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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the. ringback the, the, the hello, i'm elizabeth put on them and this is the new zone line from door. how coming up in the next 16 minutes. another mass grave is discovered at the ship, a hospital complex and got a month off. that is ready for this is with through 4940 is a found is really strikes, continue across the gaza is crucial. aid is blocks for more than a 1000000 people crowded into the alpha. we only have enough few to run health services in the sounds for 3 more days. di,
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wondering from the world health organization as palestinian casualties, mount and southern gaza. and serbia and china display their friendship to country sign a free trade agreement and valid great and peace of statement with your school passenger man's way to win the champions league goes on the last verse you to open to a waste of window between 5 munich and round the good with that 2nd leg. so be fun checking of late the we begin and gaza city. what a so mass grave has been on covered at all ship a hospital that is rarely military laid siege to the facility in march, killing hundreds of people inside, including medical stuff, palestinian officials say that it zoomed 49 bodies and the process is due on the way i'll ship a has been out of service for months. the world health organization has warned all
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the hospitals would run out of fuel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, w joel has pretty pollution sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals. but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals. so that's as rarely as strikes a pound, a good offer, as well as threatening a full scale military offensive in the southern city. the united nations secretary general says such an assault would be a humanitarian might map us president, joy biden has post a shipment of weapons to israel, that soft or voicing opposition to israel's plans to launch a full scale attack on java byte and previously cool. the decision mistake is where the problem mister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to press a head that's bringing our correspondence out of wisdom. he's joining us live from delphi and statics thousands more bodies, excuse him, from another mask or
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a what are you hearing about the findings? yes, this situation the sounds to be critically di as the imagine see was with the majority of medical the teams, the ground have been recovering more body is being buried in the da she felt hospital, which is the fed discovery being made inside the odds of this medical facility now at least 49 bodies were recovered from the bile of sands where these bodies have been buried for a long time. and they have been found off. so that is what it withdrawal from the she felt hospital off to 2 weeks of being seized as bottles that were raging completely with how much fight is on the is wait a minute to a box. the reality is that, that with the discovery that being that made today, the number of palestinians being recovered from the yards of 3 hospitals. of course, the gaza strip has reached to hit $520.00 palestinians being buried in such
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areas, which is a pro power reflection. and a clear reminder about what was going on in these areas in a come on at one and a she felt hospital in the mid in the gospel city on the wrong side, and also hospital in the south on. now what we can hear from the guys of government media office is that they have been coding for investigative seems to be allowed to x is the gaza strip in order to carry out wind investigations of order to see how the level of atrocities palestinians have been going through since the expansion of these very operations and being types trip, atrocities that very much continuing. they thought of what was the situation in the jaffa as it continues to be attacked, even while the israelis or the people in east and also to flee. what options do they have? well, we continue to hit really bombardments in the eastern area is
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a rough i district as more families. awfully ink from the eastern areas which have been a they had been widely trusted by the east, by the artillery units on each country. that started to push forward to the up in areas of the nature of huge and the eastern areas of roughly include english, may not show the percentage of guns as old a port that is already destroyed. some are, some have been confirming that the have been continuing to hearing loud explosions as the is where the military managed to destroy and to flew off a guards. the station in the eastern area is a rough resulting in my supply in such areas. but we have been also talking, so a number of families was getting ready in order to leave roughly going to them at the lariat, asking them about why they are leaving the say, the rough as no longer is safe right now. as the military is a threatening with the auction of expanding the fighting to the areas in a rough last, despite the and the believe that all the areas that they are hitting to completely on the safe side of thank you very much for that for now. that
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a started of was on the very latest live in at alpha. and many people who have left eastern jaffa have headed towards the block in central gaza. that's bringing on correspond to attend, include issues joining us from there. so people who are turned into one of the most boomed places in gaza and what are you seeing and what are people telling you as well? i'm clicking on up to the hospital where it's parked. we totally at that. see the difference from yesterday to today on our way from the far do that in bella earlier today. we also saw the amount of cars and trucks holding people, and caring people from class to add them in the middle area and where i am right now in debt and but people are still searching for a place for us plots for an empty area to settle down, but unfortunately since the morning there has been multiple air strikes on
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agriculture land, an empty lance, and this is the only place left for people to settle their tens. people are sent panicking. their send terrified these. been at a have a more uh, family members and just uh, and there's coming here to reserve some slots for them a so the situation is frustrating. people are very desperate. they can't find a place to set to in the coast line of vetted but as the wide. and the middle area is completely packed with people. the hospital is packed where not only residents and civilians uh, um, evacuated from dropbox, but also to hospitalized from dropbox. cleared and evacuated their patients to hospitalized in the area. so. so far more people are coming people. ethan not listed in the reds and danger zone and more people are expecting to arrive in the
