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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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unsuccessful people share the history of the genocides without any research on hud voices. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site? and then if this is a medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a little time, the stream on out to 0 the the, you're watching the news, our live for my headquarters and i'll find dirty. you navigate, i, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes attacks on did us off as israel blocks crucial aids, water, food, and fuel for more than a 1000000 people starts to run out. the u. s. pauses a shipment of bombs to israel's over concerns about a major ground defensive industrial. 3 power plants are damaged in russian,
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a socks across the ukraine. times the fighters and me in mars who have transformed from a peaceful, urban protest movements into a fighting force. the welcome to the news, our israel has continued to bond, but i saw the rest of gauze. us palestinians remain trapped in the strip. the cut on the side and crossing has not been reopened for humanitarian aid, but is really forces or in control of the palestinian side of the border crossing with egypt. meanwhile, the un secretary general has worn that a full scale invasion of what i thought would be a humanitarian catastrophe. under the rest of gaza, reduced to rubble, there is no, we're safe for people to go. thought about as soon begins our coverage from. but i saw the move. yes, again, these palestinian families in rough,
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grep, what will they have following forward is from the east really minute treat, evacuation or risk death. all the, all one of my families made up of 4 people. there are also 4 others of my brother's family, totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of money here. we're forced from central another and cause that this case is really bombardment. there what told roughly what to provide safety with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving. who will come with the i was in this place from i'll shoot you a on the sierra 10 to daniel bella. rafa and this will be the 5th displacement on monday. we have no idea where we'll go. the situation is the bed of real quick and see throughout the night, which shows over our heads is very tanks have blocked the roof on board, crossing,
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floating show cold, and any essential 8 coming into the street in a lot, blah, blah, blah blah. the closure of the roof are crossing has prevented the entry of trucks carrying mates and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who were waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lumber of the holy. she and her cousins, sustained injuries and is rarely s troy. last month. they would post a schedule to get treatment approach. and the last line today, my name was that the buddha and i should travel to get my lex treated. they hunt. i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat requesting a shot today. i couldn't travel on sob because i didn't leave today. off the 7 months, so for the path for more than 1500000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to human and to are in a, into
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a district with warnings. they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there was no plan be for the people in rough or target kept as in oh, just a rough rough i had a story. i was, i'll speak to our other correspondence, honeywell, who does joining us from dayton ben assets and central garza so honey, there have been recent air strikes on the gaza strip. tell us what you're learning . yes very well, let's start with just stating that the right now with the courtyard of the a lot of the hospital that's in there. about a 100 vicinity is getting crowded as slowly as more people are pouring into defense from the area of the vast majority of people are coming in from roof has to be mainly the eastern part on the central part of robust city. the were forced to evacuate as leave this way to drop the right now,
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not only the leaves within the text message and the phone calls that were made sharply ordering them, but also the intensity of the bombing and the eastern part in the central parts of the city people are fleeing and we could see it quite clearly. right now the city is going to be overcrowded and running out of space right now in terms of ears twice there over night. the talk to near the hours of this morning is that the time of preparing this report, these really military continued to pound across. the may major part of the eastern part of run by city, including majority of residential homes, have been cleared, as well as the eastern part of old farm land, as well as defend for part of robust city, including the vicinity of and the jar, hospitalized. the only large health facility and rough city that has been ordered to evacuate within the past 24 hours. and, and right now is in a health facility that is not operational at all. putting more pressure on remaining health facilities across the city. the reports of more people being killed, more casualties, reported to the field hospital,
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the western part of the city, including a law off evacuations on, as well as the way the hospital molds, health facility, largely unprepared or not equipped to receive this large number of casualty. just putting more pressure on the medical stock. meanwhile, that's really military is to continue to pound the front defense of areas of early hours this morning. so loud explosions that clearly be further from anywhere in the central area. but they were mainly concentrated the drivers. would you comp and just to remind our viewers? well, sir, if you count has been repeatedly targeted and within the past few weeks, is really military is on the northern part of this particular rep digit comp, in the, in the central area destroying the vast majority of its residential homes and public facility events leaving a true devastation to all social services, facilities, and building forces people into more internal displacement and tiny. a we know that the is really these have prevented the entry of a truck,
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so i'm better off of border crossing because they've taken control of that border crossing. but at the same time they're claiming that they've reopen to cut them a boost of them crossing. what can you tell us about this? yes, we're right out. we can safely down the line. the crossings have been blocked by this really military. the only thing that happened on is just the response to american administration and joe biden. the pressure on is really prime minister benjamin nathan. the out term of the spelling was reopened. but right now, as we were here, news coming in from these really sites. but what we're seeing on the ground, the number or the amount of weight is only a trickle of what in response to the challenge. the for you to the this, the new car news. and in a roughly in the eastern part of robust city. this particular crossing is right now on the full control of those really military and additions. we have real fact
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rocking that has completely close what that does. in fact, it just increases the difficulty of getting get into the golf trip because the trucks are, they jumped inside a roof. i probably will have to make this journey all the way to kind of a sounding for security clearance. and then there would be allowed into it, the guys are free, but right now we're only seeing more time is wasted and only the small number of the trucks and just little amount of it is being allowed in there. also list of, of many will be a much nothing certainly needed aid right now, including medical supplies, particularly we're talking about medical cures and other important stuff and 4, possibly the r v. any preventative from entering at a loss evacuation is done as of right now. running out of space there, 400000 more people are born into it. just making the whole situation much difficult with only one crossing right now. partially often, and it's regular amount of it. there is a human, a jury on a crisis. that is the basic describe above the version speech capacity right now.
