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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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which is era, the challenges with the now the mask wave is discovered at the i'll ship a whole special complex and gaza a month off to is ready for this is withdrew. 49 bodies of found the low on and is it a put on and this is just the are live from. don't how this are coming out is ready as stripes continue across the gaza as crucial aid is long needed. 1.5000000 people crammed into the we only have enough few to run health services
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in the south for 3 more days, a dial one and from the world health organization as house to me and casualties, mountain southern casa, and the us secretary of defense concerns washington did was one shipment of phones as again, as role against a major assault on the let's just pa, 17 gmc, that's 8 p. m and gauze associated with the mass graves has been on colored at all ship a hospital palestinian officials. so they've assumed 49 bodies, and the recovery process still on the way is rarely military laid siege to the facility in march, killing hundreds of people, including medical stuff. i'll ship it has been out of service for months. last claims to be discovered. it is around $300.00 as well as of the gaza strip with
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today's finding. they have now being a 7 grave science discovered and total 3 it all ship a medical complex. one has been found to be come on at one hospital in the north until the south 3 graves thoughts of being discovered at nasir medical complex. so 4 or 520 bodies have been recovered from the 7 grave sites. that number is expected to increase as the process of retrieve and bodies by medical teams continues. milan is ready as strikes a continuing to pound as alpha, as well as threatening a full scale military offensive and southern assessing the united nations secretary general as has such an assault, which would be a humanitarian nightmare. that's close to a correspondent thought a couple of them. he's joining us live from alpha. and move is really a strikes where you are of what you're seeing, the optimal statics. well, what we can see is that more deadly strikes on tillery bombardment and the vast
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majority of the gaza strip from the north to the south. but the main focus was fremont showing the eastern parts of rough on where the military that started as they claimed to be limited operation. but the fact on the ground that they have been using lease of force on the areas that they are operating in targeting residential houses, farmlands, and even civil infrastructures in the eastern portion of the city. and exactly, we've been hearing from residence, uh that they continue to hear a loud plus and even destruction sound of these houses in the eastern areas as the casualties amongst a billions continue to mount on an hourly basis. we're talking about 65 palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours. the vast majority was in roughly including children, women, and within the past couple of hours they've been recording most cases of injuries arriving to overweight the hospital to get treatment within the life of the collapse of the boss. the majority of hospitals, in rough or at the situation is getting critically dalia as the is where the
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military is. pro didn't exist, ministry attacks targeting areas without any prior warnings on people. here are completely confused. we saw families awfully from a rough on to the milwaukee area which has been on the attack previously and go to dairy, bella, which is right now, the most densely populated area in the entire, strictly with very poor civil infrastructure were gone since they are struggling to find places to live and that's absolutely drastic humanitarian conditions as the w h. o has been saying that to the attack on a rough will, excessive paint, the humanitarian situation will even like to completely honest people, humanitarian catastrophe. yeah, the other 8 organization started. but how people able to flee eastern that alpha as to being order to mazda is right. these, amid all of these attacks, will people off leaving under the sound of them bottom. and it's on the very on
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percent rate of destruction. the only concentrating on how they make the families, the q and the even face a problem in 5 and shows is the vast majority of palestinians who are fleeing from the areas they don't know what to go. the just say that there was by that is said that go with it. and when they get to that location based off of a full safe place or even to find shelters and make shift tents in order to take it as a refuge. now the vast majority of them on living, of course, causes beach. some of the palestinians have been sitting up tends on the course the so what it's absolutely devastated without any kind of hygiene facilities. and that's also will contributing to increasing the suppression of in sick to us diseases among palestinians. the more signs of a lot of districts is really coming up in gauze. and we're promising you medical sex. so he's completely struggling in order to keep providing more than one point. 5000000 palestinians with the basic medical necessity is on even the treatments
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product. thank you very much for that data. thought it was in with a very nice us live in delphi. and one of the main hospitals and southern gaza has been evacuated off as rarely, troops sees that off of border crossing patients and medical workers fled we use of our non to our hospital, ended off of feeling as rarely strikes the hospital was one of the few medical facilities, switching patients wounded doing is ready attacks on the city. the world health organization has one of the hospitals will run out of fuel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, w joel has pretty pollution sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals. but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hosp things. well, that is a situation on the ground and gaza and as well strikes continue him. austin is
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rather engaged in sci fi talks in cairo, talks that are being negotiated by color. and egypt, stephanie deka is joining us now from the jordanian capital amman. and stephanie, what are you hearing about the sticking points in reaching a ceasefire agreement? yes and just to explain why we're reporting from mine on all things is really politics because his route has shut down, the algae 0 offices so we can no longer report from there. yes, the head of the c i a william burns was back in his role today. meeting with these ready prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on israel interestingly today again and is ready media, but also over the course of the last couple of months. constantly even coming out of the war cabinet. that it is. these are the prime minister himself, that is making a deal very, very difficult, and it falls in line with what so many is read, he's on the ground. when i was, until i be multiple saturdays when you have thousands of people protesting cooling
