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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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sell them to the highest speed of the biomedical research, this block market creed, not only indeed just wise, probably may populations with books public health at risk. because unlike captive read monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the says, no water, no food, i know where it's safe to go. the death toll rises in gaza as thousands of displaced palestinians sleep is really strikes on the city of the you're watching all to 0 life for the headquarters and i'm getting you navigate. the also coming up desperately needed aid is blocked from entering gossum is really
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protest or staging a sit in have stopped trucks from crossing into the strip. also i had the. 0 will be live from momo in sweden, where hundreds of people have been protesting against israel, taking part in the eurovision song on the russell marks and victory day in red square as positive one reference and says he funds to carry out more nuclear drills the beginning because all where is really tanks and we're planes have continued to attack the southern city if a fast, despite international condemnation, across the strip is really forces have killed 60 people over the past day to increase the tax on it off or forcing palestinians. we've already been displaced several times to flee again. the u. n says around 80000 people who've taken shelter
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in the south have left since monday many or leaving it off for other cities in the south like did and by law or correspond to attendance for that he starts our coverage from there. the displaced for a 3rd time, so as to find to find many are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they have left. and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to han unit after that we came here to say rod and from c rock to derek, but then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it wasn't safe. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to, can eunice, but they have no food or water and are worried. well, the, that has this situation is it has, we just wants a solution. what do we want?
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we want to solution and we want to go back to asked cities to gaza. the roads leading out the rep left. now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as the is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere, said not a 5th, not them is dumb. we're tired, our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones have been destroyed. my children were not like this before the worst. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no aid and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have left the central garza but only one water station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. just eat
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a whole bring in thought about someone who is joining us from dated by that has well outside the box, the hospital taught it. so tell us once you arrive to that about us, what you've seen over there on thought it. can you hear me? okay, i don't think we have established our connection to our correspondent indebted but also we'll move on for now and tell you about israel. a blocking aid entering garza from egypt through the crossing. but also has the main crossing for a to enter the strip is really demonstrators of added to the strangle hold on a, by blocking a road near the academy of a sudden crossing. and israel has shut down out as they were as opperation. so we're having to report from outside israel, stephanie decker reports now from a mind rocks scattered across the road. an effort to buy is really for testers to block a trucks from reaching garza from
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the sky. the backlog becomes clear. many of these talks are meant to enter goza through the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip police use water, tended to disperse the demonstrators getting mobile style and reopened on wednesday . officer how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military . the one says no palace, dean workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. domain aid archery into the south that offer crossing with egypt also blocked since israel
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moved in with tanks. a few days ago the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged and the october 7th, the tax and the 1st shipment has left the cypress. on his wage, the american boots looting dark, the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest, and most efficient way to get a to the ballasting and people. jordan is also send a trucks to gaza and some of those have come under attack from right. we is ready, protest or is jordan. spar ministry has condemned the attack saying that hold is ro, fully accountable. and the israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of aid into gauze, and that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker, all g 0,
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a month that we're going back to target now, who's joining us from data in bella from central guys outside at you're outside of an ok. so hospital tell us what you're seeing in did and by the you know, the situation in dairy, but i sounds really critical to a or a levels including the humanitarian room. start with the security one as palestinians have been sleep escaping from death in rough law to come and take their rebuttal has a clue shell to flip them from the reality on the ground. so you can just drop the car into ring and derrick back to the multiple streets. and so you can clearly observe how crowns are the streets, which is that to ease with, make shift tens people living in the pasting and living in the pavement of the same time. they are living on the public without proper hiding facilities, which in turn can contribute to increasing generally the spread of disease, the month kind of stands, those costs. so you only can help to provide
