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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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5 poor drainage and he's the good the bill settled next. people's beeping in near the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be that, but it's the only case they can afford the . ready ready ready a video and accuse israel of choking off and light, saving 8 into a gas and as tens of thousands attempt to flee a tax on rough. the overall math assume this is all just a lot. some don't have also coming up, the us president studies to hold weapons supplies to raise real if an operation until it off i goes ahead plus human rights watch ones, the ethnic cleansing is under way. and so don's west off for states and calls for a nationwide on the same bulk of the
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underbrush on lots victoria day in red square. a surprise that everybody near posing says he plans to carry out more nuclear drills. the intro is continuing as bombardment across the gaza strip. that's despite the international condemnation. 60 people have been killed in the past 24 hours, but you and the says around 50000, people sheltering it off a flight. since monday endo holder is in debt. obama in central garza and she's been speaking to palestinians have been displaced several times and she sent this report. desperate families can unify and fear. is there any one viking is read has or did pilot didn't use to leave parts of the southern city? dots despite 1500000 people from across the causes trip seeking refuge here. doing
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7 months of war. i'm sorry to go on slow, but i don't mean to have a children. it's difficult. the constant displacement was me done is exhausting. but i hope we can find safety. we are leaving, but we have no idea what to go. until now we have no idea what to go, and i hope we find safety city and sees her husband looked for a place to stay in debt and by the central gaza. but it was always crowded. so they removed an area called on the wasi on the coast is rose hayes. this is a safe zone. it's already crowned with more than 450000 displaced people. but not everyone is able to leave the plot. they are bombarding us, threatening us, and telling us to leave. but we have nowhere else to go. personally, i have no one to turn to the house. my mother is dead and i have no one else. we're just getting by here and i simply don't have the ability to pay money and then move
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from one place to another. mohammad said to the far, from bank handling in the noise of claws about a month and a half into the war. he stays if it wasn't for his children who would have simply stayed in the north and died. i have my son and 2 daughters and another son who was killed. he was 3 months old, i uh, was killed as a result of the smoke caused by the bombardment. oh, this is his id, i do. it looks above the top jury, muhammad and zane lock zane is gone. the for those who have made it to get in, but the situation is dire. they're struggling to find food. walter and shelter. a ceasefire talks drive on displace comedies and dated by the high enough with no choice, but to keep moving for a place to place in the whole of staying alive. hundreds of thousands of
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palestinians are continuing to feed off off their searching for refuge um it is really airstrikes and a disastrous humanitarian situation. but through reality is there is no safe place for them to go. this is in the study all just so you know that it but goes up to this time. well, how do you, michael, his life for us and data about how many we were talking to you about an hour ago and data bala and you would have to board to do cell a nation plant where we saw crowds of people around you. i understand it's the only one that was there. you've obviously changed the cation now you're outside the hospital to explain to us why you've made the move. the yes, bravo right now we are back at our location where we're reporting from the, from the court yard of a lot. so hospital because of the, the situation that evolve into, i'm more of a core allowing that develop into a fight between people who were at the destination applied to this one. and because
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you know how desperate the situation we see a lot of kids bided over to get in a q and a o. the elderly, appealing to make space for a day meant to get them to go 1st, quite desperate situations that are evolving into challenges and more complexities for people who just evacuated from rock by city, all the way to the central area and they're setting up their town in a nearby area to the location where they're setting up their tents. as we interviewed a couple of these people describe the horror situations inside these at the location of there are no facility is known for us structured know basic services available. and they have to make these journey of the ever almost every day right now, because they don't have any of these water restores the real basic necessity available at the location where they set up their, their shoulders, the fight. it broke out. it was quite desperate. people as cream a, they got