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next couple of days. and thank you very much for that. that is our correspondent and then holiday joining us live from the blog as and as hen touched on, one of the main hospitals and southern gaza has been evacuated off to is really true, sees the it off of border crossing patients and medical workers fled abo yusuf, another hospital dasa feeling is rarely strikes. the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during his way the attacks on the city . margaret, how is the spokes person for the world health organization and she's joining us from geneva. thank you very much for your time today. miss harris is your organization. firstly, is your organization still receiving humanitarian supplies? has that stopped since, as well, close that off of crossing it's stopped completely, so it's a close a the crossing. we're expecting to have fuel delivered today if we don't have it. so we've had to suspend some of the activities to the nose because we want to
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reserve but fuel for the hospitals, for to ensure that they can continue their life saving work. but that's not going to be possible for more than a couple of days. we will then completely run outs. you know, i think we've heard from the director general of the world health organization saying that you only have fuel for 3 days left. is that correct? yes or i 2 to 3 days depending on how well it's managed, how you know, how you regulate the use of the fuel because of may in use of it is to keep the generations going so that the surgeries can be performed. but yeah, at best, it's 3 days and i understand that the w h i provides more than half of the few and medical supplies to gauze hospitals. so without you receiving those supplies to distribution, what would we know, how much of the backup fuel you have for electricity just $2.00 to $3.00 days. but what about the medical? how much backup medical supplies to hospitals currently have?
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not much, so we pre positioned knowing that this incursion was likely we preposition supplies that as many of the hospitals as we could, including the hospitals and run for the themselves. but as you've heard, those hospitals on the threat has had to evacuate their patients to other hospitals . we've also done things like set up dialysis units in the nasa medical complex, which as you know was almost destroyed but with the, with, with, with, with m ss and all the agencies have been able to rehabilitate that. so that should open soon. and also we've been able to get things like dialysis units to the field hospitals, but these are tiny amount, so it's a representative of say that over and over again, it's a band aid. it's a band aid on what's looking like a hemorrhage right now. yeah, absolutely. i mean, what is the state of causes hospitals at the moment in terms of how many of functioning and at what capacity?
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well, none of them are functioning of full capacity and they haven't been functioning at full capacity for a long time due to lots of stuff like a fuel, you know, in limited ability to, to limited food, even, and, and, and damage to the actual hospitals. but again, we are hearing, we're certainly heard al michelle had to close down of that was the hospital providing old style as a services to people in keep the phone to and to put that in context, if you don't get dialysis when you're in, keep the phone and you will die very quickly, you know, that is what is keeping you going. and at least 700 people were dependent on that. so what happens to those tennessee now? do you know what's going to happen to those 700 people? so need daily dialysis a, it horrifies me to think of what they are going to do. now we have as i said, we have provided dialysis units to some of the field hospitals. so the field
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hospitals will do the best. but those hospitals have capacity something like 45 to 50, but they're not huge. they called be just the tense. um we've been able to add about 500 bits in the field hospitals, but the other thing is how do they get that? how's people get that you'll correspond to was describing this, refer of people going to a buyer and strip and i'm terrified people. not sure what they're going to do. i just can't imagine how a district deal person is going to be able to even reach the kid. he even if it's it's available. yeah. desperately ill then there is, you know, we know very well that half of gauze has population a children. we know that there are a number of elderly and that there was no famine in northern gaza. dustin w h o no. how many people have already died from starvation and malnutrition? i understand that. you know, guys that didn't have medical professionals who could diagnose non nutrition before the war. so is it possible that people are dying from it without the diagnosis?
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your right, that is what the insect malnutrition was not something but doctors and, and gaza. so before this will, in fact some of the training has been on how to identify it. now we have official fee, a certain administrative health saying that $20.00 children competitive people have died of my nutrition. but those are people who reached the hospital. we have no idea of what's happening in, in old and make shift shelters older. all the overcrowded places. what we do know is listening. she jump breaks of diarrhea or diseases or spirited diseases and hepatitis all things that you get from being out of the crowded and not having access to clean water and eat a malnourished child. that's a distance and nobody healthy bubble overcome it, but not a malnourished. yeah, and this how has given everything that you've said, what is your message to is world and to anyone who has leverage with, as well about the situation and gaza, about
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a sci fi and about the entry of humanitarian aid and to the strip or she menissi sig, please, 61. now get the hostages back. they families who suffered so much as well. there is such a pulling so free. we students must not let this continue. please, please have a see. so i know that is margaret harris, the spokes person for the world health organization joining us geneva, thank you very much for your time. thank you for this, but well, that is the situation on the ground and gaza and as, as well, strikes continue from austin. israel are engaged and sees 5 talks and cairo talks that are being negotiated by cuts of an agent. stephanie deka is joining us now from the jordanian capital. i'm on stephanie. what are you sharing about the stitching points in reaching that cease fire agreement?
