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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the challenges with the he's ready time state control of the ross of border crossing, cutting off a supplies into guys that a day off to ordering palace seems to be evacuated from the area the so you're watching, how does your life from to have it been for the back to also ahead casualties. mounting boffa is around such a time. ramos have attacked across the southern gaza with 1500000 palestinians are
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sheltering. any nephew houses the c siber proposal, how much has agreed to fall short of all these routes? demands that the prime minister says you're still sending a delegation to tom seemed kind of thought i saw on the program on unfolding disaster in brazil, some desperate victims of slides of taking the law into their own house. is there any military forces of taking control of the policy? the inside of the rasa border crossing between gas i in egypt is the main road for humanitarian supplies. egypt is condemning the move saying israel's actions in rafa aust threatening efforts towards reaching a permanent ceasefire as well as non blocking the main entree, bringing aid into the strip where many people already experiencing full blown
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timing honey, my motive begins coverage fully our doctor, her mazda acceptance of us, these fire proposal is really times rolled into rough. this military video shows the concrete border wall that separates the city from egypt. the crossing here has been, does a lifeline for international aids that's been a trickling. and since the start of the war with is ro controlling what goes in and out of the tanks. advance is really we're playing hidden homes of during the night and into the morning is real safe. it's bombing of gaza is limited. the rafa crossing is now under control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed for the movement of goods and people in both directions this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now, mike met more than a dozens of people killed and lives down to 24 hours. makes shift tens like this
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one are. all doctors have to work with israel's war cabinet on their prime minister . benjamin netanyahu voted unanimously to continual military operations and drop off and have issued more orders for palestinians, east of the city to leave the areas. it has heavily bombed before very decisions that have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action and rough china and france, both permanent members of the un security council, the latest to join those calls. the ones chief also stressed. a rough assault would be a humanitarian nightmare urging both sides to spare. no effort in getting a deal done in which we see enough. evan civilian suffered enough, death and destruction. to make no mistake. a full scale assault on vasa would be a human catastrophe. and that your higher representative just a bar,
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i'll have this to say the offensive again, drop. i stopped at the game despite all, did a request of an international community to us. we will be a new member to stage every body ask you and it's on your own not to attack rafa. in spite disease warning and easily flash through the attackers started yesterday night is your has also raised it's objections to israel bombing right on its border . and the u. n. warrens that it only has enough feed for god at the last one day as it too has been banned from getting through the rough crossing honeymoon mode. rough, uh, southern gaza, palestine or what covering all the latest developments with stephanie deca and jordan, this capital i'm on alan fish in washington dc. but we begin with terry capitalism and ra $57.00 guys at tarik. so they are, as we know, to main aid entrees. to get aiden to, to guys that is wafaa and kind of my boss on him,
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which he's really have close because of what they say are security reasons. what impact is that having on the ground, on, on what is already a desperate humanitarian situation for the people of costs will fully uh, they usually step that to present to them expanding the fighting to rough district, including the alone for the area with egypt has proved i didn't get to repercussions on that, you meant it, tabby and relief efforts and response being made by human to terry and organizations. as we, everyone knows that the vast majority of age that are getting into the gaza strip are getting through roughly and come up with sound them increasing as post fluid as because it it to be the lifelines for the vast majority of those people here in gauze. and out with the flow, just these photos as these still now these are the military tongues are still present. there are still existing and there are still a station inside the crossing as a, as an aerial bottles now and as the aerial operations,
