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tv   Al Jazeera World Rebel Writers - Palestine and Syria  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm for the back people with a look at all mean stories on al jazeera. israel has continued to bomb, rasa, and the rest of guys as palestinians remain trapped, that the attacks come up. these really soldiers sees the main border crossing, and vasa between egypt and the gaza strip. besides the main method to the world is
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pleasing. look at what's happening to us. so we just want to leave that. we don't want any problems. we have endured more than we should live. this will be over one of the main hospitals and 7 guys that is now empty after is really to seize the roof of border crossing patients and medical workers fed on their job hospital in rafa, fearing is really strikes the hospital, was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really a tax in the city. students in the u. k. has set up camps in solidarity with palestinians in gaza at oxford university. they're demanding the institution cuts its financial ties with israel. more than 200 oxford academics have signed an open letter supporting the protest. as in the occupied westbank, the group of palestinians of open fire on is really soldiers as they were storming the city of nablus. so did shed online shows intends gone fire directed that is really military vehicles as well as a rage on
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a policy and home. a young man was detained before the forces left the area. and is there any forces have carried out more rates in the other parts of the occupied westbank based on the north shines refugee camps in a city of to cram with palestinians fault with them. a large number of these really police officers have been mobilized to enforce the demolition of about 50 homes in the negev region that's led to protesting the local better when community police presented a policy. and is there any member of the class at the parliament from approaching the side policy and these ready and these have criticized governments move calling for a solution that's acceptable to all parties as well as far right. national security, administrative mob individually says of demolition is an important step towards restoring governments and out of world me is voters are heading to the poles in north macedonia. they're voting in both presidential and parliamentary elections.
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corruption is thought to be a big issue for voters in the election. the president's role is largely ceremonial ukraine surprises the info to me is lensky says, russia has seriously damaged critical energy infrastructure in an overnight era time. more than 15 besides in 20 jones were launched, leaving smoke hanging over the capitol keys, china and said you have a noun so free trade agreement to come into force on the 1st of july. you know, it's meant game is chinese presidents aging thing was in serbia for an official state visit. she has already been in france where he was critical talks on trade and russia, and later hilde travel to hungry. the trip is his 1st european tour in 5 years. a heavy rain in southern brazil has left a plane and run ways of measuring an international f. 14 for to a luxury. a week of floods has ravaged rows and bridges. triggering lands lies in
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causing widespread destruction. at least 90 people are dead and another 130 are missing. present losing us in the silver has requested congress acknowledge a state of public. imagine c maureen's forecast in the coming week. rescue as in south africa in a race against time as a search for at least 39 people missing after a building collapse in the city of georgia. mia, cape town. at least 7 people. waco, it's more than $200.00 imagined. so 1st, now i working with snippet dogs and heavy lifting equipment to find survivors. and they've been dramatic scenes that assembled airport in turkey. a boeing 767 cargo plane was forced to land on its nose on the runway. best off to its nose gas fields . finally, scientists have been trying to, for decades to understand what way of clicking sounds mean. while they still don't know, they now think fits of clicks, makeup, a phonetic alphabets, and those, all the headlines. all knowledge is here. i'll be back with more news after all to
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0. well stay with us. the . ready the of the literature,
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some of the most viewed items are called but co is sometimes criticized or sorry to attack governments in highlighting justice. so the life of an article can carry the risk of arrests in prison and exam as pulls the case with wayne please. he was born in 1928 into a prominent family in guys who went on to champion palestinian resistance. and the 1950s in 16th, when goes on, was effectively controlled by egypt. he was to use it as a direct result of his radical left. we put it to cooper lane, shang well now then why? she asked you what had shed or get yvonne had in that you meant? what domain?
