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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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a city stream of people being arrested and placed in the zip tai and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the avoiding that palestinians in gauze will soon run out to votes as food and medical aid as well closes the rest of board across the bell and carry johnston. this is out of here a lot from tow. i'm also coming up prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the see spot proposal and master has agreed to fools schultz of israel's demands. a mass insists the oil is now in israel's quartz making a mistake. a full scale assault on the process would be
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a human catastrophe. un secretary general contends the close of border crossings into the concepts and calls for immediate cease funds or in the southern brazil roads have been turned into visits of the heavy rains when 130 people have been killed thousands next times the . there's now no way for people to get out of gaza or for 8 to get in a soft to is very forces to control the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing with egypt. the un secretary general has one that's a full scale invasion of raffle with the amount of tearing catastrophe. and with the rest of gauze are reduced to rubble. there is no less safe for them to go. perfect as it begins coverage from rapid. the move. yes, again,
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these palestinian families in rough, grep, what label they have following forward is from the east. really minute treat, evacuation or risk death. the one of my family is made up of 4 people there also 4 others of my brother's family, totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of money here. we're forced from central another and cause that to escape is belly button. and then what told roughly what to provide safety with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving a whole lot of how much the i was in this place from i'll shoot you a on this here. then to daniel bella. rafa and this will be the 5th displacement on monday. we have no idea we're will go. the situation is a bad problem couldn't see throughout the night, which shows over our heads is very tanks have blocked the roof on board, crossing,
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floating show cold, and any essential 8 coming into the strip in my lot, blah, blah, blah blah. the closure of the rock, our crossing, has prevented the entry of trucks, caring mits, and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization, and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who were waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old number of a holy she and her cousins, sustained injuries and is very s troy. last month. they were both scheduled to get treatment approach. and the last night about today, my name was at the boat and i should travel to get my next treated. the huts. i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat requesting a shot today. i couldn't travel, i'm sob because i didn't leave today. off to 7 months. so for the past, for more than 1500000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into a district with warnings,
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they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there was no plans these for the people in rough, off topic up as in oh, just a rough, rough i had a story. you and the secretary general and turn your good to it. shes appeals for an end to the blood, sugar and garza. he says in time, at least as a risk, if the fighting continues to be frederick. if weeks of intense diplomacy could cvt for piecing garza, you know, ceasefire loading these of hostages. and the devastating of fantasies dropped out. i'd say to my appeal for both parties to show the political cottage and sped of no effort to secure agreements not to stop. the blood shifts to free the hostages and to help stabilize the region, which is 2 categories of explosion. while the events in ras are unfolding
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a cease found negotiations broken by cats are in egypt being held in colorado. israel's prime minister says the proposal have masses agreed to full shorts. of israel's demands. instead of the land is real, will not allow him us to return to route in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue the project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us, our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. the mass says if israel is minutes, we addressing continues in rafa that will be no spot deal senior spokesperson for him as a summer. having done says it's now up to israel, whether or not a deal goes through. no,
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i can't do. i'm not good at that. i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know is a netanyahu's quote. and the behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military and israel has shut down houses, there is opperation there. we are reporting from outside israel. stephanie decker was in the joe daniel and capital a month. she explains the efforts currently on the way to reach cx, 5 deal. i now have old players in cairo. you have him, us, you have israel, you have called us, you have egypt, and you have the americans live by the head of the c i. a william burns has been engaged in intensive a shuttle. diplomacy arrived in cairo on friday. i'm asked,
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how does it get a delegation that is all refused to send one and they said only once the masses response is positively then when to don't have caught, then you have the positive response. then these rays, as we see, they sort of reject to that, but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal isn't off the table. at the same time. you see the operation in the fall going ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that the americans have insisted will not happen. but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of measuring yahoo right. with allies we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the alpha border on the palestinian side is essential to stopping have masses ministry capabilities. a boy said they wanted to present along that border. and he also said that the offensive was vital key really to bring the captives home. now this goes against the majority of his really civilians who say
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that any of that fall sense of will more than likely be a death sentence for the captives that remain alive. just briefly, how about the books person earlier said that the 72 old female captive had died due to his reading shelling. we call and confirm that independently. but that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that netanyahu is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times, all the players in cargo. now we're going to have to wait and see how things play out over the next few days. israel is that tackle nebraska has triggered it, circled hands off rough uh, protests across the us to raise it by reports. now from one of the demonstrations in new york. i'm here right in front of new york city is public library and there's hundreds and hundreds of people that have gathered you to protest against the war. and guys have to protest against incursion in rockville. and that's in southern guys, or you can see them right there. they have been demonstrating shantay chanting,
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the swell, how many kids have you killed today? and that's what they had been chanting throughout. the city they gather would initially in union square downtown, and they have been marching all around the city. you have to also see here the presence of dozens of police officers, they're carrying zip ties. along the way we have seen at least 7 people had been detained. there's also been lots of scenes of pension. 2 and that's good for carrying is ready to go from the united states among other things. so this just adds up to what we have been seeing this past week here in new york city with students carrying out in temperament in new york city, with students being suspended, expelled, and arrested. hundreds of them here in new york city for protesting against the war . now the students have taken their protests from the campuses to the streets right here. they have joined hundreds of other protesters and this is where they say they
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remain to protest against the ongoing war on gaza. there is have all kinds of new york the, the desktop continues to rise in the brazilian state to be a grand day, just so in the wake of torrential rains and floods. at least 138 people died. or that's in america edits. and let's see a name and reports from both. the electric soldiers continue to evacuate residents of port to a league. they trapped in their homes since the weekend, the sledges by river. it continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools, military boats springing evacuees from the city across the river.
