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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:29pm AST

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so this a syrian professor who has lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in lebanon, syria, how this going to the rock. that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria. analogy 0 the and now the mass graves discovered at the ship a hospital complex and gaza among pumps. to is ready for this. with $249.00 voting is a found the hello on elizabeth donovan. this is alex, as he lives from don't house. so coming on is ready as drives continue across garza as crucial aid as blocks from over
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a 1000000 people in france. and we only have enough few to run l services in the sounds for 3 more days. to dial one in from the world health organization. as palestinian casualties, mountain southern gaza, also head slots in brazil, submerge plains and international airports. least a 138 people have been killed. the, let's just pasta 16 gmc and that is a 6 pm. and guys, especially with the mass graves has been uncovered at all ship a hospital palestinian officials say they've assumed 49 bodies. and the process is still underway. is really military laid siege to the facility in march, killing hundreds of people inside,
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including medical stuff. i'll shift that has been out of service for months. well, mass grades have been discovered in and around 3 different hospitals of the gaza strip, with today's findings. they have now being 7 grade 5 discovered and total 3 at i'll ship a medical complex. one has been found to become on the other one hospital in the move and to the south. 3 grave sites have been discovered at nasr medical complex. so fall, 520 bodies have been recovered from those 7 sites and that number is expected to increase as the process of retrieving bodies by medical teams continues. meanwhile, is rarely stripes to continue into pound rougher as well as threatening a full scale of military offensive in the southern city. the united nations secretary general says such an assault would be a humanitarian nightmare. this calls to our correspondence that a couple of whom he's joining us live farmed off. i will begin with the license discovery of buddies thought a thousands more assumed from another mass grave. and i'll shift what are you
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sharing about that finding? what do we really hear is that to the imagine, see what gets managed to recover a move that bodies from the cool yards of allows. she felt hospital that has been the main and biggest medical facility across the street where hundreds and thousands of palestinians have been taking it as actually rescue jobs. within days when it expands into the fight scene, they managed to turn the entire hospital into a military phase, in which they managed to completely investigate people and carry out a fuse executions among palestinians and even to carry out whites a rest campaign among every palestinian whose over 14 year olds and that's absolutely terrifying. was the scenes that have been imagine from the ship hospitallers, 49 bodies. we are recovered from the yada. it's the fed mass, some great being uncovered. and that's your thought. hospital as the boss majority
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of bodies will be composed and according to god's us government media office. they have been strict single. the fact that the found uh, completely bodies without hits, which is absolutely devastating and goes against all the principles of the huge or national humanitarian low as to have been cooling for an independent inquiry on. cool. so saw the axis for investigative themes into the territory. you would have to take flu smoke regarding these bodies that have been recently discovers the most grim findings possible as into a topic. meanwhile, what is the situation where you are the as, as will be in the portion that also continues to be attacked even while the is where these older people in east and also to flee well, attacks and roughly remind us clearly what was happening in other areas of the gaza strip when they managed to completely convey they have been expanding their military bombardment campaign. of course the gaza strip. they have been hitting
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tile is the big thing. they have been hitting residential areas on the side with farmlands and the eastern portion of this will be just a couple of minutes ago. today's ready, artillery has hit upon a promise city and residential house in the central area over a where a number of casualties have been pro to avoid the hospital to receive medical treatments, including young children, even auto. so alongside with women as well. and that's absolutely job as stating how these buildings have been hate, without any prior warnings, as the casualties among civilians continued to mount. unprecedented on the, in the very i'm president, the home is specifically that is very mandatory has been threatening with the option of expanding the invasion into rough. i had light of the full collapse of the medical health care system in that very densely populated area where more people are leading from specifically from the eastern portion where a rough light is expected to witness most deadly attacks within the coming hours.