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people here in this house did not receive any kind of a humanitarian supplies. today where the w edge of has been saying that the entire invasion of rough behind a decent step that has been taken by a spread will definitely bring a general, accessed the patient of the humanitarian situation. people who had been on on, on the wide military bombardment and now with the suspension of a delivery. so the gaza strip the situation. we'll get your rate deteriorate more. we gladly remember how long talk from these well, the military to allow for 8 supplies deliveries to the gaza strip and now they have again closed. the vast majority of those photos as people are right now only are depending on the food supplies that are not right now, a found in the warehouses of the united nation, a distributing centers. so clearly as long as these operations on the ground will continue, the more difficult will be is the, the amount of cherry a situation as move signs. busy a loss has been, have been rising,
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have risen within the past couple of hours regarding further kinds of casualties among civilians. we're talking about 25 pounds of sunny has been killed since the hours of this morning, and this is unprecedented number in terms of the desktop in a rougher and people expect that the worst is yet to come. if the is really mandatory with personal in the head with their military offensive as more international pressure being exhausted on the east valley, on the 1st week to allow for further flow over humanitarian supplies by those to vote. is that what place and secondly is about the suspension of death ration is on the ground to agree to the proposal being pro, to the table by region on the data is in order to bring the fighting when the territory that has abrupt it since october, the 7th, terry, thank you very make sure the update that sounds easier is terry capitalism reporting that live from a rafa in southern gaza. well, the vincent proffer on folding against the backdrop of see sign. it goes to asians
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being broken by kata, and egypt, israel's prime minister, has released the video message shaking him off. this proposal for short of israel estimates. it's an elantra, it's real will not allow him us to return to root in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue the project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. let's bring in stephanie decker and i'm on jordan for stephanie. what are we to make of these latest comments from these really prime minister engagement in negotiations in cairo, but also movement on the ground? and rafa is this more about domestic considerations in israel. he
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certainly trying to satisfy the 2 sides of pressure on him. funny, just briefly to explain to you why we're reporting on his really politics from a mine. our office has been closed after that. is there any government decision? they came and not rated our office 2 days ago, our workspace confiscating our equipment. so we could no longer report from there. that's why i'm told you from our a, from a man. um, yes, i think uh he is absolutely paying 22 sides. one. he sent that negotiating team to cargo to please the americans were putting an incredible amount of pressure on him to get this ceasefire signed. remember, this is fine and she was counted by anthony blinking as being a generous concession from these rays. that masses are accepted, which is exactly what they want to know. israel is having issues and he's going into a fight. another thing that an engineer who said there was that seizing the pa, this thing inside of that off foot board. it was crucial for bringing down how masses military capabilities he also said that also was very important to bring back the captives alive. but ironically, we've just had
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a statement from how massive spokesperson saying that one of the top to is a 70 year old women was killed according to the spokes person and is really shunting. we don't have independent ways of confirming that however it is part of the sentiment of the majority of these really public. that is israel goes into offer that most of the captives, whichever ones remain alive, will be facing a death sentence. there will be very to lift that need to return my lives. so we're going to have to wait and see. but yes, he is pushing on the ground and off all he's at the same time now in kyra with the delegation where he is in, but he has a team, they're negotiating. so we're going to have to wait and see funding over the next couple of days. what's going to come out of that? certainly the pressure is huge on him to get a deal, but just briefly, his rightly ministers that are key to his political survival. both of them in the last couple of hours have spoken or 20 to that me saying that that off i is essential and absolutely no deal should. but stephanie,
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thank you very much. stephanie decker, live there in amman. jordan, let's get the view and reaction out from washington dc and bringing out and fisher, who's at the white house for his island and us for us. and joe biden has just wrapped up the speech at a higher costs. remember and ceremony would see how to say, well, interestingly enough, he didn't reference what was actually going on in guys a directly, or indeed, directly the offer that has been made by have mazda sign on for i, i ceased by a deal which the white house had been describing is very generous and of course was putting pressure on him us to accept. he did say that his support for israel is iron clad. either the cab yet even when we disagree. and we know that there are concerns about the way, as well as conducting yourself operation and rough i was describe that if it is a launched, a wide ranging effort, a wide ranging military operation there, then that would be a red line for, for joe by whose white house, what is also important is he said that he and his team were walking around the
