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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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man, this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media . the listening most covers how the news is cut. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters, and del, find teddy, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. more is really a tax on rough ashley phones and lives destroyed on forest residents. the fleet, once again desperately needed aid is blocked. from entering also is really protest or staging
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a sit in have stopped trucks from crossing into the strip. also ahead the we'll be live from mamo in sweden where hundreds of people have been protesting against israel, taking part in the euro vision song, contact, and russia. marks of victory day in red square as president, a lot of repentance as coupons to carry out more nuclear drills in support. so i found that all makes a winning start. that'd be tiny and open the 10 time champion that hitting him back from a set down to be so fast in around the beginning, garza where it's really tangs on were planes, have continued to attack the southern city if a faster, despite international condemnation, across the strip is really forces have killed 60 people over the past day. the increase the tax on the i saw her forcing palestinians who have already been
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displaced several times to flee again. the land says around 80000 people who taken shelter in the south have left since monday many or leaving it off for other cities in the south. like did in bella, i'll just, there has been done for that. a story. so our coverage from there displaced for a 3rd time. so i could find a farm and the are fleeing beautiful as best they can. and with what little they have left. and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to hun unit. after that we came here to say rod and from say right to derek by left and then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it was insane. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to newness, but they have no food or water and are worried. well,
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the situation is it is we just want to solution. what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to about 15 to gaza, the road bleeding out of breath left. now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep once again. but as is ready, bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere and not a 5th, not them is in summer. we're tired, our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones have been destroyed. my children were not like this before the worst. no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no aid and just where are we to go? beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have left the central garza but only one watcher station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to
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go in the comedy central, gaza palestine. i just need a will last week to thought about su, who's joining us from dated by the outside of an ox, a hospital we're even inside the hospital. thought it, people are trying to find some sort of shelter. tell us how everyone's coping, who's coming to dated by the will that says, the new reality being created. he and derrick that i specifically that ruffle has new link is a safe place for the vast majority of causes population. now, people have been avoided by the minute treat typically some of them had to slip under the intense bombing campaign being exempted by the use wait a minute to on the ground as people are trying right now to fight shelters in there . but has we been to rec, today, among the city streets of the city? every single place is all that crowded with these activities. in the same time, they have been expanding the existence to reach to the coast, to line or the city where they have been establishing make shift tents and things.
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in fact, i'll be moving possibly here in the city, which is obviously witnessing more attacks than every now and then pop. there is me during this humanitarian pressure on the civil facilities and some of the services being provided by the municipality of dairy. but where the hygiene conditions are completely measurable in the city as there is bold, growing demands on the natural resources that where people are saying that if they're spending the fighting has extended to reach to david by, there's going to be the worst, the humanitarian catastrophe ever recorded globally and in terms of what's happening and all that stuff, you were there earlier. what are you seeing there? thought it because the is really is claim to be carrying out a limited operation. but what exactly is going on as well. it's not only related about limited operation,
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we've been hearing different statements by the is what the prime minister on military officials that big going to expand the fight thing they will keep working in order to eliminate from us battalions remaining and rough on the same time they have been closing the kind of capital destruction for the residential buildings in the city that that's absolutely terrifying because we'd be hearing from eye witnesses in rafa saying that they continue to hit bombardments in a very high, intense rhythm on the ground that they've been attacking heights how is shipping launching wides area, military bombardments and campaign that targets different areas and the eastern portion of the city. as the postilion on groups have been emphasizing and confirming that they have been taking college and confrontations with the it's very um, in the eastern portion of the city. and it's clear reflection about the 12th i might meet the same fate of all the cities where the up is ready. ministry has operated in before leaving behind colacho of destruction in the entire city and leaving only