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product, thank you very much for that data. started up was on with organizations, live in delphi, and one of the main hospitals in southern gaza has been evacuated off to is really troops sees these off of border crossing patients and medical work, a sled. i will use if i loved your hospice in the, in the office feeling is really strikes. the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really a tax on the city of the world. health organization has wanted. all the hospitals will run out of fuel soon, and we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, w joel has pretty pollution, some supplies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life. saving support to hospitals has shown the spokes person of the international committee of the red cross and he
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is joining us live from rafa in gaza. thank you very much for your time. firstly, how have your information is being affected by as well. closing that off of border crossing thank you for having me domestic me this cross as 4 months ago a because the classes are significant military operation that it's going to be absolutely disastrous. a focus in billions of our ations despite the challenges continue and not as well as in the middle area, i will talk to the art team, the concerned that we will not be able to maintain our patients is the ability to ration expansive continues as the closure of crossing as a result of this uh, operation remains closed. so we are, we have limited cool, quite a few. uh and uh, this is one of the most urgently needed uh to our, um, i said we need for
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a lot of reasons and mr. bahama, can you give us an idea of, you know, the various things that you overnight the organization does in gaza because it's wide ranging, isn't it? absolutely for supporting community kitchen centers to provide all meals for thousands of families on daily basis. and in the i a front line kind of get us in the middle area because chuck, we support the health care system that is collapsed by providing support to the hospitals. and do you know the healthcare facilities with the wired and medical items? we have a surgical team of surgeons and nurses of the i. c r c working and the the hospital for months. now i'm providing an average of 20 urgency needed surgeries on databases. we supported world of trucking activities across this, the south and part of guster. we try to support this of a defense in their efforts to help extract retrieve the bodies. smith supported
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them with with by the bad space old remains of the truck and the ocean. if the situation steady rates further. yeah. and one of the services i imagine one of the services of important crucial services you mention require a few including i understand that your organization has been helping people trying to help people leave easton at alpha off to as well ordering them to. are you doing that? how are you doing that and how can you do that without fuel? and it is not a part of the international committee, but there is about this role to evacuated civilians. this is the entire responsibility. i'm the leader of the nation partners to the counselor. when you're talking about the situation, orders a disability, the nation need to be given a safe, clear roads. and they need to, uh, family members cannot be that of separations. and people must be ensure that they would have access to old assisted use, including hygiene, including food,
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alter health care of all 6, you say to have security. and eventually, they cannot be displaced whenever they must be allowed to return to their halls. as soon as they'll send it to use a company. and then we remain committed to supporting the people we are trying to expand and maximize or have any kind of response. and activities, given the situation of the challenges and we're not leaping out of our we're not leaving the officer. all right, mr. ma, honda, thank you so much for joining us. and you know, just giving us real insights into a very important work and how old is that is being handed by israel closing that off of border crossing. well that is the situation on the ground and gaza as israel strikes continue, come off, and israel are engaged in sci fi talks and cargo to instead of being negotiations like catherine egypt, stephanie deca is joining us now from the jordanian capital amman. and stephanie,
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what are you hearing about this? the king points and reaching a ceasefire agreement a well, it was a, a deal that had been green lighted by these railways initially. and what we understand is that agreement from him as that has amendments to it. they sat in cairo last weekend, the head of the c, i a director was there as well. these res decided not to send a team even though the americans awesome to do so. it looks like certain amendments many and small amendments, according to leaks in the latest deal, one of the degree, let's talk about the 1st phase, 33 captive supposed to be released by how mass. but israel insist that they are live captains. of course, nobody really knows how many captives remain alive, but have mass now saying that that will be alive and dead. that's the sticking for it is on insisting they need to be alive. and then also the timing as to the release. how much now?
