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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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so they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. tony chang, l 20, eastern me m. so it is fine report, probably send me about 20 trying looks at the people's defense souls, the pdf and the scientists who are taking up to whom to the police and indeed administer to catch me and have confirmed the killing of one of the most wanted reveled commend doesn't the region officials say that he was close up in a gun fire and security for some monday night. the incident comes a week after reinforcements was sent to some districts in the region following an attack on an indian apples coating voice. in this albany, the score of a new device, one is identified as a foster daughter. he belongs to the theater category and it isn't significant achievement for us. the reason being that he was very much involved into all much more than 18 cases yet. no, i'm is walking the 17th anniversary of his victory and the french forces in the back lived in the end too. it seemed as a pivotal move intending french colonial rule in what was then called indo china.
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the us supported front, so the conflict that ultimately led to the vietnam will broad as this tripled a wage stove, 8 weeks in a remote board area, or of northern vietnam. the battle of jim getting food would have global repercussions. a modern french force defeated by a gorilla army, despite support from the united states. the battle and indo china is critical. and i expect the french join. it led to the us filling the void left by the defeated french, but they couldn't stop the north, ultimate victory in the viet nam war 20 years later. this is a mammoth display of national unity because fighting and defeating the foreigners, this part of the gentleman sea of the regime, given pride of place, that the celebrations vietnamese veterans of the battle now well into then ninety's and then the okay, so you are young at the time used to hardly mean we can have enough to wait,
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but we enjoyed it. no one complained. go and joining them, some of the loss of iving members of the french garrison is that the g. it's a country which i suffered enormously. but today i have drawn an unimaginable strength from it. beyond the inexplicable, this sound advisory comes as vietnam is still reeling from corruption scandals that have forced the recent resignations of seeing the political figures for the government in hanoi. it's a welcome chance to display national pride in unity, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. and that's it for me. so hold robinson, i'll be back. good morning. it's interesting to off and as time here on out, is there the next on? i'll just there. it's the bottom line from the news team here. thanks very much for your time. as a company the for the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s.
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foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talk to the said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. a hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style crackdowns? let's get to the bottom line. the from los angeles to boston and dozens of college campuses in between. students have been peacefully expressing their solidarity with the palestinian people on their college
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campuses. after months of watching israel pulverized gauze into rubble and dust, but this week, the administrations of several universities called on police forces to break up the demonstrations and tear apart student encampments more than 2000 and students have been detained, and a countless number of been injured suspended or banned from setting foot on campus . graduation ceremonies have been canceled and present. and joe biden has weighed in, implying that the demonstrations are anti semitic and basically reducing their protests to an issue of law and order. but is it that simple, or is it linked to the american tradition of youth movements that start against the vietnam war and the 19 sixty's, a part hide south africa in the 19 eighties and supported black lives matter just a few years ago. today we'll start with 2 student leaders at the university of north carolina at chapel hill, jacob, and harsh, and thank you both for joining us today. let me, let me ask you both, and i'll start with jacob. what are you trying to achieve in,
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in these protests right now, what does this mean to you personally? and they would love to hear the same promotion. yeah, and the so we 1st and foremost want to end the genocide that is relative inflicting amount of cost and in people's tens of thousands of custody needs have been murdered by what incense to a by the united states government. and our us not just our government, and that is the same, but it is margins, it's using it as the university. i'm not sure why that is also be complicit because it is invested in the state of israel as all arguments on campus is 1st and foremost, financial disclosure and trans guarantee. so that we can actually see how the university isn't about. and it's my cell is 2 boys, all valid products, there is, but the image and assignments, and so the patient and a part time. and then finally the need full. they've asked me for the state of israel, a jacob, jacob, real quick. why did this become such a personal issue for you that your risking your academic standing, your risking being arrested? what? what about this issue?