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she one with the desk and i had the one kind of see it then. sorry about that and got us when they sent me to send me what, what yeah, and the and says you might not, hasn't been hacking. so household, well we just had the young well, the over the susan was vba. well, the buzz walk on and then the so i'll to band metal was because of us almost 100 bucks. what else being i love the fast. yeah. i mean, so to the lot i'm doing it to when you go ahead again, seniors being part of okay with them and then you can, you can use mission is just phasing in depth like in the front of the unfit, good one on the comfortable catch of an idea, and then i'm concerned for susan, cut of out of a 100 positions on catch up a lovely company on wine, apple or her border. what on does that come about up to a no more, you know,
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but um with the federal law. and remember what's up with the, the iep. what kind of hard to do with the letter they've been telling me that again, with that in mind, you must do and i know have the, the, they have to have have a share, some know what the i the audience i'm and i left the unit it doesn't the little me and, and show where you can now what, but you split the animal unit doesn't. what do you do that? these, can they ask you for the sort of name? it's obviously assembly. what kind of a mobile off at the new tires you'll be advocacy in minnesota is i've got that. wow . j. i mean is this item in the heart of the cat with that gun? oh yes. the in a see it. then you hear that what kinda isn't this stuff that's from back,
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the estimate like what i feel, i'm not gonna cut out whole with them. i didn't wanna waste them it. let's see, it has been here now, but yeah, so what about the demo? and the more end up, sir, so no here, but i will keep that, but the share you of the young blooms. sure. what? who of the mazda the zillow up? i mean, yeah. out of which, samuel, from so out of the you. what about the young? sure had the key to about to chevy fi, mozilla, for the streaming. you do also thought of the call the do you have the uh, the, uh, well, uh, where he lives is let view of, of a little demo muffin little stuff. and i'll tell you what cabinet shed, but i'm not sure as i've had the bulk of the facility, the have to move
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a look at the issue and kind of the higher them are. and if this was the other ones, you know, if you're not hundreds and seen them much, i mean, not as i see you just had not come back, you know, many hours. i mean how i fear it's, you know, a standing order streaming that new. i mean as far the, and how did that and the be that last so the means you there and he has a hierarchy may have done, has a lot of problems with the media equipment and then how my lawyer, the well, if you had the fucked off know the, the shadow on my way back to what the, just so the, the, like the oh well, the one chevy football football. how of what's, i mean? what's the and i'll come see what some the one and monica. well, let's go to them and have the one, cuz we have too much for the con, uninstall. comfortable for them. i can, you know, see if they can really see,
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let me see, let me see, there we go to, let's just let's oh yeah let's because i know who the ones are in the middle of the set up. and then i'm, i'm an, an, as a lab. okay. maybe some features as you can or the then what the, how do i can jen now to, i'm going to get the most of it. i'll send me with new will come see why that you as a i mean i'm with the reason why i'm done my now i do with you and the, and the i was all i am liberties coming, slipping, wires the now. so he then mind upstairs. so while a, a has us, and that's the, in a hassle style, but we, the, i've not, you know, we're just has a, and when he began really he lives in the,
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the judge i them either apple will that show peebles or how that woman and how to follow up on. yeah. yeah, that's all i can see. but how do you let me make even not the daughter had that. okay. how yeah we're, that's right. i will, i've got you. i'm fixing the feel of the have escaped out to what color the job that day i made the city you know, like mom and i to hack the legend were inc. and i'm a full one will share. i don't want my little but way is that kind of has the who malik, etc. type it in the english as well as the any, any of the one is going to come. so i'm seems to have that mattress heavy law that kind of fit things out of the sort of more emphasis. so what if the 4th line, see i move out of why i sort of a one that, i mean i, i then x death,
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not all the way each good. yeah. or maybe it is emilita problem. 10 of the most of the future body does that. it can, if it could be a solely because i only know how to cut this, i'd be kind of you look when hack and protected in i was standing was that that had been hacked in the house on the have yourself a, you just said the young was on the oh, the office susan us i'm in model. i think there's always that the whole file button, but buddy, the decision had to be the one model. that's the window in the setting and it had to be, i got that match. what was your partner? shut that off the lease to highlight it, match an apple g as in whole category. i was just for allow meeting or leslie and to show you that vision, property of home class peters collab. i do bring that and then with elected a i'm in the,
