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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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crimes contingent in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera. the as well as with the gains was thing the humanitarian catastrophe and gaza after its troops take control of the roof of border crossing the clouds over. um and what channel does it relies headquarters here in the also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu size of the sea side proposal. hamas has agreed to full shoals of israel's demands. become box insists, the bowl is now in israel's quote process and
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you the game is rather tackled wrong. so we have the latest from paris and london both like and then folding designs to imprison some desperate sledge victims at taking the law into that roadhouse. the welcome to the program as well has been with the gains launch a full scale attack, old rafa for it's false as to control of the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing between garza and egypt. israel is blocking a key, audrey bringing aid into the stray. probably un says that many people in gauze a role reading in during a full blame simon. meanwhile, a mass on israel and said delegations to colorado, to discuss the latest proposal for permanency spot. honeymoon, who begins on coverage fully hours after her mazda acceptance of us. these fire
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proposal is really times rolled into roof. this military video shows the concrete border wall that separates the city from egypt. the crossing here has been does a lifeline for international aids that's been a trickling in since the start of the war with is ro controlling what goes in and out of the tanks. advance is really we're playing hidden homes during the not right and into the morning is real say is it's bombing of gaza is limited. the rough. what crossing is now on the control of the israeli defense forces and is currently closed for the movement of goods and people in both directions. this morning is one of the darkest. in this 7 months now, mike, man, more than a dozens of people killed and lives down at 24 hours, makes shift tens like this. one are old doctors have to work with israel's war cabinet on their prime minister. benjamin netanyahu voted unanimously to continue
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and military operations and drop off and have issued more orders for palestinians, east of the city to leave the areas that have heavily bombed before. very decisions that have pushed the international community to speak out against any military action and rough china and in france, both permanent members of the un security council, the latest to join those calls. the ones chief also stressed. a rough assault would be a humanitarian nightmare urging both sides to spare. no effort in getting a deal done. haven't we seen enough? m. c fusion suffered enough death and destruction. make no mistake. a full scale assault on vasa would be a human catastrophe. and the ego higher representative, just a bar, i'll have this to say the manual offensively. again, drop. i stopped at the game despite all due to request of an international
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community to us be a new member stage. every body ask you and it's on your own not to attack rafa. despite disease warning, empties request through the attackers doctor yesterday night is it has also raised its objections to israel bombing right on its border. and the u. n. warrens that it only has enough feed for god at the last one day as it do has been banned from getting through the rough crossing honeymoon mode. rough uh, southern gaza palestine to cover a resume is live for us in rossa in southern gaza with the very latest of all the focus, maybe the roof of border crossing. there's also a great deal of focus on strikes that have been hitting the cause of fit throughout the day. and you having updates on injuries on death toll of the yes, that's why it's so hell. in fact. so the ongoing attacks on rough i district where
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completely bloody we're talking about at least 50 palestinians being killed within the past 24 hours alongside with $146.00 palestinians. what in good, and the talk reality of that is completely shocking is that the vast majority of the rough us hospitals are, are no longer barely function. we're talking about in the dark hospital and the eastern portion of the city has become out of service because it's located in the domain of the areas that are designated to be on the safe and bustle zones. but we must fight it's on the is rarely met a tree. and at the same time of kuwaiti hospital does not receive the really critical injuries as they do not have the sufficient medical equipments in order to treat such entries. and that's absolutely terrifying because the entire medical secretary is collapsing in a rough fund. we have been talking about that more than 1500000 palestinians. ours
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talk are completely trucks in that very densely populated area. and meanwhile, we continue to hear loud explosions of the eastern portion of the city alongside with ongoing, a firing of elimination of flags that has been that have been widely used in order to give a clean vision for the troops maneuvering on the ground as the is very military are still taking full control over the 2 main important course the board of pressing. of course, the goal is this truck including roof on come up with selim crossing which the cloud of both of them have contributed to excessive hating the humanitarian crisis . on the ground does more cooling, being made by neighboring countries on humanitarian organizations for the mississippi and the velocity of free opening. such 2 inputs and crossings in order to allow for the flow of a humanitarian supplies to get into the territories to help cover everything that for us in the rafa in southern garza, thank are now the events and rasa are insulting against about drop off the see sign
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negotiations being broken by castle on egypt. israel's prime minister says the proposal how boss has agreed to full shoals as well as demands instead of the land is real will not allow him off to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continued their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. the boss says if israel's military aggression continues in rough, uh, that'll be no sci fi deal. but it's about assigned as room said delegations to the egyptian capital to follow a policies. funding education's senior spokes person, full home office. i'm home done, says it's not up to israel as to whether or not a deal goes through. no,
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i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know is a knitting out, was quote on their behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives. what threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military on israel has shut that out or there was opperation, sat around with reporting from outside of israel. stephanie deka is in the jordanian capital, i'm on unexplained the assets currently on the way to reach a cx 5 deal. you now have old players in cairo. you have him us, you have israel, you have called us, you have egypt, and you have the americans live by the head of the c i. a william burns has been engaged in it as of a shuttle. diplomacy arrived in cairo on friday. i'm off headed to get