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maria, it was a central, says she until when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people, drama, you still did horses floating on the river. it was like a to nami. most of those day the water has started driving at 5 in the morning that we escaped to the top floor of a split about a 150 other people know what to know. food, people with discipline. no one knew what is happening. but he had died of that and her brother was finally rescued, but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario santos with he and his family will do that. and i'll say no, i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now last week. when we have nothing left, nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande. they do soon, the, i'll just the or a company, the army owner risk, you boat passing submerged homes on the way to
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a low down of all. the sergeant believes climate change along with the new phenomena are responsible for this disaster risk teams using jet skis and remedies can only bring one or 2 people out of time to the waiting military boat, women, children, and the elderly. a given priority to 50000. it's a painfully slow process. help is coming from all over brazil, volunteers bringing anything that floats, even surfboards to evacuate people. the government is releasing emergency funding aid, but more than 400 municipalities of the state and it's colonial style capital. i
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still flooded. you know, 50000 people have no shelter, and the watches showed no sign of receding to see and human al jazeera, puerto late, they presented the adults full mattress to the center of the hush money criminal case against donald trump. honda day in court. so mcdaniels told years explicit details about her and that's fair with the former us president, as he sat just to meet us the way how you, jo, castro, thoughts donald trump arrived in court on tuesday after hinting at knowing who he stays in the witness stand. he complained in a quickly deleted social media post that his lawyers hadn't been given time to prepare. then she walked in stormy daniels, the adult film actress and director, who's allegations of a consensual sexual encounter with trump before he was president. and his alleged efforts to silence her or at the center of the case. cameras are banned from the
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court room, but daniel's testimony mirrored the story she told in this documentary a walk in. but he wasn't dressed for dinner yet. he was in black so pajamas, which i promptly made fun of him for it. daniel's testimony went into uncomfortable and sometimes explicit detail about meeting trump at a 2006 golf tournament during which this photo was taken. then being invited to have dinner with him in a hotel suite and having sex with him. trump looked straight ahead as she spoke during her hours long testimony at times shaking his head while the judge showed clear agitation when daniels offered unsolicited details. trumps lawyers objected many times and asked the judge to declare a mistrial. he denied that motion, but acknowledged some of the evidence daniels gave would have been better left unsaid trumps lawyers then attacked to daniel's credibility, suggesting she was
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a liar and motivated by money. throughout the court date, the jury appear to be engaged, but showed little visible reaction. a relationship. the heart of the criminal case against trump, rest not on whether the affair with daniel's happened, but on whether the hush money he paid her to keep quiet about it was falsely reported on business records, prosecutor's claim. keeping the story out of the press just days before the 2016 presidential election amounted to a felony fraud scheme, that may have helped trump become president. heidi joe castro. l g 0, a set of hands on the elders here a warm welcome for china's present. c, as in who's on to serbia? difficult to
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the i have little to say now the big chairs. they're all still a few around eastern side of the turkey or from north of iraq and then possibly around. but the driving force has gone up to the black sea. however, it is a circulation to bring to the weather, back down through the black sea into a tech mass on a note in there on, in the next day or so. possibly have kind of time to have that goes, for example, from 33 down to about 22 or over a couple of days of that stuff. go straight, but science is all about the still drawing on this time that you'd expect to see a story. you dusty wouldn't even sound storms and you'd be right to think stuff isn't the case. they've been put into that. the upcoming southwest monsoon has reached here. now this of course is what will eventually developing something most substantial environment is just big. charles in somalia monitoring can you possibly
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in uganda science that, that there this precious little now there's already a shortage of walls. i see you don't want to see anything other than ok. let's just have a gentle entrance into winter, but no, it won't happen that way. so at most of the countries of southern africa, the sun, these eyes and blazing in the wind direction, when it just would normally mean it gets quite, hold it for yourself. and then maybe over western side of south africa. i think it's 33 years in your record high, and that stretches down through the valve where they find risk is high. the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that to stop this? we also saw on gaza for going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, hearing the fact,