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resonated for you personally? it comes into play is being in the united states and but listening this and see how them my tax dollars. and they are going to fund the sites and going to find out the patient in a hard time. also because binds us and my and they are using judaism or their weapon, actually my religion to come in massachusetts. so those are like, personally what we're letting me do this to this. thank you. a harsh i'm i would love to hear what's motivating you at this moment. yeah, i think a big thing for me has to be frustrated and i have a feeling living in the united states. the yes, the city, honestly, this is how political by this country seems so vast and supporting israel despite it's brian, you know, the 2 weeks ago or because you go and then the paragraphs, i think 49. so 49 percent, i think is really the beginning of genocide. only 90. it's way over. 21 percent thing is there is not meaning a genocide and then the rest of the insurance. so if you just look into that right,
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base bar or more, the thing that is really is to me thinking genocide versus does it go? yeah, the way to go in congress and the bill of sending 70 $1000000000.00 is relative continues genocide. we saw 4750. you democrats have decided that you bought, assigned it. and the majority of democrats live in the house. uh, so we see this disconnected. well, with the americans. i think it where a lot of americans are saying is media genocide of the cross out of the open. yeah . so i'm happy to be listed in those 5. you want to make me want to be why i see this like our, our ality is more important than our own academic success. we will not sell a reality for us to ship or, or a government that is willing to sell. so and then i just added that like our sacrifices are so minor compared to like what other people are meeting that like we are i and completely ready to do whatever it takes to get these demands in that.
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and he will not stop until our demands are not. and until that we see, see, and housing and freedom in house. and you know, the reason i'm just interested, are you seeing violence? are you seeing anti semitic groups as part of your movement? i mean, tell us what that texture looks like. yeah, yeah. i can, i can take this, the only violence that we see is the violence of police and against us. we are peaceful. we were just edited cabinet. we or e sign, the coordinates of the university that we did was have a sense of law. and the only bias that occurred is when the police officers brutally rated the incoming call. people cabinets a big brown. one of us was there strongly with this located. they ran across the ground and subjected to them to brutal treatments. the really the only findings that receive it on the end of the police and also the professors because they find that police guessing what kind of weight is what are the chancellor the chancellor every minute or 3 days out there at the police are pushing people over straight
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afraid people with the type of sprint and tapping people in a wheelchair, wheelchair is right behind this line, a police doing this, but horrible riddle. refreshing is our chancellor or cancel the be find him. are people holding the is rarely flat and holding a mirror bag and with that, the only violence is the university in the police and is the counter professors. and i just want to say one more thing because you asked about insects. i'm just, i'm and i just wanna say that i and yours and i had never once witnessed nor experienced any anti semitism, because movies are costing you literally say, we are a little bit for democracy for quality, for justice proliferation. vitale. no, thanks. a patriot at our intent meant we have to box services, we have many jewish people, their menu, us, the safety, and all the organizations are us. and the fact that they are choosing us. that'd be facebook, which isn't in our lease. but if you want to bother me up, certainly bleeding boss,
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and the reason that they're doing this is because they are trying to silence us. they are going to suppress our movements. and they are kind of near us and they submitted. and they're writing this whole thing about it. and this is maxine washington, you're just using this. the field is helping criticism. and i want to say that right and type in place sign is a, is not at this time, is that right? hold up. thank you. harsh him, i want to ask you an unfair question. what is different about this moment? we're all of a sudden it college campuses across the united states. palestine is front page above the fold and it's got the attention of the nation in a way. i've never seen in my life, and i just the basic way here. first of all, i say uh, is there a i've just gone like, you know, i think is relatively close a as in committing atrocities for 75 years. it's never gospel. this is just to you for so that they feel empowered because they've been propelled by years, the never being busted for their actions. and it's just, i think that every,
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so we're sending okay, would draw the line of assets. but now we have, we can see information organizer that seems information and we get a very different way and we are seeing what's happening on the ground. and gosh, we see what's happening. and i think in the past that was always, she was by a certain, by a media perspective, whether or not because it was kind of stuff. right. i want to play a clip for you of former president donald trump commenting about all of you and get your reaction. let's listen to every college rosen and i say remove the in tap and so immediately vanquish the radicals and take back our campuses for all as a normal one, a safe place from which to learn. that was former president, maybe future president, donald trump. what are your reactions to that and what is his? how does his notion of normally students compare to the 2 of you passion of the people who they disagree with,