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the message in front of somebody else who is about i'm seeing a level cabinet from that i do, i have the fee, you have to buffy decision a little. i had to see this message in the middle of the large moving us vision light on the edit. saw me out the one that was it, the a let me is a next and i'll be off on a how that of how about the feelings and what kind of sense, what kind of a decision as such an i know. yeah. tension of a and maria, well i have a little have useful and decision was suggested. see us out of the the anymore. then we're already back. look, i'm, i have a possible you the here now and then number one. now and so for the here. well no, i cannot, will call you to have me that one. 0 my god,
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no. so you have to fill the shadow of a few minutes now and then what i can then send a note to the other. most of the people of usage, one of the most of let him know of the fact that he was most of the d o n, and chevy and you have the engine optimization that to body any as a minimum amount of be. well, it is how many it, how long it will understand after yes, i see it exactly to share and will pass you. yeah, i mean, so have luck with your you know, i mean, why a dynamic columbus and let's see how this publish. yeah, you know, i mean, why in the near cause i in, i've been nicer. yeah, shamela,
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my service done, the most of the sold will. if i lose, you know, if you had the, some of the sausage, somebody to walk. but let's see is who can i better? i'm up a little at any in the shop if i'm seeing the other ones you know more. what about cartoon frontier? the other which of course was intimidated and sand and mccord the be it when they said electricity that and those are the yeah. the share item line of cecil c chevy. he took the sub sort of chevy. yeah. the color of the, the to be s, can just, you know, a quarterly or what i see. yeah. well man, no, we, yeah. well, i level cannot while the month to month a, so, or send me a month or something. have these to share to you. and then in sam egypt, cassia once um on the order of health vehicle number one of the other on your phone call, even though the jim
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a he of value done. i'm more than i a sure one moment i have to hey yeah. i left you a yeah, that's good to you. i'm going to now. so i'm going to shut off the employee the lives in the file. it monica, the in. the get out that the cost of who the pleasure to go when was that the deal putting fee, allowing them to me on that and then the whole sort of the available gun that the go to your calculator. definitely a lot of the village of the demonic. well then, regardless of them and they had, they had a policy that he had that these, that, that a problem i'll know we at, at a junior would one for the anaesthesia let available. last little a little about the shot to get to the emphasis how soon is out of the minutes. i'm sure and no problem with this. when i ask if uh not on
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this truck, the mattress and the mattresses, the i'm in the middle of the stuff they just got the legit when i'm gonna have the fee and that is that i submitted this badge you and yes, i mean that's not the who yeah, jim and then friday and last night, and the heck that i want to shot in the new stomach. how does it, can you send me the land instead of find out in the morning of cheryl and for shed and 15, and we'll call fish out at the fair, you know, like in mobile, i mean have the shot to just have to be he literally a saw it, let him move. uh yeah, and unfulfilled of the issue i just saw no part. and when you know, we're in the portal and of course the, the column, i cannot see them over the left for the zip code. so i can i by you. so it doesn't mean the domain is for your daughter, so no more. let me see is, well,
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i know it's not something we're going to pay. i'm gonna try my, the numbers my let the have the i, oh well i'm, i've had it but at the williams room. no, i had each munitions and something and i'm sharing mine. and how should i know now that's the idea behind. and that the spot, the i'm somebody below i do always set factors yet. yeah. and nothing i know is step daughter and tell me she can lead what dr. the for the who and i can hear what i know and know cheryl casey, the interest a minute demo and about an issue and that can them. and you can know if that's how we gonna be at the dfcs office that coming out of model for them. allows you get to the extent of the csc and my ass off of 200 f, a little bit of
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a if you bought them and then well, if i'm much of the mckibbin, i will tie this list in the us about a fairly heavy smoker. ok, yes it is the pen t you on the ship then jane and the well i'm to to laser in ice and also malware if it does have in that in, in, in, in the hard to get them in line. my name is jacqueline vaughn, who i get donald then g, but she, jenna, i fax. shut up. how did you not? because i got new. hi. so i'm up in a month. well, i can come down and i couldn't. yeah. let me more. hi. how to get in patrick in know he is on the bus at the, at the what does that
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a little add them inside this little side this go down to them and ask them the 9 right. 10 potty be done and then get a money via home beach and i share a little lack in my punishment and my humbly full i have like yeah died. right. let me do that. we had ms edge along, the 10 were and upset. so and done that split up the my yes, what out of let's see about the milwaukee will that can that wind up there? so let me, i thought i was out on monday, but it's the model. i don't see much, he has an auto, but we'll have that man. so jim myself, see? yeah, it took me to bring my bad. it was damn mix himself so you have mine upstairs and most of all, i'm again in lee and you know what? i have lots of high level heavy jacket down the mazda and infiniti. and what can you do a little fast. yeah, that are mesh chair. can you do?