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yes, all these ready, 5 ministers now met with the director of the c i. a william burns has been involved in intentional diplomacy. what are you showing you the front of the americans are doing to get these riley's to agree? you're asking me about sticking points while initially this deal had been touted as a generous concessions made by the is really, this is according to anthony blinking. and then we have have my say yes and you have these ready say no, not really not like this. a lot of things seem to have changed according to media reports to this deal. one is the number of captives that are going to be released in the 1st phase. it was supposed to be 40 that it went down to $33.00. now we understand, and that's a live captives. now we understand how master saying $33.00 captives alive or dead is roll, insisting that they need to be alive. there's also an issue between the timing of the release of the captives mazda, apparently, according to reports, changing it to releasing 3 captains on the 3rd day of the ceasefire. and then after
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that 3, every 7 days, it also takes away israel's veto power. as to the requests of which particular security prisoners by the stinging prisoners, israel should be reducing the risk goes on. so we do understand that there is a wide gap between the 2 sides. now it is now what about trying to read tweak what was already tweaked when it comes to a deal. it's incredibly complicated because it's not just about phase one, phase 2, and phase 3. it is that in about the reconstruction of goals, it is about who is going to run gaza. it is about why know geopolitical issues like saudi normalization, with israel and the list goes on. so significant. i think there was a push by the americans to put pressure on the journey prime minister and a lot of uh, indications over the past months that nothing. yeah, it was very reluctant to come to a deal, but let so wait and see these rates remain in cairo as to what the next few days may bring in terms of anything on this deal. can a stephanie, thank you for that. that is stephanie deca joining us live from amman and just to
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explain why stephanie is reporting from i'm on benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has bound down to 0. so we have a pushing from outside as well as one has down play. the bided administration's pulls of a shipment of bombs to the country, as well as military spokesperson said it's a coordination with the united states has reached unprecedented levels. but the us, as, as world hasn't addressed washington's concerns over any ground operation in adolfo, let's bring in a white house correspondent, committee house that she's joining us live from washington, dc. and kimberly the us defense secretary is testifying at a congressional hearing. what c being saying about this? yeah, that's right. even as the white house press secretary curry john pierre just moments ago would not speak to the press reporting that there had been a stalling of one of the weapons deliveries to israel. the defense secretary lloyd
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austin in fact confirmed those very se media reports of the testimony that he gave, and this giving on capital hill. what he said was that there has not been a final determination made by the biden to ministration on how to proceed with a shipment, a shipment of weapons that we should point out. the media has been reporting for a day or so. now that has been delayed to israel and what significant about this is this would be the 1st delay after a search of weapons transfers that have been taking place since october 7th, since october 7th, being significant in terms of the day that how much of course went into israel, and there was of course, the number of captives that were taken. now, what we should point out, and all of this is what we know about this delayed transfer to israel, is that within that they're 180-2000 pound bombs. so 170500 pound bonds.
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what we know in all of this is that there has been leading up to this delay, significant concerns on the part of not only up student protesters across the united states, but also within the president's own party. a democratic lawmakers to be exact sending a letter to the us president, they're concerned about how these weapons are being used. and now we know the fact that there is a delay confirmed by the us defense secretary lloyd austin, of transfers to israel of weapons. specifically because there has not been in his words, a final determination how to proceed with that shipment. similarly, thank you very much for that. that's our white house correspondent to kimberly how could live in washington dc. the case of elder is political analysts and contributes it to parts and he's joining us live from kind of a thank you very much for your time, mr. elder. so we'll start with the c. i a direct to william bins in is ro,
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how receptive is the israeli government to what the americans are saying a unfortunately, there is a consensus and he's really government not only between the code and the the arrived at the right. so we were hoping that the, uh, the wall would come to the image and once uh, bennett guns and the guy, the eyes of the car who joined to the cabinet. that's right. after october servers, once they realize that and that the neo is gambling on the lives of the just rarely captives. and you know, it is a bit in the jurisdiction. redemption of prisoners is part of the address of the jewish address is why are was winning. and actually this was
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by administer, nathaniel, who was really to ready to release more than 1000. but a scene in prison. i was in the tenant for the lab. surely, who was that kidnapped by some us and rewards failed in god for more than 5 years and borrow them and mom in those 1027 prison. this was uh, the current leader of, uh, from us, uh, who is this and what uh, but right now when i talked to the distance from both ios of the political border, what i hear is that is word and not allow maybe from us to get back to gaza and to get to control on the rock by crossing.
