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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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42 percent in the last 5 years. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalist to be held accountable. the a us president joe biden threatens to stop supplying weapons to israel if it launches into sold in the rafa . and then minutes american bones of killed civilians in gaza. the alarm a clock this is out. is there a light from doha also coming up. another mass grave is discovered at the i'll shoot for a hospital complex in guns or a month of to is really forces with true $49.00 bodies are found. we only have
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enough few to run health services in the sounds for 3 more days. a die warning from the world health organization is published in casualties, mountain, southern guns, and it just told rises in brazil, following devastating floods rescue as race defines to find the so then us president joe biden is threatening to start the supply weapons too as well. if it launches log, scale attack on rock from washington as being pressuring is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu for a week's notice and forces into the city in the south of gaza. but more than one and a half 1000000 displaced, palestinians have been sheltering in his strongest comments to date. biden confirmed the us has already post a shipment of weapons to israel, consisting of thousands of laws, problems. and he admitted that americans supplied weapons that are killing
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palestinians. civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of us, bombs and other ways in which they go after populations. i made it clear that if i go into rafa, i haven't gone on roughly yet. they go into rafa. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rough. this is some is ready, forces are on the ground and reference. they've been targeting residential areas and a wednesday is rarely times force the rough for border crossing to egypt to close. it's the main entry point for a trucks to get into gaza to an engine begins coverage from chicago. a resident is that he is not going to any is really says he will continue. defensive weapons, such as the iron, don't the specifically urging israel non
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1000000000 people or sheltering there are safety weapons, the big bombs in there and would always stay the secretary defense state members of the vast amounts to shipment that they haven't decided that shipment will go forward. and if in the future, but because an invasion of ross brought by you know, larger sense seems to be about to go forward. dividing it ministration is saying at the bottom line is that the. 2 publicly go to is the, the, to the guide for some, we know a bidding simply said, no, you may not happy with doug. brando is a senior fellow at decatur institute and editor of the political magazine inquiry.
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he's also a former specialist assistant to present ronald reagan joins, is now from washington dc. doug welcom throughout the very good to have you here with us at. so what, to what extent do you think biden's hand has been forced air? these speaking simply to appease potential versus, and i think he is dealing with very serious political problems. he has a lot of progressive young progressives as well as they are, but americans, you've been very angry about his standing garza and the support for his role is worried about losing those votes in november and the campus pro chest have intensified that. he hope that this crisis would go away, but these protests of actually amplified it, made it more threatening to him. so i believe this is an effort to show that he has heard them and that he is willing to go put pressure on israel for the 1st time in a way that we have never seen before. you mentioned his support for his rally,
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given that steadfast support at dates. do you think that this would this decision would have come hard for him? personally? i think this is very difficult for him. he is long said he's the most pro is really a president ever earlier in the gaza operation. he said that he would do nothing to interfere with israel's rights to defend itself. so this is a major step forward to with, to hold some of those munitions and bombs. is riley's, have to pay attention to that. and what about the protest is now, do you think this will go any way to a piece? and my guess is that 11 time is not enough, they will look at this and tell themselves we need to protest more that we finally got the president's attention. he finally responded. but they want a ceasefire. they want to end this conflict. so i think they're going to go on with
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their protests. and what about the other side of this? what about foot benjamin netanyahu and israel, and the referee offensive? how do you think it's going to implicate that? it's going to be a very real challenge if they lose access to these munitions. it's going to be harder for them to, for us to keep the war. yahoo's political future really depends on keeping the war going. if there was an election tomorrow, he almost certainly lose. he's also going to be under extraordinary pressure from other coalition partners. they want the more to continue. they threatened to abandon him if he doesn't. and you know, it's going to be hard, almost any, israeli is going to feel some frustration of being told by the u. s. power should run its campaign. so i suspect they may go, i had them going to try a game of geopolitical check in with us. how long a pause in the supply of weapons would that have to be at to make
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a difference to israel's ability to attack. i mean, how much was there also like, how much don't do they have? well, they certainly have a lot, but this kind of campaign they've expended an awful lot me. what's important is if you launch a campaign, as you want to know that your supplies are secure, because at the moment, you know it's conceivable, the us would restart. but then if the re, us cuts off in the future, the israel is, could be in a vulnerable position. they might have started hostilities, again, engaged in a lot of activity and suddenly find themselves without necessary. yeah, you know the additions, so it's hard to run a campaign if you're not certain that the re supplies coming in terms of, uh and so we can campaigns in terms of the j biden's political campaign. also very difficult given the uncertainty of what could happen in rafa and within the whole goals or issue the exactly,
