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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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to business like this, this will to you, i guess is i like fly on one of your this makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the ones that are around when you're watching the, oh, does it renews online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes more is ready to get tanks on ross. i'll leave homes and lives destroyed and full of residents to flight. you once again, desperately need to date is block from entering, garza is really protested. staging a city and it's still trucks will crossing into the strip. also, it has the to be like from the in sweden with hundreds of people have been protesting against israel's
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participation in the revision some context. in other news, generally just that be is declared the winner of child's presidential election. but the opposition, according for protest, is fullest russell, and that makes a winning thought that'd be telling open the 10 time champion, the hitching back from the sit down to being caesar 1st in around the welcome to the news we'd be getting goals. so what is really times and we'll planes of continue to attack the southern city of rafa, despite international condemnation, across the strip is very forces of killed 60 people over the past day. the increase the tax on rather forcing palestinian. so you've already been display several times to flee again. now the you and says around to $80000.00 people who taking shelter in the south of left since monday. many leaving rafa other cities in the south such as dazzled by the houses. it was hidden,
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calgary pickens on coverage in this place for a 3rd time. i cosigned a farm and the are fleeing beautiful as best they can with what little they have left. and the little they moved us from gaza and told us to go to the south after the south. they told us to go to hon unit. after that, we came here to say rod and from se right to derek by left and then they brought us to rough off. they said it's a safe place, it was insane. we keep moving from one place to another. this child was born during the war. what is his fault? the family members say they've been told to go to newness, but they have no food or water and are worried. well, the how does this situation is it is we just want to solution? what do we want? we want to solution and we want to go back to the cities to gaza. the roads leading out to reflect now look like this. thousands of harmonies are being forced to sleep
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once again. but as the is really bombardments continues across the cause of sleep. safety is hard to find anywhere, said not a 5th, not them, but in summer we're tired. our mental wellbeing is tired. it's been destroyed, that there is no wellbeing offense. even the young ones have been destroyed. my children were not like this before the war. a no education, no food, no drink, nothing. no one sends us any money. we have no aid and just where we to go. beautiful. once again, those in the north face farm and many have left the central gaza but only one watcher station is working there. the reality is there is no safe place for them to go in the comedy central, gaza palestine, just ita the 2 children, enjoy the internet is really a real strong kind of home in rafa spoke about the attack and then this is how i wanted to perform evolution to pray, evening prayers,
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then i saw the rock and hitting our neighborhood is gone. the rock and hit and i just saw dust around me. debris fell on my leg shed. i bought some falafel. i was about to sit to eat. then i felt a real kick coming and i fell back. my head was a problem. they took me to the american hospital. a tele civilians are facing a critical shortage of clean walls. so is this all continues that strikes on eastern rasa. and data by law, just one water station is still operating, correspond honey major pulse. now from the butler these exhausted palestinians have waited for hours to get clean water at this station and their children are also in the queue clutching containers too large for their hands. this is the daily reality for palestinians were diminishing water supplies, turn everything into a struggle for survival. the have to wait 3 hours just to fill one container,
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lots of people. we have to queue under water pressure the week. and sometimes the voters completely shut off and the world is just watching. since as rose bombardment of eastern europe has escalated, many habits linked the central gauze and increasing the pressure and supplies their garza has been suffering from water shortages for years. the means stores the coastal aqua fires is contaminated by sewage and pollution, making nearly all of its water and fit for human consumption. before the war, people have access to 80 leaders of water per day. and that was already far below what the you are recommended. but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders per day and the situation is worsening each day due to water infrastructure being damaged by is really air strikes. we came here today looking for a safe place. i will for 10 or 15 minutes looking forward to and i heard of the
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descending nation station here. and i hope the water is drinkable and fits the human consumption. and this is what we are hoping. and as palestinians into a long ways for dwindling supplies of water diseases caused by the shortages and war are spreading rapid. anyway, most of the palestine, the city of the center of international concern is rasa garza's, southern bay city. it's massively of the crowd are due to the number of displaced palestinians taking shelter that hung desolate as well. let's look at how the situation and drop a has changed. covering around 65 square kilometers, rough off was inhabited by about $275000.00 people before israel launched it's, we're ongoing. so with repeated force displacements swell back to one and a half 1000000. that's of the same population as munich in germany. that's nearly 5