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bile of brussels remaining is that so they are afraid of that scenario is a pest promise to me and saying that we expect to draw the rough. i will be our last remaining shows of a safe, but no longer we trust the concepts of safety right now. as we have been even killed in areas that designated to save the one, at least $53.00 palestinians being killed since the beginning of the military occasion for the city of rough. ha. okay. thought it. thank you. talk about some report from dated by the from central garza, as well as real, is blocking aid from entering garza from egypt through the crossing. as far as the main crossing for a to enter the strip is really demonstrators of added to the strangle hold on aids by blocking a road near the cut them a son in crossing israel has shut down. altar 0 is operation. so we're reporting from outside israel, stephanie decker reports from i'm on the rocks scattered across the road. an effort by is ready for testers to block
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a trucks from reaching garza from the sky, the backlog becomes clear. many of these trucks are meant to enter goza to the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip. please use walter tendon to disperse. the demonstrators get a mobile asylum reopened on wednesday. officer how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military. the one says no palace, dean workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. domain aid archery into the south that offer crossing with egypt also blocked since israel
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moved in with tanks. a few days ago divided administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza, the northern areas crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged in the october 7th attack and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dog. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constructions, that would be the easiest fost and most efficient way to get a to the by listing and people. a jordan is also send a trucks to garza and some of those have come under attack from right away is ready, protest or is jordan. spar ministry has condemned the attack saying that hold is ro fully accountable. and that israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe
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entry of aid into gaza. that's a legal obligation as the occupying power, stephanie decker, which is 0 on that. well, it's really and how much delegations have now left cairo following the latest round of ceasefire. negotiations, israel has submitted reservations about the proposal and says that it's going to press forward with an assault on draft off on the top white house official says the attack will not defeat from us, but president biden as threatened to withhold arms shipments. the is really the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will quote, stand alone if it has to. his comments coming off to the us, threatened to withhold orange deliveries. i don't really don't feel much moved. we're on the eve of independence day in the war of independence. 76 years ago. we were few against many. we had no weapons, there was an arms and bar go on israel, but with greatness of spirit, bravery, and unity among us. we won. today we are much stronger, we are stronger, we are more determined,
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and we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek our souls. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. one of our kimberly house that is running us from the white house. so kimberly a defiance benjamin us and yahoo in these comments right there and saying this is released. will press the heart of press on and go into the how are these comments likely to go down with the administration where you are they're not going to go down well with the administration. we've heard from both the state departments. we've heard from the pentagon. we've heard from the white house press secretary in recent days. we've also heard today from the state department again and from the national security council spokesperson, john kirby. and the message has been very clear. excuse me, the message has been very clear and that is that the white house is adamantly opposed to be is really military going is a rough number one. and number 2, if that happens, well, they're not going to get the use of, uh,
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a us paid for weapons. and that's why it has been paused in terms of this latest shipment of weaponry, more than 3000 bombs. that is something that the us president on wednesday talked very clearly about and the latest we've heard from the us president is that uh no final decision has been made in terms of the length of that whole. in other words, it could be in definite, depending on what is israel does in terms of how that moves forward. what we know is there are 2 view points of the us president, number one, the feeling is, is that b is really, is, are making a mistake of trying to go into rocket, because the united states says it will not strict, and the mazda is handled, the negotiating table in terms of the deal that is trying to be struck in cairo and number 2 and the salt and rough uh will not bring about the in during defeat of the
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boss. but benjamin netanyahu says it will. so that is why the united states says no go in terms of this at even as is really permits or benjamin's us and yahoo, who's pressing on further what we should say in all of this is but the united states as well as is pausing weapons in terms of that specific military operation, the ongoing support of israel's defense has not been paused. in other words, support for the iron dome defending israel from attacks were rod, for example, as we saw several weeks ago in terms of drone attacks, etc. that is still something the united states will support. okay, thank you. kimberly, thanks for that reporting from the white house to match him, klein is professor of political science as bar line university. he says that the is really prime minister, has been at loggerheads with joe biden in the last few weeks. of course it's on it's all,
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it was all about is about domestic politics. was president by the force that the, you know, to do is committing suicide because suicide actually choosing between by, by then. and then if you, if he applied to buy it, then, then clear most proper today will leave the copy. now the core edition is floating about and we face audio elections in which the know is supposed to do. so then you know as well the future is in the hands of been created and bring the vehicle back. incense to operate freely and gain more color votes more. but it, because both on the account of the yell from the base spring that the no space from the right wing base, this is the struggle between to right link extreme right wing data us.
