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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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it's $71.00 from the heart of the story. this is the eyes of the like channel of a dumb pool of the water in it flowing in see the kind of river which is already passed inside the the hello. this is in use our own alger 0 for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready as strikes continue across the gaza. as crucial ages drops for more than a 1000000 people crammed into the southern city of ruffled. is there any authorities or demolishing dozens of homes belonging to a fed when family came and they gave region. also this our serve you as high and
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clad friendship with china on display. the 2 countries signed a free trade agreement in bel grades of macedonia. house presidential elections with a succession to the european union, top of the agenda in support of power, sanction mass weight. so in the champions league goes on the front side or out of the tournament itself. amazing diversity. it opens in the semi finals into the final for the 1st time in, in less than the thank you for joining us. is 13 g m t 3 pm in guys, and we begin with breaking news from guys, a city and i'll she for hospital where a 3rd mass grave has been found. at least 49 bodies have been recovered. officials are currently assuming the bodies from the grave. israel had laid siege to the compound in march. after that force has left. several bodies were discovered.
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hundreds of palestinians had been taking shelter in the complex. i'll shoot for hospital is guys as largest medical facility, but has been out of service for months. the spring in i'll just here is honey mama with them on this. he joins us live from darrow blah in central guys a honey. what more you hearing about this new mass graves that's been discovered that all she's on the solid. this is part of an evolving hot break. is story of more bought is being found in a mass grave. this is not the 1st 5, this is the 3rd mass. the grave discovered at the court yard oversee the hospital is really military store. and as you box the twice, i mean each time leaving a tray of devastation and destruction completely pushing the facility out of service were 1000 people were filtering inside that included injuries, patients and back with for the past months of the of this genocide, the award as
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a new master grave being the bodies of women and children were found and all in one box. the grades 49 bodies have been recovered. the storage is still continuing and the we're getting reports of from the civil defense crew members and paramedic. there's still more bodies, those we, we're identified within the past few weeks as missing were there were about was on known for many of the remaining family members. this is the 3rd time we're seeing. a massive group is covered in a sheep up hospital. only 2 weeks ago, 3 months agreeable to discover not the hospital. it brings a total number of people both in northern hopper, then a ship hospital and one more economic 100 to 520 bodies that were found indeed massive. great, very tragic and very hard to break and this is a double a tragedy for families remaining family members who are,
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who are waiting and hoping that they could find their missing family members of right now they're being introduced to being paul. do go to the side of as you boss, because i did it by those bodies, as you saying is not just that i'll she for honey, but are the mask raise were found that other medical facilities across the guy's history, but i know you've been to, to some of those grace sites talk to us about that experience and who are the victims were discuss and what more have we found out about the fence and the circumstances under which they died? it's been very tragic and heartbreaking to cut to cover this evolving story of bostic ribbon. we happen to be at the side of a massive 8 by us. the grave being in the nozzler hospital work close to 300 bodies being recovered at bodies of injuries, body of patients. we knew this because we could see literally along with the civil defense run paramedics, the medical bandages. the cafeteria is still attached to the body that owns the
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bodies of work. it type. their hands were tied behind their back by the block, and they were buried it close to 5 and 10 meters under under the stand. it's not the weight. it's bodies are buried across the gaza strip here. we knew it was a massive group because of from the way it was done it from the aligning the body next to each other. what's read a heart break about this is the seeing the bodies of women and children who were also in the math degree. but more tragic is thinking on the last minutes of those injuries on page inside the hospitals, where it's rac into their final moments what sort of things went on on their hip, knowing they were going to be by the very the live. where do we do were killed and then buried? all the sort of thing that has been in lars, like a logical to trauma, not only on wide report everybody, but also everybody else who was watching the discovery and the recovery of these bodies of, from a,
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from the magic rebels. so heart brings to see remaining family members, morning and, and raising the bodies of their family members were pulled it from the gnostic. we've recovered from the mastic. we've given them the last. how gum deluxe gets big by while at the same time. how to tolerate the, the suffocating miller because of the disease bodies that was probably the hardest thing thing. good. bite to someone. very close to start doing good find the but at the same time doing it the very the very difficult condition possible. honey. thank you very much. of course, the discovery of this new mass graves could amount to more crimes in gaza. thank you, honey. for the update, honey, my most live it in down the line in central gosh. well the discovery of the slate is mass grave at all. she for hospital comes as ease really, s y x continue to head guys, a southern city of rasa. it has raise years that the long threatened full scale offensive into the city. that house is one point. $5000000.00 displaced