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times as large as 300 square kilometers. these images show tense and displacement caps now filling, previously empty areas, as well as gardens and other spaces between homes. these rarely army ordered palestinians to leave the eastern part of it off and head to the l y. c area. an estimated $100000.00 people are now sheltering there, but it's only 6 and a half square kilometers and has little infrastructure. these really military sealed off the only exit from gaza when it took over that off of border crossing traffic. palestinians inside. so is this bulky aid entering gauze or from egypt through the rasa crossing. now, rasa is the main cause, things a to end to the strip. these are the demonstrations of added to the strangle hold on a 5 block in your right near the kind of a bu sullivan crossing. israel has shut down all just there was an operations on where reporting from outside of israel says stephanie dec reports not from among
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enjoyed rocks scattered across the road. an effort by his really protectors to block a trucks from reaching garza from the sky. the backlog becomes clear, many of these talks are meant to enter goza to the get them who signed them crossing in the south of the strip. please use walter tendon to disperse. the demonstrators get a mobile asylum reopened on wednesday. officer how master walker to talk with the current operation by israel's military. the one says no palace,
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dean workers can safely reach the other side to process the goods. the main aid archery into the south that offer crossing with egypt also blocked since israel moved in with tanks. a few days ago the by did administration has put a lot of pressure on israel to allow more aid into garza. the northern arrows crossing opened on the day us secretary of state anthony blinking was here early may the 1st time since it was damaged in the october 7th attack. and the 1st shipment has left the cypress on its way to the american built floating dog. the controversial move that would bring aid into garza from the sea. but aid agencies say if the land borders were open with new constrictions, that would be the easiest fastest. and most efficient way to get a to the ballasting and people to georgia. there's also send a trucks to garza and some of those have come under attack from right. we is ready, protest or is jordan spar ministry has condemn the attack,
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saying it holds israel fully accountable and that israel should do more to ensure the swift and safe entry of aid into gaza. that's a legal obligation as the occupying power. stephanie decker, which is 0, i'm at the with agency full pallets. the investigator uses temporarily shifting its headquarters. it okey bodies, theresa such as many of the stream is set phones outside the building to phones. the on the site goes damaged to the grounds around the components. the head of umbrella says that stuff have to put down the funds themselves after delays from the as rarely 5 depart. well in the statement, the head of monroe, philip loves it really. is that a crowd accompanied by all by the witness still well witnessed outside the companion shunting band of the united nations. over the past 2 months is ready. extreme is being staging protests outside the drywall compound injury slip. this week the process became violent with demonstrations through stones that you and stuff and up the buildings of the compound. was there any,
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did that the perpetrators must be held accountable of anything less will such a new, dangerous stand. it is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says it is rout. we'll stand alone if it has to. his comments coming after the us president j button threatened to withhold um, deliveries to as well as a full scale assault on rafa is launched. i don't really, i don't feel much moved. we're on the eve of independence day in the war of independence. 76 years ago. we were few against many and we had no weapons. there was an arms and bar go on is a real, but was greatness of spirit, bravery, and unity among us. we won. today we are much stronger. we are stronger, we are more determined, and we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek our souls. if we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. one of our to my wife's house, corresponding company health, that has more of us reaction conversations between us president jo 5 in the and
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is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu have been ongoing for some time. and the message that has been conveyed repeatedly from the us president has been to try and discourage a military operation into rafa. not only because of the civilian casualty and the high number as a tool that would take place, but also because there is the belief that it would not in any way and be an advantage to me is really in fact, there is the feeling by the united states has this would only strengthen him off at the negotiating table as there is an attempt to try and reach some sort of agreement in cairo as well. there is the belief that this assault on rafa, if it were to go ahead, would not bring about be in during defeat of her boss. that benjamin that's in yahoo believes it would now be state department spokes person. matthew miller spoke
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about the discussions that has been going on between the united states and israel. and this is what he had to say. they have taught gardening quite openly about conducting a major military operation in rasa. we're opposed to that, but we'll see what happens. we have made quite clear, we don't want to see it happen. we continue and i should say, we do continue to engage with them about other options that they can pursue. we have presented a full range of other policy choices that they can make that we think would achieve the goal of dismantling him off and choking off that most of the times that remain in rasa without without further endangering civilians there without causing this mass, population displacement with no place for them to go, according to national security council spokesperson, john kirby israel has understood for some time i'm the us will not supply weapons for a round operation into rasa. however, the united states will continue to supply weaponry for israel self defense,
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particularly when it comes to the recent rolled attacks or missile attacks coming from iran. we should also point out, however, that when it comes to this latest pause that has occurred with regard to the shipment, are the delay of more than 3000 bombs, 500 pound bonds, as well as 2000 bonds that were destined to support israel's war on gaza, specifically the ground operation into rafa. the us president saying no final decision has been made with regard to that pause and when it will be lifted. it depends on what is real does with regard to it's round operation into rafa. and he also has said, according to the national security council spokesperson, given that there has been a pause that has been put in place, it's too soon to know if this has changed. israel's calculus timberlake health it