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okay. that's on the oh the going is? yeah, mr. elder from what you're saying it's sounds like the release of the is really captive and gaza. it sounds like you're saying it's not a priority for this government at the moment. a yes, it's not a priority for the government and i'm talking about both aisles of the coalition. and it shows by all righty of the government is to put more pressure and they believe that more pressure on from us will get them a better idea of what come us is refusing to clearly say is that m m on those 73 f chaves. how many people are still a lot these right is there is no trust and here comes the, the head of the c i a and the 2nd stage is on his way here in
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order to get more information to where do you just imagine, elizabeth, if uh, we will get so the body is back and 3 people that live there now cannot afford this. and did you say mr. ella, do say the of the things that the is where the military has done, and it all fall over the past few days, including asking at least a $100000.00 people in east and off of to evacuate an increase in the tax. and fortunately, closing the it off of border crossing, do you see that as part of the pressure that you're speaking to off that israel wants to exit on him off to get what israel wants to actually uh, what uh no is looking at is getting more clear is from the united states. uh 1st from nebraska now, so i'm a secretary thinking as long as the americans are not stuck with you. uh,
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they do service and they said to me a message, just like what your correspondence from washington just mentioned, all the munitions but as long as they don't put their foot down and say enough enough, and i'm afraid, does the americans understand one or 2 things and there is rarely politics and they know and maybe also the from us part of the because is on the other seeing why will allow you to save control. even the only military control over does that. this is kind of at the missing defeats. and why did he sacrifice the lives of 40000 people? yeah. and starvation in order to allow his way to get back to guys. so i, i am afraid that uh, if uh there will not be an idea. and you're just coming boss from cut
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out from egypt and the united states and the price that there's any i wouldn't have to pay. also in these ready public opinion. every day we see more, more people demonstrating in the closing kind of what is blocking guy was that if there will not be gradual pressure from sci pencil outside, we are stuck in it just mentioned that the was, it is what i mean. yeah, soldier, texting president for more than 5 years. mr. elda, thank you. as always for your analysis, that is the date hire it's news problems, publications. akiva elder live and kind of a in the u. k. students have set up cabs and solidarity with palestinians in gaza. at oxford university students a demanding the institution because it's financial times as well. well, the 200 oxford academics have signed an open data supporting the protest hold, whether it has the latest from oxford,
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oxford and cambridge to various hopefully most prestigious universities academically. and they have joins now this week with other universities such as manchester, new counseling in london, in protesting against what's happening in gauzy, to see if my shoulder hold on the outside the show that in the vice chancellor of also it is doing a uh, an award saturday, and they are making the presence very loud with the bombs, the feel should give us the investing. essentially dr. essex also kind of investments in is ready companies that the student side off popping up is really government. now generally to discuss this is jacob, spell your 1st, your political theory taken to me, summarize what the students here are asking. well, we are showing up here because we believe that there should be no business as usual during the genocide. and what that means is ensuring cuz the university years that
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we are out there, we are out in our own cabinet or whether it's really sweet river sneezing. and then we have a series demands that we want them to seriously consider instead of nearly ignoring those being to disclose all investments that they currently possess. and it's really a part hiding ongoing genocide to divest from those investments and to commit financial resources to a palestinian lead, rebuilding a 1000 win. hopefully the conflict soon ceased joining us while the protest is here . uh, we'll stay for as long as they can outside the southern theater and then they will move back to the past. i missed a couple of days ago now which the university appears definitely happy to approach with the hands off kind of a prior to those 2 statements that they respect the rights of freedom of expression . in the peaceful protests on the primary focus is to ensure the impact on the research a lot. a junior examiner is minimize. it's donna, i will call her as a little student and the president of the solidarity group, friends of palestine at the university of manchester. and she's joining us live
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from manchester and the united kingdom. thank you for your time. firstly, i understand that you've had your student permit vote and you're challenging this decision. can you tell us about your situation? hi moves. thank you for having a yes, of course. so i have been advocating for the policy and call us for a few years now. and during this genocide, the home office for the decided to revoke my student diesel. following public statements that i made supporting palestinians exercise of their rights under international law tourism this oppression. and to break through the siege, which was legally placed on does that for over 60 years, freedom of expression is a fundamental human right here. and you can see, but it clearly does not seem to apply to people of color or ethnic minorities. and especially, you're not to use them as impulse students like myself. we must reject the use of