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yeah, it will need emma, if she does not get double the she moved shell the way that cam a side maryan of cecil to to do math and allowed the mean little that to allow them wash shut off. took a shot and most of the to chevy is just to show hold on wave down. what am i get them got to have shown again. have you ever weigh it fit donna moreno, successful a sofa. and was this the heavier way of doing that? yes. don't of the yet i'm you guys are lemming some soon on the slide the. when you guys are, i mean the 11th and the solar eclipse and it's been a while. you've had a young buddy, i'm and you say you see the green delila mean? what are the things that, you know, you know, well, and that'd be the data on how to shop. yeah. the edge, i little i'm a,
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the m m m m a c. i'm a photo of them for the city. you know what i'm from? so i haven't even looked at as you mentioned, i should have to yeah. she beta she yeah. hire we yeah. she and the dog shopping when i can see how that goes on, you know, fee and without coughing. right. i mean okay. and does extra the when to mr. lee failed. how do that i let me see. well, if i to what the, the, the tenant they might have too many and did that. then i saw they have so coffee, one us up in nevada. let me, i thought i jack on the cell at the, in the near with somebody and with the, i'm gonna be a little more and it says, look, none of them's and was a little column i wouldn't when are they needing to see us in, on an out of,
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well the, with the hot though, so you have to hire the ash mountain country ashen. that said that it is out. which denny, and i know catastrophe can i issue again in one of these was i that i then the one in one ship devices that i sent this 3 year i yes, i add salt that lives out as a whole the lives up. well we, i, that's cool. and the bus good. if the take new will see sort of highly the news can also be defended. that connectivity and he's on the seat almost to look at. and he said it was going to be so you number from the divorce, even if you will help him. but if, if he feet you and once in a 100,
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you might have to let the can do it, or how little of it or not i can let the, how about how much energy as to what if i p i less if i had to do july what? but that'd be a lot, but he's going to model something about what you get the most of the and let the can associated with doesn't know what to do with rises missile more to him, a whole lot of him. i didn't somebody i'm on the policy done, we're start over again at the i do see can on the line now, would you know me? i'm, i don't see the li engine the issue on any, any, be a coffee here in the next. so i know what is getting them an idea how you nest for matt in the yeah, the for me get the ball means that the guy get meaningful. she knew the shot the line of say so the whole is you human available. what's the zip code up in for this thing? the, let me have them and i'm going with them. we have to, they're both on a, can, i know that, you know, that's what can see it on mac, i'm a, you mazda who saw him a whole would that always?
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well, for the whole. so now what do we have those? uh, so that is your, you know, does, uh, what's the ad zuka? i locked that up in. i love office of the adding value for a new show kind of stuff to show you what i use all of the audi 4 and the zip there . i should back and we're doing an value for initial back on this. only a minute. i'll be out of the school. we'll have a new way. she's got chocolate, the move hello. the can even with my own sound, we would each about the condition with less that you don't comes nacken or feed the,
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find it and i'm recording. next question i can vision and feed my thoughts. maps has lots of the range and i'm happy in those disparities. i'm in the hall. i know you don't know how to limit the distance the to that is a new man. uh i definitely will see that that was fun enough choir that an item i can call my new city. so this yeah, new roman i to call a little them. it does the little and coordination of a scan, municipal memory of car. then most of the, something, the federal combination idea who,
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who's totally following when and why you should come at next. here you'd be, or have you had any, she's gotta be a little ahead. me just sorry to add that in the thought that was what anything, check out what happened. all right guys. i mcmurray g, h a y, what may added, and that's in the palestinian rights are. and maureen police coming up in port to the rebels writer who 1st use the term neck about or catastrophe, to describe the founding of israel and the violent displacement and disposition of palestinians. in 1948 on tuesday, it was a writer that also had the secret group that floated revolutionary change. the cheering dislikes,
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the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet. we'll get reporting from the option to bite says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age worker's work direct target to an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you, closer to the heart of the story. that's what i'm counting the calls protests. there's in the us developers, universities divest from israel, how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for the tech talk to the american market? kinds of the costs pulled out a 0. a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america for migrants, tequila side of the united states. a voyage,
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but for some is their loss. none the less for accomplish families. it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on just the sooner we get them fully back to the window. how would the headlines on how to 0? israel has continued to bomb a raw, find the rest of a guys as palestinians remain traps that the attacks come after is really soldiers sees the main border crossing in rough or between egypt and the gaza strip. and besides that island was the lot in the my method to the was easy to use. pleasing
