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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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he submitted and a supporter of international filmmakers, some world class journalist spring programs to enforce and inspired to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis or climate revolution on alger 0 or at warning to israel from the us president joe biden says he will hold some supplies of israel invades rafa for this, this intended to deflect, rising domestic pressure against his strategy on the war in gaza. and when we do more to stop, as well as the salts on rafa, this is inside story, the kind of walk into the program on the phone for the 1st time since, as well as war on guns. it began and i'll tell you. but joe biden has admitted the american weapons have been used to kill civilians. and these precedents stop
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supplying as we shipping parts of the united states is f as to secure israel. the comments are the strongest warning yet by the us president over a potential ground invasion of rafa by is riley forces. more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians have taken shelter. they're off to fleeing from northern garza, despite consistent and vocal us opposition is around. has continued bombing the southern city, and now the space palestinians are being ordered to leave rafa the process of being held across the american universities against the gods. the world is killed. nearly 35000 people, and some democrats have been pressuring biden to do more to stop is rails of violence. so is biden's warnings is rattling the attempt to calm down and grow home as he seeks and all the time in office in 6 months time. will he indeed weak the tool and take tough of action against the benjamin netanyahu. government will explore this on all the issues with the, i guess 1st,
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this report by culture lopez or the young, are forced to slee yet again, this family has nowhere to go. they are among thousands of palestinians leaving areas and rough up as israel plants, a full scale attack. once a city of refuge from more than 1500000 people. it's now a target multiple ran all the blocks. they are bombarding us, threatening us, and telling us to leave. but we have nowhere else to go. personally, i have no one to turn to the house. my mother is dead. remember when i have no one else. the us is adding unprecedented pressure to stop and assault, having once pledged unconditional support for israel presidential bite and has value to stop giving israel weapons. if it invites rougher civilians have been killed and gaza as a consequence of us bombs and other ways in which they go after populations. i made
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it clear that if i go into rafa, i haven't gone on roughly yet. they go into rough or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically. to deal with ralph good, more to move is seen by many as a warning because of defense. secretary lloyd austin confirmed washington has already paused a shipment of weapons. israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting those civilians that are in that battle space. the us is by far, israel's a big a supplier of weapons with congress last month approving $26000000000.00 and extra funding. even so biting is getting pushed back from members of his own party and months ahead of the presidential election. he's also being criticized by students stage protest against funding the war. we will not stop and defending the students until there is an immediate permanent c,
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sorry that includes complete withdraw. it is really forces from gaza and the release of all hostages under pressure at home and abroad is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, an assault on golf or is needed to defeat thousands of her most fighters. a fight he's previously said will move forward with or without the ceasefire deal, and with or without support from allies. the should. we have already proven in the previous release of hostile to that military pressure on how much it is necessary. now 7 months into the war on casa palestinians and russell, wait to see of heighten political pressure on israel will have an effect on the ground. katia low facility again, i will to 0 for insights. story. okay, let's bring it i guess scott lucas is a professor of international politics with the university college dublin's clinton
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institute. he's with us from week low in island, and i'm on to hardy, most offices, a senior policy on our list with the n g o international crisis group. she joins us from amman. i met, i am a klein, political science professor. i bought a lawn university who's with us from west jerusalem, a bible, welcome to all 3 of you. thank you very much for your time met of him. i wonder if i can start with you 35000 people, dead men, women, and children. what's may motivated joe biden to issue these threats now, as opposed to previously when it could have saved many more lives. a very good question. and watching the seeing an interview, i expected the this question to be a follow up by the presenter, but she didn't want to make it. why no, isn't it too late? but it's better now than never. it's better late than never. so it seems
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that the american support for is read is called they should the i like what we installed, it will be or its condition them or the statements they are coming from the face of this, right. so i think it's a condition that simple it, this call dish, and that this condition with the, if they say the reset, the american fetal, or the issue is one of the operations. i thought there is another. fetal will destroy the expense, the eh, 4 is where the ex, escalation of the more into north and may be very guns when a co rich european countries to recognize the state of the spine and may be late. they're very tough with not being told you and security council for a could accept the exhibit,
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but the state of fund is going to zip for member is a way to use our the expected wave. we should keep in mind. this can be the next steps that by then we can use it gets split, the neo but the out is lucky. you keep up. let me take this question to, to scouts because the met him is basically imply that but a sooner than later by this exact woods were quote, it would be wrong to send military support to is where a right now come we spell out. scott said that there was no doubt what america's fee is all surrounding israel was pushed into rafa, given the information that was pretty much already started, thousands of people have been killed as strikes on the way to what device administration is doing. in this specific case, a proffer is they're drawing a distinction between those ongoing is riley air strikes, which as you mentioned are causing
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a couple of dozen casualties each day in rough uh, and the ground, the salt. but when israel earlier this, we carried on another series of deadly assaults on or off from here, what we thought a ground today, she might be on an american official, immediately went to the media and said, oh well, these weren't significant military operations. in other words, we weren't going to because of these bible specific words. when he, you know, issued, supposedly the red line is a major ground assault. so in other words, israel continues with the present operations but stopped short of what would be an invasion of russell, where you have those 1400000 people who are at risk. disney americans will not take action further action in terms of suspicion of military a. the question is, of course, does benjamin at yahoo and perhaps even more importantly, defenseless for your lot?
