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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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this is the most stable that's involved with money to use, the currency doesn't least value rapidly that could take them into the israel takes control of the rest, the boat across thing, preventive entry of a trucks on the departure injured palestinians who been waiting for treatments approved the for that one carry johnson, this is just a withdrawal costing lot from to also on the program. the us pause is a shipment of buttons to as well as a concerns about some major ground defensive and roughly 3 pallets on some damage test. russian launches eric types across ukraine. a
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phonetic alphabets in clicking sounds, sciences say spend wales communicating in a complex language is really forces have continued to bomb the gaza strip, shutting areas east of the city of rafa. meanwhile, both crossings out of gauze shots and 8 con, get in the south to is very forces to control the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing with egypt. the un secretary general has once that's a full scale. invasion of rafa would be a few minutes. having catastrophe. and with the rest of goals are reduced to rubble as new as safe for them to go. part as it begins on coverage now from rough on the move. yes. again, these palestinian families in rough, grep what level they have following forward is from the usability military to
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evacuate or risk death. the one of my family is made up of 4 people. there are also 4 others of my brother's family, totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of money here. we're forced from central another and cause a to escape is really bombardment. there what told roughly we're to provide safety but with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving a whole lot of how much the i was this place from. i'll shoot you a, a to on this here. then to daniel bella. rafa and this will be the 5th displacement on monday we have no idea we're will go. the situation is a bed of real couldn't see throughout the night, which shows over our heads is ready. tanks have blocked the roof on board, crossing, sporting show, cold, and any essential 8 coming into the street in a lot, blah, blah, blah,
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blah. the closure of the roof of crossing has prevented the entry of trucks carrying mits and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization, and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who are waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lumber of a holy she and her cousin, sustained injuries and is very s try last month. they would post a schedule to get treatment approach. and the last line lab today, my name was that the buddha and i should travel to get my next treated the huts. i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat of crossing a shot today. i couldn't travel on saw because i didn't leave today. off the 7 months of war, the path for more than 1500000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into a district with warnings, they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate
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now and say there is no plan be for the people in russell tarik, as in oh, just a rough rough i had a story or one of the main hospitals in southern guns that has been evacuated off. his ready troops sees the wrath of border crossing patients on medical book has fled, a yusef on the job hospital in rafa very is rarely strikes. the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded chewing is very of techs in israel. caesar of the rav for border crossing has raised concerns that will very sketch supplies. we further depleted the rafa crossing has been crucial for those desperately needing humanitarian aid inside garza since, as well as all me, closed the crown i will send them crossing. it's okay to the where the board is of egypt. garzon is we'll meet with an 800 trucks
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a day entered through the 2 crossings before as well as the world gaza. now, nothing is getting through which should brandon is the regional emergency director for the east, and that it's raining that the world health organization. he says they've sold on reference making an already catastrophic situation. even worse. the old assessments obtain the 8th is full and we'll show them for both of what's required. and now how many crossing points has been closed off? meaning the food essential medical supplies, water and sanitation equipment, and now fall as successful. the people have gaza. but then, as you rightly study, but also the evacuation of critically patients, we have struggling to get medical evaluations out consistently from casa, is not just the movement of the supplies and equipment in and patients out the tools that the movement of humanitarian personnel and that has now been post, well we have done some contingency planning and we've preposition supplies. we've
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actually had to move a lot of supplies from malware to houses in ra, for up to the middle area. um, so uh, you know, we can probably get by for another few days or a couple of weeks senior united nations. if it goes a warning that was it production is about to be shut down in northern gauze that because of the lack of fuel view and such as general says that needs to be a massive search and monitoring aid. christmas leave me reports. it was the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that the united nations secretary general called for a cease fire in gaza. but this time it wasn't just the leaders of israel and mosse . he appealed to, i appeal to those we need for. so what israel to do, everything you the board well preferred, even more pressure speeds natural community as a share, the responsibility to promote. so you meditating the ceasefire, the unconditional release of your almost seduce, and the message such
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a live saving 8th in the security council chamber behind him, members gathered later to discuss the situation and a close meeting. while you and humanitarians warned, they are about to run out of fuel, which is essential to make and deliver food and more without fuel tomorrow to mean what are production would be shut down in the north. depriving type of pollution process of 2 or 2 drinking water and the same will be in at another day for the entire south authoration, the south end to meet the batteries, which would be impacting 1900000 people. the security council discuss the situation behind closed doors, but took no action, whether palestinians and rough of lee or stay put. the united nations says israel has a responsibility to protect civilians and with 3 quarters of gaza under and evacuation
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order. they war and there is no play safe for them to go. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, the events en route for on folding a cease found negotiations broken by cats on egypt. being held in colorado as well as prime minister says the proposal a mass as agreed to full schultz israel's dom months. it's not a long, it's real will not allow him off to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us . israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to israel, security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step. our army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. a mass says if israel's military aggression continues in rafa,
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there will be no spot deal senior spokesperson for have summer. having done says it's now up to israel. whether or not a deal goes through. no, i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know isn't netanyahu's quote. and their behavior and attitude, after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military on us says paul is the shipment of buttons to israel saying it has not addressed washington's concerns about to major ground operation in rafa mike, honda has moved not from washington dc as well. having declined to comment on what from us. so as an acceptance of a sci fi deal, the state department spokesman has now come out to the comments on the matter.