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palestinians could be imminent. the united nations secretary general has warned a full scale of sold on rasa would be a humanitarian nightmare. so high rock has this is what people in gauze or wake up to every single day is riley ignored warnings from wells leaders, including its main ally, the united states, and started booming russell a few days ago. one thing at the bottom for sphere had it and stuff. i mean, this is an area that is what really only has told us is a safe soon and outside it's it'd be out of operations. what's our neighbors house was bond? and our on my stomach, our house only had civilian, so there's no fighters who women and children have been killed and injured. may god is dis, darkness an adult can as agencies say, that has catastrophic consequences for palestinians. israel's takeover of the rough border crossing with agents on tuesday means no age can get
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in a that's a nice line. so those living in the gaza strip is ro has also denied the un and agencies access to gaza. they say the supplies of fuel will only last one more day . during the last 7 months, israel has been forcing palestinians into rough, nearly 2 thirds of districts, population of 2300000 or displaced the. that's 1500000 people. the city had a population of 275000 before the war, exhausted and traumatized there on the move. again, some displaced for the face and even 6 time. also, israel has told those in east and rough off to go to areas just weeks ago. what box will fields? milwaukee. han units ended, isabella. none of these areas have basic services,
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no conditions considered livable, many palestinians or close to farming on suffering water born diseases with only extremely poor medical cat available rad or long. but i know i know we have stuff with a lot of children, see horrible things and listens for like they suffer with trauma. all while we're displaced when leaving tanks and not far from us, you can see it with the bare eyes. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense you off the laws have both for the statement saying the bombing of russell is necessary to get rid of some us. and the israel will continue to quote, defendants operation owners of the gaza strip. in the south center and the news garza is often described as the world's largest open prison. and before the war was ready under
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a 17 year located impose point israel a cx. 5 deal is still being discussed in crime, right? palestinians in the gaza strip. so desperate for the war to any sort of fight of algae 0, all these really government says it's forces will continue with there are sold on rafa. spokesman said they want to keep up both military and diplomatic pressure on him us, and we will continue to keep up the military pressure on some us. we know from the, from the last hostage release that we needed both the military pressure and the diplomatic channel ultimately how much it was brought down to the knees, begging please for a bit of rest, spite for, for a break as in the fighting. so they could release around half of the hostages. we
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are continuing on our mission and rough uh, as part of the waves on israel has shut down. allergies. here is operations in israel. and so we're reporting from outside the country. stephanie dec on correspondent is following all the developments from amman. jordan joins us now. live on the news on what rule has he's really government spokesman said stephanie about this operation in vasa and it's a, or yes, you heard him say there that this was part of finalizing how mass, if they need to keep up the military pressure and not just the tools you also mentioned that these really presence at the alpha border crossing was not going to hit hinder. the entry of 8, of course so far there's been no aid that is entered the hall, which is a crucial lifeline. not enough for sure, but it is a crucial lifeline since these res um got into that area. so it was the one that's going to be fixed remains to be seen. he was keen to stress. that's 60 trucks of
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age entered through the air is crossing which is in the very northern part of the gaza strip. i. this is coming as significantly you have the head of the c. i a in israel talking to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these relatives of sent what they call a low level delegation to kyra, we do understand from his ready sources that they have a re met to, to negotiate. uh, there are the sticking point really about amendments that have mass made to the deal. it's very complicated fully if we just briefly go into that, for example, i'm us now saying they want to release 18 captives out of those 33 that initially were agreed on 18 to live and the other is alive or dead. now is really saying it once $33.00 captives that are alive, sticking points as to the timing. i'm not saying it'll release 3 captives on the 3rd day of the ceasefire. and then it will release 3 captives every 7 days. of course came to extend the period of sustained calm, which also is
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a very important language being used in this deal put in there by the americans to try and satisfy both sides. how am i saying that needs to be to enter the war? israel saying no, so we are at crucial times. we're gonna have to wait and see the delegation remains in cairo. these really delegation that is in your app. let's see if anything comes out of that meeting with mentioned yahoo and william burns in israel. later today they'll be a work cabinet meeting in his role. that's around $730.00 local dealt be updating, of course what's been discussed and you know, all of this amongst huge us pressure. funny. we've been talking all day about the delay, let's say of a future weapons shipment. and there's a lot of token, these really media that this is a warning to these ratings that, okay, this is now a warning about that off. if you do say no to a deal, then if you do go in with this widespread ground to face it offensive that that threat could potentially become policy. okay, thank you for that. stephanie stephanie becca. live there in amman with the latest
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. well, let's bring you not correspondents, whitehouse correspondent, kimberly how get for more on that the report of a webpage weapons being without us weapons that were destined to israel be withheld. any official comments from the by ministration on of the we are still every effort in to get official comment. that is still something that the white house is being very quiet about and not giving any sort of official statement. but what i can tell you is that certainly there has been media reports that, that is the case. uh that there was a shipment that had been paused. this was something that has been widely reported in the last day of search of weapons, of course has been going on to israel since october 7th. but this one in particular, was a shipment of 2000 pound bombs and also 500 pound bonds. roughly $3000.00 in