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no. the, remember the origin. do they want to proceed with that ground today? even though you have the risk of sharply increasing civilian casualties and the increase in the rest of the by the ministration will finally be forced to take a step regarding the alternatives. just the honda not only did bobby didn't make this threat of withdrawing military support. but he also made a very, very important comment as well. namely that american shipments of weapons have been used by israel to kill civilians in gaza. that's quite an admission. he seemed to be referring to those high payload musicians, a munitions, namely 2000 pound bomb shipments. of which we know we're bound last week, one says this admission this acknowledgement, say to you, i mean it's always, yes, it is insignificant. but again, this is just a little public clustering from the us administration. this is coming against the backdrop of the, on the growing public defense at home. the fact that on, you know,
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you have to visions with, in guidance on how to you, this is coming against a do you mean electoral campaign for presidential elections in the us? but more importantly, the us is dining internationally, has a senior come see, you know, downtown. i mean, we can talk about how is all it is, is perceived as an international prior. but the fact that the us so far has affected as well. and it's also ongoing that hasn't been lost on international audience. it's either not to mention about the also on the 7th of may, just recently we saw the biggest, i guess different i had a couple of us as in henry uh, in defense of israel, which is about how must have been the sole obstacle to a ceasefire. which from us did accept those terms, it was as well that rejected it. i went ahead with its invasion reference and in that time, yes, we may see things like big statements as the type of items already made. these folks as far as opposed to, to wait for it to weekdays, to your, to your object sports,
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but that doesn't take away from the fact that the us has supplied israel consistently since the 7th of october. which huge amounts of stuff, how's weapons does that, that just last month we saw the you are provided with, with another supplemental aid package. again, the dice going to be spearheaded today's role watching. so it's pretty easy to use and not in that sense, right. talking about drops in the ocean, let's look into a little bit more detail. let us ministry funding to israel, which has been increased since the beginning of the war and gaza. president biden signed a $15000000000.00 war assistance package last month. that's over and above the $38000000000.00 military aid commitment across 10 years. as part of an agreement signed back in 2016. as this type of the 70s to us has delivered 5th the shipments of arms more than a 130 cargo planes loaded with weapons to israel without him. what kind of weapons are we talking about? the us now holding out these offensive, or defensive weapons,
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what level of support would be, would choose would for instance, israel's, i'm don't be affected. as far as i understand this weapons can l. o is way of 8. o fools to boom. to come. there was a and the bomb. the house is so busy and houses so that civilian institutions under which there are done it was this was made in the war. they've got the door effect center. got a guy's a street or read 8 by his rad detail falls is right, and pretty fast developed from the air a de connor's stand off entering what's on the ground. it's on the other ground. uh to get the risk of a soldier. this is where the soldiers so we felt that these
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boards is rent controlled to do with her boss, finished printing shelter underground in the box as well as the seals. so it's very, very clear that the operation, the platform that, that the general stuff is driven golf. is it possible with this a bar go? all right, i'm default. so let me throw this to you. does this now mean that we could see, is there a, the forces acting even more indiscriminately, whether operation and roughly if that's what they absolutely want to push on with. the fact here is just to follow up on your previous question. the thought about, you know, where we are, you know, that the u. s. assistance is being held up to an israel, at least super early. now we're talking about 2000 pound bonds. we're talking about $500.00 term loss types of bonds as a re destruction of civilian areas, for example, in the initial stages of the assaults and no other jobs. so we're talking about,
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we're told jaden ups which converts supposedly on got involved to drive that box. so these are often some weapons. the issue here, however, is as an american official, already knowledge is that the israel already passed and all of these weapons that had been supplied by the united states to go into the office it wants to. now for that reason, i'd say, you know, the cold hard fact here is that the initiative is still not with washington. the initiative is still with the israeli workshop of the americans have been trying to do the international community. i've been trying for months to try to influence or cabinet in particular with talks with the father members, the work cabinet besides benjamin netanyahu, your, to launch the defense minister, been against the former head of the military. and i can't tell you at this point whether or not the ground a visual go ahead because the calculations will be mounted down right on the basis of what the us has done. but on the basis of those really don't speak a pin try. you might want to go to school, you mentioned to the psycho j,
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the mission missiles used to convert and guide to bottom. so she's saying to position weapons, i bring this up because one can ask that member has tweeted, her name is probably got live saying that so the country should simply revert to using quote in precise ms solves to quote, flatten 10 buildings. i mean, even simulation, there is give us the weapons that will kill who we want. well, i mean that type of ultimatum, this is an ultimatum, which is just coming from the hard right in israel, including the inside the drawer such as minister been here there. it's actually come from the saw because remember what he said to ship this to the political dimension as well. you know, if you don't agree to a cease fire, we're going to go and draw. we're going to go ahead and effectively watch every wow . then, of course, with, i'm not study really true, the degree to cease fire if the position of all right, put up or shot what the user enters immediately. do this project to mazda is