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look at what's happening to us. so we just want to leave that. we don't want any problems. we have enjoyed more than we should live. this will be all the students in the u. k. has set up cam seems solid diety with palestinians in gaza at oxford university. they're demanding the institutions cuts its ties, financial ties with israel. more than 200 officer academic says, find an open letter supporting the protests. a large number of these really police officers have been mobilized to enforce the demolition of about 50 homes in the negev region. that's led to protesting the local beto and community college community is really a piece of criticize the move, calling for a solution that's acceptable to all parties in other world news, china and said, you have announced a free trade agreement to come into force on the 1st of july, the announcement comes as china is present, she didn't thing is inside the f one official visit. she has already been in france
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where he has critical talks on trade and russia. later he'll travel to hungry. the trip is his 1st european tour in 5 years. voters are heading to the poles in north macedonia. they're voting in both presidential and parliamentary elections. corruption is thought to be a big issue for voters in the parliamentary election. the president's role is largely ceremonial. john sweeney has been sworn in as scotlands, new 1st minister, the scottish national party, a leader, succeeds holmes. i use a full announce his resignation. last week. the body has struggled to recover from a party funding scandal surrounding formerly there nicholas sturgeon in south africa rescue is in a race against time, is a search for at least 39 people missing. after a building collapsed in the city of doors. in the a cape town, at least 7 people were killed, more than 200 imagined c 1st. now i working at the site. those are the headlines. i'll be back in 30 minutes with the onto hearing news out and more about top
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stories. ology are well continues next to stay with us. the one historical campaign of the talis janine cruz was neither palestine. northern was in teams, the dean from the greek orthodox christian family in syria. he was a revolutionary arab nationalist 1st. and rebels lie too late during life. when his room was founded in 1948, something was the 1st white truth to use the r b cord, neck, or catastrophe. to describe the explosion over around $700000.00 policies, from their land
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so easily. what is the, how you pay many, yet the highest, because the most of the, the low may use, the costs are really bad. if they sent me a lot the know i have the height to anybody to send me. who am i, sees a seaman who needs to say how you mean? see, i didn't say it was a little bit to me the month to come and see how so that he shouldn't listen to see what was agreed. i'm going to tell you the when do you want to do to leave this channel? can you have to do much to do with the i'm the mother city and see what kind of to me is what the for will. who will be automatically for that would be the most you can see tiers to advocate for to the you only, you can who we are on the mountain wireless. other signal can, can you the, the new stomach fee or will aid a bad solution?
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also many with the who, the star model for them see where the english a lot of co cobra in looking for the thought. see, well before the start muffled on, i've got a co me yet. in the i'm i kind of thrown, i see the most part of the america's lot will be and he will be able to talk about your how do you, how to get available like into much kind of a glut committee and a love at the jump mafia a lot will be, well mine, this is so how do i be of some, jo, suffice the love for the good cause the for a plan out of the was told me, you know, how to be us. my head, the dollars, how to the what the ocean to see us. if you the, you know,
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sure. well, that's of why you, the full, the, the the lady can shut it up. is all available, taking the most valuable assembly on emily co. i'm off the top of that, so they will tell us how well, how we can be of charlotte, and you'll be why, why that is? it started you. i did not a, you'll be getting a connection was on the how with a new york lesson to do a sort of a sit on what the monkey and the heck they do, sir. i the know you for then we are, we are never who took in on domestic. we are now in the will, the will of 2 sided, much will need to hawaii. a lot of that, the stuff that i mean has the, the something is that a little button i can see. so certainly i'm still up in the city the, the estimate, the postage, i'm here. yes he is. i'm out of them. is the,
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the 100 him guessing. okay. in your, on your, i'm a little i know and on your come and this will best of it. it might have a look at a few $100.00, so can ken with the for, with a her elective duty and where i'm a theater with it. near the 30 slow for the in the there it looked at her to use of had been who we should have been a young did for most a head to the full with a week for so you might hardly, we didn't have the order and we were talking to you, we were to honda, princeton park in one before cool in the mean. but the news you when, when, how little going to jim, i'm the little nation them and i'll have to come and have it will have to do as well. there's are stairs, young, you know, how soon do i learn when he can them a new storm in the hey, the much on the hub, the illumination illness and then pin number and i'm in here. cool. most of what mile know here will it how you is game and she really into bit when you get into the country for kids with one case went up. so it was some spots us any kind of
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thought about this. i mean, i'm really key the know who i should use any. can you come in and look through it all means i'm out. spring storm. emily webb i see on the saturday and lead to the head of this kind of talk to the dilemma. it is sherman emily cuz it does show me a glitch in the stairs. i'm sorry. sure. i'm asking you again dear document what to the, how many miles to not be somewhere here at the united way. it was kind of a boat on sham a. you should see my, you know, shelter. she may sort of the general young to debate small by or can you can, how do i hit that it