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total. collectively, that were pause and the big concern by the, by the administration we are told off record is that this was because of a concern of an expansion of the ground operation. something that we know for some time the find an administration has been vehemently opposed to, has been looking for alternatives to and but the is really officials have been pushing forward to a major point of difference between the 2 administration. so this is the 1st time that we really seen the by the ministration taking active efforts to try and limit that and to use their collective power to, to limit the actions of the as really government in light of the fact that they have had that power all along but have failed to use it. they are they using it's kimberly because the binding ministration is starting to feel depression. now with the, you know, the demonstrations we've seen across us, the university campuses and so on it's not just the university campuses,
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it's coming from with in the, by new ministration. it's coming from with in the us congress. you have to remember that there was a letter sent to the us president joe biden from a team, members of congress from, with in his own party saying that there was lot verifiable. evidence that the israeli government had, in fact, violated international and even u. s. law as a result of the use of us supplied weapons. and as a result, there should be conditionality supplied to these weapons in other words that they should be withheld if there was concrete proof that there was in fact a violation of us and international law. we should point out very quickly that today is a critical day. this is the day that the state department needs to report to congress whether or not there is evidence of israel violating international law. we understand that the state department may miss that deadline today and slit by a couple of days. so we're watching very carefully for that because this is
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important. this is something that the us president mandated back in february and all eyes are watching for that report because it is significant and it could further mean that the united states may further attached conditions to future shipments of weapons to israel. kimberly, thank you very much for that. that's kimberly how kids uh whitehouse. correspondents live there from washington. well, is rose, the talk on rough a has led to more protests across the us and hundreds of people calling for an end to the war has been riling across the country. and in the u. k. students, they have also set up encampments in solidarity with palestinians. best go live to poll brennan was at oxford university in the u. k. what's the seem like where you are from the old southern cambridge on 2 very, very prestigious universities in the u. k. but the only one this apologies we
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have lost the connection to full brent in their correspondence. oh i think you're back with us. we don't see that for a moment. all right, and can you hear me now? yes, we can hear you. yes, i can a oh apologies. we seem to have a connection issues with paul brandon at oxford university there where encampments have been set up in solidarity with the palestinians in the gaza strip. let's move on to i've been use in the meantime and he's right here thought ease of demolish dozens of better when homes in southern israel that's been destroyed in the desert area known as a negative. the government says they were built without a permit. it's among the largest mass demolitions in recent years. honda saw who it has a detail, it's a large mobilization of israeli police to oversee the demolition of nearly 50 different homes in this better when community of i'm booked in. it's an area of the
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negative desert with a population of nearly $1000.00 palestinians. $400.00 of them now have nowhere to link is really authority say these homes were built without a permit. but palestinian is really members of the government are criticizing the move and calling for a fair solution. this has been give years police. this is netanyahu's government, extremist, and the far east government that only knows the language of construction and demolition. and so this is the situation today in the neck of the local better when community has protested against the government decision with some members setting fire to their homes that were threatened with demolition. israel's national security minister, each more ben vere says he's proud to leave this policy. i mean, so the demolitions this morning and the negative are the result of an intensive
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work that we are doing which implements my policy. so grantee and governance lawbreakers need to understand that the days of them building wherever they want to do whatever they want are one of the negative desert is home to nearly $200000.00 better with half of them are now at risk of being displaced from the central jersey to let's turn our attention to me on more now and the people's defense force were once members of a peaceful, urban protest movements bad, but it's fighters and now on the front lines of battles with the military around the strategic border time. so if me a warranty i'll just here is toni chang tells the story in the 4th of us, special reports inside the fight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the
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yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline, melisha bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often most of the military coup, peaceful protest is took to the streets of old man. most may just sit his via but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the military crack down that followed was hundreds going down in the streets. thousands more, hold a way to detention to the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit move to the boat is an find no miles on that. i a roof in this area around august 2021. our senior k and l. a. for in the lake, a cow area, my o y d, i decide to take up arms and flights back. and usually off of the training, i decide to work this medic trained by a sneak korean rebels who's been fighting for a ton of me for decades. they lent you skills, but