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for the captives to be brought home, saying that he has prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and that may sound like internal politics, but it's not it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power. don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see. it offers the law style and really to see what they could then cool as victory in garza. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not in going as far as to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these raise are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding potter and we've been talking about this for weeks now. first, it wasn't as really agreed proposal. it seems how mouse has agreed, but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that whole continue in kara, we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of there over the next couple of days. all right, stephanie,
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thank you very much for that. stephanie deca with alexis live in a month earlier. we spoke to akiva elder. he's a political analyst and contributed to the is reading newspaper hearts. and he says that the seas fund ticket isn't a priority for the is there any government it's not a priority. so the government and i'm talking about both aisles of the coalition and their 1st priority of the government is to put more pressure and they believe that more pressure on some us will get them a better idea of what some us is refusing to clearly say is that m m on those 33 deputies, how many people are still a lot these right is there is no trust. and here comes the, the head of this, the a and the 2nd 0 stages on his way here,
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in order to get more information to way to do your just imagine if uh we would get 70 bodies back. and 3 people that live in the narrow, cannot afford this the united states has post a weapons shipment to israel, consisting of thousands of launch bombs. it comes and that fee is of a loss scale. and his weight incursion integral is a southern most se you'd offer. we need the 1500000. so somebody displays palestinians sheltering the us as well. haven't and dressed washington's concerns or the, any ground operations off. or israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that dental space. and, and again, as we have a assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height payload, the munitions. we certainly would like to see a no major combat take place in rafa. but,
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but certainly our focus is on making sure that we protect the civilians. and we've again, we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the, with that shipment, the best bringing our white house correspondent company how good she's joining us live from washington dc. and so kimberly, what else to be here from the us defense secretary at that hearing. but what we heard is that there hasn't been a final determination. and that has a lot to do with the pressure that the administration is under not only because of the nationwide protests that have been going on by students of various campuses across the united states. but also from within the president's own democratic party . 80 members of the president's own party have signed a letter saying that there is evidence that israel has not been following international as well as us law. and as a result, they believe that there should be conditions attached to the weaponry that is set
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to israel. we should point out that there has been a surge of weapons that have been set by the united states to israel, some in secret. this has, in addition to the ed, we should say, that search has been going on since october 7th, when her boss is did go into israel and sees many cast this. but that's in addition to the nearly 4000000000 that the united states provides and assistance annually. we should also point out that there has been a significant discomfort so much so that as of february, the us president mandated that there be a report by the state department to congress about whether or not israel is following human rights law. and that deadline for getting that report to congress is due today when the state department understands is not going to make, but that they promise will be forthcoming shortly. so there is a lot of pressure on the, by the administration to really come forward and, and show whether or not israel is making good on the promise to follow human rights
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laws. something that we know that the united nations is already said is not the case. so in terms of these weapons, the, what we can tell you as the, as the, as lloyd i and the defense secretary is saying that there has not been a determination on that shipment. it is something that is certainly become increasingly uncomfortable for the body ministration. and we've had political reaction from the left and the right to that news that the us has paused the weapons shipment company. is that adding any more pressure? well, there's no question then there's pressure from the left to make sure that there is conditionality attached to it, that there be an obligation of israel to follow international law. but on the right, it's just the opposite. in fact, this pause is being condemned by some top republicans in the u. s. congress including senior senators like republican lindsey graham,
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as well as senior republican senator mitch mcconnell who are criticizing the by the ministration. specifically president joe biden, for not doing enough to rein in the what they're calling the radical left leading elements of the democratic party. they're calling it a shameful abdication of leadership to withhold military assistance to israel. they're calling it devastating. i've seen absurd. and they're saying that now is the time to give israel what it needs and the it simply can't afford to lose the war that it's waging right now. kimberly, thank you very much for that. that's all white house correspondent, company how good with all the license lines from washington dc. a. i'm still a head on knowledge and sarah the roadway line to funnel chinese goods into central europe on jo, holding hungry with china, is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement. it's only foothold in new york in union. the,
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the latest news as it breaks online banking apps rely on vaccine center for 2 of those states are experiencing an intimate blackout with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted in corruption scheme. from around the world, this is the asian highlight for think, talk correct me or what is an area that the s i c hit being pushed as of are in the gaza strip. as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect
