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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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so what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settled next. people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the israel watches their strikes on drops off and blocks water, food and fuel for more than a 1000000 people, crowns. it's a garza southernmost city. the you're watching all just the real life from my headquarters and i'm telling you, navigate is also coming up. patients on medical workers leave a hospital series. the tax after is really troop sees the foster border crossing
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serbia's iron cod friendship with china on display president you. japan gets a red carpet welcome. in belgrade efforts are underway to rescue thousands of people try software building collapse. so the hello israel has continued to follow me, but i saw the rest of gaza as palestinians remain tracked in the strip bombardment comes after is where the soldiers sees the main border crossing into off between egypt and the strip is really for so struck a home in the west of the city, killing at least 4 people and wounding several others, the neighborhood and the eastern part was also shout. one and a half 1000000 people have sought refuge in the rough and the un secretary general has warned a full scale assault on the city would be su vinatieri
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a nightmare. sarah. hi, rough begins, are coverage with this reports. this is what people in garza wake up to every single day is riley gold warnings from voltages including its main ally, the united states installed to booming russell a few days ago. one thing at the bottom for sphere kind of stuff. i mean, this is an area that you saw in the army has told us is a safe soon and outside it's it'd be of operations. what's our neighbor's house to respond and our, all my stuff which our house only had civilian. so there is no fighters who women and children has been killed and injured. may god is the starkness. adult goodness agencies say that has catastrophic consequences for palestinians. israel's takeover of the rough border crossing with agents on tuesday means no age can get in a that's a nice line. so those living in the gaza strip is ro has also denied the un and
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agencies access to gaza. they say the supplies of fuel will only last one more day . during the last 7 months, israel has been forcing palestinians into rough, nearly 2 thirds of districts, population of 2300000 or displaced the thoughts 1500000 people. the city had a population of 275000 before the war, exhausted and traumatized there on the move. again. some displays for the face and even sick time. also, israel has told those in east and rough off to go to areas just weeks ago. what bottle fields? milwaukee. han units ended, isabella. none of these areas have basic services, no conditions considered livable. many palestinians,
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or christ's assignments on soft spring water born diseases with only extremely pul, magical cat, available rad or loan. but i know, i know we have stuff with a lot of children, see horrible things and listens for like they suffer with trauma while we're displaced. when leaving tanks not far from us, you can see it with the bare eyes. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the minister of defense you off the laws have both for the statement saying, the bombing of russell is necessary to get rid of some us. and that israel will continue to quote, defendants operation owners of the gaza strip in the south center and the news garza is often described as the world's largest open prison. and before the war was ready under a 17 year bouquets imposed by israel a
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cx. 5 deal is still being discussed in crime, right? palestinians in the gaza strip side of desperate for the war to any sort of fight of algae 0 as well. one of the main hospitals in southern gaza is now m t after is really the troops sees that of border crossing patients and medical workers floods yusuf, and as our hospital ended, our foss fearing is really strikes the hospital, was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during as early as hacks in the city hunting for me to join us from dated by the in central guys or where many people are fleeing to honey being displaced several times. what's the situation like in that and by now where your yes, we're right now during the events are volvic rapidly and creating many complexities . and we were just looking at some live footage of people in rough, our filling up the goal would go very crowded. the spaces right now with people are
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move in and evacuating a rough i city, moving their stuff by their own cars or a one on parts pulled by animals. bike is re transport the means available as these really mothers are expanding it's intense bombing campaign. that is, seems to be getting a little further through the central part of robot, as well as the western part of it, where they evacuation on evacuation zone is located. but many people by the 1000 right now, and we talked a couple of people who made it to did black describe deep uh the uh and exhausted the, the panic, the concern. and they are pouring into the central area mentally. and there is, but i see that the reason people here, despite the mis trust that they don't trust is really and are there any more bits. but this fate has been designated as a safe zone, despite the fact that they don't believe there's really narrative about creating saves on across the strip. and we have seen that proven lars. the when people moved
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into evacuations on because their designated a safe periods were bombed. and killed inside these evacuation the gradual we see and hear the vicinity of this hospital is because coming more crowded right now with many families setting up a new dance looking for every small, empty area of pocket of lands or the vicinity of the hospital or inside the court, you have lots of those, setting up their tents or whatever they're able to construct here in order to stay with their families, exhaustion, tire song man. and then and tonic is, is all the, the definition of what these displays families are experiencing right now. so honey, there's no bombing right across the gaza strip. where's the bombing been most concentrated and tell us about the aftermath of these attacks. we're right now, the bombing campaign is more concentrated in the eastern part of the rough estimate,
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including the phenomena jeanine, a neighborhood a little further to the central part works 3 residential towers just before the beginning of the expansion of this military operation were filled with displays. families or work force as they leave with were dropped and phone calls were made by just reading on here the evacuated these is free residential towers with hundreds of families, sites are being targeted right now by the non stop artillery sitting. and here's strikes an old and around the vicinity of an adult hospital that is looking right. pretty much deserted right now. not only from the medical staff and an age and medical workers inside dog, but also at the surrounding people left in the we're just giving as little as a few minutes to exactly without taking any of their stuff. but we're looking also at the about a z, a neighborhood that's between us to the western side of a cell i'm neighborhood is being targeted relentlessly. right now, it's the border line neighborhood. would they gyptian rough border?