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a little bit violent, we have to retreat it from the area just for the sake of our safety and equipment. but that's unfortunately a, as we, as somebody talked and the, with a frustration that this is a, probably the huge will seeing that we're going to be seeing at every single water destination as there is an extreme shortage of basic supplies, particularly right now water resources that are the most needed a bit for people who are evacuating and from rough on other parts of the over crowded southern part of the script. the scene that we looked at, it was a scene of people moving on to close the roads, hundreds and 100. so this plays families either on trucks or cars or a cart full buy animals evacuated, making a stop to supply with water. in addition to the people coming in from the areas where they set up their tents coming also to this one. that's the nation. a plan to get their water source. yeah. and how do you, obviously that an indication um,
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an illustration of the kind of pressure that there isn't the humanitarian aid them as we were mentioning before, the israel being accused of choking off the supplies of a, getting into a guy. so just briefly give us an indication of how tough things are. yes, indeed, that is exactly what's going on. the more the, the more the closure continues that deland, the crossing, particularly right now with the rough crossing and cut them of a sudden expressing with no aid allows to get in for human history in the trucks or through the to crossing things are expected to get worse by the day and not only what we see and today was. 5 a corner over water source in the area would be hundreds of people around the area. we're trying to get water. but the coming days we're going to see another elements out there, which is the shortage of food supply that already we are in an area that stuff or is it from acute shore dish and also doubling and a tripling the price is that is making it very difficult for people who are already
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displays with no work with no financial sources or capabilities whatsoever to afford to continue living these hard living conditions. unfortunately, the ongoing bombing campaign continues to create these the challenges for people and making it hard for them to cope with it. already was the size of this in the northern part where a fam and just to spread that cause that this thursday plus people because of then for the high business tar vision in the central area. and because of more people are pouring into the central area already, it's a small area here with insufficient the resources that infrastructure. it's going to be very difficult for this area to occur. * and at this large number of people with the limited resources available, kind of not loading down a bottle of honey. thank you. this was a city a 3rd of mass graves been uncovered at all. schafer, hospital, the palestinian officials say that exempt 49 bodies and they're searching for more expense reports. another party from yet another mess gray,
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some risky work is s l c for hospital exam the date and try to restore some dignity or medical be what he said. we are removing the decomposing corpses of several martyrs. they are decomposing and completely unrecognizable. we're finding headless corpses. the corpses are rotten, they've decomposed from the severity of the torture they suffered. what is right, the military lights seized 12 chiefs and much climbing it was a most combined scene to bots. little verifiable, evidence has been produced to backup that claim. causes health ministry phase is rarely troops killed hundreds of palestinians inside, including medical stuff. they finally withdrew from the facility at the beginning of a month and my exposure i showed up to date, tens of quotes has have been removed from this location inside the else youth and medical complex. the courses are those of children, women and men,
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and most of them were patients. they were patients at the hospital and they were prevented from getting treatment. they would prevent it from getting medical care. then they were monitored or killed and were buried on mass. mass graves have now been discovered in and around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip. 7 sites have been found in total, 3 at the o. c for medical, complex one at the come all at one hospital in the north and in the south. another 3 have been discovered at na. so the medical complex, more than 500 bodies have since been recovered, was many exhibiting signs of mutilation and torture. and that number is expected to increase as palestinians continued to dig, since those they've lost, alex bid out to 0. the us present, the joe biden says he's going to stop the supply of weapons to israel if it launches in a lot of attack on the rafa for weeks, washington has been pressuring israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to
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send forces into the city. and off i was seen as the last refuge for more than one of the half 1000000 displaced palestinians. hydro castro reports from washington dc is assessed through the us president said for the 1st time in an interview with us media on wednesday that us military a to is real, will be conditioned on these really military's actions and acknowledge that us weapons are being used to kill civilians in gaza. civilians have been killed and cause the consequences as they go into rough or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically. to deal with ross, i've made it clear to be, be in the work, and they're not going to get our support. if in fact i go with this population centers, the major shift in position from joe biden, who has previously pledged unconditional support for israel was foreshadowed by a recent delay in providing us bonds to israel. the us defense secretary told