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alger 0. the white house as hello, tony is the old site. as mohammed domestic, he's a political analyst and professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. good to have you on the program. the. the big question mark of the name and say is what the is right ease of talking about is this operation in rockford, how it's actually gonna physically manifest itself self. militarily, that's the question, isn't it at the moment? i think so i think that the, the non yahoo government is, is still preparing to, to go into that off. i think that's still the most likely scenario. there are some analysts, we think that this is more sort of just political fostering, but i happen to think that it's more likely than not that they are going to go in with some sort of a major operation in turn off remains to be seen how they'll fair if they do from loss, as, according to some recent reports, been able to be quite successful on the recruitment front as the war has, has gone on palestinians,
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right. some palestinian men of have seen that. they just don't have anything to lose. and they've, they've now joined in the fighting and also from us has seen an uptick in weapons. they've been able to use a sort of re purpose many of these, unexploded bombs, there are thousands of on, exploded bombs on the ground in gaza. and from us has been able to re purpose those and now they're using those as weapons. so uh, what seems like a crisis maybe a couple of months ago in terms of manpower and weapons, doesn't seem like it's as much of a crisis anymore. so israel might, may have its hands full in roughly of course, a rough i, it's still under a tank. we all still reporting what we hear and see with all correspondence on the ground that we know there is a limited operation which devices administration seems to be able to deal with right now. but the level of response has, you might say increased over the past 72 hours, at least quite a while. i think there was certainly an initial shock on monday when israel
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rejected the deceased flyer. i think the united states expected that israel was going to fall on line is, uh, the us is kind of acting as a proxy for it, for israel in many ways. and this was the agreement that was that, that all sides had signed up sign up for israel rejected that there was an initial initial shock. now the us is temporarily paused this shipment as a way to sort of signal to israel its displeasure. on the other hand, the us is kind of talking out of both both sides of its mouth. i listen to the press conference tonight with matthew miller at the state department. and he's still saying that there's iron clad support for israel and he did use the word iron clad. and now he's often in his tone a little bit on or off. he's saying that the us only opposes a major operation and drop off. the also changed his previous discourse about how much, how much he used to say that, how mass uh, needs to surrender completely. right. and now he's using
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a slightly different discourse with regards to how much. so you see the us sort of softening it's coming on. it can use the nuance of language called for the international audience, but for the domestic audience, it doesn't work so easily because biden's pulled the bus are dropping, protest continue across the university compass is something major cities, whether it's demonstrations continue, you know, you may look and say whatever he wants that the podium and so i can press a button, it's just not winning people over. is it? it's not biting the struggling right now at the poles. he's losing and all 7 swing states, according to the website, 53839 percent of us college students say they are pro palestinian now only 11 percent. say they are pro israel. more college students are saying they support or sympathized with from austin. sympathized with israel, and they're all kinds of pulling data that suggested by them is in a lot of trouble in november. that might be one reason why they're putting a little bit more pressure on israel these days, i think by didn't realize that he may well lose this election in november. what's
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the best way it's good to speak to get your analysis? think of joining us in new york, the 1st faculty lead to protest against as roles will and gaza hasn't sets up come stuff from the new school depending institution diverse from companies, a claim on aging. israel also calling for all charges again, students arrested last week to be trumped. christmas leave me join us now live from new york. and the 1st faculty to establish an incumbent means it's going to be quite a response to that, not just in the street. and so i'm sure, but for the public at lot that's literally and the faculty are really picking up from where the student was over. 40 of them were rented here. and the dues for their and camp, which was actually in the building behind me set up in the lobby. you can see outside students,
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marching in support of the faculty was to make it with the faculty outside and support of the students. as you mentioned that the man having changed between the faculty and the students, they're looking for their best. they're looking for amnesty and they want to be reinstated. and they want no police on their campus. well, i can tell you there's a big police presence outside the campus, but they actually moved in to disrupt the in cap and on the inside, which is relatively small and not interrupting the normal business passes. but it wasn't last week either. and that didn't stop the administration from calling and the police. now this in caps has been name pastor rear. he was a professor. how to university in places the faculty that have set this up to say that they want this to be a model for other faculty,
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other close around the country. we heard their call and that this is also a call not just for us here on this campus, but to all faculty around the country and around the world to continue to elevate the risk that we are willing to go through the fights to keep fighting for this struggle to not only end the genocide and, and the complicity of our institutions with these more profit to us. and as i mentioned being in camp and inside the. 2 thing, it's relatively small, there's about 7 towns and maybe a 1000 teachers that are actually capped out in, in campus. but the faculty members that i spoke to here say that they are widely supported by the professors here at the new school. there was a map of the vote in favor of divestment,