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accepting the ceasefire. and leave us with the open question we have right now. there are diversity of voices, and if you have those fonts that you can pick up from people who are ready to d. populate casa, well, no interest is a very large, whatsoever. but i think we're all set to recognize that there are a lot of is riley to our concern about the direction of this water station. some of them are concerned about the fact that in the a small there isn't no sign of in any day. those side of certainly a resolution level, well, a trial. there are some are concerned because of course we've got the 130 hostages and the bodies of hostages to match the holes. and we have some who are generally not concerned about the fact that this war isn't unjust store. and i think the more that we recognize that diversity, okay. and it is really relevant. just simply saying it is inevitable that the hard right is going to lead, nothing yahoo! down the path into the destruction. bravo. i think, you know, it's a better way of appreciating where thing like,
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go. i will at one thing or i think the key determiner right here is not, you know, his personal position because of the day that there's a cease fire and gust his political future is probably all because there will be early elections. and the day that there is a speech for and johnson is legal feature will be in jeopardy because of the possibilities you'll be on trial and broadway charges. and i think that might be the price in such a while there be an attack on roster. sure, man of him. so what we're looking at is either way, the beginning of the end for benjamin netanyahu. how much genuine concern just to add to what scott said, is that in israel about the withdrawal of military supplies, or position liter y'all, a plea like pete is blaming that's. and y'all who's quote, filed management for biden's new stance. meanwhile, the far right extreme, right? national security minister, it's my bank, give me via tweeting that quote from us, loves bind and what are these comments say about sort of using this well? sadly, and then very sad to say that that the issue in the mainstream and
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is much me worried about. busy his read america relations, the lives of people in guys and very said to say that, but this, this is the way i see guy on the period statements. they are already about the future relations. so the present relations between is around the public and other ministration. and this laurie's base where the public opinion, much, much more than the warning guys a different fast the majority of there's really support going to it for them. very goes on. look objective. ok. with the american objection, it may be there is a shift in the public opinion in frame for off at the fairly these are only public you smelled informed enough of what was, what was how,
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what was suggested by c, i a director at the accept the, the best buy from us, but the information is, is, this is wrong and really bad stream it to this. been the information shown, those, they don't say what was exactly suggested. and what is the price? that is what should pay in order to get to beckett's of digits, right? let's move this conversation a bit further on and, and focus on it what, how all of this plays out in the united states. because given the growing opposition to the war in the us and given the, you know, the elephant in the room, the growing blooming attention that's being focused on the full coming presidential election. how long do we think the honey joe biden has before he desperately needs to see results?
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i. e. and then to this conflict before it starts to post serious political damage to biden's future. so i think it's already come to that stage now in terms of the way that we've seen public opinion in the us time, completely against this fight in administration. you know, where you've seen the majority of public opinion support. does the sorry cost in the network at the moment and in terms of what's going on. so i think we've already reached that stage, but i think more critically, the question is, how much impunity the us is going on? that isn't okay, wait a minute. we can handle this clustering as much as we want to be divided into this ration, but ultimately biding along with others. certain senior us officials and his administration keeping the structures they have continuous eastern. so something about turbo embraced israel have an open need a bet to what has been happening and despite the origin lives, despite the gold coast that we're seeing, which constant shift by the way,
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israel now so well that it can continue to do what it wants with complete impunity, it knows full well that it can get away with, with whatever it wants. it can get away, pushing the message, right, lines and even even as brightens domestic support. i couldn't get it sort continues on the decline. it already is. right. uh scott, uh, honey made a interesting point that these red lines just seemed to be and so movable they've seems to have any meaning whatsoever. how come though, in the context of this decision, by, by that how kind of he and the democrats fend off republican criticism, for instance, from the likes of senior republicans, such as mitch mcconnell who were framing biden's threats to reduce the arm supplies as quote, aging hum, us sometimes in politics you have got a difficult choice between doing what is politically expedient for domestic reasons and doing the rights, moral and ethical entity practical say. when it comes to what is happening to your
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blog, there is no doubt that as a by the administration takes a firm so against israel. that even we have like, criticized by republicans by trumpets. indeed, donald trump has taken a break from the trial in new york to tweet this morning about joe biden. and she just mentioned be a friend from austin, a supporter of terrorist. but you have a question for the by the administration, which is on the one hand, if you love this, you know, you will be criticized if you draw a line with these writers after they have defied previous objections to a grand defense of enrolling johnson objections to expanding the pencils across all dresser objections to their attacks on a workers you will be a time for that. but on the other hand, if you let this dried on, if you give is real estate for what is effectively open ended war enter the summer i'm into the are, you will continue to see in a row version of your support from those who might,
