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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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on the is there any times take control of the roster, border crossing, cutting off a surprising 2 guys a day after ordering palestinians to evacuate from the the club. this is out to 0 line from doha. i'm 40 back people also coming up casualties . mounting rasa. israel from some attacks across southern guys on 1500000 palestinians are sheltering from industry. initially, i would say is a ceasefire proposal i mouse has agreed to fall short of these routes. demands, but he's still sending a delegation. detoxing protests
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against these relevant type on file will be live in harris and the, and also in the news and unfolding disaster in brazil. some desperate victims of slides are taking the law into their own. the thank you for joining us. these really military forces have taken control of the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing between guys in egypt as the main road for humanitarian supplies. egypt is condemning the most saying is there as actions involve a threatening efforts towards reaching a permanency fire. israel is not bulky, the main entree bringing aid into the strip, where many people already experiencing full blown from in. hi, my most begins coverage with this fully hours after her mazda acceptance of us.
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these fire proposal is really times rolled into rough. this military video shows the concrete border wall that separates the city from egypt. the crossing here has been, does a lifeline for international it's, that's been a trickling. and since the start of the war with is ro controlling what goes in and out of the tanks, advance is really work. planes hit the homes of during the night and into the morning is real phase. it's bombing of gaza is limited. the roof of crossing is now under control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed for the movement of goods and people in both directions this morning is one of the darkest . in this 7 months now might warrant, then a dozens of people killed in less than a 24 hours make shift tens like this one are. all doctors have to work with israel's war cabinet on their prime minister. benjamin netanyahu voted unanimously
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to continual military operations and drop off at a tab. you should more orders for palestinians, east of the city to leave the areas. it has heavily bombed before, very decisions that have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action. and rough china and in france, both permanent members of the un security council, the latest to join those calls. the ones chief also stressed. a rough assault would be a humanitarian nightmare urging both sides to spare. no effort in getting a deal done in which we've seen enough. evan civilian suffered enough, death and destruction. make no mistake. a full scale assault on rasa. would be a human catastrophe. the and the you higher present that have just said world had this, the say, the offensive a gain drop. i stopped at the game despite all did request of international
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community to us to be a new member stage. every body ask you to do it on your own, not to attack rafa. despite disease warning and easily flashed, attackers started yesterday night, is it has also raised its objections to israel bombing right on its border. and the u. n. warrens that it only has enough feed for god at the last one day as it too has been banned from getting through the rough crossing honeymoon mode. rough uh, southern, gaza, palestine and terry. god bless the another. my correspondence in guys, i has more details on the impact of these reaction from rough, and these are the steps that were presented in expanding the fight thing to rough, our district, including the alone board. the area with egypt has proved, i didn't get to report cautions on the humanitarian relief efforts and response
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being made by human italian organizations. as we, everyone knows that the vast majority of age that are getting into the gaza strip are getting through roughly and come up with sound them, crushing as post forward as considered to be the lifelines for the vast majority of those people. here in garza now with the clouds of these borders as the still now they use many, military tongues are still present. there are still existing and there are still a station inside the crossing as a, as an aerial bottles now. and as the aerial operations, people here in the south did not receive any kind of humanitarian supplies. today where the w edge of has been saying that the entire invasion, a rough and a decent step that has been taken by he's read will definitely bring a general, excessive patient of the humanitarian situation. people he had been on, on, on the white military bombardment and now with the suspension of a delivery. so the gaza strip the situation. we'll get you a rate deteriorate more to
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a live event and co signed my hand on a senior representative of home offices. political bureau is speaking to the press right now at a day after i'm off accept a ceasefire proposal accepted. a c signed proposal deal which these relays have rejected. let's listening to what he has to say. nazi odd of me has used all sorts of problems and excessive ability for us with the open and continued support, but rather with a partnership from the united a stay, it's a however i want to in the me uh, the government of this not see, redeem headed by admitting the o hasn't achieved any of his aggressive objectives and their plans are successively where to destroy the on the roof of our steadfastness and bravery. we pray you for the
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blessings, and we pray for the freedom, all of the captives and prisoners in the jails. of the occupation and we pray for a victory for our people. my talk today would focus on 2 specific topics. why i'm, they are, how much of a water approval and that zip tends to all the proposal to seize hostilities and swap that prisoners and the attack over the occupation on the, at off of crossing the acceptance of our acceptance on the proposal by the mid da to is to stop hostilities and swap prisoners. our acceptance by the proposal from egypt and control came as that is old alpha, long, tedious and continuous talks and negotiations over the past weeks and months.