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before the students were arrested. as soon as the students were arrested for the next day, the faculty called another row of no confidence for the president administration at this university for their response to the students here and again, they are calling out other schools to follow their lead and promising to escalate their demands until the faculty listened. they reached out to the administration in an email to negotiate, but they have yet to get a response. this is to be the force in new york. thank you. mean, well, students at johns hopkins university in baltimore have defied oldest and that protest against israel as well and gaza. hundreds of protest as of setup combined, pitching tends on part of the campus. they've been there since last week. and the school of students to leave by the end of wednesday. now students have also said incumbents in front of the johns hopkins, flying by a park called the beach, our fisher hospital because it has been here for 11 days. and in fact,
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it's actually going with more tense, and it's not just students, as people from the local community, the johns hopkins university is famous. i'm one of the things that it's famous for is producing doctors and people in the camp of pulled is that they're concerned that the adult doesn't guys are fighting and almost impossible battle with the number of casualties that they are dealing with. this is one of the famous views as well for the university. in fact, people tend to get their pictures taken here and graduation date, and we're coming up very soon to graduation date for many students. but some of them have been 2nd that they might not be able to graduate because of taking part in the protests. no one person who is here as part of the comp. as tundra tundra you protecting your identity because of the threats to the college has made, but tell us why you are here. what are your demand? so we're here to demand the johns hopkins, divest from the genocide, we demand that they disclose the full extent of their complicity. and the genocide
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we ask that they denounce what's happening and gaza. we ask that they are fully demilitarize and that means stop any funding that's going to be applied physics lab . be applied physics lab, gets billions of dollars from the department of defense to give israel the technological means to carry out genocide. and we also, they carry out an academic boycott and specifically cutting ties with all of the university. one of the things that they, that the university said is that they respect the rights of the students and the freedom of speech. and there's no real threat at the moment of the police moving in here. now that isn't the same compass police force. it's all baltimore police, and the mayor has said, as long as this protest remains peaceful, he is not sending police officers in to move the people from the cab. and the people here have told us that they are going to stay for as long as it takes the university to agree to what they're demanding. i was so sure i'll just be the baltimore,
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the files that people gathering and the sweeter city of mount the. so the eurovision song contest, but the spotlights is always wrong with demonstrations on the way against his participation in one of the world's most highly profile music events. the qualities, any engine tools do during the 70 final rehearsals calls to expel as well because of the war and goals were rejected by the organizers and that's led to protest. in the past, russia has been expelled after some base of ukraine, and feller roost was kicked out of it. come down on to send. so let spring and poll receives the following events for us in mel know whether you're a vision, something come test is taking place and pull the 2nd set we find that we believe that had israel and it has now and did all live on the protests outside the venue of all lies on israel, inside the venue. what's been happening for
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sale, certainly a lot more wise outside the venue here. mom or the process has been going on since the early afternoon and this sweetens the biggest city. i started with a very large price, has thousands of people going through the city center, protesting against the 5 is royal, had been allowed to compete in the original contest on. so you mentioned in comparison with, with russia who were, who were bottom for the protest. the size of a symbol of reasons. so why is rose actions in gaza at the moment this protest 2 weeks saved behind us? was it one of the 3 range for i just, there's one that started a spontaneously through the evening and it's been going from, has been going from a fault as far as the people saw where they thought fig screen's showing the semi finals and going down say some of the other uh, sort of you are the you are vision, spite skills in town, moving up and down by peacefully,
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by showing the great demands of atlanta. yeah. that, that is odd. um israel taking part in the are you origin suncoast? as soon as you mentioned, the semi finals have been going on over the last couple of hours, diffuser elementary, 8 and go on. how's going through to the final? so these protests will be returning here on the south today. and as soon as he takes the site here in mama again, yeah, is the answer. this movie is what you have is there might not be familiar with the contents or to somebody find those that windows itself down to a grand final on site today. this is a huge headache for the swedish security services because when israel participates in the division annually, there's always a heavy presence around them. but little, so this year. well that the security services saying about how they going to deal with this as we had towards that today's grand final why we spike to the police officially
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a couple of days ago. we've spoken stories around town as well. and they've, they've generally said everything has been very quiet, but having it sets up is a huge police presence, one of the biggest police operations the suite. and as i've seen, they pulled in reinforcements from norway from from denmark, the specials special operations, police tire police as well. let been snipers on the buildings all around mama every night. so they're taking no chances. i mean the tyra threat level set by the swedish government is full out of 5 of the monuments with so many demonstrations. so many people coming from the suite from across suite, a non indeed further in europe to show that under a, israel's participation in your vision that they've set that really taking no chances about the security situation to monitor what happens in the lead up to that grand final on such as you know,