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pushing back trying to delay it for as long as possible, saying the 1st release will come up to 3 days. just 3 captives. then 3 more, 7 days later, and then 7 day, 7 days. so it gives you a sense of the extension because have mouse, once in enter the war, these release have made it very clear that that's not going to be the case. so there's also a lot of contradiction about the analysis of a word called sustained. com which is what's in the deal. it's very complicated. basically we just had the head of the c i a in, as we're all talking to benjamin as in yahoo, the word cabinet is going to meet, i think, within the next hour or so. we're, we're in a holding pattern and really when it comes and when you believe that more pressure on some us will get them a better idea of what some us is refusing to clearly say is the m m on those 33 deputies, how many people are still a lot these right is there is no trusts and here comes the,
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the head of this, the a and the 2nd 0 stages on his way here in order to get more information. so where do you just imagine if uh we would get? so the bodies back and 3 people that live in the air cannot afford this. the united states has pools, the weapons shipment as well, consisting of thousands of launch bombs. this comes in the fields of alon scales, radian cushion into gauze, southern most cities, alpha, when 81500000, forcibly displace palestinians a sheltering. the us says, israel hasn't addressed washington's concerns. are there any ground operation? java? israel shouldn't launch a maintenance breaking all white house correspondent, company house coaches during his life in washington, dc, and company. what else did we hear from the us defense secretary at that hearing at a time when the biden administration is coming on to so much pressure from many
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sides of the yeah, well, what we know is, as he said there, that final determination has not yet been made but what is significant about all of this is the fact that there has been a pause in what has otherwise been a surge of weapon rates. it is real since october 7th, when come us went in to israel. of course there were half does that were taken. uh, what we know is that many of these transfers of weapons by the united states into israel have it times, been secretive. so the fact that there has now been this pause, given the fact that the united states has significant concerns that they have not made secret about the ground operation into rafa is substantial. now, we should point out to our viewers that the annual support by the united states to israel, in terms of military support of nearly 4000000000 every year. and this is in addition to that. but what the united states has been making clear is that they have and as
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has been reiterated by the press, secretary, pre jump here, just in the last couple of hours, is that there have not been significant concerns address with respect to the future of so many of the palestinian civilians in raw files that are where they are going to go and what is going to be done for them in terms of where they can be adequately housed, etc. the near favlin conditions that are taking place in gaza. and so as a result, this is why this has been address. we should also point out the concerns that are coming with in the old president's party, the democratic party, 80 different members sending a letter to president biden saying that there should be conditions attached to these weapons. and that is, in addition to, of course, the nationwide protests that have been taking place. so incredible pressure on the us president and the by the administration perhaps now resulting in this pause that has been taking place. kimberly thank you so much for that. that's all white house
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correspondent, company healthcare, are still a head on alex's era, sylvia and china display their friendship. the 2 countries sign a free trade agreement to downgrade the the latest news rate was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gaza. population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices, escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you all who could be out of office. i'm counting the cost protests in the u. s. developed universities divest from israel. how does schools make them money? washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding,
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ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for pick tone for the american market. comes in with costs, pulled out just a rough reaching of mine's the tragedy for me of a democratic solve effort there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in concert. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now they will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on the script part one on, on the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the watching. i'll just leave me elizabeth put onto them. don't. hi, romando about top stories. the sound of a mass grave is being uncovered at gauze as all ship a hospital palestinian officials have vivid zoomed 49 parties in the process. still on the way, is why the ministry late ceased 17 march killing hundreds of people including medical stuff. the world health organization has one. there was only 3 days of fuse natural health services and gaza. w h o added that it cannot sustain life saving support to hospitals without a to enter 1000. as their own has closed, the main crossing used to bring age into this trip and is fairly strikes a continue and to pound dropped as well as threatening a full scale ministry offensive in the southern city. the united nations secretary general says such an assault would be a humanitarian might. to man, chinese president, she's in pain, is ending his state visit to serbia. he arrived in belgrade on
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a symbolic day 25 years ago. the 3 chinese journalists were killed when they to bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade. she has already been in france, where he held critical tools from trade in russia. the trip as his 1st european tour and 5 years step boston has moved from bel grade. he has chosen a very interesting item, marie, on his uh, european trip. it was a bit more cold, i would say in front. so the atmosphere more difficult talks and now he has to definitely be arrives in a warm bath. uh, just uh, a few hours ago when he was welcome to read the palace. there were thousands of people coming in from uh, all over serbia and many of them uh sacon here by bosses waving at the chinese president the same thing. him for all the investments here in the country. so be i is china as large as the biggest so you are being friends and china is so, so because of the most important trading partner and investor,