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okay, thank you, honey. i would thank you for that report from dated by the hand central guys all as well. the events and draft saw her unfolding a ceasefire. negotiations brokered by cats are an egypt are being held in cairo. israel's prime minister says the proposal from us has agreed to follow sorts of israel's demands. it's an elantra. israel will not allow from us to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continue their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to israel, security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against em . us. our entry into rafa is a very important step. our army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. ha says that if israel's military aggression continues and vesa,
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there will be no cease fire deal the seniors spokesperson for from us. so i'm, i'm done says it's now up to israel. whether or not a deal goes through. no, i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know isn't netanyahu's quote. and the behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives was threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military will bring in our correspond them. how about junction was joining us are from the georgia and capital on mine. and how much let me 1st ask you about reporting. that seems to suggest that the us has pause a weapons shipment to israel. what more can you tell us about this and the details of it? and so they're in, we haven't gotten any official response from the israeli government to these
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reports. we are seeing our statements by some officials, anonymously source. the officials in is really media. and the suggestions are that folks in israel are concerned, members of the security establish especially that um the halting of this weapon shipment is a tactic by the us to increase pressure on the us government to stop a, an all out invasion of golf and also to try to move these really government into accepting the terms of a cease fire. now there are a lot of details being reported about what was in that weapon shipment. we are seeing numbers like perhaps around 180-2000 pound bombs. and around 170500 pound bombs. those would have been included. we're told in that shipment that was halted at least the reports are suggesting that. now of course,
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we should stress that this is a very small amount of weapons compared to the number of weapons that the u. s. provides to israel. this is really just a drop in the ocean. when you look at the type of weaponry that the u. s. continues to provide to israel, but it does seem, even though nothing official from top is really officials. it does seem that there is concern among the security and military establishment based on some of the quotes we're seeing in is really media reports that this perhaps is a harbinger of things to come. meaning that if is real, doesn't start at hearing more to what the us once perhaps the us will fault, further shipments of weapons going forward. and okay, how much when it comes to what's happening right now, and we know that the seas far negotiations are still taking place in cairo. how much pressure is there internally on? nothing. yahoo, because we've seen the demonstrations in tel aviv not only take place,
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but they seem to be growing as well. so yeah, that's right. and, and you know, the last 2 days there had been demonstrations in various cities in israel, mostly held by relatives of these rarely captive, still being held in gaza when it was announced that how much was accepting the ceasefire proposal that had been presented to them. you had, we're told hundreds of demonstrators go out on the streets in tel aviv that evening and they were saying that they were going to stay out all night. they were going to continue to come out to put pressure on the government to enter into a ceasefire. agreement so that they could get their loved ones back yesterday. there were reports that there were demo is also in tel aviv this morning. even there are reports and their video is popping up online or social media channels showing a smaller group. perhaps dozens of relatives of captives being held in gaza. but out there blocking uh, one of the main streets i along street in northern tell a v trying to send a message to the government that they are going to continue to mobilize. now
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they're in, we are now reporting out of i'm not jordan because we're no longer allowed to report in israel. our office space was shut down, but i can tell you i wasn't tell a v of this past saturday at one of the weekly demo. is it happens uh into on saturday and telling me there was thousands of anti government demonstrators, relatives of captives. they were saying the time is now for israel to go ahead and enter into a deal they were chanting. there is a document in front of you sign on the dotted line. they want to see this come to an end. they say there is no more paramount importance as far as any issue in israel right now as far as getting back those captives. so there is mounting pressure on that's in the yahoo. he is not seated to any of that pressure as of yet, but it's going to be interesting to see it's such a crucial hours. it's a critical time when negotiations are ongoing. if more people will be going out into the streets and mobilizing and how much more pressure political pressure that will put on the prime minister. okay, and mohammad,
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thank you so much for that reporting from my mind. and once again, just to remind our viewers of how much i'm doing is reporting for us from my mind, because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has bound alpha 0. so that's why we're having to report from outside of israel, and that is a live shots from gaza. right now this morning, let's continue the conversation about the weapons shipment. the pause i should say in a shipment of weapons to israel by the u. s. and speak to him, you're oran, who's a military and government's commentator with her. it's newspaper. joining us from tel aviv mr or and thanks for your time. so how is this being viewed, israel as well, it's viewed as a very significant move. and um, uh, in order to understand the background, it's both legal and political. later today may a secretary of state lincoln and 2nd of defense, austin must certify that all on shipments to israel as well as to other