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quote to free the captives. and we know that at the head of a c i is in the middle east at the moment, and he is negotiating both with him us at the egyptians, the categories and with the is really government. there's really government of course, sending a delegation to title in the last 24 hours or so. there are many reasons why to abide and wants to see some sort of solution to what is going on. and guys, at the moment, not least, domestic political concerns, but also the i can send the rising number of casualties, which is why they have said that is this red line with the fairly operation in gaza . and they don't want to see it expand from something that is much more a target too much more focused and much more compact. yeah, and was wondering what the reaction has been to israel rejecting this latest sci fi proposal because washington has repeatedly insisted that it was a moss. that was a sole obstacle to a c spy. and,
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and just how much pressure is it putting on the us israel relationship as well? and clearly the news is just filtering through. i know his be no express view either from the white house from the state department or else weird or from people on capitol hill. it would be a consent that these really have walked away essentially from a deal that was described as very generous. but these really, instead of course, putting covey it saying that this was not the deal that they had negotiated. and there was some consent to that they were not involved in talks over the weekend. so didn't have any visibility on what was being discussed by the cottage, the egyptians, and also the united states. that we were expecting some sort of reaction from the white house, probably in the next couple of hours. when we go to the daily briefing that we get in the briefing room at the white house, and there may be more information that certainly in the last 24 hours at the united states was saying that they had no view. it was really up to these varies to make
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the decision, but as we've been saying, the pressure was and how much they accepted. we don't know exactly all the details that had been agreed, but how much they've said yet. we can sign onto this and know these values are walking away. we also know that the deep can sound that the united states as hot as like to mediate a port suggesting that offensive weapons, but his real have been delayed, not consul. nope, postponed. but just to decide, so the time being in a way that we're hoping that that would stop any fuel scale operation in rafa. and we know as well that dividing bike might have said one. but if the, if the israelis moved into rafa and there wasn't consideration for them to find a tv and then putting a wide ranging offensive would have then that could impact the support is that the united states offers to israel. but as of just happened, the last few minutes from joe biden, he says, a support for israel is i inquired,
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even when they disagree. island. thank you very much. alan fish their lives there at the white house and still had on the program. the legs, the legs that age 40 and roches president makes another entrance fits his 5th time in the job. many in his go to the polls in india as 5 minutes, no vendor modi's campaign from sub all rising rhetoric. the that was a suggestion that around the bound to see this general areas that could have been tropical soccer and developing nearly came to nothing. it does hit the giant thunder storm was anywhere from west popular but back to solar way. so you take away some of the energy from java borneo, sumatra, where it's
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a robin dry looking picture. but also as the readings move knows that i'm off on the psalms breaking out in thailand in viet nam, reducing what has recently been reco breaking the high temperatures and this persistence of that sort of summary stuff in the south west of china or whether of course is still study on the ground. most of john is now enjoying war. me sunshine, south end north with yankee, and there are a few showers still in japan. but that's also an improving picture from wednesday into says, day that these thunderstorms have come and gone for the last several weeks into hong kong, out of hong kong, and sitting here with the rest of gwen and dr. funk carnesville. across night of that, we shouldn't be an improving one is a when the easterly but maybe a large our friday. otherwise it looks fine for you. if, of course, while the humid hop on a human is generally the story around the coast of india or bangladesh or john funds store, which keeps things cooler and cold. but for the bulk of india, i mean the pakistan these goals will sunshine have heat.