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a shortage of weapons and ammunition, that's only one rifle for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months. is weapons, the pro democracy forces has seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the many of them are not good enough. just don't that the young up and fight is a using the social media skills to for the to g was a theme is hip hop on just now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds . say about trying to, you know, we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack. cuz so we have to raise funds by any means such as collecting donations from people online. they worked with the song, he's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and wrapper executed by
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the electric generator in 2022. as the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river, educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang out to 0 tie in states, eastern e m to south africa. now we have rescue is are in a race against time is a search for at least $39.00 people missing after a building collab in the city of george a, cape town, at least 7 people were killed. more than 200 emergency personnel are working with sniffer dogs and heavy lifting equipments to find survivors. for me to me that has more from the city of george in the western kate it's we move in 48 hours since the bolding behind us just behind this truck
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a collapse trapping dozens of people since monday off to noon. 56 people have been pulled out from underneath the rubble risk you is it had to dig through large amounts of concrete and steel, often listening as best they can for any noise coming from down below to indicates there's someone then a risk who was upset that is quite a complicated mission for them, a complicated operation in terms of how much of that conflict can still the have to get through. and at some points it can be quite on stable and quite a sensitive operation. but they say that they have experts on hand size make equipment to try and do the best they possibly can know. 7 people have died from the injuries following the collapse of the building. now just a few meters away from the site is a popular goal with relatives of those who accounted for waiting for
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news, waiting for good news that they've been risk to at risk. huge. but as the day continues, there's been lots awards from oh, sorry to hear and some of those wait to for what are becoming increasingly frustrated and worries. so we don't allow to 0 george with some types of africa. in brazil, the number of data is rising in the state of rio grande. do this. so following to rachel, rains and floods, at least a 138 people have been killed a lot in america to tennessee, a newman re, for some for to are likely. or the soldiers continued tools actuated residents of port league. they trapped in their homes since the weekend, the flooded gray. the river continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools, military boats springing, they've actually used it as
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a city across the river. maria, it was a central, says she until when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people, drama. you still did horses floating on the river. it was like a tune. i mean, most of those day the water started driving at 5 in the morning. we escaped to the top floor of a screen and about a 150 other people know what to know food people with this know when you what is happening? funny a daughter that and her brother was finally rescued but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario santos with he and his family will do that and they'll say, no, i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now. last, every time i've heard that when we have nothing left, nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods, the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande they do. so i'll just see are
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a company, the army owner risk, you boat passing submerged homes on the way to a low down little discharge and police climate change along with the new phenomena are responsible for this disaster risk teams using jet skis and remedies can only bring one or 2 people out of a time to the waiting military vote. women children and the elderly, a given priority over 50000 is the, the, these 3 days. it's a painfully slow process. help is coming from all over brazil, volunteers bringing anything that floats. even surfboards to evacuate people. the
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government is releasing emergency funding aid. but more than 400 municipalities of the state and its colonial style capital are still flooded. you know, 50000 people have no shelter, and the watches show no sign of receding to see and human outages era personally, the present time. not for a check on the world whether and he is wrong with more on the flooding in for sale . hey, you're already aware of the extensive laps the unprecedented flooding that's taking place in the, in southern brazil. this is the, for the part i agree, as you already know, how to commission property for the next months has very little sign of the was dropping anywhere in this area. so what you don't want to see is an increase. well, here's the full costs for you. this is the significant sherry bell, but was a report on that great and a piece be going back up towards the city side by side of the clark. possibly there will be some the stones on wednesday evening. first it looks okay, but friday is
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a little bit more concerning. it looks like any about 102013 minute bases or friday, but any top of over a wide area, i'm sure is not wanted. right, but it couldn't use it as a matter of rain where it fell further south and because of the falls on the border between brazil and argentina. these are pretty much running at full pelt, not beautiful sight, obviously a tourist attraction. and this amount of rain for hoops in that regard. now he's going away to close. pensive right? is full of grant. another item to note on the other side of the, of the, of south america running. got the idea. change what santiago really do you see this in santiago? snow falling in the city, but there it is. multi well last, it's not going sale i had on the news, our postponed indefinitely, a federal judge in florida. hands for me, us present, donald trump, a lifeline. and in support actually from the n d k on size of boston, boston south take advantage of