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he's going to be criticized by israel supporters of the us. it's almost certain that republicans on capitol hill as well as the donald trump, who was leading and a lot of polls are going to use this against the president. 3rd, going to play the pro is real hard. so this is going to be a very difficult campaign for president biden. yeah, this is an issue who really did help with disappear and what he's found as well. and he's in danger of antagonizing both sides. now. stop by and i've seen the father of dakota institute. thanks a lot. thank you. we're on the ground and ra for these really ministry is continuing to pound the southern city. the united nation says around $50000.00 people who were taking shelter that have left since monday. we've got correspondence on the ground and gaza in the country isn't about a brand new wave of displace palestinians heading to for safety. the 1st target losing reports from the southern city of rough this is what
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people in gauze of wake up to every day. here's what ignoring windings from what leaders, including its main life, the united states, and bombing rough documents. agencies say that task does traffic consequences for palestinians as well as take over the roof on board. crossing with egypt on tuesday means new 8 can get 10. 8, that's a lifeline for this. living in the goal is this trip is read, has also denied the us about agencies access to gone. so they say the supplies of if you will only last a one more day. it during the last 7 months as well, has been forcing palestinians into rough. nearly 2 thirds of districts, population of 2300000 are displaced. that's 1500000 people. the city 100 population of 275000 before the war. exhausted,
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antoinette ties the all in the move again. some displaced for the 5th or the 6th type is read. has to do some eastern rough. i to go to areas that just weeks ago, went back to fields going to milwaukee con eunice. and there is none of these areas have basic services, no conditions considered livable. many palestinians are close to famine on soft spring water born diseases with a leak stream, legal, medical, cat, available rad or loan. but i know i know we have stuff and a lot of children see horrible things and listens for legal that they suffer with trauma. while we're displaced when leaving tanks and not far from us. so you can see it with the bare eyes most that way. he's ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the minister of defense of cologne, top post released the statement saying the plumbing of roof is necessary to get rid
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of from us. and that isabel will continue to deepen its operation all over this trip in the south center. and in the news, guns is often described as the world's largest hope at present and before the will was read under a 17 year locate in post bike, as well as a ceasefire. deals are still being discussed in cairo, palestinians, in because this trip disparate for the root tar capacity, which is 0, russel patterson. i will let him out from him delicately, who's in the butler, which is one of the cities in gaza where palestinians fling to in order to seek shelter. i'm cranky and i'll up to the hospital where it's packed. we totally see the difference from yesterday to today. on our way from the far do that in bella
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earlier today, we also saw the amount of cars and trucks holding people, and caring people from vanessa to add them in the middle area and where i am right now in that and but people are still searching for a place for a spot, for an empty area to settle down. but unfortunately, since the morning there has been multiple air strikes on agriculture, land, and empty events. and this is the only place left for people to settle their tens. people are still panicking. their sin terrified these been at a have a more uh, family members and just uh, and there's coming here to reserve some slots for them. so the situation is frustrating. people are very desperate. they can't find a place to such an in the coast line of vetted but as the wide. and the middle area is completely packed with people at the hospital is packed where not only residents
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and civilians. uh um is like you waited from dropbox but also do hospitalized from dropbox. it cleared and evacuated their patients to hospitalized in the middle area . so. so far more people are coming people, ethan not listed in the red and danger zone. and more people are expecting to arrive in the next couple of days as well. one of the main hospitals in southern guns was being evacuated off to his ready troops seized the roof of border crossing a patient's medical records, flight abu use, if not john hospital, in rough ferry is ready strikes. it was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really a tax on the city. the world health organization is one of the hospitals will run out of fuel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south for 3 more days. w joel has pretty position some
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supplies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals. i mean, my colleague and his front them spoke to margaret harris, who suspects preston for the w h. i. and she explained what changes the organization has been forced to make. we've had to suspend some of the activities to the nose because we want to reserve that fuel for the hospitals for to ensure that they can continue their life saving work. but that's not going to be possible for more than a couple of days. we will then completely run out how much of backup medical supplies to hospitals currently have. not much so we pre positioned knowing that this incursion was likely we preposition supplies that as many of the hospitals as we could, including the hospitals as well for the themselves. but as you've heard, those hospitals on the threat has had to evacuate their patients to other hospitals
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. we've also done things like set up dialysis units in the nasa medical complex, which as you know, was almost destroyed. but with the work we work with it myself and all the agencies have been able to rehabilitate that. so that should open sued. and also we've been able to get things like dialysis units to the field hospitals, but these a tiny amount. so it's a representative of say that over and over again, it's a band aid. it's a band aid on what's looking like a hemorrhage right now and goes to city. it's a mass grave is being uncovered at, i'll shoot for hospital palestinian officials say they've been zoomed 49 bodies and the recovery process is still underway. these ready ministry laid siege. the facility in march can be hundreds of people inside, including medical stuff or mass graves. have being discovered in the end, around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip with wednesdays findings that have now being 7 graves size discovered in title 3. it,