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a delegation that is all refused to send one and they said only once the masses response is positive. you then went to doha, called out. then you have the positive response. then these relays, as we see, they sort of reject to that, but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal isn't off the table. at the same time. you see the operation in the fall going ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that the americans have insisted will not happen. but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of measuring yahoo right. with allies we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the alpha border on the palestinian side is essential to stopping have masses, military capabilities. a boy said they wanted the presence along that border. and he also said that the offensive was the vital key really to bring the captives home . now this goes against the majority of his really civilian to say that any call
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such as for more than likely be a death sentence for the captives dot to remain alive. just briefly have aspects person earlier said that the 72 old female captive had died, which is really selling, we call and confirm that independently. so that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that netanyahu is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times. busy all the players in cargo. now we're going to have to wait and see how things play out over the next few days. and just explain why stephanie is reporting from about benjamin destiny. all his cabinet has bend of his era. so we're reporting from outside of israel a not a top white house official that said that the c 5 day long dollars that could come very soon is that the case rate is, should be able to close any remaining gaps. the us state department says toefl sensitive, but it may be possible to push through a final deal the most did not accept the part of ceasefire proposal from us, responded and in their response made several suggestions. it's not the same as
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accepting the scenes that we saw in gaza when you see people coming down the streets and celebrating what they thought was a ceasefire. number one tells you just what they've lived through. me know that obviously be really save. just the joanne people say it's what they've lived through and emotion and thinking that they might have some hope that this conflict will come to an end. but also i can say for everyone here just confirms why we think it's so important to get the ceasefire agreement over the line and why we are going to continue to push forward. mike tyler has more from washington, dc. well, having declined to comment on what from us, so as an acceptance of a sci fi deal, the state department spokesman has now come out to the comments on the matter. saying that a must did not accept the cease 5 proposals, but they made a response. he goes on to say, as they say, they responded as people do in
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a negotiation process, but it was not an acceptance. now, this is a complicating factor. given the fact that the parties will be discussing this matter in cairo, given the fact that a month in this view has accepted a cx 5 proposal drafted by cut to an egypt and some sources indicating being endorsed by the united states. so it would appear that the only party that has not accepted this drafted c supply proposal is in fact as well. but the talks continuing in cairo, the us remaining hopeful that that will be some agreement in these ongoing negotiations. but the us phase of the discussion of the sky to, to, when it comes to reports about alms deliveries, to israel. now, several reports indicated in recent days that the us has suspended some scheduled um shipments including those of precision guided missiles as
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a way to use leverage to post israel to come to some find of agreement. the question was put at the pentagon. they declined to comment and it was also put to the state department spokesman, who had this to say, our support for israel tried to defend itself. our support for is was right to ensure that october 7th never happens again, remain strong. and with respect to any individual shipments, i'm just not gonna speak to them from here. for the record, they had been several occasions in recent weeks with the state department has commented on alms transfers to various countries and sometimes the sanctions on such transfers. however, when it comes to israel, it would appear that and they simply do not want to discuss the matter. my kind of, i'll just era washington, tony. so here's a, see all the soccer preference of goals, politics it can tell you, investigates, have you had to get on the program? the new wants of language is very important. tell you what a delicate stage you have to get every stage seems to be delicate. when it comes to
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these negotiations and nobody seems to gets a break, he has to, yes, we've got, we've got the cx 5, we've got what we wanted because we haven't got to, you know, we haven't, we are, it seems that we gotta get in a closer but still uh, from many places it keeps saying that the hosting details are there since additions to change. and the most for compliance thing is that the us, as soon as these files decided not to accept the acceptation from the how my side immediately the operational for i 5 stop it which drives you to the thing that's of the end of the day with some some expected value straight of was planning to do this operation regardless of how much accepting suggesting or rejecting the, the proposal of or from each right. so it's very difficult to think how when it was used as can be now in cairo, if those details or suggestions that they were made by how much could be and that were separate or accept the moral we're thinking of what is some, what is a,
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what's have us can give a start of the already haven't, i mean the, if the, if the initial, the accepted we think that the main god was better mind or the employee as far as how much already accepted that. i don't think that suggestions of them and it comes out of saying i got to do this is if the devil is into detail, as is often said, with agreements of this type. let's talk about the political pressure that psalm because israel said no. and washington was like, it seemed to be a bit surprised. mm hm. now, we see these really delicate ation heading to cairo. and the us still holding its position in the we agree with the agreement that was put on the table, whatever that agreement was with. we still want to know what the fine detail was, how much pressure do you think the us is existing on television right now and tomorrow we would see if there were within the ministry from that many kilometers.