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saying that a must did not accept the cease 5 proposals. but they made a response. he goes on to say, as they say, they responded as people do in a negotiation process, but it was not an acceptance. now, this is a complicating factor. given the fact that the parties will be discussing this matter in cairo, given the fact that a month in this view has accepted a cx 5 proposal drafted by cut to an egypt and some sources indicating being endorsed by the united states. so it would appear that the only party that has not accepted this drafted c spy proposal is in fact israel. but the talks continuing in cairo, the us remaining hopeful that that will be some agreement in these ongoing negotiations . but the us phase of the discussion of the sky to, to, when it comes to reports about alms deliveries, to israel. now, several reports indicated in recent days that the us has suspended some sheffield
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um, shipments including those of precision guided missiles as a way to use leverage to post israel to come to some find of agreement. the question was put at the pentagon. they declined to comment and it was also put to the state department spokesman, who had this to say, our support for israel tried to defend itself. our support for it was right to ensure that october 7th never happens again, remain strong. and with respect to any individual shipments, i'm just not gonna speak to them from here. for the record, they had been several occasions in recent weeks with the state department has commented on alms transfers to various countries and sometimes the sanctions on such transfers. however, when it comes to israel, it would appear that they some, please do not want to discuss the matter. my kind of, i'll just sarah washington, a group of palestinians have opened fire on these very ami who was storming the
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city of novelist and occupied westbank. video footage shed online shows intense gun fi direct to that is very miniature vehicles, as well as a regular palestinian home. and young man was detained for the forces left the area and is rarely forces of car without more rates and other parts of the occupies westbank. they stormed north sam's refugee camp in the city of to current. students resisted by fighting with israel's attack on nebraska has led to more protests across america. students have been joined by others and at least quoted for as well to stop its war on palestinians. she had time see, was that one such demonstration austin, texas, if, if i'm proud of it, i realize ation, we've been witnessing the university of router or something mobilization part of a nation wide and we liked it the latest offences i gave the offer. but
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it says it's outside austin to the whole route here today because israel has a noun sitting around invasion of the off, which is now sheltering over a 1000000 pulsing refugees in gaza. and it's high time that the city council take a stand in addition to that, not only has city council failed to pass that to start resolution, but there have been to hate crimes. here's the boston, including a staffing of a young man and what's campus and mayor watson actually use that rather opportunistically to say this is why we shouldn't prophecies high resolution. oh, we go, but we can pull it out. if i is that fair enough to refund the instructions austin, in the coming days for today graduates that some of them will share with you if you ever times the, all the students are continuing to set up and comments installed universities and some american states. well, vandals has more from the california state university in los angeles here on the
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campus of cow state university. los angeles, about 50 students has set up a guys a solid arity encampment on the campus. it's a bit smaller than it, some of the others. but the students here said that they are very committed to what they're doing so far. no efforts have been made by the school administration to set a deadline for the students to disperse and police have not been called in as elsewhere . the students here are demanding divestment of the university from israel, as well as of the, the dump divestment from any us weapons make or so i spoke to a spokesperson for the students earlier asking her about what they thought about the remarks present abide made earlier at a holocaust remembers event denouncing what he called a rising tide of anti semitism. and specifically mentioning student protests in that context, zionism does not equal judaism,
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and we really want to make that very clear. we are not anti semitic. we are here because we care about palestinians and palestinians are even symmetric. so we are not anti semitic. and to villa noises this way is heartbreaking from our society. later students held a rally on campus to repeat their demands and make their voices heard even louder. the student protest movement across the country in solidarity with gaza appears to still be going strong, despite thousands of arrests. and even as israel apparently has begun, it's military operation against rob, rob reynolds, l, g, 0, los angeles. so it's a come here on the outstanding i'm just seeing human and part of the brazil where volunteers and professional risk teams are working round the clock to try to bring people to safety from the floods that will call the president for rental rate.