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a senate panel the delivery was paused due to concerns about israel's plans to invade rafa. israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and, and again, as we have a assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height payload. the munitions biden has faced increasing pressure from protestors who have demonstrated in solid arity with palestinians across american college campuses. and in chicago, where he made a campaign stop on wednesday, biting has also faced calls from progressive members of his own party to end israel's unconditional military aid. congressional leaders offered immediate response to the delayed arms shipment. i believe that is real in america. i have an iron clad relationship and i have faith in what the by the administration is doing . i continued to express my concern to the administration that the
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delay of ship motive weapons, the israel is just another way of trying to tell a lot how to conduct the war. why didn't says the us will still provide israel with defensive weapons. and the us defense secretary says the us is really alliance remains iron clad, but a major ground invasion of rock box would be seen by the us as a red line. and bite and says is real crossing is, would be quote, just ron. heidi to castro algae, 0 washington apartments to benjamin and yahoo is shut down and obviously is operations. correspondence and not reporting from outside is your mom's rooms. joining us from the jordanian capital i'm on so job i constructing to block weapons to israel. what's been the response in is you know, so far. so rob, we've not gotten an official response from the prime minister from benjamin
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netanyahu as of yet. but we are see a lot of concern to be expressed by and named defense officials in israel to is really media outlets. throughout the last several hours, we've seen quotes from these anonymous defense officials in israel, in is really publications essentially saying a variation on the fact that they are now very worried that this could be an, a reparable fracture in the us and is really military alliance. they are worried about if the is really government does not start listening to the americans. what that could mean going forward. they are concerned that if they don't get weapon re from the us going forward, that could hamper their ability to carry out the war on gaza. and also with regard to how it might impact future conflicts on other fronts. beyond that, you have defense officials saying that israel would be forced to source arms
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elsewhere, essentially, as essentially hitting, backed at these claims by many high ranking is really officials including the prime minister in the past few days, saying that israel was ready to go it alone in drop by and in other parts of gaza if they were not going to get more support from the americans. now beyond that, we're also seeing a tweet that has angered a lot of people in israel. this tweet was from the far right wing national security minister. it's more been the beer. he posted it on the ex, formerly known as twitter. in the last couple of hours. it said how mass loves fighting this, of course, in response to the news that us president joe biden had halted an initial arm shipment last week and that he was going to condition further military aid going forward. if israel were to all out invade or alpha, that's something that many officials in israel does our considering to have gone
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way too far. the opposition leader is really out your la pete. he's been giving some interviews to is really outlets. and he said, if nothing, yahoo does not fire been given year to day. he puts every is really soldier and every is really citizen in danger. lockheed also gave remark, saying that israel has gone too far when it comes to harming it's relationship with the u. s. he stated that when you see benjamin, that's in yahoo saying that israel will go with a loan after the americans have continued to say they would give billions of dollars in a to israel. that that's something that is humiliating to the americans. and that nothing. yeah. who should stop doing that? so right now with this, our, a lot of concern to be expressed by is really defense officials. they're not expressing it publicly. these are unnamed officials talking to is really media outlets, but we expect we'll be hearing more about this in the hours to come from. yeah,
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the mom and i want to talk to you about the backdrop to all of this, of course, of course, of the cx, 5 talks which are going on in cairo in egypt as we over the last few days. things seem to have gone comparatively quiet. although we know that negotiators are back here in title for those talks, are you hearing anything from the is really side about how things might be going look, we're seeing a lot of comments. again, these are from a named is really officials and the ones, the members of the government who are part of the far right wing coalition of netanyahu's government. they are essentially saying that there are still too many red lines that they are not accepting what they are hearing from how much that even though the negotiations are going forward in cairo. and that, that is really mid level delegation is in cairo. they are not expecting much, but we're also seeing reports in the air of world and reports emanating out of cairo that the gaps are narrowing. so it's