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coal recess always in mel. this still had here on the measurements victory day. and that's what i was present. got to me a piece and says that the funds to carry out more nuclear drills will questions, surface safety, the bang plains, and phonetic, but skids of the runway said it goes into national level. and then school, many of the walls leading track and field stalls are in kind of soon as they pass all the time. right. so let me pick the stay with us the the hello will say lots of warm spring sunshine. of course, a good positive year probably with the next couple of days. love the big area of high pressure keeping things step low everywhere we got a bit more cloud coming in across the northwest. them is still saying some movie shows for a central part. so if somebody tried it,
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a couple of areas of low pressure here which will bring back to windy or weather away from the balkans. what was about to some showers? just pushing across greece, easing over toward c g and pushing across towards the tuck. you guys are going through the next conversation, the sun shining to central to west about 23 celsius in london and domestic woman's in athens. as you can see, we did it around 291 or 2 showers, just cropping up across northern parts of spain. as we go on through the weekend, what's the weather coming into orland by that stage as well? and what's the weather? moving across a good positive touchy i will sunshine in between, i guess on the so i may wall across a good pop of north africa per square is lifted center across the so as per usual, quite a per screen that you can see cause northern areas of algae area pushing across to was egypt shall, is gathering quite nice the now the seasonal range doing quite nicely across a good part of west africa. pushing that way,
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by the end of the week to look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding, the cost of who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost? oh no, just the euro. there's a next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, wasted zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases. we talked to
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a said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the talk about 1270. so how would we sell run the reminder of all the top stories? is there any time some more planes have continued to attack the something's a new process. this finds international condemnation the you and says around 80000 people who are taking shouts when the south of left since but the 7 straight as it stays a city. the road in southern israel protest against the delivery of 8 into the golfing strip. but it's got to draw, it's across the right to prevent a trip from entering. garza is really until boss delegations of lexi signed negotiations. and copyright israel has submitted reservations about the proposal
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and says it's going to press forward with an assault on draft. so the us present sensitive will stop the supply of weapons too as well, if it launches those attacks. well, any a we spoke to these right? the political commentator already go back. he says, as well as defensive in rasa is a military failure. this is a remarkable strain and you'd say even an unprecedented strain in us is early ties . i don't think is really struggling. awesome. american pressure, i think is what is pastoring. it's horrible to say this because dozens and hundreds of palestinians are dying because of this battle. of the goes, but this is not yet a ground operation. israel is hedging. it's involvement in the situation you left off as i say, it's a horrible thing to say the right now the palestinians know most of our ponds and the game is mostly being played between israel in the united states and not with from us. remember, the israel is now entering what it is, probably it's most solemn,
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symbolic week on monday and tuesday is or will celebrate or observe. memorial day in his early independence. there is nothing y'all can deliver on a deal, which is the only achievement. he can have instructions on most of us are considering achievement even as well as he can deliver on the deal. and he will seem like the prime minister most definitely will be having his cake. and 82 we've seen is when it isn't in negotiating the we've seen as are all attack, designate destroying mercilessly. your tax now is off site as it needs to say are still more of a ploy. i mean, they are an expensive plan is one has nothing to accomplish an offer. i rushed off and its inhabitants are now punch in a game. played by i said before, is on united states, from us is a part of you, but how much has made its decision? how much? there's no way to do to the ticket is pushing ahead with the bottle trade with as well as bolts door and garza for the other one announced the move last week, although it wouldn't be for the in full about another 3 months. but anybody to
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measure was intended to push on the nations to act against these by any government, but tested in consider reports, domestic politics. they also be at play tricky. it was the 1st of all, some country to recognize the state of israel in 1949, but is now the 1st so as far as major partners to hold trade or the war in gaza. a vocal critique of israel actions in the script presenter, zip type r. dawn has put a stop to trade worth $9500000000.00 onto a permanent ceasefire. and how many, terry and 8 for garza are secured companies with high volumes of trade with israel appear to have kept silent. a lot of the other business associations are supporting the decision. very good on that. in such case, we think that the right things have been done, the turkish economy and tried a strong, more than $200000000000.00 is exploded. bunch of care to $132.00 countries is included as route only in a mine and major to k. a does not be