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would many peoples were forced to sleep in hon. you and is merely right now what we're looking at more of the art dealer's and, and get used to but i've got a cut off area that's the based in part of, as i noticed on a hot out as one of the areas that completely turned into a pile of ruins, and i know the residential, both of the and public facility were district when there's really military invaded hon you and is it just just have the biggest chair of destruction in the city of fine units. as it was formed, reputed, the invite is really military. all right, thank you so much signing off what was reported from dayton by the hand. central garza now the us has pause the shipment of bombs to israel, saying that it's not addressed. washington's concerns about a major ground operation and dropped off. so israel has shut down now as a result preparations, and we're having to report from outside israel, how much on june is joining us from the jordanian capital? i'm on. what more do we know about these shipments? of weapons that are being withheld. and any reaction from this release on this of
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the so that means the reports that emanated from the us were saying that this shipment included about $3500.00 bombs. that there were around 180-2000 pound bombs, and around 170500 pound bombs. and that, that's the shipment that was, that was halted. now we've not received any official word from is really government leaders or military leaders. what we have seen since this morning, our remarks attributed to fund named the government and military officials scattered throughout the is really media landscape. now on the one hand, you have some, a named israeli government officials that are being quoted in some publications saying that they are concerned that this could be a 1st step by the us and that they could start seeing more weapon shipments halted . and they're worried that this is a sign that the is really us relationship is only worsening. and that the us is
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going to try and exert more pressure in the future to try and ensure that is real enters more seriously into the ceasefire negotiation so that they do not fall out invade. i don't know how we should also just mentioned very quickly that uh, the amount of weapons that are being reported on this is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the overall amount of weaponry that the us and israel. this is a very small amount. now, on the other hand, you will have some military officials, again on names that are being quoted in some is really publications. is trying to down, play all of this and saying that any disagreement between the israelis and the americans is being discuss behind closed doors, that everything has been solved and that they don't think this will irreparably harm the military alliance between both countries. i should also mentioned that what's going to be curious is how this is dealt with today as there are reports and is really media now. is that c i a director william burns has landed in israel and
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that he will soon be meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin at yahoo. so are we going to be hearing more about this from israeli officials in the company hours? is this a topic that william burns is going to be bringing up with a prime minister netanyahu and others really officials. we just don't know right now. clearly we expect to hear something, but at the moment it's very much a holding pattern. okay, thank you. i'm how much i'm doing reporting from my mind once again, our correspondence is reporting from jordan because benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet has bound down to 0. so that's why we're having to report from outside, off israel. but large number of is really police officers have been mobilized to enforce the demolition of about 50 homes in the negative region. and that has led to protests and the local better when community for lease prevented a palestinian is really a member of can assess from approaching the sites. palestinian is really m p. 's have criticized the government's move, calling for a solution acceptable to all parties. israel's far right national security minister, it's more bank affairs as the demolition is an important step towards restoring
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governance. a group of palestinians have opened fire on is really soldiers as they were storming the city of nablus and the occupied westbank for a chair. it online shows intense gun fire, directed is really military vehicles as well as a rates on a palestinian home or young man was detained before the forces left the area and is really forces have carried out more rates in other parts and they occupied westbank . they stormed the new shops, refugee camp in the city of twin cat, and that's where palestinians fought with them to israel's renewed attacks under the file have triggered new protests and the u. s. terrorism. oh, how's this report from new york where at least 7 people have been detained? here in union square and new york, the people have gathered to demand an end to the wrong guys that are changing goals . so hands on the rock, the current version that is ongoing in southern guns service people are not
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students. there's several organizations that have gotten together to demand that the united states financing needs riley, military funding base route military. and he's one of the organizers of this demonstration, we are outraged at the invasion of roof has begun. the and we are here, we call them emergency rally because the will of the united states people is actually to end the genocide, to end the occupation. and it seems that the white house cannot hear this and is not putting the appropriate amount of pressure and taking action to the square and started to sweep in the middle of the city. there's lots of questions off the police, at least 4 people were arrested. they had been warning the process there was that they kind of broke the rules are marching through this area. these people are also saying that they stand with the student protesters that have taken university