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the or despite his exile form or cut them on lead their carlos, whose demo is set to run for presidents when the spanish regent poles early elections could his political return reignite the separatists bid for independence . and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to. i'm counting the calls protested in the us to bond universities divest some israel, how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for picked on to the american market? kind of and the costs pulled out just a rough. why have american evangelicals become? his real strongest factor? is us president joe find the right to stand with this really with no red line,
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as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the news the, you're watching the news hour on l. g 0 with me for the back people. a reminder of i mean stories i search mass graves has been found that i'll shoot for hospital in gaza. city least 49 bodies have been recovered. 7 mast phrase have been found on several hospital grounds in gaza students his route so began in early october and his wrathful environment of rough fight in southern gaza continues $40.00 after the
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soldiers seized the main port of crossing between the baffled strip in egypt. at least 4 people were killed in a strike on a home in the western part of a rock. now 2 out of the world news in taiwan, deputy defense minister says that it's military is ready for any actions from china, head of the presidential, the non creation later this month. trying to seize taiwan to president elect lighting k as a dangerous separatist in their words, aging trains, taiwan as its own territory and toast, regular military activities in and around the taiwan strait. they will be inaugurated on may the 20th. meanwhile, china is president, changing thing is instead yeah, for an official state visit on a symbolic day 25 years ago, 3 chinese during this were killed when natal bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade . she has already been in france, where he yelled critical talks on trade and russia, and he later traveled to hungry. the trip is his 1st european tour in 5 years. said
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boston has moved from bel great. and he has chosen a very interesting, i tend to re on his uh, european trip. it was a bit more cold, i would say in front. so the atmosphere more difficult talks. and now he has to definitely be arrives in a warm bath. uh, just uh, a few hours ago and he was welcome to read the palace. there were thousands of people coming in from uh, all over serbia. and many of them uh, taken here by buses waving at the chinese president of thanking him for all the investments here in the country. serbia is china's largest, the biggest so you are being friends and china is to serve you as of the most important trading partner and investor. so there is speculation here and suggested that she is basically using serbia to create product divisions among the european countries off the visiting friends with some pressure on him to use the
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relationship with the president puts in a to talk about the war and ukraine and tone down what's happening and even make some of these resolutions for this, for us in ukraine. but now he is here in serbia, which has a much better relationship with russia on this moment this day, when it's 25 years after the bombing, a buying nato plane of the chinese embassy here, basically telling nato that, yeah, you are an aggressor as well. once more on serbia is relations with china and it's now bringing in that they could choose a fellow at the institute of international politics and economics in belgrade is joining us live from the serbian capital. thank you very much for your time. so we saw there a warm welcome for the chinese president in belgrade, in contrast to the china, you tensions what under pins, the close ties between these 2 countries? what are the common interest as well?
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i will definitely argue that this is the digit comprehensive partnership agreement . that was signed back in 2016 thanks. talk to you. this was the last time actually that present is due to being has visited serbia and evelyn that time. and during the buyers and jeremy of course, then the relations between the 2 countries increasingly the highest day can you please a glitch got better by time. so i believe is the comprehensive partnership in economic, quantico, and scientific and technological domains definitely to spill over into all areas are socialized. so this is why probably china was of serbia's, most the critically important partner in this part of europe. what about serbia? what does it look to gain from china on the economic up front of course, but also a politically yes. does this morning go and do a visual reception for am is decision beach has been address, we can visit the visit, actually shared that chat. um,
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do you uh to tell me integrity and respect for international on the cloth. i'm actually calling to nominate to come and actually issue disconnect the 2 countries . so this is a force understandable because china, um, nope, says time on for instance has its own territory. and this is similar case would serve. yeah, which says they're not, it's so called a customer that has its own activate service, a resume. so be accounts of china's voice itself in the most logical order for an assisted united nation standards, bodies, and agencies where it solved. so gonna solve their problems costs more intensive suppliers to become the food hunger stage. so i believe that actually these kind of our, um, super power uh like china and beads. uh, steve jeans, un security council these the something, serbia, uh, realize on the charges. yeah. as you say, i mean the merging of economic can get political interest is particularly pronounced in serbia, which as we know, as spies to join the european union. but how difficult
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a balancing act is it for bell grady, the spies to join the european union, but has refused to impose sanctions on russia as the rest of the block has wanted to n o has also frustrated you. f. as to broker, i settlement over costs. it will. how difficult a balancing act is it for the serbian government and i will change the time to come and do it with a goal setting it just takes treat me hot so. so then governments to do this kind of balancing, you're correct. so use your p and country. this is known as you post any sections against russia, even 2 and a half years up to the war. would you print started? and this is the kind of book for bueller's point on assuming station that serbian government has adopted 15 years ago. and this is for going to sit on the want us to the tree and actually relies on cobra id with united states. so many coverage would be in union with china and they're asking for the nation are low. so it is very hard to do this kind of balancing surveys and aspiring you remember saying this is true. we have ever seen the legal changing process to joint become a full fledged