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a full loose here in april to, to also it is exports of steel 1st and larger and jet fuel among other products. or what it said was, is where as refusal to allow on korea to carry out lots of 8 into gaza. although one core of decision loss wants to bend exports of thousands of thoughts of products targeted the most important industries of israel presents ad on the latest announcements of old freight has the have to be officially published. many believe these moves are really in depth, consolidating the power base of the room and golf party houses very badly in municipal elections in march while assembling the losses in the polls under declining economy. the party is also believed to have lost support after the opposition and the other critics accused the government of failing to penalize this while for its war on the gaza strip. under world trade organization rules,
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members are allowed to block forward trade. if national security and international peace are threatened, size doing i'm doing this is a long labor job. this is beyond an israel homeless issue. international peace is undoubtedly threatened by this regional, if not possible global conflict. israel's drive for rough or the strikes on the ringing embassy in syria, directly and danger our nation with a possible fresh wave of refugees. what ever the consequences of presence are jones actions. he appears to be hoping his movement encourage other nations to stand against israel, but has long ignore the un security councils demand for an immediate cease fire in gaza. seeing them cuz solo altos air is stumble, the chance of actual commission as it, as the provisional results for the countries presidential election in the past,
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are revealed incumbent. how much it was debbie has one more than 60 percent of the sites. the constitutional counselor is not expected to endorse debbie's when however, opposition leader success assessment. mazata says the vote has been stolen on his clothing for protests to start tomorrow. that's what's the address. he's following events for us in the capitol engine. mean, just give us an idea of what the, the atmosphere is like right now. this is a developing situation. exactly, that must have been, rowdy says, the end of that declaration by the chairman of the electoral commission. sound of gunfire over. busy the place and is still continuing if i was even dyed down now, we heard small arms. we also heard collections across on, even on, across the guns. the celebrations were not restricted to support us of the preston . i mean, severe also seen the police, the military also joining in this underbrush. i need to go through out the night and uh, probably into tomorrow morning. uh,
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sofa would see that there was drive is locked up. sure thing. by the way, over the last one. 0 wow, i need somebody to come up to how nobody is fit or hurt. yeah, we want to make sure the all safe as well and that to be honest with you and what always knows that opposition candidates have got a coal follow the election was stolen, was all they saying inside the cut in 5 minutes, stipend, incumbent prime minister, such as must that must rep who a surprise is and the fact for the former prime minister and the president interest database or thought to be 2nd up to preston. by how much interest debbie has called on supporters swap, peaceful march for diesel protests to protest. what you said was a story on monday, which seemed joining the company in syria. my sister i was just sending is ronnie much on the last campaign day? what's in the middle down a little bit, but again,
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he's worked his way up to this particular moment, but you're not familiar with fantastic organization in terms of competing. and he's quite a trauma when it comes to driving. the crowd is got a lot of goodwill. yeah. unfortunately, he didn't make it, and of course people i say that he is out there before, even the declaration. he addresses the nation through facebook, live, and called on to supporters to actually come out onto the streets on what he called us phone and monday and 5 to also said they have one day not to but the monday to school. and the, obviously a confusing sounds, but we're hearing around you. we're hearing holmes of causes if they're inside of the ration yet, this gun 5, are you close by? you just wanna get a sense of what is going on around you. again. it was odd to me, it's guns lie, uh and your name and the gun it's, it's because of it's been quiet right now. it's and it's been like that for the
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last one hour with seeing people ordinary people, security pauses fighting from pistols to come out. should because to come guns inside, which means um with the rocket propelled grenades passing through the streets at night at this hour of the night. and we also see people driving to celebrate to remove mood. and of course, driving dangerous may. in fact, the good thing is so, but so far so no, no, nobody was heard. but we also saw an ambulance passed by. we're not sure what happened, but it spread by us quickly. and as you can hear in the background, know this, i don't know if i'm too nice of gun fighting and, but just as and also just close by, we can see some army personnel and police fighting that one guns. well, actually, because if i wasn't, you should actually go besides somewhere as well, and we will catch up with you on sol through the night time and address that for us then to me and thank you. i think every 85 people on an international flight of
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skidded off the runway instead of go the building 737, cold following up to coming to a stop at the calls international. and what would you say at least 10 people are being injured, but they won't make they tell it to use the forces reopened on flights of resumes. nicholas huck has moved from deca the we are as blessed john international airport, one of the busiest airport in west africa that was shut down for a number of hours after an incident took place on this very runaway. early on thursday morning, at 1 o'clock in the morning, the air sent a gold flight operated by trans there. took off h. c 301 a boeing 737, bound to but not go bad moments later. the pilots since they were troubles with the airplane. so it came back to this airport to try to get it fixed. but as it took off again, it's did it off the runway with one of its engine catching fire. now over 10 people
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are injured, 7 of them critically, among them. the pilots. this latest incident on a boeing 737 comes at a time where there is an increase scrutiny over the manufacturer. in fact, a former quality control manager of one of the main suppliers to boeing says that some of the of the plane parts leave the factory floor with serious defects. and so there is now an investigation under way to try to find out how this lead to incident on a boeing 737 took place. nicholas hawk. alex's 0, the car russian president, document patient as well. the victor day celebrations with a military pride and most of the day moxy say that any of the victory, ivan nazi germany in 1945 unit, a chef of oliver are full. so from red square in most k, are the main elements of the victory parade remain unchanged from the dead sea? yeah,