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the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet reporting from the action age workers right direction target to i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, just a reminder about top story is this out is ready, ministry has season closed of the palestinian side of the raft of border crossing. it's a bottle entry point between garza and egypt and is used to transport amount of time and supplies into the strip. is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the spot proposal have mass agreed to full shots of israel's to months,
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says unable to press the heads with it's offensive and rough boots and has been sworn in the 5th time as russian presidents, a task. the veteran leader begins a new period in office, a wide range of domestic and foreign challenges await those of your body reports now from mosca. la g. u, a village green community age 14 in a familiar path for vladimir, put on his way to st. andrews. hall in the kremlin square and palace as he walks towards becoming the long, disturbing leader in russian history. for the 5th time, vladimir putin has been sworn in as the countries presidents with nearly 2500 people in attendance. but notably, absence for leaders and western ambassadors, the russian president addressed the dignitaries and the nation with gratitude and promises. when on you to let them get really. and i want to both, all would he had all the you in the book dissipating in this special minute video
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patient as everyone will fight for the fatherland. you citizens of russia have confirmed the correctness of the country. is course, this is of great importance right now when we are faced with serious challenges on top of the agenda for the 71 year olds, former k g b officer to ensure russia survival. during this html shows time with western powers. on monday, put in signed a decree, which ordered nuclear drills involving tactical weapons with russian troops based near ukraine. an order following what officials called provocative threats from western officials regarding not ruling out sending troops to ukraine to ensure russia does not when the war is the main challenge. what do you me to put in? use a to my daughter it. it's not a lasers and between the restaurant and the rest on coalition in the is this reach
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or actually in the fiber to war 2 is association with that are shot joseph or will not lose such a credit report, but another trend ruby no, a nuclear one no look, look at the source, a lot of me put one, his latest terminal office in march with the highest vote share in his political career, 88 percent in an election that had the highest voter turnout as well with nearly 78 percent of the population taking part, but with no real challenge to his reign, his victory was a foregone conclusion. photos next 6 years in office will be the most housing. yet for the veteran leader on the domestic front, all opposition has been silenced or exiled. and for us, freedom is no non existence. russia is the world's most sanctioned country, but the economy has not collapse far from it. all the while western powers are threatening to send troops into crane a fact which compose the biggest challenge yet for the man that's been credited
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with saving the country so far. or since avari l g 0, moscow, ukraine state security service says it spoils and assess the nation that time to and present sort of minutes and then skidding other top minute tree and political figures. he says it has detained to ukrainian security officials. it says web hosting to pills and that escape it accuses it rushes by agency of being behind the plastic rest goods in south africa searching for dozens of people who are missing off to building collapsed. at least 7 people were killed at the construction site in the city of george near cape town. and those for me, the minute now reports 42 people are still thoughts we missing and the russell, or at least 200 emergency personnel have been watching through the past 24 hours to try and rescue as many people as possible. the head of disaster management has told us that it's a complex operation simply because of the amount of steel and concrete, they have to dig through the full in mystic cont,
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amount of large machinery. but once they get closer to those trapped under the rubble they, they have to dig by hand simply because it is sensitive and, and some of the area they have to dig through is unstable. a sofa, the risk cute. the t 3 people that still 42 others remain trapped and strapped under that collapse building and the emergency personnel have said that at least 7 people have been found dead. they do say, however, they remain optimistic. the remaining car reached by the amount of people that the risk and for the next 2 days, this will remain a search operation because of the large amount of people they still have to find under that level. let me down below, which is 0 george the wisdom tapes of africa erode, is hosting an international nuclear conference. the head of the international atomic energy agency is urge table to take concrete steps to boast,
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a corporation when it's nuclear program. so set out reports from this conference on nuclear science and energy is hosting more than a 1000 people, most of them nuclear scientist but also invited the heads of the international atomic energy agency are roughly of grosse hoping to resume pulse on the company's nuclear program. and inspections, as a sort of good faith, grossly accepted the invitation. gross, who was lost in iran a year ago when the 2 sides issued a joint statement with the front agreeing to open a photo of its nuclear facilities to inspections by d. i a. but after a series of disagreements that didn't happen and believe it has things happen between the to your was nuclear chief accuses the i v or b. and if it was by the 3rd parties in particular, israel and alter, did, or how so the approaches against, you know, his new care program that told originated from design. and this regime, you should,
