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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world got how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the no water, no foods i know, are safe to go. the death toll rises in gaza as thousands of displays. palestinians slee is really strikes on the city of the 0 life from headquarters, and del fine, very you navigate. the also coming off desperately needed. aid is blocked from entering gaza is really precise through staging a sit in have stopped trucks from crossing into the strip also coming up the. 0 will be live
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for momo is to be to invest for hundreds of people have been protesting against israel, taking part in the eurovision song contest. the dresser marks and victory day and red square as president blood referencing says he wants to carry out more nuclear through the . we're beginning garza where is really tanks and we're planes have continued to attack the southern city of for the fashion. despite international condemnation, across the strip is really forces have killed 60 people over the past day to increase the tax on java or forcing palestinians who are already been displaced several times to flee again. the un says around 80000 people who taken shelter in the south have left left since monday and many are leaving it off for other cities
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in the south like didn't. but off our correspondent engine, who duddies start to a coverage from their in this place. for a 3rd time, i could find a farm and the are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they have left and the little they moved us from garza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to hun unit. after that we came here to say rod and from say rod to derek, but then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it wasn't sick. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to con eunice, but they have no food or water and are for a while the has this situation is it has, we just wants to solution. what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to our cities, gaza,
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the road leading out to reflect now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as the is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere and not a 5th. not them is dumb. we're tired, our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones had been destroyed. my children were not like this before the work. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no age. and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north faced farm and many have left the central garza but only one water station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. i just need a, as we have talked about. so who's joining us, not from data in bella as well from outside the up. so hospital thought it tell us
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now that you yourself have moved to date enough for safety. tell us what you see there, the well a very and it was it really an easy experience. it was extremely tough as we have been forced, again for the 5th time, to flee on to be displaced from another area of reflect that was previously designated for us as a safe setting may have been moving again to derek by the where the vast majority of costs the population have been seeking, rescued to which is now over crowded. he has been seeing completely disrupting. and can disrupt, succeeds for people being taking showtime open areas and then even most in hospitals as of right now and lots of hospice, i could, i could clearly see here from my location how families are taking refuge in parts of the hospital because they did not find any place safe and would have to take it as a refuge. and certainly really, i've been completely shocked by the scenes that i've been coming through and coming
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from within my denny to derek by the hyper and seeing people from the streets with no shelter. other families are taking the garza's coast as a refuge place for them where they have been sitting up there, make shift tends to be completely close to the water of the debit. but off coast and that's really terrifying. we're talking about so think collapse of hygiene facilities as there is, but he's not completely safe despite the fact that people have been told to see curriculums too. and not we can hear the sound of the is maybe surveillance of drugs, whole 3 in this kind of rough of derek by area. what people here are saying that if they expand that, the miniature ration to reach derek by the situation will be the catastrophic of where they have been. their eyes driven towards the ongoing types of negotiations in cairo, hoping that they can bridge the gaps of disagree that we now must send as well as they hope that this not meant to didn't soon thought it is really is claim that
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what they're doing and the file is a limited operation, but you were just sent it off off. tell us what you saw over there and what you've left behind when it's slow. in fact, so limited depression, we are talking about gradually expansion of the fighting from the eastern areas. now the middle 2 tanks, but previously mobilized close to rough or doesn't lead to these talk to push into the main open areas in the eastern neighborhoods of rough i city. then they have been issuing more orders for people to sleep from areas to are designated as was certain sense. they have managed to depend on actually principle the representative in using lead. so thoughts are presented in closing collateral and countless destruction and the residential houses making life that completely unsuitable for living. and meanwhile, they have been attacking other areas in the middle and in the western areas of roughly where there's 2 thousands of people out and rough. i did not manage to leave yet, and this is absolutely terrifying. is just within the past couple of hours to
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palestinians being killed onto the house was completely being destroyed without any probably of winning under the same time. big gets another targets in a the eastern area is a rough or a mutual type where a number of kind of city is being killed and injured. and it says absolutely devastating as the medical sex of the completely struggling to keep providing medical treatment for those injuries. as to have been holding the international community and even international organizations to offer to the agent, to them help in the ground. but yet, they have been completely, is a coming to you moving it to where it's on the rise in regarding the expands, you know, the fighting to reach the area deep in a rough off which would be the worst to humanitarian catastrophe. close any of our records, it. okay, thought it. thank you, thought it was reported for us from dated by enough that's in central garza. meanwhile, is really, demonstrators have blocked a road near the desert town of mid spare ramon and protests against the delivery of