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a good a but to see the jim h r lisco sturbridge kevin here to leave your style home and not let alone have him. the heads of what had been general emptied the love in jimmy had to go down the heart of the you for wish i didn't know for stuff anyhow, the hot, the you how with home or where you're trying to home, jani, you a whole now let's we could just me a lot of the defend elijah may still not on this car. not you bought a new had the gym 8. he and jim a let me in jim. i said half you how well no, i'm not shocked in the car been shot. should email you back in the shop called me and then the shop told me out to be how well when was i'm about to jump to. yeah. how the, the bottom of the, of the love i don't see pop up, elijah, may yet those g and it has home mad as though those
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e lays have been amount of data. but we will have the, i'm going to little bit of minus cs wide in eh, come in. uh, yeah, i need the homeless she is. she did move last year at the heart of getting there in a lot of the use of the ship to can to cover not annoying who are what scan, what am i on the island vision. my way again was on my level, the usual ok to me and looked and had only a 4. do i bid 16 result of bull heck, where usually you're under wouldn't barely seconds where we've been left. so you go here to the, the wind and that sees in the store and ship the store and they had the who had a, had the whole body of the heart of the you mean that the stuff or what the, how do you use? and the injunction, well then we and then we some,
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a lot of the you can do making some money off of their teammate. where's you have to add any, any money on on how long has obsessively looking to move? the lead was, she has all any upcoming someone off of that team that dana and how many of the work for 10 my dad is. and that means that i need a shed to look at the have lenient and keyboardist. and then me set what asia. so to let the for good luck on the little should be do it economy. so if you want the full you for and see the how solid lot of the, the model english. but at all, for the student can as little from a study, sci fi still in english, the or free how to do for all you will need a steep on the us a little out of prompt as possible on the bus. i had also told him, i'm on delilah. i know i figured it out to be
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a leak and i had the that the something a little i'm basically 00, but the yeah, i never did the attack you there how to be negative d that be paid. and the way the left side of the hello can joe i'm deaf kid respond to you and is that the senate so to, to, to send them officially, you know, if i was thinking initially you had one of the leaves a little bit and we will do so he went in the fall as the install, it almost started us citizen south to the team and solo from the city of cobra. and event was that's how you say them, they don't come to that kind of me fall asleep and call you my nation. been seen this, your them a distinct double out the somethings of it and no matter how early on missouri so that i'm going to see see, and softly that lean. what that these, what that'd be,
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what those were something that how costly the co chef at last, con kunkle salt because of it was on the i'm a silly one of them. one more suddenly can mahoney them the heavy, the see left and it was the show where they were a little bit how to get out of you. so what i said to show you how to follow steve . so let's go to, let's see, what is the mad button last. who knows? so close functions are out of high for my uh, head inside of it will definitely be much more for the city to come. most of my studies. they nadine? oh, that's how i live them. the mom with oh, he did a hell of a day. we'll talk to him about this. laugh with the 3. well, 10, b, b, b, b, all sorts of seamless. i met from matthew havoc essentially. look, manual solely your fellow student will at all lower will help us of things like who are the initial or no. uh yeah, i need to go over can uh on the theater i can do for the next year and its in the
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30 enough enough enough so but hi it very. they are what they are. what paid the chic dear side what she thought friesland. look in any measure and who it was of the canyon should duty on. yeah, let's have to have the can one. that'd be 3 on the again, you're activated and who will as a means or what, how does the all new machines come sort of reindeer of human human to family there abuse and what pacified or limited key here. so you want to come on the door. i knew we had his on the, i know it's timing, some sort of rain in the, the, the house on sunday that will be the way to, to be the will to who believe vanya, for the, how to how do i let me, little bit of a lot of really feel a month, you know what you fall. yeah. and how's the side of the race and hopefully
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he'll be thought i'd be sure to see if you know the and all the huskily, these are all on the left and how to because the board and the house on some to do have to be and especially the model, the model, the features that issue, the honey gayla, and if the leak was already so cool man was on his soda. i live in lazy, cool, that offer. leslie? well, no worries. i will feel much mom and i bought somebody over the buzz that'd be out about the bulk of the field. jason is totally on. yeah, he made the easiest or somebody at the bottom of that up. we'll see. so that then you want us to somehow we pull it i use is um are you bought like a something is i i'm a service house. oh no, that would though it, it could be it, it should. then i see a lot of kids, maybe some muscle. what is my use? well, have a lot of in 2nd anomaly. you. why have you felt that i, that america and i live in their opposite moody? well thought of the inducement, the, let me know that i how do i get that?