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the head of state sufficiently oppresses the participants and guests of the parade, as well as all the citizens of the country. but i see it will just, you'll excuse you, the russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. strategic forces are always in combat readiness. russia is now going through a difficult, critical period. the phase of the motherland it's future depends on each of us. today on victory day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly picture day is considered the main ahold of zane, russia, 79 years ago. nazi germany was defeated. the soviet union became the main possible around the world war 2. i'm paid a terrible price moving towards the $7000000.00 people the war and gauged the efforts so being tired of civilian population as well. so today is the day over membranes people of russia and the former soviet union. remember here is that they
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will come from tor, cuz those who survived occupation assignment bombings, presides and lots of stuff. and concentration comes, here's a furnace, a really a member of those millions of fault and died, sacrificing their lives to defeat the not the son of our fathers farm. summary, john from the front officers didn't my father came back, but his brothers died. every family was affected, but i believe is of age countries of visiting the paraded most good. this freezing saturday morning. the main part of the parade is, of course, a procession of various types of troops and ministry hardware. in total, the 9000 minutes for personnel are taking, causing the brands over 70, his story to modern weapons, including much personnel terrace the s 400 on the air across the missile systems. and the sped teacher missile systems are in this play. and the most big talk, see the power of the parade. this. yeah,
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is to perform is by the countries are renowned, a ration groups, the russian knights of the swift followed by close support, see 25 across the releasing fumes in the colors. oh, the russian national lot you last are pop out of the out is the right most good. protest as a guy that in the meeting come to be out of the change on the resignation of the prime minister. nicole position the wrong thing with a decision to see the most have a treat today because the vice on the o media of the season last year as waves of the region, the of us with us to is, are accusing government of and the money. i mean is suffering to secure through chinese presents using, paying and hungry is probably minutes of it to all by and have signed what they call them, all with a agreement, cheese and hungry for the final stop. a visit to your it was received in the, the past where they signed a number of deals. china has invest in place to $10000000000.00 and manufacturing and infrastructure in the country. she says the 2 countries are looking to defend
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economic corporation. still had here on out of their dns at origin t nichols and other nationwide protest and strong. today's the government's full 70 funding support assigned to them. the russell, breaking russell. kevin trump just leave the keys kinda sit beside the in this business. uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dashboard to use
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the these business uptake these me roy thought of on the dashboard to use the folder here. so thank you very much so low. it's now $49.00 games and counting full bind difficulties in their long on beach and run survived big tests against roma. and the 2nd leg of the day,
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your public semi final is and they were to send reports, defends, nip it down to them. and once again, this fine live occasion seen produced a late come back to state and beats and to the season with the gym. and the tons were wrapped up in a spots in a domestic cup fun. already booked. let the keys in stealing with a show of winning a triple of trophies now is going to do says let the keys into 2 new advance agents . the 2nd like this you wrote the leak semi final against roma. a 1st health penalty committee and report is ha, that advantage gold permit is repeated the trick and to the break and the unthinkable now with paid likely, having avoided the fate, the $48.00 games, live accusing loops set to lose a gain row, then 100, let accusing a lifeline, an own go put the gym and see instantly to the 1st european final and move into
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decades and then late late equally to preserve their own beats and record it finished to to on the 9th level. accusing winning for 2 on aggregates. the substitute they'll take on insulin sit in the final single victory over most se, so the times progressing 31 on aggregates. aside from the side to we played in dublin on may the 22nd and the richardson l g 0. the ghost was se, so if you want to you to in the conference and the final, the greek team be thing is 5 aston villa invest. any final? this is just the 2 if you're a p and competition. bianco secured it to new victory. and the 2nd like it to wrap up a 62 aggregate when you now have a chance of winning the 1st continental to form a mind to. so united play
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a gary level says account manager. every 10 hag should be given another season at the club. 10 hag is on the huge pressure with the team and down in 8th and the permit e united do still have a chance of winning a trophy. they will be taking on the mattress, the city in the english as a cup final. to me there's something fundamentally wrong this creates and they solve if you like, difficult save and i would say maybe coming through the maybe the new all to ship the change of purse now would allow maybe these plans next season on the mileage. it's feel more stable. yeah, i don't see any suitable replacement out there either at this moment in time by immediate custodians find a replacement to that money just pulled up drops or so on. the lights dribbling as well. i think, you know, we should stick with already to give you more, most easy to really look at. so i think they didn't do for you caesar maybe about obviously involving julie sees as well. so i would say one more season would be with a as well found that was made to work hard for his 1st round victory. i did tutting