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countries are given or sold. when these countries uphold the international law and do not bottom look the human rights and do not impede humanitarian aid. now, um, as the time for this document to be signed, what's getting close? nathaniel tech, talking about the rock alteration in direct opposition to president by then. so after all the public statements and the phone calls between by them and let them know the knockout, the administration took a 2 step move. first of all, it secretly called the pause this particular shipment because it was the next in line, and they didn't have any particular significance per se, but the treatment was next in line. and this was the signal intended only for these
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really covering that long distance. right. that's the big no. tell. yeah. okay. so when it comes to the signal, what is the us signaling to israel? our is the us trying to pressure them not to continue with the sort of offensive or is the us trying to pressure israel into the ceasefire negotiations and eventually zeal. what's going on here in a general sense and its very ironic because usually when we speak about the terrans, we speak about the political will of governments to execute what they say to make good them their threats. and here that's right, was not that goes to an adversary both against pop, they're all rely and uh, when the new government, besides going to challenge the by didn't administration. and the, you know, or it's warnings done by didn't, has shown it on the out. the t serious?
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no. oh yes it does. to do we've, we've director operations because of, by the, uh, the men big they're clicked on, you know, not take on to take any major military operation. that is a ground maneuver, of course, subject to raise rates in order to release the hostages, or perhaps even to kill or capture how much leadership are fine as far as washington is concerned, but nothing massive movement from the ground, but also we support which will drive the $1400000.00 civilian. so anywhere all the, and i mean besides this being a symbolic move as many are describing it. what difference does it actually makes to israel practically on the grounds? because even us officials are saying that the is really military has enough weapons supplied by the us and other partners to conduct the ref operation. if it chooses
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not to listen to the us as objections. you know, no battle sees the very last one and no war can and without the government and really 3 being prepared for the next one. and even though one particular action can be executed, we just looked at right. you are having stop. you must replenish your stocks. in order to prepare for 11 am, for instance, or for another, you're writing your contingency. so he doesn't have um now to do all the wheels. what is happening tomorrow? you must think about next week and next year. okay, thank you so much for speaking to us from a television here or and thank you. well, it's really police a, mobilize the large number of officers to enforce the demolition of about 50 homes in the negative region that has lots of protests in the local better when community
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police prevented a palestinian is really connect that member from approaching the sites. palestinian is really a piece of criticize the government's move, calling for a solution acceptable to all parties. israel's far right national security minister, it's a marker and give years as the demolition is an important step towards restoring. governance. bernard smith is running is not from but i'm a law and the occupied west bank. you're keeping an eye out on the situation in the negative bernard and this demolition of homes, this large demolition of problems. what can you tell us about what's happening at the site right now? so the needs of the homes of one family, the family. and there are about 400 family members who will now have no way to live tonight because the home is about 47 to 50 of them had been destroyed by contractors while more than 400 police. i've kept people back to allow this demolition to go ahead. remember, these are palestinian and these riley's,
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they hold is rarely citizenship that back to in that perhaps some of the most discriminated people in israel because of the status and who they are and where they live. and they've got no rights really many of them actually serve and he's really in israel is ami, but as a forwarded them little protection over the years they are still discriminated against. and this is part of a, perhaps a, a great to plan, to clear parts of the, of the, of the negative for expansion of, of sacraments by and give it at my bank of a. he said that there's been a considerable increase in demolitions of illegal houses in the negative, and i am proud to lead this policy where you are birds in the occupied westbank. there have been more raids overnight. what's been the aftermath of those? so uh the uh the, with the raise in till around the been constant raids throughout the westbank since october the 7th. they've been increased in intensity since october the 7th. and
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because they see a crack down on palestinians in the occupied westbank compared to a while. so attention is on gaza. those rates continuing, although the overall number of them has been diminished somewhat, but that one and telecom the another, a repetition, a repeat of what was going on in the last few days. okay, thank you so much. bernard smith reporting from the as in the last as also is there a special reports inside me in mar, tony chang, looks at the people's defense force. these are the fighters who've taken on the brunt of the fighting around the strategic border autonomy, a warranty. how did a peaceful, urban protest movement transformed into an effective fighting force? fight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state.