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i'll shoot for medical complex one has been found at the commode, one hospital in the north, until the south 3 grave sites have been discovered at nasa and medical complex. so for $520.00 parties, it'd be recovered from all 7 mass grave sites. that number is expected to increase as the price of retrieving for these continues. so the men of won't be what and he said we are removing the decomposing corpses of several martyrs. they are decomposing and completely unrecognizable. yet we're finding headless corpses. the corpses are rotten, they've decomposed from the severity of the torture they suffered. what will students, the tri university in the netherlands are protesting against, as well as managed corporation in casa, and it does police pro, cover palestinian solidarity protest of university vamps to them up to demonstrate as val just stay put until the institution separate old tides with israel that was brutalized, one of the representatives have been coming to the university of m sedan and she says, organizes the demonstrations of what to keep rallies peaceful and free of any hate
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speech. this protest is led by students and staff who are all in support of the clear we caught and assessment demands of the university. all we want to do is we'll be university accountable in the space of scala, dougherty with the policy and people who are now encountering all this violence of being brought onto them by itself. we were peacefully occupying the central campus of the app to them university. this was in response to earlier police violence of experience when our encampment on another campus was evicted on monday with a bunch of dr. police, where over a 150 students had been arrested and where they were attacked as well. we are asking now for accountability from the university's board and they have again sent us police instead. and we're now seeing a massive growth. 3 people taking to the streets or is it a head here?
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and i'll just sarah the railway line to funnel chinese goods into central europe on jo, holding hungry with china, is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement its own. the foothold in new york in union, the hi lo, the pots of south asia will continue to civil under exceptional heat. over the next few days, we've had amber, lots issued for shore line cut for at least the next 3 days with temperatures set to hit very high levels across more northern and eastern areas. but also west in pots of india will continue to see the mercury rise, delegating. 42 degrees celsius. the, the good news is it will be some relief coming in in the form of some showers on
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such a day with the chance of thunder storm. knocking the temperature down slightly. that image is all set to come down across pakistan as a westerly disturbance moves its way from us, gone this time across more northern areas as we go into the weekend. and the weather is set to develop for northern parts of india and across to the east, with some pretty ferocious on the storms coming in, west bengal, and possibly a dish as well through to the weekend. and the weather continues to play southern pots of china. we move thunder storms and torrential downpours, working their way from one g across into glendon as we go into friday. and is in the story of exceptional heat from one go to an old in china, but the blustery wins will push the west to where the further east, bringing the temperature down in beijing to $26.00 on friday. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical works for assistance on divided each by the discussion
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with such a little time on, hug voices, tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the other day, you're watching out 0 reminder about top stories this uh and president joe biden says he will stop supplying weapons to israel if it launches an assault on. the
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rafa is comments come off to the us, confirmed it to pause the weapons and ship them to his real concerns. his role is addressing the safety of civilians as well as being bombarding reference. southern guns are 48 channels after that. so just sees the main border crossing between stripped in egypt. at least the 2 people were killed and burned, strikes cross gauze on wednesday. the 3rd mass grave is green on coveted costs. i'll shoot for hospital listing. and officials say that it seemed $49.00 forties and the recovery process is still under way. it's really minutes relate seats. the facility in march coming hundreds of people to the medical stuff use terms of full costs or brazil's rear ground. the sol region will forward to say the expected rain will make rescue f. it's difficult. well, in a 100 people have been killed by the devastating floods allotted america to reset and even reports on the ongoing relief efforts from pull to i. good. i agree. a
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legless military cavalry field has been turned into an airport for helicopter street victims of unprecedented rain. we accompany a team of relief workers from the air. you can see what's left of a nearby city submerged in water. the worst floods in the history of rio grande, it also is a state larger than many countries. these firemen, a specialized and evacuations, and for state chopper lands just long enough to get one team out. and another one is to continue evacuating the 50000 people who lived here before the dent pulled us back at kemp. the general in charge explains, gives us helicopters of the only way to reach many areas more dismissed. for many people didn't want to leave their homes, but a few days later than now,