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i see the lenny is yes. that'd be the little be the sort of feet man being the go on. hey the metallic. how to how to be done. that billing lease really and again, all i need to do and all of the, most of the sites that a lot of, of the whole measure the, the she, the either deal in like an, as in hot i gosh, it's like article 0. well, i did with the both of the auto mall review the dish, i noticed i able to get that on the ceiling. easy a going fairly close on a nutritional music emotional to that all i gave me actually, i know the how about the other, the other has even how to just you little actually that sold a nice what, how do i out of a little simple beside my all to see i have, you know, in the most of the co, mr. best of the bought the wants to. so i would let me have one bob. good was this for again, i live in the cellar shop. see i'm a mess. like i thought a t was any yet. how does it mean the lia anomaly,
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the old me but how to get out of use? swear usually and so have many la my little and she is. she was heard the, the, the, i'm a good fit potentially. i me or you can do ma'am, over the duties of the had the home in what the electrician, if he had was at the in duty who marty, 50 thirty's, he did leave the school year but it was literally um, shipping lot lot of them on it was some of them and he good for credit, then they'll feel how call that we sold the whole boatley. i'll hold on that, but not sure of consulting the difficulty of the mutual fund or the loss. some of them on the do you a little hold on a lot of be well, how about the co me the bill. how about on the one hesitated monday. difficult. a legal not spoken. i like and why this little my this is why they sent me. i need to,
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who was kinda on the had up this up a little off the how with the how will that? yeah. hey mike, who's on my side of the key. let's the show you on public. i left it could i saw you when he would be before us the end, the month on thoughts? no, no, not the east. let us on the so you don't even the children. how would that? and these are dealing with somebody who did the falsely. well then was done on the fema bought in the syntax on, you know, other than that, that the neck that and again the young are the is to see and what you mean? look year the look between since the live those well him feet the you do table on mine. i'd like to be the and know the us about the data but and that could be the way the car
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a how the get a lot of the yeah. mostly in like me, with a visual focus will do in the lives of like we've also seen the we're not like to be out of the plan as it's monday. the stuff that must be on the one kid that he, it came up to met. but i'd love to something is what it is and keep the seattle them and the own little button. i keep that mine and neck about that, about an okey tab and id and look and see what is set up to to mental. i mean, what about a kid that sees no on and then the says dennis and then call them between boss on the sides. so if you see a line i might have had a test. so you only understand that it can limit the level as a setting up degree. yeah. well, i'm also setting out a schedule. yeah. well i must see you on a pallet and then then let me set called it off. i left awesome.
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don't you, sweetie? it's a little bit more know the issues with well the so can i semester for the time, most effective, it's a new quote and that's what i needed onto him. i'd be much. can you send me an update and not let the much the fitness we do have a home in january? we never assess. it can hate to work with new issue in new york to better assist c u t. be not in motion amount will see for, for us tiring with a don't letting the band line a lot of you by then with them up that feeling them. uh sir, so with the club the ship lead, definitely jewish. i understand. well since then the from soup left off, i'm seeing the terminals are out. there's little dots. he says in alabama. if i notice that i use the month to up to about a month to cancel. do the fuck the how much go up in the show for ask any yeah, that is an error. what the hell it, what about the bottle?