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aside from the threats in the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a will organize discipline melisha bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often most of the military coup, peaceful protest is took to the streets of old man, most major cities via but use 10 z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the ministry cracked down, the followed was hundreds. come down in the streets, 1000 small, hold a way to detention the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit. move to the boat. is points for tomorrow so that i a rock in this area around august 2021. i was in a k m l, a force in the lake, a count area my a y d. i decided to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training i decided weren't as medic are trained by us. nick korean rebels who's been fighting
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for autonomy for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one rifle for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases they've over run. these are just some of the rifles they've taken from bases. and the last couple of weeks set the me of them a knuckle, not just don't that the young open places are using the social media skills to for the 2 g was of the same as hip hop artist. now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds, say about trying to, you know, we would have done this kind of fund raising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack, cuz so we have to raise funds by any means such as collecting donations from people online. but they worked with the song he's singing originally performed by zeta
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tall politician and rapid executed by the electric generator. in 2022 is the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river. educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. but despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang out to 0, tie in states, eastern me m o. last week and justin chambers is a post doctoral research or with the danish institute for international studies. she's also a specialist on all 40 and s no national conflict in me tomorrow. joining us from stock home, welcome to alta 0. we appreciate your time. how big a thread do you think the people's defense forces actually pose to the gentile? because when they were 1st to emerge in 2021, they were kind of dismissed as perhaps a group of young vigilantes. but they seem to have grown in size having thank to
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yeah, i think that you can think of the people's defense both is on their own. they are trained and they're based often and coordinating with estimate resistance organizations who have decades of experience fighting them on military. and i think if we look at where the resistance has come in the last 3 years, they have gained on president the territory. they gain control of ki bases, the military used to hold for decades, including bases on board like key strategic rates on the border. right. and how do you explain that growth and their ability to claim lands and hold onto it? i think in these conflicts, we can really see how little support the resistance they've been as had from the international can be community compared to say, ukraine, really, the strength of this movement comes from the people themselves. it comes from the support of civilians who are necessarily even on to come back. it comes from,
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you know, the generations. they the passion and i guess result. they have the defeating the military. it comes from the people who live overseas and who are funding the resistance movement is really a tables lead management. and i think that's really work, that's the case that the strength is making is. and one of the significant hurdles for the agenda and the fact that we've been reporting on this over the past a few days. and these special reports out of me and more is that many people in me and more don't want to fight with. and for the gentle, despite the conscription orders that are being put in place, how do you think that's affecting the military? so yeah, that's correct. so the military introduced a new conscription, recruitment out more in february. and there's been a lot of fee, a lots of young people who've been playing the cities um, they're playing to thailand to other neighboring countries. and you know,
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a lot of the resistance groups actually seeing a huge influx of young people who aren't really playing these conscription drive. we're also seeing reports of 1st conscription of range of people in, in the crime state, you know, a community that's been abused for decades by the notary leading up to the genocide in 2017. so, you know, i've seen that actually the construction drive is a shot, a sign of weakness, and it really just shows how desperate the military is, say, a completely demoralized. they losing troops all the time, body to casualties on the grounds, but also in terms of defections and huge numbers have surrendered as well in k territories. and what's uh, what's next for the armed resistance. how do you see it playing out for the groups on the ground, particularly without the international assistance and weapons shipments. for example, that the, that the just, i guess a yeah. look, i think it's, it will be interesting. so you come to the next few months, we've seen 2 huge guys,
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particularly in the last 6 months since operation $1027.00 in october of last year . but the monitoring season is coming. we know that conflicts flows down during this period just because of logistical issues. but i think at the end of the day, the military is losing ground. it, as i said, it's completely demoralized as a force and what i think the resistance is, and you know, at a time in history it's, it's scanning control over the military and in ways that we have not seen ever, ever before. and i think to, to look at, you know, just, i guess the previous strength of the military in previous decades is, is ignoring actually what's happening on the ground. and, and these cases that have gains made by the resistance movement in different parts of the country. okay. thank you. just chambers. thank you for speaking to us from stop. com. still ahead on the houses, there is our workers scramble to rescue certain fibers at the scene of a 5 story building collapse in south africa. the
