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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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of the israel takes control of the rest of border crossing, preventing the entry of a trucks on the departure of injured palestinians to be waiting for treatment approach. the one carry johnson. this is, i'll just say it was nice for me to also coming up making a mistake. a full scale assault on the process would be the human capacity. un secretary general contains the closure of border crossings into gaza and calls for an immediate cease 5 deal. for testers, take to the streets in cities across the u. s. against israel's attacks on rafa. on
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the adult film star store mcdaniels gives explicit testimony, term and edge the favorites forms us precedents. donald trump, the there is now no way for people to get out of gaza, or for 8 to get in the south to it's very forces to control the palestinian side of the wrath of border crossing with egypt. un secretary general has one to that's a full scale invasion. nebraska would be a few amount of time and catastrophe. under the rest of gauze are reduced to rubble . there's no us safe for them to go direct. assume begins coverage from rough on the move. yes. again, these palestinian families in rough, grep, what will they have following forward is from the usability minute treat, evacuation or risk death. the one of my family is made up of 4 people. there are also 4 others of my brother's family, totaling 8. where can we go?
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i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of money here. we're forced from central another and cause a to escape. is many bombardments there what told roughly we're to provide safety which is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving. who would love how much the i was in this place from i'll shoot you a, a to on the sierra, daniel bella, dental rafa. and this will be the 5th displacement on monday. we have no idea. we will go over the situation, is the bed of real good and see throughout the night, which shows over our heads is very tanks have blocked the roof on board crossing, sporting show, cold, and any essential 8 coming into the strip in a lot, blah, blah, blah, blah, the closure of the roof of crossing has prevented the entry of trucks carrying mates and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization and has
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prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who are waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lumber of a holy. she and her cousin, sustained injuries and is very s troy. last month. they would post a schedule to get treatment approach. and the last line today, my name is that the buddha and i should travel to get my next treated. they hunt. i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat requesting a shot today. i couldn't travel, i'm sorry, because i didn't leave today. off the 7 months of was the path for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid into a district with warnings, they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate. now and say, there is no plan. be for the people in russell tarik. as in, oh,
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just a rough, rough i had a story. as israel caesar of the rest of border crossing has raised concerns that already sketched supplies will be further depleted. the rafa crossing has been crucial for those desperately needing to meditate aid inside gaza. since israel's army close, the crown was selim crossing is located where the borders of egypt, gaza as well means more than 800 trucks. a day entered through the 2 crossings before as well as world garza now nothing is getting through. well, richard brandon is the regional emergency director for the eastern mediterranean that the world health organization. he says the assault on rafter is making on a very catastrophic situation, even worse. oh assessments obtain the ages for them. well, sure of, of, of, of what's required. and now i'll main crossing points has been closed off, meaning the food essential medical supplies, water and sanitation equipment,
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and now the fall as successful. the people have gaza. but then as you rightly say, but also the evacuation of critically old patients. we have struggling to get the medical evaluations out consistently from gaza is not just the movement of the supplies and equipment in and patients out the tool. so the movement of a humanitarian personnel and that has now been published, well we have done some contingency planning and we've pretty position supplies. we've actually had to move a lot of supplies from malware to houses in ra, for up to the middle area. um, so uh, you know, we can probably get by for another few days or a couple of weeks senior united nations because a warning that wanted production is about to be shot down to northern gauze because of a lack of fuel. un secretary general says that needs to be a massive search monetary an 8 christmas, and then the reports it was the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that the united
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nations secretary general called for a cease fire in gaza. but this time, it wasn't just the leaders of israel and mosse. he appealed to a few to those we need for. so what is available to do everything you the board? well preferred, even more pressure, it's natural community as a share, the responsibility to promote. so you meditating the ceasefire, the unconditional release of your almost seduce, and the message such a live saving 8 in the security council chamber behind him, members gathered later to discuss the situation in a close meeting. while you and humanitarians warned, they are about to run out of fuel, which is essential to make and deliver food and more without fuel tomorrow to mean what are production would be shut down in the north. depriving the entire population of access into a war to drinking water and the same will be
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in at another day for the entire south operation, the south end gimme the batteries, which would be impacting 1900000 people. the security council discuss the situation behind closed doors, but took no action, whether palestinians and rough of lee or stay put. the united nations says israel has a responsibility to protect civilians and with 3 quarters of gaza under an evacuation order. they warn, there is no place safe for them to go. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations events en route for unfolding us. the spot negotiations broken by cats are in egypt being held in colorado, as well as the prime minister says that proposal have master's degree to full short of his roused amounts. it's not a long, it's real will not allow him us to return to root and gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and can and use a project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes