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but really it's just students standing up against the dentist. i mean, it was really fun. i rally a bunch of a bunch of people around and development started can suggest like jokes inside joe . he saw and looks back and then there beside him and he said they're not, they're not at all. so the things that joe supporting address i based on wednesday based on what he said is that right? yeah, he's mad that we're progressing in genocide like make bad excess. so, you know, i to using and i also don't really care what the things you've been doing for all i can, but it isn't using that they just try and use this to uh, to get his base, you know, right. uh, yeah, and i want besides that our movement is a mass and doesn't mean it is so popular on campus. we had aaron cabinet at one point because of the 1500 people. this is so popular and how well and so many students on campus were getting involved. so we're not the minority. we are the majority of students were committed to deliveries and of allison. and you can see
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this by how many people turned up to support us. and by yes, all the and then all the community supported and yeah, it is, it is really upsetting to say that this is like some sort of french thing. we represent the majority here. yeah. i like to go go ahead. yeah, the way that we are starting operations and this fall, i think you're just talking about like you just had a tennis and one second of all the parts of those, those are the power needs to be accessible in the process. but all of their saw, i knew that they took that off a cabinet, but it'd be built as the be and use barricade there was. so no one can use that space either way. the long campus right now, the walk in the middle of this red zone, they have a record, the student barricades all around and all around is black to protect the american class and there are no 6. it is humorous everywhere. there are security lights everywhere. there was
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a minor resistance. uh but uh on vehicle romeo ranch campus. yeah. let me ask you just finally and very quickly as you see yourselves and you see your campus in the future, are you going to see any ability of people who are on different sides of this equation and feel differently in this moment? able to sit down and engage in civil discourse, engage in education, about this moment. i'm happy to sit down with the degree with but there's a lot of if you're supporting this i, i am not interested in talking to you. you know, you know, definitely that's like it asking us like, oh, would you like to sit down with white supremacists or do you know these on get this? no, it's not big enough. people i'm interested in speaking to in there are people who, you know, disagree with the same. what is it is. ready is for david, those people, but there is what is the just and forgivable and you know, if we can move past the care, probably the best that will be good is usually jacob,
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i'll give you the last word. but i would like to say one final thing to a chance or cancel or cancel it leave, or it's that it's on you. history will not remember you find history will remember you for your powerless trigger and absence and for your complexity and horrible atrocities. next time so you can see magazine and also i want you to edit. i just need to know this, and i've also because you're choosing again to send it to them. i just want to say that, but i want you to take a model of your man's well hi simon jacob with students for justice in palestine at the university of north carolina at chapel hill. thank you so much for being with us. it appreciate it. thank you. and now we turned to michelle, the golf professor of linguistics at the massachusetts institute of technology. dr . digraph. thank you so much for joining us today. your campus is now one of the other many campus, nearly a 100 campuses in the united states that having cabinets and protests right now
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about what's happening in gaza. what are you seeing right now at mit in cambridge? massachusetts actually disconnects that. i just heard this sound almost exactly like doing that, but i know that there might be the very can reduce to them. and i myself, i can think about this put in to put test it gets identified. i feel about being, are the moral compass into moral compass about tennessee physically and i truly, since october of last year, i've been inspired and haughton by them. i really think that gets the 3 moment in the history of us. higher education actually giving you health and encouragement inspired by the students that we just heard a few, n b, but those right here. and just to me at the, at the might be a doctor to graphing you have just written a letter to the president of m i t,
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your employer in boss basically challenging her framing of these protests. and just in short form, you will have implied and said to her that her framing is actually dangerous to the students that and she has been framing these peaceful protests and peaceful students that you've been seeing as violent as anti semitic. tell us more about this letter, but just simply what you sent you back the from that symmetry and the weight in which a president. i mean, the reason i'm treat the students were protesting against the general side issues. those were support israel and it's constant. just slash choose a big group of faculty who are supporting us today. we met with the president and, and we've been, we're very give me actually and because every people just meetings that we have come to spend that these products, they are fighting for something which is dear to the to put them if i think