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e u. member states that june galler negotiation process. we are the largest actually to harmonize our on policy with your opinion. and this is always big part of the serbian government to do these kinds of balancing. but you know, as we have a chance to see from mentorship from that chinese officials square business. they really don't mind just kind of european off the chinese coordinated services around he has a stages that actually she has nothing against child actually has nothing against service. he left the session ok as long as he does not beat signs. so again, i can tell me probably relation seen economic and political sphere. interesting to talk to you about this. thank you for joining us. may not stick each fellow at the institute of international politics and economics in belgrade. thank you very much . my pleasure is mike and know if macedonian 's of voting in parliamentary and presidential elections, the sentra ride opposition party for macedonian. national unity is expected to make
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gains challenging the current social democratic government. some voters are unhappy because the country is not progressing. efforts to join the european union. corruption is also an issue. poll suggests the next government is likely to be a coalition. maya blight, jessica april scheme of vi has more from scope. you still positions central rides, the quality assurance is fever. so we both the elections in north macedonia in the 1st throne until the presidential elections 2 weeks ago. well positioned candidates go to the seattle cove, us court, larch lead or the actual president and the candidate stapleton daughter of case that you will be on the fact of this country was one of the main themes seemed to contain as the main opposition party form or the pomona is opposing bulgarian request for constitutional changes, so did vote. gary on minority can be official area codes. nice. this is one of the european condition for this country to start opening negotiation chapters. north
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macedonia, east candidate to join you since 2005. it was beloved for years from neighboring greece over the name dispute. after the press 5 agreement country change its name and become natal member. but you wrote, the on said was look 1st from france insisting to the changes of the methodology, often larger and process. and lately from bulgaria, citizens that frustrated from the slow process and public supports for you has dropped sharply european commission and state department of are criticizing towards macedonia for the corruption. so this problem will be one of the most important for the new government parliamentary election starts to to be more important as the president of the country. she has more ceremonial adults to the us now and a judge in florida hospital support in the trial a former president donald trump, in definitely trump was accused of illegally keeping classified documents. that is my lago,
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a state officer leading office. the case is not unlikely to come to court ahead of the presidential election in november. meanwhile, trump's trial in new york over hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels continues west speak to stevens and asked about this. he's a professor of politics at the university of san francisco, joining us from suite. and thank you, steven for being with us. what is your understanding of why the judge has put off this federal training? definitely, and how significant is this decision? think? in part, when you're dealing with cases involving classified information, things can get complicated and draw and dragged out. but the main reason that to you is that the judge is being surprised and open to some rather superficial claims by the a trunk lawyers that he might not even know the punishment. he might not even be susceptible to prosecution as a former president,
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that he somehow might have had the power to uh, retroactively de classified materials. things are most legal experts, so would, would think that a judge would have summarily dismissed. but this a trumpet point. he seemed to be taking more seriously. some some legal commutative stephen has suggested that drive the judge. judge cannon was often cited with with tom's arguments. he's deliberately slow walking the case because he pointed her to the court. what do you make of that? a not every you got at some point, it just has such a clear a logical band. but this particular judge, how does seem to have a political agenda? she was one of the youngest judges ever pointed to a federal district court her, unlike most of the judges who, who are, who are applying to the federal bench. you have an impressive, a record of scholarly writing for legal journals, that kind of thing. she never published anything. her main qualifications,
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it seemed to be that she was a republican loyalist. so that does or you some i got some serious questions because you know, if um, if a trunk is a lot to, you know, the attorney general uh could uh, basically uh, drop all charges. yeah. and he would be stopped 3. i was going to ask you about the implications of this decision if the federal proceedings are pushed until after the election in november and that's a term for to win the race. what would happen? anything any other you would not be able to stay on trial as a sitting president, president would presumably have to be postponed until later. but march, and the point that since this is a federal case, a trunk could appoint a friend to lead a person to the a to have the justice department. something has been quite clear that he want to want to do. and then the attorney general does have the power to drop the the case
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altogether. so he'd be a free man. and this, in this case actually is a very serious one, far more serious than the one going on new york in terms of hash money, both politically and in terms of the, of the legal candidates. and so what about the other legal cases he faces including the hash money try, which is currently on the way neil, what impact do you think those could have on his re election bit? well, there's a case of lambda about interfering with the election results there that has also been postponed because of certain legal wrangling around the prospect prosecutor's office and the like the, the new york trial is one of course going on right now. it's gotten a lot of attention because it's the 1st trial in the course that has used whether it's a salacious, detailed the accounts of this sexual encounter. that was the basis of the hush money. but in many ways, this is the least serious in terms of legal penalties. and also the one that is,