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the so there's no influx of pretty code that come into your property. you're going to affect the baltic states and you start colder out there where it's cold enough for, for example, moscow to have it the 2nd day of snow in may, everywhere else when the sun comes out to attempt to recover. but they'll be about 10 degrees below what they were before this rain band, which is moving size came strip. that rate is going to concentrate in central europe. now, suppose died died here even over the high points of the outs, probably as time on the action. probably takes place near the central med plan, but for example, in sicily, see about 18 degrees, but a couple of days of rain or even sundry right. so let's fix on that. then for thursday, as it moves larry south is going to affect to nivia, catch our gerry's quarter when the picture that spreads through greece interested
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in turkey. um probably hits rest increased as well, but the same time is getting warm and not in spite and total is up to about $29.00 degrees. even hotter and strong. so how and this the hell we're up to $46000.00 jemina and the 2nd the low to middle voltage as far west as the going to be of there's more likely to be sent to go. but the helpful shower seasonal shows that you see for the south and see earlier. and for example, the ivory coast and nigeria are becoming more frequent and making it further in life. the despite has excited form or catalog lead or carlos, whose demo is set to run for president. when the spanish region holds early elections. could his political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to the amazon home, to indigenous people,
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and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum through fear, border. and so in ecuador, amenities of fighting the corporate joints in a battle for survival and to save the lung. so what's the word? how does he was view seems doing the fine graph. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media, on how to 0 government shut off access to social media. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the kind of again, the top stories on the al jazeera news, our is row has continued to bombed alpha and the rest of gaza. palestinians remain tracks in the strip to cut them or boost atom crossing has now been reopened for humanitarian aid. but is really forces are in control of the palestinian sides of the border crossing with egypt. the u. s. has paused a shipment of farms to israel, saying it has not address washington's concerns about a major grounds operation in dropbox, of israel's, the task onto the thought has triggered protests around the world. terrorism brings us this report from new york where at least 7 people were detained. i'm here in union square and new york says the people have gathered to demand an end to the wrong guys that are chanting also, hands on the turns,
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and that is all knowing in southern guns service people are not students. there's several organizations that have gotten together to demand that the united states financing riley military funding base route military landfill. a hand is one of the organizers of this demonstration. we are outraged at the invasion of refresh has begun and we are here. we call them emergency rally because the will of united states people is actually to end the genocide to end the occupation. and it seems that the white house cannot hear this and is not putting the appropriate amount of pressure and taking action to the square and started to sweep in the middle of the city. there's lots of preston, officer police. at least 4 people were arrested. they had been warning the protesters that they kind of broke, the rules are marching through this area. these people are also saying that they
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stand with the student protestors that have taken university campuses across the country. students are very courageous and they are very brief. and our message here actually is that the students were right, they were protesting to stop the invasion of rosa. and it's continuing now. protestors march going around new york city. they made all the way here to the new york public library where they continued to demand. and after the war, students in the united states had been suspended, expelled the many have been arrested here in new york city. they had been evicted from their campuses, but they haven't taken the process to the street. and that's where they say they, when we manage the, your senior united nations, fingers are warning that water production is about to be shut down in northern garza because of a lack of fuel. the un secretary general says there needs to be a massive surge in humanitarian aid. krista salumi reports. it was the
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3rd time in less than 24 hours that the united nations secretary general called for a cease fire in gaza. but this time, it wasn't just the leaders of israel and mosse. he appealed to, i appeal to those we need for. so what is available to do everything you the board? well preferred, even more pressure. it's natural community as a share, the responsibility to promote your manufacturing ceasefire, the unconditional release of your almost seduce, and the message such a live saving 8 in the security council chamber behind him. members gathered later to discuss the situation in a close meeting. while you and humanitarians warns they are about to run out of fuel, which is essential to make and deliver food and more without fuel tomorrow to mean water production will be shut down in the note. on the private ending type of pollution of access into a wall of drinking water in the same will be
