and pitching in to help the rescue effort. only the 1st stage of a catastrophe that is still unfolding. celia newman, al jazeera, quarterly, the brazil stella head on an use our, the best of the action from bnb payoff that's coming up in sports with the to next stage.
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the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the sports his teacher. probably thank you very much, but then the nuggets need to turn things around fost if they have to stay in with the chance of defending the it'd be a typo. that would be some again, but the minnesota timber was in the western conference in finals called anthony towns and anthony edwards boats. whole 27 points folder to the ones who are paying away from home. but right away with a 2 in one under the 686 victories in a row for minnesota in the playoffs, they need to nothing in the base the statement they weren't in our favor to night, man, i thought i was, we made shots they did as defend champs over there,
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so they're not going to come out of play like that again and game 3, we gotta be ready to take their punch. there was a, by catching moments over in the eastern conference, sammy's, or if you, the how important stretches this faces lead. i say hard and sign made this long range of positive beats of the new york mix against the indiana pacers. and then what about this done from the paces will be $12.00. he's names for the real. so with jaylen from city schools to see 3 for the next. becoming just the full stay with full straight 40 point games in the post season. along with michael jordan, jerry west and then a king. the next lead one, nothing in the series. power send you an hey to coach and to be seen re k is sounding very confident as he sign prepays to face bruce the adult events in the 2nd leg of the champions league semi finals on tuesday. the french champions may be one, no doubt on aggregate,
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but enrique in such 15 when the time pc also has 2 of between one goal deficit to be buffalo and in the quarter finals, didn't above. and these teammates go in search of a 2nd champion for the final, having lost the title, decided to bind munich 4 years ago. it is only the exam for us as we will when is the only sentence i know how to say in french and seeing as i like this sentence. i always think that might seem a wind. of course we will win for sure. don't hesitate to coach it didn't says it should say as a sides, disappointing lead campaign counts for nothing as they are going to reach. they faced the champions we finally live in use the sites that fucked in the gym and buddhist vega and look fitful. they were just finishing 9 years. we are ready to win games. this assumption that'd be show at the season doesn't matter at home or away from home. the only thing that we didn't show this season is that we are ready to win every game. and this is the reason why we have struggling independently got but also the reason why we have sitting here and, and,
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and talking in front of us and we find manchester united or on coal. so they worst premier league season ever of the suffering. yes. another defeat with 10 1st team plans out in june. they went down to no live crystal palace. yes. so one of the things like sit at old trafford in september it's united. it'd be a loss of the season, and they find it in 3 most old valid, proceeded move, and ever in any previous campaign, with just 3 games list, everything has seen of school outside the european places they face fit should now be winning the intake of final against men city, which would get them a spot in the rope and league. you know, as i have so far lost 13 times already more than any other premium. the season. they've never finished below 7th, but currently cit, eights. 81 goals come see it. it's so full in all competitions is the most since the $197677.00 in the season. and they're on track to finish with
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a negative goal difference for the 1st time and for the full use. they are currently on minus 3 very disappointing. in the performing definitely, both the feet of you should have done better. so i know with many things to watch, the performance was not correct. i'm making big mistakes. i'm not following say the plan in the script and the rules. we have nothing. i'm far as the stuff that blowing the premium e g, a relegation 5 to time has been unsuccessful in its appeal. so i have a 2 and a 4 point deduction for breaching the legs financial rules. despite that, they do still have they face in their own hands. first kind of piece of 3 points above the drop zone with 2 matches to go. oh hey, allow me just one point from the remaining full games to change the saudi protein title. that's a fight back to beats, a fleet to one. you may latest match. alexander mitchell beach headed in the
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holiday long equalizing the 2nd health. how about this for the winter present in food? no, to me running from inside. he's out and off the school and make it 23 straight leave victories for a few of us building stories to bring, you know, including and use new good will champion, england's kevin wilson held up a come back by welshman. jack jones, in the fine with the crucible, eventually winning a scene frames to see if the 1st floor inside of efficiency road wilson finished one rough back in 2020. it takes them a windows check of maybe $650000.00. china have dropped the raining double and then pick table tennis champion mile long from the men's singles team for the upcoming powers games. the gold medalist from re of antonio is currently rent food in the world and stuff of the shock defeats at the cell the semester events in j to on monday. instead of china have opted for the world's top layer when to chain. i'm a current number to friend jane. don't the suspend winning. he's 2nd round matching
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saudi. on the same day he was picked for patters. so hey, tony continues to show why he's the biggest naming faithful right now. the japanese stall, hit seas for home, running 3 games for the la dodgers. this one getting any 155 meters inside the game against the miami mullins at cnc and the judges went on. so when $63.00 i, tony is the 1st phase of each 11 homeless this season. and what today from the boston bruins and h l play of brandon carlo in the morning, he was with his wife and she gave birth to a new baby son. then police of florida at school when they go that a 51 went over the pencils and puts the bruins one game up in the face to 7 play. you'll see. and that's all the school fees for the time being funny. thank you very much. be soon thank you. are now i'm in mars. military government has bind conscription, age men from leaving the country for work that says it continues to suffer losses
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in bottles with the groups. the new law was introduced last week after tens of thousands applied for visas to avoid military conscription. the thousands more, i joining on groups to oppose the june. and the 3rd special report from inside the armoire i'll just here is toni chang met some of those who drive a fight the june to enjoin it, strikes and see through to the factory price points. his charges commit him positions for the moment, however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles aren't real to new recruits. but they have no doubts about what the training for if i have to. yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry daughter, but if i have to so i think i would do that if i choose to clear the feedback that's on uh does not because of the hate of the so job. so i focused to,
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i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully to military sponsor planes that drilled on an open that parade ground. put through the paces in the baking heat, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came as the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces, then raw the fight against the military genta, enjoying the rings. the military has been showing all its new come scripts to mount seem to the beach. if a bra spend. but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill the ranks to the home phones. the fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast
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with stores from new recruits. we say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some, the general who friedman m. uh, from british rule, the, the actors who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the base, forced conscription makes resistant force is stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more youth joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony king, l 20, eastern man. and in his final report from eastern myanmar, tony chang looks at the people's defense force,
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the pdf and the fighters who are taking on the agenda. and that is it for this muse, our but to stay with us on algae 0 have come to my wife who is coming up after the show for the why have american evangelicals become, is real strong. this background is us president. you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis for the so comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said residency fail us selling and testing with him down as we speak. and they say the speed, this is a has the right to google every was know,
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we're getting each don't finish and know the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes, nothing you on whose success it may be better, maybe was but it's the one has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra i'm counting the calls protests in the us developers, universities divest them israel, how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for picked on to the american market? kind of thing. the costs pulled out just a rough one day. i might be covering politics ready to run the next post to think from serbia into a hungry. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can be the headlines and the most human way possible. hear it as a 0. we believe everyone has
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a story worth hearing. the challenges with the he's ready turn state control of the roof of border crossing, cutting off a supplies into guys that a day off to ordering. college seems to be evacuated from the area. the say you're watching, how does your life from to have been for the back. so also ahead casualties mountain vasa, israel rom subs, said todd from some attacks across the southern, gaza,
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where 1500000 palestinians are sheltering spending. the next houses the seaside proposal have mice has agreed to fall short. all these routes demands that the


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