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can see that these approaches should not influence the interaction between you don't and the, all you, you lose all your rental fee shall say the company's nuclear program is peaceful and for civilian use. but the rest of the company stuff that i use is iran has enriched uranium up to 60 percent. 90 percent is needed to reach weapons, grade level gross is was it has to be towards the 2 sides. might agree to de escalate passions between them. the was nuclear chief says they have agreed to revive their joint. the 2023 statements or not think i'm going to have an agreed for my document. as vice president of myself, i have repeated join statement of much last year continues to be a very satisfactory framework for our corporation. the conference is being held in this behind that whole set of nuclear facilities,
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including the widely known nothing is nuclear power plant. small improvements was recently attacked by israel. there is a huge knuckle thrust within your ron. and the words nuclear woodstock day uses inspections are being limited. your office is on the post to come even close by the turn parties during the corporate as the 2 sides agreed to resume tools, the technical impulse, the couple different answers. so just that won't be using this, you save that up to 0. uh huh. so on is the present. shame paying has been in service. so they just like it was your pin tool and your eyes on a symbolic day. 25 years ago, 3 chinese gen this were killed during the nato bombing of the chinese embassy in belgrade. a correspondence that boston reports from the 7 capital. so it'd be a, has gone out of its way to make the chinese lead of feel at home arriving from friends where you have critical talks on traits and to russia. teaching thing has
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chosen one of china's most dedicated european friends for his 2nd stop. so it'd be a, has long been trying to become a member of the european union and decided to look east towards our political is the best, the vacation because they don't want to to be defended from anyone, not from china, from but i shop for them. they dropped in because we want to build our calling on the cheese arrival on this day. it's no coincidence. in 1999 need to bombs destroyed the chinese embassy, killing sweet chinese journalist. it was part of a nature bowman campaign and the former yugoslavia, united states, sadly attack on the embassy was an accident. china has never believed that this line with a chinese embassy used to be. it's not only meant to commemorate the victims of may 7 for many and so it'd be china. i'd also marks nate to a russian and the ship ceiling offers that meant towards the west. with his visit on this particular day, many believe president eugene quinn was to send
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a message to the military alliance. as, according to analysts, he wants to point out double standards in the west and nato's war mongering tone when it comes to russia. in contrast to china as messages of peace and dialogue, china is like, it's the, it's the future we're oriented towards the future. we may be pushed by the west. we may be pilloried in the you when we may be sanctioned, but we have friends that are going to be incredibly important in the years to come symbolizing what they call the iron collapse. friendship is the country's largest. the plant and submitted april teaching thing had promised to rescue the plant and say 5000 jobs. his promise came out of cost with this and you say in air pollution from the plan has caused cancer rates to go up. we have the economical benefits that's, that's true. but we have
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a big problem in that policy color correlation with the since you've been going to see him because it's so, so he thought it was a man that we did economic of benefits. if you come send the also 3 started on the place to administer this as a free trade agreement with china will be canceled as soon as this country becomes part of the you. but until that happens, if ever it has found less demanding front when it comes to democracy under rule of law steps last and l just sierra in bel. great. now one of the difficulties of this thing on the is very occupation occupied. westbank is a simple, actively moving garbage dodge, rubbish dump. subbing. piling up cost is video thirty's stopped the service. same as robbie reports not from other. right. as it is a freedom you don't know you have until it is taken away. the simple act of throwing away a piece of garbage, something palestinians living in the occupied westbank can no longer take for grant,
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under the guise of increased security since the war on casa israel has blocks garbage trucks from using this road to move solid waste to the regions, mainland, for municipalities like from adobe re, have been forced to dump the trash in mixture of sites your residential areas. in recent weeks, someone started setting them, assign it to 48 hours in the $300.00 truckloads of water to put out the fire. and it will be re days after the incident smoke will still rise. local officials say after trash has been piling up for months. it may have been a frustrated resident. this was the thought of disaster because the specialist finding got more than 4000 tons verifies up here the fire that was set up for us. a lot of has the smoke. the residents has started, you know, they're complaining about the finding of trash near their houses and they have the
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right to do so as the most competitive this consumes us. then every residencia was


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