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might normally support you on domestic issues and then the last year as we're sitting in the protest across america. yeah, let's talk about the back of it. yeah, let's talk about those protests if we buy a to honey, of course they all the backdrop to all of these decisions being made by washington . does this move by, by the end? do you think goes some way in vindicating those protest as again, i think the majority, yes, it does speak to to what these protestors ultimately i trying to, to advocate for. but again, that really don't say much if it's not followed up by serious practical steps. and by that when you're serious cost on israel, you know, is always to know that will be consequences for its actions. if it needs to go beyond just the metrics, you and i, i don't think again, i don't think that is going to be lost on these purchases, especially considering the way that we seen public, i'm sorry, popular public a protest. i have been severely calmed down upon, i mean, the, these purchased,
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these students have been met with insane amounts of police brutality. you know, i mean it's, it's absolutely shocking, i think. and if anything it's, it's actually ended up from the adverse effects of ashburn, when in a more, you know, global is my. but again, i left the she followed with any serious action. i don't think that's going to be lost in the furthest of. yeah. honey, it's a very powerful sense of pessimism about the meaning of this move by bite and i'm gonna knock him i want if i can, i'll ask you this. if we're going to see if there was any results from any of these threats to come military aid, we may well see them in the way which negotiations play out in egypt and car ro, mazda. so we know has signed up to a proposal, including an exchange of captives for soldiers and a pump, a permanent end to hostilities, as well as we know has not come to us. do anything to put its foot down further than just the threat to cup military aid to force a deal?
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yeah, it is. the us can go much beyond what the embargo on bob's and that it stated. the us good luck feed though. even the, the un security council very, but it's been never request to be a former member of the state to buy this thing to be become a 4 member the u. n. a us came out of college. all gave green light to west european countries to recognize the state of palestine. but the us can go much further publicly. but look just the briefing. newark, doug's correspondence about its relations a bit by the relationships with bethany all but makes statements to explain this really public opinion. what they think about them, you know,
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and writing needs the united states. is that the neo or jewel, by the right. let me off this, i think probably our last question here to, to score because might not come raised to an interesting point island where you are now i understand is going to be one country together with spain and stuff back here . that is poor is to recognize the state of palestine is not leave a necessary to be pulled at the moment in order to show is ro, water growing chorus of countries around the world. think of this situation. i think it's a necessary moral and political stop because until you recognize the state of palestinians, palestine, how can you ever expect palestinians have the respect uh to have the empowerment that they will be listen to and it not much otherwise,
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they're just the state. most people need the implication of this is the previous question, this should the us coming in behind the recognition of the state of palestine? absolutely. will that be enough to stop the minute is really assault or offer any open ended more? no united states, if it was serious stops, i mean really serious process is putting pressure on in terms of getting and so as far with 1st of all make clear that it has no objections to a cease fire even if the is rarely subject to it. secondly, the americans would stay in the side of the lease and hopefully supported these strips through the u. s. and indeed through the international criminal port, the whole israel in general, if it does to tell you this for. and certainly united states was finally ready to clear watson for all that the israelis do not have a veto over the future of the policy and whether it be in jobs on were in the west . uh. okay. okay. scott lucas, to her name was stuff. uh, madeline klein. it is being
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a pleasure to speak to all 3 of you here on inside story monday. thanks for your time. it. um, thank you. of course for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out to 0. don't com and for further discussion, go to a facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. i'll handle is of asia inside story. i mean the focus on the whole team here. it's bye for now the, and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis the so comply take now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said $75.00 selling and testing width and same jobs as we speak these really speak every one's know we're giving each
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going finish. and the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on the east coast, nothing yahoo success. so maybe better, maybe was, but it's the one that has to address that systemic problem. stay with us for the latest developments on out. just sarah, the, this is the 1st genocide that we see. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream media. the listening post covers have in use is the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you, navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. more is really a tax on enough ashley of homes and lives destroyed on forest residents. the fleet once again desperately needed aid. as for, for, i'm entering also is really protest or a staging a sit in have stopped the trucks from crossing into the strip. also ahead the will be live from momo in sweden where hundreds of people have been protesting against


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