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in another day for the entire south operation. the south end to meet the batteries which would be impacting $1900000.00 people. the security council discuss the situation behind closed doors, but took no action. the weather palestinians and rough us lee or stay put, the united nation says israel has a responsibility to protect civilians and with 3 quarters of gaza under and evacuation order. they war and there is no play safe for them to go. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations. us okay, we have with us, i've done a lot of ya and he's running a sunset. he's an associate professor of history. george i university right here in cats are welcome back to alta 0. so obviously a huge concern over the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gaza strip after supplies run out because of the closer of the border crossing. at the same time,
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you have the cease fire talks went on in cairo. what do you see is the likely scenarios going forward? well, i mean, it seems to me that, that there was an attempt to kind of sabotage those talks because, of course, after these release came forward and said that they're not accepting how much is acceptance of those terms. but what we know, of course, from the very beginning, is that the mediators here, so we're talking about egypt outside of the united states, have been reflecting these really demands throughout this, this process. and so there is nothing in the terms of this agreement that hasn't already been vetted at some stage within the is really cabinet. and so for that reason, i think it was kind of a bit of a shock for a lot of people to see that once to finally reach an agreement, that all of a sudden the entire talk skipped sabotaged it. instead, we're seeing the exact opposite, which is this massive incursion into alpha and the catastrophic consequences as a result. how likely is it, though? i'm certainly going for that. israel continues to sort of, if i can say snow the cease fire proposal that's, you know,
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us sponsor as well. but i mean, i think there's, there's been no real pressure. you know, we've talked a little bit earlier about the fact that, you know, there are these kind of small symbolic gestures about withholding certain weapons shipments and due to signaling kinds of pressure through words. but there's been absolutely no real accountability. and for that reason, israel has been unchecked from the very beginning. there's been no real attempt from the united states government from the you, from any other partners to try and temper any of the, the kinds of for risk atrocities that are being committed. and so as a result, until there's anything kind of really substantial, i mean even a cease fire resolution that passed the un security council back in march as, as also now gone, completely ignored. and so i think for that reason, there really isn't anything to expect other than that. israel is going to continue to fulfill what it sees as it's goals here. we know that there's no military victory here, right? that this is not about a military victory. this is really what we're seeing is the wholesale destruction of palestinian society. we obviously will have to wait and see what comes out of
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cairo. but if there was no agreement and no ceasefire proposal, we know that homicide, yes, we're waiting for the is really response. does this then risk regional escalation more so than ever before? well, certainly we're seeing new things happening. so for instance, the seizure of that off crossing i think, is a really major development because this is course is one that had been controlled by egypt just until the last 24 hours in which israel has now seized the last remaining opening into guys that, that of course it had controlled entry and exit of things and people and goods and, and so on. but now that it actually controls it directly, i think, is a certainly massive escalation. it's going to lead to far more disastrous humanitarian catastrophe in terms of the start of ation. not having fuel, medical supplies, etc. at the same time that it's also unleashing are really horrific side of the tax on the most densely populated, a part of gaza at this point,
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which is the south that all of these people who were promised, you know, safety going into the south are now be attacked directly and so in some ways i think this is, this is certainly threatening some kind of escalation, both within guys itself. and then of course, in the region, given the fact that all of these states now are having less of a direct role to play the egypt of thought or others as well. okay, i've done the audio and thank you so much for your in house of the ukrainian president. a lot of her is a lensky, says, a russia has seriously damaged critical energy infrastructure and an overnight air attack. the more than $50020.00 drones were launch leaving smoke hanging over the capital keys. we have done home and joining us from keith to tell us what more you are learning john, about what happens over night. so be a part cup of tea in the morning and there was some damage in residential areas, one residential building, dime
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a several houses just in the key region into people exhibit the main focus of the attack seem to be on ukraine's energy grids and particularly the energy products that company indeed tech said 3 bits, boom or energy, thoughts have been seriously damaged. and this isn't anything new. the company said that in the last month and the whole thing face 5 serious types of them and they send the costs to 80 percent that generates a village. green thoughts have been damaged. so this is a real concern to that side by russia. not just now, but in recent weeks to really know count, ukrainian energy, great overalls on. what's the situation like on the grounds? are you crazy on the box? the you see that in a 2nd major city hockey, which is in, during almost daily every strikes. so that you will see it on the front line where
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you cranes and see c'mon, that has said the russians attacking gets several different points on it. some of those points is in she fluids and managing to gain an advantage. what that's linked to as well, is my mind power crates but, so it's like a went from rates it's. it's wanting to embrace some weights that for every show that it buys, for example, 6 or 7 shows and coming back from the russian side, at those places of military assistance from the united states is now the pre, the $61000000000.00 package from ukraine's allies in europe, ukraine and also the head of night. so recently as it is the thoughts of living too slowly for this country. and what it means is that it's a window for russia in russian pools use to try and press home its upon seats while those weapons, right? so it's expected that they're going to continue to do that at for the rest of may and perhaps evenings to. okay,