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open the 10 time champion that had to hit back from a set down against belgium. caesar bugs off the suffering series of injuries that 7 year old and adult has said that he'll be retiring at the end of this season. you switch to time grandson. when i have seen his world ranking slip to $305.00, it took the spaniards almost 3 hours to beat his 24 year old opponents and set up a 2nd run tie with walls number 92 foot of cash. the check was practicing method. then that's how i planned today without the dog, but i find a way to a 9 that's so important the beginning of the, of the tournament for me. it's not on the, as i said, the, my, my game of this more and predictable then before. no, i didn't play much pennies for for the last 2 years. so. yeah, so i'm up and downs on and off. but i think i can do it much better than what they did today. and i hope today in the next round and the women into a former world number one on wheels,
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sockeye is looking to get back to the peak of her game. the 2nd round victory against martha was to was her 1st win over the top. 20 opponents on play. the japanese saw a tape on russia is that he has a subpoena in wrong many of the was leading actually sorry, and cut off the latest round of the diamond league the highs. the fed stopped the on the global series of elite track and field events with the action taken place on friday. all of the competitors are building up to the cs house and then picks which will thoughts in the last week of july. the way championships, huge time and they use this feeling for me on another, grew up watching them and it so and only because you know, it's kind of what he is right. what i like to know what really became. so i'd like to have different supports, you know, so you might,
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you might be of or something already. you know, you might be the best, but it's not the game doesn't bother. it's like i can really explain that exactly. but, you know, i'd like to be the best one. it was we bought the van one lives motivated the lympics name has arrived in frosts ahead of the games. the same fitness is 12 day journey from athens to the ports of city of mock, say, 11 week relay, it will transport the towards to paris. the flame is set to be carried by more than $10000.00 volunteers. and that's it for me. so like say we're still the major try to use it origin. tina have gone on general strong for the 2nd time in less than 5 months. public transport including trains, buses, i'm fine services were shut down to protest for the heavy, immunize, all 17 measures. since taking office into send them away has announced a raft of public spending, cuts these the politicians, to prove
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a full bill. that union says weakens labor protection some of the key or the key of his balls. but it's always, at this time, contrary to the 1st strike, they suspended uh, public transportation safe except for some buses. but as you can see, this place where i'm standing now, it's normally bustling with people. millions of people go by here to take the subway. but the subway is closed and over there on that side is the largest train station and went to side as it is also close. so this whole area, normally crowded with people, is now empty. and this is what the trade unions want to show. the government that not only they're able to put lots of protestors on the streets, but they can also empty the streets, empty the factories and put a halt on the economy. all the flights have been cancelled until midnight. so the
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country is really has come to a halt and even people that didn't want to participate in the strike, many were forced to stay at home because they have no means to get to work. so this is what the trade unions wanted to show and make a put a lot of pressure on the government because it is now trying to pass legislation labor reforms and also to cut public spendings and to change the economy drastically. austerity measures that have had their impact on people's daily lives . because although inflation has come down from 25 percent a month to 9 percent of people still have no money to put food on the table by the end of the month. no, a total of boned death in the united kingdom cannot hear after receiving groundbreaking jeans. i repeat. yeah, i have
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a case of good money here or april seventies of the day conditioning cold or the new rock, the thing which disrupts the signals from the air to the brain. the trial therapy used a modified virus to effectively replace the faulty dna, causing her death. this, of having some things to find results when we, when we initially turning to coughing. all right. this looks like i saw this times with g 's house and toss ridiculous ones. tons data to see that happening is um yeah, yeah. if she doesn't have it on g g x. exactly same as if she did because she and they said well with this the students are. and that's quite useful. i'll pull in that search for them and something bucks more. these are the other side of the break to stay with us.
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the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, which of these are going to in bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out of there after a controversial presidential campaign. and the contested victory for both should be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia is the largest economy that drive us nation with more than $1300.00 ethnic groups. political power comes through the people. we're not going to be
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determined by for in none of this, the presidents alexis, indonesia proposed to be unto talks to l, just 0. so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war wrong. does one of the recipients out his ears, guys, a bureau chief, why i sent a message of appreciation. he says palestinian journalist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to us specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts
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say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the, [000:00:00;00] the clubs, the challenges that are like for my headquarters here in the hall can be up in the next 60 minutes on the fire. tens of thousands of palestinians escaped bravo. as israel continues from bob minutes of the southern city cracks and an iron clad line and cus phones as well against invading raso,


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