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that's that, that's in the back road or for what happened. please have impaired, so tries to happen to the neo, to cool then pavilion older and to control the damage or flip that been made with the black driver, the relationship between the 2 states. i will now speak to him how mother in law city has a political analyst is also a professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. welcome back to alta 0. what we know right now with this hour is that is really saying that it's going to move ahead with that f authoration as the ceasefire talks a be appear to be on pause. what do you think the likely scenarios are going forward? or i think the most likely scenario is that israel is going to invade that off. i think that's been pretty clear for the better part of a couple of months. they've set it for few diddly. they've said that they cannot
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win this war unless there is a quote total victory. and that involves, involves they say, invading and off off the u. s. has been very supportive, obviously, of israel. i don't think that they want israel to engage and off off, but i don't think the us is prepared to use as leverage to stop the invasion once israel rejected the ceasefire deal a few days ago. we saw the us sort of back off a bit instead of saying that they oppose an, an operation. it off off. now they're saying, and matthew really just sat a few minutes ago that they only oppose in major operation in the off. and he said that us support 1st for israel is still iron clad and use that word and they have said that thing a bite. and in fact a said that, you know, he may pause the weapons shipments if there was a major operation and enough. but interestingly, the is really, is, are describing it as a limited operation. does not matter. right? well, i don't think it's going to be unlimited,
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unlimited operations. that's what they've described as far. right. so look, i was trying to conceptualize the us as decision to pause, you know, deposit these, the 2000 pound bombs and the 5, the 500 pounds. and what i'm saying is that i don't think that us wants an invasion to happen per se. but i don't think they mind so much that they're going to jeopardize their relationship with israel. so at the end of the day, they're still going to provide to support. it may not be the extent that is real wood, like they may indeed pause these weapons and we don't know how long the pauses is, is going to be for. but what kind of impact? i think that's the question we have to ask ourselves, what kind of impact is that really going to have on the ground? israel has very well, very well equipped, well supplied. they receive billions of dollars in weapons every year from the united states. they just received another shipment, so they're probably going to be, they're probably going to be ok on, on that front. i think in many ways the us is playing politics playing diplomacy.
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they don't want to look bad in the face of this off invasion and they don't want to lose the vitamin ministration doesn't want to lose the upcoming election. so if the operation does indeed go ahead, how do you think that's going to impact the ceasefire talks? i hate to be pessimistic, but i, i don't think the ceasefire talks are going anywhere. i'm in fact i was watching on monday night and there was a lot of optimism and people were celebrating. i was not optimistic when i'm asked accepted. exactly, because the question that i was asking myself is, whereas israel, whereas the united states, why aren't they saying anything? and i would have been shocked to be quite honest. if israel had agreed to a cease fire and i would still be shocked if i'm not saying it's impossible, anything can happen. this is politics. maybe tomorrow, the united states will wake up and say, we're going to use all of our leverage with israel. that could happen, but as we sit here today you and i talking, i don't, i don't see that happening. so when the us state department and they said this to just a short while ago. and they said that's a, that's
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a authoration would we can the israel's position in hospice talks as well as it's standing in the world. i mean, what's your reaction to that is this just talk and i think it's partly just talk. i think the us remains hopeful, even if only just a little bit that they will be able to get through to the is really government or that people inside of israel that are inside the war cabinet that are not on the same page with netanyahu might, might be able to start to exert some influence, but i think the us is also preparing for the possibility of a strong possibility that israel is going to do what it does, regardless of what the united states is saying. because are too many other pressures, right? you have netanyahu smoke church, and ben gives here and these far right figures that are adamant, absolutely adamant about number one and reading off a number to continuing. the war netanyahu told us, in the end, december, they expected this war to go on through how to 2024. he has a vested interest in making sure that this is
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a long war. so i just don't think that we're at the present purpose of an end. how do you think the next 3 days are going to play out then? well, well, we'll have to see we'll have to see you, but i fear that we're getting closer and closer to a to an all out. envision it, is that thing going to increase the risk of regional escalation? it could, but it seems as though um, so yeah, certainly things between the iran israel have come down over the last several weeks . and so um, at least for now maybe were out of the woods on, on that front. but um, what's gonna happen is that there's going to be, if there's an invasion and i, i hope that there isn't. but if there is one that i think it's more likely than not that there is going to be one that it could be an absolute humanitarian catastrophe . in enough, unlike anything that we've seen in the past 7 months. okay, come on, most of the thank you so much. i of of thousands of people are gathering in the