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during such negotiations, the proposals would put on the table that didn't commit our terms, nor the demands of our national people. and we have except a size flexibility with needed. and despite the pressures that fit on safety of the aggression and the hard didn't negotiations was the enemy intensified yvette english and joining the laws of negotiations. we have stood faust, uh with the 5th fastness of our people. and we have led the other line is that come out to be cross not compromised. such an acceptance comes from, from our sense. so for the sponsibility to was our people in guys, i'm kidding for their rice and they've sick of devices as well,
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with the positive interaction and engagement with the mid datas for this agreement. our water movement has exercised a responsible positive attitude towards the negotiations. and we have always been attempting to have the idea below state men's and we explicit our waters and vision on some notions on the ideas to preserve the rights of our p. paul bosley, my boot of the movements was position through all negotiations, was demanding a full sation of aggressions and hostilities. and that would throw one over in italy, forces from the entire guys this trip. and that a 10 of the displaced people to their homes are demanded to
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reconstruction and present as a swap through a fair deal. we express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to our water, cold leagues, and be mediators in cairo, and in dough ha, who have exhibited p. d. as far as a for such an agreement, we would like to stress that this agreement in all its terms and phases, has covered vicky demands of our people. and i wonder, is this done this to permanently in the aggression and paved the way for the withdrawal. one of the occupational from old guys allowed relief to our water. people lift the siege and execute a serious and present those as well as stipulated in the agreement.
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disagreement also has maintained couldn't deal with t through the 3 say uses and has and has the this allow the patient to use the agreement in 2. and one to say is all for the leasing data present. nose without into obtaining the possibility of listing hostilities in getting this agreement as agreed to buy the movement to meet the minimum requirement of our water demands for our people on our water movement as the movement has extra size. high flexibility through the made the toys and have provided constitutions to this let may have to under no circumstances we can make and if the compromise is we have in the n. k, you said,
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we agree on the proposal by the mediators. they have assured us that they would play out all through the phases of the agreement, and they would charge on the pressure of the occupation to uphold that part of the agreement such as should and since then, reassurances had been reiterated offset. we have agreed on such a proposal, how much movement through all the stages and the phases of disagreement has been, and continue was negotiations and cold donation with all what colleagues, in of that existence faction is particularly mr. was the color of the 2nd of to the general of the power, not going to see me and factions. i mean, on the all water come read me in the middle head and all the fighting for the scene and factions in guys out this agreement contest it to you it's uh,
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i mentioned the unity of all the resistance factions. so i'm the, is, i'm in boredom. into all for a unified vision in the back in the field, and on the negotiation tables. and reflects the expectations of all water people. the instruction, the directions to what negotiating delegation to move from. know how to tie it all . who would have arrived by now expresses our serious consideration of this agreement to the movement is concerned to move forward with a positive attitudes throughout the agreed phase is agreeing on the one me did. the proposal is,
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is nathaniel who's a doberman said, maneuvers to avoid the agreement places the american administration. the american administration will have accused us based loosely that we are who we are heading during the agreement on the october to the visit. it should uh, make the united states uh, leave it in the yahoo and move to was shopping, getting it in yahoo to and the aggression and to in the genocide against on the, on it civilians on the, to stop with the crime that he has been planning to execute in rough uh mit in the hos maneuver. and in his attempt to evade the entitlements of this agreement, to meet the requirements of our people for pets and that again,
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no one is believing his maneuvers at the same time. and this will never let us what will allow us to compromise any of our people's legitimate. right. so i must move means agreement on the proposal by the media. it does have a play. use the mitten. yeah. who you know, how to play use, and caused him to move at the end a has stood a fashion with the state to means that reveals of public health diffused at the strategic los we would like to stress the fact that the ball now is in lifting yahoos, or i'm there to behave yet an added to it after we announced our agreement to the next, a determination by disagreement criminal to for you all
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the attendance of mediation, including those of the united states. um and it expresses his code listing is for the lives of the captives who are threatened every day through the bombardments of the is there any military? the bowl is also in the court of the united states administration, who have on us to prove and establish their sincerity by pressure, they commit to india, who is the government. the 2nd one is on the aggression on the crossing the patients or for us is attacking off of crossing. this is a crime and a serious and a dangerous escalation against a civilian facility that is under the protection of international law. it's a blatant violation of old international norms. the talk of data for health