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a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against him . us, our entry into rafa is a very important step, or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. a mass says if israel is military aggression continues in rafa that will be no cease 5 deal senior spokes person for him. so i'm, i'm done says it's now up to israel whether or not the deal goes through. no, i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know isn't netanyahu's quote. and their behavior and attitude, after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really
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military and israel has shut down l just there is opperation staff and reporting from outside is rep. stephanie deka is in the jordanian capital a month. she explains the efforts currently underway to reach a cx 5 deal. as you now have old players in cairo, you have him as you have israel, you have coverage, you have egypt, and you have the americans live by the head of the c i. a william burns has been engaged in it as of a shuttle. diplomacy arrived in cairo on friday. i'm off headed to get a delegation that is all refused to send one and they said only once the masses response is positive. you then went to doha, called out. then you have the positive response, then these really as receive a sort of reject to that, but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal isn't off the table at the same time. you see the operation in the fall going
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ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that the americans have insisted will not happen, but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of mentioned yahoo, right. we allies, we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the alpha border on the palestinian side is essential to stopping how mass has ministry capabilities. a boy said they wanted to present along that border and they also said that the offensive was vital key really to bring the captives home. now this goes against the majority of is really the civilians who say that ended up all sides of will more than likely be a death sentence for the captives that remain alive. just briefly. how about the books person earlier said that the 72 old female captive had died due to his reading shelling. we call and confirm that independently. but that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that netanyahu is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times older players in colorado. now we're going to have to wait
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and see how things play out over the next few days. and a reminder why stephanie debt goes reporting from about benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has bend ultra 0. we're reporting from outside these slays wells attack on russ that has inspired protests around the world to raise the boat brings us this report now from new york. right. the 7 people were detained. i'm here in union square and new york, the people have gathered to demand an end to the wrong guys that are changing also the current version that is ongoing in southern down service. the one are not students. there's several organizations that have gotten together to demand that the united states financing these riley military funding base route military landfill. a hand is one of the organizers of this demonstration. we are
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outraged at the invasion of refresh has begun and we are here. we call the emergency riley, because the will of the united states people is actually to end the genocide to end the occupation. and it seems that the white house cannot hear this and is not putting the appropriate amount of pressure and taking action to the square and started to sweep in the middle of the city. there's lots of preston, officer police, at least 4 people were arrested. they have been warning the pre sisters that they kind of broke the wrong 5 or marching through this area. these people are also saying that they stand with the student protesters that have taken university campuses across the country. students are very courageous and they are very brave. and our method to your actually is that the students were right. they were protesting to stop the invasion of russia, and it's continuing now. protesters march going around new york city. they made all the way here to the new york public library where they continued to demand. and
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after the war, students in the united states had been suspended, expelled, and many had been arrested here in new york city. they had been evicted from their campuses, but they have taken the closest to the street and that's where they so they, when we mass the students across the u. k. o setup and comments and sort of narrative palestinians on their fellow students in america. there's a story of one of those protesting at oxford university. i'm on a sir for me, do i faxed you a medical student at the university of oxford. and we're currently in the oaks but and comment which is a collection of members of the community of oxford and the university in support of the people of palestine. so what we want culturally is for the university to acknowledge this as genocide. and we want that to be condemnation for the actions. and because really government and sort of complicity of european governments, including the united paintings as well as the united states. and not acknowledging
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this as it needs to be an target to that funding and awnings as role as a nation, habits on me and allowing for this to happen. and beyond that, we know that folks that has investments in his rarely companies and as rarely business at a college level, this is unclear. so as well as wanting clarity on how these investments made up the college level. we want for oxford university as an institution to divest from these companies, and to stop funding genocide in this way, indirectly, as well as directly and hopefully on the action of institution. so we're not feeling the incumbent of the testing says 9 or 10 of us currently on. hopefully these institutions responding in this way and put some pressure on government as well on to mirror these actions and to do the same international level. we will stay here as long as we can, and as long as it is safe for us to do so on, given how much help we've had from the community and how much on