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suite of city of mamo for the year, a vision song contest. but the spotlight is on israel with demonstrations underway against its participation. and when the world's most high profile music events, the, the is really entrance was boom, during the semi final rehearsals and calls to expel is real. because if it's were on, garza were rejected by the organizers and have like to protest in the past rush, i was expelled after its invasion of ukraine and by the roost. kicked out afterwards, clamped down on defense. we have fall research one is not for mamo. that's where the eurovision concepts, the 2nd place this year. paul, 1st of all, tell us about how wide spread these process are. the well the right and the people you save all i'm a, this is just the remains of a very large demonstration. the latest white through mile by around the afternoon. molly, how's of
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a lot of middle eastern day i'll spread population lots of people from across suite . animals. i come to a mile by on the need from the rest of europe to show you the israel has been allowed to take part in the your vision song, comp, desk. novice has ended at the last couple a or most people have now just us, but we spoke to them during the demonstration at a maple considering voting for say, the israel app and allowed to type all given the fact that after the invasion of you write russia it was bobby's. ready now that you're paying broadcasting, you need the ranges, your vision to say that x a competition between national broadcast is that they don't consider the, the as riley forecasts was probably couldn't do that rules. but the, the, the russian broadcast the data about, know something that they thousands of demonstrations might be why, so i have 3 mile by today i consider to be to, hey,
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it's all events that happened some of the demonstrations in mind with as a smaller well next to the right away, your vision is taking place. there's also a pro israeli in front of a station has been placed in the middle as i but this is by a bunch of, i guess thousands of people actually more than 10000 people were paul. i mean, behind you, it does look like there is a festival going on, but in terms of the sort of the security arrangements that have been put in place, what have you seen? yeah, incredibly strong, secure or things are right. they say is translated by someone to be the biggest ladies operation that has pain and swayed and they can hold and reinforcements from no way from that mom that goes special units around a healy a reno whether your residence on kansas state employees. we say snipers some of the right now the police say this is really cool. 3 measures. obviously they're not
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really expecting anything. anything to happen. there is a high 4 to 5 tyra listing suite. another moment that contributes towards the demonstrations. i've been faithful. all the other hand in the past 4 days. well for example, to fall to that, they've been a couple that is my chair, and so he didn't use it until you 1009 that were right. and so it seems like it's proportions. there's no incidence that happened as we say, but there's an incredibly strong police presence on the image royal as it seems to reach the fine words to be on saturday. that will be the case again. that will be very thousands of people demonstrating again, hey ramon. okay paul, we'll cross back to you later. thanks for the time being to the u. s. and students of johns hopkins university and baltimore have defied orders to end their protest against israel's war on gaza. hundreds or protests, or as a setup can by pitching tents on part of the campus. and they've been there since the last week. and the school has asked students to leave by the end of wednesday.
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all in for us is joining us from johns hopkins. so now that the deadline has past balance, what may happen next as well, it is a stand off. as you can see, the account is still here. it's been here for 11 days and there's no sign of it moving any time soon. and fact, there seems to be adding more people and more times to the protests that we're seeing here. no, john hopkins, you johns hopkins university is very famous bank statements for his medical school . the view here is one that people tend to associate with the university on the site and just the other side of the camp is where a lot of people on graduation we get their pictures taken. of course we're coming up to graduation week. no, one of the people who is here in the camp is to model to model. first of all, explain to is why you're waiting a mass glasses and also a head score. yeah, so i have nothing to hide, but the university has britain. anyone who is seen up in cameron with legal and academic sanctions. so i'm really just trying to protect myself my identity and
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also protects immunocompromised friends that come in and visit the camp. and know that the university has said that if you, if you hadn't signed the form by 6 pm, then this protest would go on your permanent records and could leads to the possibility of, you know, graduating. how does that impacted the people here? cuz for many people, graduation must be very close. yeah, so obviously we're still here. they did give that arbitrary deadline at 6 pm yesterday, and they escalated the products like you said, but we're still here and i don't think we're going anywhere until our demands are met. so why are you here more your demands? so our demands are that the university divest from war manufacturers like elvis and google and lockheed martin. we demand that they don't disclose the extent of their complicity. in the genocide we demand that they denounce the can the,
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the genocide that's happening in gaza. we demanded that they um the academic boycott especially as programs with the tel aviv university. the and, and finally we, um, i asked that they demilitarize completely, especially the applied physics lab that gives the technological means for these weapons manufacturers. to give an a to arm is real and carry out the violence that's happening and draws that right now. and the university said is willing to consider this investment. why is not enough for you? so the negotiations that happened on tuesday, the offer that the university gave us was, frankly, pretty miserable. the consideration was sort of on a timeline that would happen in 2 years. they said that they would consider our formal divestment proposal by 2025. and that to us is not urgent enough. what's happening and draws a right now is incredibly dire, and that's just not enough. and how long do you think you can stay here?