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crossing accessor base of the humanitarian crisis in does the prevents the flow of urgently needed him and detailed in a to all water besieged people who are subject to to assist to make starvation. and the genocide, the more invading, i'm attacking the it off of crossing the by the occupation with determination on a premeditation by it. and it's in yahoo a is uh us is an attempt to, to hinder the implementation of the agreement to stop the attack on our people. it's a desperate attempt to, to pay yet. i see victoria that can save some phase of and attend the whole this will never be i to by and nothing. yeah. whole and in case he, he continues that they are, you've been listening that to or some
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a harm done representative senior representative of the mouse is politically bureau . who is a speaking there a day after. how mos accepted a si, fi proposal. which ease release have rejected? and he was also of course reacting to the attack. these are the attack on rough or the 7 city in the gaza strip. he said, or sound the home done that these really forces attacking rafa is a crime and a dangerous escalation. a blatant violation of international law. he described it, which prevents the flow of humanitarian aid. he also said that this attack on roof or by these really is a desperate attempt to create a pseudo victory on the cease fire proposal, which he again reiterated that how mosque had accepted to see so soon as he's in and swap prisoners. he said that acceptance from us came after very long negotiations, and it came as a sense of responsibility towards the people of casa. he said, i'm office position is still demanding
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a full physician of opportunities. and the withdrawal of these really to some of the gaza strip. he says the agreement covers the key demands of the policy and people. and that under no circumstance will have mouse make any further compromises . he criticized. he is really prime minister miss yell for rejecting the agreement . he said that this was done for personal gains outside the home down saying that need to be out is in a hot place and acting in a hysterical fashion. in his own words, he ended up that statement by saying the bolt is now in it's now is quote is, and the goal is also now in the us court, who have the why, the ones he said to prove their sincerity. whether he's really prime minister a few hours ago released a video message in which he said that the proposal that hamas agreed to fall short of his raz expectations and demands less listening. it's an elantra is real, will not allow him us to return to rule and gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild
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their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to israel, security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us, our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. last spring in island, fisher at the white house force island. as osama hamden was saying there, the us has repeatedly insisted that how much was the soul obstacle to a cease fire? but we have now these relief and prominence smith, you all rejecting the proposal saying that it falls short of ease, ramsey central demands. what's been the reaction in washington or? well, i think there was always an expectation that there could be a problem in getting these release to sign onto the deal, not least because when benjamin netanyahu scientists team to keitel,
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he said they were going to negotiate, which would suggest that they already knew that the deal was not going to be sign don't care because the spokesman for the national security council has been asked about that just in the last hour. and he said there were gaps, but he believed those gaps could be bridge. and he thinks that could happen in relatively short order. what is interesting and here's a contrast that when the deal was on the table, they said to how much that it was a very generous deal. and they should sign up john car be with us. is that pressure? no one is real essentially, should they sign up? and he said there are gaps that we believe that they can be bridge and there are those discussions are still ongoing in the region. remember the head of a c i is made of part of the negotiating team, but it's clear that the us would like to see some sort of written resolution to this sooner rather than later. okay, island. thank you very much. holland fisher live there in washington dc. now student protesters across europe,
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digging in for more pro palestine demonstrations despite police compounds in losing weeks in front student assess y'all's full have rallied outside the college, calling for more global attention. and the latest attacks on vasa in southern gaza . and the oxford and cambridge university loans in london have become among the latest sizes for students. and comments. organizes are connie for diverse name from weapons companies, links to israel. in a moment, will be speaking to charlie angela in london. but 1st we go to natasha butler, who's in paris forest. natasha. so have a spot where one what's been happening? yeah, we're on the central policy to see the i may not protest people to come out in full to kind of see that and say things like the other side as well because that is something that is on
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a lot of demonstrates it really is a lot of concern homes, people feeling very emotional about what is happening, but been very emotional about the images i see coming out just all the people the suffering. and they say that's why they have to come out here to real mixture. people notice present less weight loss have something kind of faster. thank you for that natasha button. i live in paris, red cross over to charlie angela in london. so charlie, how big of a cries where you are and what's been happening? the imagine the reality of asking hayes the hi, that's right. there's
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a couple of 100 people here today, which is pretty impressive considering the moment that the train strikes in london better than previously. those being dodgy, not just through the city and headed by thousands of people like it separately. they have sold for new media via for the u. k times not finding it from then. today she added to that song, his hands now and the as far as the dark company is attended, my middle ages combinations from c o united. and that decides to just operate like saw the outside down the street, the 5 minutes, the residents in the and it is not clear whether or not he is in a department for they are raising the boy. that has to be new coming from today around his roles actually from any europe handy that they have seen.