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the, the latest news as it breaks, frequent upsets by take for access to the river. it leads to woods this countries in major ports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. with in depth reports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of its um pool, or the watering it flowing in. see the ton of river, which is already passed inside a listings in the gaza strip. as is the last continues, there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes
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palestinians. this is not the time. so just to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news conference can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing last week, to look at the world's top business stories. how much of the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost? oh no, just the or the the you're watching out just a reminder about top stories. now this one of the main hospitals in southern guns that has been evacuated of to is very truth, sees the rest of border crossing patients and medical work. cuz that i'm gonna use
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it on the job post within wrestling. touring is very strong, is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the spot proposal. how master 324 schultz of israel's 2 months, says that the army pressed the head. it's offensive. the death toll continues to rise and it presented in the state to be a grand to do so in the wake of dimensional rains and floods. at least 138 people have been killed. well, that's in america. so let's say a name and reports from puerto. exactly. so we'll just continue to evacuate students of ports 12 megabytes trapped in their homes since the weekend. flooded by you by river. it continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools, military boats,
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bringing they've actually used them in the city across the river. maria, it was a central, says she until when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people. drama. you still did horses floating on the river. it was like a to not me last thursday. the will just us a drive and it 5 in the morning we escaped to the top floor of a screen yet about a 150 other people. noble to no food. people with discipline. no one knew what is happening. funny a daughter that and her brother were finally rescued but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario samples with he and his family will do that. i don't know. i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now last week. when we have nothing left, nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande. they do. so i'll just the, or a company,
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the army owner risk, you boat passing submerged homes on the way to a lot out of all the sergeant police climate change along with the new phenomena are responsible for this disaster risk teams using jet skis and remedies can only bring one or 2 people out of a time to the waiting military vote. women children and the elderly, a given priority over 50000 people in the house. it's a painfully slow process. help is coming from all over brazil, volunteers bringing anything that floats, even surfboards to evacuate people. the government is releasing emergency funding
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aid, but more than 400 municipalities of the state and its colonial style capital are still flooded. you know, 50000 people have no shelter, and the watches showed no sign of receding. to see in human al jazeera, fortunately they presume you credit and press, the minister lensky says that russia has seriously damaged critical energy infrastructure. an overnight air attack. within 15 this 1020 drains, when launched, smoke was seen with a capital t's the strikes took place on the day of remembrance and reconciliation and ukraine for those who lost their lives during the 2nd world. wow. the other fil a mattress at the center of the hush money criminal case against donald trump. as honda day in court, stormy daniels told you it was explicit details about to have it for the for the
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former us president has the sat just meet as a way. how did your customer for donald trump arrived in court on tuesday after hinting at knowing who he stays in the witness stand? he complained in a quickly deleted social media post that his lawyers hadn't been given time to prepare. then she walked in stormy daniels, the adult film actress and director, who's allegations of a consensual sexual encounter with trump before he was president. and his alleged efforts to silence her or at the center of the case. cameras are banned from the court room, but daniel's testimony mirrored the story she told in this documentary a walk in, but he wasn't dressed for dinner yet. he was in black so pajamas, which i promptly made fun of him for it. daniel's testimony went into uncomfortable and sometimes explicit detail about meeting trump at a 2006 golf tournament during which this photo was taken. then being invited to
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have dinner with him in a hotel suite and having sex with him. trump looked straight ahead as she spoke during her hours long testimony at times shaking his head while the judge showed clear agitation when daniels offered unsolicited details. trumps lawyers objected many times and asked the judge to declare a mistrial. he denied that motion, but acknowledged some of the evidence daniels gave would have been better left unsaid trumps lawyers then attacked to daniel's credibility, suggesting she was a liar and motivated by money. throughout the court date, the jury appear to be engaged, but showed little visible reaction. a relationship. the heart of the criminal case against trump,