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thank you john home and thanks for that update from key. rescuers in south africa are in a race against time as they search for at least 39 people missing after a building collapse in the city of george near at cape town. luckily, 7 people were killed. more than 200 emergency personnel are working with sniffer dogs and heavy lifting equipment to find survivors. farmington miller, joining us now from the city of georgia in south africa. so finally though, what's happening with the search for survivors, our rescue, we're still hopeful that is precisely as you said, they, they all racing against time to try and rescue people as quickly as possible because some of the main concerns are the extent of people's injuries. and also access to fresh a exposure, dehydration of those that they have found, they have sustained quite serious injuries and they're in the hospital. and as you said,
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passive and people have died. so really time is of the essence. i'm just going to step out of shots for a moment to give you an idea of what it looks like. it looks quiet at the moment, but that's because risky was moving to a different section of the collapse phone, the to what was the basement which was supposed to be in the parking area. and that goes down to about so and so that's sort of as far as, as risk to us, has to have to dig. i'm just going to step back in to explain a bit further about what's, what's happening is that at least 2 hundreds, a emergency personnel on site and by this afternoon it will be about 48 hours since the collapse took place risk. it was, have said that they were encouraged and they were confident about the access to the site and being able to risk, you know, people at this point it continues to be a search and rescue operation. they say it's far too early for it to be recovery,
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but they say they will continue for this another 2 days with these a search and rescue operations. all right, thank you. thanks for that update from south africa. still ahead on the officer and is our as we look at the scientific research that's attempting to enable us to speak to wells
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the, the number of days is rising in the brazilian state of rio grande de,
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so following to run shall rains on floods at least a 138 people had been killed. our lot in america, editor of the cnn reports from puerto allegra soldiers continued to evacuate residue as opposed to a laser. they trapped in their homes since the weekend flooded. the river continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools. military boats springing imaculi's room in the city across the river. maria, it was a central, says she and 2, when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people drive the start date horses floating on the river. it was like a tsunami. last thursday, the water started driving at 5 in the morning that we escaped to the top floor of the screen yet about
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a 150 other people know what to know. food people were disciplined, no one knew what is happening. funny a daughter that and her brother was finally rescued but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario samples with he and his family will do that and i'll say no, i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now. last week i've heard that when we have nothing left nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande. they do. so i'll just the, or a company, the army owner risk, you boat passing submerged homes on the way to a low down of the sergeant believes climate change along with the new phenomena are responsible for this disaster risk teams using jet skis and remedies can only bring one or 2 people out of time to the waiting military boat, women, children,
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and the elderly. a given priority over 50000 is the the it's a painfully slow process. help is coming from all over brazil, volunteers bringing anything that floats, even surfboards to evacuate people. the government is releasing emergency funding aid, but more than 400 municipalities of the state and as colonial style capital are still flooded. of, you know, 50000 people have no shelter. and the watches showed no sign of receding to see and human al jazeera, puerto late. they presented at a meeting on guatemala,
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the us secretary of state antony blinking has said, washington will stuff up. efforts to disrupt legal migration in the region for ministers from around 20 countries office on let's say they will continue to seek legal ways from migrants to enter their countries. while we're off of the reports from mexico city. representatives for more than 20 countries met in guatemala city on tuesday, to discuss multi lateral strategies to curb migration from latin america. the summit represents the 3rd gathering of the los angeles declaration on migration and protection. and it's what it's ok to present that the efforts represented by this meeting is extremely important. it is a hemisphere can counter that reflects the interests of the countries in the region in addressing the phenomenon of migration comprehensively. my. it focuses on coordinated and solidarity based actions among the involved countries. among those