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most observers say, is not as clear out of case as the others. and so the, you know, the failure of the other of the files to move forward is definitely to trumps advantage no matter how embarrassing the current proceedings in new york may be. thank you for talking to us about this, steven. soon as professor of policy said, the university of san francisco, we appreciate your time. thank you. sure, my pleasure. the still ahead on the news our the ship carrying the olympic claim arrives, the more say ahead of a big celebration at the cities those for so that's coming up in force after the break. stay with us the
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from after school says gemma, thank you fully for us, the adult man's courage says the dream is no, sorry, but yes, off to his side be power sasha minds recess. us jump is the final in 11. yes. he asked you were, go down from the fast lag, and have no shortage of johnson's and this one, as a tried to get back in the tie, they hit the price 4 times. he asked, whose task became much, how that one might schools headed don't madame friends, with 15 minutes gone that made it through now? on aggregate. i'm always is of lucky not to give away a penalty has found them has been done that a rude to be just outside the box or a place that 150 couldn't turn things around. so it was don't do a set of pricing out the final was so clean and back date was the last to reflect on what mike's of being executive can be seen as well. and it's quite surveilled we managed to do it. i believe that over to 2 legs, we just have to reach the final when you went to games and keep it clean sheet
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twice against such formidable opponents, you deserve it. i'm very proud of my team, my staff, and then the entire club is for these. so the white continues for power, sasha, myself of the last and the champions league and never want it's in 2017. they blew a former lead against ball selena in the round of 16 losing 61 of the 2nd leg t, as they said they were knocked out to the same stage by manchester, united. despite needing to know these 31 at home. he actually did make the final in 2020, but they lost one mill to bind munich, and in 2022 they would see a lot like it's around the grid and then i'll 60 for the 17 minutes. current beds and a half trip noticed them. after the 20 minutes. we spent difficulty on list johnson and johnson. he's based in front symbols that tuesdays game. he believes that p s t over performed this season and could actually benefit from them by leaving. and i think what keeps stripping, latching in the past says to me with some of those big names as being uh, an over emphasis on the individual quality. as opposed to the collective. they now have a couple more collective approach under louis enrique,
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where the prioritizing the team, you know, unity as opposed to just, you know, relying on one or 2 individuals. they still have an element. so i'll start with kidding by favorite. like you said, you know, he is now likely to have finished his story with p s. j. i'm moving, moving on. so that now gives lewis and reaching out charles to sort of complete eschews transformation into more of a team than uh, sort of a collection of individuals we think and passing it was already an achievement to get to the semi finals. i think if you told us to you at the beginning of the season, that they would do that even where they were at the end of last season. and so it was the number of stall times that moved on, not just the likes of name or messy that likes of it out to you as well. have been that for a long time. i think they would have signed up for it. so it's, yeah it's, it's a work in progress. it's going to take a bit more time. but i think that finally on a route, similar to that taken by manchester city,
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which we saw ended individual challenges vague success. and perhaps you will hope that at some points in the near future, you know, that's also on the horizon for them. don't mind could end up facing button. we next the tide. so that when play, which should be a repeat of the 2013 final, which is also how to the same stadium, the 1st button must get passed around madrid and the 2nd 70 find out later on wednesday, the ties pointed to after the 1st like this competition is one's last chance of so why this season having already lost the buddhist biggest high school supply level keys and or i think a big part of it is accepting it. that's not everything will be, it is possible that not everything will be perfect for us, but it's still possible to overcome. it's the public boat so to overcome difficulties to hang in showed the right mentality and quality to, to fulfill our dream. we want to go to a wimbley while standing in binds, why off that trip to wembley is rather late when assist junior penalty. rescue to dru and munich last week. i measured last call. i want to, i'll see question 2 sides commitments. right? are looking for
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a record extending 15 champions lead time. so to declare was almost through us all better. see though, i think that as a club we have similar, it's a club that has a great tradition, a great history, a lot of success and the champions league. i think we respect each other in a semi final, you have to respect the opponent even more side because they have done very well. and they were better than us and the 1st leg to the playoffs in the boston celtics dominated game. one of the eastern conference semi final that goes to cleveland campbell is jalen brown was the stands out for full most of the top seats with us, the 2 points as a runaway with us on that home quotes winning 120 to 95. derek white school 25, including 73 points has came to the best of 7. series is also in boston on thursday . the south 6th of chasing a record 18th and be a championship at 1st since 2008 super. over in the western conference, the top seated oklahoma city sun destruct fussing the series against the dallas mavericks shape. you'll just alexander have 29.9. me bounce on my home team when