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aid into the gaza strip. they staged to sit in and they scattered rocks across the road to stop the vehicles, including the a trucks waiting to enter garza and that's happening as, as really forces are massing on the outskirts of a truck. come up. well have asked them like asian has now left cease fire talks and cairo headed to go home from us says the is really occupation of that us of crossing is in the blocking the efforts of mediators as well as escalating aggression in the strip. let's cross over to stephanie decker of his joining us now from the jordanian
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a capital i'm on stephanie. what are we hearing from the is really side about this latest round of negotiations and kyra that have now ended yes, we've just had a seniors ready, official quoted seeing that they have put their reservations across. of course, we know that they were saying they had some reservations with the proposals that have mass agreed upon saying that there were amendments that they hadn't put down on the table hadn't agreed upon. basically, this is why you've seen william burns the head of a ca, doing intensive shuffle, diplomacy over the last week. he's also on his way back to the united states. um, so what these are, he does appear to be saying is that they put for their reservations and they're continuing. they're saying they're continue their operations at office. so according to them, nothing has changed despite the intense pressure is of course, from the americans to try to get to a deal. i think reading between the lines here,
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the data is not, not off the table. this is not a rejection. what they're saying is that we've discussed it, we've told them what we're not happy about. and we're continuing as is, it's now up to the mediators and incredibly difficult task. i think because you do have 2 sides, how mountain israel, where there was a large gap as to the real specifics. and details of this deal is now up to them. the junctions on pop out and also the americans to try and get that gap much closer to at some point get to what is a desperately needed deal for the palestinians. and also of course for these ratings were demanding the captives back a lot of politics surrounding the story, not just about goals of these talks in his deal goes way beyond that also if we don't geo politics. okay, stephanie, thank you for that update from my mind will a now speaking of us in fact let's bring and kimberly hopkins to joining us from the white house. and kimberly, we've also just heard very recently from the white house now sort of security spokesman john kirby. what did you have to say? so yeah,
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the us national security council supposed person john kirby briefing reporters that may still be on going or has just wrapped up in just the last few moments. he has also been asked about the return of bill burns, the ca, director from cairo. and whether that signals that perhaps any attempt to get some sort of a pause in fighting and some sort of exchange of palestinians in is really jails for and exchange of captives whether or not that has broken down. he says not on the contrary. those talks are still ongoing and that should not be read does any sort of sign because even as he is returning, there are still others that remain in place. continuing to work on those discussions. and there is no reason to believe that those gaps that stephanie was referring to just a moment ago cannot be close. he says, but there is and it is a top priority. the administration, they still believe those gaps can be overcome. the 2 sides are close to tax or
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continuing and this is a top priority for the bottom administration. so the in 5 in the ministration from it standpoint is still very helpful. yeah. and when it comes to that of, um the, the data for hopper ration kimberly the white house is also continuing to emphasize their opposition to any sort of operation. what has the president out about this? uh yeah, uh the us president has been talking about that in the last 44 hours. he has also been making it very clear that there is going to be a pause in weapons shipments when it comes to very specific missions with regard to israel and what it intends to carry out. in other words, the supplies of weapons that have been going to israel since october 7th, as seemingly without any hesitation for the 1st time, we've seen a pause,
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specifically when it comes to $2500.00 pound bonds. but what the distinction is now is that when it comes to israel's defense, the united states has not in any way stopped supplying the military support in that regard. but when it comes to rafa, specifically, the united states is pumping the brakes. in other words, what john kirby, the national security council spokesperson said, is that well, it depends on what is real does in rasa. and that is what is really the key here. uh, the united states has made it very clear. he says israel's understood, for some time the united states will not provide weapons if israel decides to go into rafa. so in other words, that pause that has taken place right now. no final decision has been made on for how long that pause will be extended, but it is in place for now. the other thing is, is there are 2 reasons. the united states believes that that pauses necessary. number one is because in the united states, police,
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it would strengthen her mazda has position at the negotiating table. and the other reason the united states believe that it is necessary is because this really, they believe, are making a mistake with her. uh, an assault on ross are they believe that this would not bring an end to her mas, as the, as rarely believe it would not bring about the in, during the feed that benjamin netanyahu is promising. so in other words, so this is what the united states is pushing and uh, in other words, the reporters ask, have the, is released decided to change their calculus. as a result of this pause by the united states, the united states say so far, it is too soon to tell ok, kimberly thank you for that reporting from the white house. the still ahead on al jazeera unions and origin, so you know, call for another nationwide protest on strike against the government of stairs. the