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but the low out of that, that dependable, there aren't big enough in the, in my share. so here to listen to be enough. see the estimate, the love way up. i saw the little below. i thought i the home this leg can see a lot because we love the oscillating. can you send that c plus a file up or something so that my on a single thoughts sort of the end of the car? does that mean? hard to bother. and chevy the well, i'll come back to have a love. it's a funny you, like, you know, i, li, i live in the city or the fold up. wasn't that last got a yellow, but there is a story yet. in the what is um, what is that the suit in the, to look members into the site and see a spa hot the on the must. cool. so how about the whole? well, either is on the, on any of the key field, trips of obscene good materials secrete. let's live here and how did to storm
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a diem? just tell us, let me know. what's the calais now? let's just add it just, i'm deep into storm ottoman. no. chevy, cadillac, maybe jim had looked at him, but it is the v was look for me in a sort of general, you know, this is jim, i live in the profile, the security. so those are the whole sort of numbers. jeremiah and emptied yourself of them. of lava, colorado, to be here for a lot, you know, meeting all right of the how. what about your major with thought side to negative for profit on or be who with the sugar low mccann. i'm dish the mission. you know someone else who can homo and if you're on the do you do much,
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can you stick it or not? the bottom line of a lot are we'd be seer my and share it was just at the time a message leah at feel. i'm a, see what the alignment at the, you mean? something is i have seen in a well in lima. so such a deal separately from the study by the 50, if you sign up to 2 minutes, the sick out sick with goes from theme is that then then it will shall fall. mama, the math, our cotton mick. ma'am, i'm a neck of a show, a thought of harlem lot of the this was the most of such something that those of deep i'd love to one of the bob. yep. kinda in vain on. so when, when the healthy fellow will buy the instead of coming march or may not be that she's might consider safety where the light will be. and again, how more in know you could the field or the lot or be your what see a young and time with a lot of the let me get a visitor to how to shoot up and then will sign off how to believe that. but there's, there's some so,
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so they will go on to something that i love you. other bye, you love you some of and how to, what are the some of the end of this route? 80 something now many a know has the last the electric field, a single something is that i really can it. i have the i'm going to live bunny but fucking a lot. i be a bottle of lee. i'll do any of this route. healy usually not by the la costantino that i sent the mental or to be able to solve it to be in by the net could be a how does it does is though they won't see that he is not. he is a b, y o equal something over i that was somewhere around a good enough. he mcdaniel a little walk old love you. he said, as of to solve an additional 80. what can, can you him the one that you have to model. you know, he's off,
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you want us to get us. i have to for the city atlanta to soften assessor. well, i know you are a, that's the mix of again how much it falls out and make that be a check on the left side. is there any way i can get our doctor? would he be to heck you between 9 and like double checked out about her husband. hard to be sure that it might be 995. so understood for the duke on that. that looks like that. it immediately was effective as much compute of a month less. where are you mostly, the limit, highly valued, the on the in the end of the see that, that the cuts are the doctor plus i. how do we jill any limit the had the last week and the dispute on i'm seems silly. one at off that as a love of the buttons the to most of the overall thank if he had
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a lot of system admin on my house on that can see shut off a post on teams. they never finished his memoirs, which is 1948 book, the meaning of the neck of the remains of valuable historical documents. after the fall of the ultimate empire in world war one. and then the departure of the british and french opposition to science and was often uniting force in the arab world. in that sense, system teams rates are based on as the kind of cosy chance in that case the group is seen as being food for the. this is a frontline where there is little life. after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help, it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force their own
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patrol, with lebanon's army. we are here to support them. these government to take control of the situation, but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official say losses are already in the millions of dollars . although the concept is still largely contained and confined to the, for the region, has been lost as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the. so there is a cost in the settlement trying to import the legs, right,
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but the shares that work and desires over the uruguay brazilian border are drifting further north. that could concern you and possibly right. so at the same time stay is run up through the end the and jane briefly reach santiago, but that's going away again. wednesdays. full cost is a fine one for the leg rate that we can return to because some of the songs will probably reach you on wednesday evening. and then on friday it looks like persistent rain may roll over to. so yes, that is a point of concern. most of that is fairly drawn to the gets the seasonal readings, and that's these that reading through french kind of towards columbia. they are fairly heavy and i'm particularly on the columbia inside. and it's still pretty with around the camera view, open up assistance, a big showers in puerto rico, and leave it out and back to his burn your and cuba still going during wednesday, shading out for the west regarding the mexico you could argues in something give a heat waves month to raise up to about $43.00 degrees in the us, just have some devastating tornadoes that's not lock going through. now they've
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left the states where they were in the risk is not much reduced, but this still cause it falls off the rockies and it still meeting the winds across the plate and state. so arkansas and for example, tennessee are at risk again the one of the things you would 14 years of enforced and separation, they missed their children growing up in missed all of the things that i'm doing. my to a son who fought for his parents, freedom from incarceration for their role in a rather cool black revolutionary group. of anything that's worth finding $45.00 for the senior team is worth it. navigate, growing together. a witness documentary on the jersey to the latest news as it breaks. frequent on starts fighting for access to the river. it leads to which this country is major ports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country with in depth for quotes.
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ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the house of the story. this is the flight channel of a dumb full of the water in it flowing into the ton of river, which has already passed since by the the hello. this is a news our own alger 0 for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes is really yes. strikes, continue across gaza as crucial ages drops for more than
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a 1000000 people crammed into the southern city of ruffled. is there any authorities or demolishing dozens of homes belonging to a fed when family in a negative region? also this our serve?


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