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this double standard and in the application of human rights by public authorities and rise up against state oppression. and this stomach, we discriminatory approach. what has been communicated to you about why this about the natural, the visa was provoked and what grounds are you challenging gets on essentially, the home office has claims, but my presence in the case threatens national security. and they have said that the statements that i made support some sort of extremist views. keep in mind, i am the 19 year old law students all i have done in life. so says go, go to school and receive an education advocate for social justice. the opposite to my community through volunteering and advocating for this type of issue. and so it says the clean but they're making is it's completely based, baseless and, and finally, it's fine human rights as a residents here in the u. k. y, we go to and has lodge to human rights appeal against the home offices, decisions,
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egregious decisions and, and it's oppressive decision to revoke my students. he's in my last and final year of undergraduate studies here. the, okay, and are you being allowed? it looks like you are being allowed to stay in the united kingdom while this decision is challenged. yes, that is true. okay. have you been taking posh in the protests the against as well as one, gaza that we've been seeing at universities around the country? of course, of course i've been leading and taking part in the products that have been happening, decrease year in manchester, some more than that. and as part of all the, the peaceful acts of, of protests that have been taking place across the city. okay. and do you know of any of the students who have faced repercussions for speaking out against, as well, in the united kingdom, like we've seen a loss in the united states? yes, yes, we have been, some students have been suspended. others have been expelled from the university.
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so some students have been and the citizens of the u. k. have been charged under the terrorism act for simply supporting palestinians rights to resist which is consistent with international law principles. i a thank you very much for your time, donna, of the comment. joining us live from manchester, we really appreciate it. thank you. is to the head on the names on the railway line to funnel chinese goods interest centrally or remind joe holding hungry with china is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement . it's only foothold in the european union and will tell you why a peaceful protest movement and the amount has now joined the font lines to fight the military of the ship. carrying the olympic flame arrives and must say it has
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a big celebration of assistance on the 4th that's coming up in support. the there's a cost in the settlement trying to input the legs. right. but the sheriff that works and desires over the uruguay brazilian border are drifting further north that could consume you and possibly right, these are the same time staves run up through the end, the in chain briefly reach santiago, but that's going away again. when say full cost is a fine one, put the leg right there, we can return to because some of the songs will probably reach you on wednesday evening. and then on friday it looks like persistent rain may roll over to. so yes, that is a point of concern. most of that is fairly drawn to the gets the seasonal readings . and that's these that reading through french kind of towards columbia. they are fairly heavy at that particular on the colombian side. and it's still pretty with
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around the camera view persistence, a big showers in puerto rico, and leave it out and back for his burn your and cuba. still going during wednesday, shading out for the rest. your indeed, mexico you could argue is in something you have a huge way for them a month to raise up to about $43.00 degrees to the us. just have some devastating tornadoes that's not lock going through. now they've left the states where they were in the risk is not much reduced, but this still cause it falls off the rockies and still meeting up the woods across the plain state. so arkansas and, for example, tennessee are at risk. again, i'm counting the cost protests in the us to bond universities. divest some israel. how does schools make them money? washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for pick tone for the american market. consulate costs without just a rough it's
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a scolding in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in on, in to return to class repairs needed here could cost more than $6000000.00. and this is just one of those, and this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the 7 point to magnitude strength of the earthquake, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan, is designed to prepare this, including its strict of the the,
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to watching outlanders here of me, elizabeth put on a mentor of a mind to of on top storage. the solid food mass grave has been uncovered at gauze as a whole specials palestinian officials sort of assumed $49.00 bodies in the process . still underway is riley military laid siege to the facility in march, killing hundreds of people, including medical stuff. the world health organization has there was only 3 days, a few less for health services in southern gaza. the w h o added that it cannot sustain life saving support to hospitals without age and to and awesome. that's as, as ready as strikes pound rafa as well to swing a full scale military offensive in the southern cities. the united nations secretary general says such an assault would be a humanitarian. it might, it is rarely as always, have demolished dozens of veteran homes and stuff in this row. they've been
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destroyed in the desert area known as the negative. the government says they will build without a permit. it's among the largest mass demolitions in recent years on the cell who for, for a large mobilization of is really police to oversee the demolition of nearly 50 different homes in this better when community of phone book lee. and it's an area of the negative desert with the population of nearly $1000.00 palestinians. $400.00 of them now have nowhere to link is really authority say these homes were built without a permit. but palestinian is really members of the government are criticizing the move and calling for a fair solution. harvey, this has been give years police. this is netanyahu's government, extremist and the far east government that only knows the language of construction and demolition. and so this is the situation today in the neck of the local better