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so obviously the in cameron isn't sustainable, but we're gonna keep pushing and we're gonna keep pushing for not the 1st offer that they give us, but the best offer. so we think that our demands are winnable, at least most of them. and we can make concrete steps towards dies divestment we can at least ask that they denounce and ask for a cease fire. and we think that, you know, the 1st step to this is that they disclose the extent of there's complicity. thomas, thanks very much. and you for joining and live here, and i would just appreciate you taking the time as far as the police possibly moving in to move the cap to move people out of here. what the local manager said, as long as it remains peaceful, they have no intention of moving in and there is no university police here as of yet to the university. so for the time being, if this remains peaceful, this is going to stay here. now the university says they would like to see the move . they would like people to enjoy graduation. but as you've had,
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the students have determined that until their demands are met, they're not going anywhere. okay, thank you so much. allen official reporting from johns hopkins and baltimore and in new york, the 1st faculty lead protests against israel's were on garza has set up. camp, stopped from the new school or demanding that the institution divest from companies they claim are 80 israel. they're also calling for all charges. again, students arrested last week to be dropped. these students voices echoed the popular sentiment, not just among this campus, but around the country. faculty realized that we needed to step up. we heard their call and that this is also a call, not just for us here on this campus, but to all faculty around the country and around the world to continue to elevate the risk that we are willing to go through the fight to keep fighting for this
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struggle still ahead on the all does it renews our unions in our agency and i'll call for another nationwide pro test on strike against the government's austerity. comes on marketing, 75 years of diplomatic relations. china, she just thing is in budapest for the last leg of his european tour, coming up in support. many of the world's leading track and field stars are and cuts are as they prepare for the terrace. i'm in the the hello. this guys has dried across much of the middle east and the winds picks up blow. so c, temperatures pick up across the region over the next few days. and you can see blowing down the golf and go to shamella. normally when that's picking up some dust . me some blustery conditions and causing
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a hazy sunshine. now it's friday in to saturday. we'll see those temperatures rise in riyadh as well as baghdad 40 degrees celsius expected. here somebody is also on the up to the east of this across much of iran, as the skies dry and remains well across to a kia. but for the south of this, across the event, the mercury will be rising for the winds will also pick up and those blustery conditions offset to effect northern parts of africa. you can see the width and windy weather moving across in libya on the way to egypt. over the next few days and much dryer behind that, but we will see some wet. so whether intensified across morocco stops to dry up slightly on saturday. and it remains a very hot and dry picture across that central part of africa for places like chad and monte, the mercury is set very high. and we'll continue that way of the next few weeks, but some whatsoever. continuing to come into the pots of kenya and tanzania, it's boned dry for southern africa with a cold on,
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on the way for cape town. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have the site and any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era is the latest news as it breaks. online banking apps rely on vaccine center, but most states are experiencing an intimate blackouts with detailed coverage. the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption scheme from around the world. this is the asian highlight for think tough, correct?
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me or what is an area that the s i c have been pushed as of the the the problem again, the top stories on the, on to see run news. our is really tanks on war. plains have continued to attack the southern city if, despite international condemnation, the un says around 80000 people who taken shelter in the south have left since monday. demonstrators of states as sit in on a road in southern israel, protesting against the delivery of aid into the gaza strip. they scattered rocks across the road to prevent
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a trucks from entering garza and is really and how much the locations have left the ceasefire. negotiations in cairo, israel has submitted reservations about the proposal and says that it's going to press forward with an assault on and off of the us president says he'll stop the supply of weapons to israel if it launches via talk. we can now speak to or a goldberg isn't, is really political commentator. he's joining us from tel aviv, thanks for your time. so israel seems to be struggling off the us hold on an orange delivery, or the us threats on, on holding the arms delivery to the military spokesman just said that israel has the munitions it needs, photograph off, as well as other plans operations. but is this a new strain in us is really ties a this is a remarkable strain. i would say even an unprecedented strain and uses early tries . i don't think it's really struggling off. american pressure, i think is what is pastoring. it's horrible to say this because dozens and hundreds
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of palestinians are dying because of his bottle of b goes. but this is not yet a ground operation. israel is hedging gets involvement in the situation and off as i say, it's a horrible thing to say right now, the palestinians not offer har ponds. and again, this mostly being played between is in the united states and not with so much. yeah . but the thing is, i mean is really to say, i see what you're saying about the pastry but nothing. yeah, i was saying that israel will stay on the loan if it has to. after that us arms a threat to, to hold up a weapons. is it possible for us and yahoo to keep the extreme right in his coalition, satisfied so that he can keep the government together and stay in power, which is what he wants to do, as well as keeping us on board all at the same time as well it's going to be harder and harder the more he procrastinate. but i think it's important to say that that is what used to it is not pressing forward with a plan to occupy it also or to act meaning. so the, in the ground operation and my son is caden. thompson ends in burning buildings. i