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they have been into russell when in march, the unanimously moved opponent as well known to roll. and it's rough, but the thing that you're trying to you thank you very much. charlie engineer reporting that live from outside downing street in london a time for some of the world news now and china is private and changing. pain has left france up to 2 days of bilateral meetings, among the issues on the table with trade deals and rushes war in ukraine. she is on a 3 day country toward europe. are you on tuesday french president emanuel? my call hosted the chinese leader in the pier in the mountains. melissa china has more de, 2 in france, essentially a half day. the 2 meters are in the kira ne,
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far away from the glare of paris. are you had a one where there's a lot of pomp and circumstance and essentially the to be just had a lot of things to talk about, but they'd have to come out. there's a lot of press events and that's really disruptive, given that president emanuel mccord is keen to cover some meaty issues, particularly on the economy. and the trade disputes that you and france has with china. and also china's role in influencing russia in russia's conflict with ukraine. and the 2 countries also brought up of the middle east of talked about wanting to see peace there. although of course a china and france has limited of influence in that conflict, right? this moment president, she is next in serbia, and then he goes to hungry, finishing his 3 country trip to europe. eliza jenn, i'll just 0 parents ukraine, stage security services. it's foiled. an assassination attempt on president voting means that lensky and other top military and political figures. he says it has
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retained to ukraine and security officials. it says we're trying to cancel, then schools locate accuses russia spies, agency of being behind the find. the crime says it's foiled. at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022. as for the respect and russian president vladimir 14 has been inaugurated in the holes of the crown. been for a $610.00. his lead russia since 1999, including a 4 year term as prime minister for $101.00 a landslide victory and elections in may. but any serious political opponents were bought from running on technical grounds. most question officials boycotted the ceremony except for the french ambassador and coming up next on inside story we'll examine what 6 more years of president 14 were made for russia and a well, that's coming up after the weather and then in about 30 minutes i'll be back with
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the colleges here and use our with all the latest stories we're covering here on, obviously, or thank you for watching the the. so finally i have not much to say about giants on the storm. so i can focus on turkey and cypress and say, look, it's sunshine, there's not much wind, weather wise, it's a quiet time, eastern side of talk here. the higher ground didn't know the rock can possibly have somebody job. and georgia will see the rain and snow and the be some pretty big thunderstorms around the round, but it's not a widespread picture. the winds have been picking up again, not to use fairly normal for this time of year. so coming down the gulf example 3 box, rain, and counter. so we might get one or 2 found the some just to die on wednesday morning. it's a breeze for $6.00 to $3.00 days. it could pick up the desk and that'll be maybe
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more obvious the felt in central and southern side of the rape. you're still the risk of some big sheriff in the southwest society and west and you have and otherwise it's allowed to drive picture. so the whole of africa is increasing the wet cities southern, some of the maybe a few big charles in kenya. townsend here as uganda and not as big as they were. admittedly, the size of that where it should be dr. this time of year it is, but we are approaching winter so you'd expect temperatures to get it done. well, just pick summer and look at it. for example, is good ball swat or possibly upping to the western side of south africa should not be up to 33 degrees because the record is 33.7. it's hot. the latest news as it breaks, frequent upsets, fighting for access to the river. it leads to which this country is major ports and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country with in depth for quotes ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces
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out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of a dumb full of the water in it flowing in see the tunnel river which has already passed since by the pressure as president vladimir pacing has been installed for a 5th term. his hold on power sooner than ever. but the war in ukraine has led to the west relations with the, with since the cold war. so what will 6 more, he is a persian main for russia and the world. this is inside story, the .


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