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had a lot of the parts of south asia have been baking under exceptionally high temperatures, especially for places like sure lanka as well. as the mulled east and west in india, we've seen people trying to escape that exceptional heat and those dry conditions. but we're going to see more in the way of west. so whether, despite the high figure is across most central areas of india of the next few days, we have got some way to weather pulling across from afghanistan into pakistan where we have seen that heat as well in northern parts of india as a pretty intense storms and showers will kick off for eastern areas of india and down in the south for kara heavy rain on friday at full colombo saturday. we'll also see those heavy falls here and bundle with dish will see the rain of the next few days. if we have a look at data, you can see those scotts,
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it's thunderstorms with some heavy rain that on sunday. and rain is still the story for east asia opportunity for southern parts of china. we'll see that reinvigorate across most central areas. friday in to sack today, it's not just down in the south, but also up in the north. we've had some heavy rain roll out of mongolia into the north of china, bringing temperatures down and heavy band is going to push its way through the korean peninsula on the way to japan. on saturday. the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continue. is there anything that can stop is we also solved on gaza for going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on out just sierra
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the, [000:00:00;00] the story someone else is 0. this our is really tanks and we're planes have continued to attack the southern city of the faith international condemnation. the one says around to $80000.00 people who taken shelter in the south of less since monday. demonstrators of states to sit in on a road in southern israel, protesting against the delivery of aid into the gaza strip. they scattered rocks across the road to prevent a trucks from entering lots of us precedents. essentially,
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the strongest message yesterday is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. joe biden says he'll stop the supply of weapons to his room if it launches an all out attack. andre palestinians are facing a critical shortage of clean water as israel continues airstrikes on easter and rough and didn't. but off long queues are formed at the only water station that's still operating. honeywell, fluids reports. these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians were diminishing water supplies during every day into a struggle for survival. the have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container, lots of people. we have to queue the work to pressure the week. and sometimes the
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rotors completely shut off and the world is just watching. since as rose bombardment of eastern europe a has escalated, many have a slip, a central garza increasing of pressure and supplies. there garza has been suffering from water shortages for years. the main source, the coastal aqua fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution making nearly all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war, people have access to 80 leaders of water per day, and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day. the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. we came here today looking for a safe place. i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the descending nation station here. and i hope the water is drinkable and fit for human
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consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long ways for dwindling supplies of water diseases caused by the shortages and war are spreading rapid. anyway, most of the palestine major trade unions and origin t r are calling for a nationwide general strike for the 2nd time in less than 5 months. for 24 hours. public transport including trains, buses, on flight services will be shut down. people in our agency and i have been protesting against president type game malays, austerity measures since taking office in december. and they has announced the raft of public spending cuts. he's now asked politicians to approve a reform bill that union se weakens labor protections will speak to monica in a cab, who's joining us now from warner. cyrus. talk to us about this latest strike and
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how wide spread it is monica of the. well, its wide spread because this time, contrary to the 1st strike, they suspended public transportation safe except for some buses. but as you can see, this place where i'm standing now, it's normally bustling with people. millions of people go by here to take the subway. but the subway is closed and over there on that side is the largest train station in windows side is it is also close. so this whole area, normally crowded with people, is now empty. and this is what the trade unions want to show. the government that not only they're able to put lots of protestors on the streets, but they can also empty the streets, empty the factories and put a halt on the economy. all flights have been cancelled until midnight. so the country is really has come to
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a halt and even people that didn't want to participate in the strike, many were forced to stay at home because they have no means to get to work. so this is what the trade unions wanted to show and make a put a lot of pressure on the government because it is now trying to pass legislation that will have a labor reforms and also to cut public spendings and to change the economy drastically. austerity measures that have had their impact on people's daily lives . because although inflation has come down from 25 percent a month to 9 percent, people still have no money to put food on the table by the end of the month. so it's something that is, there's a recession also looming ahead. okay, thank you. monica kind of reporting from bonus cyrus as the russian president vladimir has in his marks victory day celebrations with the military parade and moscow. he says,
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russia will do everything to avoid global confrontations. but we continue to carry out nuclear drills the day marks the soviet union's victory over nazi germany. and 1945. you'll get a couple of all of our reports from red square in moscow. the main elements of the victory parade remain unchanged from yeah, so yeah, they had to say traditionally addresses the participants and guests of the parade as well as the citizens of the country. but i said, we just deal with fuel you the russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us strategic forces, not always in combat readiness. russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the fate of the motherland its future depends on each of us. today on victory day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly picture day is considered the main hold of