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in attendance was us secretary of state entity blinking outlined efforts by the us and regional partners to address the root causes of migration from central america and south america. secretary blinked. it also announced that the us state department had imposed new sanctions on several, columbia, and companies accused of illegally transporting migrants through the infamous dairy and gas, which separates columbia from panama, a region where tens of thousands of migrants transit every year. we steps up efforts against those bring on vulnerable migrants as february we announced a new visa restriction policy. the targets individuals who knowingly provide transportation to those intending to migrate a regularly to the united states, including the charter flights arriving in nicaragua. yesterday we announced these are restrictions on executives of columbia maritime migration companies who are facilitating irregular migration and united states has quite more than $330000000.00 in long term development assistance to latin america. but adds that
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curbing migration from the region is a shared responsibility. by the way that i follow al jazeera mexico city, and 18 months of file and so forth. tens of thousands of people from their homes. they're taking refuge and make shift shelters that are ill equipped. country has suffered poverty on political instability for years. but many hope that com will be restored to the carry be a nation after a presidential council was sworn in last week after. so i'm going food reports keeping a household together when there was no proper roof to speak of museum. oh, she's doing her best to support her family info pulse. they've been forced from their home to this a makeshift camp on the grounds of a high school spike and getting violent test for somebody. sometimes i show so much the other day i could only think of
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a parent who took bleach to drink until my golf bus because i see the misery i sofa . i like don't do anything about it. i'd rather die. she has 2 daughters to feed and to protect criminal gangs control about 90 percent of the capital city and much of the country on average, one percent is murdered every hour, asserting violence has displaced roughly 360000 people across the country. listed louder, keys. yeah, we're local. everything is completely did. for example, when it rains we can't sleep. we have to stay standing because water flows below us . so everybody stays standing. there's no way i can lie to rest. international observers have welcome the establishment of a transitional counsel last week and put an end to weeks the political deadlock and brought fresh hopes of a return to order. but at this camp that the displaced haiti's most vulnerable,
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still waiting for help see by the state. me just think about these people who was suffering and don't have anybody by the side. if i get international organizations kind to help. but organizations are not patients here. hope the political transition will bring security and a chance to return to their homes. if this i'm getting food, al jazeera, police and engine administered customer have confirmed the killing of one of the most want to revel commanders in the region. officials say he was caught up in a gun fight with security forces on monday nights. the incident follows and a time on an engine air force comm boy sperm wells are communicating in a way that's more complex than previously believed. that's the conclusion reached by scientists studying the mammals and caribbean waters. the searchers say their vocal calls may be using
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a phonetic alphabet. i'll expired reports. of these just clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs us the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint moraine metals room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of clicking noises. so called co does that sound a little bit like morse code or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with similar is similarities to aspects of some other animal communication systems and even some aspects of human language research as a part of the project stacy dissertation translation initiative, machine learning team. we've examines move in the 8700 audio snippets of spend while clicks known as coaches. scientists have been trying for decades to understand what those clicks might mean. the walls, i still don't know,
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they now sing 0 states of clicks that make up of the music else, abuse that the wilds. mice used to build the rough equivalence of woods and phrases . project studies really focused on listening right now, but this is an incredibly vulnerable population, especially transmitted communication system that we really don't want to disturb. and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even they have a sense of whether that will be possible this experience face the miles seem to have sophisticated social ties and deciphering their communication systems could reveal parallels with human language and society. those some believe the cliques may be more akin to music if they are indeed speaking. the big question
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is, what are they saying? and could we learn to speak back? alex bid, which is 0. thanks for watching the news, our, we're back in just a moment with more news right here and i'll just 0. the hearing the fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet, we'll get reporting from the option to bite says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation aid workers work directly targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world when you closer to the heart of the story of the world. a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants seeking us size of the united states
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voyage. but for some is their loss. none the less for come to some of these, it's a risk. they are willing to take full lines in box on this and for giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on a jersey to the the . ringback the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec,
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thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the attacks on the left as israel blocks crucial aids, water, food, and fuel for more than a 1000000 people start to run out the you're watching l to 0 light from headquarters and downtime data. you navigate to also coming up is really also already user demolishing dozens of phones belonging to a bedouin family in the negative region. floods and brazil,


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