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think i would guess what he's hoping to do is to exert pressure on from us for some reason the user has already agreed to be offered. it is just about what from us submitted. he's trying to exert pressure on from us to seem active to keep the right regular maintenance commission. happy that i would suggest. but he's also quite eager to keep all the elements within his yearly politics, pro square. and she's actually would have to sign a deal, it would bring the hostages home. remember the israel is not what i'm doing, what it's is probably it's most solemn, symbolic week on monday and tuesday is a little celebrate to observe memorial day and is early independence. that issue within the hour can deliver on a deal, which is the only achievement you can have. i know sensors are most often considering achievement, even it is or this it can deliver on the deal and he will seem like the prime minister most definitely have his cake and ada too. do you think that he is going to deliver on a deal based on the developments but at least we saw earlier this evening where there is really delegation of, you know,
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his now left left the kyra talks the see star talks appear to be on pause. i don't know, we should be able to do news or i do think our lives are those directly and elements it has coalition are acting in the way that suicides despair, well know, ministers for domestic security to me or ben green wants to pass a cabinet resolution that holds all a to guns are i think you means that as a gesture exerts pressure on from us, which means that is on the list. it's in, it's still negotiating mood we've seen is, or when it isn't in negotiating, are you seeing israel attack testing or destroy mercilessly do tax? now the soft sab, as it needs to say, are still more of a ploy. i mean, they are expensive. plan is one, has nothing to accomplish an offer. russell fund, its inhabitants are now pawns in a game played by i said before is over the united states, from us is a part of you. but from us has made this decision from us as know where to go right
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. been going in the summer. yeah, apologies just for the sake of time is when we get through the going through the file and as well as seizing the border crossing, which we saw earlier this week is this sort of all a last ditch attempt to compensate for what many describe bar is really military failures and gaza. oh, the work has been in business clearly military surely or the idea of has not accomplished any of its goals. yes, i would say that's exactly what it is and it's also par for the course. the other is early wars is always on exactly this. and so before i'd like to en drawers of its own accord, he likes to have an agreement imposed on it. and before that happens, as it relates to shoot as many people as possible to destroy as many buildings as possible to appear powerful before it reluctantly exceeds to the will of the world . granted this time around there is a huge string of israel's relations with the world. i still stand, commit to the oaks, can not imagine doing this alone. i swear c or i too deep. cautiously and we will
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see a change over the next 3 or 4 days. okay, or in goldberg, thanks for joining us from tel aviv. thank you for having me. the, the russian president vladimir putin has marked victory day celebrations with the military parade in moscow. he says russia will do everything to avoid global confrontations, but we continue to carry out nuclear drills. the day marks the soviet union's victory over nazi germany. in 1945, you'll yet stop of all of our reports from red square in moscow as the main elements of the victory parade remained unchanged from gab. so yes, they had a face traditionally oppressive participants and guests of the parade as well as the citizens of the country. but i see it will just deal with your so, but you, the russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict. but at the same time,
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we will not allow anyone to threaten us ah, strategic forces, not always in combat readiness. russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the fate of the motherland its future depends on each of us what it is today. on victory day, we realized this even more acutely and clearly you use a picture day is considered the main whole as a russian 70. 9 years ago, nazi germany was defeated. the soviet union became a possible around the world war 2. i'm paid a terrible price losing 27000000 people the war and gauged the efforts so being tired of civilian population as well. so today is the day of remembrance, people of russia and the former soviet union. remember, here is of the war homefront war cuz those who survived occupation assignments, bombings, presides, and lots of stuff and concentration comes. it was fun. i said, we remember those millions of fault and died,
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sacrificing their lives to defeat the nazi side of our fathers farm. summary john from the front. others didn't. my father came back, but his brother died. every family was affected, but i believe is of age, countries of visiting the parade and most good. this freezing saturday morning. the main part of the parade is, of course, a procession of various types of troops and ministry hardware. in total, the 9000 minutes for pressing out or taking causing the brands. over 17 historians, mazda weapons, including all much personnel terrace, the s 400 and the air across the missile systems. i'm the sped teacher missile systems are in just play. and tomorrow's big talk to you, the part of the parade. this yeah is to perform is by the countries are renowned, a base in groups. the russian knights of the swift, followed by close support, see 25 across releasing fumes in the colors. oh, the russian national lot, you last are pop out of
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a to z right. most good. will major trade unions in argentine are calling for a nationwide general strike for the 2nd time in less than 5 months. for 24 hours, public transport, including trains, buses, and flight services will be shut down. people urgency and i have been protesting against president have emily's austerity measures since taking office in december midnight has announced the raft of public spending cuts. and he's now asked politicians to approve or reform bills that union se weakens labor protections. monica yanna cab reports from what us, i always, at this time, contrary to the 1st strike, they suspended uh, public transportation safe except for some buses. but as you can see, this place where i'm standing now, it's normally bustling with people. millions of people go by here to take the subway, but the subway is closed. and over there,