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uncomfortably 117 to 95 to remain on the beach. and the file again, going to is on thursday in oklahoma city is will say play of time in the night, child in the colorado avalanche put off a great come back to when they're ready for the game against the data stalls. the styles, the top see i'm with freezing, read nothing ahead. also the fast towards the end data. lots are that time you have a launch and made some beginnings go driven level 33, that shows the game and over time. and it was miles good to want it to colorado. now one up in the west and come for the 70 final series, but it's the festival. and so a long way to go. so that was another place came in the eastern conferences, the new york ranges be the colorado hurricane. and 2nd, i have assign vincent tri check with the winning goal. and this one that puts the ranges to nothing you had in that 75 was on duty such as the one that's 6 a minute, right? but it wasn't a so had somebody who stood out for a change with the bases loaded at those the stadium next month. so you hit
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a grand slam as a pizza, mountie mullins 8. see the doctor as of once i seen a 50 and said what was the national lease its not inside the list, jonathan milan, one the full stage for jerry to tell the offer. sprint finished the little track friday going one best. so then his 2nd place the day before the plan, his 2nd career stage, when in the day, right? it is today, but that's how he retains the overall latest think jersey. he's 46 seconds. claire of the field and the ship covering the olympic flame has arrived in front soft a 12th day jenny, from grease 150000 spectators, are expected to gather at ma size old pool to watch. a welcoming survey was organized as promising, fantastic celebrations, and on 1st day a torch relay will soft across the country and will end in the french capital with the lighting of the flame on july 26th. to mock the stats of the parish games, maybe that is all you'll support for now. pizza will have full lifestyle falling on . my thank you very much for that. now the man known as the master of north korean
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propaganda has died at the age of 94, came key nom, served 3 generations of the north, as ruling family dynasty. rob mcbride has warned his life from sol as north korea is mazda, propagandist and kim key. nam health cement the lower of the came family, tennessee as assigned is important. so the current rules, kim jong does lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media, use the jobs, his memory, the reading, and the whole was wrapped in solver over the last of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with key mail. so north korea's founding father, tim, keen, them witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the communist world, although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and the
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attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing kim jung then have gone viral, finding a glow below audience by this has to be done. this of, with paul seems reaching the age of 4 to this year, which is with you, strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down on mcbride. i'll just say era. so i set this firm way of communicating in a way that's more complex than previously believe that's the conclusion reached by side to studying the mammals. in the caribbean waters researches say their vocal calls may be using a phonetic alphabet. alex bed. explain of these just
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clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs us the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint moraine metals room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of clicking noises. so called co does that sound a little bit like morse code or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with similar is similarities to aspects of some other animal communication systems and even some aspects of human language. the research is a part of the project safely, dissertation translation initiative, machine learning team. we've examines move in the 8700 audio snippets of spin while clicks known as coaches. scientists have been trying for decades to understand what those clicks might mean. i was, i still don't know, they now sing 0 states of clicks that make up of the music elsa bees,
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the whales. mike used to build the rough equivalent of woods and phrases. project studies really focused on listening right now, but this is an incredibly vulnerable population, especially transmitted communication system that we really don't want to disturb. and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even they have a sense of whether that will be possible this experience safety miles seem to have sophisticated social ties and deciphering that communication systems could reveal parallels with human language and society. those some believe the clinics may be more akin to music if they are indeed speaking. the big question is, what are they saying? and could we learn to speak back?
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alex bid, which is 0. and that wraps up this new file and i'll just hear it, but to say the spend to milwaukee is coming up after the there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call him police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away. many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. now is the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis?
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is a tactic we do not do. it was a part of it we, it was from us, particularly from the city upfront on out to 0, calling attention to any quality pollution meant. extrajudicial killings in county is low income communities. my one brother was killed by police. the dentist that we say is but the one path of the one day, an organizer on the record. how old are these people from the begun supplementing buffer, then it has someone not to be put on the bus that eco got people who bought in generation change can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to over 27000 her wing photographs as company until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian
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government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the another mass grave is discovered as the house she for hospital complex in gaza. 2 months after he's ready, forces withdrew from the area which 9 bodies have been recovering. the play you're watching l g 0 live from to have with these 40 batch ball also ahead is really as strikes continue across gaza as crucial age is blocked for more than a 1000000 people crammed into is there any authorities demolish dozens of homes
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belonging to a veteran family in a negative region or so i had and i think.


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