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a russian 79 years ago nazi germany was defeated. the soviet union became been made possible around the world war 2. i've paid a terrible price losing 27000000 people the war and gauged the efforts to being tired of civilian population as well. so today is the day over membranes people of russia and the former soviet union. remember here is of the war home front war, cuz those who survived or keep pace or the simon bombings for dies amounts of stress and concentration comes, it goes further. so we remember adults millions of fault and died, sacrificing their lives to defeat the not the son of our fathers farm. summary, john from the front officers didn't my father came back, but his brothers died. every family was affected, but i believe is of age countries of visiting the parade and most good. this freezing saturday morning, main part of the parade is of course, a procession of various types of troops and ministry hardware. in total,
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the 9000 minutes for personnel are taking, causing the brands over 70 historic and modern weapons, including much personnel terrace. the s 400 odds and across the missile systems. and the sped teacher missile systems are in display. and tomorrow's big talk you the part of the parade this? yeah, it's the performance by the countries around a regime groups. the russian knights of the swift, followed by close support, see 25 across releasing fumes in the colors o the russian national lod, traditionally victory day and celebrate to the rest of the old. a low press. friends begin early in the morning and continue until may that nice. with big talks, you look 5 work slicing out the size in all major russian cities. you last you pop out of i'll just be wrapped most good. to go to the globe were growing global protest against israel's were on guys. on thousands of people are gathering the sweetest city of mama for the euro vision song contest. but the spotlight is on
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israel with demonstrations underway against its participation. and one of the world's most high profile music events, the b is really entrance was boot during the semi final rehearsals and calls to expel is real because if it's world garza were rejected by the organizers and they've elected protests in the past, russia was expelled after its invasion of ukraine, belarus was also kicked out after if clumped down on the scent pole races, runners for mamma, where that your vision contests taking place. this your paul, you've been out and about and you've been talking to protest or is tell us what. so what you've seen, or what they've told you as well, yes, very different in hey, are inside. they the vision hole in my, on my way, as you say, 8 and go on was, was booed when she did
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a dress rehearsal earlier. when she's due to take the stage in a few hours time, outside in the streets of moma, that uh, potentially tens of thousands of protesters protesting. no, certainly israel's war and goes up. but the fact the israel have been allowed to enter the eurovision song contest this year. and that contrasting that with the fact that russia were bought after that invasion of ukraine. now the e, b, u, the european broadcasting in the hosted organizers, this event has said for one that it's not a political event, but secondly, that's the, is riley broadcast. the hasn't broken any of its rules and they side, in contrast, rushes broadcast to did. but in terms of the protest as we spike to outside, very simply, i mean there's a huge muslim population in my, on my lots of people from, from syria, from lab and on from palestine as well. and they say it's as in a way robust,
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i'm paying israel's actions in gaza now alongside those demonstrations that is also a pro israeli manifestation that calling it of the jewish community and mama that saying is not the demonstration. they just want to show, show solidarity with the jewish community. they say they've come under lots of threats in the past 7 months. and they want to show that show that presence. so ada, 8 and gland will be taking the stage here in a few hours. her lyrics have to be turned down after they e. b. you decided that they would to uh to obviously in reference to how much is a tax on israel on october the 7th. changing the name of the song type of from october rain to hurricane. she'll be taking the stage it from what we think of the crowds of your vision. there's a, a joyful atmosphere, but that's really contrasted with the very angry on his face among tens of thousands of demonstrators industry. so paul, what's the like outside on the street in terms of the sort of security measures
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that authorities have been taking as well, it's probably not among the top 3, if not the biggest, maybe among the top 3 and kind of the events that the police have had to deal with in suite and they brought in reinforcements from denmark from no way the special police groups that we saw. some individuals being kind of pointed out in the crowd as may be bang from the mall on cyber bill, cyber relevance, definitely a minor, it's a button. we saw them being being searched and kind of taken away from the main crowd . so we've also spoken to the police and they say, overall it's, he's very quiet, they're all snipers up on the rooms around mama raina. one of the reasons are it's such a, a big police presence is that, for example, in 2009 when israel played against sweden in the davis cup tennis that were riots, stones thrown against trade against police, flesh things. and in fact, there's
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a 4 to 5 terrace right in sweden at the moment, according to the government. so a very big police operation on the whole. it's been vi. com so far. okay paul, thank you so much for that reporter for mama of the chinese president changing pink as in hungary for the final stop of his visit to europe. he was received in budapest by prime minister victor or by china, has invested close to $10000000000.00. and manufacturing an infrastructure in the country, and oregon is keen to maintain good tides. she said the 2 countries were looking to deepen economic cooperation. his trip to hungry mark 75 years of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. jonah health was more from budapest, gary, and couple of courses offered china lucrative investment opportunities for some time now including generous subsidies to bill, things like electric vehicles and electric vehicles, factory manufacturing plants, it looks like they someone gary and somehow getting rather worried about the


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