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there had been using blaine can buy them. cubits, and it said that they had been warning and then on. yeah. would that relations between these are long enough is it can change if it's rarely is not accepting what the united this is asking. we would see if this is transformed into an action tomorrow when by that needs to provide this report in front of the congress and about the use of the arms, the israeli is doing the use of american. i'm see if they are doing the use of this, according to the international on the human rights and types of the united states it's, it's a, it's requiring. so this is the only way that we would see if this pull that up a, a gun say, or she pinned off for us to do it before i left the information before. we don't be time for me to something that can drive to at least at least say sort of the shipment uh long term. okay. well see what was that again, tomorrow. more to focus on to the moment. uh, get you on
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a chicago. thank you for joining us here on the set to still head his sold out his legs the legs. he knew that each voting precious present makes another entry. it's his 1st time in the job. the now was the time to be direct. the creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not is, it was a policy that we, it was from us, particularly from the city upfront on, out to their unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have to say in any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere.
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why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . you will see the caught a duty and a growth viewing for p. use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems, customer ridgecrest of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the book about you, what you all just bear with me. so robin and a reminder of our top story is the, is really ministry of the season, closed of the palace to be inside of the roof of border crossing. it's a vital entry point between garza egypt, nice transports humanitarian supplies into the strip. here's where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that homeless se signed proposal, full shoals of as well as demands. and then the army will present, had with it's offensive and rough time us. and since the goal is no, israel's co pay, taught by chance, official says the us is hoping to get to the longest of every soon and then negotiates as it should be able to close any remaining desk. the us state department says towards the sensitive for the final agreements may be pushed through israel and thomas have both sent that down negations to con, right? to see thoughtful students across students across europe,
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protesting and digging in full demonstrations. and some of that i would say with palestine despite police club downs, in recent weeks enrolled students of the sciences university of rallied outside that college calling for both label attention. all the latest attacks on wi fi in the southern gospel. and the ultimate in cambridge university loans in the united kingdom have become a month, the latest sites, a student in constance organize the calling for divestment from weapons companies linked to israel. protest as of also be not as in central powers to condemn, as well as assault on russia. the sunset buckler was the in their laws. the supply moves a free palestine. i love golf, so i don't run for some, a few 100. pretty tough to say on the test, but i received leak and federal powers. they all care to come straight to show solidarity. they said with a policy and the people that sort of concern is the israel election i in rockford,
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i pulled him on the international communities to so israel's actions in rough or i'm also are they all concerned about what is happening with the people in goals and who have already suffered, say much, kristen. straighten comes off to several other demonstrations with being involved. they've the last week or say, mainly led by universe because the students you both did. you do think that they really all the generation, the need to ride up and be heard. we have the ability to use our voices. and we're trying to do that for people that, that aren't, but don't have a voice. i feel like we need to come together and have a unified voice, an idea of what it means. everybody, what's on the test that they're all good to say and denounce what they say. it's growing a police refreshing when it comes to the door to protest. and that's because we think some of the student price has the evacuated by police. and the way that some of the students have said is heavy. has it's a french presence of mind with micro directly study or in the way in the french press, the said, look, the fluid is
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a fax to young people were using that voice. he says that there is free speech across the suit that they're interested in international affairs for the said said it was okay. as long as he was concerned that what do you call the minority of students with making life difficult? locating universities father is such a popular i'll just there are cars and about just to protest. so being held in the k calling for the level action or as well as latest attacks in southern gauze. charlie angela are pull stuff from london, has been hastily conveying and reactions it is wrong, cousin into rafa. the for an immediate response for the u. k to and the supply of all the is around a now in utah the people around the combination of your background. and they all united in the same stuff in garza, well, just a kilometer away, students from the university college of london. and so as a staging that i protest earlier,
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i spoke to one of the organizers from the public to me. and so desirous yukon page, benjamin, all about what we're here to the mom, what should be the obvious consequences, functions upon this really should be treated like any rights abusing states and immediate answer on sales and the you take government, supposing action by the international criminal code the r c c have indicated they might issue arrest warrants for events from that yahoo! we should support that process. i'm the ongoing investigation in the subject. we're outside down the street 5 minutes to reach you, so you're not from the residence. it's not clear. if he's inside and whether or not he can heavy as tom. so what is there's the new york man signing on that front. yet in march you need is