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the indians with sand when he's one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box to try his destination. foreign one o one a investigates. the spot to capture can be assigned to wood king being on out 0. there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western and it needs to be questioned . this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the the welcome back,
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a reminder about time stories on al jazeera. these are in the military has seized and goes off the pot as to the inside of a rock from border crossing. it's a vital entry points between gas. i need you can use to transport humanitarian supplies into the strip the united nations secretary general antonio gutierrez says both sides or face rowe and i'm off my sphere and no acid in reaching a society in gaza. you want a full scale assault on ross. i would call as a human catastrophe. these are i was prime minister benjamin netanyahu stays from office. he signed proposal falls short of his rouse, denies. actually, ours says the army will still press the head with its offensive in rasa. in parallel to sci fi talks in cairo, a lease rouse, seizure of the roof of border crossing, has raised concerns that already sketched supplies will be further defeated. the rock, the crossing has been crucial for those desperately needing humanitarian aid inside gaza. since israel's army cosy come, i will sign him crossing is located where the borders of egypt, gaza,
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and israel meet with an 800 trucks a day entered through the 2 crossings before israel's war on gaza. now nothing is getting to see you and surrounded, tearing affairs office says it is a terrible situation. currently, the 2 main arteries, forgetting aid into gaza, is hardly choked off. indeed, this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now might map. early i spoke to doctor nick may nod, who is a consultant surgeon at oxford university hospital in the u. k. he left the guys on monday after spending 2 weeks working at zach's, the hospital in the center of this trip. he says, is there a way disclosure of crossings into the b c strip has cut off vital lifelines for nearly 1500000 palestinians. and it's stopping a humanitarian aid coming in both in terms of a but also in terms of humanitarian personnel. doctors,
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nurses of the health k work cuz they called coming. now this being a steady stream of medical evacuation, patients being moved out, fall to few, but nevertheless, some still going people who are desperately sick and need treatment. the call to provide garza and they will no longer be able to get out. so this will have a, a truly devastating impact. we drove through rough uh in the morning yesterday to get to the crossing. and i know russell will not be in there monday occasions, and i've never seen it quite like this. the tension levels were stream the high, the people rapidly trying to evacuate to get towards the west to almo, oh, i see. they were walking with a lice belongings, they were driving some of them some of their own costs with don't cuz they were leaving that shelters. but that makes shift tends towards that already being displaced some of them several times. so it was
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a very distressing sight to see them in leaving so urgently. and as we go both to the cross close to the crossing, we started hearing the um, the bones going off very close to the cross and then the calls that escalated over the course of the day. and other developments to is there any soldiers have been killed in a hezbollah drone attack? the strike launch from 711 on hit target near the northern is really kind of made tula, it was one of a series of attacks by hezbollah, there included drunkards. these really ami said it's instruct several hezbollah buildings and compounds in $711.00 off the kind of news and millions of people have cast their ballots in india is 3rd of a 7 phase general election. it took place in 11 states and union territories. the indian government has failed to give visa,
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so i'll just here as correspondence to cover the story. let me close. i'm sure a passable in from 3 of india, 7 phase general elections from invest in the range of movie cost is valid and his home state of go to the nearly $300.00 parliamentary constituencies have now bolted for the representatives. that's modem, hospital to the governing b, g b fee did most candidates in the slightest phase in 2019 the body swept the region, leading a big jump deal thoughts. the selection movie is seeking a set time is very low this year in a way is a festival of democracy in india and around the world and is developed whatever good things have all in the will in it to the control system. and i believe the election commission does is a lot of praise for this but the election commission is being criticized for
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failing to act against hate speech. ahead of the 3rd phase, the bgp in canada shed the 17 2nd animated video on social media. it shows all position liter wrong, we've got the dispute, the federal funds to muslims. the election commission has now ordered x to remove the video after complaining by the canvas, audio movie wrestler to muslims, as in to try to get a new campaigned riley job. and i think i'm already got by the in response to kill a unit of the congress body shed a screenshot of an online order for a human backbone. saying the election commission needed to toughen up an act against the prime minister and his spotty b type to do a psychological mind game by basically giving the platinum call of $400.00 plus seats and opposition did update for the tax on $400.00 saying that that's why the, within these many suits of big come with this kind of group,