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a kind of primitive medical cap in light of the ongoing escalation in terms of numbers of injuries box. people have been escaping from a rough. i've seen that deborah by that could be safe, but within the past couple of hours, the fox, the hospital has received new injuries and victims being resulted from attacks. and the middle area where the palestinians have to report the killed in a rage, refugee camp and they have been pro to the hospital here at o. delighted to be prepared for perio by the humanitarian situation is absolutely unprecedented, as there is a kind of over population in that area where people have been completely depending on what kind of civil service is provided here in the city. which means that there's going to be more humanitarian pressure in a very small space of land that completely could be barely enough to provide services for each original city as well as, as the situation is exhausted,
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painting day by day now. and you, you, of course, less to or from what i saw earlier on today, where the is really is claim to be carrying out unlimited operation and what is going on there? what did you see where we live short function because it's no longer safe right now. we so alien, it'd be a safe place, but now with the expansion of the fighting to reach a rough spot, we can start leading from such areas looking for alternative filters in order to guarantee our own protection box. what we have been seeing is completely on this indescribably specifically that we have been coming through the post a really we can see people mostly not completely and both sides of the road. booting their make shift tents as they completely suffer from the deterioration of the humanitarian condition. and there is unimportant effects that we need to highlight on, which is the blue dog food is. now most people,
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what be living and rough like they were depending on such a floating from rough on the car of a sudden the 1st thing. now, as they are fleeing to the middle areas, they will be able to receive these aid again as they are complete the right. now is you mean, what do you have been if you can found them to send your local markets in light of his car? well, same prices, which means that dollars as a suffering from economics. so show humanitarian and security crisis on the ground where the c u. s. we have been talking to them that the world has let them down without till now. opposing any protection for civilians will have been killed on an hourly basis. okay, thought it. thank you so much for that updates from dated buff as well as really and how much delegations have now left cairo following the latest round of ceasefire negotiations. and israel has submitted reservations about the proposal and says that it's going to press forward with an assault on draft off on the top. white house official says be a time will not defeat from us or president biden has threatened to withhold arms
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shipments. kimberly how could, is joining us from outside the white house. so we understand now that this round of talks is reportedly on pause. kimberly is really, is, are saying that after our operation will be going ahead, how is that going to go down with the administration as well. the administration says that even as the top players have returned to washington, there are still members of the team that remain in cairo. busy and are working to try and keep the discussions on track. they believe that there are some small but significant gaps that can be closed. and there is no reason why the 2 sides can't continue to discuss and try and close those gaps. so the priority for this administration, the continued to try that is the word from national security council spokesperson john kirby. but this is something that they still believe that they can overcome. meantime is the,
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is rarely say they are continuing to press ahead with plans for the operation into rafa. this is something that be a 5 minute ministration is vehemently opposed to on the grounds. but there is the belief that this will not defeat him off. and also, but it will strengthen her mazda his hand at the negotiating table, and that is why the environment ministration has paused for the 1st time since october 7th, when her boss went into israel, a gathering captive the they have positive shipment of weapons to israel. this is significant because not only does the united states provide nearly 4000000000 of annual assistance, but since october 7th, there has been a stream of weapons going into got into to israel for his war on gaza. so listen, pause is something that the president biden says he is specifically done to prevent the enormous number of casualties civilian casualties. but the israel has inflicted
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now. oh, what we have heard from the president is that this is going to be an ongoing pause depending on what is real does. now. we also know, but we have heard from the national security council spokesperson, but it's too soon to tell whether or not this has changed israel's calculus. but what we're told is the israel has known for some time. but if they go into rough uh, there will be no additional weapons. having said that, what the united states will provide, however, is weaponry. for israel's defense, in other words, forth, iron don't make cetera such as we saw in defending it from attacks from a rod such as from attacks from ms files and droned attacks as we saw many weeks ago. okay, thank you. kimberly, thanks for that reporting from the white house manage them, klein is professor of political science at the bar line university. he says the is
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really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been defiance with joe biden, in the last few weeks. of course, it's all, it's all, it must, all the is about domestic politics. what president, by the force that the, you know, to do is committing suicide because suicide actually choosing between by, by them. and then if you, if he tried to bite them, then click most propagate will leave the copy. now, the quotation is for the boat and we face of the elections in which the know is supposed to do. so then you know as well the future is in the hands of been created and bring the vehicle back. incense to operate freely and gain more weight because boats more. but it, because both on the account of the truck,