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a we've had in the form of food and supplies and wooden planks. so we don't walk through the mud and you know, help in any form and also donation. so you've kept going. i think we're in a good position to remain here, obviously not forever on thoughts. i think i would be very surprised if we have no response from the university at all. um, i would like to think that the people who leads these procedures, universities, which i'm known across the world, i do have about what the students think and, and would like to at least open some sort of conversation about how these demands can be met. and how they can best represent student interests because we are hoping to be here and even though we will love this university and i feel very lucky to be here. but with that being said, i also feel that my voice in this matters and all of us here. and that is why have
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come together for this issue. still ahead here off to the break. tony chang, in the jungles of me, i'm with thousands of young men and women comes and joined the ranks of pro democracy and we look at the science if it was search that's attempting to speak to wales the i have little to say narrow, but big chairs they're all still a few around eastern side of the turkey are from north of iraq and then possibly around. but the driving force has gone up to the black sea. however, it is a circulation to bring to do with a fact down through the black sea into a check mass on a note in there onto the next day or so, i'll probably have kind of start to how that goes for an example from 33 down to
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about 22 over a couple of days of that stuff. go straight, but sciences a little math is still drawing on this time that you'd expect to see a story. you dusty wouldn't even sandstone. you'd be right to think stuff is, is the case they've been put into that the upcoming southwest monsoon has reached here. now this of course is what will eventually developing something more substantial environment is just big charles in somalia monitoring can you possibly in uganda science at that there this precious little now there's already a shortage of was i so you don't want to see anything other than ok, let's just have a gentle entrance into winter, but no, it won't happen that way. so at most of the countries of southern africa, the sun, these eyes and blazing the wind direction when it just would normally mean it gets quite, hold it for yourself. and then maybe a over western side of south africa. i think it's 33 years in your record high. and that stretches down through the valve where they find risk is high. the
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communities with sandlewood is one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box to try his destination. foreign one o, one a investigates. the spot to capture can be assigned to wood king one out to the or the colleges here with the all the the looking back her mind about top stores. this is very minute she has seized enclosed
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of the protestant inside the wrath of border crossing. it's a bottle entry point between garza and egypt. tons is used to transport some and a tear and supplies into the strip is ready. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu says the see spot proposal, a master's degree to full schultz. israel's to months says that the army pressed the heads of it's offensive and rough uh the adults a full mattress at the center of the hush money criminal case against donald trump . that's how good dane court still mcdaniels told years explicit details about how right next. the fire with the former us president is he's that's just nice as a way. how did the customer reports? donald trump arrived in court on tuesday after hinting at knowing who he stays in the witness stand. he complained in a quickly deleted social media post that his lawyers hadn't been given time to prepare. then she walked in stormy daniels, the adult film actress and director,
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who's allegations of a consensual sexual encounter with trumpet before he was president. and his alleged efforts to silence her or at the center of the case. cameras are banned from the court room, but daniel's testimony mirrored the story she told in this documentary and walk in . but he wasn't dressed for dinner yet. he was in black so pajamas, which i promptly made fun of him for daniel's testimony went into uncomfortable and sometimes explicit detail about meeting trump at a 2006 golf tournament during which this photo was taken. then being invited to have dinner with him in a hotel suite and having sex with him. trump looked straight ahead as she spoke during her hours long testimony at times shaking his head while the judge showed a clear agitation when daniels offered unsolicited details. trumps lawyers objected many times and asked the judge to declare a mistrial. he denied that motion,
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but acknowledged some of the evidence daniels gave would have been better left unsaid trumps lawyers then attacked a daniels credibility, suggesting she was a liar and motivated by money. throughout the court date, the jury appeared to be engaged, but showed little visible reaction. a relationship. the heart of the criminal case against trump, rest not on whether the affair with daniel's happened, but i'm whether the hush money he paid her to keep quiet about it was falsely reported on business records, prosecutor's claim. keeping the story out of the press just days before the 2016 presidential election amounted to a felony fraud scheme. that may have helped trumps become president. heidi joe castro, l g 0 ukraine state security services,
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it's folds and assassination attempts on present. what am is lensky and other top miniature, in physical figure? it's keith says it has detained it to ukraine and security officials. it's as we have talking to kills that lensky accused. is russia spy agency? i think behind the plan, ukraine that says they've been at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022, 6 months of gun violence and hate. so you have pushed tens of thousands of people from the homes and into shouts as the country has suffered, poverty and physical instability for years. for this hope. com will be restored to the car being nation off. the transitional presidential council was sworn in last week. doesn't configure reports keeping a household together when there is no proper roof to speak of him. oh, she's doing her best to support her family in the whole past. they've been forced