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when community has protested against the government decision with some members setting fire to their homes that were threatened with demolition. israel's national security minister, each more ben vere says he's proud to leave this policy uninstalled the demolitions this morning in the negative are the result of an intensive work that we are doing which implements my policy. so brain, t and governance, the law breakers need to understand that the days of them building wherever they want to do whatever they want are one of, of the negative desert is home to nearly $200000.00 better with half of them are now at risk of being displaced from the central jersey to the timelines deputy defense minister says that it's military is ready for any actions
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. china might take ahead of the swearing and of a new president put on the island nation this month. china has cool tie, wants president elect lodging, take a dangerous separate service because he projects, agents claims 70 china has repeatedly held military activities in and around the taiwan straight line will be located on the 20th of may. chinese presidents, fusion thing is ending his state visit to serbia. he arrived in belgrade on a symbolic day 25 years ago. the 3 chinese journalists were killed with nato, a bomb, the chinese embassy in belgrade. she has already been in france, where he held critical thoughts on trade and russia, the trip as his 1st european tore in 5 years. that's awesome. has moved from belgrade. he has chosen a very interesting item, marie, on his uh, european trip. it was a bit more cold, i would say in front of the atmosphere, more difficult talks and now he has definitely arrived in a warm bath uh, just uh,
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a few hours ago. and that he was welcome to read the palace. there were thousands of people coming in from all over serbia and many of them as they can hear by bosses waving as a chinese president of thanking him for all the investments here in the country. serbia is china's largest, the biggest so you are being friends and china is to serve you as of the most important trading partner and investor. so there is speculation here and suggested that she is basically using serbia to create further divisions among the european countries. after visiting france, where there was some pressure on him to use the relationship with the president puts in a to talk about the war and ukraine and tone down what's happening and even make some of these resolutions for this war in ukraine. but now he is here in serbia, which has a much better relationship with russia on this moment this day,
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when it's 25 years after the bombing a buying nato plane of the chinese embassy here, basically telling nato that, yeah, you are an aggressor as well. and the final stuff on president she's trip to europe is hungary, china has invested close to $10000000000.00 and manufacturing an infrastructure in the country. the prominence of the old bond has came to maintain good times with a major economic partner, china, how reports from hungary a construction site for now near the city of deborah, sending east and hungry that only hints dates future significance. it's the country's largest ever direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of mine, electric vehicle, batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry,
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emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through in crowds and the traditional hoc lands of the ruling feed as potty for 2 things. i don't know if i'm related just to you to around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 under construction and the arrow more, is that more than for what the 1000 people be brought from from ambrose and people in are they worried about? yes, anybody on the go, a gathering like this would be and think about what chinese investments in this country scene is delivering little through the receipt of galvanizing support for one time government inside of them. i yeah, it's early days yet, but there is a sense that some of the chains is being built on the back of china's role in hungary, the prime minister, victor oil band, has long no tube will relations with china. so she didn't think hungry is the only e u. member of participating in china is built in rhode initiative. and while the
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you generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or band keeps the back door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e, you import tatters. the government has a but a few friends in the european union and in abroad. the transatlantic alliance. so the government is looking for new friends. and china is, is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this railway line is being upgraded, the chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek pull to the race, now controlled by china. eventually it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval. the few c s. m. and it's another project that will help segments. china is only foothold inside the european union during the whole elder 0 deborah sen, sconces national pa to need
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a john sweeney has been sworn in as 1st minister when he won the nomination. and upon them entry voters on tuesday. his main goal is to win independence from the united kingdom. to achieve it, he'd have to rebuild his pi, whose reputation officer was strong of scandals and political missteps. the judge in florida has indefinitely postponed to try to former us president donald trump. trump is accused of and legally keeping classified documents such as a state, often even office. the case is now unlikely to come to court ahead of the us presidential election in november. rescue is in south africa. i'm going to race against time is they search for at least 59 people missing after building collapsed to the city of george near cape town. if the 7 people were killed. well, the 200 emergency personnel, the working method dogs, have a listing equipment to find survivors
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for the people's defense. for some young ma, well ones members of a peaceful and protest movement, but as far as a now on the front lines of battles were being military around the strategic border town of me on wadi, tony chang tells the story in the fall. off of alex's, he was special reports from inside me on my flight is from the people's defense, both speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. in the often, most of the military to peaceful protest as to the streets of old man mazda may just sit his thea, but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the ministry crank down that followed was hundreds going down in the streets. 1000