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the bigger screen that the no space from the right wing base. this is this truck in between to right link extreme right. doing behaviors. that's that, that's in the back road or for what happened. the tries to happen, but then you go to pull the unit and older and build to draw the damage or flip that been megs with the black driver. the relationship between the 2 states of thousands of people are gathering in the sweeter city of mama for the euro vision song contest. but the spotlight is on israel with demonstrations underway and gains, its participation in one of the world's most high profile music events. the v is really
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entrance was blue during the semi final rehearsals calls to expel israel because of it's, we're on gaza were rejected by the organizers and they've left to protests. in the past, russia was excelled after its invasion of ukraine, and bella roost kicked out after a clump down on the scent paul races and mamma, where the eurovision contests is taking place outside in the straits of mamma. the precisely tens of thousands of protesters protesting no totally israel's war and goes up. but the fight, the israel have been allowed to enter the eurovision song contest this year in the contrasting, that's with the fact that russia with aud after that invasion of ukraine. now the e, b, u, the european broadcasting in the hosts and organizers this event has said for one that it's not a political event, but secondly, that's the, is riley broadcast. the housing broken, any of its rules and they side,
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in contrast, rushes broadcast the did. but in terms of the protest, as we spoke to outside, very simply, i mean, there's a huge muslim population in my own mind. lots of people from, from syria, from lebanon, from palestine as well. and they say it's as in a way robust, i'm paying israel's actions in gaza. now alongside those demonstrations, there is also a pro israeli manifestation that calling it of the jewish community. and mama that's saying is not a demonstration. they just wants to show show solidarity with the jewish community . they say they've come under lots of threats in the past 7 months, and they want to show that show that presence to the us and us post as a colleges across the country continue students and johns hopkins university in the us have defied orders to end their protests against israel's were on cause i'm, let's go live to alan fisher, who's joining us from baltimore. so what is it that happens next island now that
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that deadline has passed and, and how significant are these protests? well, that's what the students are. what about what happens next? they've seen across the country where people have been told to leave these encampments on to move on, and then the police to move in. let me just explain where we are. this is johns hopkins university in baltimore. it is one of the most famous medical schools in the world. normally the view that people relate to johns hopkins is from the bottom of the hill, looking up the grass here. this is an area known as the beach and then you get to the library at the top of the hill limit is fed a calming and restful, and that is where the students have chosen to states that protest they've been here since last monday. so what's that? uh, $1112.00 days now, there's more than a 100 of them. they've got the larger tens of encampment running the site. and inside they have the much smaller tense that we've seen in these protests all over
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the united states. now, yesterday the university told the protest those that they had until 6 pm to sign a document to say that they were leaving, they wouldn't come back. and if they did that, then that wouldn't impact them graduating. it wouldn't go into a permanent record, it wouldn't lead to any possible charges. and an almost as one, the students refused to sign that document and we decided to continue their protest . and that is why they are still here. no course, what they've had from the local police is that they have no intention of moving in on peaceful protests. there's as long as it remains peaceful. but what, what is the student says they also have that other george washington pro tests that we've covered in washington on small incidents were made to look as if they were much, much worse. and that led the lease to move. and then so for the time being, this is essentially a stand on the university wants to ship us to move the students who are they're
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saying they're not moving until the demands, including this investment from israel and cuts. ties with a fairly companies is met. okay, thank you all in fisher reporting from baltimore still ahead on al jazeera marking 75 years of diplomatic relations. china sheets and thing is in budapest for his last leg of his european tour. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera,
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the . ringback the challenges here with the
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the time that we got the top stories on al jazeera, this hour is really tanks on. we're planes have continued to attack the southern city, if enough, despite international condemnation. the run, so as around 80000 people who taken shelter in the south have left since monday. demonstrators have staged a sit in on a route in southern israel, protesting against the delivery. if aide and southern gaza strip, they scattered rocks across the road to prevent a trucks from entering gossip is really and how much celebrations have now left the ceasefire. negotiations in cairo. israel says it has reservations about the proposal. it insists it's going to press forward with an assault on drop off. the us president says that he'll stop israel supply of weapons if it launches, thought attack. palestinians are facing
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a critical shortage of clean water as israel continues. airstrikes on eastern drop off and dated by law. just one water station is still operating. honey must always reports. these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians were diminishing water supplies during every day into a struggle for survival. the have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container, lots of people. we have to queue the work to pressure the week. and sometimes the water is completely shut off. and the world is just watching since, as well as bargemen of eastern drop, a has escalated. many habits lit the centro garza increasing and pressure and supplies their a dog that has been suffering from water shortages for years. the means stores the