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that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. why displaced it and exploded it. now i do this, see, they are literally the sense of taking the time on the one. 0, one east meets the solomon islands. screw tante scape of war that ended decades ago on, on the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what you're going to the off with me, elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. the solid food mass grave has to be non coveted causes . i'll ship a whole special palestinian officials, head of
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a june 49 bodies and the recovery process still underway is really military laid siege facility in march, killing hundreds of people, including medical saw the world health organization as well. and there is only 3 days, a few left for health services in southern gaza, the w h o added that it cannot sustain life saving support to hospitals without a to enter and gaza. that's as ready as strikes a pounding of alpha, as well as threatening a full scale of military offensive in the southern city. the united nations secretary general says, such as something to be a humanitarian might as early as always have them college dozens of better when homes in southern israel being destroyed in the deserts area known as the negative . the government says they will built without a permit. it's among the largest mass demolitions in recent years. home, the fatherhood reports a large mobilization of israeli police to
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oversee the demolition of nearly 50 different homes in this better when community of home book lee. and it's an area of the negative desert with the population of nearly $1000.00 palestinians. $400.00 of them now have nowhere to link is really authority say these homes were built without a permit. but palestinian is really members of the government are criticizing the move and calling for a fair solution. this has been give years police. this is netanyahu's government, extremist, and the far east government that only knows the language of construction and demolition. and so this is the situation today in the neck of the local better when community has protested against the government decision with some members setting fire to their homes that were threatened with demolition. israel's national security minister, each more ben vere says he's proud to leave this policy. okay,
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many demolitions this morning and the negative are the result of an intensive work that we are doing which implements my policy. so brain, tea and governance, the law breakers need to understand that the days of them building wherever they want to do whatever they want are one of the, a negative desert is home to nearly $200000.00 better with half of them are now at risk of being displaced from the central jersey to the soviet, with thousands of people. walton, the chinese president chosen paying on the 2nd leg of his european tool which began and falls. so because china is closest european partner, and she's visit as being seen as a signal to the west, and they chose steps, lots of reports from belgrade to see jim could not have wished for. oh, well, i'm a welcome and so it'd be after experiencing a cooler reception in france. serbian president alexander which went out of his way to sang discharged is lita for the billions of dollars of investment in front of
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a large crowd? many of whom have come to bel, great from across the country where costs are about as a sort of a oh, oh, an example of this is a special day for such an unforgettable moment. he's always different. then we might find a means a lot to us helps us to improve economically and rebuilds our country. but chief visit to a country in yorba, which has frontier relations with russia, was more about politics than business going home. or is this something about change or tongue? we should promote the building of a community of human destiny, a poll fence and justice, and joan clear post again. many of the power politics always find the box and a message clearly meant for the united states. certainly as president, manage the pro quite a party for his good friends, changing things with thousands of people from all over serbia, cheering him on here at the palace for a visit, which is not only highly political, but also very symbolic. 25 years ago,
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need to bombs destroyed the chinese embassy in belgrade. it's getting sweet chinese journalist. and then that the tauriel and the serbian newspapers, she wrote that the friendship between the 2 countries is soaked in blood. while she was asked in front of the users influence on russia to stop the war and ukraine visiting serbia on the anniversary of the attack, a b as to send a different signal. so it'd be, as president had a similar message. we will mobile normal course, the one we have enormous respect for china. we support the one china principal. i am grateful to present and she for his very clear views on the issue of kosovo at the territorial integrity of the sort of yeah. after reading cases of modern slavery and chinese companies, so i showed that our goal, you, it's less and twos. yes to about china, us growing role in. so it'd be a i in generally think that the from forwarding investors in serbia, this country cannot profits full of most of them are looking for just to extract
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profits. and chinese companies are not any different to those traveling to catch a glimpse of the chinese leader. cheating thing is the man who has taken many serves out of poverty steps last and l 20. bell. great. well, the final stop on president cheese trip to europe is hungry. china has invested close to $10000000000.00, a manufacturing, an infrastructure in the country and palm this the victor obama is king to maintain good relations of the major economic partner. john, how reports from jefferson is a construction site for now near the city of deborah, sending east and hungry that only hen city its future significance. it's the country's largest of a direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of mine, electric vehicle, batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry,
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emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through in crowds and the traditional hoc lands of the ruling feed as potty for 2 things. i don't know if i'm related just to you to around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 under construction. and the arrow more is that more than for what the 1000 people will be able to go from from ambrose and people in and they want to be yes, i'm not even on the go a gathering lovelace with the feed and think about what chinese investments in this country scene is delivering little broad receive for a galvanizing support for one time government inside of pete, am i? yeah. it's early days yet, but there is a sense of the change is being built on the back of china's role in hungry. the prime minister victor oil band, has long no tube will. relations with china is a huge in thing. hungry is the only