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from their home to this a makeshift camp on the grounds of a high school spike and getting violent test for somebody. sometimes i show so much the other day, i could only think of a parent who took bleach to drink until i got the bus because i see the misery i suffer. i don't do anything about it. i'd rather die. she has 2 daughters to feed and to protect criminal gangs, control about 90 percent of the capital city and much of the country on average, one person is murdered every hour. the surgeon violence has displaced roughly 360000 people across the country. listed louder, keys. yeah, we're local, everything is complicated. for example, when it rains we can't sleep. we have to stay standing because water flows below us . so everybody stays standing. there's no way i can lie to rest. international observers have welcome the establishment of
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a transitional counsel last week it put an end 2 weeks of political deadlock and brought fresh hopes of a return to order. but at this camp that the displaced haiti's most vulnerable, still waiting for help by the state. me just think about these people who was suffering and don't have anybody by the side. if i get international organizations kind to help. but organizations are not easy of the patients here. hope the political transition will bring security and a chance to return to their homes. if this i'm getting food al jazeera for tomato is hosting a regional summit to tackle illegal migration with a foreign ministers from jackson america. and the us secretary of state and the attendance on to the blank and announce to us plans to step up efforts to dismantle networks. it says operating on fundable migrates, bundled rapidly reports from mexico city. representatives for more than 20 countries met in guatemala city on tuesday,
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to discuss multi lateral strategies to curb migration from latin america. the summit represents the 3rd gathering of the los angeles declaration on migration and protection. and it's what it's ok to present that the efforts represented by this meeting is extremely important. it is a hemisphere can counter that reflects the interests of the countries in the region in addressing the phenomenon of migration comprehensively. my. it focuses on coordinated and solidarity based actions among the involved countries. among those in attendance was us secretary of state entity blinking outlined efforts by the u. s. and regional partners to address the root causes of migration from central america and south america. secretary blinked, it also announced that the us state department had imposed new sanctions on several, columbia, and companies accused of illegally transporting migrants through the infamous darian gap, which separates columbia from panama,
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a region where tens of thousands of migrants transit every year. we stepped up efforts against those spring ungovernable migrants. as february, we announced a new visa restriction policy. the targets individuals who knowingly provide transportation to those intending to migrate a regularly to the united states, including the charter flights arriving in nicaragua. yesterday we announced these restrictions on executives of columbia maritime migration companies who are facilitating irregular migration and united states has quite more than $330000000.00 in long term development assistance to latin america. but adds that curbing migration from the region is a shared responsibility. when we did up a little houses 0, mexico city memos, military government has banned conscription, asian men from leaving the country for work that says it continues to suffer losses and battles with alms groups. the new law was introduced last week of to tens of thousands applied for visas to avoid committed to conscription and the 3rd of his
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special reports not from inside me in law. so any tongue met to some of those who draw the fights magenta, enjoying its ranks and see through to the factory price points. his children from the hidden positions for the moment, however, their enemies imagined and their rifles aren't real, the new recruits, but they have no doubts about what the training for. if i have to, yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry daughter, but if i have to, so i think i would do that. if i choose to clear the feedback, that's fine. uh does not because of the hate of the so job. so i focus, i do, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully the military sponsor planes. drilled on an open that parade ground. put through the paces in the baking
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heat. teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits caesar's skills, which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came into the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the military genta, enjoying the rings. the military has been showing off its new conscripts to mount sing to the beat of a bra spend. but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill their ranks beyond. pulls of fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from you recruits, you say the basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have
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a secret with them. on some, the general who friedman, i'm a from british rule, the, the actors who played him in the recent film about his life. now training you recruit the best post, conscription makes resistant, forces stronger. now what accepts the order? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more use join since then. oh nope. ra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for that belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. tony chang, l 20, eastern me, i'm a place and engine administer. the test may have confirmed the killing of one of the most one to the level combined does in the region. officials say he was cool talking a gun, fire and security forces on monday night. the incidents comes a week off. the informants was sent to some districts in the region following an
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attack on an engine air force convoy, as how spun wells are communicating in a way that small complex and previously expected. that's the conclusion by scientists to a starting on the mos in the caribbean. such as se, the vocal cools reveal of what they did. it was a phonetic, alphabet of expense pulse of these just clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs us the grappling with, which could change our understanding of the joint marine mammals room we'll communicate with each other using little bursts of which annoys is something called co. does that sound a little bit like morse code? our research shows that these code is how complex internal structure.


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