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a very mixed bag right now. the devil is very much in the details. what we know at this hour is that you have that is really delegation. there you have how much delegation and tyro you have. bill burns, the c i a director t as in cairo as well. people are talking, which means there is still some momentum. we also know that bill burns was in israel yesterday meeting with the prime minister with nothing yahoo, as well as other members of the security establishment in the bill burns, was urging them to go ahead and keep talking saying they should not see any ceasefire as an into the war, but rather a pause in the war in which they could then negotiate further. so a lot of pressure still being applied on israel to try to take this very seriously . but when you look at these really media landscape, very unclear where things stand when it comes to the is really government at this hour, rob muhammad jammah zoom in, i'm on. thank you. a sort of head,
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and i'll just say it up as early as holidays. the demolishing dozens of homes belonging to a veteran family in the negative, reaching the high low. they will head down on the, in just a moment with us to southeast asia and from the satellite image. and you can see the shower called the cost in the china showing where we are seeing the welcome, what, whether the rains phoning particularly hard on friday, across thailand and the malay peninsula. we're also seeing some waves of wet weather, working their way towards the weston pots of indonesia. weather will also continue to have a link around eastern areas, places like pop west state, as well as popular new guinea. lorraine is also the order of the day across the southern parts west radio for the w a. we can see some of that rain moving and
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thanks to a we can even cold front that would bring some welcome weather to the likes of past . that doesn't get very file pulling its way for the south, leaving behind sunshine and settled conditions on saturday. but the rain will continue to fall across new south wales as well as queensland on saturday with persistence coastal showers day for sydney through to monday temperatures. however, recovering for the likes of adelaide and melvin. and we will see the temperatures recovered because some of the places and using a like a christ church, it is looking more settled and we will see more in the way of sunshine of this frosty spots to the mornings, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, what you know what is it a reminder of our top stories, this are and guys are telling me, bombardments and showing this continued overnights in your office is ready for assist, remain in control. the main border crossing with egypt, locking most humanitarians supplies hospitals when critically low on fuel
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palestinians that are already facing farm and in the north. and now there's even less savings getting in. tens of thousands of palestinians are fed to central gaza for only one water station is worked in the us positive incentive strong this message yet. so is there any time is have benjamin as in? yeah, joe biden says he was stopped the supplier weapons too, as if it launches an all out attack on the roof. is ready forces in the occupied. why is bank of force the family out of their home? so they could demolish is, is there any troops sorted residents nearby to leave as they fund to blow off the house? it belongs to a man, they suspect of getting to is really seconds in february, 6 out of the southern israel authorities of demolished dozens of homes belonging to polished and even better ones that were destroyed. and then they kept as sent off to the government said they were built without a time. it is one of the largest boss demolitions in recent years under the hood
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reports a large mobilization of israeli police to oversee the demolition of nearly 50 different homes in this better when community of home book lee. and it's an area of the negative desert with the population of nearly $1000.00 palestinians. $400.00 of them now have nowhere to link is really authority say these homes were built without a permit. but palestinian is really members of the government are criticizing the move and calling for a fair solution. this has been give years police. this is netanyahu's government, extremist, and the far east government that only knows the language of construction and demolition. and so this is the situation today in the neck of the local better when community has protested against the government decision with some members setting fire to their homes that were threatened with demolition. israel's national security minister,
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each more ben vere says he's proud to leave this policy uninstalled the malaysians this morning in the negative are the result of an intensive work that we are doing which implements my policy. so brandy and governance lawbreakers need to understand that the days of them building whatever they want to do and whatever they want or one of the negative desert is home to nearly $200000.00. by the way, half of them are now at risk of being displaced from the central jersey to the human rights watch has released the report describing the situation is a tonnes west, doubtful state as ethnic cleansing. it says crimes against humanity and being committed, including torture and rape. the group of warrants attacks by the pot of military rapids support forces and its allied on groups and l. janine and the capital of west all 4 states. i've killed 5 thousands of people enforced hundreds of thousands from their homes. travel groups are being targeted with the opponent objective of