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small, hold a way to detention the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit. move to the boat is an point for tomorrow so that i a ross in this area around august 2021 will seem to k n l a force in the lake, a count area my a y d i decide to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training i decide to work this medic trained by as nectar in rebels who'd been fighting for autonomy for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one grateful for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the 1000000 of them on the phone, but the young up and fight is a using their social media skills to for the a to g was
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a famous hip hop artist. and now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds. i just said about trying to, you know, move. i have done this kind of fund raising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack us. so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. they worked with the song who's singing originally performed by the tall politician and wrapper executed by the electric jumped to in 2022. as the sun set, spite to slip out of cover to wash in the river. educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang out to 0, tie in state, eastern m still ahead on knowledge of sierra and full action from the n b a playoffs. as the boston celtics safety advantage,
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and this time is fine with the business, latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination into by the, [000:00:00;00] the sponsors pool. he has peter, thank you so much, elizabeth bruce, the adults minutes coach says the dream is not either get off the side, the passenger man to reach they 1st champions need finally any living use. they have seen where it goes down from the 1st lake and had no shortage of chances in this one. as they tried to get back in the time, hit the post 4 times,
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50 souls became much auto and that's how most headed open in front with 15 minutes gone. that made it to the aggregate. how most was lucky enough to do the way the penalty is found on this one. then billie rules to be just outside the box so you can send things around. so to do a 20 percent of breaking up, the final whistle. well, to the end of up, it was left to reflect. unfortunately, my temper, your zip code and hopefully can be seen as well. and it's quite surveilled we managed to do it. i believe that over to 2 legs, we does have to reach the final when you went to games and keep it clean sheet twice against such formidable opponents, you deserve it. i'm very proud of my team, my staff, and then the entire club is put into the. so the way it continues to see himself at a loss in the champions league and middle one, it's in 2017. they blew a full no lead against boss alone in the round of 16 using 61 in the 2nd leg. 2 years later they would knock down at the same stage by manchester united despite
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leading to be some $31.00 at home. the street did make the finally 2020 but they lost one mill to buy munich. and in 2022. they were to know up against round the dirt in the last 16 but a 17 minutes kareem bends about hattrick knocked them out of the tournament. as we spoke to football, gymnast jonathan johnson, who's based in front samples that seems to escape, he believes p a c a perform the season and could actually benefit from by leaving i think. busy stripping, latching in the past, certainly with some of those big names as being uh, an over emphasis on the individual quality, as opposed to the collective. they now have a couple more collective approach under louis enrique with the priorities in the team, you know, unity as opposed to just, you know, relying on one or 2 individuals. they still have an element. so i'll start with kid in by favorite, like he said, you know, he is now likely to have finished is a story with p s. j. i'm moving,
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moving on. so that now gives lewis and research house to sort of complete eschews transformation into more of a team than uh, sort of a collection of individuals we think and passing it was already in achievement to get to the semi finals. i think if you told us to, at the beginning of the season, that they would do that even where they were at the end of last season and sort of the number of stall talents that moved on. not just the likes of name or messy that likes if it out to you as well. have been that for a long time. i think they would have signed up for it. so it's um, yeah it's, it's a work in progress. it's going to take a bit more time, but i think that finally on a route similar to that taken by mattress, the city which we saw ended individual champions league success and p s. u will hope. so at some points in the near future, you know, that's also on the horizon for them. documents could end up facing buying meaningful the time to lead wimbley, which would be a repeat of the 2013 final at the same venue. but 1st, buying a must get postrel madrid in the 2nd. send me find a laser on wednesday. the ties point is
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a tool off the 1st leg. this competition is binds loss tons of silverware this season having already lost abundantly get title to buy labor to some a. i think a big part of it is accepting it. um that not everything will be, it is possible that not everything will be perfect for us, but it's still possible to overcome it's possible to, to overcome difficulties, to hang in, show the right mentality and quality to, to fulfill our dream. we want to go to a wimbley standing and binds way up. it's up to wimberly is rail a late 70 c. a said you need a penalty or ask you to join meeting last week. and the good boss color mentioned all the question besides commitments. relo looking for a record expanding the theme champions league cycle. clearly, homo bruce on butter. see though, i think that as a club we have similar. it's a club that has a great tradition, a great history, a lot of success and the champions league. i think we respect each other in a semi final you have to respect the opponent,