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on that side is the largest train station and went to side as it is also close. so this whole area, normally crowded with people, is now empty. and this is what the trade unions want to show the government that not only they're able to put lots of protesters on the streets, but they can also empty the streets, empty the factories, and put a halt on the economy. all the flights has been cancelled until midnight. so the country is really has come to a halt and even people that didn't want to participate in the strike, many were forced to stay at home because they have no means to get to work. so this is what the trade unions wanted to show and make a put a lot of pressure on the government because it is now trying to pass legislation labor reforms and also to cut public spendings and a to change the economy drastically. austerity measures that have had their impact
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on people's daily lives. because although inflation has come down from 25 percent a month to 9 percent of people still have no money to put food on the table. by the end of the month, the protesters have gathered in the armenian capital year of on to demand the resignation of the prime minister. nicole passion, young. there are a can, they are, can testing his decision to see several border villages in the taboos region 2 neighboring azerbaijan. the rally is part of a grassroots movement called tablets for the homeland. its members had been marching towards ear advance, a voice bearable authorization to the border deal, and they accused the government of undermining armenia, sovereignty and security. chinese president, changing pinging hunger is prime minister of victor, or by and have signed what they call an, or whether agreement she is at hungry for the final stop of his visit to europe. he was received in budapest, where they signed
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a number of agreements. china has invested close to $10000000000.00 and manufacturing and infrastructure in the country. she says the 2 countries are looking to deepen economic cooperation. the supporters of a former pockets bonnie prime minister in mancha and have been protesting on the anniversary of his arrest by the countries mt corruption agency during protests triggered by that arrest. a year ago, con supporters were accused of attacking military installations. more than $10000.00 of his party's workers were arrested, come out of highs or has more from the or fluoride a project. continuing across the country, they've read heavy, climbed down by the police, whoever elected barking they, the buckets on deck and sob. and that is how we are now seeing more of the pro did that in the one job on the 9th of may. now this particular day i becomes one,
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provide drugs because they're drugs going, there's a lot. yeah, that's the progress on that. it gets off, the board goes right accused of attacking military installation, the military apologize that, that is applied to the military spokesman said that the party must apologize. normally sort of a fudge of bucks the good money. the incident on the 9th of my is not just a lawsuit for pocket stones military. it's also an attack on the people that package them in any country when there's an attack on the military, those who spread hatred among the public and they tell me if they're not countable in little, then questions will be raised on the judicial system. if that country, all right, right, i'm wrong, hon within prison says everybody knows that your biology pockets on day, again solve an odd order of 4 impartial names. quite a, to find out what really happened on the 9th of may saying that it was a deliberate or that came to my line focused on day again, saw one year that is older than austin,
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an independent investigation onto the events of 9th may, 9th, may we ask bucks on that. it gets off. we condemn any form of violence. let it be on army property. it'd be on private property. but what we condemn even further, and the nation would never forget that thousands were innocent, being rude to the thrash, put into prison without any real trial, without any proof of the support or the one that done all of them, ron pon from jane, during the day they are doing additive ed and focused on commodity that are your data now. hard spearheads on the, on the is there a news hour or more questions over the safety record of the boeing 7 through 7 after an aircraft gets off the runway at sunny goals. international airports coming up in support. fire and unix players couldn't believe what happened in their final seconds of their champions league semi final. so not will be here with us story
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officer to bring the
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the the hello again. time for the sports news, your son out. thank you very much. there in a while, i found a dallas made to work hard for his 1st round victoria, the italian open, the 10 time champion, the have to hit back from a set down against belgium's. these are bugs off to suffering a series of injuries. the said 7 year old, an adult has said that he'll be retiring at the end of the season. the 22 time
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grandson when a has been passed in his world ranking slip to 305, it took this tiny is almost 3. 8 hours to be 24 year old, the opponent and set up a 2nd round time with will number 9, which. okay. so it was practicing better than not how i planned today without the dog. but i find a way to a non that's so important at the beginning of the, of the tournament. for me, it's not on the, as i said, the, my, my game of this more than predictable then before. no, i didn't play much pennies for for the last 2 years, so. yeah, so i'm up and downs on and off. but i think i can do it much better than what they did today. and i hope today in the next round. finally, the clues in the are looking to go $49.00 games on beaten when they face roma. and a few minutes time it would break the old time european records test by been seeker and the 90 and sixty's. chevy. alonza 5 haven't lost all season and they take it to
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no advantage through to the 2nd leg of de your pending semi final guess. hey tanya is to they avoid the fee to the blend is niga champions. have 2 more the games that before playing and back to back, cup finals. not only the the, the funds most in fi, i'm will say no fully, of course the funds have to celebrates and enjoy the season. it's special. what has happened. but for us, we have what to do, hopefully by the last week of the season, we will have to find those into 3 days or less of that is going to be very unique, but our job is to focus and to make that happen. and hopefully we will do that so that the science can enjoy it. that is so the right on the dual facebook, the adult and under and this seasons champ is the final, the spanish side. booking the spot with the dramatic come back when over by munich . so my, the cripples round the good and now just one went away from the record, extending 15 champions, sneak title. they be fine. unique at the burned about to advance on a night period with drama and controversy. right? general thing like the,