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permanently forcing them to leave the region. then jo's calling on the united nations and the african union to quote, origin play, impose an arms and ball going so down. sanction those responsible for serious crimes on deploy a mission to protect civilians on a ball spotless corner of africa. director the international crisis group. he says the international community must act to prevent further atrocities from taking place. this is amazing, basically been forgotten. um i think um, obviously there's a warrant opposite going on now, which has taken up a lot of attention. but most of the crimes documented in this human rights watch report, which by the way, is a very impressive investigation report. most of those crimes took place, you know, before the war and gaza began. frankly, it would take very high level of political focus on trying to pressure those who are arming the various sides and have, and the actual belligerents themselves. to stop this. obviously, many of the united nations tools are not very functional. and so,
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so it would just take, i think, very high level of focus from where leaders and that's never been there. the violence in west are for, has died down a bit. mostly because the, the pop, the mostly population has, has already been pushed out. the big concern now is that in the different part of our, for in north star for around the capitol of north a for alpha. sure. you have the rapid support forces who have recently and circled to that city. there's been an easy stand off for months. but the tensions have been escalating, you have the student use, it's the last stronghold of the student needs army in dar 4. but you have another, a number of other armed groups from these, from mostly the as a guy was another non area of our community. the concern is about leads to all out fighting. again, they are that we would see similar levels of violence in already on the outskirts or we've seen several villages being raised. it's, it's, you know, they're already probably atrocities being committed, but it could get much, much,
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much worse. people in china are struggling with frequent power cuts, decades of under investment in the electricity grid. i've left many relying generations, but sewing fuel prices are making it harder to keep them running as i'm going into support from engineering. this old electricity generator is what stands between us. i've express and bankruptcy as power or to just assist the middle of construction worker is increasingly relying on the machine to stay in business. the above that if you don't have diesel, you hardly can do anything. diesel is now expensive. i have orders, i cannot meet. but at the center of the city, a local decrease finding it difficult to remain in business. the rising cost of energy to power its machines is forcing it to cut down production. and the work is
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charged electricity generation distribution of heat that lowest in years. so businesses bigots for the back of generators the power of their machines. it was a few months ago. the government did this old, which country and almost an increase of the cost of fuel. for this triangulating businesses, it believes that covers data for electricity to supple dash energy. and if we get busy, but i'd like to warn the energies, keith national security. whoever hurts national security codes associated academic, they will look after country electricity is no ration for a few hours a day. some areas don't get it for days. less than 5 percent of just $17000000.00 population able to get to electricity the infrastructure to generates and just to be power suffers from decades of neglect. and luckily invested. there seems to be little more spiteful, the older charge can purchase. now average 45 degrees and the show without
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electricity, fresh foods must be quickly dried for them washed costs, which we'll see. i also say that according more patients and casualties from the heat wave, especially vulnerable in the society, mature, really just say the high temperatures will continue for another. but until bringing to the right please, i would use either german russian president vladimir putin smart victory day celebrations with a military parade in moscow. he said, although russia was trying to avoid global confrontations, his strategic nuclear forces were always on the alert. presence of the west was drawn to inside for the conflict following russia's invasion of ukraine, but a traditionally marks the soviet union's victory over nazi german. 1945 process, your body reports from most of this is the most important secular holiday in russia, and this event is always seen as a very,
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a grandiose and patriotic events where the military puts on a very lavish parade. in the red square presided over by the president, so that them are putting in this year, but certainly no difference the over $9000.00 that personnel from the country's military took part in the parade at overseen by the defense minister survey, chicago. and then the russian president took the stage where he delivered a speech that lasted about 9 minutes, during which he called this state of sacred today, at this is of course 79 years since the red army, the soviet army defeated nazi germany in 1945 during which time, at least 27000000 russians, both military and civilian personnel lost our lives at so it's very significant in this country's history. and that is exactly what vladimir putin has used over the past 3 military victory day parades during this speech to enlist that sense of
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a national identity that is intertwined with this day to highlight how important it is for russians to remain steadfast. he said that this is


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