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coastal aqua fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution, making nearly all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war, people have access to 80 leaders of water per day. and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day. the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. you know, how we came here today looking for a safe place? i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the dissemination station here. and i hope the will to is drinkable in food for human consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long waits for dwindling supplies of water, diseases caused by the shore to use and war are spreading rapid. anyway, most of the palestine russian president vladimir putin has marked victory day
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celebrations with the ministry parade in moscow. he says, rush out, we'll try to avoid global confrontations, but we'll keep carrying out nuclear drills. you'll get a couple of all of our reports from moscow, of the main elements of the victory parade remain unchanged from gab. so yes, the head of states traditionally addresses the participants and guests of the parade as well as the citizens of the country. but i see it will just deal with your so, but you, the russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us strategic forces always in combat readiness . russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the fate of the motherland its future depends on each of us what it is today. on victory day, we realized this even more acutely and clearly you use a picture day is considered the main hold of a russian 79 years ago. nazi germany was defeated. the soviet union became been
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made possible around the world. go to on pace, a terrible price losing 27000000 people, the war and gauge the efforts to being tired of civilian population as well. so today is the day of remembrance, people of russia and the former soviet union. remember here is that they will come from tor, cuz those who survived occupation assignment bombings for dies and lots of stuff and concentration comes, it's a furnace, a. we remember those millions of fault and died, sacrificing their lives to defeat the nazi side of our fathers farm. summary john from the front officers didn't my father came back, but his brothers died. every family was affected, but i believe is of age. countries of visiting the parade and most good. this freezing saturday morning. the main part of the parade is of course, the procession of various types of trips and ministry, hardware and toes. whole. the 9000 minutes for personnel are taking,
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causing the brands over 70. his story to modern weapons, including much personnel terrace, the s 400 and to air across the missile systems. and the sped teacher missile systems are in just play and tomorrow's big talk. see the power of the parade. this . yeah, is to perform is by the countries are renowned a ration through the russian knights of the swift, followed by close support, see 25 across the releasing fumes in the colors o the russian national lod, traditionally victory day and celebrate to the rest of the old a low press events began early in the morning and continued until late at night with spectacular fireworks slicing out the size of the major russian cities national. pop out of the o. g z, right. most good chinese president. change their opinion, hungary as prime minister, victor, or bon, have signed what they call in, or whether agreement she is in hungary for the final stop of his visit to europe. he was received in budapest, where they signed
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a number of agreements. china has invested close to $10000000000.00 in manufacturing on infrastructure in the country. she says the 2 countries are looking to deepen economic cooperation. that's it for me, for the time being. and the weather is next. and that's followed by inside story, the hello, this guys has dried across much of the middle east and the winds picks up blow. so c, temperatures pick up across the region over the next few days. and you can see blowing down the golf and go to shamella, nobody when that's kicking up some dust me some blustery conditions and causing hazy sunshine. now it's friday into saturday. we'll see those temperatures rise in
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riyadh as well as baghdad 40 degrees celsius expected. here, temperatures are also on the up to the east of this across much of iran, as the skies dry and remains which across to a kia. but for the south of this, across the event, the mercury will be rising, but the winds will also pick up and those blustery conditions offset to effect northern parts of africa. you can see the width and windy weather moving across in libya on the way to egypt. over the next few days and much dryer behind that, but we will see some wet to weather intensify across morocco, stops to dry up slightly on saturday. and it remains a very hot and dry picture across that central part of africa for places like chad and molly and mercury is set very high. and we'll continue that way of the next few weeks, but some whatsoever. continuing to come into the pots of kenya and tanzania, it's boned dry for southern africa with a cool down on the way for cape town. examination,
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dean, today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site you are being called. and he said that make and a supporter of international filmmakers. some world class journalist bring programs to inform and inspire to options await us in the immediate future by the prices for climate revolution. going out just around wanting to israel from the us presidents to abide and says he will hold some supplies of israel invades rafa. for this, this intended to deflect rising domestic pressure against his strategy on the war in gaza. and will it be more to stop as well as the salts on rafa? this is inside story. the
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