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logistics and they're putting a look at risk and some of them have that many deputy too, and got the what being murdered. so we have to understand where they're coming from . they're coming from the place of pain, looking for justice and, and a better this morning. even the use of pronoun she referred to, the students for contact with testing. actually they took out that process was sponsored by none other than did the training come? so they basically is a contact process new that might be sponsored by that is very the government. and we got heard just a couple of weeks ago from none are the independent experiences on yahoo. describing the students were fighting against the general side. you describe this prevents as if they were like german might be in the 1930. i could not be given that the prime minister actually the graduates of it might feed describing students was begging m i. d to start a computer teen and don't hide describing them as if they were met the,
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and so forth. i was shocked by that, but then this morning when i read that it puts it in was concerned about 2 weeks for a 2 hour is ready in 2 weeks. good in an hour, but in fact, it is appropriate to get to the side. yeah, many jury students, so there's a group called m i d, jews for the fire inspector at present this morning. i think of it and it was some beautiful song can keep through it. and it may be just about despite logistics, especially the reason for being out there also thought we would do is communities. so when she said that she needs to, that, that, this group, this is what this left for the project for the protection, for the support of our doing. just getting ready to minutes to basically read you raise the joyce. good. it was also fighting for, but i didn't lie function in 50. if the so i was actually quite hurried despite the message because i, i've been,
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we've been in the bath for 4 months. all right. then then i've heard the cries, i've had to obtain. and for them to be re, is she didn't even mention that they would probably spend even mention that, but it's to me. and as if the thought that exist, you'll see end up paying the big fees for the type of stuff that they are fighting or gets a dignified, inviting against them on the right. helping her daughter, michelle. one of the things that i think some of the observers and, and critics on national cable tv had been saying, uh, is that this, these protests are animated, supported, put in motion by outside are groups that these are not authentic. we students, they are not authentically professor, but these are the instigators around the nation. i'd love to hear your response to that. but that, that's why people, because i've been, i've been made to now for 28 years. so it's kind of, i run a preview that this group has,
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these professes are being instigated by. what's it outside of? imagine i haven't been here. i've been teaching here for 20 years, and this is what i've been, i've been getting excited. keeps books out. do you know that it's some of my favorite track is what it's called, black meadows and the other one is called career languages and keeping identity. and in my class a couple of years ago i had a student from palestine jensen tour. is it one of one of our projects with it? what's the stand? the is 3 co, larry 2 between what, what happened to hate c. h s. we have a way to genocide. we have to fight for only be ration west west states or do you many to rectify, to get to the advisor. but we have lots of connections between 8 and 25. and then defense. we teach. right, to dictate this course and back my to as well. so kids about the reason about that and play them about occupation and as students to then i just put the best way i could profess it. i couldn't be teaching about maybe risk. i'm getting about
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digging like this and, and i see students in the forefront of actual be reason, actually because my vision and then 23 not. and of course, these are my 2 students. this is the best, this is the best that they might be, can offer in terms of intellectual, the kitchen, the content, mad, you know, the content delivery to the building. you know, just words. if you spend half an hour talking to the students, they're what they're doing, they're creating a better future future. where are these pinions you're trying to use if they want to join us? don't. ready truth 10, build, then you something new together, the future of love and be for everyone. actually, the minutes when i talk about police 10 would be free from the re book a dispute. what they mean is that what he's doing in will be they still treated as the class citizens. they want them to be like it, frankly, they want them to have freedom. and just if i'm going to be the dispute, it's
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a cause for universal justice. i'm just wondering from your experience, what's the, what's that moment or spark that finally brought this to the forefront in a way that just hasn't happened for decades as well. i think we have to big that on yahoo for these moments. you see because it doesn't have who it's a bit like the trunk. you see, for example from columbine. if you've country because it's a cool country because 18 to country. but the truck has been so clear about these patriot. both the black people, for example, for african. right. and if it's something that we've been finding out who link on how goes on creatures to call. but it's janine to them and the allies fighting against the dentist bag when it, when you compare them to the not the it's showing that's clearly what he said about . it's probably about protecting jewish people talking about, you know, and i think interesting because then it's about ro power. right? and it's clear that he doesn't care about jewish people because if he did,