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campuses across the country. students are very courageous and they're very brief. and our message here actually is that the students were right, they were protesting to stop the invasion of rough, and it's continuing now. protestors march going around new york city. they made all the way here to the new york public library where they continued to demand. then after the war, students in the united states had been suspended, expelled the many had been arrested here in new york city. they had been evicted from their campuses, but they haven't taken the process to the street. and that's where they say they, when we manage the see that you're in the u. k. students have set up in camp vince in solidarity with palestinians in garza, and at oxford university students are demanding for their institution to cut financial ties with israel. over $200.00 oxford academics assigned to an open letter supporting the process at the university. paul brannon has more from oxford
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in the u. k. to this day 3, all the protests here at the university of oxford were in front of the museum of natural history on another part of the pit river museum. and as you can see over my shoulder there all around 3035 tents with a kind of fluctuating number of protesters milling around them, save 50 to 100 people at any one time. and they are out of meant that they are going to stay for as long as possible to demonstrate against what is happening in gauze. and now this is not the only university protest that we know of. we know of a protest in manchester, for example, new castle london. there is a kind of system protest taking place in cambridge as well. and the statements has been put out by the organizers of these oxford cambridge protests is as far as saying that basically oxbridge is profits kind of continues to climb at the expense of public opinion lives. and also which is reputations was no longer be built. and
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the white flushing of is really crimes. now in response to the university of oxford has put out a statement saying we respect the rights to freedom of expression in the form of peace for protests. we asked everybody to have respect, courtesy, emphasis. our focus is to ensure the impact on work research and learning and creating examinations is minimized. still ahead on alta 0, the peaceful, urban for testers, and me and mar who transformed into bravo. find the the latest news was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gaza. population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices, escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign
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ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft results to go ahead, define them. and then y'all, who could be out of office to arab writers from different countries, but with much uncommon moraine upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry. what's the width and you used to fight the whole world? and course something to do. a syrian professor who flocked with behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in living in syria. how this going to the rock. that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria, analogy 0. the elements. challenges here. where the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello again, the top stories on alger 0, this, our israel has been bombarding girlfriend southern dogs, a day officer. its soldiers sees the main border crossing between districts and egypt for at least 4 people were killed in a strife on a home in the western part of the city. one of the main hospitals and southern gaza has been evacuated. officer is really troops sees that off of border crossing patients on medical workforce floods uses in the shot hospital in the searing is really strikes is really police. and then i gave region, or a demolishing about 50 policy in him is really homes. our spending is where the m p
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's have criticized the government's move, calling for a solution acceptable to all parties. the chinese president, cheese in thing is in serbia for an official state visits on a symbolic se 25 years ago. 3 chinese journalists were killed with nato bomb the chinese embassy in belgrade. she has already been to france, where he held critical talks on trade and russia, and later he will travel to hungary. the trip is his 1st european tour in 5 years stuff. austin has more from belgrade, he has chosen a very interesting i took marie on his uh, european trip. it was a bit more cold, i would say in front. so the atmosphere more difficult talks and now he has to definitely be arrives in a warm bath. uh just uh, a few hours ago when he was welcomes here at the palace. there were thousands of people coming in from uh, all over serbia. and many of them uh,
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taken here by buses waving at the chinese president says, thanking him for all the investments here in the country. serbia is china's largest, the biggest so you are being friends and china is to serve you as of the most important trading partner and investor. so there is speculation here and suggested that she is basically using serbia to create product divisions among the european countries off the visiting friends with some pressure on him to use the relationship with the president puts in a to talk about the war and ukraine and tone down what's happening and even make some of these resolutions for this, for us in ukraine. but now he is here in serbia, which has a much better relationship with russia on this moment this day when it's 25 years after the bombing a by nato plays of the chinese embassy here,
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basically telling nato that, yeah, you are an aggressor as well. so ukrainian presidents, a lot of my zalinski says that russia has seriously damaged critical energy infrastructure in an overnight era to more than 50020 drones were launched, leaving smoke hanging over the capital keys of the people's defense for us. and many more were once members of a peaceful, urban protest movements, but its fighters are now on the frontlines of battles with the military. around the strategic border, china mayor was eve. tony trying tells their story in the 4th of august, they were special reports from inside me in more places from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah,