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rest not on whether the affair with daniel's happened, but on whether the hush money he paid her to keep quiet about it was falsely reported on business records, prosecutor's claim. keeping the story out of the press just days before the 2016 presidential election amounted to a felony fraud scheme, that may have helped trump become president. heidi joe castro elgin's 0. rescue is in south africa searching for thousands of people who are missing off to building collapsed in the city of george and the cape town. for me to minute reports, at least 200 emergency personnel has been watching to the past 24 hours to try and rescue as many people as possible. the head of disaster management has told us that it's a complex operation simply because of the amount of steel and concrete, they have to dig through the full amount of large machinery. but once they get
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closer to those trapped under the rubble they, they have to dig by hand simply because it is sensitive and some of the area they have to dig through is unstable. a sofa, the risk to the, to 3 people, but still 42. others remained trapped and trapped under that collapse. folding and the emergency personnel have said that at least 7 people have been found dead. they do say, however, they remain optimistic. the remaining car, each by the amount of people that the risk and for the next 2 days, this will remain a search operation because of the large amount of people they still have to find under that problem. let me to miller to 0, george the wisdom tapes of africa. now spend wales communicating in a way that small complex and previously expected. that's the conclusion by scientists who are starting to animals in the caribbean, such as se the vocal coal show what they believe is a phonetic alphabet. and expand reports. of these just
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clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs us the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint moraine metals room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of clicking noises. so called co does that sound a little bit like morse code or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with similar is similarities to aspects of some other animal communication systems and even some aspects of human language. the research is a part of the project safety dissertation, translation initiative, machine learning team. we've examines move in the 8700 audio snippets of spin while clicks known as coaches. scientists have been trying for decades to understand what those clicks might mean. the walls, i still don't know,
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they now sing 0 states of clicks that make up of the music else, abuse that the wilds. mites used to build the rough equivalent of woods and phrases . project studies really focused on a listening right now. this is an incredibly vulnerable population, especially transmitted communication system that we really don't want to disturb, of. and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process. and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even they have a sense of whether that will be possible. this experience safety miles seem to have sophisticated social ties and deciphering that communication systems could reveal parallels with human language and society. those some believe the clinics may be more akin to music if they are indeed speaking. the big question is, what are they saying? and could we learn to speak back?
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alex bid, which is 0. the weather is next to the inside story and there's more information on our website that's out to 0 dot com do statements. the the i have little to say narrow, but big chairs. they're all still a few around eastern side of the turkey or from north of iraq and then possibly around. but the driving force has gone up to the black sea. however, it is a circulation to bring to the weather, back down through the black sea into a tech mass on a note in there on, in the next day or so. i'll probably have kind of thought to how that goes. for example, from 33 down to about 22 over a couple of days of that stuff go straight, but science is all about the still drawing. i understand that you'd expect to see
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a story. you dusty wouldn't even sandstorms, and you'd be right to think stuff is, is the case they've been put into the upcoming southwest monsoon has reached here. now this of course is what will eventually developing something most substantial environment is just big charles in somalia monitoring can you possibly in uganda science that, that there this precious little now there's already a shortage of what so, so you don't want to see anything other than ok, let's just have a gentle entrance into winter, but no, it won't happen that way. so at most of the countries of southern africa, the sun is eyes and blazing in the wind direction when it just would normally mean it gets quite, hold it for yourself. and then maybe over western side of south africa, i think, and 33 is in your record high. and that stretches down through the valve where they find risk is high. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict
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zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even half? this is the most important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on. out of the brushes president vladimir patient has been installed for a 5th term. his hold on power them as an, as a for the war. and ukraine has led to the west relations with the, with since the cold war. so what will 6 more he is approaching mean for russia and the world. this is inside story, the .


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