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he would have kids come to this thing that a good number to reach students. what line with the students from buddies, banks and then from the company. we also asking for an end to these down because of the patient. so we cannot hope in a heart to the pin of one group, then cruise the heart to pick up the younger group. if you feel when, when, when it gets done, handle close to that might be if you put something out, can be open. this type of bad. they've been rhetoric of a history that they did. in fact, my, my, my colleague professor reads the lady and read the book about actually she many people as well about the same, the same music stuff buggering, the fact that it needs ready to go system the dish that there is a children that to be out to pay for this can you from the, from a very young age. in fact, the jacket paper called the modification opinion and depends on what you know he's
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doing now what he's doing on pre to what he's doing in guy that is showing us the clearly the fact that he's capable of identified and it's up to you. so if i'm just like, i'm not what we should go back to the history of abuse really to be sent to this picture. because, i mean, here, i mean, i have begun, you know, he's been constant. you know, these deep human aviation, up at the skinny and cutting them inside, cutting them tree, kept cutting them all kinds of terrible names. do you mean anything them, it's not a new thing, right? facebook that i think it, i never would know, and it's an entire society that's different, these premiums that of up to promise you that gives you notes, is ready to is your less, it is easy and let's go ahead and defend that. so what keeps for example, but like my, there's a message about the history of the directions, and yet the american citizen to spend the making of these companies arrow to the power. and so therefore, they are prepared now to see what's happening to the police pinion and see whether it's a cost for all of us. we cannot be studying the history of and living in the us and
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then shuttle i looked up in a to do the police. can you if the right right, well, well, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us, professor michelle. the graph at the massachusetts institute of technology. what thank you very much for inviting me and thank you for. i was so hutton to hear the students from you in the so thank you for giving them important to express the, the deep span of morality. interesting that we, the good of the faculty needs to be inspired by any to we need to basically take you to the next level. thank you. thank so much. so what's the bottom line? the rise of tens of thousands of students in more than 30 us states is going to go down in the nation's history side by side with the protests, against the vietnam war. and the boycott actions against apartheid south africa after 8 months of non stop is really devastation in gaza, killing with impunity and with no serious attempts to stop it. students in america have just said enough is enough. all the attempts to smear them is now eve,
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or brainwashed, or hateful or irrelevant to the daring and bold authenticity of the students and faculty. protests joe biden says, this movement isn't compelling him to change his mind about his policy on israel or palestine, but other americans are starting to question their own long standing ideas. many are becoming much more aware of the issues and raising their voices for justice. and that's the bottom line, the a pianist, home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare water, and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival. and to save the love of the work,
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how does he was view seems doing the final graph after a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. only laundry to south america from migrants, tequila, size of the united states voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families it's a risk. they are willing to take full lines in the box on this on for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on
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a jersey to and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis for the so comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day, they said nobody failed us selling and testing with anything dancer as we speak, these really speak is the right. every was know, we're getting each don't finish and all the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes, nothing yahoo success and may be better, maybe was. but it's the one has to address that systemic stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra over 27000 her wing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the
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fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence, from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the israel is wont, the games was thing, the humanitarian catastrophe and gauze that after its troops take control of the roof of border crossing the clouds over. um and what you have just every line headquarters here in the hall also coming up probably minister benjamin netanyahu size of the sea side proposal. hamas has agreed to full shoals of israel's demands. become box insists the bowl is now in israel colt.


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