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unanimously agreed that as well must not invade rafa. we said that the international community must now put in the reaction the source. the question present. vladimir putin has been in ok rated in the holes of the credit in for a 6th term. he's that russia since 1999, including a for your time is prime minister facing what a landslide victory and elections in march. but any serious political opponents with bonds from running on the technical grounds based west and officials, boy called to the suburb of the, except for the french ambassador, secret, and state security services. it sold that assassination attempt on the present governments. lensky and the top military and political figures. keith says it's detained to ukrainian security officials. it says, reporting to kills that lensky. it accuses russia, spies, agency of being behind the plan. you quite in says it's full of at least 10
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attempts to assassinate the president. says rusher invaded in 2022. please say then did admit a subscription means of confirmed the killing of one of the most one to trouble commend doesn't the region officials say it was close up and a gun fight with security forces on monday nights. a building why he's police have been hiding with such a blaze in the exchange of fire. the incident comes a week after reinforcements was sent to some districts in the region following an attack on an indian force convoy volunteers from the coast present, helping to bring tens of thousands of people to safety following storms in flooding in the southern states of rio grande data, so at least 85 people have been killed as our lots in america to lucy and even report so will to levels and pull to like right. one of the countries main cities, a still rising no one knows how many people is still missing in this fledging landscape. the cost in life and property possible to calculate right now. on this
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highway buses collect thousands of people who've been left homeless by the floods. the most in memory, the voltage over 2, cuz i have nothing left except my adults. i think mankind cost is by destroying the balance of nature. sort of the skilled, the police officer in charge has slipped for david said, all those, all these people here were rescued today. they have no homes and almost drowned. this is just one place, but there are 20 more like it nearby. but it's dark and dangerous sick from what people now were by the main road that leads at the board. so i legged, it's only about 20 kilometers from here, but it's impossible to actually get in. the roads are flooded. they are, they are packed also with people trying to also get in will become stuck. and you see here, people everywhere on the road waiting for help to arrive 900000
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people had been directly impacted by the floods. and the city is now under strict water rationing. the majority of its treatment plants are under water. the airport is flooded. getting in and out of bookstore lately, which is a city of around 4 and a half 1000000 people has become almost impossible. this makes moving emergency services to where they are desperately needed, painfully slow. police and army units are over. well, now that the rain has stopped losing, has begun on the o problem. resilience from all over this vast country, ascending aid and pitching in to help the rescue effort. only the 1st stage of a catastrophe that is still unfolding. celia newman, al jazeera, quarterly, the brazil, that's it from me. so around the course you follow stories on our website to thousands of adult co. we continue to focus on the rest of both the costing closed
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as the, the is where these take control of the location and aid is halted. of course, the, the end of the tackled rasa is on the mines. most people in the constable continued to find what happens that in the coming hours, weather is next to the inside story, and i'll be back in the house. now, with the news that we're going to stay with us here on just the west australia, seen a few decent thunderstorms recently, but there's not much less. now i have to say, so you may be, had your low full costs gives you most the sunshine, but we all sing, try to develop into shares in the back of queens under positive science and started maybe not so much on wednesday, but on thursday. that's enough, or maybe a flashlight, not many people live here, but if you do, yeah, you can catch it up the car, stephanie southwell and queens and it looks like it on the show. pretty so quite on
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the cloud and occasional light. child's name was not in use even fine looking day on thursday, but maybe of the cold size, the christ church you unless it's cold enough of smoke in land, even lower levels. not much admittedly, but some of the same as we say good bye. only slightly to the rainy season it into the easier it's still the eastern side. so otherwise it uses where it looks rector's and possibly in sumatra. i'd be up into senior pool as well. but maybe good news. the sheet off, load, forties weston, tom, and me and is being replaced by still keep it. but let's hope the weather was widespread sunday. so it was pretty open to vietnam on the southwest to china where coffee is just topping up the existing feds on the track. most of the child is looking fine and dry and the korean peninsula as to japan after all the rest there on tuesday, wednesdays to a few showers the as
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the . ringback the pressure as president vladimir patient has been sold for a 5th term, his hold on power sooner than ever. but the war and you crime has led to the wish relations with the, with since the cold war. so what will 6 more? he is a push in main for russia and the world. this is inside story, the


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