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e u. member participating in china is belton road initiative. and while the e u generally tries to limit chinese economic influence or band keeps the back door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e u in port terrace. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad the transatlantic alliance. so. so government is looking for new friends. and china is, is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. since this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek poor to peter reyes, now controlled by china. eventually it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval that few c s. m. and it's another project that will help segments. china is only foothold inside the european union. during the whole elder 0, deborah sent
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a judge in florida has indefinitely postponed the trial. a former us president donald trump, trump is accused of and legally keep in classified documents such as a state, often leaving office. the case is now unlikely to come to cold head of b. u. s. presidential election in november. scottish national party lead a john sweeney has been sworn in as the 1st minister when he won the nomination and upon them entry voters on tuesday. his main goal is to win independence from the united kingdom to achieve it to you and have to rebuild these policies. reputation after a struggle scandals and political missteps. russia has stepped office attacks on your claims energy infrastructure about drones and missiles have targeted pals facilities in chief and 6 of the cities fulsome you're trying to limit energy supplies across the country. it's on home and reports from keith of the keys, so it's like trying to pick out drawings in the early hours of wednesday. for the crating, the defense is,
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can still move. explosions were heard in several parts of the country. russian forces moments, 50 missiles and 20 joins, said the ukrainian government. there was some damage in the key region, but the main big thing was the country. so electric plants, pots, if you create enough, struggling for power, already 80 percent of the tech stuff or electric generating capacity has been destroyed. it said, but it's not just the energy sector. suffering frames revealed the russian forces it into the front. find the 2nd city how to keep is under constant both bob and i to that the cranium security service says it's just fluids and attempt by the russian secret service on president. below them is lensky is life. 2, u, craning candles in the unit that's meant to protect him and other senior leaders have been arrested. calling the president himself speaking to multi anniversary of
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the soviet defeat of nazi germany, was defiant, resumed. he said the 18 years ago, millions of ukrainian supports to make nazi's and lose whatever. but again, today, ukrainian said preventing the evil which was revived and wants to destroy us again on you, you main army is murdering and torturing. were entrapped in that report to go live to washington dc with the us state department spokes person is given a briefing, we are expecting him to take questions about the nation situation and gaza. so let's listen and disappointing me, but i'm just but i will be better tomorrow. i promise here really that will come out with well 12 minutes of opening remarks. a positive apologize to your colleagues in advance. yeah, it'd be better. uh, can i just clear something up a very briefly, can you say with a 100 percent certainty of the and as i'm report will not be transmitted to congress today,
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they will not be transmitted today. we continue to work to finalize the report we expect to deliver it in the very near future in the coming days in the coming days . so friday at 10 o'clock. busy uh, i don't think anyone here wants to be dealing with that at 10 o'clock on friday at any more than you do. i can't give you an exact time, but in the near future. all right, and yesterday when you were asked about this, you kept talking about this is a self imposed deadline, and i suppose it is because it's and that, and i sandwich the president sign which said within 45 days of the original receipt of the original stuff you would do it, but i mean so self imposed deadlines. don't mean anything. i mean, you know, they do work for the government. so it isn't it. if i tell my editors, i'm going to have this for a done by friday. and then i say on the, you know, friday morning that you know, sorry you can do it. sure. do it until you wait until sunday caught. but that's con
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con congress. so not our editor. this congress has a co equal branch, but i haven't heard you clear it. but this guy that we're going to have this to you in 45 days. ready and then you don't you know what. ready what should. ready what does that say about how serious you take, we have taken this incredibly seriously, and we will have it up in the coming days. but it is also important that we get this right, that we do a thorough job. this is the 1st time department has conducted such an exercise, and so we're taking all deliberate care to make sure that we get everything it absolutely correct and it will be just a brief delay. it will be what just a brief delay, a brief hold. okay, so definitely this week before just before the week, i am not going to, i'm not going to say uh, i'm not gonna put the time to off, but a brief delay in the context. and then last one, which is probably a little bit broader than all that other people pick up on it is wrap up. so your
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understanding of the current situation and how that relates to the pause and these arms shifts. so when you mean the current situation, you mean what are the, what your understanding of what is real intends to do. so i want israel speed for what they intend to do. you've obviously st. seeing them conduct a limited operation with respect to the roof crossing in the past few days. you've also seen them order the evacuation of people that have not yet lost a full scale military operation. and i will let them speak to any plans that they may might have, i will say on our behalf, we continue to have concerns about a potential rough operation. we have made that quite clear. we made it clear with those really governments privately. and of course everyone from the present on down has made that clear. probably the next thing. yeah. let me do you have these guys are there was a hold of you just ship it. so what's the message does it, is it, did you edit this? will this will make it more difficult operationally for israel to do this, or is it more of a political statement?


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