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they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. in the off the mazda of the military, to peaceful protest as took to the streets of old man. mazda may just sit his thea, but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the ministry crank down that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets. 1000 small, hold a way to detention to the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit. move to the boat is an fine. but a mile from that i a roof in this area around august 2021. our senior k and l. a. force in the lake, a cow area, my o y d, i decide to take up arms and flights back. and usually off of the training i decide to work this medic trained by a sneak korean rebels who's been fighting for a ton of me for decades. they lent you skills, but
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a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one grateful for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the many of them are not good enough. just don't that the young up in point is a, using the social media skills to for the to g was the theme is hip hop on just now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds. say about trying to, you know, we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack. cuz so we have to raise funds by any means such as collecting donations from people online. they worked with the song, he's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and rapid executed by the
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electric generator in 2022. as the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river, educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang out to 0 k in states, eastern e m a week of floods in southern brazil has left at least 90 people that and another 130 are still missing. heavy rains triggered land slides and caused widespread destruction, president luis, unnecessarily with the silver has requested congress, acknowledge a state of public emergency and there are more rains for cost in the next week. the rescuer themselves offers are in a race against time as they search for at least 39 people missing. after building collapse and the city of george near cape town,
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at least 7 people were killed. more than 200 emergency personnel are working with sniffer dogs and heavy lifting equipment to find survivors. a demand known as the master of north korea and propaganda has died at the age of 94, came keen um served 3 generations of the north ruling family dynasty. rob mcbride reports from sol as north korea's mazda propagandist and kim quay nam health cement. the lower of the came family, tennessee was assigned if it's important, the current rule that kim jong does that overnight. tribute to his mental state run media, you the jobs, his memory, the reading and the whole was wrapped in solver over the last of a veteran of our policy and the revolution. starting with chemo, some north korea's founding father, tim keen,
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them witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the communist world. although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine. he helped to create that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing kim duncan have gone viral, finding a global audience by this has to be done this over seems reaching the age of 4 to this year. we few strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so, and with came introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down on mcbride. i'll just say era, so well, there been dramatic scenes, assembled airport take a look,
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a boeing 767 cargo plane was forced to land on its nose on the runway dots after its nose gear failed, and then firefighters rushed to that again to ensure that no fire as pros, house, thanks for watching l g 0. the weather is next. spend inside story look. so what 6 more years of president putin means for russia and the world's, the, for the writings, turns to shot was now, as the breeze comes off the water into japan. so the picture is one of not bad weather told to be honest. took here is 19 degrees, the sun sides of the green financially. most of china was enjoying the sunshine, but there is this little line. here's the cold front on its way through beijing. i'm in the office the down, the science where the chart was, it have been giving flooding,
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rains all enough for the last month or 2. all still that now we're coming into the time where we expect seas new writing and funding is a normal thing. but it came down, as you can see, and that picture as it goes through beijing doesn't drop the temperature very much for that's a line of trouble refund the stones on its way into north street. now it's the season of pre monsoon heat. there's also generates giant thunderstorms that has been the case recently in westbank go and up in tucker and beyond. still the possibility for they all creeping a bit further into the deck, in fact to us by which means the temperatures have which most of it in the low fourties are on the way down. but it's still gonna be housing goods are up in the northwest and up in practice time. and it's going to be no relief from the heat here until the monsoon rains arrived. so you took quite a way away to docusign in particular, up into the high forties. and surprisingly, was little john's offer these as the 2 arab writers from different countries,
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but with much uncommon moraine upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry, what's the width and he used to fight the whole world. and course something to do. a syrian professor has lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in living in syria. how this going to the rock, that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that which is 0. the precious president, let them in person has been installed for a 5th term. his hold on power them as an if a for the war and you crime has led to the west relations with the, with since the cold war. so what will 6 more? he is a person named for russia and the world. this is inside story,
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the hello and welcome to the program. i'm told mccrae russia's president vladimir


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