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even more side because they have done very well. and they were better than us in the 1st leg to finding mary's participation in the friendship in later this month is looking good with the news that he's returning from injury to play at the geneva open next week. the 3 time grand slam champion damaged uncle ligaments at the miami opened last month, but opted not to undergo surgery having previously said that he would likely retire at the end of the position. some a tournament organizes in switzerland announced that they have given the 36 you of the wild card for the k tournaments seen as a key role must have been for the friendship and which mary one back in 2016. larry is a 2 time wimbledon and olympic champion and we'll hope to be fit for both of those events in july to the n b, a. playoffs and the boston celtics dominated game. one of the reasoning conference semi final against the cleveland cavity, is jalen brown, was the stand up, perform it for the top seas, with 32 points as they ran away with it on the home. cool. when he went under the $2195.00, derek whites at school $25.00,
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including $73.00 points has came to the base. the 7 series is also in boston on thursday, south x or chasing a record expending or record 18 and the championship. but 1st, since 2008, during the wasting conference, the top seated oklahoma city found the stuff 1st in the series against the dallas mavericks. j go to settings on the at $29.00 points. non rebounds and minuses, haven't seen when uncomfortably one of the 1795 to remain. i'm being seen in the playoffs gate series in oklahoma city on thursday. it's also a tie of time in the n h l in the colorado avalanche boulevard come back when against the data stalls in their opening games, the stones on top seats and with cruising 3, nothing ahead of the 1st period in dallas. but back came the other launch and nathan beginnings, go to the naval, the 33 checklist. the game is over time and it has miles. would want it full colorado and now one off in a wasted phone from semi final series. but it's the 1st to pull wins. so
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a long way to go still. or there was another close game, at least in confidence as the new york rangers beat, the carolina hurricane. and 2nd, if it's on then some project with the winning going and this one that puts the ranges to nothing ahead, invests any final the los angeles dodgers of what may 6th game in a row. but it wasn't show, hey o tony who stood out for a change with the bases loaded at the stadium mex muncie. the grand slam i city to miami mullins. h to adult is 113 or 15 and sip, talk of the national lease waste. and the zip carrying the olympic flame is arriving phones up to a 12 day journey from greece. $150000.00 spectators are expected together from all sides. old boats to watch a welcoming center meet with organized as promising fantastic celebrations on thursday at toll free. they will start across the country and will end in the french capital with the lighting of the flame on july 26th to mark the starts of
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the power escape. so that's what was mostly for the time being a little bit more relate to that. look forward to it, peter. thank you. finally, this bulletin, the man known as the mazda of north korean propaganda has died of the age of 94 campaign ups of 3 generations of the north ruling family dynasty brought mcbride reports from sol as north korea's mazda propaganda came key nam health cement. the lower of the came family, tennessee, as assigned if it's important to cover and through the kim jong and lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media use of jobs to his memory. the reading and the whole was abrupt and start over the last of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with cable. so north korea's founding father, tim key, nam, witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the communist
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world, although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to an age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing came young men have gone viral, finding a global audience. bias has to be done. this overs paul seems reaching the age of 4 to this year. we see strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down on mcbride. i'll just say era. so of that set for me, elizabeth put on for this new style, but do stay with us on algebra. we're back in just a couple of minutes with all the nations developments on top stories. thank you for watching
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the brian as well. um one says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, the gold was big, will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna, and it's backed by gold reserves and fine cars, commodities such as input duties, rent, and fuel a paid with us donors. that means and bobby, and still have to change the zig on the police to be no racing a legal mind. me change. i'm racing without a license on the mining senior government. he does want people to change their money back and not many here. haven't seen the signature yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is the
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most stable. that's always money. to use the currency doesn't least value rapidly that could change, take them into a 106 kilometer stretch, ship remote and powerless jungle. going the land route to south america for migrants . tequila sized up in the united states a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's a risk. they are willing to take full lines and box on this unfair giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the dairy and go on up jersey to to arab writers from different countries, but with much uncommon moraine upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry, what's the width? and he used to fight the whole world and saw something to do a syrian professor, lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in living in syria. how this going to the rock,
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that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that which is 0 the and now the mass claims discovered at the ship a hospital complex and gaza. a model of the is very famous with 249 voting is a, found the hello on elizabeth put on them and this is algebra live from don't house. so coming on is ready as drives continue across garza as crucial aid as blocks from over a 1000000 people in france. and we only have enough few to run health


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