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so there is speculation here. i'm suggesting that. so she is basically using serbia to create product divisions among european countries after visiting france, where there was some pressure on him to use the relationship with the president puts in a to talk about the war and ukraine and tone down what's happening and even make some of these resolutions for this war in ukraine, but now he is here in serbia, which has a much better relationship with russia on this moment. this day when it's 25 years after the bombing a buying nato plane of the chinese embassy here, basically telling nato that, yeah, you are an aggressor as well. a judge in florida has an definitely postponed to try to former us president donald trump. trump is accused of legally keeping classified documents, such as a states, often leaving office. the case was now unlikely to come to quotes ahead of the us
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presidential election in november. or the desk told is rising in the brazilian stage of the over on the, the sold following to venture rains and flaws. at least a 138 people have been told latin america editor to see a newman reports from the capital portfolio of day. soldiers continued to evacuate residents of port league. they trapped in their homes since the weekend. so selected by rivers continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools. military boats springing evacuated from the city across the river. maria, it was a central, says she until when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people, drum distorted horses floating on the river. it was like a tune. i mean,
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most of those day the water started driving at 5 in the morning. we escaped to the top floor of a screen and about a 150 other people know what to know food people with this know when you what is happening. funny a daughter that and her brother was finally rescued but had to leave everything they had behind. i asked mario samples with he and his family will do that and they'll say, no, i have no idea who i'll go to my sister's house for now. last, every time i've heard that when we have nothing left, nearly 1500000 people have been affected by the unprecedented floods the worst ever seen in the state of rio grande. they do. so i'll just the, or a company, the army owner risk, you boat passing submerged homes on the way to a low down little discharge and believes climate change along with the new phenomena are responsible for this disaster risk for teams using jet skis and remedies can only bring one or 2 people out at
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a time to the waiting military vote. women children and the elderly, a given priority to $50000.00 is the the rest of the, it's a painfully slow process. help is coming from all over brazil, volunteers bringing anything that floats, even surfboards to evacuate people. the government is releasing emergency funding aid, but more than 400 municipalities of the state and its colonial style capital are still flooded. you know, 50000 people have no shelter, and the watches showed no sign of receding to see and human al jazeera,
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puerto late, they present, find the visible listen, spend wells communicating in a way that's more complex than previously believe that's the conclusion reached by scientists studying the models alex bed reports of these just clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs as the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint lorraine, mammals, room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of clicking noises. sound called co. does that sound a little bit like morse code? or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with similarities, similarities to aspects of some other animal communication systems, and even some aspects of human language research. as a part of the project stacy dissertation translation initiative,
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machine learning team. we've examines move in the 8700 audio snippets of spin while clicks known as code is. scientists have been trying for decades to understand what those clicks might mean to. well, they still don't know, they now sing 0 states of cliques that make up of the music else, abuse that the whales mites used to build the rough equivalent of woods and phrases . project studies really focused on listening right now. this is an incredibly vulnerable population, especially transmitted communication system that we really don't want to disturb. and so right, we're just at the very beginning of this process and i think there's a lot more research that we have to do before we know whether it's a good idea to try to communicate with them or really even to have a sense of whether that will be possible this experience safety miles seemed to have sophisticated social ties and deciphering that communication systems could
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reveal parallels with human language and society. those some believe the cliques may be more akin to music if they are indeed speaking. the big question is, what are they saying? and could we learn to speak back? alex bid, which is 0. and that's it for me, elizabeth put on them for this half hour of news to stay with us counting the cost is next. the now the ratings are finally showing signs of moving goals for this an hour, which means java is at the risk of if a significant dime paused for the next few months. quite possibly that's otherwise, he's recently had flooding and that's still the area towards west popular where
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cheryl is our largest sumatra. we'll join in and increasingly out through thailand and me and my dad also lost in vietnam, the shelves are replacing. what was crazy, raw, the hot weather. so we dropped the attempt to fight. so in degrees of sites, but increasing the data causes no time for it to right, which is a cost in southern china and they've been doing that for $5.00 too long. but the shelves have not gone away, so expect more funding here. the rate is going away from japan and one of the largest shelves nimble that there is a band coming through badging. so the cold front is coming out of long go. yeah, so you think it will draw contempt your god level? probably no. i suspect we're just gonna scroll the day on friday. then the breeze is light in the attempt. it doesn't really vary a tool that, that stuff to rise a bit of time to get to sunday high temperatures in india, of course, particularly now in the north west of the impact this time we're into the mid forties quite typically. but the increasing the number of shares on the eastern side of india and i'm buying just increasing the dies with the debt comply to means is humid,
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but not quite as hot. the history is for gum. that's all peril yet in spain, states imposed amnesia was enshrined in law, diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank coast. 36, you have to take the shape with a group of survivor. it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist, bossed the silence of others. witness all now to sierra, the fellow on the bulk of this discount and the cost of that, which is here in
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a week. the look of the world of business and economics this week. cooling universities, funding into question protest is mainly in the us to non that schools divest from


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