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the majority data going to make fun of them and go changes to the constitution and to our society. this is basically and if it's the full evaluation and voting booths, it seems what's on the minds of voters is fall from the rhetoric of politicians. many see they want the government to tackle unemployment and the rising cost of living or the cut out. but yeah, the situation is very bad. it's almost like industries are shutting down. the government has provided no benefits, there should be changed. that's what i want. man, i did, the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work. children are roaming around, aimless, and jobless. nothing. the next phase of elections will take place on may. the 13th, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week period. the results expected during june, 4th,
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and many hope the outcome may bring more employment and reduce the cost of living and the consumption grief. as you see here, a and a reminder that ologist are during this were not granted the says by the government of india to cover the election from inside india, ukraine state security services. it's for an assassination attempt on president george misa lensky, and out of top military and political figures. he says it has pertain to ukrainian security officials. it says with funding decalle zalinski and accuses russia spies agency of being behind the plan. ukraine says it's for at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022 john home and has more from cakes for this package also that the, the national security service, if you crime yes, be, are put out quite a lot of details miss seems to have been more than one plan here. one of the plans was to kidnap and then to president brought him is a landscape. this was involving 2 tunnels who have been arrested allegedly this was
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involving them in the attempt to, uh, get on side at people in the military that were meant to be protecting credits, presidents landscape so that they could nothing and then this assassination could take place. so that was one of the plans that the russian security service b s s page was allegedly developing on the other one was also at to assess tonight the head of military intelligence carrillo, who done those in ukraine and the way that they were planned to do that involved at the members of the state uh, security service that were meant to be guarding him and also guarding of a security officials revealing the location of where he was staying. that was then going to be a real good attack. and then a drone attack to more pop, anyone that was still alive and then a miss all attack cost to that, to eradicate any trace of the driving attack. this is a little, obviously, according to the s b u,
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the national security service of you crime. and they mention the fact that these 2 colonels hit that they've arrested, they said that they had handlers from the states, russia, security service that we're trying to get the ball rolling on base. a russian president vladimir protein has been sown in for a 5th term and a lavish ceremony at the kremlin. but as the veteran leader begins a new period in office, a wide range of domestic and 4 and challenges lie ahead. dosage by reports from moscow. below a g u, a village green community age 14, a familiar path for vladimir, put on his way to st. andrews hall in the kremlin grand palace as he walks towards becoming the long, disturbing leader in russian history. for the 5th time, vladimir putin has been sworn in as the countries presidents with nearly 2500 people in attendance. but notably absence for leaders and western ambassadors. the
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russian president addressed the dignitaries and the nation with gratitude and promises on you to let them go to him. i want to go to all wood heat or buck dissipating. in the special minutes of the operation, everyone will fight for the father. like, you citizens of russia have confirmed the correctness of the country. is course. this is of great importance right now when we are faced with serious challenges on top of the agenda for the 71 year olds, former k g b officer to ensure russia survival during this promotion was time with western powers on monday, put in, signed a decree which ordered nuclear drills involving tactical weapons with russian troops base near ukraine as an order following what officials called provocative threats from western officials. regarding not ruling out sending troops to ukraine to insure russia. it does not when the war is the main challenge for what do you me
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to put in use a to my daughter it. it's not a laser, some between the restaurant and the rest of them. calisha and it is best reach are actually in the fiber to war to is association with natasha. phil support will not loose such a private war, but when another friend, ruby know, a nuclear war know look, look at this will allow me put one his latest term in office in march with the highest vote share in his political career, 88 percent in an election that had the highest voter turnout as well with nearly 78 percent of the population taken part, but with no real challenge to his reign. his victory was a foregone conclusion. photos that 6 years in office will be the most housing yet for the veteran leader on the domestic front, all opposition has been silenced or exiled. and for us, freedom is no non existence. russia is the world's most sanctioned country, but the economy has not collapse far from it. all the while western powers are threatening to send troops into crane,
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a fact which compose the biggest challenge yet, for the man that's been credited with saving the country so far. sources, avari altamira moscow volunteers from across rosella helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety following storms and flooding in the southern state of rio grande to so at least 85 people have been killed. and as i live in america to tennessee and human reports, water level was in for to our leg rate. one of the country's main cities are still rising as no one knows how many people is still missing in this flood landscape. the cost in life and property possible to calculate right now on this highway buses collect thousands of people who been left homeless by the floods, the worst in memory. all the voltage over to cuz i have nothing left except my adults. i think mankind costs these by destroying the


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