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the side to break the deadlock before the break with the tide looked at tool from the 1st leg. the stalemate was finally broken in the 2nd half with around 20 minutes left. but it was buying not around the go the go, the due date is making it 322, the blended sneak aside. don't i go get it looked like that goal was going to be enough to send bind through only for jose lucas for that plan. the spanish international equalize with minutes left of the regulation 90 and then net to the game and stop each time the the celebrations of hated because of an off site. cool. but often vo check the goals, stood around for 3, ahead overall and then touching distance of the final there was to be more
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drama, however, supposed to be the most controversial moment of the tournament. slow fall mattress . delete thought to lever things deep into injury congress. but the referee had, or the blown his wisdom for a possible outside defense, find the same as it always. but because play had already been stopped as to the rules, the arch could not intervene. a closer look at the incident, however bike the top base, broad costs to be in sports reveals that must always seem to be on site to have the guts to raise the flag. in a situation like this is a huge, huge, huge called. and it's a wrong code. the rest already has the chance when he sees that we've been the 2nd ball and we've been the rebound and we get the shot that way within 5 seconds. he has the chance not to be so he takes the decision to whistle it's against every road. i'm sorry. the champions, the fine happens on june 1st wembley stadium rail would have to be to another gym
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inside breast. you don't mind if the to be champions 5 once again. so hell malik, was your 0. the former it has to tell a baseball star. she'll have a tiny is to plead guilty to stand in millions of dollars from the japanese players bank account. it was a high, a could be jailed for more than 30 years. this prosecute says say he's still $17000000.00 for more tiny to pay off his own gambling debts. many of the walls leading actually saw and cuts off with the latest round of the diamond need. the high as the said stop on the global series of lead track and field events with the action taking place on friday. all of the competitors are building output to the cs, harrison and fix, which will start in the last week of july. the world championships, a huge simon, they use vis feeling me, grew up watching them and it so and only because, you know, it's kind of what,
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all right. what i like to know a little bit games have a like a different support. you know? you might, you might be at work something already. you know, you might be the best bug. got the games doesn't bother. it's like, sounds like i can really explain that exactly. but, you know, i'd like to be the best one. it was, we bought the very one, let us motivate the inputs name has arrived in from us ahead of the games the same finished. it's 12 day journey from athens to the port, the city of buck say, 11 week relay, we'll transport the towards to paris. the same is set to be carried by more than $10000.00 volunteers. not so useful for me a 100 bucks a day. so no, thank you so much for that updates well applying to carrying 85 people on an international flight has skidded off a runway in senegal, that boeing 737 caught fire after coming to
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a stop at the cars. international airport authorities say at least 10 people have been injured, but no one died. airport has now reopened and flights have resumed. nicholas hank reports from the car as we are at bless john international airport, one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway early on thursday morning at 1 o'clock in the morning the air sent a goal flight operated by trans there took off h c 301, and boeing 737, bound to by macro, but moments later the pilot since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's did it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire. now over 10 people
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are injured, 7 of them critically, among them. the pilots. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at a time where there is an increase scrutiny over the manufacturer. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the of the plane parts leave the factory floor with serious defects. and so there is now an investigation under way to try to find out how this lead to incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car, $25.00 republican states in the us of launched a legal challenge to blocker rule limiting emissions from coal gas and oil power plants. they want the appeals court to declare the regulations by the environmental protection agency unlawful. the rules require a sweeping reductions and carbon emissions from existing coal fired plants,
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a new natural gas facilities. they're all part of president biden's plans to fight climate change. that's it for the news hour. thanks for watching. i'll leave you with so hell rahman, he'll be with you in just a moment. i'm not sure if the daisy is the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong as back or is us president? you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, i'm reaching of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic solve effort there. it's how quickly we sort of done, the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew find state and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis and gone. so what is happening today is top thing on our watch and years from now. they will be people asking,
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how did you let it have the studio will be on scripted part one on on disease. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino with a phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it all bus knows the what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settlement people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the
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cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems, customer ridgecrest the more his ready attacks on rocks on these homes and lights destroyed, full sing displaced, palestinians to flee once again. the whole rom, annuity. oh, does it are like my headquarters here in the also coming up desperately need today is blocks from entering galls or is there any protest, a staging assistant that stopped trucks from crossing into the street?


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