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asking for help. they have no food or water. so this means we have to fly in more than once to evacuate. people that makes that work even hotter. he's in charge. what they call the board, we're here all the armed forces, the local and federal military police, local authorities, and health services. a coordinating efforts to help survivors of the catastrophe, but what is missing to try to deal with the situation or large airplanes, which we normally see in natural disasters. and that's because there are no airports nearby and all the roads leading to this part of the country are impassable. right now. the government has committed an initial $4000000000.00 for the immediate recovery effort. but preserves communications administered, tells al jazeera that's only the beginning of september new we have 70000 people with nowhere to live. and we have more than $200000.00 who have taken shelter with friends and family, which is unsustainable. and we don't know how long it will take for the waters to receive that in 1941,
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it took 32 days today. the metropolitan area has less ability to observe water because of expanded organizations. in the meantime, many are living in high rise walkways like this one. first we went to the neighbors house because we felt the water. we didn't reach the but it did. then we came here to the, you know what we, what was the rescue mission? still the priority it could take a long time before many of the nearly 1000000 brazilians impacted by this disaster have a roof over their heads again. lucy and human al jazeera worked on like the brazil . a chinese president using painting has arrived and hungry for the final stop on his visit to europe. joining has invested close to $10000000.00 in manufacturing, in infrastructure in the country, and problem in a civic to open. this can to maintain good ties with a major economic calling them to know how reports, not from different offend
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a construction site. for now, near the city of deborah, sending east and hungry that only hints that its future significance. it's the country's largest of a direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of my electric vehicle batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also where hungry, emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through and crowds in the traditional hoc lands of the reading feed as policy for 2 things . oh no, it's unrelated just to you around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 on the construction and the, the arrow more is that more than for what the 1000 people, the of the, of the roads from, from abroad and people in are they worried about yes, i'm not even on the go a gathering like this would be and think about what chinese investments in this
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country scene is delivering little fraud. very faithful, a galvanizing support for one time government inside of p to my. yeah. it's early days yet, but there is a sense facility. the change is being built on the back of china's role in hungary, the prime minister, victor oil pan, has long no tube will. relations with china is a huge in thing hungry is the only e u member participating in china is belt and rhode initiative. and while the e u generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or band keeps the back door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e, you import tatters. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad. that's transatlantic alliance. so. so government is looking for new friends. and china is, is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this,
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this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek po, to p res, now controlled by china. eventually, it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval, the few c as imminent. it's another project that will help cement china is only foothold inside the european union during the whole elder 0 douglas and people in china routinely face power blackouts as being the lack of investments and the electricity network for decades. and that means many people rely on generators, but storing fuel prices and make it harder to keep those running. as i'm going address reports though, from intimate this old electricity generator is what stands between this office press and, but obviously as power or to just persist, the middle of construction worker is increasingly relying on the machine to stay in business. the above that if you don't have diesel,
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you hardly can do anything. diesel is now expensive. i have orders, i cannot meet. but at the center of the city, a little could be creased. finding it difficult to remain in business. the rising cost of energy to power its machines is forcing it to cut down production and the work is charged electricity generation distribution of heat that lowest in years. so business is bigger phone in the back of generators, the power of their machines. it was a few months ago. the government did this old, which country and austin increasing the cost of fuel for this triangulating businesses. it believes that covers data for electricity to supple dash energy and if we get busy, but i'd like to warn the energies, keith national security, whoever hurts national security codes associated academic that will open up the
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country. electricity is no ration for a few hours a day. some areas don't get it for days. less than 5 percent of just $17000000.00 population able to get to electricity. the infrastructure to generates and just to be power suffers from decades of neglect and lack of investments. they seems to be this is where spiteful, the old, the recharge can purchase. now average $45.00 degrees and the show without electricity. fresh foods must be quickly dried for them washed costs. but you'll see i also say that according more patients and casualties from the heat ways, especially the vulnerable in the society, mature only just say the high temperatures will continue for another. but until brain freeze out, easy to generate the people's defense forcing me and my with one's members of a peaceful oven protest me. but it's fighters are now on the front lines of baffles
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with the military around the strategic board. a ton of man. what a tiny chatting tells the story and the full set of valid 0, special reports from inside me and a fight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline, melisha bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often most of the military coup, peaceful protest is, took to the streets of old man, most major cities via but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the military cracked down that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets. 1000 small, hold a way to detention the protest is we're left with


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